Nice and peaceful, Nabias offers a great place to start your journey or stock up on supplies before heading out to brave the rest of the wilderness out there. They also have Barakka's largest hospital facility to treat all sorts of injuries you could get out there. (+2 Precision)

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Re: S2: Shrewd/Krypto [Town of Nabias]

Postby Redd » 05/12/2012 9:20 PM

Keoth opened his mouth to steer Atticus in a different direction, but stopped when Apollo started for him. He wasn't really well versed in medicine or science - even on a basic tribal level - so he started having trouble following Apollo.
"Yeah, we did have a shaman back at home though and I think once or twice my old village was even run by a shaman, instead of a chieftain..." He mused, scratching his chin, and got sidetracked wishing- not for the first time - that he was able to grow some sort of stubble. Like. A manly stubble or something.

Atticus's question again cut through his musings. "Oh. Yeah. Pretty much. Like. Well, he makes all his own medicines and stuff. He's old fashioned and doesn't trust proper meds. He also does know some minor magic. Though he doesn't use it for more than pain relief. And... in most other respects, he's a normal doctor. Well. A blind doctor. Oh hey look, it's another egg."

He interrupted his own train of thought to point at another egg, poking it's head out of a basket next to a stand. Which, in itself presented a problem. How to take it without being noticed and accused of shoplifting?
"You reckon he's looking in this direction?" Keoth asked Atticus, his voice low.

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[10] [10]

Postby Jaykobell » 05/12/2012 9:38 PM

Apollo could tell he had lost both kids. His explanation of shamans and alchemy didn't sound too complicated to him, but it seemed like it had been too specific for the two kids. Ah, well. He had no idea how to really reword everything into layman's terms, so he figured it wasn't worth the hassle.

When Keoth mentioned another egg, Atticus's attention suddenly shifted completely. From what Keoth had said, Atticus understood the concept of his brother's profession, so they could totally put the topic aside in order to deal with that egg. The more they brought back, the better, right?

Atticus bent down and stared at the egg, sitting there next to a stall. Keoth had a point; that owner would totally accuse them of stealing it from him. "Okay, okay, I got this. I distract the guy, and then you crawl beside the stall and you snatch the egg!"

But the fact they were whispering didn't keep Apollo from hearing them. "Wait, are you trying to plan shop-lifting?" the man whispered back at the cat, hoping he wasn't actually trying to do something in front of a child.
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Re: S2: Shrewd/Krypto [Town of Nabias]

Postby Redd » 05/12/2012 9:56 PM

Keoth eyed the shop keeper, then flicked his gaze to the basket. It wouldn't be too hard to rescue, surely and he was fairly short for his age, so sneaking under the table didn't look like a big deal. He trusted Atticus enough to effectively distract the store owner and not rat him out. Though, Apollo seemed like he'd be a different story.

"No, no. There's an egg. I found another one. It's just... uh. Sitting next a stall." He explained, hoping it sounded convincing enough. "It's no big deal to grab, and I'm just gonna grab that. Nothing else. Since. Technically it's not his, and Atticus said it was technically yours anyway."
He bit his lip, nervous that Apollo would protest loud enough for the store owner to hear, even though up until now he had been playing along and whispering to Atticus.

"You gotta keep him distracted long enough for me to get in, get out and then duck around the corner, okay?" He replied to Atticus. The park was just around the corner too, so if his cover was blown, he could just leg it and hide somewhere in the park. Despite being so short, he was never, ever touchy about it. It was way more of a blessing than a curse.

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[11] [11]

Postby Jaykobell » 05/12/2012 10:51 PM

Atticus was also nervous that Apollo would spoil it for them and try to rationalize the situation. "You can't see it, but we're not lying! It's just right next to the stall, and we don't want the guy to think we're stealing his stuff. And hey, the eggs are that rabbit's to begin with, right?"

For a moment, he thought he and Keoth wouldn't be enough to convince Apollo otherwise, but he eventually heard the man sighing in defeat. "Fine. I trust that you're being honest and that you won't steal anything from his stall." His already-stern voice had a rather dangerous tone to it now, and his eyes narrowed.

"What, you taking me for a thief?" Atticus argued briefly with Apollo before turning back to Keoth. "Okay. Apollo and I will distract him, and then you get the egg. Got it?" Atticus recapitulated before pulling the plan into motion. Apollo hadn't mentioned wanting to be a part of it, but that was basically the only way to make sure the man wouldn't high-tail it.

Casually, Atticus approached the stall closely, with Apollo following behind him. "Hey there! My friend and I are going around all the small stores and stalls while we're visiting Nabias," Atticus introduced himself and Apollo with a grin while setting up a possible reason as to why they would stop by the stall. "What are you selling? My friend here is blind, so that's why I'm asking."
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Re: S2: Shrewd/Krypto [Town of Nabias]

Postby Redd » 05/13/2012 12:08 AM

"Heh, I'm not the type to take what isn't mine. I grew up in a system based on trust." Keoth simply commented, before slinking off around the corner, to wait until the store keeper was sufficiently distracted.

If only Amusai were here, he'd probably get along swimmingly with Apollo. Not in that they were both awkward, but they both had similar views in social constructs. Plus Apollo was fairly well-versed in talking like a confusing adult. Well at least that's what he had picked up from the alchemist/shaman/doctor conversation. And, since he seemed to know a lot about that respective subject, they'd probably have something to talk about, right?

As soon as he heard Atticus address the shopkeeper, he stuck his head back around the corner and assessed the situation. So, he had to duck around the side of the stall and grab the egg out of the bag, then duck right out. Without being seen. Damn. That meant he had to actually... pick up the thing. Not that it had bitten him or anything when he had poked it, and nothing had happened to Atticus when he had grabbed the other one but it was just so unnatural.

He took a deep breath and after another cautious look at the shop keeper, he dropped on all fours and crept closer to it, tongue between his teeth, barely breathing. Within a few seconds, he was within arms reach and after the slightest of hesitations, he grabbed the egg and shuffled back, scrambling back on his feet. Next he shot an anxious glance at the shopkeeper and Atticus.

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[12] [12]

Postby Jaykobell » 05/13/2012 2:41 AM

The small stall had a few different items, ranging from a few fruits to vegetables to some other items, like little bracelets and other hand-made trinkets. Atticus focused on the stuff that was farthest from the side where Keoth had to sneak to in order to grab the egg. That way, the shopkeeper would be looking towards the other side, leaving Keoth with an opportunity to snatch the egg.

"So, tell me," Atticus inquired to the owner, eyeing his little hand-made trinkets. "Are you making these yourself?" The idea was to start idle conversation that would, mostly, focus on the owner. Because hey, who didn't like being the center of attention, even if for a little bit? By putting the focus on the owner, Keoth would most likely have enough time to take the egg.

Catching on, Apollo played along slightly by inquiring certain things out of the owner as well. It seemed to distract the owner enough, and in order to avoid raising any suspicions, Atticus was relying on Apollo's senses to tell him when Keoth was done. The man had explained before that he could feel others and orient himself because of a certain presence everyone had. Apollo could recognize Atticus's presence from Keoth's, and so, when the boy's presence would shift and change, Apollo would be able to tell, roughly, when the boy was done with his part.

When he felt the boy's presence shifting from lower on the ground, to a bit higher, Apollo pat Atticus's back slightly. With that cue, Atticus ended his conversation with the owner and said that they had to leave, in order to be able to see the other shops before it got dark. The two waved at the owner and made their way towards the park, with Atticus looking over his shoulder and around to see where Keoth had vanished to.
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Postby Redd » 05/13/2012 7:45 AM

Keoth inched away from the stand, trying to appear as natural as he could, egg clutched in his hands. Despite his earlier hesitation, it hadn't done anything and right now he was more focused on getting out without attracting the attention of a passer-by. He'd been pretty good at animal-stalking, but sneaking around people was different. Animals relied on scent, sight and hearing. People relied on sight - well... selective sight. Some chose to see things, others chose to ignore.
After flicking a glance at Atticus's direction, he slipped around the corner, hoping the cat and the blind guy would give up their game and realise where he had gone.

As he waited, he turned the egg over in his hands, pondering its use. It was just a painted egg. A larger one too. For Easter... did they say? It was curious.

"OH! There you are!" Keoth exclaimed as the pair came around the corner. He was fairly proud of what he had achieved and it was evident in his voice. "Look, I have it, see? Here." He handed Atticus the egg, since he had to go back and reclaim whatever prize there was for this.  "And look!" He threw a hand out in the direction of the park. "We're at the park too!"

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[13] [13]

Postby Jaykobell » 05/13/2012 7:38 PM

When Keoth popped up from around the corner and showed the two of them the egg, Atticus threw his arms up in the air. "Whoo! Awesome!" He grabbed the kid by the neck with his arm roughly and rubbed a fist against the kid's head, effectively giving the boy a noogie. "It went perfectly." Hey, the cat had to admit his own performance had been pretty good, too, considering the shop owner had been focused on him the entire time. "We make an awesome team!"

"Hopefully finding eggs will prove to be easier and safer in the park," Apollo said, somewhat raining down on their parade. Even if the goal had been to take an egg that really wasn't the stall owner's, had they really been planning something like shop-lifting, it would've been way too easy to trick the owner. He could only trust — blindly, quite literally — that neither of them had taken something else from the stall.

"There's not as many people here, so I bet there's a whole bunch of eggs around!" And then, he realized that looking for eggs with his hands full of them to begin with, wouldn't be very efficient. "Here, Apollo, you hold onto them while me and Keoth hunt for more," he said as he suddenly turned to the blind man and handed him over the two eggs they had already found. "Come on, Keoth! Let's go get more!"

Apollo sighed slightly and grumbled quietly. Was he really down to just egg-carrier? Ah, well. At least he would be able to enjoy some peace and quiet while the noisy cat enjoyed himself with the teenager.
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Re: S2: Shrewd/Krypto [Town of Nabias]

Postby Redd » 05/13/2012 7:59 PM

Keoth grinned proudly, pleased that he had done a good job. He was caught off-guard by the noogie, so he didn't have time to give the proper response. Which was to struggle out of his grip. Instead, afterwards he just grinned from ear to ear and nodded his head. "Yep! That was awesome how you managed to distract him." Keoth commented, before turning back to Apollo to listen to him.

"Yeah, I bet! They're probably all under shrubs, or up in trees." He replied, watching Atticus hand Apollo the eggs. It would probably be a lot easier if they both had free hands, the eggs definitely weren't of the Roosken variety so far. He could maybe tell that Apollo initially wasn't happy to be a 'pack mule', but it would give Keoth more time to talk to Atticus. He still remembered he needed to ask about the whole mission that the cat mentioned earlier.

"Okay! There's like a patch of shrubs over here." He pointed out into the park. "You wanna start there?" Honestly, Keoth was enjoying himself a lot today. It wasn't often he got to hang around someone that he could actually play with. It hadn't really been too odd for him that Atticus was a cat, not a human. He'd seen similar things when he was in Lamenolai, and he had a friend - Loredan - who was a cat too.

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[14] [14]

Postby Jaykobell » 05/13/2012 8:18 PM

"Just be careful," Apollo warned as he held the eggs in his arms and settled down on a park bench that was nearby, seemingly without any difficulty despite not being able to see it.

"Yeah yeah, we'll be careful," Atticus promised in passing, probably not even really paying attention to what his partner was saying. "Okay, let's get started!" The cat immediately let himself drop down on the ground, nose stuck into the grass. "Those eggs have got to smell something real specific! Leave it to me!" he told Keoth, overly confident in his own abilities to smell a bunch of eggs from a few miles away.

Immediately, the cat started making his way towards the shrubs Keoth had pointed at. He crawled along the grass, nose and whiskers twitching intensely as he tried to sniff any eggs potentially around. He couldn't smell anything, really, so at first, he thought there wasn't any eggs in the shrubs. That was until his nose hit one the moment the cat stuck his nose inside a specific area of the shrub. "Ow," he quietly whined as he pulled his nose back from into the shrub. "I found one," he said sadly as he looked over his shoulder at Keoth.
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Re: S2: Shrewd/Krypto [Town of Nabias]

Postby Redd » 05/14/2012 6:58 PM

Keoth raised an eyebrow at the cat's odd antics, nose first in the grass? This was the first time, he'd actually acted like an animal. "Really? What do eggs smell like?" Keoth inquired, walking beside the cat as he hunted for eggs. Keoth kept an eye out too, more so towards the trees; there were bound to be eggs hidden within the crevice of a tree, right?

And eventually, Keoth left Atticus to go inspect a tree a few metres off from where Atticus was hunting. It was a tall tree, but there was a fork in the branches 2 metres off the ground - a perfect place to hide an egg, right?
He gathered himself up, and leapt up, grabbing a branch and hauling himself up into the fork. Keoth pouted when he discovered that, on inspection, it was empty. However, he did spot the tell-tale flash of colour from another egg, a little higher up.

Excited, he inched his way towards it, clinging to the tree for dear life. As he grabbed it, he heard Atticus exclaim that he'd found one in the grass (he had been too far away to hear the noise of pain). "Me too!" He called, waving down at the cat.

All the stories
And the loopholes
Guess you found my heart wasn't enough?
Throw another of your right hooks
Never thought you'd leave me in the dust
Now you're hungry for the control
Take the last of what I've got

Guess my heart wasn't enough

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