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Re: * New Traits

Postby MillietheWarrior » 01/15/2012 1:04 AM

I have no life. XD

Possessor, to me, implies being possess by someone. Check Mate, to me, implies being controlled and guided by the hand of someone else, whether malevolent or otherwise, but never actually being touched or directly involved with that pet.
The Defender is the Antithesis to that; being able to counteract the Check Mate while never directly getting involved or interfering with that pet or the one being guided. Neither of these pets can physically interfere themselves, but must use other means, such as using birds to destroy a bridge, or asking a log to float by on the river at that exact time for crossing, to meddle.

I liked the idea of magic being done in steps; you have ability, you begin to learn, then you become a master. It seems like those types of traits, even if they are passive, would be ‘powerful’ if used in an RP.

With the ‘Spirit of Nature’ I was thinking more along the ,lines of not necessarily having one type of blood, but all types, and being in tune with everything around you to the point of feeling pain, suffering, happiness, and other emotions and feelings form the flora and fauna.

Restless Soul is more of a ‘not being able to be tied down by relationships’ rather than traveling. Such as ‘this pet is unable to form close bonds with others’ and such. I’ll edit it a bit better.

Diseased touch sounds more like…sickness to me. Frozen Fingers sounds more like just freezing people. XD The Malady Maker is centralized on more physical and magical things, such as “sight, smell, scent, or some type of magic or chemical ability” instead of just touch. I was thinking more along the lines of deadly, or harmful diseases, and being able to control it. Gonna edit~

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: * New Traits

Postby Redd » 02/25/2012 12:04 AM

Sucky description. But. I was creating pets and we need an art based social trait. :l I guess you'd add what specific area a pet would be good at in parenthesis.

Artist – This pet has skill in creating fine art, be it two-dimensional or three dimensional.
Implemented – Artist

All the stories
And the loopholes
Guess you found my heart wasn't enough?
Throw another of your right hooks
Never thought you'd leave me in the dust
Now you're hungry for the control
Take the last of what I've got

Guess my heart wasn't enough

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Re: * New Traits

Postby Silverin » 03/01/2012 11:15 AM

Emonivore- These pets feed off peoples emotions
Already have Affectivore

:U Could be broken down more with feeding off specific Emotions but people can put that in brackets.

Also I am kinda intrigued that we don't have Cannibals but that may be a bit too weird. D:

Edit: and it kinda falls under Carnivore... depending. :U

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Re: * New Traits

Postby Shieba » 03/08/2012 9:15 PM

(Pssst, Silv, we already have that Trait o3o)

Dependant/Submissive (can be one Trait or two, really) - Personality - This pet is emotionally overly bound to another, to the point where it might enjoy getting ordered around.
Implemented - Dependent

Dominant - Personality - This pet enjoys it the most to deal with others who are below it and to give them orders, sometimes to the point of being deliberately cruel.
Implemented - Dominant

Strategist - Social- This pet is exceptionally good at coming up with highly complex and intelligent plans.
Implemented - Strategist

Researcher - Social- This pet just likes to primary discover new facts and things while actually using them doesn't matter so much to it.
Implemented - Look It Up

Noble Blood/Heritage - Social - While not royalty, this pet still is of noble blood.
Implemented - Noble Bloodline

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Re: * New Traits

Postby Silverin » 03/09/2012 10:38 AM

Sensory compensation:-Physical-When one or more of ones five senses are lost, the other senses compensate.
Implemented - Sensory Compensation

Mutant:-Physical-This creature suffers from some kinda of Physical deformity,natural or unnatural.

Bioluminescent:-Physical-This creature's body houses bacteria that produce light
Implemented - Luminescent (which covers all these suggestions)

Electroluminescence:-Physical-This creature's body produces light in reaction to an electrical current or an strong electric field
Implemented - Luminescent (which covers all these suggestions)

Chemiluminescence:-Physical-This creature's body produces light by mixing chemicals.
Implemented - Luminescent (which covers all these suggestions)

Sonoluminescence:-Physical-This creature's body produces light in reaction to sound waves or specific sounds.
Implemented - Luminescent (which covers all these suggestions)

Incandescence:-Physical-This creature's body produces light by increasing its temperature.
Implemented - Luminescent (which covers all these suggestions)

Fluorescence: -Physical- This creature's body absorbs light and then emits it under black light.
Implemented - Luminescent (which covers all these suggestions)

Radioluminescence:-Physical-This creature's body produces light through ionized radiation.
Implemented - Luminescent (which covers all these suggestions)

Pale Skin:-Physical-This creature's skin lacks pigment and is easily burned.

Dark Skin:-Physical-This creature's skin is dark in color and is not easily burned.

Vitiligo:-Physical-This creature's pigment cells have stopped functioning making their skin look blotchy.

:U Yeah I noticed that only when I looked over the traits.


Toxic spines:-Physical- This creature has venom producing spines.
Implemented - Venomous (which covers all these suggestions)

Venomous fangs:-Physical- This creature has fangs filled with venom.
Implemented - Venomous (which covers all these suggestions)

Poisonous skin:-Physical-This creatures skin is filled with poison.
Implemented - Venomous (which covers all these suggestions)

???: -Diet- This creature's diet consists of toxic material.
Implemented - Venenuvore (covers both)

???: -Diet- This creature's diet consists of radioactive material.
Implemented - Venenuvore (covers both)

Mantle Dweller:– Acclimation – This creature can survive in and navigate through the magma and lava relative safety and ease.
Implemented - Mantle Dweller

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Re: * New Traits

Postby Shieba » 03/25/2012 10:33 PM

Sky Traveller - Acclimation - This pet can fly great distances without getting lost and also knows how to avoid other flying creatures and weather storms.
Implemented - Atmospheric Dweller

Deep-Sea Adaption - Acclimation - This pet can dive deep and for long periods of time without getting decompression sickness or otherwise suffer from underwater conditions.
Implemented - Deep-Sea Adaptation

Half-Mortal - Physical - This pet can't die of old age, for it doesn't age, but it can be killed.
Implemented - Half-Mortal

Immortal - Physical - This pet is an immortal being and is unable to die.
Implemented - Immortal

Stoic - Personality - This pet rarely, if ever, shows emotions.
Implemented - Stoic

Mother Hen - Personality - This pet loves children, no matter if they are its own or not, and spending time with them.
Implemented - Mother Hen

Cryptic Speech - Personality - This pet tends to speak in riddles, cryptic ways or in a general manner of speech that is rarely understood by others.
Implemented - Cryptic Speech

Honorable - Personality - This pet tends to put honor above everything else.
Implemented - Honorable

Snooty - Personality - This pet tends to behave arrogant towards those it considers below itself - which are, actually, most others.
Implemented - Snooty

Romantic - Personality - This pet believes in all things romantic and true love.
Implemented - Romantic

Animal Lover - Personality - This pet likes animals and caring for them a lot.
Implemented - Animal Lover

Bookworm - Personality - This pet likes to read and spend its time in libraries and bookstores.

Medium - Magic - This pet can channel either its own spirit or the spirits of other creatures through different worlds and planes.
Implemented - Medium

Work-O-Holic - Personality - This pet works far more than other pets at the same job do, sometimes to the point where it's unhealthy.
Implemented - Workaholic

Socially Inept - Personality - While not even necessarily introverted, this pet has problems to understand social concepts - maybe because it's just not up to date with the current language and behavior or maybe because it has a disorder causing it to misunderstand gestures.
Implemented - Socially Inept

Change of Heart - Personality - This pet drastically changed its lifestyle, maybe to try to forget the past or maybe because it found a new, better way to live. (This is not the same as Heretic)
Implemented - Change of Heart

Exceptionally Beautiful - Physical - Most others percieve this pet to be extremely physically beautiful.
Implemented - Eye of the Beholder (covers all of these)

Exceptionally Unsightly - Physical - For some reason, most others percieve this pet to be unsightly or maybe down to being even ugly.
Implemented - Eye of the Beholder (covers all of these)

Exceptionally Cute - Physical - Most others seem to think that this pet looks really cute for some reason, either because it's still a child or because it acts and looks really cute even as an adult.
Implemented - Eye of the Beholder (covers all of these)

Bureaucrat - Personality - This pet loves paperwork, structures, rules and everything that gives it safety. It feels the safest when no surprises come its way and everything is in order and as it should be. (This could possibly be two traits? Like, one for a pet liking paperwork and another for a pet needing rules to feel safe? I'm not sure.)
Implemented - Structured Life

Call of the Wild - Personality - This pet decided to live away from cities and towns and out in the nature, consciously rejecting technology and other advantages of civilisation.
Implemented - Luddite

Cold Heart - Personality - While not evil, this pet tends to often ignore the wellbeing of others to reach its own goals.
Implemented - Mean Ol' Jerk

Well-Mannered - Personality - This pet tries its hardest to be civil and polite towards others, as well as showing good behavior for example when it comes to table manners.
Implemented - Well-Mannered

Rude - Personality - This pet doesn't care about manners or even hates them, trying to often show its worst behavior.
Implemented - Rude

Blunt - Personality - This pet speaks its mind, even if it hurts others when doing so, but it doesn't do it with the purpose of hurting.
Implemented - Blunt

Expressive - Personality - No matter if sad or happy, you can always tell how this pet feels just by looking at its face or listening to it. It shows off its emotions clearly both ways.
Implemented - Expressive

Hunted - Social - For some reason this pet gets hunted by others - not necessarily because it commited a crime, but maybe also because of its race, rare fur or horns, because others of its family are criminals...
Implemented - Hunted

Keeper of a Secret - Social - This pet has either to hide something or got entrusted with a secret to keep so big that it severely affects how this pet acts.
Implemented - Secret Keeper

Creative Mind - Personality - This pet excels at creative things, be it drawing, writing poetry, designing clothes or anything else that needs imagination.
Implemented - Creative Mind

Addict - Physical - This pet is addicted to something, be it drugs, sex, medication or something else.
Implemented - Addict

Cursed (yes, I know, we have a Trait called that already, but I can't think of a better name) - Magic(?) - This pet was cursed by another, suffering from the effects of the curse.
Implemented - Hexed

Pedantic - Personality - This pet gets lost in details far too often for its own good since it pays too much attention to them. As a result, it can happen that it doesn't get much done.
Implemented - Forest for the Trees

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Re: * New Traits

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 04/23/2012 6:28 PM

Forgive me for thinking 'dragons' when I look at Paragon, but:

Hoarder - Passive - This creature obsessively hoards something, be it gold, food or trash, in it's den.
Implemented - Hoarder

I was thinking along the lines of being able to stumble onto the den and then either getting in a fight with the creature, or the creature being willing to trade/donate from it's stock. And I know we have the OCD trait, but this is more a compulsion that can be resisted, but is indulged instead, rather than one that would give the pet a panic attack if it didn't respond to the drive. Like, the pet sees a pile of trash, roots through it, and takes half of it home to join the rest of it's 'treasures', giving the pet a sense of pleasure? But the pet won't have a panic attack if it chooses to pass over the pile of trash (though it would be wistful at the thought of what could be there) and it won't be forced to search the pile, like OCD compulsion forces people to repeat actions obsessively every time they're in that situation, and gives them a panic attack if they don't.

Other suggested names for it: Collector, Treasure-Seeker, Packrat

Edit: another one xD

Assisted Flight - Passive - This creature uses a magical or mechanical means to fly
Implemented - Assisted Flight

Like, one of my characters is an inventor, so he could create mechanical wings for flight?

AAAAnd another EDIT:

Quick Healing - Passive - This creature's wounds heal faster than usual/by force of will, though bruising and other injuries cannot be healed this way.
Implemented - Speedy Healer

So, if the creature got beaten up it could prevent a bleedout, but the creature would be in pain all day because of the bruising?

Defensive - Passive - This creature is generally aggressive towards others, and is always on the defence.
Implemented - Defensive
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Re: * New Traits

Postby Shieba » 04/27/2012 10:50 PM

Seductive - Personality - This pet knows how to use its body to entice the gender it is interested it; both for romantical reasons and also to maybe get what it wants from others.
Implemented - Persuasive

Masked - Physical/Personality(?) - This pet always covers a part of its body to hide something it doesn't want others to see (a scar that disfigures the pet, a tattoo that identifies it as someone specific, a mask to hide its eyes...)
Implemented - Masked

Old-fashioned - Personality - This pet seems to be stuck in the last century, either because it wears clothes like that or because it believes women only belong into the kitchen and other things long outdated.
Implemented - Old-Fashioned

Homeless - Social - This pet lives on the street, without a roof over its head.
Implemented - Homeless

Celebrity - Social - This pet is for whatever reason, good or bad, famous and can't run around without being recognized by others.
Implemented - Celebrity

Criminal - Social - This pet is a wanted criminal, though it might not be very high on the underworld ladder (We only have "Criminal Mastermind", nothing for lower criminals o3o)
Implemented - Criminal

Magic Seal - Battle (One-Use) - This Trait, if it hits, seals the opponent's AP-using attacks, making them unuseable for three turns.

Greater Magic Pool - Battle (Automatic) - This Trait, like the other stat-raising Traits, gives the pet additional AP to use that get added to its base amount.

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Re: * New Traits

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 04/28/2012 6:07 PM

Empath - Passive - This creature can experience the feelings of others simply by touching them.
Implemented - Empath
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Re: * New Traits

Postby Thunder » 05/14/2012 8:12 PM

So this isn't so much a New Trait than a trait edit suggestion, but I just realized that Windgill Paragon have Wing Buffet as a racial trait. This poses a problem since not all Windgills have wings xD I noticed this when I was looking over my Windgill Sol, who has Spine wings that don't enable flight. So...fix it?

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Re: * New Traits

Postby Freezair » 05/14/2012 8:33 PM

As an aside to that, perhaps Wings should grant traits as well, much like colors do? They wouldn't have to be much, just that the ones that enable flight would give "Aerodynamic" and those that don't... wouldn't. Unless you wanted to or something.

I'm so cool (too bad I'm a loser).
I'm so smart (too bad I can't get anything figured out)!
I'm so brave (too bad I'm a baby).
I'm so fly
That's probably why it feels just like I'm falling for the first time!

I'm so green (it's really amazing).
I'm so clean (too bad I can't get all the dirt off of me)!
I'm so sane (It's driving me crazy)!
It's so strange
I can't believe I'm falling for the first time!

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Re: * New Traits

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 05/17/2012 9:45 AM

GPS - Passive/Social? Physical? - This creature always knows where it is and cannot get lost.
Implemented - GPS

Parentheses would be used to clarify whether it was due to psychic ability, magnetic crystals in the brain (like pigeons), magic or technology.

Other names: Geograph, North Star

Weaver - Passive/Physical - This creature's body produces a substance that is used to make fabric.
Implemented - Silk-Producer

Along the lines of spider silk and silkworm cocoons.

Other names: Spinner

Tradesman - Passive/Social - This creature works at a trade, such as butchery or blacksmithing.
Implemented - Tradesman
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Re: * New Traits

Postby Azura Rayume » 05/20/2012 5:00 PM

Ah, this is bothering me... Biology nit-picking and all.

Toxic spines:-Physical- This creature has venom producing spines.
Implemented - Venomous (which covers all these suggestions)

Venomous fangs:-Physical- This creature has fangs filled with venom.
Implemented - Venomous (which covers all these suggestions)

Poisonous skin:-Physical-This creatures skin is filled with poison.
Implemented - Venomous (which covers all these suggestions)

Technically, Venomous would only really cover the middle one. The other two would fall under "poisonous" because it's a passive thing. "Venomous" is reserved for things such as snakes or spiders, animals that use fangs and an active way to inject a toxin into a victim. "Poisonous" is a passive thing, such as glands that secrete a toxin or tissues that would have an adverse effect if ingested.

So: snakes are venomous; frogs are poisonous. The first and last ones could be made into the trait "Poisonous" with qualifiers for how the toxin is produced (spines, glands, etc.).
Changed - to Toxic

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Re: * New Traits

Postby Kyrit » 05/20/2012 5:23 PM

"Poison is absorbed or ingested; a poisonous animal can only deliver toxic chemicals if another animal touches or eats it.

Venom, on the other hand, is always injected. Every venomous animal has a mechanism to inject toxins directly into another animal. Stab with tails. Slash with spines. Pierce with fangs. Spike with spurs. Shoot with harpoons. Chew with teeth.

For example, frogs are usually poisonous while snakes are usually venomous. "

Just a bit of information that can easily be found online to help back Azura up. Though I would place the spines under venomous still. But yeah. Point is, there should be one for each.
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Re: * New Traits

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 06/16/2012 1:48 PM

Hydrophagous - Diet - This creature's diet consists of water.
Implemented - Hydrovore

Parentheses would be used to clarify, i.e. (morning dew off plants), (distilled water), (rainwater) etc.

Other names: Hydrovore

Trait modification: Tree Climber to Monkey - This character is adept at climbing, and scales most structures with ease.
Implemented - changed to Climber

At the moment, it only covers climbing trees, but it could be necessary in other situations - ship's rigging, or scaffolding for example.

Other names: Monkey Climb, Tarzan

Able Seaman - Social - This creature has spent it's life navigating the seas, and is at home on any aquatic vessel.
Implemented - Able Seaman

Orphan - Social - This creature grew up without the guidance of it's parents.
Implemented - Orphan

Parentheses could be used to state whether it was abandoned, or it was the sole survivor, or who raised it... stuff like that ^^

Adopted - Social - This creature was not born into it's family, but was accepted into it through other means.
Implemented - Adopted

Again, qualifiers in parentheses (where it was found, if it is related to them in any way - grandparents adopting a grandchild, for example - etc.)

Fisherman - Social - This creature subsides by fishing for a living.
Implemented - Fisherman

This would have a qualifier in parentheses, e.g. sport, work, hobby etc.

Master Fisherman - Social - This creature is considered a senior and experienced fisherman, able to land any catch without fail, no matter how big the prize.
Can go under Fisherman with Master qualifier

I was thinking along the lines of the current traits Tracker and Master Tracker - one for those who have a lot of experience and/or talent in it, and one for those who are okay at it ^^

And now a marking trait suggestion - The Coontail marking states that "They are also sometimes kleptomaniacs, who love to gather things they get in large piles hidden away somewhere." This sounds a lot like the Hoarder trait, so I suggest adding the Hoarder trait to the Coontail marking stats.
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