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.:Destinys Poem:. [Kitsumi and I] M:E?

Postby Middy » 06/05/2012 3:33 AM

'This wasn't right... it couldn't be! How could I be one of the same creatures that I had sworn to kill almost my whole life!? Was this some kind of sick joke thought up by the Gods? Had I done something to deserve this cruel irony!? Morana sat outside the Temple alone in the rain. She didn't care if her clothes and hair were getting soaked, she didn't care if anyone saw her sobbing... she didn't care about anything now. She felt alone, empty, betrayed. Morana had thought coming here and speaking to the monks would ease her anguish, her pain, but when she arrived she had found the place to be empty. Again, she was alone... like always, only this time she couldn't just drink the pain away like she had in the past. No, she had found herself fighting who she really was.

Morana had held so tightly to her ideals of slaying any Vampire she had come across, not even thinking two ways about them. Now she was one of them... would she have to take her own life just to find retribution? Or would she even feel right about carrying on her ways of Vampire hunting...

Yes... she had died today. The girl she once knew was gone forever, replaced by this horrible creature with fangs and a thirst for blood. She buried her face in her hands trying her hardest to choke back her tears, she thought she was stronger then this...

'Was I meant to be alone? Shunned by everyone I came across afterall? Could this be some kind of nightmare I have yet to wake from? her mind kept racing, asking questions she could not find an answer to.
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Re: .:Destinys Poem:. [Kitsumi and I] M:E

Postby Kitsumi » 06/05/2012 3:48 AM


"When I see your smile
Tears roll down my face
I can't replace..."

As usual, I'lanae was singing as she walked along, not taking any direct path, just ambling along as she pleased. She knew this area quite well, and even though she didn't take the path that most took, she knew she wouldn't get lost.

The basket settled in the crook of her arm swung to and fro as I'lanae did a sort of dancing walk, twirling every now and then and allowing her hips to sway to her song as she continued onward. In the basket were some goodies that she knew the monks would appreciate. After all that they had done for her, helping her in her time of despair, the baskets of trinkets she brought them every so often was hardly a payment at all.

Absorbed in her singing and in watching the droplets of rain cascading from the sky, I'lanae almost didn't notice the girl, and would have either passed right by her or accidentally stumbled over her had the sound of sobbing not caused her to look down again and see the girl.

"Oh, dear, are you alright?" Automatically, I'lanae knelt beside the girl, already reaching for her handkerchief before realizing that in the rain, it wouldn't be of much use. "What ever is the matter?"

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Re: .:Destinys Poem:. [Kitsumi and I] M:E

Postby Middy » 06/05/2012 4:13 AM

Morana thought she heard voices in her head until she realized someone was actually speaking to her. She was hesitant to look up to see who it was, her heart still heavy with despair. She heard the voice again, it was a woman's voice, one that was soft and sincere... Morana looked up to see that there was someone actually there beside her. She had asked her what was wrong but she just couldn't bring herself to tell her the truth, even if she wanted to. Morana had always been rather open to what was on her mind, or what was bothering her, but once again this situation was much more dire then anything else... save for the death of her family.

"I-I just recieved some bad news... is all..." she felt like she was lying to this woman, she did not get told of what she was, she had found out herself when the onset of nightmares came on followed by the elongated fangs and her now red eyes. There was no mistaking what she was, it was plain as day for anyone who saw those damned fangs. Even when she replied to the woman next to her, she almost mumbled her answer in fear of them being seen.

She wasn't alone anymore... physically, mentally she still felt like no one was there for her but herself. Morana felt tears well up and tried her best not to sob, it was hard for her to do so and felt like giving into crying her heart out.
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Re: .:Destinys Poem:. [Kitsumi and I] M:E

Postby Kitsumi » 06/09/2012 8:51 AM

Without even knowing the woman's name, I'lanae's heart went out to her. She almost hugged her, but pulled back before she had even reached out. While many of the women that I'lanae spoke to and helped had been receptive to her warm, motherly attitude and soft, comforting touches, not all had welcomed them. I'lanae had nearly lost a hand once when she had attempted to shake the hand of a newly changed vampire who had automatically snapped at her before realizing that I'lanae was simply trying to introduce herself.

Still, I'lanae wanted the other woman to know that she wasn't alone in her time of grief. So she moved so that her shoulder was just barely touching that of the other woman, hoping that such a gesture would convey I'lanae's willingness to comfort her without startling her or seeming out of line. "I'm so sorry; I don't suppose you'd want someone to talk about it with, would you?"

The rain wasn't exactly a bother to I'lanae, but she wondered if it were wise for the other woman to be sitting here in it. Wasn't sitting in the rain supposed to give mortals a bad cold, or worse, pneumonia? "I apologize if this is out of line, but I think that any bad news would only seem worse if you ponder it in the rain. Perhaps we should go inside?" She motioned towards the temple. "You don't have to talk to me if you don't want to, and I'll leave you alone if that is your wish. But I'd hate to let you sit out here and catch your death in this horrid rain."


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Re: .:Destinys Poem:. [Kitsumi and I] M:E

Postby Middy » 06/13/2012 3:28 AM

Morana knew deep in her heart that this woman wanted to help her dearly, so much so that she suggested that they talk about it, but how could she? If she had told anyone about what she was now they would surely turn tail and run from her in fear of being her next victim! Morana groaned then sighed softly trying to bring herself to talk, if only she could explain to this woman of her dilemma without being too blatant about the truth then maybe she would feel a little better by just venting her sadness and frustration on someone.

When she heard the other speak again about the rain Morana could see that she did bring up a valid point. Being in such dismal weather would only make her despair grow more and more. She slowly stood up feeling her knees shake as she did so, probably from sitting too long, or maybe just the stress had done more damage then she thought. She looked over to the woman who offered her help and nodded slowly back at her, "I... I would like to go inside, you have a point about the rain. Such weather conveys sorrow to begin with... it would do me no good to stay out here," Morana wiped the tears from her eyes out of habit, even though the rain had washed most of them away.

She stood there still, quietly thinking to herself a little more before walking towards the temple, almost hoping that the woman would follow her. "My... my name is Morana, and... well... maybe we can discuss what I have been so depressed about inside. I may feel better then."
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Re: .:Destinys Poem:. [Kitsumi and I] M:E?

Postby Kitsumi » 08/23/2012 5:21 PM

She may not have been the most perceptive of women, but it was easy to see that this other woman was struggling with her own thoughts and was debating on whether to voice them aloud. For a moment, I'lanae wondered if it would not be better for her to simply allow the woman to come to terms with whatever was troubling her on her own. I'lanae hated feeling that she was a bother, and although the other woman had yet to voice any protests, I'lanae didn't want to make her uncomfortable or to make her feel as if she had to share with I'lanae.

As the woman stood, I'lanae did so as well. Smiling gently, she was happy that the girl was at least thinking rationally. Some people, when in the midst of despair or depression, didn't give a single thought to their own health or towards getting themselves to a place where they could be happy and healthy. It was a good sign that this woman did, indeed, still care about taking care of herself. Politely turning away as the woman wiped her tears in an attempt to keep her from feeling embarrassed, I'lanae took up the basket which she had set down on the ground beside her.

Following Morana, I'lanae smiled at the introduction. "Although the circumstances of our meeting aren't exactly ideal, I am happy to have met you, Morana - and I am I'lanae." Nodding ever so slightly, she said, almost to herself, "Yes, speaking about the things that bother you can sometimes help. Especially to a strange woman who is not a large part of your life, and you don't have to worry about them judging you."


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Re: .:Destinys Poem:. [Kitsumi and I] M:E?

Postby Middy » 12/15/2012 3:44 AM

I'lanae might have been a stranger, but Morana felt like she was the only person around she could talk to. Who did she have left in life anymore? She thought for a moment... no.. her family was gone, and what friends she had would most likely abandon her now knowing what she was. They had been just as fanatical about slaying the creatures of the night as she had been. She couldn't go back, not like this... and even if she did return and tried to hide it then they would find out eventually.

Morana felt a tinge of happiness when her tears were wiped away, a fleeting moment of kindness from a stranger seemed to mean more to her now than ever. She began walking towards the temple, keeping her head lowered to the ground. "Despite my current situation... I'm glad I met you," she felt like crying again but held it back. She knew that once she started explaining what happened to her, then the tears would start flooding back to her.

She entered the temple once again, feeling relived that it was empty now. Morana sighed as she felt the water drip off her hair and clothes, at least this place was warmer inside, and dry. Did these things even matter anymore? "I feel a lot better being in here..." Morana pressed her back to the wall and slumped against it until she sat on the floor. She just didn't feel up to standing at the moment.
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Re: .:Destinys Poem:. [Kitsumi and I] M:E?

Postby Kitsumi » 12/18/2012 6:03 PM

Smiling kindly at the other woman, I'lanae looked around the inside of the temple. She stood still for a moment, a thoughtful look on her face as she pondered something. "Would you mind waiting here for just a moment? I'll be right back." Without waiting for a reply, she slipped away. She knew her way around, and she was given pretty much free reign around the temple, so long as she respected the customs of those who lived there and did nothing to upset or offend them.

Within seven minutes she was back. The basket that she had brought with her was gone, but she now held a bundle that appeared to be blankets under one arm. She took one of the blankets, gave it a shake to loosen it's folds, and then wrapped it snuggly around Morana. "There, that should help keep you warm. And here, a towel for your hair." She handed the towel over, and then sat beside the woman.

She herself wasn't chilly in the slightest, but she took another towel and wrapped her hair in it to keep the dripping to a minimum, and wrapped herself in a blanket as well, mainly for comfort's sake. "Now, would you like to tell me what happened? You don't have to, of course. But I have a listening ear if you need it - two, in fact."


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Re: .:Destinys Poem:. [Kitsumi and I] M:E?

Postby Middy » 12/28/2012 4:58 AM

"I-I don't mind..." Morana felt that small tinge of loneliness hit her again, making her pull her legs close to her chest to rest her head on her knees. This whole thing... It was so surreal. The empty temple, the strange woman who wanted to take care of her, the icy cold rain--- she held off the thought that she was being abandoned again.

Her heart fluttered a little with joy when I'lanae returned carrying something new with her, there was no more basket but instead, it appeared that she had brought blankets back with her. Morana couldn't help but smile at such a kind and thoughtful gesture. She sunk into the warm heat of the blanket encasing her body, starving for warmth. She began to dry her soaking wet hair with the towel, making sure to get it as dry as she could. If only to ward the cold off that much more.

"I can't thank you enough for this..." another forced smile creased her lips before she went back to resting her chin on top of her knees. "I thought... I thought everyone had left me, that I would be alone forever but..."

She drifted off into thought, could she do this? I'lanae wouldn't think of her any differently would she? For being a...vampire? "You see the thing that has gotten me so upset is the fact that..." her nervousness and anxiety was showing through, making her heart race-- if just enough to make her feel alive again, "I was a Vampire Hunter.... I killed them because they are the ones who destroyed my family, slaughtered everyone I knew. I.... I had a group of others who I hunted with, but it soon became apparent that..." she could feel the tears welling up inside her, ready to burst out at any moment, but she didn't care. "I found out that... I had been a vampire this whole time, because of this I can never see them again.... Who would have thought a notorious hunter was one of the very things she hated and slew on a day to day basis. I just don't know if this is a cruel joke or... Or what. I don't know.... I just don't know anymore,"

The tears came on strong, Morana hid her head the best she could, crying into the towel she used to dry her hair. All those emotions from before were flooding back in full, and she couldn't bottle them up any longer.
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