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Rules are made to be broken (Private- reido & I - L,V,G)

Postby D3thNote » 07/11/2012 9:41 PM

"Is everything set?" The tall dark haired man questioned on the phone. "Yes." One voice said before another on the third line replied "yes" as well. "Alright then. Tomorrow we meet on scarecrow bridge. Bring a silver dollar with you so I know it is definitely you. I'll bring one as well." The man stated on the phone. The other two voices agreed and hung up. The dark haired man put down the phone and looked in his laptop. There was a site with insane inscriptions on it. It was a site for hackers and robbers. It stated...

Rankings for the Pro's

#1 Night crawler
#2 Face cramp
#3 Cyber Fox
#4 Grumpy
#5 Bank jumper
#6 Slick
#7 Clock work
#8 Two face
#9 Ion seven

He looked at the names and hoped he picked well. He needed three other people to complete the job and it had to go perfect.
The next morning he awoke 5am and got his stuff set up in a carry suitcase.He continued out of the room and down the hotel lobby. It was a nice and surprisingly bright morning. He continue to scarecrow bridge and leaned against the side flipping a silver dollar through his fingers.
Half an hour went by before he heard the sound of another coin hitting the stone. He looked over his shoulder to see a tall young man with dirty blond to brown hair. He looked like any other young adult. He seemed to appear a little geeky with some cool aspects to him. He lifted his hand off the stone and gave a cocky smile. It was a silver dollar, kinda. It was large and had an imprint of a Canadian dollar on it. The black haired man picked it up and took off the thin silver tinfoil. "Nice." He replied to the young man before tossing the chocolate in his mouth. "Now what?" Th young man said. "Now we wait for Two face." The dark haired man replied. "Wait, you mean you're Night crawler then?!" The young man asked excitedly. "Yes. And you are Cyber fox I imagine."
"Hell ya." The young man replied happily.

For death is not always...
The unwelcome guest

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Re: Rules are made to be broken (Private- reido & I - L,V,G)

Postby reido » 07/11/2012 10:10 PM

Brilliant sunlight streamed through the bedroom window of Gale Hayes, the Junior Financial Consultant at Nodia Bank, and very, very late for work. Blinking sleepily, he stretched, rolled over and slipped on his glasses. His eyes adjusted only to be greeted with the sight of his clock reading 7:56 a.m. He yelped in shock.


"Damnit!" He flew from under the covers, stumbling over them as he rushed to the bathroom to get ready. Within 3 minutes, he was out the door, still pulling on his shoes and jacket as he rushed clumsily down the street. Luckily for him, work was only two blocks from his small, one-bedroom apartment, and he arrived only five minutes late.

The frown of his manager greeted him as he slid behind his desk in the pristine, marble-floored lobby of the bank. He was definitely getting a talking to later.

He hoped the rest of the day was a little more successful than it had started. He then immersed himself in his paperwork, listening only to the click-clack of shoes as customers tread across the shiny floors, unaware that below them lay one of the most complicated and high-tech vault systems in the country.
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Re: Rules are made to be broken (Private- reido & I - L,V,G)

Postby D3thNote » 07/11/2012 11:57 PM

"Finally." Night crawler said as he noticed a tattooed surfer approaching them.  He had almost been two hours late. Thank god Night crawler had planned on some extra time beforehand. The surfer had a red tattoo plastered in a line over his eyes meeting his dreadlocks on the side of his head. "Can I help you?" Night crawler questioned to make sure. "Silver dollar... Ya know?..." The dark man said. "I know." Night crawler answered showing his shiny coin and questioning irritated, "Where is yours?" The dark man looked at him questionably before replying, "Yo bra, Silver surfer, like com'on?!Ya know?" "No. I don't. Plus I didn't understand half of what you just said." Night crawler replied beginning to worry about his legitimacy. "What ev' bra, we doin' this or what?" Night crawler gave Cyber fox a concerned look before looking back at Two face and stating, "Alright. The bank has a two story security system. It's on the lowest level and behind the newest high-tech safe. First we need to get to the roof at exactly 3:45 to the next hour. Cyber fox, you will do your thing to take out the power for 30 seconds. Once Cyber does that, we have 20 seconds to the back door and get Cyber inside on the main level. Next we need to take the hostages and quickly move them to a secure space. From there we will set up the decoys and continue to the vault. Two face, you will keep the hostages till Cyber hacks the vault security. From there I will cut through the vault with a torch. Once in, Cyber and I will grab the money and get it to the roof. Fly paper, a good college of mine, will bring it to the ronday-view location. Understood?" Night crawler gave them a second to take it in and make sure they were ready. "Got it." Cyber responded. Two face replied with a nod. They were ready to go.

The bank was set on a land plot still being developed. Cyber arrived behind the bank in a construction worker outfit. Hat and all. He threw one of the nearby ladders against the building and began to climb. Bystanders thought nothing of it due to the nearby construction. He was on the roof. He pulled out his gadgets and got to work.
Downstairs in the lobby, Two face and Night crawler were inconspicuously making their way over to the clerk counters. Right on cue, the lights flickered and the bank's power was quickly down. People started to question each other about what was happening but before they realized, Two face pulled out  some big guns and yelled, "Everyone put your hands up!!! If I see them down, I'll blow them off!" By now all three of them had masks on and Cyber had just got into the main floor as Night crawler through up some projection screen with the image of the bank halls on it. It made the illusion that nothing was going on in the bank. "Everyone out!" Two face yelled signalling with his gun where they were to go. No one tried to do anything else but what he told them to. Fear had taken hold of the hostages. "Get them into the room upstairs." Night crawler ordered Two face. "Except you." He finished holding a hand gun at one spiky haired clerk. "You come with me."

A bit ridiculous looking, but it did the trick.
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Re: Rules are made to be broken (Private- reido & I - L,V,G)

Postby reido » 07/12/2012 12:17 AM

When the lights flickered out, Gale knew that his day was only getting worse.

Guaranteed I'll be the one blamed for the power outage... He grumbled to himself. His thoughts were cut short, however, by the chaos that erupted next. A man yelled something about blowing off hands, but he could barely be heard above the terrified screams of those around him. Instinctively, Gale's hand shot under his desk for the emergency alarm button. Clicking it frantically, his heart sunk when he realized that these men... however many they were, had shut down the backup generators as well. They were on their own.

Thinking fast, he then grabbed the small Glock handgun in his desk, shoving it in the back of his pants and rising from his seat. Not one for heroics, he intended to get out of the bank as fast as possible. He turned to move from his position behind the counter, only to find his forehead pressed against what felt like the barrel of a large, dangerous gun. His heart skipped a beat.

"You come with me." The man had said. Gale had no choice but to comply.
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Re: Rules are made to be broken (Private- reido & I - L,V,G)

Postby D3thNote » 07/12/2012 12:27 AM

By now, it had been almost a minute since their plan began. Time passed slowly with chaos but adrenaline helped then keep focused. Night crawler grabbed the clerk and told Two face to get a move on the hostages. Cyber fox was now making sure everything was set up properly while Night crawler dealt with the clerk.

"Where is the lock down button?"
Night crawler asked the trembling man. The bank power was now back on and systems were back up. "Where is it?" He questioned again.
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Re: Rules are made to be broken (Private- reido & I - L,V,G)

Postby reido » 07/12/2012 12:34 AM

Gale shook visibly as the masked man addressed him.

"U-under the desk," he pointed to it, "T-there. Right there." He grabbed the chair beside him for support as he backed away slightly from the man before him.

Dear gods, I'm going to die here. He realized in shock. I'm going to end my miserable life in this miserable bank without ever making anything of my life. In his adrenaline-soaked fear, he had forgotten all about the gun which was thankfully hidden beneath his jacket.
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Re: Rules are made to be broken (Private- reido & I - L,V,G)

Postby D3thNote » 07/12/2012 12:42 AM

Night crawler was use to this game so the adrenaline didn't affect him much. "Thank you." Night crawler replied to the clerk as he hit the button while keeping an eye on the hostage. Gates closed off the exits and the police had gotten the signal. "What is your name?" Night crawler questioned to the fear driven clerk.

Meanwhile, Cyber fox had already gotten to the vault security. He was at the specific point he needed to be for when the system locked down. Now he just had to get through the last bit before having the vault system unlocked.
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Re: Rules are made to be broken (Private- reido & I - L,V,G)

Postby reido » 07/12/2012 12:52 AM

"Gale," the young man managed to force out, "my name is Gale." This seemed to calm him slightly. The felon had not yet made a move to kill him...yet. But perhaps he still had a chance of survival. A small chance, however, and his odds seemed to be dropping every second that the other man's gun was pointed at him. He couldn't take his eyes off the weapon before him, trying not to move so as not to get himself shot.

Finally, he regained some courage and his voice again,

"Are you going to kill us?" He glanced at the hostages, voice still shaking slightly, "You have no quarrel with the people here.. l-let them go. They haven't harmed you." He pleaded. "I'll give you whatever you need, just... don't shoot."
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Re: Rules are made to be broken (Private- reido & I - L,V,G)

Postby D3thNote » 07/12/2012 12:59 AM

At this point, Night crawler stood straight up and looked at him through the mask. The man was terrified, utterly terrified for his life. This was probably the scariest thing that ever happened to him. "I don't want to kill you. Any of you. No one will need to die, as long as everything goes as planned." Night crawler tried to calm the man, but unfortunately he still needed him as a hostage. "Come on. I need you at the vault." Night crawler said as he lowered his gun.  He gestured Gale to the direction of the hall leading down to the vault.
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Re: Rules are made to be broken (Private- reido & I - L,V,G)

Postby reido » 07/12/2012 1:07 AM

All the bank employees had been trained for instances such as these: fires, robberies, everything. The real thing, however, was much different than in the training videos. There were to be no heroes, no rash decisions, and definitely no good outcome. When the man gestured for Gale to head towards the vault, his heart sank. What could he possibly need him there for?

He headed towards the vaults compliantly, not fully trusting that the masked man wasn't going to shoot him point blank, but grateful that his gun was finally down. He lead the way down the hallway, his mind racing, wondering what was going to happen to him next and hoping that the other hostages were safe.
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Re: Rules are made to be broken (Private- reido & I - L,V,G)

Postby D3thNote » 07/12/2012 1:14 AM

It was silent as they walked through the hall. It had felt like they were on death row or something. Finally they reached the vault. Cyber fox had just finished breaking the security. The security system was fully operational but Cyber had unlocked a back door that allowed them to open the vault without the security system realizing. "Please open it." Night crawler asked Gale. They couldn't risk leaving any physical evidence on the door. Put the money in the bag, please." He added on.
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Re: Rules are made to be broken (Private- reido & I - L,V,G)

Postby reido » 07/12/2012 1:24 AM

Following his captor's orders, Gale typed in the passcode for the door and it swung open silently. Before them now sat piles upon piles of bills, enough to make any one man very rich. Taking the large black bag that was offered to him, he began hastily loading the money into it. Never in his life had he handled this much currency, even with some of the wealthier patrons of the bank.

When he has finished, he stood up, backing away from the bag slightly and glancing at the masked men around him. While he gathered the money, he had felt the presence of his gun under his coat, remembering its existence. He toyed with the thought of pulling it and threatening the men, but quickly realized how foolish that would be. It was doubtless that they were wearing bulletproof vests, and to be honest, he didn't stand a chance against their much larger weapons. It was comforting to know he had one last line of defence, however, and he looked expectantly at the robbers, waiting to see their next move.
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Re: Rules are made to be broken (Private- reido & I - L,V,G)

Postby D3thNote » 07/12/2012 1:41 AM

Before anything else could happen, there was a "BANG"! The sound of a gun had gone off upstairs!!! "Get it to the roof!" Night crawler told Cyber before running upstairs to see what happened. Blood...
There was a bloody body on the floor as screams echoed through out the bank. The young girls body lay on the ground in front of Two face. No way was she running for the door. From how it looked, she was trying to run away from Two face! "What the fuck just happened?!" Night crawler yelled. "That bitch tried to run." Two face exclaimed. "No way was she running for the door. Not by facing the opposite direction! Now what the fuck happened?!" Night crawler exclaimed. "Relax, that bitch had it coming." Two face exclaimed seemingly happy about it. Night crawler now had his gun raised and pointed at Two face. "Really bra?"
"Really." Night crawler replied bluntly just as the trigger released. BANG!The mans body dropped to the ground, mask shattering on the impact from the bullet. He was dead.

Meanwhile, Cyber fox had stayed to the plan and although a few minutes behind from the large load, he was almost done bringing the bags to the roof.
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Re: Rules are made to be broken (Private- reido & I - L,V,G)

Postby reido » 07/12/2012 1:55 AM

At the sound of a gunshot, the two men took off, shouting instructions to each other. Half of Gale wanted to stay in the vault, safely until the danger had passed, but the other was desperate to see what had occurred. He gave in and rushed down the hallway.

As he rounded the corner, he was greeted by the sight of the man.. Night crawler he believed was his name, holding a gun next to the blood-soaked bodies of another man and a young woman. The man looked to be one of the robbers, but Gale was focused on the body of the girl. She lay in a pool of blood, her once crisp blouse and skirt ruined.  Beneath her ravaged features he recognized her face as one of a fellow bank employee; Kara was her name. She was new and they spoke often; he had even asked her out to dinner last week. Now she was dead.

His mouth opened slightly in shock and disgust, glancing back and forth between the young woman and the Night crawler man.

"You.. you killed her." He dropped to the ground beside her, shaking with rage. "You liar! You fucking killed her!" He pulled the gun from his jacket and pointed it at the man with unsteady arms. "You're all monsters." He hissed between clenched teeth.
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Re: Rules are made to be broken (Private- reido & I - L,V,G)

Postby D3thNote » 07/12/2012 2:05 AM

Night crawler stepped forwards, closer to the gun. "Go ahead. Shoot me. But it won't bring her back. And I didn't kill her...I killed him." He stood there waiting. Eventually tired of waiting, he raised his gun again to Gale. "Bang!" Night crawler said, imitating the sound a gun would have made.
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