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.: Sketches from Sky :. Closed

Postby SkyWolf11 » 02/04/2012 9:32 PM

"Welcome, friends!", a gentle voice greets as you enter into her section in the Baazar.  The perhaps familiar voice comes from a very blue Khimera that sits, perched on a silk cushion behind the small counter of her stand.  "My name is Sky!  I'd be more than happy to draw for you if you'd like!"  She smiled a feline smile before gesturing over to a small binder showcasing a few of her works:

Waist Up, WIP Sketch :: Fullbody, Sketch :: Fullbody, Sketch

Pokemon Randomness ::  MLP Randomness :: Waist Up, WIP Sketch (reference used)

Semi-Realistic Concept Doodles (references used) :: Headshot, Sketch

Headshot, Colored :: Headshot, Colored :: Fullbody, Colored

"Examples are personal art so they may be a bit messy or even WIPs but I assure you I try to do my best on art for others.  :3  There also a little limited since I want to show my most recent abilities and since my computer crashed, the pickin's are a little slim.  xD;  But hopefully they give enough of an idea of how far my range reaches~"  She continues to smile, tails swaying slowly behind her.

"As for anything I haven't listed specifically - like say comics or full background pics/scenes - well, I'm going to say throw it at me!  I'm always up for a challenge and hopefully it'll help me expand my abilities.  :3  As for subject art, I can do both animal/creatures and humans.  I haven't tried many anthro pieces but I'm up for it as well!  Things that involve mechanical things like machinery and vehicles are difficult for me and I'd prefer not to mess with it and get the sure to happen headache afterwards.  xD;  But, again, if you persist, I'll certainly give it a whirl~"

After trying her best to explain her abilities, a paw carefully pushes a small piece of paper towards your way that says "Form" at the top.  "I hope the form I provide includes all needed but it not, feel free to be as specific as you want and include any details you want to be known.  xD  I won't get mad.  If I'm unsure of what you ask for, I'll be sure to PM for clarification."


Pet/Character:  (Name and image)
Type of Art:  (Sketch -traditional- or Digital -computer-)
Pose:  (If you want any specific pose let me know)
Other Art/References? (If Any):  (Feel free to provide as many as you want for me to get a good idea of what your character looks like)
Anything Else?  (Cause I'm sure I've forgotten alot here :,u  -hides-)

Code: Select all
[b]Pet/Character:[/b]  (Name and image)
[b]Type of Art:[/b]  (Sketch -traditional- or Digital -computer-)
[b]Pose:[/b]  (If you want any specific pose let me know)
[b]Other Art/References? (If Any):[/b]  (Feel free to provide as many as you want for me to get a good idea of what your character looks like)
[b]Anything Else?[/b]  (Cause I'm sure I've forgotten alot here :,u  -hides-)

"Oh!  Also, once you buy art from me, it is entirely yours to do with as you please.  Chop it up, color it yourself, whatever you may want to do with it, go right ahead!  ^__^"  Shrugging playfully, she briefly mentions one last detail quickly and motions to a small sign on her counter top:


"Ah, Payment.  I don't charge!  But I will accept tips if you feel the need to pay me! :D"
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Re: + SketchX Central + [Open :D]

Postby SkyWolf11 » 02/04/2012 9:52 PM

Yay for sloppy shop!  :U  So, I suppose we're

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Re: + SketchX Central + [Open :D]

Postby Jaykobell » 02/04/2012 9:57 PM


Can you draw these two ponies togethur?
Tomato Field and Tomato Cherry.

They're sisters. Field is a lot more down to earth and she's reserved, level-headed, and calm. Cherry is pretty much the opposite, excited and jumpy and (innocently) boastful. Can you draw them like... Field laying down, relaxing, and Cherry bouncing around excitedly? u'8

They're a family also focusing on tomato-farming. If that influences anything.


Oh and just a sketch please. Black and white? :'u Or whatever you feel like.
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Re: + SketchX Central + [Open :D]

Postby Kyrit » 02/04/2012 11:22 PM

I have. A big favor. You see, my anime club needs t-shirt art, and I fail at drawing anatomy. But you seem to be quite amazingly better at it than I. So, I have a request. Would you mind if I got a sketch/pencil picture from you and then inked/possibly colored it myself for a t-shirt design? o 3o I'll pay well. As in, probably even throw in some GT.

Basically, what I need a picture of is a red panda. The idea is that it is in like... 3/4ths of a circle. Think of the Firefox emblem basically, but I'd like it to be facing toward us rather than away. The idea is that red pandas are the actual Firefoxes, and our club is the Pi Rho chapter of Mu Epsilon Kappa. So. Puns. =|;

Example 1, Example 2, example 3, example 4.

It doesn't have to be a specific red panda or anything. Mostly just need the pose. I can add in any markings while coloring, so very basic picture. If you're fine with this just let me know. o ^o And I can provide more refs if needed.
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Re: + SketchX Central + [Open :D]

Postby SkyWolf11 » 02/04/2012 11:35 PM

Shrewdie:  Ponies!~   :U

Even though you already know, I finished!:  Clicky

I really do hope you like~  :,D  I don't draw ponies often.  xD;  

Draiz:  Hmmm ... I'll most certainly try.  :3  Were you looking for a more realistic look?  Or more anime-ish/cartoonish since it's for an anime club?  xD
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Postby Kyrit » 02/04/2012 11:57 PM

Anime/cartoony. Basically just go with whatever style you normally do/enjoy. =3 It doesn't have to be detailed a lot since our t-shirts usually don't have anything really complicated on then. XD Thank you~ I've been trying to figure out how on earth I was going to get this done in time.
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Re: + SketchX Central + [Open :D]

Postby SkyWolf11 » 02/05/2012 3:08 PM

Draiz's picture completed~  :3

Going ahead and posting the links just incase you ever need to find them again.~  :3
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Re: .: Sketches from Sky :. OPEN

Postby SkyWolf11 » 09/16/2012 12:31 AM

And small bumpity bump to say we're back open~! :U
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Re: .: Sketches from Sky :. OPEN

Postby Jaykobell » 09/16/2012 12:35 AM


His name is Quasar~
Type of Art: Digital
Pose: Hmm, how can I describe him... Quasar loves battling. Battling is a passion to him — it's not to kill or injure others, it's just for the thrill of measuring himself against others. He used to be a rebel and somewhat of a bully, but he's mellowed out a lot with time and age. Maybe something... relaxed, and just a little bit overconfident? Not overly, though. He toots his own horn, but he's not an annoying overconfident show-off.
Other Art/References? (If Any): N/A
Anything Else? I can ask for full color, yes? 8'U Also, ilu.
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Re: .: Sketches from Sky :. OPEN

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 09/16/2012 7:15 AM

Hey, I'd like some arts XD

Pet/Character: Cassus Image
Type of Art: Fullbody, coloured - any media; Literally anthro, with all his markings please, and a pair of dirty beige shorts (decency!)
Pose: Standing; crouching to look at a flower; sat on the floor with his knees up by his chin, frowning; sat on the floor with his knees up by his chin, looking up at the stars
Other Art/References? (If Any):  Image - (lineart by =T0xicEye on DA) Image - art credit to MillietheWarrior
Anything Else?  I love your art? :3

Pet/Character: Erinn Image
Type of Art: Fullbody, coloured - any media; Anthro/human - Can be either, though her skin colour would be fairly pale, her hair colour would be her main body colour, and she would have tattoos on her face in the colour of her Ancient. Her eyes would be the colour of her wings, and she would probably be wearing stereotypical robes - maybe in teal, or mint green - with a hood and cape in mint green. She practices divination and healing magics, as well as potion brewing, so she could be using a crystal ball, a deck of cards (tarot or standard playing cards), a mirror, a bowl of water, a cauldron - basically anything along 'fortune teller' lines.
Pose: Standing; bending to look at a spellbook (side view); bending to look at a book (front view); using a mortar and pestle, looking straight forward with a straight face, looking straight forward with a blush on her face, sat at a table with a set of cards laid out in front of her, with the deck in her hands.
Other Art/References? (If Any): Mortar and Pestle
Anything Else?  I love your art? :3

Pet/Character: Teira Image
Type of Art: Fullbody, coloured - any media; Anthro/human - If human, she would have fair skin, with her split marking becoming her hair - a jaw-length bob, half blue, half black, split in the middle. If anthro, she would retain her markings.  She switches personality at noon every day, and goes from a strong, confident warrior/thief to a shy, reclusive healing mage. I would like art of both please. If she is in healer mode, she could use a wand, a cauldron, or just a book, whereas in warrior mode, she would use a sword, bow, or possibly be holding a sack full of stolen goods. In healer mode, her left eye would be white, like her ancient, and her right eye would be a slightly darker blue than her split. in warrior mode, these would be switched. Clothing would vary accordingly.
Pose: Standing holding a potion, with her hair down in black robes and hooded cape; Standing with her head looking down, holding a bow and arrow with her hair in a ponytail and a single bang falling over her forehead in full armour.
Other Art/References? (If Any):  none, I'm afraid :3
Anything Else?  I love your art? :3

Pet/Character: Ren  Image
Type of Art: Fullbody, coloured - any media; Human - Tanned skin, like his fur. Hair the colour of his vines marking, sky-blue eyes. He has a cheeky grin on his face, and he is always well-dressed (clothing choice is up to you). He loves growing flowers, so maybe holding a bouquet of flowers - white and red roses especially - or a single prize orchid. (Generic orchid shape, go nuts with the colours ^^)
Pose: Standing; bending to sniff a flower in a pot; holding a flower up to his face to smell (eyes closed); holding a flower out towards the viewer.
Other Art/References? (If Any):  none, I'm afraid :3
Anything Else?  I love your art? :3

Pet/Character: Thornton Image
Type of Art: Fullbody, coloured - any media; Willy-wonka style anthro/human - Seriously. Pinky-purple hat and tailed coat (the colour of his wingblades), black and white gloves, pinky-purple trousers, black and white shoes, sweets everywhere - go nuts. In human form, he would have a creamy skin colour, with soft brown hair, the kind of colour that reminds you of milk chocolate, and eyes the colour of his wingblades. In anthro form, he would wear the coat and hat, but retain his markings. He would probbably be holding some sort of sweet, be it a bag of jelly beans, a chocolate egg, or a cuniflare-shaped treat, and his other hand would have a black cane with a round silver knob on the end. His assistants are a chocolate cuniflare and a bleached cuniflare, if you want to include them.
Pose: Standing; juggling chocolate eggs with a grin on his face; dancing.
Other Art/References? (If Any):  none, I'm afraid :3
Anything Else?  I love your art? :3

And one with two 'cain in it, if possible?

Pet/Character: Cassus/Borelia  Image;Image
Type of Art: Fullbody, coloured - any media; Anthro of both of them, both would retain their markings. Cassus would wear a pair of dirty beige cutoff shorts; Borelia would wear a dirty blue cropped T-shirt and a pair of dirty green shorts.
Pose: Standing side by side; Sat on the floor, her in front of him; him carrying her.
Other Art/References? (If Any):  none, I'm afraid :3
Anything Else?  I love your art? :3

I know that's a lot of arts, so... if you can't do it, I understand XD I will tip (well) if you do, though XD
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Re: .: Sketches from Sky :. OPEN

Postby Azura Rayume » 09/16/2012 1:15 PM

Well, I was gonna get some art, but there's kind of a lot of requests right now. o 3o I do have a couple questions, though: you'll do more than one character in a picture right? And will you draw planned customs with references?

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Re: .: Sketches from Sky :. OPEN

Postby SkyWolf11 » 09/16/2012 6:07 PM

Toxxic:  Dang that's a lot.  xD;  In the future, I'll probably put a limit up for 3 pets per person at a time but I think I can take this on~  Just keep in mind that it'll probably take a while to knock them all out so you'll have to be patient.  xD

Azura:  I'd say you can go ahead and keep posting orders.  I'll just be slower getting to them unless they inspire me more than the current ones~  
As for the questions:  I will do more than one character or at least attempt to, yes.  xD  And yes to the second one as well.  ^^
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Re: .: Sketches from Sky :. OPEN

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 09/16/2012 6:51 PM

Really sorry Sky, I couldn't resist XD

And no probs on the waiting, it's a 'whenever you can' xD

Many thanks!
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Re: .: Sketches from Sky :. OPEN

Postby Azura Rayume » 09/17/2012 9:50 PM

Okay, then. o 3o

Pet/Character: Beyond Birthday and Alex
Type of Art: Digital. Either full body or headshot, whichever you prefer.
Pose: Well, they're kind of dating, though Beyond's other fling doesn't really know. Beyond's also a bit... sadistic? abusive? Dunno what you would really call him, but he's known to be violent. He really does care about Alex, though; he just has an odd way of showing it. So basically anything you want that would fit his character is fine by me. Also, Alex has seven L-shaped scars on the inside each of his arms/front legs.
Other Art/References? (If Any): None on hand, I'm afraid.
Anything Else?

Pet/Character: King Arthur Dragonpen
Type of Art: Digital. Full body or headshot, whichever you prefer. Also, either human form or Lucain form works for me.
Pose: Something regal and befitting his status in his human form. Or, if you would like to draw his Lucain form, he's probably fallen on his face. He's terribly clutzy as a canine.
Other Art/References? (If Any): He's the one on the far right, should you decide to draw his human form.
Anything Else?

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Re: .: Sketches from Sky :. OPEN

Postby ToxicShadow » 09/21/2012 3:17 AM

Heyas~ I have a special request and, hopefully, it's not too much trouble. The art is primarily a small gift for a girl that I work with at my recreation job - she's gotten into making characters of her own. I don't have any image references for the character of hers that I would like to get art of for her, he just has some simple basic bits of physical information. Everything else is left up to how you want to really do it and portray him.

Pet/Character:  Saylem (No image.)
Type of Art: Sketch
Pose:  Ideally, she wants him sitting on a cross tombstone that you could find in a graveyard, but if that is not possible, then something simpler works as well.
Other Art/References? (If Any):  Sorry, but no.
Anything Else? Well, I'll use this to describe him in the bullet points that she gave me.

Male character, almost always serious and never smiles.
He has long hair, reaching between his lower back and his butt, no bangs (the front part of his hair is as long as the rest), parted down the middle.
He also has pointed ears, as you might see on an elf.
For clothes, he wears only a vest on his upper half, (I imagine it something like this but without stripes) while he wears, essentially, skinny jeans and combat boots that go over the jeans. (I imagine them like this only with a slight solid wedge heel.)
He should have ribbons wrapped/draped loosely and dangling off each of his arms.
In his right hand, he should be holding a typical reaper's scythe. (Something like this.)

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