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-: Death In The Peaceful City :- (Done LV)

Postby Sarah » 01/11/2013 12:53 AM

Scarlet glared at the new city, she had been sent one place to the next, apparently there were rumors going around about a fallen angel getting her task, and in return getting her powers back. A very powerful angel with a very rare power; and now every boss wanted this little angel for themselves. Little did scarlet know, she would not be finding this angel today, no one would. The streets of Nabias where crowded, more crowded than normal, and any demon and angel who knew what’s up was in the city, and that made for many wings bumping into things, and magic that crackled like lightening through the sky.
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Re: -: Death In The Peaseful City :- (self)

Postby Sarah » 01/11/2013 12:53 AM

Scarlet could see each angel and demon, and they could see her. The real blind ones where the humans, being stuck in their mortal realm, all the magic and wonder, or terror really in the world was hidden to them. Only the very skilled human mages, and fortune tellers could see them, and that was why not a single one was about right now. They were holed up somewhere far away in the fetal position waiting for it all to end. She snickered at the thought, she hated the ones who could see most of all.
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Re: -: Death In The Peaseful City :- (self)

Postby Sarah » 01/11/2013 12:54 AM

She bumped into a random guy by accident, -that shouldn’t happen- she thought crossly, she was in a different plane altogether, no one should be bumping into anyone her, she should be all alone. “Sorry sir.” She said softly, moving past him and continued walking. Only afterward did she realize she just had a private run-in with an angel, and now that she thought about it she could see the man exactly. She gulped heavily, that was not good. He had bright blue eyes, gold hair, and what looked like lightning marking down his body. He was very powerful, and could have shot her down in less than a second. Still he had moved on, not saying a word. She checked herself where he had bumped her.
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Re: -: Death In The Peaseful City :- (self)

Postby Sarah » 01/11/2013 12:54 AM

“Looking for the fallen angel I see, well, today must be your lucky day.” the white note had been stuck in her jacket pocket. –creepy.- scarlet thought chills spiraling down her body. An angel who wanted to harm another angel. She knew the demons wanted the angel for her powers; a fallen angel was fair game. that was why they were all here in hopes to convert the thing to their side, and the angel to drag her back into heaven. But this thing sounded angry, like it wanted to dispose of the thing.
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Re: -: Death In The Peaseful City :- (self)

Postby Sarah » 01/11/2013 12:54 AM

She walked on, making sure she went to a demon only plane; she could not afford to run into another angel. Her hands in her pockets she continued using her power, as far as she could tell, in a ten mile radius, this angel was not hidden in any shadows. Unfortunately, she could only search the shadows, so anywhere that the sun or artificial light took hold she could not examine. Still she paced through the city, making the same rounds as most others.
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Re: -: Death In The Peaseful City :- (self)

Postby Sarah » 01/11/2013 12:55 AM

She landed herself on a small patch of grass, resting her eyes, something she didn’t have to do often; the mortal worlds light was nothing compared to the demon realm, but with all the angels around her eyes were starting to burn. And now as she closed her eyes, she felt herself falling to the ground. She didn’t make any move to help herself, she just fell switching planes in the process. Someone had shoved her down, throwing her wings out in time to catch herself she flashed back to where she fell.
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Re: -: Death In The Peaseful City :- (self L)

Postby Sarah » 01/11/2013 12:56 AM

“Pipe the fuck down!” she yelled, looking another demon straight in the eye. It looked at her confused but then smiled. –Wait, I know who this is.- smacking her hand to her face she slowly looked back at the young girl in front of her. “Who the hell sent you?” scarlet asked outraged. She despised this runt, this girl was almost the same rank as her, and would be far ahead of her if she wasn’t so young. “God damn you to the darkest pits of hell.” she growled turning around and walking away, but she felt the presence of the girl behind her.
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Re: -: Death In The Peaseful City :- (self L)

Postby Sarah » 01/11/2013 12:56 AM

“Leave me alone!” Scarlet twisted around, her eyes glaring into the girl’s empty ones. It just looked at her blankly, its pet resting on her shoulder, whispering into the girls ears, just quiet enough for scarlet to catch whispers but nothing more. They stared at each other for a few minutes, scarlet was in no mood to play charades as the girl would not talk to her, and she was endlessly amused by scarlet’s guesses. “Very well you brat.” Scarlet growled, switching to a plane that she knew the girl would not follow her to. The mortal plain, not her first choice, but she preferred it over the bitch that had been following her.
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Re: -: Death In The Peaseful City :- (self L)

Postby Sarah » 01/11/2013 12:58 AM

The girl followed her, much to the pain of Scarlet. –What a waste.- she sighed internally. The girl approached her again, holding her hand out this time. –ah, she could have just asked.- Scarlet sulked. “here.” she mumbled handing the girl the piece of paper, getting many curious looks from angels and demons alike. She turned and hissed at a few, hearing the girl doing the same. If Scarlet didn’t hate the girl so much she would have laughed.
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Re: -: Death In The Peaseful City :- (self L)

Postby Sarah » 01/11/2013 1:02 AM

The girl took the note smiled and left her, vanishing in thin air to another deeper plain, not one that scarlet could see through the mortal plain she had gone to. Shaking her head exasperated she switched plains as well, back to her original one, once the note had left her the encounter with the angel left her, she had no memory of it, she could not explain it, or find it in her memory is she was threatened with marid torture. That was saying something considering she made sure to do as she was told so that she would not be punished with it. That may not seem like much, but it was considering all that scarlet was.
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Re: -: Death In The Peaseful City :- (self L)

Postby Sarah » 01/11/2013 1:08 AM

Ducking behind some of the larger buildings Scarlet was happy to see that the back roads and residential areas of the city where relatively abandoned. She shook her head, most demons where only given a small area to patrol in contract for them coming to earth. But angels had no excuse for being just in that packed square; they should be taking advantage of the demons weaknesses and searching the residential areas. Scarlet could not even sense a demon big enough to hurt an angel, they were all lesser demons who didn’t even look like they were tasked with the same things the others where tasked.
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Re: -: Death In The Peaseful City :- (self L)

Postby Sarah » 01/11/2013 1:11 AM

Being the only talking and sociable demon her master owned she was tasked with most of the things that was needed from a demon, plus all of her regular demon duties, and the extra work she did just for fun. Though she shouldn’t be complaining. if she didn’t take side jobs she would have more than enough down time. She was just feeling drained because of the massive amount of angels that she had come in contact with over only a few minutes.
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Re: -: Death In The Peaseful City :- (self L)

Postby Sarah » 01/11/2013 1:29 AM

Still scanning the areas she could not quite reach Scarlet was still making sure that she was not followed, or at least that she would not run into anyone again. –man, I really can’t remember that guy…. Was it a guy?- this man was powerful, she didn’t know it but she had just exposed herself to someone who had direct contact with ‘God’. Yawning Scarlet stopped walking. Had she just yawned? She hadn’t done that since she was human a little over a million years ago. –maybe I need to find someone to kill.- she thought turning her attention now to the houses. No one could blame her for wanting the energy of a dying mortal. But she would have to be extra careful that the angels in the area didn’t find out.
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Re: -: Death In The Peaseful City :- (self LV)

Postby Sarah » 01/11/2013 1:30 AM

Cutting across some human’s lawn she fazed through the door, allowing the shadows to move her. it was a two person house, two very alive people. And both where in the living room, waiting for her on a silver platter. “hello.” She said kindly. The two humans jumped and turned to look at her. –To slow.- she giggled taking the man in her arms and grabbing the woman by her hair. “Hello dinner.” She corrected feeding off of the fear and panic the two produced. “haaaa-aaaah.” Scarlet sighed feeling her energy coming back. “Well, time for you to die.” She said simply, knocking over a few candles, and then, grabbing the matches she lit a few and through them through the house, knowing the humans would be too weakened to do anything.
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Re: -: Death In The Peaseful City :- (self LV)

Postby Sarah » 01/11/2013 1:30 AM

“It really takes the energy out of you to share emotions doesn’t it.” She commented as the two flopped on the ground like fish out of water. “Well, my job is done I think.” She said winking at them. And leaving the mortal plain and returning to her own hellish realm millions of plains away. Feeling refreshed, she knew she would have to meet up with the little brat and get her note back. She was no longer worried with the fallen angel; she was worried with the stranger who bumped into her. he had make one mistake, she should have forgotten the whole encounter, but Scarlet always made sure to remember people who invaded her private plain.
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