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Slot two: Kabuto, Kitsumi and sarasweet

Postby kabuto_rocks » 03/20/2013 12:56 PM

The second Vol stumbled through the portal she began to regret her decision. Why had she decided it was a good idea to come here? She should have been her usual lazy self and just gone to Terrace Park or something. The jungle air was thick and heavy, and already she could feel the steamy humidity making her fur fluff up. Still, it would be worth it in the end. She was hoping that not many others would have chosen this spot, which meant that there would be all the more eggs for her to find.

Stretching out a little, she began to sharply scan the area. Of course, she wasn't expecting the sight of an egg to just jump out at her but it was good to know your surroundings anyway. She had a lot of hunting to do if she wanted to break last year's record


[Location: Tengel Rainforest]
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Re: Slot two: Kabuto, Kitsumi and sarasweet

Postby Kitsumi » 03/20/2013 6:04 PM


"Look, Alice! See how fast I can run?"

The young woman looked down at the child who was running playfully around the park - for once, happy. In all actuality, the "child" was probably far older than Alice herself, but she had retained both mind and body of a child. As far as Alice knew, Sorriso couldn't even age if she wanted to.

Smiling, Alice clapped her hands approvingly. "Great job, Sorri! Just make sure you watch where you're running, okay?" Ever since getting her out of that madhouse of a world and into Evelon, Alice had been keeping a close eye on Sorriso Minet. She appeared to be coping well, and was a lot more social than she had been in Mirlando. She still balked around strangers though, so Alice kept a close eye out for them. She may not have been Sorriso's mother, but she now considered herself the girl's guardian.

So, when she caught sight of another person coming near, she instantly whistled, high-pitched and loud. Sorri instantly stopped her playing, head cocked to one side, as she heard the secret signal. She scampered back over to the lucain, moving slightly behind her and out of sight of the stranger. She was getting better with strangers, but still wasn't the best with them.

((I hope this is okay for a beginning post? I figured they would "meet up" instead of having come there together.))

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Re: Slot two: Kabuto, Kitsumi and sarasweet

Postby Sarah » 03/20/2013 6:37 PM

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Padding down one of the main pathways into the jungle the two Kuhna had their ears pricked for any sign of others. They had come here to meet with a few strangers but they were not sure exactly where these strangers would be.

“Should we stick to the path?” Shane wondered aloud, her eyes held frustration. They hadn’t been walking for long but the jungle gave both girls the creeps. Shane glanced back at amber who were just a few steps behind. The excited kuhna’s eyes where sparkling but she showed nothing that would even suggest the girl knew where they were.

“We shouldn’t stray far from the path.” Amber spoke up after Shane had turned her head, sighing Shane just rolled her eyes, Amber was always zoning out into her own little world. A sharp whistle made both Kuhna jump and turn towards the sound. “That would probably be where we are supposed to go.”
Amber commented racing off towards the owner of the whistle. Shane sprinted after her hoping they wouldn’t get lost.
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Re: Slot two: Kabuto, Kitsumi and sarasweet

Postby Kitsumi » 03/20/2013 6:54 PM

((We could probably post a couple of times before kabuto replies without getting to far ahead, right?))

"A-alice?" Sorri glanced over at her guardian, eyes a bit wide as two other kuhnas began to come towards them. Alice let one of her tails settle over Sorri's back, in a comforting gesture, and the child seemed to calm down a slight bit.

"It'll be okay," Alice murmured to Sorri, before turning to the others. "I suppose you're here for the egg hunt, then? I hadn't expected quite so many people to show up for it...at least not all in this area. Part of me had expected that only Sorri and I would be out here, but I suppose that's not the case."

Peeking out from behind Alice, Sorri gave a small grin and stuck out her tongue playfully before darting back behind the shield of her guardian's body.

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Re: Slot two: Kabuto, Kitsumi and sarasweet

Postby kabuto_rocks » 03/20/2013 7:01 PM

She had only gotten a few feet at most when she heard the noise. Was that a whistle? It was quite out of place in the rainforest, even considering some of the weird noises the local birds made. Vol's ears instantly pricked up, intrigued by the sound.

No! You gotta focus on finding those eggs remember?

For a few seconds she was determined. She even selected a small bush to start searching, but it was all in vain really. Curiousity may have killed the Kuhna but Vol couldn't help it. It was in her nature to be nosy. Turning round to face the direction the whistle had come from, she began to walk semi-cautiously towards it. Soon enough she spotted what seemed like a congregation of people.

I bet they're all here to steal my eggs! Outraged, she crouched down behind a spiky plant. She wanted to check them out before introducing herself


{Yeah, I don't mind if you guys post without me so don't worry about it. Just assume that Vol is going along with whatever you say}
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Re: Slot two: Kabuto, Kitsumi and sarasweet

Postby Kitsumi » 03/20/2013 7:55 PM

As Alice attempted to judge whether or not the new arrivals were potentially dangerous, Sorri was busy holding her doll up to her ear, as if listening. Alice cast her a strange, sideways glance, but didn't say anything to her. Alice still wasn't sure why Sorri had such a connection to the doll, but she had already learned not to try to take the doll away from her. Sorri would fight tooth and nail to keep "Dolly".

"Alice," Sorri nuzzled Alice's shoulder with her nose, to get her attention. "Dolly says that we're supposed to do the egg hunt with them. We'll find more eggs that way, and get more fun stuff!"

Shocked, Alice stared at the kuhna. "Are...are you sure? I mean, you don't always get along with others, Sorri-kins. We can just hunt the eggs alone, if you want." She searched the kuhna's eyes for any signs of fear, and was surprised to find none.

"Nope, I think we should do it together! Although Dolly says that there are supposed to be five of us..."

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Re: Slot two: Kabuto, Kitsumi and sarasweet

Postby Sarah » 03/20/2013 8:08 PM

Shane was a little shocked to see the Lucain and Kuhna in the jungle; she was expecting some kind of exotic bird. Curious she trotted ahead of Amber who looked like she was being a little more hesitant. “Hello.” Shane called happily, a bright smile on her face. She heard a groan come from behind her but Shane wanted to give these strangers the benefit of the doubt.  Optimistic as always she found herself right up with the two wondering if they had come out here for the egg hunt as well.

Amber was a little annoyed that Shane had just barged past her towards the two random people in the jungle. –What if they are dangerous jungle people!- Amber fretted, discarding the though almost instantly, they didn’t look like jungle people, they just looked normal, at least as normal as any Evelonian could get. “Uhm hi.” Amber said standing next to Shane, a faint smile on her face. She was more frightened of the people than anything but she hoped that she didn’t come across as rude.
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Re: Slot two: Kabuto, Kitsumi and sarasweet

Postby Kitsumi » 03/20/2013 9:07 PM

As the two kuhna's greeted them - one obviously more willing than the other - Alice inwardly sighed. She knew that Sorri had said that she wanted them to find eggs with the new-comers, but how long would it last? With Sorri, things never lasted long, and Alice didn't want things to go awry.

Still, it was rude to not return the greeting. "I'm Alice," she said slowly. "And my adorable little companion here is Sorriso Minet, although I'm sure she won't mind you shortening it to 'Sorri' the way I do."

After a short pause, Sorri made a small squeaking noise that was probably her approval. She was still hiding, but she wasn't shaking or mumbling odd chanting, so she was doing alright for now. Alice smiled reassuringly at her, and Sorri smiled back.

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Re: Slot two: Kabuto, Kitsumi and sarasweet

Postby Sarah » 03/20/2013 9:39 PM

Shane watched the lucain, she looked worried? Shaking it off she was happy to see that they were greeting her so kindly. She felt a little bit sad that the girl was so shy she would have loved to play with her. “Well, Alice, Sorri.” Shane said tasting their names on her tongue. “I’m Shane,” the plain white, red and blue Kuhna pointed at the sundae Kuhna standing next to her. “And this is-“ Shane was rudely cut off mid-sentence by a sharp glare.

“I’m Amber.” The sundae Kuhna said softly, a smile reappearing on her face. “Not to be rude, But could I ask what you could be doing so far out here?” Amber asked tentatively, “We are here because of the egg hunt, but we didn’t expect anyone else to be out and about.” She added quickly not wanting Alice or Sorri to become suspicious of them.
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Re: Slot two: Kabuto, Kitsumi and sarasweet

Postby Kitsumi » 03/20/2013 10:21 PM

Something about Shane's smile reassured Sorri, and she began to slowly creep out from behind her guardian. She still kept her distance, but she offered the other kuhnas a shy smile and a happy flick of her tails. She wasn't exactly comfortable in the current settings, but she was far from terrified, as she would have been back in Mirlando had she come face to face with two strangers.

"Well, Shane and Amber, we're here for the same reason as you." Alice felt her fur bristling ever so slightly as Amber appeared wary of them, and the emotion was beginning to rub off on her. But before it became noticeable visibly, she had calmed herself down.

"If we're here for the same purpose, Sorri here has suggested that we hunt together. Perhaps..."

Before she could finish the sentence, Sorri was popping up, speaking. "Not just us four! There's got to be one more person! Dolly told me, and Dolly is never wrong!" She held up the calico plush, petting it fondly.

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Re: Slot two: Kabuto, Kitsumi and sarasweet

Postby kabuto_rocks » 03/21/2013 3:40 AM

Vol had been watching the whole scene with her usual mild interest, safely concealed in the plant she'd chosen. Her eyes widened in surprise at the child's exclamation. Five? Did she-no, she couldn't possibly mean her. Unless maybe she had spotted her hiding? But then, she was sure no one had seen her. Intrigued, Vol decided now was as good a time as any to reveal herself.

"I could maybe help with that." Vol purred, stepping out into the clearing and glancing at the others. To be honest, she wasn't thrilled at the thought of someone potentially stealing her eggs. On the other hand, she was by nature a lazy creature. With any luck these people might lighten her workload. Plus she could probably make sure she got the most eggs if she went with them. At any rate, it would almost definitely be more fun than going alone

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Re: Slot two: Kabuto, Kitsumi and sarasweet

Postby Sarah » 03/21/2013 5:57 PM

Shane grinned when the girl crept out from behind Alice, but she could still feel the sort of stress in the air. It hadn’t Been Shane’s idea to go out hunting for eggs in the middle of nowhere so she was glad to hear they weren’t the only ones. Shane tilted her head confused as to what the girl was talking about, she hadn’t seen a doll with them before. Though now that she was looking for it she saw it with the girl. “That’s a very nice doll you have.” Shane said softly trying to reassure the girl that they were not a threat to her.

Amber was determined to find eggs out in this jungle and she hoped these two would stick with them for a while at least. Amber knew that the more people they had the more likely they would be able to find the eggs. “I don’t have any problems with searching in a group.” Amber said happily her eyes twinkling. She jumped a bit when another voice came from the jungle. It didn’t sound mean of angry and Amber was shocked to see another Kuhna had been with them the whole time. “Hello there.” Amber greeted, her nerves smoothing out and she felt a little more relaxed with the situation.
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Re: Slot two: Kabuto, Kitsumi and sarasweet

Postby Kitsumi » 03/21/2013 6:05 PM

"Told you!" Sorri stuck her tongue out at Alice, beaming, obviously enjoying proof that her beloved doll was right. "Dolly is always right. She can see even the things that we don't. Sometimes she even sees the future!"

Alice quickly smiled and nodded, hoping to hush the child. She didn't mind that Sorri thought her doll could talk, or even if she thought that the doll was like some sort of all-knowing guide to her. At least the kuhna had someone to rely on, even if the 'someone' wasn't really a person. But although she didn't mind, she wasn't sure how well the other kuhnas would react to Sorri and her obsession with her doll. Hopefully, the egg hunt would distract Sorri from more chatter of her doll.

"Why don't we start hunting for eggs together, then? Since that is what we all came for, and all five of us are here. We could help each other out."

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Re: Slot two: Kabuto, Kitsumi and sarasweet

Postby kabuto_rocks » 03/21/2013 6:37 PM

Vol listened carefully to their conversation. She was definitely intrigued with what the child was saying, but the Lucain was probably right. She had come here meaning to break her record after all.

"Hi," Vol nodded in greeting at the Kuhna who had addressed her. Though she had overheard their names, those details hadn't really seemed all that important at the time. Was it...Amber maybe? Oh well, she would soon pick it up, "Sorry to startle you all. I guess we're all here for the same reason and since we'd probably just get in each other's way otherwise, we might as well hunt together." She might not have sounded as enthusiastic as she could have, but her tone was amiable enough and she kept kneading the ground like she couldn't wait to get started. Throwing a quick smile at everyone, she began to glance around again.

"I'm Vol by the way. Any ideas where we should look first?"

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Re: Slot two: Kabuto, Kitsumi and sarasweet

Postby Kitsumi » 03/22/2013 9:51 AM

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Vol." Alice smiled and nodded her head in a friendly way. Something about Vol didn't give off much of a friendly air, but she wasn't going to bother with it. Even if Vol wasn't as much as a people person as Alice herself was, Alice wasn't going to be put off by it.

Luckily, Sorri didn't notice anything amiss. Since Shane had so kindly complimented her doll, she now scampered over to her, holding the doll up for closer inspection. "See? She looks kinda ordinary, but she's really special! She was blessed by a very special person on my birthday, and was bound to me by magic. Even if I lose her, she'll come back to me! And no one can steal her, because she'll just come back to me."

Before Sorri could say anything more about the doll, Alice cut in. "As for where we should look first...how about any areas with tall grass? It's the perfect spot to hide eggs. Or in any places that are easy to reach, but still hidden. I doubt anyone went out on a limb to try to hide eggs."

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