As an active volcano, few creatures venture near Nori for fear of being too close during an eruption. On most days there is a continuous slow flow of molten rock seeping through the mouth of the volcano, so travelers are advised to dress appropriately. (+2 to Endurance)

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Return to Nori Volcano

Slot 1: Kyrit, Ander, and maybe others

Postby Kyrit » 05/05/2013 7:16 PM

(The and maybe others are Silverin and MangaRaven if they wish to pop in)

Her choice was probably the most strange of portal locations chosen this year, yet she wore a smile as she stared through it at the barren land of Nori. She adjusted her hat slightly and made sure none of her ribbons were dragging on the ground before finally stepping through. She was instantly greeted by a blast of heat, which drew a few beads of sweats to the surface of her skin. Still, Elie expressed no displeasure in her choice. Her eyes began to scan around before stopping to scratch her head.

"I.... don't know where to start. Myuu made this all seem so eeaasssyyyy." Truth be told, she'd never hunted for eggs before. Despite running a shop that was centered around the holidays, she'd never really... been able to celebrate them in any way before the opening of her shop, which sometimes made her feel awkward outside of the shop around the holidays.
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Re: Slot 1: Kyrit, Ander, and maybe others

Postby Ander » 05/06/2013 4:52 PM


The change of seasons didn't mean much around Nori Volcano. The outside world grew colder, maybe; day started earlier and night fell late. But the air around Nori was always hot, the sky generally darkened by clouds of ash. And that was all fine and dandy to Uruloke.

The ash-loving Paragon was buried up to his nose in the stuff, warming his hide in the residual heat of a recent lava flow. 'Recent', to anyone but the ancient Primal, was a point of contention: the flow could have been anywhere from a week ago to several months. 'Loke hadn't moved in a long time, and couldn't accurately recall; after all, he didn't need to. One month or two, one week or many, all were the same to the elder creature. There were few around the volcano who dared to bother him, and so he lay peacefully. Not asleep, but thinking...dreaming...listening. Before the ash had grown thick enough to obscure his eyes, observing. The quiet was what he loved best about Nori. The quiet, the heat, and the repose.

All abruptly shattered when, with the most ear-splittingly unusual sound the male had ever heard, something else stepped onto the ash. Unfortunately, the ashes being trod upon were the ones covering his haunch. Uruloke, while an exceptionally lax paragon, was not so much so as to not notice one stepping on his scales. The ashes in front of the visitor would begin to shiver, shift and shake as the paragon lifted his upper body, turning a massive horned head to greet his unexpected intruder, a question in very large, very red eyes.
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Postby Kyrit » 05/06/2013 5:10 PM

Though not the most social when she wasn't working, Elie wasn't dumb. She'd never gone to school a day in her life - being a Lucain when the holidays weren't around kinda kept her from getting accepted anywhere - but she had the common sense that when the ground below you started shaking, something was wrong. Her body swayed a bit as she tried to keep her footing without stumbling. The first thought was that she'd picked a bad time to come to Nori and that a volcano was about to erupt. At least if it were so, she hadn't made it far from the portal thus far and could probably get there before any lava got to her. She didn't seem too close to any actual volcano after all.

Her theory was, most likely, crashed when she found herself face to... giant face with some black creature. The Seasonal Specialties store was visited by all sorts of creatures from around Evelon, and many often wore scary costumes for the Halloween event, but she'd never been confronted with something as absolutely terrifying as a giant black head covered in scales and horns, with bright red eyes staring down upon her. Elie tried to take a step back, only to find that her legs would do little more than start to shake.
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Re: Slot 1: Kyrit, Ander, and maybe others

Postby Ander » 05/06/2013 6:05 PM

Such a small beast! Very pretty, with its ribbons and unusual topper - that was a good word for it, actually: unusual. It had been a long time since the paragon had seen colors as vibrant as its. Such things, too, were rare near the volcano.

Uruloke leaned forward, focusing on the shivering creature. More shaking as his tail appeared out of more ash, curling around his flanks and the clearly frightened newcomer atop them. "Who are you?" he asked, warm air rushing around the whispered words. He didn't want to overwhelm it, not with his booming, low tone nor with the scalding air that was his breath. And of course, he had other questions - such as the shining image behind it, where it had come from, how it was here - but those would come after this most important beginning. "You stand upon Uruloke, Primal of Nori."
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Postby Kyrit » 05/06/2013 7:33 PM

No matter how hard she tried, her legs refused. The portal was easily within sight, though behind her, yet she couldn't even move. Would she have been able to run if it had been a volcano rather than a beast with a skull larger than her entire body? Better yet, could she even make it to the portal if she did try to run from something alive? Sure it was large, but she doubted it was so slow that it couldn't snatch her in its jaws within a heartbeat. Elie also wasn't as quick on two legs as when she had four, so she seriously doubted her ability to make a run for it, which made her legs start to shake even more.

The sound of words, specifically ones she could understand even, seemed to jar her out of her state of terror enough that her legs stopped wobbling. Wide violet eyes looked up at the dragon, dainty hands grasping at the edge of her skirt tight enough that her knuckles were turning white as could be. It took a few seconds, but she was eventually able to piece together an answer for him, though her words were very soft.

"E-Elie. Just.... Elie I suppose."
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Re: Slot 1: Kyrit, Ander, and maybe others

Postby Ander » 05/06/2013 7:56 PM

"Elie." 'Loke's eyes closed, turning her name over in his jaws. When they opened again, they were a great deal gentler. He considered himself a fairly good judge of character, all things considered - and this one did not seem like the type of beast who needed to be intimidated or watched out for. She seemed of sound mind and stout sentience, well able to judge his size and ferocity. What need had he, then, to remind her?

Besides, Uruloke was ever a traditional paragon, and as such had a soft spot for females.

His eyes opened, attempting to look a great deal more welcoming than they had before. The head lowered a touch, so as not to loom over his guest. "Just...Elie? Surely you came from a place?" His voice, while slow, ponderous, had yet to rise above a whisper. Surely you have some...designation, some 'home'?" His wide nose sniffed past her - as politely as possible - raising a warm intake of wind. The shining image over her shoulder betrayed the presence of another place, perhaps another world. A tent, was that? And air far cooler than any that had ever blown over these ashes?
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Postby Kyrit » 05/09/2013 12:25 PM

(M'kay. Finals are over now, so now I can post like crazy. XD Sorry for the delay. >3<)

Despite 'Loke's attempts to appear more welcoming, Elie was still a bit shaking for a while, though she had been slowly starting to pull herself together. It was a bit overwhelming to suddenly be face to face with a creature so large as a grown, male Primal Paragon, but already she'd at least realized that he didn't plan on making her a meal at the time being. If he had wished for that.. well, needless to say she'd been as bad as a sitting duck and he'd had plenty of time to just take her in one gulp.

Her fingers fumbled with the fabric she'd be clutching at, mulling over his question. It was a bit hard to... mention where 'home' was, when she didn't really have a true home. Within recent years she'd spent a good deal of her time at the Seasonal Specialties shop, but that wasn't a home exactly. It probably was the closest she had to one though, since before opening it she'd never had anything such as a permanent dwelling.

Finally, she gave a small shake of her head. "I guess... I could be considered nomadic? Or well, mostly nomadic. I do stay in Aldrect during the holidays, but I don't really have a.... home."
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Re: Slot 1: Kyrit, Ander, and maybe others

Postby Ander » 05/11/2013 12:44 AM

( You're fine! x3 )

Elie's admission earned her a long, slow blink. Uruloke was rather impressed with her: it had been some time since he'd had this long of a conversation with anyone without them fleeing from him in terror. While she had looked like she was going to for a moment, she had since recovered nicely. "Well met, Elie the Nomad," the paragon rumbled, wishing he understood more than half of what she'd said. Seasonal Specialties? All-drekt? Were these also parts of her unusual world?

"What magic brings you to my Ashlands?" Patient as the Primal was, this pose was growing a little strained - and he didn't want to move, lest he send Elie toppling - or shivering all over again. He was curious about the...whatever that little circle of light was behind her, that window to someplace else. And if he was willing to offer his haunch as a platform, it was only fair that she vouchsafe her secret, wasn't it?
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Postby Kyrit » 05/11/2013 12:57 AM

Had he asked about the two places she previously mentioned, Elie probably wouldn't have found it odd for him to not know about her shop. While it was popular, she didn't expect all of the inhabitants of both of Evelon's known continents to know about it, let alone someone that lived in such a remote place as Nori. Word probably didn't move around such a place very fast, and even if it did they perhaps might not celebrate holidays. Not knowing where Aldrect was might have sounded a bit odd though, since it was one of the few large cities of Lambastia, but she probably could've understood him not knowing much about areas that weren't near by.

His question brought a smile to her face though, as it meant that it was highly unlikely that other people had come through the area looking for eggs as well. If they had, they probably would've made the exact same mistake as she did. "Well, I came here to celebrate Easter! Or... well, kinda. It's a bit late for Easter, but I was busy running my store. I finally got the time to come out and look for Easter eggs though!"
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Re: Slot 1: Kyrit, Ander, and maybe others

Postby Ander » 05/11/2013 1:29 AM

The Primal tilted his head, amused at her response. "Eggs?" His tone was surprised. Granted, a great deal might have changed while he lay lax under the ash, but... "Here in Nori? Do you really think there are any to be found?" He had seen eggs, once or twice...but those were large, too large for one her size to carry. And even if she could, Elie didn't quite seem the type to steal the young of others.

"Why does Easter need eggs?" There was a chuckle under the question. Such strange new things he was learning from Elie the pretty, brilliantly-hued nomad! She would find a large black claw offered to her, palm up - should she step onto it, 'Loke would lower her to the ground without hesitation. Whatever she needed these eggs for, he hardly thought she'd spot anything astride his back.
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Postby Kyrit » 05/11/2013 10:16 PM

Her eyelids slowly closed over violet eyes a few times, a typical expression of a confused woman it seemed. Again, she did understand that he probably didn't get around much, but it was hard to believe that he didn't at least know about Easter and the peculiar ways in which it was often celebrated, despite its roots.

"Well, I guess Nori is sort of an odd choice, yeah," she started out, letting out a small chuckle herself. "Supposedly though, there were eggs hidden all across both continents with," she paused for a moment to turn slightly and point back at the portal she had come through, "portals that allowed a Cuniflare to get around easily. Easter tradition has been centered around the hiding of Easter eggs to be found, typically by young children, for some time now. I came here thinking that since there was a portal there had to have been eggs hidden here and that few people probably came through this particular one already."

Elie turned back to him after giving her explanation, a bright smile on her face. While it might have been odd to hear that he didn't understand what she was doing, she was always happy to spread the information about the various holidays, as she loved celebrating them all and wanted others to be able to enjoy them as well.
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