Possibly the rainiest place on Evelon, Baian stretches for miles along the southern coasts. Thanks to the moist soil rich in minerals, wildlife here have developed unique adaptations. To travel through this thick, muddy area, most either take specially designed boats. (+2 Offense)

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-: Cold And Wet :- (Self ; L ; Done)

Postby Sarah » 05/15/2013 7:38 PM


An angry black sky hung low, while large drops of rain harassed the already soaked earth below. Most of the swamp was water; however there were places where the trees grew so thickly together they were only damp. The roaring of the ocean was far behind, and couldn’t be heard over the rain anyways. The smell of salt was still strong. Rivers wound there was through the swamp. Though one wouldn’t notice it considering the whole swamp just looked like one big lake.

Unfortunately for Kahlee, these spots were few and far between. Her legs where sunk into mud, and her fur was matted and itchy. She hadn’t been in the stupid swamp for more than a few hours, and the sound of the ocean was still humming from when she had a ride through Barakka. That was all gone now and she was left alone. Normally this would suit her just fine, but with the rain and the threat of lightning she was really wishing for some warmth and shelter. Nowadays cold had almost no effect on her, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t freeze. It felt like the cold had torn its way through her skin and would now be sitting permanently under her flesh. She wouldn’t turn back now; Kahlee was way too stubborn for that.  Instead she would march on and eventually she would make it out of the swamp and onto warmer easier travel.

The rain wasn’t helping her at all, now only was she in fear of being turned around, but she knew that there was an herb somewhere around that could help her later on. Not that she should even be looking for herbs, Kahlee hated that her first instinct after self-preservation was to find plants. It annoyed her to no end that her thoughts stuck mostly to killing those that weren’t human and finding or mixing plants. She wasn’t opposed to killing, especially not the ugly faces of those immortals that walked the earth unnoticed. Faces she could actually see. Whether it be ghouls or gods it didn’t matter, if it was immortal she could see its true face. And most times if it wasn’t natural she could sense it. Most annoyingly of all; without having ever heard of the creatures she knew how to kill it, like it was some sort of instinctual thing. Or maybe something that was etched into her bones.
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Re: .: Cold And Wet :. (Self ; L)

Postby Sarah » 05/24/2013 11:55 PM

She didn’t even try to shake out her fur, knowing it wouldn’t help her at all. What she needed was a tent or an abandoned house. Of course she had come unprepared. Kahlee had no one to blame but herself, having planned this trip for months she had been told time and time again to at least take a backpack. The only reason she had refused was because she thought it would slow her down.

For only a heartbeat she contemplated shifting into her human form, but quickly abolished the thought. Kehlee felt too exposed as a human her kingdoms had never allowed humans to roam around their cities, and if a human was ever found trespassing they would be killed. It felt disrespectful and impure to kahlee when she took that form. The two times she had where out of necessity. Besides, what good would her human form have for her, it would be soaking wet in no time just as her natural form was.
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Re: .: Cold And Wet :. (Self ; L)

Postby Sarah » 05/25/2013 1:07 AM

The swamp took an unsettling silence, and even through the storm Kahlee knew something was amiss. The forest seemed to stand still; the trees stopped swaying with the violent wind. Slowly taking in a breath Kehlee tasted the different scents that touched her tongue. Fish and mud where the most prominent tastes, but there was something underneath it was faint and if it had ben anyone else it would have gone unnoticed. It was a sweet taste one she hadn’t ever felt before.  It felt otherworldly and in Kahlee’s opinion anything that didn’t taste mortal was up for hunting. Regretting ever having come to the swamp she lowered her body into the muck, her earth colored pelt acting as a very effective camouflage.

Flinching against the cold water she snuck forward, her paws struggling to keep a grip on the mud below. It wasn’t an easy process but with the water making noise already her small slips didn’t sound out of the ordinary. Everything in the damned swamp was brown, so when a blue orb was floating just ahead kahlee couldn’t stop noticing it. A soft smirk appeared on her face. Her mind raced to figure out what this thing was, and how to kill the thing before it hurt anyone.
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Re: .: Cold And Wet :. (Self ; L)

Postby Sarah » 05/25/2013 1:19 AM


Andriel had her back turned towards the hunter, though she knew full well what was behind her. She really didn’t have time to deal with the ignorant hunter at the moment as she was trying to contact her master. Though being on another continent seemed to be getting in the way of their mental connection. Realizing however that by now her invisibility would have worn out and she was sticking out like a sore thumb Andriel quickly flitted up above the tree tops. No need to get stabbed in the back while she was trying to contact her master. She heard an annoyed huff below her and was happy to find that she had moved just in time for the hunter to miss her.

Andriel wished she had the time to stick her tongue out and mock the hunter, but she was a business woman and was representing someone very important. She must at least try to act the part. “hello.” She called down. Her small pixie form was not able to produce a yell loud enough to break through the storm however and she was forced to pick a shape much bigger. Taking the form of an albino celestial lucain. She hoped that the hunter would be a little friendlier if they took the same form.
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Re: .: Cold And Wet :. (Self ; L)

Postby Sarah » 06/02/2013 1:07 AM

Andriel had no such luck, and the hunter proceeded to shout obscenities at the poor pixie. “I was sent here to ask a favor.” Andriel called down, trying once again to get the hunter’s focus off of killing her. A flicker of curiosity in the hunter’s eyes told Andriel that she had definitely caught the hunter’s attention. “We’ll see about that.” The hunter said, “I don’t owe many people favors.” She added. The pixie couldn’t imagine that the huntress would be the one owing favors either. “Do you remember an angel by the name of Neitcha?” Andriel had barely gotten the name out before she heard a groan from the hunter. Andriel felt a little insulted by the way the hunter had reacted. “He’s not so bad.” She mumbled. When Andriel looked down the hunter had a smirk on her face. “So what does he want?” the hunter asked tilting her head a little as one of her ears flicked back. The hunter was still keeping an ear out for any sounds that would imply another immortal was near.

He wants to teleport you to the Fe'gan Mountains, he thinks you’re taking too long to find your soul pet and believes that it will be in the mountains.” The pixie reported quickly, hoping the hunter wouldn’t get agitated that the angel thought her performance wasn’t up to par. “What does he know about dragons then? Is he sure she will be there?” the hunter was surprisingly calm and the pixie narrowed her eyes at her last question. “She?” Andriel asked raising an eyebrow, but soon dropped it when she saw the look on the hunter’s face. “Right, well he knows that true full blood dragons are rarely seen just walking around town. They have clans in secluded areas. He thinks yours might be in the mountains.” The pixie finished, and was relieved to see that the hunter wasn’t angry with her. “Well, shouldn’t I feel her pull or something?” the hunter asked after a few moments of silence. “He says that you aren’t close enough to ‘her’ to wake ‘her’ up.” The pixie said putting emphasis on the gender of the soul pet. “It’s just a feeling I have.” The hunter growled a hint of embarrassment showing through her tone.
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Re: .: Cold And Wet :. (Self ; L)

Postby Sarah » 06/02/2013 1:23 AM

The pixie was at her side in just a blink of an eye. “Goodness, could you not do that.” The hunter growled stepping away from the pixie. “Sorry, well, I’m going to touch your forehead and we’ll be off.” The pixie said reaching towards Kahlee. “Whoa there,” The hunter said jumping backwards. “Somehow I get the feeling that teleporting will not be fantastic.” The hunter said, eyeing the pixie carefully ready to react if the thing started moving. The pixie laughed a little before becoming serious again. “It’ll only tingle, I promise.” Kahlee felt like the pixie was to quick on making promises. “Come on, you don’t really want to walk through miles of rain?” the pixie was trying to reason with the hunter. On any other day the hunter would have kept her stubbornness, but Kahlee really hated rain. “Alright, but if you’re lying I’ll cut you.” The hunter warned, stepping towards the pixie her eyes closed as she braced herself from some terrible pain. Shockingly the pixie hadn’t been lying and after a few heartbeats of tingling Kahlee opened her eyes to find herself in a sort of wooden cabin.
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