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Return to Wilt'no Desert

Postby Kyrit » 12/12/2013 10:56 PM

Having a journal again was a pretty nice feeling. Granted, Tamoriel had been used to not taking too detailed of notes when he was out in the field. At most he'd jot down a few lines to help him remember everything, but most of his writing was done after returning to the Vaults. He'd wait until he had the time to sit down and write for hours on end so he could go in to as much detail as possible. Granted, now he never returned to the Vaults and thus had no such pleasure. He also didn't have a home in which to keep journals, so the fallen had sort of let the habit of note taking die off as well.

"Thank you," he started out as he pulled a pen out from his bag. "Combat ones would be particularly useful, but I understand not knowing many of those since those of us serving Yepha aren't typically thrust out in to battle. Can't say I've had to use combat sigils all that much myself until most recently..." Knowing them had proved useful though, as they'd helped take down such a large Chaos in very little time. He'd even learned to synergize one of his sigils with Cuss's powers pretty well.

"Though actually," there was a moment of pause as he glanced at the journal given to Cuss to copy from. "Considering my... situation, it would be nice to look over some of the Chaos sigils as well. I'm sure there will be plenty of time to look through all of them, but Ansina has already.... taught me a few things. Not sigils, but knowing knowing some would definitely prove useful. I might also want to know some on the off chance that... well."

He frowned now, thinking back upon what happened in Medicai. "There might be some situations where if I keep using the ones I know, I might be found out to be a seraph by someone that need not know about it."
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Re: Old Meets New (or Chaos Always Follows)[P]

Postby Moofius » 12/12/2013 11:08 PM

Safi smiled and though it looked like her more usual, serene, smile there was a hint of a sly mind beneath it.
"The truly talented can take even the most harmless spell and turn it into a weapon, you just need to know how, or just think fast in the heat of the moment. I was never great at it but..." Safi shrugged, "I did what I could with what I had..."

Safi lowered her eyes thoughtfully and nodded to Cuss, "Well he'll be taking down a few of interest, and if there's time I would encourage you to do the same... And share, of course. I share with you, and you should all share among yourselves." Safi looked hard at Tamoriel a moment then sighed, "Well I suppose your bonded, Ansina, can hear what you hear so there's no hiding this but... Do not trust her. Bonded Chaos are fickle things and though many chaos have good hearts and intentions their namesake follows them. Trapping a chaos within your own body..." Safi shivered and shook her head, "It's easy to say that I would sooner die when I am safe here at home, but that is how I feel. You are very brave to do this, and to try and collect data still... As I said, you make a better seraphim under Yepha than me..."
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Postby Kyrit » 12/15/2013 1:14 AM


Most would not mess with the Hierarchy. Those that did either had a very large army, were fools, or some combination of the two. Perhaps their group was made of fools, or perhaps they only had incredibly bad luck. Either way, they had an ex-Hierarchy general in their group, had asked for the aid of a STILL Hierarchy general (after killing one of his men even), and now.... they had gone so far as to kill one of Lord Baal's children. Not even one of the kids that were rebelling against him! They'd killed one of Einsor's precious toys, which while being a toy implied not much parental care... they'd at the very least angered Einsor, which in turn would anger Lord Baal. And to think all of this started with running in to those damned fish Chaos.

Speaking of fish Chaos, one of them had brought them this whole trouble of having to kill one of the offspring of LB. Ciku his name was? He was traveling with another Chaos, which Tim felt was a bit... fishy for lack of better words, considering they typically ate other Chaos. Either way, the Hierarchy group hadn't gone after just Ciku and John. Two of them tried to take their group in for questioning, so in the end they'd ended up helping them.

He looked over at Safi with his typical frown as she walked back in to the room. "I'm sorry that you two were dragged in to this mess. You were kind enough to take us in, heal Ardis, and give us a lot of information. Yet all we've brought you is trouble. The bodies have been disposed of though, so... hopefully that was taken care of before any information can get back to the Hierarchy."
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Re: Old Meets New (or Chaos Always Follows)[P]

Postby Moofius » 12/15/2013 1:33 AM


Safi was dressed in a fresh dress of vibrant blues, her hair hung down her back and around her face in energetic curls that were drying fast even as the sun worked on disappearing into the dunes.

The seraphim who still served Yepha looked put together, even a smile on her face, before she kicked at one of the chairs not occupied by anyone, her chair. The dusty seat cushion and the worn wood clattering to the floor.
"I'm not bad at you," She clarified as she put her hands on her head, fingers grabbing her hair as she stormed around.
"I'm mad at me! ARGH! We were fine, left alone! Faen we were LEFT ALONE!" She stomped around angrily, wings beating uselessly at the air.

Cuss didn't mind too much, it was like a cooling breeze.
"Hey look they probably don't even know you did anything." He said carefully, "I mean you're a pacifist, right? So even if they know we fucked 'em up I doubt they know you had anything to do with it."
Safi scrubbed her hands over her face and whined, "This is the Hierarchy. They know, they well know and even if they do not I will not be so foolish to assume they do not."
She looked to Faen, "We'll have to leave. Years of research..." Safi looked ready to cry, then she kicked the chair again anger twisting her face like a wet towel as the tears came, "Why did Yepha, in all her infinite knowledge of the past, present, and FUTURE, not warn me?!"

Her tea cups! She'd have to leave her damn tea cups! Cafes never have tea cups!

Safi stormed off down the hall, a door slammed. A moment of silence and then a scream, muffled into a pillow as the seraphim kicked her feet weakly against the outer wall.

"..." Cuss looked around the room tight lipped, "... Well I'd say she's taking this relatively well."
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Postby Kyrit » 12/15/2013 1:42 AM

At the first mention of her name, Faen leaned in through the broken window and gave a small wave of a clawed hand. She'd spent most of her time that Safi was in the shower burying the poor child that had been shot during all the commotion. At least it wasn't her gun that had shot the kid. If it had been she would've actually felt bad, but hey! She didn't do it. At least she'd given him a proper burial, and if someone did manage to find the body... well, it'd probably be bones before anyone found it and they'd be out of town for quite a long while.

"It'll be alright, Safi!" she tried to call after the seraph while she stormed away. As the door slammed she gave a small frown and made her way through the front door to look over at the group. "Sorry. She has.... trust issues after our last adventure. What with kinda thinking Yepha sent her on the quest only for it to not be Yepha... yeaaaah. So, I guess maybe Yepha thinks that if she tells Safi, Safi won't believe her anyways? Either way, yeah. I'm not sure if she would've listened to Yepha anyways if she had tried to tell us."

She headed down the hallway and gave a knock on the door that had been slammed shut. "Safiiii. We could use this as a chance! If Racket is the one that sent them here after all... maybe... maybe we can go find him! Then I can find out... why he left me. And if that doesn't work out we can try to find Haru! I'm sure he's still out there. He's got to be finding trouble somewhere, right?"
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Re: Old Meets New (or Chaos Always Follows)[P]

Postby Moofius » 12/15/2013 1:54 AM

"Wow, ha, usually seraphim are all like, 'oh we're so much better than you'. Guess everything isn't so great in paradiso, huh?" He chuckled though he did feel a... bit responsible. He probably hadn't helped the situation much with the Einsor death-threat and all... Also totally killing Merge (with Tim). Self defense, man!

Safi was in her room, crying and cursing (it was muffled but... she was definitely using swear words) everything under the sun. Well, damning it. Mostly herself.
"Why did I have to protect them? I'm not suppose to protect Chaos, I'm going to be kicked out. I'm probably already kicked out of the Vaults!" Safi wailed through the door, "That's Hierarchy AND the Gods now! I just wanted to serve, I just wanted to be good and do what I was suppose to do and now I'm broken and I can't fix it!"

Her head was still a mess, she didn't sleep but when she would rest, or let her mind wander it was always back to the Red World and it was awful and horrible and she hated it so much. She didn't trust, she didn't listen, she didn't follow the rules.
Safi opened the door and hugged Faen, or clung to her, it was hard to tell the difference at this point. She was the only one who even remotely understood.
"We're going to have to run, I don't even know how long... I'm going to end up... end up broken and unable to fulfill my duty to Yepha, to the mortals. I'm a broken seraphim and she only keeps me because..." 'I'm the Seer'.
Still a secret, still not something the group needed to know. She bowed her head, pressed it against Faen's chest.
"I just wanted a bit of peace... I just wanted to make the world better and I just make it worse, Faen..." Safi laughed, "And I'm pretty sure Haru hates me... Which is almost mutual..."

Cuss heard them talking but... well it seemed personal.
"Er so.... This is kinda'... awkward uh..." Cuss frowned, "I guess we can't stay here, they'll prolly just send more guys... So... Maybe we should, I dunno, work on where we might go?"
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Postby Kyrit » 12/15/2013 2:06 AM

"No, no, no! You're not being kicked out, Safi. It's all my fault, really. I told the guy he couldn't have our guests and went to shoot him!" She blurted out in a hurry, returning Safi's hug as gently as she could. She was always afraid of things like hugs now, always worried she might hurt someone if she wasn't careful. "And two of our guests are seraphs! Well, I guess one's kinda fallen. Kinda. But the other surely isn't fallen if she didn't even know she was a seraph, right? So maybe Yepha would be happy with you for letting her know she wasn't actually a Chaos! You said she should be serving under Zu'hai, right? So she's not completely one of your kin, but Yepha would totes be happy about her."

Her hand moved upward to gently hold the back of Safi's head, claws pressing down as lightly as possible. "You don't make the world worse, Safi. Perhaps Yepha even didn't tell you for fear that you might run from the responsibility of helping them. I mean, if Yepha does see everything and wanted to prevent you from helping Chaos, she could. But... she's apparently a lot more lenient about Chaos? Or so I've heard. So maybe she was totally cool with you protecting these guys. They don't like the Hierarchy, and I'm sure since it's one of the largest factions the Vaults are happy to help those going against them, even if a bit reluctant to do so."

Her other hand moved away from Safi's back and she slipped it between the two of them, moving to try to gently tilt Safi's head to look up at her. "And I'm sure Haru doesn't hate you. We all did things that annoyed one another, but I doubt he hates you for them."

Tim sighed and gave a small nod to Cuss. He also looked over at their new members. Would they be joining them? The Hierarchy was after them as well. "Yeah... I really would have liked to sit down and write a lot more... we also could've gotten quite a bit of nice rest for once. We'd probably be best staying away from any town we've already visited..."
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Re: Old Meets New (or Chaos Always Follows)[P]

Postby Redd » 12/15/2013 7:53 AM

(Ohman I'm so sorry I haven't RPed in forever)

One sat off in the corner, one hand supporting his head, the other with fingers wrapped tightly around a bottle of rum. Today... well today had been something. He had survived, so that was nice, but if he had known this whole ordeal was going to happen, well he never would have docked at Jawan in the first place. And it was his first day. The very first day on the job and he almost got himself killed. As a man who despised and feared the idea of death, this fact shook him. Was he an idiot, unlucky, or was this gig doomed from the start.

Jorrmundde glanced over at his companion, the one known as Ciku, though he didn't actually know the Fish Chaos's full name. Ciku seemed to be doing fine, in fact he seemed to always be fine. Jorr shook his head, placed the flask down. Odd kid. Still, for a watchdog, the Fish Chaos seemed awfully friendly and helpful, even enough to try and do his best to mentally describe everyone in the group because he was still too groggy (and slightly drunk) to work it out himself.

The Chaos pulled himself to his feet and fetched his overcoat, which he had taken off to assess himself for further injuries. He teetered a bit unsteadily before placing a hand on the wall for support and tried to assess the situation. The one who had done the most damage on all the Chaos today was having a breakdown - A Seraph, Ciku had mentally noted - and the other one - Ciku wasn't sure on this one, but She had warned about golden scales - seemed to be trying to comfort her, ineffectively from what he could assume. The others were sort of a weird group and he was struggling to place names to faces. He remembered the Chaos who had corroded Merge's face, and he remembered the strange blood wielding one - Seraph, Ciku had also pointed out. There was also one who had properly healed up the gash in his mouth, but the rest he couldn't quite get right now.
There were too many damned Seraph in this group though, that was for sure.

All the stories
And the loopholes
Guess you found my heart wasn't enough?
Throw another of your right hooks
Never thought you'd leave me in the dust
Now you're hungry for the control
Take the last of what I've got

Guess my heart wasn't enough

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Re: Old Meets New (or Chaos Always Follows)[P]

Postby Moofius » 12/15/2013 7:41 PM

It surprised Safi when she laughed at that, "I almost feel bad for the Hierarchy. I doubt many invite those b-buggers," She'd almost sworn there, close one, "into their homes."

Another laugh, this one mean, "He's actually carrying a Chaos and he's a better servant than me. Ugh... When did I get like this?" Of course they both knew when, or had a very good idea. There was no exact moment when Safi had broken, it had been gradual but that snap had come when she'd learned it had never been Yepha speaking to her. Someone, something, else had gotten into her head.

The need to be gentle with Faen was not the same as Faen's need to be gentle with Safi. She held tight to her friend, this was her anchor. Didn't seem very safe for an anchor. Both of them had broken during their last adventure, it just seemed that Faen had gone through it a little more dramatically. Being under Yepha she remembered very well the day Faen had come to her door. Lost, upset, alone. Safi had offered her a safe place to find herself because Safi was meant to be the steadfast one. She'd lead their group into the maw of the beast and some how come out the otherside. She was the strong one, mentally.

She'd healed herself, put the past to rest, and then Faen had come to her door. Broken and needing help and suddenly all the patched over and ignored wounds in her mind had come back in bits and pieces. Safi had never really fixed herself, only bandaged what was too big to ignore and the rest, well.

"My faith is meant to be unshakeable. I know Yepha is real I have seen her and the others with my own eyes, serve them with all that I am and yet..." Her faith was not shaken, it was non-existent. She did not believe in the Gods. She believed them real but they did not act. They watched. They spoke high and did nothing and it burned Safi as they all struggled to keep this world in the light and here...
"I feel abandoned when of all the creatures on this plane of existence I should not only feel but know I am not alone. I should know that Yepha guides me and Zu'hai protects and Xai're progresses us towards all ends and beginnings and yet..." Safi spoke softly now against Faen's chest, "yet here I am without help or protection, lost not sure where to go..."

Safi laughed again and wiped at her eyes.
"Well I suppose he doesn't. Nnn, but maybe if or when we find him you would be better off in his company... I doubt there's much more I can do for you and with the role I played in dispatching Merge..." Einsor and Lord Baal might have more of a hit on Safi than on Faen, but less than Cuss and Tamoriel.

Cuss yawned and got up, raiding the cupboards in the kitchen for biscuits. Oh, chocolate ones! He took them to the table and started eating. What? Safi and Faen were about to be on the run, he wasn't going to let cookies go to waste.
"Yeah I think we need to lay low, real freakin' low... Hey!" He looked at the stumbling drunk one and laughed, "Dude you're on the run from the Hierarchy now, you might want a clear head. Also, hey, I want to tell you a story, none of that friend of a friend of mine shit." Cuss waved his hand, "This really happened to us and since you vaguely mentioned a treasure or some-shit, I feel I should warn you that that," He pointed at Ciku, baring his teeth as he did, "Is trying to get you killed."
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Postby Kyrit » 12/15/2013 7:59 PM

Faen's face actually made an expression of... perhaps anger when Safi said she was there without help or protection. Granted, Faen knew where she was coming from. She was talking about the fact Yepha never communicated with her, which she assumed probably would leave a seraph feeling a bit lonesome if they never heard a word from the one they were working for. She pushed Safi back away from her a bit, this time actually possibly a bit more roughly than she'd meant to.

"Nu-uh. Don't go there. Even if we find Haru, I'm not going to ditch you." Her golden eyes, which still barely hinted at their old colored, narrowed as she looked down at Safi. "The gods left me here instead of dispatching of me when they could have for... what I've become. That obviously means that they left me here for a reason. And I have decided that reason... Well, I'm pretty sure it's because they don't want you to be alone! Not because they want someone watching you to make sure they don't need to dispose of you, but because you do need help and protection. It wasn't ever my job, but hey! I've become pretty sharp with a gun!" She was grinning now, the look in her eyes growing a bit softer. "If the Hierarchy decides to come after you for getting wrapped up in this, I've got another bullet with Seibel's name on it specifically. You took me in despite everything I've done, and I'm not about to turn my back on someone that was that loyal."

Tim didn't seem thrilled to see Cuss simply go through Safi's cabinets without asking, but the two women seemed rather busy. It really was a wonder that the Vaults kept around someone with such fried nerves... but she did seem pretty good at what she did, and she seemed to be able to defend herself if things did take a wrong turn during her pursuit of knowledge. Suddenly his attention was brought to Ciku though at the mention of treasure and death. He frowned and gave a small glare at the fish Chaos.

"Yes... If he's the one that told about about this whole treasure thing, you might want to think about turning around and going back to wherever you came from. He may seem friendly right now, but unless you've given him some exceptionally good reason not to try to eat you... Yeah. Don't go off in to the desert with him. Once he's not alone you'll be fish food." Granted, Tim did feel as though Ciku wasn't bringing John around just for a meal. Of course, the fish Chaos wouldn't want him being taken by the Hierarchy if they wanted some limb of his, but still he'd gone through an awful lot of trouble to run all the way back to the house and get them all just to save John when they all clearly knew about the fish Chaos tribe as it was.
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Re: Old Meets New (or Chaos Always Follows)[P]

Postby Redd » 12/15/2013 8:55 PM

(Hawwo says Hi to Faen and Safi :'D)

Jorr briefly glanced up at the sound of his name and locked eyes with the Chaos. "It's okay matey." He grunted, blinking a few times. "I can hold my grog just fine."
Still, he stowed the drink away, albeit with some hesitation. He glanced between the pair, almost certain he had found his group and almost certain he was right in trying to make Ciku hide what he was. Of course, you can't make a leopard change their spots, or so they say. Still, their apprehension for the fish Chaos was all the confirmation he needed.
"And for Ciku, the kid saved my life. Twice. And we've traveled here from Jawan together." He remarked with a passive shrug. "Still, I can understand if you want to keep your distance from him. Of course, I'd be willing to share my story, if it interests you any. Yours for mine, that sort of thing."

He paused, and pulled out his flask of rum, offering it to Tim and Cuss. "I'd be obliged if you did bring me up to speed too though. Seems I wandered into some sort of shit storm here."
He blinked a few times, before plopping back down on a chair. His legs still weren't really cut out for supporting his weight due to large amount of lost blood in the fight. If it wasn't for that idiot driving a knife up the inside of his maw, he otherwise would have been fine. Now he just had yet another scar for his collection.
"So this story of yours, lad?"

All the stories
And the loopholes
Guess you found my heart wasn't enough?
Throw another of your right hooks
Never thought you'd leave me in the dust
Now you're hungry for the control
Take the last of what I've got

Guess my heart wasn't enough

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Re: Old Meets New (or Chaos Always Follows)[P]

Postby Moofius » 12/15/2013 9:40 PM

Safi saw the flash of anger and felt like an idiot as she tried to back track.
"Not you! You're here I know you... that's not what I meant. I am so grateful for you..."

She was still pushed away, and it was rough but Safi was in a self deprecating mood. She deserved so much worse than this from Faen. She was suppose to help Faen, not the other way around... But then that's what friends did; they helped each other. They didn't see race or the duties there of. Safi's duty as a seraphim was to protect humans at the cost of her own life and to learn as much as she could for Yepha. As Faen's friend her duties were much more different, and the expectations of Faen were not the same as every other human; and not because Faen was not entirely human herself.

Safi rubbed at her own eyes again and laughed, "You really have, not many humans can claim as much Hierarchy blood as yourself. Certainly not..." and then Faen was speaking of the one member of the Hierarchy they'd met and Safi laughed nervously and put a finger to Faen's lips even as she grinned, "We really should stop bragging about that! They let us go for that, and Seibel has not sought our company since. I'd rather not tempt him. You may have shot him, but you also ran and those who could not run as fast were caught." But she was smiling and not crying so much and she reached out to grip Faen's arms.
"We have to pack. I've wasted enough time breaking down. We pack, we..." She bit her lip, "Leave this ridiculous group with a way of contacting us, or me, same difference... Then we go. I... I want to help somebody do something." She said this tentatively before the seraphim frowned, "Even if it is getting themselves killed..." Safi pursed her lips, "... Preferably not that but if that's there idea of a good time I've a fantastic list of people they can bother who would be more than happy to do it."

Cuss grinned, laughed, "from the way you're walking I'm not about to bet on you in a drinking competition." There was no malice in his laugh, he had no ill wishes for the guy even if he seemed rough around the edges. Just meant the little bastard was tough. Cuss liked tough, tough was good.

"Can't say how often Skitch pitched in or not," Cuss commented as he leaned back in his chair, "I joined this little group just before we got to the treasure bit. He seemed pretty helpful overall. More helpful to Sobis, whom he'd told the way to a treasure. It was suppose to be quite a lot of money, make us rich as kings you know how the story goes..." Cuss waved his hand dismissively, "A temple in the Tengel. Deep in, dangerous, but we thought we'd make the attempt considering we've got nothing but the skin on our backs to lose."

"The directions, after a point, were utter shit." Cuss leaned forward, grabbed a cookie, and leaned back again; far enough that the wood creaked under his dense weight, "But we still managed to find the damn place. Nothing on the ground floor of the temple really, it was all underground." He convenient left out the fact that he'd... accidentally knocked the above-ground part of the ruin down.

"Tim here goes with Skitch into the underground and then they don't come back." Cuss taps at John's brain space, a bit of telepathy as he adds, 'couldn't even get either of them like this'.
"So I go down with our healer hoping they're alright cause, well, we've already been attacked at the edge of a ravine we almost fell over because of an illusion spell. So we go. It's dark, hard to breathe... We follow the rope they were tied to and... it's cut. Holy shit!" Cuss gets up and gestures, "We go back since, again, no telepathy, get the rest of the group. It's dumb luck we find a section of wall where Tim is. It doesn't make sense, he's behind a wall in a freakin' staircase that just goes down down down. There's no off shoots or doors. Nothing. Tim's behind a door... and he's alone."

Cuss laughs and offers John a cookie from the opened pack, "Tim asks us where Skitch is and we of course tell him, 'I thought he was with you'. Then Ishin is grabbed, fish chaos grabs him through the wall. Long story short I crawl into this opening, save Ishin, kill the chaos as we piece this stupid mystery together. What the hell happened to Skitch?" Cuss scowls, "We figure he's betrayed us to these weird underground freaks. I just miss out on a chance to catch and kill the bastard as he seals us into the temple. More sliding stone door tricks. We go deeper though since we want to get Skitch and also get the treasure."

It was a pretty long story as Cuss goes through the death traps they had to deal with, fish chaos setting off any they didn't.
"Until I go to sleep and Tim lets one get close, so damn close to me... And then at some point it's not looking all fishy, it's Skitch the twitchy little bastard. So not only was he working with these guys, but he was one of 'em. AND!" Cuss put a finger up, "He'd been traveling with Sobis and Ishin and Argeir way before Tim, Ardis, and myself joined. Getting us all killed and maimed, specifically maimed, was the plan all along. That was the goal, collect a group, get them stuck, murder time."
Cuss looked at Tim, "If he wasn't a seraphim I guess we'd all be dead about now. That's why they want to lick your boots and suck your cuss, right?" He looked at Tim, the question barely hiding the crude intent.
"We got out and I may or may not have made good on my promise to Skitch." Cuss shrugged. He'd promised to kill him and Cuss was a man of his word... when it suited him.

(( Safi: Hey Haru! We just killed some Hierarchy, and a Lord Baal spawn. Wanna' hang out and/or hide us? :'D? ))
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Postby Kyrit » 12/15/2013 11:34 PM

Faen smiled now that Safi seemed to be done putting herself down. Really though, she wasn't lying. She actually had a special bullet in her pocket that she'd sat down one day and etched Seibel's name on. Truthfully she probably wouldn't have the time to load it in the gun if he showed up, but it was just a silly idea that had crossed her mind one day that she'd gone through with. Granted... yeah, she'd be happy if they never ran in to that child of Lord Baal's again.

"I'll make sure to pack your favorite tea cup right along with my mug with the most of care. Can't run off without those! Hrmm... Better grab an extra lab coat or two... OH! Can't forget the duct tape!" By then she'd started rambling, listing off random objects that somehow she deemed necessary as she headed off to start her own packing.

Tim listened to the story as Cuss told it, making sure to add his own information where necessary. "I joined the group after my bond, Ansina, drew my attention to the fact they were going on a treasure hunt. She also mentioned that apparently no one made it out of there alive from what she'd heard them talking about, so.." His eyes glanced to Ardis for a moment, "It dawned on me that most Chaos caravans don't have healers along with them and I had already found it fishy that a Chaos was keeping a pet healer. So I asked if I could join and asked Ardis if she would like to come alone."

The subject of being left behind a rock by Skitch was a bit of a sore subject for him. He'd never stopped to suspect any of the members of the caravan, and looking back on everything it was rather stupid of him to not suspect anything of that twitchy little bastard. "As Cuss said, the reason we were able to get out of there was because, while I kept watch and let everyone else get some sleep - I don't sleep after all - I thought I would toy with the Chaos. On our trip out to the temple everyone had pretty much talked about how seraphs were monsters to be feared, so I figured maybe the fish Chaos were afraid of them too and let up my disguise."

As he said this, his own features began to change. His skin became more tanned, his sclera began to turn black, and black streaks began to spread through his strawberry blond hair. To top it all off was what he disliked most of all. His wings were still somewhat in tact, but most of the feathers were gone and replaced  by blood that seemed to hang from bone as if it were going to drip down, only to hang there and move back and forth. The long blood droplets essentially took on close to a feather shape, but they had no where near the intricate build of a feather and thus not the surface area needed for flight.

"I didn't trust being alone with them though, so I actually.. did wake one member of our group to sort of keep watch just in case. I told her to act like she was asleep though. Until now she's the only one of the group to see me like this, so... I suppose this catches everyone up on my hiding what I was. Yes, I'm a seraph. I'm not bound to serve any god now though, obviously. None of them would want such a monster in the Vaults."

(Faen: HAWWO. Let's have a party!)
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Re: Old Meets New (or Chaos Always Follows)[P]

Postby Moofius » 12/17/2013 5:47 PM

Safi danced in place uncomfortably and tried to be the voice of reason, "We should pack lightly. We don't need sentimental things like teacups and mugs..." But she wasn't about to stop Faen either.
"Don't forget necessary items. Towel, toothbrush, change of clothes..."

Safi went to her own room to pack, of course the first thing that went in the bag was her current journal, a fresh journal and a few pens. These it was sari's and scarves and towel and toothbrush. The usual minus a few things only humans really needed.

Cuss had never seen Tim look like a seraph. Even now his energy read Chaos. Then he turned into... something else and, huh, he still wasn't exactly pulling off seraphim. Cuss wrinkled his nose.
"Guess a seraph bonding with a chaos doesn't go over to well for the host." He commented, wondering if he still had an appetite. He chowed down on a few more cookies to test. Yeah he was fine.

"Maybe you're not bound, like a fallen or whatever, but you still want to." Cuss frowned, "Doesn't sit too well with me, you writing stuff down to report back..." But considering he'd only met three seraphim so far they didn't seem... so bad. Granted they were all a bit weird. One thought she was a chaos, one was bonded to a chaos and another studied chaos... and was all completely bonkers (also powerful so he probably wouldn't say that).

Safi rushed by with a bag slung over one shoulder. She went to the kitchen and, on tip toe, reached into a high cupboard to lift a dented green tin. She opened the lid, sniffed once, nodded and closed the thing up. It disappeared into her bag.
"I've got the tea, so I'm packed, Faen!" She called, ignoring the group for now as she rushed around.
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