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Re: Meeting In The Dark [P/Draiz, Azura, &I][Possibly M]

Postby Kylo » 06/24/2012 9:10 PM

Zexi nodded and stood up. He did not need to be told twice, especially with the tone Emanx had used. "Yes sir." He immeadiately opened a dark corridor and left quickly. He was not one to waste time, especially with his "target" on the move. " He stepped out of the corridor and shook himself, not quite enjoying the darkness after having died. He looked up at the Fe'gan mountians and summoned forth several Dusks. "Fan otu and search everywhere for the Thirteenth. Leave no stone unturned." He watched the Dusks fan out before starting to enter town himself. He looked carefully down the main street peering into the windows of each house and searching each alley.

Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
"Fighting Myself" by Linkin Park

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Postby Kyrit » 01/03/2013 2:48 PM

Seeing Emanx's lips pull back in a snarl momentarily, Myxed gave a sheepish grin, body lowing slightly closer to the ground with his tails tucked down. "Sorry, sir. I just... didn't think that forcing her to come in would have been very good. I'm not sure if she's forgotten her powers too, but if she hasn't she could have well.. she could do quite some damage that she might later regret."

It was quite true. Since Raksis did have the ability to use a keyblade she could easily dispatch of his nobodies and, with her strength, probably even kill him if she felt threatened enough. "I'll try to be more persistent if I see her again. For now I'll just... go send out the Dancers if that sounds good to you."
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Re: Meeting In The Dark [P/Draiz, Azura, &I][Possibly M]

Postby Azura Rayume » 01/03/2013 11:19 PM

Though the musician was looking for a sign of approval for something he had already been told to do, something he would have normally given a snappy retort for, Emanx simply gave a swift nod. The Nobody was already cowering enough; he knew from past experiences that, if pushed too much, Myxed would slink off to a corner and feel bad for himself. Whether the task was actually accomplished before the sulking began or not was a toss-up.

With Zexi having already left and Myxed finally going to do something useful for a change, the Superior had little other option but to settle in for his least favorite part of the game: waiting. In his opinion, he had done far too much waiting as things stood but had no real choice in the matter. He would have liked to go searching himself, knowing that normally he would have been able to bring her back by force, but he was likely too weakened at the moment for the risk Myxed had also been unwilling to take. He could assume the thirteenth knew nothing of her abilities, or really what to do with them, since he could find no gathering of hearts that she would have released, but he had no real way of confirming that she was simply not destroying heartless; events were out of his hands, and he didn't like it.

He had one other option in this case, however, though still one out of his direct control. That young assassin, Aksel, had had a strong connection to the Key Bearer. Since she had survived and was separated from that troublesome hero, there was a high possibility that boy had come back as well. If so, he would seek her out, try to win her over, and hopefully bring her back. Number eight might have been a traitor, but his actions might prove useful yet if he still carried that connection.

Frustrated by his inability, he turned from the main chamber and opened a corridor, intent on finding somewhere else to think and figure out what steps to take next.

[Draiz and I are going to go... collect Raksis. These guys can just continue doing what they're doing in the meantime.]

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Re: Meeting In The Dark [P/Draiz, Azura, &I][Possibly M]

Postby Kylo » 01/25/2013 11:34 AM

((I wasn't sure what to do so...Zexi is still searching. :| ))

Zexi sighed as he continued to search the streets for the lost Nobody. He would rather be back at the base or gathering intelligence, not risking his life chasing after a potentially dangerous girl with a keyblade. Then again the quicker they found her, the quicker they could get back to work and the closer they would get to being complete again. A part of him felt responsible for this whole mess, but he did not, could not, feel guilt over it.

Zexi opened his lexicon and used a spell to disguise himself as a normal person as the sun began to rise slowly over the horizon. He would have to be careful to remain hidden from the general populace lest he get into trouble and be forced to retreat.

After several hours he had finished checking all of the buildings in the small sleepy town and had received no word yet from his Dusks. Zexi grimaced slightly and began to head towards the mountains to search there himself. Hopefully he would turn up more information himself than his Dusks had.

Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
"Fighting Myself" by Linkin Park

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Re: Meeting In The Dark [P/Draiz, Azura, &I][Possibly M]

Postby Azura Rayume » 10/29/2013 10:01 PM

A silence fell over the nearly empty cathedral, punctuated by the wind and, on one occasion, a single long howl from some nearby canine creature. This, too, reflected their created world a bit; their own castle had been exceptionally quiet at times when most of the members were out on missions, especially after the happenings at Castle Oblivion cut their numbers in half.

Not long after the Superior's exit, however, muffled voices approached the front entrance, the words of their conversation muffled and indistinct through the heavy wooden doors.

"Okay, I know they might be strange and maybe a little scary, but I promise they won't hurt you." Aksel hoped that this actually was the place they were meeting; it had the right feel to it, though he couldn't be quite sure since he didn't check ahead of time. He had gone rogue, after all, and didn't think sticking his head right into their temporary headquarters without a good reason would have been a great idea. "I'm not sure how many are here, if any at all, but you'll be safe. If any try to do anything, they'll have to deal with me, alright?"

Hoping that would be enough to reassure the girl, seeing as how she still didn't remember much and hadn't spent much time growing to trust him after their conversation in the mountains, he pushed his shoulder against one of the doors. With a creak of old hinges, it swung inward and open, revealing the mostly empty main hall. Only one figure, a mostly brown male with his back to the entrance, could be seen, and he did not sense anyone else hiding in the shadows.

"See?" he said softly with a smirk to Raksis. "Perfectly safe."

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Postby Kyrit » 11/02/2013 3:42 PM


Trusting someone she couldn't even remember was incredibly hard for Raksis. They'd talked for a good while, which almost dissolved in to a full on fight at one point, and she'd eventually agreed to at least go with him. Basically, it was either go with him and take her chances or stay out in the snow and continue to fight off those monsters while freezing. Admittedly, something about him did feel familiar and comfortable, but coming to this place with him felt anything but comfortable.

The visible form in the room seemed to be occupying himself by fiddling with some sort of instrument she didn't understand though, and she saw no monsters for the time being. An unsure gaze was given to Aksel before the female stepped further in to the room and began to give it a few more glances. It seemed safe enough... for the time being. She did find it a bit curious that the other figure - he actually looked kinda like some crazy guy she'd run in to not too long ago from behind - wasn't paying them any mind since they'd entered the room.

Myxed, completely oblivious to the fact that Aksel had brought Raksis with him, had only given a small ear twitch at the sound of the opening door. Something, probably his sulking, prevented him from connecting Aksel's voice with him being a traitor and at least slightly out of place coming to this place.
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Re: Meeting In The Dark [P/Draiz, Azura, &I][Possibly M]

Postby Azura Rayume » 12/07/2013 2:28 AM

Though she was still nervous, Aksel was sure Raksis would relax after a while. She might start remembering things, too, and that would make this all the better. He shot her another reassuring smile, figuring it was best to leave her to figuring out that there was nothing to worry about on her own, before concentrating his attention on Myxed.

If there was one thing he enjoyed almost as much as being around Raksis, it was messing with the musician. Even though the younger male should have been able to respond better to his taunts, namely the ones that ended up with the hems of his coat on fire, he usually just panicked. Since the Ninth usually spent his time escaping work, Aksel justified his actions by saying that the boy needed some sort of excitement in his life from time to time.

So, body held low to the ground at a comical angle, the black and red male crept toward the other male, a stupid grin on his face. He kept his footsteps light, though he trembled slightly with the effort. Once he was right behind Myxed, he stood up nearly straight, keeping his head just low enough to not throw a shadow over the Ninth's. With a quick inhale, he shouted, "Sup, Bubble Boy! It's been a while!"

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Postby Kyrit » 12/16/2013 3:01 AM

Her head tilted to the side as Raksis sat down, watching Aksel creep toward the other Lucain in the room. She didn't quite understand at first. Was he trying to hide since they weren't actually supposed to be there or something? She thought that they were supposedly still welcome there, considering he was set on her coming back with him. She decided to just sit and wait, continuing to stay close to the door in case she decided to run out of there.

Any noise that Aksel might have made on accident during his crawl went unnoticed, covered by the soft strumming of the sitar that Myxed was known to spend most of his time with rather than actually doing any work. The sudden shout didn't go unnoticed though, as there was a loud yelp and his body went flying upward. In the commotion one of his claws caught a string of his sitar, snapping it and causing the string to strike back at him with a good amount of force. There was another yelp as he fumbled around, tripping over his own instrument. A loud crack soon flowed as his jaw met with the ground when he body tumbled to the ground.

"A-AKSEL!" he managed to harshly yell out, trying to pull himself back together, "What.. what are you doing here?!"
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Re: Meeting In The Dark [P/Draiz, Azura, &I][Possibly M]

Postby Kylo » 12/28/2013 11:43 PM

Zexi grumbled as he opened a dark corridor to return to the cathedral. He had been searching for too long now and he needed to go back and report that the mountains were clear. Portal opening on the other side, he stepped through and immediately scowled. That thing was here in all it's flaming asshole-ish glory. That wretched, annoying, stupid, freak with the idiotic hair and even dumber tattoos. What did he think he was? A clown tripping on acid? Zexi bared and gnashed his teeth before silently creeping up behind the red furred freak. Summoning his lexicon with his magic he rose the book up and then smashed it down on the lucain's head.
"Go back to where ever you came from, you mangy flea bitten moron! Preferably to hell if that last option is not available!"

Bam, bam, bam, the book kept slamming down on the lucain's head, or at least attempted to do so. Whether they would hit their mark or not was up to Aksel's reflexes. Zexi snarled and continued to spit out insults and curses at the lucain.


Just then another corridor opened and out stepped none other Lexi. He looked over at Zexi and sighed. Of course right when he got back there was a fight going on. Walking over to Zexi he bopped him upside the head with his oversized paw. "Calm down."

The cloaked schemer looked up at Lexi and scowled fiercely. He walked away his tails low but twitching angrily at being stopped from beating Aksel to death. Lexi nodded and turned to Aksel. "Are you alright?"

Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
"Fighting Myself" by Linkin Park

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Re: Meeting In The Dark [P/Draiz, Azura, &I][Possibly M]

Postby Azura Rayume » 12/29/2013 2:35 AM

One minute, he was laughing, about to tell Myxed all about what he found in the mountains; the next, his head was splitting, and his ears were full of insults. It took him a minute to realize what exactly was happening outside the pain and shouting. Zexi had come back, of course, and was willing to beat him to a bloody pulp for some reason he couldn't quite remember through all the noise in his head. Something he did before... Probably involving Sayix... The details were fuzzy, but there was a vague recollection.

He crouched and tried to sidestep, choking back a whimper of pain with his ears plastered to his skull. "What the hell are you doing, freakin' crazy nerd midget?" he whined, eyes watering. Trading insults right now was probably a mistake, but controlling his reaction was the least of his worries right now. He was more concerned with making sure he didn't have a concussion.

The beating stopped a moment later, though the assassin half expected it to resume immediately after. "T-Thanks, Lex," he stammered. Even with his vision blurred, there was no way he would mistake that giant for anyone else. He gingerly prodded his bruised head with one paw and was relieved to find it not bleeding. "Lord, that smarts. Ow. Just try and keep the little weirdo under control for a while, okay? I've got a good reason to be... here..."

Aksel tensed, then bolted past Lexi in a panic. "Rax? You still here?" He had promised her everything would be fine and safe, and then Zexi had to show up and try and bash his skull in with a dictionary. "The emo's just a freak. They're not all like that, promise." He could only hope she didn't bolt on him.

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Postby Kyrit » 12/29/2013 3:09 AM

The female Lucain jumped slightly as she watched the chaos of Myxed fumbling around, even going so far as to grimace for the poor fellow. Had Aksel been expecting that sort of reaction from him? If so... maybe such a surprise was a little harsh for the poor guy. She didn't have long to dwell on these thoughts though, as soon after Aksel had sent Myxed crashing about another Lucain had appeared and was... hitting him? She took a defensive stance once again, every hair on her body bristling up and the keyblade appearing between her jaws. Slowly, she started to back herself toward the door again, ready for a quick escape if need be. Everyone seemed to calm down a bit when yet another Lucain appeared, but she'd rather stay on the cautious side.

While Aksel took his beating, Myxed whimpered and tried to pull himself together, tears welling up around the corners of his eyes. His jaw hurt, he'd been slapped by a string, and, worst of all, that meant one of his string broke! Aksel owed him for that! His attention was drawn toward the door when he saw Aksel running, rubbing his jaw as he tried to figure out what was going on and why everyone was suddenly showing up.

What his eyes would fall upon was Raksis slowly starting to calm down, though she still held her keyblade defensively in her mouth. She also seemed to be almost halfway out the door by now. "How do I know he can be trusted if the first thing he does when seeing you is attack you?" she growled out, some of the words a bit hard to make out with the keyblade held within her jaws.
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Re: Meeting In The Dark [P/Draiz, Azura, &I][Possibly M]

Postby Kylo » 12/29/2013 8:00 PM

Zexi's attention snapped over to Raksis and rolled his eyes.

"I have no quarrel with you, pup, just your freak friend. He had murdered me and now he just expects me to come back all happy that he's here. That is not going to happen. I am going to make him pay for his traitorous deeds. I do not care if the superior needs him, he deserves to be punished, and his punishment will be death!"

The small lucain snarled out the last words and shot a deathly glare over at Aksel. If Lexi was not here to stop him, he would have beaten him to death, or at least until he was brain dead.

Lexi looked over at Raksis and nodded slightly in reassurance. He carefully approached her and tried to make himself as non-intimidating as possible. Coming to a stop a few feet away from her he sat down on his haunches and his lip curled slightly up, almost like a smile but not quite.

"You will be safe here. We need you."

Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
"Fighting Myself" by Linkin Park

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Re: Meeting In The Dark [P/Draiz, Azura, &I][Possibly M]

Postby Azura Rayume » 12/29/2013 10:54 PM

Aksel stopped just short of Raksis, smiling in spite of his pain. "He's a testy little geek," he said, shaking his head to clear his brain a bit, "but he won't actually do anything. He likes to use that vocabulary of his instead of actually fighting. I'm surprised he hit me at all, really. On the bright side, you managed to do it again." He gave her Keyblade a tap with his snout. "Good job, kid."

He gave Lexi a nod of appreciation- the gentle giant might do Raksis a bit of good- before rounding on Zexi, tails twitching in agitation. Though the scientist's accusation was a true, for the most part, he could not refute it wholly without betraying Sayix. He had been under orders to take the actions he did, though not all of those orders had come from the Superior.

"Listen here, twit," he growled, stalking toward the smaller male, hackles raised, "you're just pissed because I finished a job you couldn't. Maybe if you spent more time around others, you wouldn't be such a shitty tracker. You've lost your touch, Zex. And I think you spent a bit too long in that castle; your memories are wrong." He flicked a paw and summoned a chakram in a flash of heat and shadow, then stabbed the point into the floorboards in front of the academic before turning away again. That ought to scare some sense back into the boy.

The assassin shot Myxed a smile, and the intimidating air about him dissipated immediately. "Sorry about the string, man. I couldn't resist. Now, you gonna come over and say 'hi' or not? I didn't bring her all this way to get yelled at and ignored."

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Postby Kyrit » 01/01/2014 10:24 PM

Myxed's first instincts were to quickly run at Raksis and hug her for finally returning to them, but the memory of the last time he saw her came to mind. She saw him as a stranger and hadn't reacted well to him last time, so instead his ears simply hung low and his tails slumped down to follow. He stayed silent, though his eyes clearly expressed to anyone paying enough attention that he wanted to say quite a lot.

It was probably a good thing he held back though, as already Raksis seemed uncomfortable with so many strangers in the room. At least Lexi had the sense to try to help calm her down, though she looked especially unsure of him. Lexi was a gentle fellow, but just looking at him could intimidate just about anyone. He had a thick, muscular rather than fat, build and held himself tall. Add to it his usual silence and you had one intimidating man. His words also bothered her slightly. 'Because we need you'? Was she not safe because they were supposedly all companions but only because they needed her?

She did her best to try to let that pass though, blue orbs gleaming upon Aksel. "I've only managed to summon it out of fear or anger still..." she started, taking a step back as he nosed the keyblade. Most of them seemed less hostile now though, so her muscles relaxed and she started to look around the room at the others, trying to figure them all out.

"I...." Myxed started to say something, taking a few tiny, unsure steps forward before stopping and letting his rear heavily fall to the ground. What could he say? Everyone was all worked up and had plenty to say, but the moment Aksel gave him the perfect chance to say something to her, he had absolutely no clue what to say!
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