In contrast to the Dead Coast, Sa'fir Coast is jokingly referred to as the world's largest pepper deposit because of its black sand beaches. They attract tourists, who can enjoy the tropical landscape of Barakka without facing its harsh environments. (+2 Endurance)

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Make My Dead Heart Beat [Self][MATURE]

Postby Kitsumi » 01/05/2014 7:07 PM

Calamity Sepulcher

The victim was bound and gagged. Calamity could have easily killed him from a distance with a gun, but he preferred for his business to be up close and personal. Since his victim was a high-threat one - relatively skilled with hand-to-hand combat as well as proficient with knives, the assassin had checked and double-checked the bindings.

"Do you know why I'm here?" Calamity asked slowly. Of course the victim couldn't answer, although he seemed to be trying to say something through the gag - probably a plead for help. "I'm here, because you stuck your nose where it didn't belong. You meddled, Mr. Baldwin. And not only did you meddle, but you took information that wasn't yours to know, and you threatened to make it public knowledge if you weren't paid." The assassin's expression was blank, although the right side of his mouth seemed to twitch, the closest to a smile he probably ever got. "I suppose you could have gotten away with the payments, were I not willing to take care of you for quite a bit less."

Now the man was struggling as hard as he could to escape. The chair in which he was sitting rocked onto two legs, and Calamity gave it a nudge with his foot so that it fell over sideways. He made a tsk noise with his tongue as he circled the chair. "Now, now, Mr. Baldwin. You must know that this is the end for you." He knelt down so that he was closer to eye level with the man, who now had tears streaming down his face. "Any last requests?" The man screamed against the gag, but Calamity didn't care. "No? Alright then, let's get this job done."

Calamity was preparing his weapon for the death blow, when he heard a voice behind him, causing him to spin around in surprise, weapon drawn.

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Re: Make My Dead Heart Beat [Self][MATURE]

Postby Kitsumi » 01/05/2014 7:38 PM

Riley Arrae

"You're doing it wrong."

The man who entered was a bit younger than Calamity, an age gap of perhaps two or three years. He was slimmer, but still seemed muscular enough to pose a threat if he had been adequately trained. There was a smile on his face, and he was completely at ease despite the oddity of his surroundings. His gaze was on the bound man, and he shook his head in disappointment. "These bindings simply won't do. And a gag? Isn't it far more fun to simply cut out his tongue?"

If the victim had rekindled any hope at all with this new man's arrival, that hope died as he realized that this man was even more twisted than the one who had taken the money in exchange for his death. He struggled with renewed vigor, but a quick kick in the side from the newcomer was enough to make him stop, crying in pain and hopelessness.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Calamity growled. "Did my client send you? If he thought I wasn't enough for the job, he's a fool. I'm going to expect some extra payment if I have to cover your trail as well as mine."

The younger man laughed. "Client? Ah, so you're killing for money. I have no place here, then." He studied Calamity with piercing eyes. "I mistook you for someone who enjoyed the kill. I mistook you for someone like me."

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Re: Make My Dead Heart Beat [Self][MATURE]

Postby Kitsumi » 01/16/2014 8:20 AM

When Calamity realized that this man wasn't supposed to be here, he advanced. His weapon was drawn, his expression stoic. "Someone like you?" He shook his head. "I'm not sure what you mean by that, but your being here is a mistake. Your last mistake, as it were."

To his surprise, the man laughed. "You want to cut me, is that it? Here, go ahead!" He tore at his shirt until the buttons were ripped off, exposing his chest. The skin there was covered with dozens of scars. Some were old, thin and white and barely noticeable. Some were new, scabbed up and still healing. And there were a few that were simply horrible. Ugly, terrifying scars that told the tale of a major injury. They were the types of scars that came from wounds that almost killed the person wearing them.

Calamity forgot everything else as he saw the scars. He lowered his dagger but continued to advance, until he was standing uncomfortably close to the other man. Instead of attacking him however, he raised the hand that was unarmed and softly stroked one of the uglier scars. "How did you get these?"

The other man made a clicking noise with his tongue in disapproval. "Now is not the time for stories, not at all. You know what they all say, 'business before pleasure' and all that. Since this is obviously not a pleasure killing, I should let you get back to it." He paused, before adding, "You show potential, though. He obviously have the tools and skills for killing, even if you don't yet know exactly how pleasurable it can be. Meet me for dinner tomorrow night, eight o'clock sharp." He pulled a small notepad out of his pocket, scribbling on it with a pen that was tucked in the back pocket of his jeans. "Here's the place. Do be sure to dress up."

It was a strange situation, and Calamity made the mistake of turning his attention away from the stranger to study the paper that was practically shoved in his face. When he looked up, full of questions, the man was already gone.

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Re: Make My Dead Heart Beat [Self][MATURE]

Postby Kitsumi » 01/16/2014 8:39 AM

~*~The Next Night~*~

It was 7:47.

Calamity had finished the job and disposed of the body. The second half of the payment, the half which had not been paid up front, was already wired to his account. After his encounter with the strange man, however, his thoughts had been filled of him, and he had little concentration for a new job. He had two clients waiting, but they would continue to wait until he found out exactly who this man was, why he had been there when Calamity was working, and why he was interested in Calamity. And if he just so happened to hear the story of how the man got all of those scars, well, all the better.

It was 7:50. Calamity lifted the piece of paper to read it once again, although he had already memorized exactly what it said:
Meet me at Sapore di Cielo.
Ask the maître d' for Riley's table.
Remember: Dress well.

He had done exactly as the note said. He was now waiting behind a line of people to get into the restaurant, dressed smartly in a black tuxedo. Normally, he would be able to stay completely composed in any type of situation. Now, however, he was nervously shifting from one foot to the other. He was incredibly impatient, and the line seemed to be moving far too slow.

Finally, at 8:02, he was standing in front of the maître d'. "I was told to ask for 'Riley's table'? I'm not sure what it means-"

"Ah, yes, of course." The man smiled pleasantly at Calamity as he interrupted. "Right this way, sir." He stepped forward, waiting for Calamity to follow before leading him to a table in the corner of the restaurant, lit so dimly that from a distance, Calamity couldn't tell whether or not the man he had come to meet was already there.

Calamity followed, anxious to find answers to his many questions.

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