A mysterious area, explorers tend to go missing and never return. A low fog constantly blankets the forest floor and strange sounds have been reported being heard during the day. Not much else is known about the forest. (+3 Speed, +2 Endurance)

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Brief Meeting [P]

Postby MillietheWarrior » 04/04/2014 1:57 PM

Nomi, Spectrakuhna ------------ Eevee, Sightless Kuhna

Nomi smiled down a the child sitting on her lap.

The silver and black haired girl giggled up at her, sightless blue eyes watching the mother she could not see with a needy intent. Eevee, as Nomi had named her, was a very special child. She was blind, and nearly completely silent. Nomi didn’t seem to mind, but there was another thing about Eevee that was cause for concern; she had…odd abilities.

With the ability to sense the feelings of others, to move objects without touching them, and to somehow communicate her needs to her mother without being able to speak, Eevee was special indeed.

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: Brief Meeting [P]

Postby MillietheWarrior » 04/04/2014 1:57 PM

Nomi was convinced it had something to do with the supernatural and psychic abilities. Nomad wasn’t so sure. But then, Nomi reasoned, Nomad preferred to ignore the strange powers that the child seemed to have altogether, even when it happened right in front of his eyes (Eevee had even sent a bag of diapers careening into his head once and he insisted it was the wind…in the rec room).

As she bounced Eevee on her knees, holding onto her tiny hands and giggling softly at each of the child’s excited squeals, Nomi noticed someone she’d never seen before coming towards her.

With the vast expanse of meadow around the base, it was easy to spot intruders or visitors from a mile away. Normally, Nomi would have high-tailed it inside. But the fact that Commander Jaal accompanied the stranger put her at ease, and she sat on her chair patiently as they approached. Her legs stilled, and Eevee seemed to sense something was amiss, for her squeals became absolute silence.

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: Brief Meeting [P]

Postby MillietheWarrior » 04/04/2014 1:58 PM

A breeze ruffled Nomi’s hair as Commander Jaal and the stranger drew nearly level with them. Nomi nodded to the Commander, convinced they would pass her by without interest, when the stranger stopped. He stared down at her for a few moments, white eyes unnervingly calm. Nomi fidgeted slightly, and Eevee clung to her, sensing her mother’s distress.

The stranger was dressed in garb she’d never seen before. His clothes were dark, riddled with slashes and blaster burns. The dark material looked coarse and well worn; this man had obviously been through quite a few battles. His close-cropped, maroon colored hair was peppered with sprinkles of dark grey, showing the toll that the stress of war had taken on someone who should’ve looked many years younger than he did. With ancient, wise eyes, Nomi watched the lines in his pale face deepen with each emotion that flittered across his face, watching the years come and go as he smiled and frowned with easy abandon.

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: Brief Meeting [P]

Postby MillietheWarrior » 04/04/2014 1:58 PM

The man seemed to sense Nomi’s discomfort, and kneeled down beside her to seem less intimidating. Commander Jaal shifted nervously behind him, and the stranger turned a calm smile onto Jaal. “You may go inside, Commander. I would like to speak to the young lady alone.”

Commander Jaal cast Nomi an anxious look, before he disappeared into the base, leaving her alone with the stranger. Nomi eyed him warily, and Eevee’s lips and eyes wobbled dangerously, as if she’d burst into tears at any moment. The man smiled warmly, his face serene. “Don’t worry,” he said, tilting his head to the side. “I’m not a danger to you. My name is Vidown Mai. I am a Jedi Knight.” He decided she didn’t need to know that he’d pretty much told the Order to piss off and have a nice day. He didn’t know what he was anymore, but ‘Jedi Knight’ was a lie.

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: Brief Meeting [P]

Postby MillietheWarrior » 04/04/2014 1:59 PM

He motioned to the child. “Yours?” he asked curiously. Nomi hesitated, and the man sensed it. “Don’t worry. I am well aware of the situation at this base. As far as I am concerned, none of this is actually happening. I have no intention of turning anyone in or reporting any of this; I’m just here for a visit.”

Nomi tried to decide if he was lying or not, and seemed to settle on the latter. “Yes, she’s mine. Her name is Eevee, and my name is Kyknomie, but most call me Nomi.” She wanted to ask what a Jedi Knight was, but decided she’d find out later from Nomad.

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: Brief Meeting [P]

Postby MillietheWarrior » 04/04/2014 1:59 PM

“Eevee,” the man repeated, thoughtful. “And Nomi. Pleasure to met you.” His smile was dazzling as he took a seat in the dirt, seemingly unconcerned with getting his clothes filthier than they were. “Tell me, Nomi…Is there anything…different about your daughter?”

Nomi blinked, confused. How could he know? “W-well…Y-yes. Now that you mention it, t-there is.” She looked down at the child who was now clinging peacefully to her mother’s shirt, eyes closed as she was lulled into sleep by Nomi’s soft breathing. “She’s…Well, she has strange abilities. I t-try not to bring too much attention to them. But sometimes I worry…”

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: Brief Meeting [P]

Postby MillietheWarrior » 04/04/2014 1:59 PM

Vidown nodded in understanding, before lifting a hand and reaching towards Eevee. He paused. “May I?” he asked, and Nomi nodded, watching him carefully. Vidown’s hand landed softly on Eevee’s head. The child woke immediately, and turned to face him, though she could not see who or where he was. Vidown did not move, his entire body stilling instantly. His eyes locked with Eevee’s, and for a moment, something seemed to pass between them. After a few minutes of silence, Vidown removed his hand, and Eevee nestled back against her mother to sleep.

“Did you know that she is Force sensitive?”

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: Brief Meeting [P]

Postby MillietheWarrior » 04/04/2014 1:59 PM

Nomi looked confused. “Force sensitive? W-what’s that? I’ve never heard of it. I-is it bad?” She looked upset, anxious to hear his answer. Vidown laughed pleasantly, voice light as he shook his head, and patted Nomi’s knee comfortingly. For some reason, the gesture didn’t bother her; she had a feeling this man would never go after anyone in a romantic sense, especially her.

“Not a bad thing at all, my dear. The Force is the life that flows around us. It is all things in the world, big and small, seen and unseen. It shapes who we are, and it guides us as we live our lives. The Force lives and unifies all beings within it, and it binds space and time together and creates our world. There are those of us, such as myself and your daughter, who are more attuned to the Force. Through it, we can learn to use and wield abilities very few could ever imagine. It offers a heightened sense of self and the world around us, allowing us to truly become one with everything that we know.”

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: Brief Meeting [P]

Postby MillietheWarrior » 04/04/2014 2:00 PM

His smile was gentle, kind, and his eyes sparkled softly as he spoke. “I believe Eevee can learn to use the Force the appropriate way, given the right tutelage. Normally, a youngling would be taken from their family at such an age and sent to the Jedi temple. I, however, do not approve of that,” he added as he saw the horrified look on Nomi’s face. “Since I’ll be here for some time, I can teach her to use the Force properly.”

“Even at such a young age?” Nomi asked, frowning down at the top of her daughter’s head. What did all this mean for Eevee? Would it make her different? And outcast? Or would it present opportunities to her that Nomi could never give her? She already had enough difficulties with her blindness; would this only add to them?

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: Brief Meeting [P]

Postby MillietheWarrior » 04/04/2014 2:00 PM

“Yes,” Vidown said, nodding slightly. “Even at such a young age, she will benefit from my teachings. She may not be mentally able to comprehend or retain any information I present to her, but by helping and teaching her to use the Force, I will ensure that she will not loose control of it in the near future, and her abilities will be heightened and refined.”

He lifted his hand from his lap, holding it over a small pebble. Nomi watched, astonished, as the pebble lifted into the air and proceeded to do a few circles, before settling lightly in his hand. “Even small things like this can be far more complicated than you can imagine. Like fine motor skills, the Force must be used and practiced with and let into one’s very being.” The pebble dropped to the ground, but stopped an inch from hitting the dirt. With a flick of his wrist, he sent the pebble zooming off into the meadow.

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: Brief Meeting [P]

Postby MillietheWarrior » 04/04/2014 2:01 PM

Nomi watched the pebble disappear, before smiling at Vidown slowly. “I-I think…I like this idea. And…and you’ll stay around to teach her?”

Vidown nodded, his gaze somewhat distant. “Yes…I have very little else to do with my time these days. The war is dwindling, a far off distant beast that looms over us all. Even if we cannot see it, we are all affected in some small way; we are all part of this war, regardless of what we think. But it no longer requires my direct participation. My superiors were not happy with some of my recent choices, and I am ashamed to admit that I did not take kindly to their…disapproval.” He grinned wryly. “So they sent me here to baby sit. It was either this, or forget the war completely. But I do not like the idea of leaving good men to die alone out there. If I can make a difference in even one life by spending my time and efforts here, then that is all that matters.”

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: Brief Meeting [P]

Postby MillietheWarrior » 04/04/2014 2:01 PM

The two sat there in silence as Nomi digested the information. Vidown seemed like a kind soul, someone who anyone could confide in. His gentle eyes and serene smile put her at ease, and she found that she was beginning to feel more comfortable around him than she thought she’d be.

Eevee woke from her nap a few moments later, squirming and wiggling against her mother as she softly sniffled and whined her hunger. Vidown looked up, watching the child with a keen, discerning eye. He stood up, brushing the dust from his pants, and leaned down to place his hand on Eevee’s head. “Settle down, youngling. Your mother will feed you soon,” he cooed, before he nodded to Nomi.

Eevee instantly quieted, content to sit in her mother’s lap and blink sightlessly. Nomi was amazed at Vidown’s ability, and stood up, cradling her daughter close to her chest. She smiled at Vidown, before he palmed the door to the base. “Ladies first,” he said kindly, sweeping his hand in front of him.

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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