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Ain't Gettin' Any Deader [P] [M: Everything]

Postby Kitsumi » 04/17/2014 10:03 PM

Quick Note: First of all, this story will contain mature content. Gore, foul language, possibly adult situations, and who knows what else will make an appearance.
Secondly, this story takes place in...sort of an alternate universe. It includes some information on one of Zen's past lives, but everything written down for Muse (given the name Renee for the purpose of this roleplay) is strictly non-canonical.
Thirdly, I don't know anything about weapons, or farming, or half of the stuff in this roleplay. So if I write things that aren't exactly realistic, that's probably why. I don't know stuff. I'm ignorant. Don't judge me.

Inazen & Renee

"Dammit Zen, I told you to watch the door!"

The woman was furiously pacing up and down the length of the barn. There was blood dripping from both hands and a gash on her left cheek that needed medical attention, but she didn't seem to notice. Her attention was on the barn doors, or rather, on the things outside that were pounding on them. Every now and then, her stern glare would focus on her male companion, flashing with anger.

To his credit, the man did seem apologetic. Even as he answered gruffly, there was a look of concern in his eyes. "I thought I saw someone. Someone alive, I mean. Who made you the boss anyways?" As he saw the woman preparing to shout at him some more, he quickly put his hands up in defense. "Alright, alright. You're right, Renee. I should have been watching the door. At least we both got out without any injuries, right? Well, without any major injuries at least."

Renee rolled her eyes. "If we get out of this alive, I'm going to kill you. It'll be nice and slow, and you'll get to watch me feed bits and pieces of you to the zombies before I finally end your miserable excuse for a life."

The threat didn't seem to bother Inazen much. He simply snorted and replied, "Nah, you won't do that. You're too fond of me to get rid of me that easily."

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Re: Ain't Gettin' Any Deader [P] [M: Everything]

Postby Jedi » 04/17/2014 10:27 PM

Lucille didn't know why the Zombies ignored her. Maybe it was because she'd been layered with infected blood. Ever since that day, the day she'd lost her only friend, she hadn't been able to ditch the rank clothing for fresher ones. Smelling rotted flesh permeating off your wardrobe wasn't all bad, however. As evident, she was now masked and could walk among them without their teeth sinking into her. Now if only she could find a quiet little house where she could raid for some clean jeans and a shirt, she'd be set.

She kept walking, ignoring the houses. She couldn't bring herself to do anything, let alone straying from the path. Lucille followed the road. She thought she saw someone waving at her from an open barn door, but she turned her attention back to the road. She kept going until it came to a dead end. The street's end was flanked by two houses, both of which were run down, somewhat. She opted for entering the one that wasn't on fire, and was just a little broken up. Luckily, one of the dressers had clothes that fit her pretty well. Sure, she was ditching her disguise, but if she wore them any longer, she'd probably pass out and become a nice lunch for one of the walking meatbags...

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Re: Ain't Gettin' Any Deader [P] [M: Everything]

Postby Kitsumi » 04/17/2014 10:43 PM

The two in the barn were becoming desperate. Zombies surrounded literally every side of the building, and there was no escape. Well, there was no easy escape.

"Look, I don't give a fuck if you're scared of heights! It's the only way we're gonna get out of here alive. Would you rather face your fears and end up alive, or face the undead and end up like one of them?" Renee had stopped her pacing, and was now focusing all of her energy on convincing Zen to follow her out her newly thought of escape route. As much as she pretended to hate him, she had actually grown fond of him. Plus, she didn't want to be stuck out there alone. She needed someone to watch her back.

But Zen didn't seem willing. "I didn't say I was scared," he protested, although the fear in his eyes was plain to see. "I just said that it's suicide to try jumping from that high. You're going to get us both killed! Can't we at least try to fight them?"

Renee shook her head. "No way. That swarm would take us down in seconds. One bit is all it takes, Zen. One bite. With all of them, we'd probably be half eaten before the virus even started spreading. And if it's dying you're worried about, wouldn't a quick death be so much better? If you don't land right, I promise to put you out of your misery before the zombies start biting." She smirked at the look of absolute horror on the man's face, and took the opportunity to practically drag him up the ladder leading to the loft. "Aim for the hay, okay? Ready - go!" Without giving him the chance to back out, Renee pushed Zen through the broken slots of wood and out of the barn. She herself jumped only a second or two later, hoping that she didn't land on him.

Despite all of Zen's claims, both of them seemed completely uninjured as they emerged from the hay. Zen was pissed of course, but Renee ignored his harsh words. Now wasn't the time to argue. The zombies would soon realize that the living were no longer in the barn, and would start chasing them. They had to get as much of a head start as possible.

To their surprise, the zombies didn't seem to notice that they had escaped. They were able to sneak away from the barn, walking down the road until it came to a dead end. "Let's check that house for supplies," Zen offered, pointing towards the house that looked safer. His pride was still hurt, and Renee hid a smile as she wordlessly entered the house, letting him regain at least some sense of control.

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Re: Ain't Gettin' Any Deader [P] [M: Everything]

Postby Jedi » 04/17/2014 11:06 PM

She went to grab her shirt, but felt something dangling from her wrist. It was the machete she'd used earlier. After she'd killed her infected friend, Lucille had went numb with trauma. Since then, she'd just let the weapon's wrist strap pull on her arm while the blade dragged on the ground. She unwound her hand from it, then set it on the nearby bed. "Ah!" Her hand felt as if it'd been chopped off, then sewed back on, just to feel the pain. When she'd gotten control, she changed her clothes.

As she slipped on her shoes, she heard what sounded like the door creaking followed by two pairs of foot steps. She grabbed her machete, ignoring the pain in her hand, then closed herself in the closet. Just when the door had closed, she found out it locked from the outside. She was trapped. Lucille had two options: Stay quiet in hopes that the intruders wouldn't find her; Or shout for help, hoping they'd come to her resque. She opted for the latter, letting out a loud "HEY!" She gave a couple of seconds, hoping they'd reply. "SOMEONE HELP! I'M LOCKED IN THE CLOSET!" She readied her sword, hoping she wouldn't have to use it. If they didn't try anything, neither would she. She hoped they wouldn't, at least...

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Re: Ain't Gettin' Any Deader [P] [M: Everything]

Postby Kitsumi » 04/19/2014 4:16 PM

"Are you sure this house is unoccupied?" Renee seemed overly cautious as they stepped over the threshold of the house. "The door was wide open, and I was pretty sure I saw signs of someone having passed by here recently. What if there are still humans in here - or worse, more zombies?"

Zen, on the other hand, didn't seem worried at all as he headed straight for the kitchen. "Nah, I'm sure the place is empty. Any zombies would already be swarming us by now, don't you think? Ugh, damn that's gross!" He held his nose and quickly closed the refrigerator he had just opened, disgusted by the rotting meat and spoiled produce inside. He turned his attention to the cupboards, and smiled. "Hey, Renee, I think we hit the jackpot here!"

The woman came over to join him, and quickly forgot all of her fears. "Oh, my god." She began sorting through the non-perishable foods that lined the shelves. "Macaroni and cheese, canned vegetables, soup, ravioli, spaghetti O's, dried milk...this is amazing!" Her face, though bloodstained, lit up in a smile. "You'd think that the people who lived here knew that this day was coming."

"They must not have known well enough to protect themselves," Zen commented. "Or this food wouldn't be ours for the taking." He began removing the food from the shelves, placing them on the counter and counting them. "There's at least two dozen cans of food here!" He said excitedly. "And more shelves still to look through. Renee, look for a backpack or something that we can use to carry these, okay? I'll take inventory and figure out how we're going to ration this out."

Renee was just about to obey, when they heard the shouts. She and Zen exchanged a look, and then they both bolted towards the shouts. Zen stood behind Renee as she prepared to open the closet door, his gun already aimed and ready in case things took a turn for the worse. He nodded, and Renee opened the door, jumping back in case whoever was in the closet decided to jump out at her.

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Re: Ain't Gettin' Any Deader [P] [M: Everything]

Postby Jedi » 04/19/2014 6:08 PM

"Please let-" she cut off as the handle began turning. Lucile held the machete, both hands on the weaved handlebar, close to her chest. The closet was so dark that when the door flew open, the dim light temporarily blinded her. She took her left hand to shield her eyes, then lowered it to the blade again. "Thank you," she said, her voice raspy from yelling. "I didn't mean to bother, I was just stuck." She gave a small smile, trying to show she was friendly, but looked more sickly than grateful. Her blade lowered, an attempt to show she wasn't a threat. "I was just in search of new clothes. That's all I wanted." She pointed to the rank, blood-stained pile of preppy clothes on the floor. "If you excuse me, I'll just be going now." She inched her way out of the closet, hoping they'd just let her go.

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Re: Ain't Gettin' Any Deader [P] [M: Everything]

Postby Kitsumi » 04/19/2014 7:15 PM

Both Renee and Zen had been ready for an attack. It was a surprise to see a teenage girl, looking traumatized and confused, wander out of the closet. Renee relaxed, seeing no danger. Zen, however, kept his weapon handy. Looks could be deceiving, as he knew very well. He could see that Renee was simply going to let the girl pass if she wanted, but he had other ideas.

He took the girl by both shoulders, gently but firmly pushing her so that her back was against the wall of the room they were in. Once she was pinned by him, he began his questioning. "Who are you? Where were you when all of this happened? Were you traveling alone? Do you have any supplies? Why were you in here? Who else is here?"

Renee was appalled by her companion's behavior. She pushed him aside, giving him her hardest glare before turning her attention to the slightly younger woman. "I'm so sorry about this guy here. He's a big oaf with no brains." She offered the girl her hand, hoping to help ease her fears. "I'm Renee. I'm just as interested as Zen is to hear your story, but first, let's just start with your name, okay?"

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Re: Ain't Gettin' Any Deader [P] [M: Everything]

Postby Jedi » 04/20/2014 8:17 AM

When she'd finally inched her way out of the closet, the man grabbed her shoulder and pinned her to the wall. The brute then began barraging her with questions. She tried to answer, but with each attempt, she found herself cut off by another inquiry.

The other woman then stepped in, shoving him away. She gave their names and asked for hers. "Lucille," she answered. Her stomach roared, demanding nourishment in any way. Grief for the loss of her friend had kept her numb to hunger, but the first encounter she had with actual people since the infection started had snapped her back to it. She reached for her gut to ease the pain. "Do you mind if we finish the interview later? I haven't eaten in days."

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Re: Ain't Gettin' Any Deader [P] [M: Everything]

Postby Kitsumi » 04/20/2014 8:56 AM

Ignoring Zen's apparent distrust of the girl, Renee smiled brightly at her. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Lucille. Although I wish that we were meeting under more pleasant circumstances. A zombie apocalypse isn't really the best place to meet new friends, is it?" She hoped that if she remained happy and friendly, the girl would be able to feel safe. A person who felt safe talked far more than a person who didn't. If Zen was dead set on getting his questions answered, this was the better way to go about it.

Her face took on a look of sympathy when Lucille mentioned her hunger. "Oh, you poor thing. Come on, we have some food in the kitchen. Zen was actually about to go find a backpack to put all of it in, weren't you, Zen?" The male shot her an infuriated look, but she waved him away and kept her attention on Lucille. "I'm kinda hungry too - how about we make enough food for everyone?"

As she led the girl towards the hall, and Zen stomped through the house looking for a backpack, Renee never stopped talking. It was mostly to keep the girl calm, but part of it was because she was lonely, although she would never admit it. It was always nice to have another girl to talk to. "Do you go by Lucy? I sometimes go by Ren, although I guess my name isn't too difficult or anything so most people don't even bother shortening it. Would you rather have some vegetable beef stew, or ravioli?" She held up two cans, allowing Lucy the first choice of meal.

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Re: Ain't Gettin' Any Deader [P] [M: Everything]

Postby Jedi » 04/20/2014 3:44 PM

She gave a small chuckle and a nod at the irony of meeting during an apocalypse, but was still growing more aware of how much shit hit the fan. Lucile smiled at the idea of getting their food ready. "Lucy is fine," she assured her. "It's nice to meet you, Ren."

She looked over the two choices, feeling sick at the though of eating fatty canned foods. She turned her attention to a small can of Mandarin Oranges in juice. When she grabbed it, she gazed at Ren, silently asking permission before she grabbed the tab. Midway from tearing it off, she paused, a million questions invading her mind. She looked at Ren, desperate for answers, and began asking. "Do you know what's going on? What are those things? Are we going to be safe? Where are the military?"

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Re: Ain't Gettin' Any Deader [P] [M: Everything]

Postby Kitsumi » 04/20/2014 4:16 PM

"Lucy it is, then." Renee missed nothing, and easily noticed the look of disgust on Lucy's face when she saw the two cans of food. She nodded in approval as the girl instead took a can of Mandarin oranges. "You're not vegetarian, are you?" Renee made a sympathetic noise. "It might be harder for you to find food, though. Zen and I are trying to find a place where we could settle down and start a garden, since food is eventually going to run out. You know...you could come with us, if you wanted." She said it casually, as if it weren't a huge sign of the trust she was placing on Lucy. It wasn't in Renee's nature to be so trusting of people she didn't know, but Lucy didn't look like she would be able to protect herself, not without some sort of training at least. She needed help, and Renee and Zen needed a larger group to be part of.

As for the girl's questions, she shrugged. "I don't have all the answers, but I do have some. However, it's not information that I can freely give." She shifted her weight from one foot to the other uncomfortably. "Actually, Zen is the one who knows what's going on. He was actually part of...well, you'll need to ask him about it. Once he trusts you, he'll tell you the story, I'm sure."

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Re: Ain't Gettin' Any Deader [P] [M: Everything]

Postby Jedi » 04/20/2014 5:44 PM

"That'd be nice." She thought for a second, "I guess I could soften up to meat. In time." The thought of meat made her gag, but she stifled it. She pondered as she chewed on her first mandarin. "Sorry," she apologized. "I'm just frightened by this whole thing. If you bring Zen in, I can answer his questions."

Orlando didn't know what to do. Since his school had been swarmed, he'd been alone. He went back to the school the next day, only to find it empty, save for the undead. Not a single member of his basketball team had made it out. He'd just been lucky he was playing hookey that day. Since then, he'd found a dead soldier on the street and stripped him of his arms and ammunition, found an abandoned apartment, and took shelter.

Nowadays, he was hungry. He'd cleared what little was in the cupboards, but now he'd have to venture into the unknown chaos that was the apocalypse...

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Re: Ain't Gettin' Any Deader [P] [M: Everything]

Postby Kitsumi » 04/20/2014 5:58 PM

In a comforting gesture that surprised even herself, Renee leaned over to hug Lucy. "Sweetheart, you don't need to apologize for being afraid." Taking a deep breath, she confessed, "I'm afraid, too. Hell, I bet you that even Zen is afraid. Although he'll probably argue with his last breath that nothing scares him. This isn't something that anyone could have been prepared for. Even with countless zombie horror movies and books, survival guides, plans, all of that stuff - no one was ready for this. If you weren't afraid...that would be the time to worry. Because then you'd have something wrong with your head." She grinned, trying to lighten the mood.

Right on time, Zen entered the room and dumped a couple of backpacks on the floor in front of them. "I suppose you've already asked her to join us, correct?" He seemed to have calmed down a bit, and Renee couldn't hide her laughter as she realized just how well two people could get to know each other within a couple of days when they were fighting the undead together. "I don't have anything against you," Zen continued, now turning his attention to Lucy. "But you can't be too cautious at these times. I'd be glad to have another person fighting beside me, but I'd like to know your story first. If you tell me yours, Renee and I will be glad to share our experience with you. So, start from the beginning. When the whole world went to hell and the shit hit the fan - where were you, and what have you been doing ever since?"

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Re: Ain't Gettin' Any Deader [P] [M: Everything]

Postby Jedi » 04/20/2014 7:32 PM

Lucile felt comforted by Ren's embrace. The first time she'd felt anything of the sort in the five days leading up to this. Ren's words were true, but they were also compassionate. When she smiled, Lucy returned the favor and realized that it wasn't all bad. Now she had a friend again. "Thank you."

When Zen returned, Lucile was a little nervous, but the man seemed glad to have her aboard. After he asked for her backstory, she couldn't help but oblige. "Well, when the shit," she said with quotation fingers raised, "hit the fan, I was at school. I was with my friend, Michelle and we were gossiping with friends." She paused, realizing how stupid it was, spreading the rumors they'd found funny that day. "It seems so pointless; the things we were talking about. They don't matter anymore." She paused again. "I don't matter." She stood her ground, but couldn't keep the tears at bay...

'Great' Orlando thought to himself. 'The lobby's full of meat-heads.' Luckily he had some experience with a gun. His dad would go quail hunting occasionally and he'd be taken along. Of coarse, they never ate the birds. They just found it good sport. He hid behind the corner to the stairs, took aim, and...

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Re: Ain't Gettin' Any Deader [P] [M: Everything]

Postby Kitsumi » 04/20/2014 7:40 PM

It was obvious that the story pained Lucy. Renee wanted to run up and hold the girl in her arms, tell Zen to 'fuck off' and simply leave the poor thing be. But she knew that eventually Lucy would have to find closure. Perhaps telling her story would help her...perhaps not. Either way, the story needed to be told.

Zen wasn't quite sure how to handle the fact that a woman was crying in front of him. He awkwardly patted her shoulder, letting his hand linger a few moments before letting it drop. "In the grand scheme of things, very few people really matter. And those who do matter have done something great. I don't matter right now, and neither does Renee, nor you." Renee shot him a dirty look, but Zen pressed on, sure that his words would bring encouragement once his little speech was completed. "But right now, we're among the very small number of survivors. We can hide, we can fight, and someday we may even be able to really live again. We can't change what's going on, but we can help prepare for a better future. What we do matters, even if we ourselves don't. And if we're lucky enough to do the right things...well, then we'll matter."

It was probably the most philosophical thing he had ever said. Renee stared at him in complete shock, before giving him a slow nod to show that his words were helpful. Good. At least he had done something right. Hopefully his words would be enough to show Lucy that she couldn't simply wallow in sorrow - she had to get up, and live. They had to take their lives back, and create a world that was worth living in again.

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