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Visiting an Idiot in the Hospital (Self)

Postby Sitara » 07/07/2014 6:48 PM


Eliot sighed and glanced up as he heard his sleeping friend snore in his hospital bed. He shook out his newspaper and continued to read his article on the Aldrect stock exchange. How he loved numbers, glorious, unchanging things. When he finished his article he laid the paper down on the small table beside him. He snorted and twitched his tail as he watched his friend sleep. Good gods it's not like he had to have major surgery done only a blood transfusion and many stitches. Thankfully none were on his face only everywhere else. Eliot shook his head and wondered how one kuhna could let himself be caught up in such a sticky affair.

Human nature doesn't change, although, many people delude themselves into thinking that it does. People may change how they act, but the core of a person always stays the same.

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Re: Visiting an Idiot in the Hospital

Postby Sitara » 07/07/2014 7:12 PM


Vincent groaned and opened his eyes with effort. Where on earth was he? Everything in the room looked foggy. He was... he was... he couldn't remember. Gods he had a headache something fierce. He sat up and rubbed his face with his paws, which felt heavy and unwieldy as bowling pins. "Uggg." It was then that he happened to glance down at his paws. With his foggy vision starting to clear he was finally seeing all the shaved hair and stitches lining his arms. He gasped in shock and pulled his covers to the side to see that his whole body matched his arms. He screamed for the condition of his body, he screamed because the doctors had washed off all his glorious paint that covered his fur, and he screamed because finally he realized that he was in a hospital.

Human nature doesn't change, although, many people delude themselves into thinking that it does. People may change how they act, but the core of a person always stays the same.

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Re: Visiting an Idiot in the Hospital (Self)

Postby Sitara » 07/10/2014 9:36 PM

Eliot jumped about a foot in the air when Vincent yelled. "Good gods! Are you trying to get us thrown out of here." He walks over to the bed. "Do you remember anything about earlier today? Anything at all?" He hoped that he did. Eliot had seen how much Vincent had hurt Abby and he wanted this kuhuna to learn to keep his wandering eye in check. Abby is a good kuhna and she didn't deserve to be cheated on. Despite the fact that he was not a fan of how she took out her rage on Vincent.

Human nature doesn't change, although, many people delude themselves into thinking that it does. People may change how they act, but the core of a person always stays the same.

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Re: Visiting an Idiot in the Hospital (Self)

Postby Sitara » 07/11/2014 10:55 PM

Vincent started to gasp and take shaky breaths. He tried to collect his thoughts with ouf much ssuccess.  Just what was going on. The last thing that he could remember was waking up next to Cherry. "I.... I remeber waking up. The rest is hazy. " Vincent turned to face Eliot. "Do you know what.... wait... hang on." He closed his eyes and let himself recall waking up. He had stretched, climed out of bed, opened the bedroom door and saw Abby's face "Oh dam. No no no! She knows doesn't she?"

Human nature doesn't change, although, many people delude themselves into thinking that it does. People may change how they act, but the core of a person always stays the same.

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Re: Visiting an Idiot in the Hospital (Self)

Postby Sitara » 08/11/2014 3:37 PM

"Of course she knows, you idiot." He balled his paws into fists, not that he intended to use them, but because he was so frustrated. "All of this was bound to catch up to you sooner or later. You can't go around womanizing every single kuhna female without any sort of consequence!" He then remembered that he was in a hospital and brought down his voice. "You are a self centered egomaniac." He collapsed back into his chair with a huff. A bit melodramatic, but he was so exasperated with his friend he just couldn't take it anymore.

Human nature doesn't change, although, many people delude themselves into thinking that it does. People may change how they act, but the core of a person always stays the same.

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Re: Visiting an Idiot in the Hospital (Self)

Postby Sitara » 08/12/2014 6:14 PM

Vincent holds his head in his paws. "Oh gods. What am I going to do?" He started to tear up but fought them back fairly quickly. The one female that he was actually starting to feel a true connection to and he had messed it up. He had messed up big time. Calm yourself Vincent. You can fix this. You've been able to talk your way out of anything. He threw the sheets off himself and tentatively stepped onto the floor. "Let's go Eliot."

Human nature doesn't change, although, many people delude themselves into thinking that it does. People may change how they act, but the core of a person always stays the same.

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Re: Visiting an Idiot in the Hospital (Self)

Postby Sitara » 08/12/2014 6:23 PM

"Go? Go where?" Eliot gets down off of his chair. "You look like something rather dead out of ancient egypt, you can barely stand, and may I remind you that you have a very angry female who is after you're blood!" Vincent could be so frustrating. He was so trapped in himself he couldn't see anyone else around him. Eliot sighed and pushed his hair from eyes. "How can you possibly think you can improve this situation?"

Human nature doesn't change, although, many people delude themselves into thinking that it does. People may change how they act, but the core of a person always stays the same.

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Re: Visiting an Idiot in the Hospital (Self)

Postby Sitara » 08/13/2014 6:31 PM

"I can talk my way out of anything. You know that." He slowly started to walk forward. Just one paw in front of the other, he told himself. "I know that If I can just talk to Abbey then I can, at the very least, make her see how big of a mistake that I made." His legs ached as he moved forward, however considering that he was covered in scratches it was expected. Was it worth it, he asked himself. Was that night with Cherry really worth the pain that he was going through in his body and slightly in his heart. He wasn't sure yet. He knew that when he could get face to face with Abbey he would know.

Human nature doesn't change, although, many people delude themselves into thinking that it does. People may change how they act, but the core of a person always stays the same.

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Re: Visiting an Idiot in the Hospital (Self)

Postby Sitara » 08/13/2014 6:54 PM

"You are overconfident. Normally I enjoy that part of you, however today it is rather infuriating." He flags down a nurse to get Vincent's release from the hospital in order. "You have to consider the fact that things may not go your way this time. You cannot assume that you will always get you want, especially in situations like this. There is too much at stake here, if you are truly serious about fixing things with Abbey." The nurse came over and gave him the proper forms for Vincent to sign and stated that Vincent should return in three days so that the doctor can check on how his wounds were healing. Eliot assured her that he would bring him back and as Vincent signed documents he pulled out his planner to mark down the next doctor's visit. "Whenever you're ready, we'll get you home."

Human nature doesn't change, although, many people delude themselves into thinking that it does. People may change how they act, but the core of a person always stays the same.

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Re: Visiting an Idiot in the Hospital (Self)

Postby Sitara » 08/13/2014 7:09 PM

Vincent listens to the nurse and swears that he will come back in three days. "Nonsense, I will get things to work out. You'll see for yourself in a few days time when I am healed and Abbey is by my side once again." He signs the paperwork as quickly as he can and passes it back to the nurse. "Just you wait my friend. I will be back in true form in no time." With that he walks out the sliding glass door.

Human nature doesn't change, although, many people delude themselves into thinking that it does. People may change how they act, but the core of a person always stays the same.

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