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Re: Ain't Gettin' Any Deader [P] [M: Everything]

Postby Jedi » 08/21/2014 8:04 PM

He swung his backpack off his shoulders, unzipping it to see the food he'd taken from the grocery just a few hours ago. "It's okay," Orlando said. "I managed to get these on my way from the city." He pulled out a snack cake and set his backpack back on his shoulders. He opened it, slowly filling his rumbling stomach, then turned his open pack to her. "You can have some if you want. I even found some peroxide in case we need it. I don't think it helps bites." He also thought about what she said. "It would be nice to rest for once, however."

Back upstairs, Lucile leaned against Zen, tolerating that he was crushing her chest in his hug. "I'm fine. The ladder didn't hurt. It would be nice to breath, though." She waited for him to let go, remembered her passing out. "I'll explain soon. I just don't want to think about it." She then ran her hand up the ladder. "I don't remember this being her, though. Is there an attic here?" She thought about it, then tried to push it back up. "It's probably best that we go back down. It would be nice to see."

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Re: Ain't Gettin' Any Deader [P] [M: Everything]

Postby Kitsumi » 08/21/2014 9:04 PM

Renee nodded at Orlando's finding of food. "Good. You seem like a pretty self-reliant kinda guy. That's good in these times. Of course, it's better to be self-reliant within a group, I've found." She started to laugh, but suddenly her eyes widened at the sight of the peroxide. "Geez, you found medical supplies?" She started to reach for it, but then stopped. It wasn't hers to grab, and it wasn't like she needed any right away. "I've raided like a dozen stores and houses, and all the medical supplies were already taken. Wherever you got this, the place must not have been cleared out yet. That means that there could be plenty of stuff we need!" She looked at him excitedly. "Could you show us where you found this? It'd be great to start things off well supplied."

Once Zen realized that he was actually hurting Lucy, he quickly let her go and stepped back. "Oh, sorry. I guess I was worried after you passed out." He ran one hand through his hair, embarrassed. "Yeah, there's an attic. We don't need to keep the ladder down though, so we can go ahead and put this away." He pushed the ladder up and out of the way, and then offered Lucy his hand. "I have pretty good night vision. Let me lead the way."

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Re: Ain't Gettin' Any Deader [P] [M: Everything]

Postby Jedi » 08/21/2014 10:15 PM

Lucile stepped out of the way so Zen could put the ladder up, then took his hand, which she could barely see. "Thank you, Zen." She followed his pull all the way down the stairs and into the room the other two were in. Once there, she walked up to Orlando, ready to apologize for her earlier fainting.

Orlando quickly regretted bringing up the peroxide. "I don't think we can go out for a good while, he said as he looked towards the door. Just then, Lucy and Zen came down the stairs. A slight spark of protectiveness rose in Orlando when he saw them holding hands, but realized he was just guiding her when he remembered that it was still quite dark upstairs. He walked up to her and gave her a hug. "I'm glad you're okay." Lucy interrupted, backing away from him. "I have to tell you something." They both paused for a second before she continued. "Michelle's dead." A look of horror crossed onto his face. She had been his girlfriend for nearly three years, granted she could be a bitch twenty hours a day. Never the less, he was greatly disturbed by the news. Lucy saw this, but knew she had to continue. "I killed her." She didn't want to justify her actions, so she left it at that.

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Re: Ain't Gettin' Any Deader [P] [M: Everything]

Postby Kitsumi » 08/22/2014 4:59 PM

Zen didn't respond to Lucy's thanks, just smiled at her in the dark. He knew she couldn't see it, which was all the better for him. How humorous it would be if his commanding officer could see him now, grinning like a schoolboy at a girl who was probably a bit young for him. But his commanding officer was dead, and it wasn't like Zen was asking the girl to marry him for pete's sake. He was smiling at her. A smile that she couldn't even see.

When they reached the downstairs, Zen let go of Lucy's hand and backed up so she could greet her friend. He moved over to stand beside Renee, who was leaning against the wall watching the two. "Small world, huh? The two of them finding each other like that?" Renee asked. Zen nodded in response, but both of their attention was quickly drawn to Lucy and Orlando when they heard Lucy's words.

Renee's eyes widened and her hand flew to her mouth, while Zen looked as if he had guessed what had happened a while back. "She turned, didn't she?" He asked quietly.

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Re: Ain't Gettin' Any Deader [P] [M: Everything]

Postby Jedi » 08/22/2014 6:08 PM

Lucy stood there waiting for Orlandos reaction, but the boy was too shocked to do anything but stand still. She looked at the floor, her eyes watering regret, and said a small, mouse-like "Yes." She cleared her throat and wiped her sleeve against her eyes, hoping Orlando wouldn't notice. "She was bit by the same corpse she threw at me. She-" "SHUT UP!" Orlando interrupted. "She wouldn't do that," he lied. The pain of loss blinded him to how she really was. "She would've ran... She would've..." His mind war far too rattles to think rationally. He backed into a wall, then slid down as he leaned against it, his face buried in his hands.

Lucile watched as the boy she considered a big brother snapped at her and collapsed under the grief. She couldn't watch any more of it. She ran back to Renee and threw her arms around, desperate to find comfort. "I'm sorry. I didn't want to. I didn't mean to. She would've killed me."

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Re: Ain't Gettin' Any Deader [P] [M: Everything]

Postby Kitsumi » 08/23/2014 10:19 PM

Not wanting to intrude on the two, both Zen and Renee watched silently as Lucy and Orlando interacted. But when Orlando shouted at Lucy, Zen couldn't allow it anymore. He stroke across the room, and probably would have shoved the younger man against the wall had he not already been leaning against it in a sitting position. "Listen up," he said in a stern voice. "There's no need to yell at Lucy. Show her such disrespect again, and I'll throw you out there on your ass for the zombies to chow on. Why the hell would Lucy lie about something like that?"

Renee stared at Zen in shock. He was being very protective for having only known Lucy for a short time. She put a hand on the man's shoulder, pulling him away before he could yell at Orlando more. "We're not throwing anyone to the zombies," she said.

She would have said more, had Lucy not flung herself into her arms. Renee wrapped her arms around the younger girl and held her close, using one hand to stroke the top of her head as she whispered, "It's okay. Orlando is just in shock. You didn't do anything wrong, honey. If she had turned, you were given no choice but to kill or be killed. Whatever it was you killed, it wasn't your friend. She had already died. Okay?"

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Re: Ain't Gettin' Any Deader [P] [M: Everything]

Postby Jedi » 08/23/2014 11:58 PM

He didn't care if Zen did throw him to the beasts outside. His life was done with anyways, or so he thought. At the moment, the only thing Orlando could think about was Michelle, or more correctly, the lack thereof. He was pretty much useless for the time being, sulking against the wall in the fetal position.

Lucile continued to hold herself against Renee so tight that she thought she might be squishing her. The comforting gestures Renee gave helped, but she was also in shock. "No, no no. It's my fault. I killed her. I killed Michelle. I killed Orlando."

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