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Light, Dark, and Everything in Between

Postby Kittyms » 09/16/2007 8:17 PM

ooc// Okay, these characters have pretty much been in my head since.. I was 12 or so, okay? Yeah.. xD Anyway, they all have these enormous elaborate stories, and so, I decided, 'Hey, why don't I roleplay them?' And so, here they are, ladies and gentlemen!! Oh, and if you join this roleplay your character may be pretty much anything, even an Evelon Pet. Just say to whom it is aligned and post a profile, please! ^^ And yes, there are a lot of my characters.

--------------The Dark-----------------

Name: 'The Shadow Dragon' (his real name is unknown)
Gender: Male
Species: Dragon (resembles chinese dragon)
Color: Pure black.
Characteristics: His ambition is to rule the world. He works with various other nefarious characters. His powers have expanded to the point where he can create 'shadows' of himself that can possess other beings. In his dark hideaway, there are many dark minions. Will you join him?

Name: Viran
Gender: Female
Species: Wolf (with a demon)
Color: Pure black.
Characteristics: She used to be the Shadow Dragon's Apprentice, but then she met Kard. He cast out the shadows that the Shadow Dragon had used to patch her back together after a nearly fatal wound, and replaced them with light. Not wanting her to turn good, he had one of his demons inhabit her. Now, whenever she is near one of the 'targets', the demon takes over and she transforms into a monster. Unfortunately, one of the 'targets' is Kard, her new love, though so far he does not seem to return her affections. That's probably due to the fact that every time she gets near him, she transforms and tries to kill him. Oh yeah, she is sister to Darkfur, Scarpelt and Creamtail, though she left them long ago.

Name: Charredhusk
Gender: Male
Species: Cursed Wolf
Color: Grey with dark grey leather wings.
Characteristics: He was cursed long ago, and died, but returned, as a skeleton. He and his partner have since regained their flesh through murdering other innocent creatures, but their bloodlust is still great. They are the Shadow Dragon's newest hunters.

Name: Darkclaw
Gender: Female
Species: Cursed Tiger
Color: Black with black feathered wings
Characteristics: Charredhusk's partner, she also was cursed. I think that she actually kind of likes him, despite their entirely different heritages. Strange that a creature so evil could still have feelings for another.

-----------The Light-----------------

Name: 'The Light Dragon' (his real name is also unknown)
Gender: Male
Species: Dragon (resembles chinese dragon)
Color: Light gold - light seems to radiate from him.
Characteristics: It is rumored that he is the Shadow Dragon's brother. It is not known whether he will finally be able to cast out the evil dragon or not. He also has many minions of light, who roam freely, casting out the shadows. Will he be the one who you shall join?

Name: Kard
Gender: Male
Species: Wolf Changeling
Color: White - some faint light seems to emanate from him. (his wings are golden in his winged form)
Characteristics: He is brother to Drak, and is his mortal enemy. He is jealous since his brother found true love, plus there is always the sibling rivalry. His powers are the same as his brothers - he can transform into a winged wolf form and an anthro winged wolf form - yet he is his brother's opposite in nearly every way.

Name: Marloz
Gender: Male
Species: Anthro Tiger
Color: White with black stripes, and white feathered wings
Characteristics: He is slightly more powerful than Kard, but his powers are equal to or less than those of his arch-nemesis, Darkclaw, or at least that's how it appears in battles. Though sometimes it seems like she's just toying with him. Very noble, he will always stand for what is right.

-----------Beauty's Pack-------------------

Name: Beauty
Gender: Female
Species: Racing Dragon (from 'Dragon Booster' if anyone ever watched that..xD)
Color: Black and Gold
Characteristics: She is supposed to be the daughter of Beau, the Black and Gold Dragon, and looks exactly like him. (again, from 'Dragon Booster'). She is against the Shadow Dragon, and yet, not with the Light Dragon. Could you help her in her cause?

Name: Scarpelt
Gender: Female
Species: Wolf
Color: Pure white.
Characteristics: She is covered in scars, including one over her right eye. Normally she is silent and reserved, though she harbors a deep hatred of Drak because of what he did to her long ago. She works for Beauty, and is sister of Darkfur, Creamtail and Viran.

Name: Creamtail
Gender: Female
Species: Wolf
Color: Cream-colored
Characteristics: She is the most outgoing of the pack. Sister to Darkfur, Viran and Scarpelt. Her mate is Longtooth.

Name: Darkfur
Gender: Male
Species: Wolf
Color: Black
Characteristics: The strong and silent type, he is huge, but doesn't normally talk very much. Very protective of his sisters, though. Maybe even of Viran, who knows. He is brother to Scarpelt, Creamtail and Viran.

Name: Longtooth
Gender: Male
Species: Wolf
Color: Grey
Characteristics: Creamtail's mate.. that's really all I got on him. xD


Name: Drak
Gender: Male
Species: Wolf Changeling
Color: Grey (with black wings in his winged form)
Characteristics: He is a Mage, delving in magic and creating potions. He can change from a normal wolf, to a wolf with wings, to an anthro wolf with wings. He is against the Shadow Dragon, yet is not with Beauty or the Light Dragon. His mate is Ivory.

Name: Ivory
Gender: Female
Species: Dragon Shapeshifter
Color: Pure white with black eyes.
Characteristics: Found as an egg, she hatched into a pure white racing dragon with black eyes. However, as she grew, she developed the ability to shapeshift into any form. Now, her favorite form is anthro winged wolf, like her mate, Drak. Whatever she turns into, she is always pure white with black eyes. She used to be with Beauty's group, until she met Drak. Now, she has left them for him, causing some resentment among them.  

(Well, I think that's all of them.. *pantpant* xD Actually, I also have about a bazillion dragons that I made up, but I don't think I'll add them to this roleplay because that would be way too much hassle. As it is, I won't be roleplaying all of them all of the time. I'll probably just roleplay with a few key ones, and make the others pop up every once in a while.)

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Postby Kittyms » 09/17/2007 5:20 PM

(Well, I'm going to go ahead and start roleplaying, but people, please feel free to join anytime. Just remember to post a profile.)

Crouched in a thicket, Viran wept, tears sliding down her snout. "Why am I cursed to this fate?" she whispered miserably. Inside, she imagined the demon giving her a smug grin, and she snarled with anger and frustration. There was no way to get rid of it, except for death.. right now that was looking like a pretty good option for her. In the same day, she had found her true love, and then been sentenced to hunt him for all of eternity until she killed him. How's that for a bad day?

"Viran." The voice came from the shadows around her, and she instantly knew who it was. Who else could it be but the Shadow Dragon? Sure enough, a lithe, dark form appeared from the darkness. "You have done well.. Though I am talking to the demon, not the wolf." He chuckled, and she felt like tearing his face open.

"How could you be so evil?" she spat, her hackles rising. Instantly, the demon within her stirred, attracted to the dark thoughts in her mind. "You sentenced me to this horrid fate, and..." She paused dramatically. "You killed the one dragon that ever loved  you."

"Love is from light," the Shadow Dragon retorted. "Hate is from dark. There is no love in my heart. Though I must admit that it was quite a waste that she killed herself. As for you, I could not allow you to fight against me. You're much more valuable on my side."

"Did you come here just to taunt me?" Viran asked miserably, her head drooping. "Maybe I should kill myself, too."

"The demon would never allow that.. And yes, there is a purpose to my visit." He flicked his long tail authoritatively. "Several of my other minions shall be assisting you to kill that pesky creature, Kard. Just thought you'd like to know." Turning, he vanished into the shadows, and she knew that he had disappeared back to his lair. Sighing, she returned to her moping and weeping, flopping down on to the ground.

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Postby Kittyms » 09/17/2007 6:32 PM

Several minutes later, a familiar scent wafted toward Viran's nostrils. Unwillingly, she rose, and followed it, knowing even as she did that it would not help anything. But her love for Kard drew her on, until she saw his light form flying in the sky. Instantly, love filled her heart, and she tried to soak up the short moment before the demon took over. But it was far too short. She gave a gasp, and the demon was in control once more. Darkness poured out of her body, and flames flickered across her, for the demon was of fire and shadow. Two leathery black wings grew out of her shoulderblades, and two spiral horns from her skull. Grinning, the demon took to the air.

Kard glanced over his shoulder, sensing an approaching danger, and swiftly dodged out of the way, Viran's teeth snapping shut where he had been one second before. His golden wings beating strongly, the white, currently anthro, wolf zoomed away as fast as he could. The wind ruffled the feathers on his wings, and he enjoyed the sensation of flying, though he knew danger was on his heels. Why did Viran always attack him? And for that matter, what had happened to her? Obviously it was a demon of some sort, but much more powerful than him. He would have to get one of the stronger light minions to throw it out... eventually.

"Give in, weakling!" Yep, that was definitely the voice of a demon. Deep, resonating, and certainly not the voice you would expect from Viran, a female wolf. Good, Kard thought with satisfaction. Up ahead, he saw a flicker of light.

The demon also saw it, and quickly began to pump her wings backward as fast as she could. There was a radiant flash, and a dragon appeared, suspended in mid air, a golden aura surrounding it. Its long body writhed, and it sank slowly back to the ground, Kard following it. He landed gently, and folded his wings into his body. Then, he transformed into a normal winged wolf. "We really must get rid of that demon sometime," he said, shaking himself.

"To destroy it, we would have to destroy the good, as well," the Light Dragon said in a melodious voice. "Its fate is entwined with that of Viran."

"So, you mean that if we cast it out, Viran would die?" the wolf said, not certain that he really wanted to kill her, even after all the trouble she had caused him. The Light Dragon nodded his head in the affirmative. "What can we do then?" he snarled angrily, slapping the ground.

"Keep your temper. Anger leads to hate, and hate leads to the darkness," the dragon said sternly. Obediently Kard fell silent, but his claws still dug into the ground, and his brow was furrowed. "Why don't you go take a break?" he said, and a light portal instantly opened. Gratefully, the wolf leaped into it, looking forward to getting away for a while. The Light Dragon gave a chuckle, then followed. Hidden in the bushes, Viran felt her heart plummet, and she began to weep.. again, swallowing herself in her own self-pity.

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Postby Kittyms » 09/19/2007 6:27 PM

A pack of wolves raced through the woods, their noses keen to the faintest scents. Now, they were following the scent of an old foe.. and friend. Viran. Once their sister, now their enemy. Of all of them, one had the most reason to hate her. Scarpelt. She would never ever forgive her black sister for causing her to be scarred, indirect though it may have been. She hoped that it would end today - with Viran's death.

But it was not to be. The dark wolf was already aware of their presence, and the demon was taking over. "I'm sorry," she whispered, a tear sliding down her cheek as shadow and flame consumed her body. Once she had hated them as they must hate her, but now she only longed to be one of them... No, to be something more... To live with Kard in his world of light. But how could she, when this demon had control of her?

"So we meet again," the demon growled as the four wolves approached. "This time, you will not be so fortunate. Believe you me, Viran hated you." Yes, the demon was even able to see every single memory and emotion she had ever felt.

"You can't take on four of us at once," Creamtail snarled. "We'll take you down, right, pack?" The others nodded in affirmative, though Darkfur looked slightly hesitant. He had always still thought of Viran as his sister, and was loathe to harm her, no matter what she had done to him.

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Postby Kittyms » 09/23/2007 7:17 PM

"Today is not your day, weaklings!" Viran snarled, then leaped, her wings flapping. With whoosh of flame and shadow, she swooped down at Creamtail, her fangs bared. With a yip of surprise, the cream-colored wolf leaped away, narrowly avoiding the demon's claws. Growling angrily, Longtooth instantly stepped to the defense of his mate. The other two rallied around the pair, their eyes fixed on Viran as she circled around above them.

Then, she swooped down, claws slashing. Darkfur, Creamtail and Longtooth ducked out of the way, and with a whoosh of air, she landed on top of Scarpelt, pinning her back to the ground. "Now.. you die.." the demon leered, froth dripping from its jaws. It was oblivious to the efforts of the other wolves to get it off of the scarred she-wolf as it bared its claws and prepared to strike.

A winged wolf swooped in, grabbing the demon's wings in its paws. This startled Viran enough that she didn't strike. Above her, two wolves flew in spirals, waiting for her. Their arrogance astounded the demon, and it instantly felt resentful. Without hesitation, it took flight once more, pursuing the two winged ones that resembled its primary target. One of them was pure white with black eyes, and  the other was grey with black wings.

"Ivory, you leave, I'll draw her off," the grey one barked, performing an intricate maneuver in the air in an attempt to confuse the demon.

"No, we're staying together no matter what," Ivory replied, then slashed out at Viran without warning. Blood spattered down toward the ground from a wound on the demon's snout. While it was still blinking, stunned, Drak came crashing down onto its head. Knocked unconscious, she began to spiral downward, the flames and shadows fading away as she turned back to her normal form. The white winged wolf plunged after her.

"What are you doing?" Drak asked anxiously, following her, his wings pinned to his sides as he plummeted.

"We can't just let her crash to the ground. Even if she is our enemy, I pity her. If that demon didn't take her over, I believe she wouldn't be evil anymore." So saying, she swooped underneath the black wolf, and gently drifted toward the ground with Viran in her arms. Laying her enemy on the ground, Ivory took Drak's paw, and together they ascended into the air once more.

Kitty's Breedables------The Menagerie
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Postby Kittyms » 10/02/2007 6:29 PM

(Two new charries! *pokes first post* I'm introducing them in this post ^^)

When Viran awoke, the first thing she saw was a pair of teeth. Leaping to her feet, fur bristling, she confronted a haggard looking grey wolf. "Who are you?" she asked, snarling.

"Me? Why I'm one of the Shadow Lord's hunters, sent to help you," he said sarcastically. Two leathery black wings lay folded against his back. Viran couldn't help staring, and he noticed. "I'm cursed, hence the weird wings, and my unkempt fur." Fear flashed in her eyes as they flicked back to his. Now that she knew the truth, she noticed that his eyes did look rather empty.. dead almost.

"If she's awake, let's go already." A large black tiger stepped out of the shadows, its black feathered wings half spread in readiness for flight. Her tail flicking, she walked over to Viran and surveyed her critically. "Pfft, not much to look at are you?" she said insultingly, and the black wolf's gut twisted in anger. Her demon sensed it, and she fought back a sense of panic as it seemed to almost take over control, but at the last second, it stopped, and she let out a breath of relief.

Grinning, the grey cursed wolf introduced himself. "I'm Charredhusk, and this is my partner, Darkclaw. She's cursed, too." The tiger in question, simply flicked her tail irritably, and rolled her eyes. "I heard you have a demon. Why don't you surrender, let it take over for a while? It will make this hunting go a lot faster."

"No," she growled, though she felt the demon stir at his words. Every part of her being began to fight it, but her will was too weak, and before long, the transformation was complete, and the demon had control once more. "Let's go," it snarled, spreading its leathery wings and taking off. Smiling, the two cursed creatures flapped after her. They hadn't bothered to tell her that they intended to kill her after they had completed their mission, and thus gain all of the glory.

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Postby freya » 10/14/2007 10:49 PM

Name: Kurza
Gender: Female
Species: Wolf
Colour: Black
Characteristics: Freya has a very cheerful disposition. She takes everything in good cheer and bounces back easily. Freya often gets into all sorts of trouble, and often volunteers to go first. She works for the light, just because it seemed the right thing to do.

Changed her name!
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Postby Kittyms » 10/15/2007 6:12 PM

(Yay, somebody here! *pokes Freya* You wanna go ahead and post with Freya?)

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Postby freya » 10/15/2007 10:46 PM

(:D You looked kind of lonely, there. The bold writing is what Kittyms wrote.)

Kurza was bored. True, she was normally pretty good at entertaining herself, but she had run out of things to do. So, she went exploring. Yes, she knew it could be dangerous, but she was feeling reckless! She wanted some adventure in her life! Not boring old, Hunt, Sleep, Hunt again, Sleep some more, yadda, yadda, yadda.

So, Kurza wandered away. Without telling anybody. Of course. Typical Kurza.
At first, nothing particularly interesting happened. Trees, some rocks, more trees, oh yeah, and, more trees. Then she heard something. Voices. Moving very quietly and low to the ground, Kurza krept forward. She was glad that she was downwind.

" . . . Shadow Lord's hunters, sent to help you."
Freya held her breath. The Shadow Lord! Of course shad had heard of him. Freya briefly considered creeping away, but pushed the thought away. No, they might hear her.
Someone else was speaking now.
"If she's awake, let's go already." She peered through the gloom and saw a black tiger with wings step into the light. She could not see the others. He then went out of her line of vision.
"Pfft, not much to look at, are you?"
The first voice spoke again. "I'm Charredhusk, and this is my partner Darkclaw. She's cursed too."
Charredhusk? Darkclaw? Not particularly pleasant names, Kurza thought.
"I heard you have a demon. Why don't you surrender, let it take over for a while? It will make this hunting go alot faster." It was that first voice, Charredhusk.
"No," said the one who had not spoken yet.
Then another voice spoke. "Let's go," it said.
Kurza heard a swoop of wings and they were gone. She waited a few minutes, then turned and took off towards home like her feet had wings. She was pretty sure someone would want to know about this.
*You see a girl leading a Glaciel Alabie walk by*

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Postby Kelica » 10/17/2007 10:43 AM

(*has wanted to join since this started but it slipped her mind* And Freya, it's rude to control other peoples characters *assumes Charredhusk and Darkclaw aren't yours* >w<

Name: Spike
Gender: Male
Species: Anthro Dragon
Color: Seafoam green
Characteristics: Spike is the over-protective brother kind of type, always making sure their are no flaws what so ever in plans, he even kept his little sister at home after teaching her all the magic he knew, which is mostly defensive and healing. He can be a decent melee fighter, but it's not nearly as good as his magic. (He's on the side of the light dragon)

Name: Sakura
Gender: Female
Species: Anthro Dragon
Color: A peach-ish pink
Characteristics: Sakura ran away from home, wanting to help her older brother, Spike, but she knew he would just send her home again. She discovered Beauty's pack and decided to tag along, not really ever joining, but helping repair wounds with her magic and making sheilds over where they were camping. (She's in Beauty's Pack, I guess)

Name: Celeste
Gender: Female
Species: Fox Anthro
Color: Midnight Blue
Characteristics: Celeste may seem like a simple astronomer, with one of the biggest collections of star charts you've ever seen, but she's something more. If you ask her for "special services" you'll discover she's a menacary and assasin who works purely for money, and she's quite good at it too. She doesn't care what you're notions are, as long as you're not asking her to kill one of the Light or Dark dragons, as she fears getting herself killed. She lives in a small hut in the middle of a vast field where it's almost never cloudy, so she can see the stars.(She's in Other)

That just about sums it up.)
Just returned and getting back in the swing of things! 8D; Expect this space to be filled by something interesting soon. o3o;
Though I kinda picked a bad time to come back, 'cause I'm still really busy, but oh well. x3;
In the meantime, would you mind clicking them? x3;
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Postby freya » 10/17/2007 1:19 PM

(In Kittyms' last roleplay post that was a conversation her characters had. I just copied it in my post to show what conversation she was evesdropping on, as there were several. Thanks for pointing it out, though! XD)
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Postby Kittyms » 10/17/2007 5:40 PM

(Yes, that is okay, Freya! ^^ and Yay, more people!! *dances around*)

The Light Dragon lay curled up on a cloud, his eyes on Kard, who was playing with a piece of the cloud like cotton candy. "We must do something about Viran, you know. There is nothing for it, but to remove the demon, no matter the cost to her."

"But must we hurt her?" the winged wolf asked. "You know full well, master, that at the very least, the demon's death throws would strip away her identity. At the worst, end her life."

"But don't you think death would be a blessing for her now?" the golden dragon asked. "I'm sure she must hate it terribly.. I believe it would be better to put her out of her misery. And if we do it fast, there is the chance that we could remove the demon without harming her at all. If it is done properly."

"Perhaps so." The light wolf sighed, and spread his wings, then leaped from the cloud, following his master, who had already begun to spiral downward. "Where are we going?" he asked.

"I sense there is something going on that we must look into," the Light Dragon replied. Soon both creatures of the light had landed in a clearing that appeared deserted. "I sense someone wished to speak with us, and there are events of which we must know." Kard simply nodded silently, his eyes darting around the clearing warily.

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Postby Kelica » 10/17/2007 8:34 PM

(Ohs, okay. =3)

Celeste was sitting out in the field, watching as the clouds go by... It was so peaceful, nice to see that more people were coming to her for navigational star charts other then her other sort of buisness. She promised herself she'd stop it, but the people who wanted her services paid her more handsomely then ever before, and she couldn't resist. She sighed, regretting more and more she took up fighting every day. Celeste got up and walked over to her little hut, entering. Opening the door, she closed it and the walls lit up. A passing mage had enchanted her walls and celing using her star charts, making them look exactly like the night sky, it was beautiful. Who was that again? She thought his name was Spike or something. Ah well. She had given him quite a few charts for it, but it was worthwhile, at least he didn't ask her for her other skills. It was a simple room, with a counter and a few chairs. It used to be messy with star charts everywhere, but the kind mage had stored all of her charts neatly in the counter. She sat down on one of the chairs, getting absorbed in her thoughts...

(Spike and Sakura will be coming in next post, don't worry ^^)
Just returned and getting back in the swing of things! 8D; Expect this space to be filled by something interesting soon. o3o;
Though I kinda picked a bad time to come back, 'cause I'm still really busy, but oh well. x3;
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Postby freya » 10/17/2007 11:30 PM

Kurza burst into the clearing and slid to a stop. After catching her breath, she said, "Ah, good. You're here. I have something to tell you. It may be important, it may not. Well, here it is. I was walking in the woods, maybe a mile from here, when I heard voices. Someone said 'Shadow Lord's hunters, sent to help you.' Then someone else said, 'If she's awake, let's go,' or something like that. Then the first voice said that he was Charredhusk and that the tiger was Darkclaw, and he said that she was cursed too, so I guess that he, Charredhusk, I mean, is cursed. Then Charredhusk said something along the lines of, 'I heard you had a demon? Why don't you surrender and let it take over. It will make the hunting go alot faster.' Then the one who I'm assuming is the one they were talking to, said 'No,' but then another voice said, 'Let's go'. Then they flew away, and I came here." She added, "I thought you might want to know because they mentioned the Shadow Lord. But I already said that."
Kurza stood there, still panting, looking between the dragon and the wolf. She hoped that her information would be useful.
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Postby Kittyms » 10/18/2007 6:26 PM

"Charredhusk and Darkclaw, you say?" the Light Dragon said, his eyes narrowing. "This is much worse than I had expected."

"What is it, master?" Kard asked, worried by the frown upon the dragon's brow. If the golden dragon was worried, there was much reason for concern.

"Those two are age-old allies of the Shadow Dragon. I destroyed them once.. or so I thought. But it appears his powers have grown such that he has brought them back. This is grave, very grave indeed. We can no long put off our task, Kard. We must remove the demon from Viran immediately. Kurza, you and I will stay here. Kard, your job is to lead her straight to us. We'll take it from there."

The white anthro wolf nodded, and took to the air, his gold-feathered wings shining in the daylight. Lead Viran to the Light Dragon.. quite simple actually, since the demon was obsessed with killing him.

Meanwhile, a white anthro tiger had landed gracefully next to the Light Dragon. "So, you wanted me, master?" he said, folding his wings up.

"Yes.. we are going to perform a demon extraction..." Marloz nodded knowingly, and tensed himself, ready for the demon in question to arrive. And arrive it did.

His heart pounding insanely loud, Kard swooped down and landed, then stumbled toward where he knew the Light Dragon waited. Behind him, the snarling snapping creature that was Viran taken over by her demon came. Salive dripped from its maw, and it laughed evilly. "Give in, Kard. You're finished."

"No. I'm afraid it is you who are finished," Marloz said, stepping out from behind a tree. Instantly, the demon shrank back, whimpering. But the tiger had no mercy, and pounced on her, slamming her into the ground. Already she was turning back into a normal black wolf. There was no time to waste. This extraction had to be performed quickly. But Viran's struggles made it hard for them to control her. "Help me, Kurza," the white tiger growled, trying to restrain the wolf from biting him.

Kitty's Breedables------The Menagerie
"Control yourself; take only what you need from it." ~Kids by MGMT
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