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Xena's Drop Into Evelon (Self)

Postby Sarah » 12/04/2014 12:38 AM

A hot wave of power surged through Xena’s veins and with it memories flooded her brain. War and blood and killing and the cold satisfaction of watching her target die. She hadn’t even realized her grip on the man’s neck had tightened. She watched with a blank curiosity as his life flowed out of him. She watched it seep from his skin and pour from his gaping mouth it looked like he was surrounded by pale blue stars that shimmered and moved in a similar fashion to water but it wasn’t wet. She might as well have been seeing space flowing down to pool at her feet and crawl slowly up her legs and body until his life was hers. She almost laughed, the blue was in such contrast to the man. His fat unkempt body looked out of place against the beauty of the shimmering blue liquid. With a heavy sigh she stepped back. “That was a mistake,” she whispered to herself.

During the time she was drowning in memories she hadn’t noticed her transformation. Her body was taller and where her soft fat had been there was only a night black skin stuck to bone. Her sweater and jeans were replaced by a wet looking blood red cloak that lightly flowed around her body. She felt something else new too. It was light and soft and powerful. She looked over her shoulder and saw wings. They were as black as night, maybe twelve feet long across with feathers that looked too long to function.  The core of the feathers were an almost blinding white and the feathers were either tipped or edged with a dark iridescent purple. She noticed herself for a long time, she caught her reflection and was disappointed to find a bald head. Her eyes glowed the same blood red as her cloak and the wet gleam of blood ran from her eye sockets. If she had been naked she supposed the lines or blood would trail her body but for now it stopped at her shin and seemed to just vanish.
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Re: Xena's Drop Into Evelon (Self)

Postby Sarah » 12/04/2014 12:39 AM

Then she noticed the class. They stared at her, unmoving in their fear. The stench of urine overwhelmed the room. “I am death,” she realized and the room screamed.

She would have escaped from the room via the large windows behind her but she didn’t trust her wings to work. At her feet the dead man’s life still twirled around her, but she didn’t know what to do with it. Now she was running out of time. A whole class of traumatized screaming students would draw attention soon enough. She couldn’t afford being seen by the cameras either. Not that it’d matter considering the wings and bloody cloak. Still she flipped her hood up and was surprised to feel dry fabric.

She stepped into the hallway. It was still empty but it was only a matter of time before the school locked down. Her breath caught as she exhaled. Just a tiny pump, but it was enough for her to notice. She glanced sharply out the window and saw what was wrong. The angry grey clouds didn’t roll across the sky, the torrent of rain was still in the windless air. Time was stopped.
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Re: Xena's Drop Into Evelon (Self)

Postby Sarah » 12/04/2014 12:39 AM

“This has been quite a day,” A woman’s voice tsked.

“Quite a few minutes maybe,” A mans voice returned.

“And she killed someone,” the woman whined.

“Who are you? Show yourself!” Xena demanded.

“Calm down,” the man scoffed.

“Yeah, it’s not like you’ve killed a man, exposed yourself to a class full of teens who know your real identity and the school has video recording of a bloody cloaked figure stalking through the halls with its gigantic wings,” the woman said dryly.

“Give her some slack you know how these transformations work,” the man began to bicker with the woman. Still annoyingly staying out of sight as well.
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Re: Xena's Drop Into Evelon (Self)

Postby Sarah » 12/04/2014 12:39 AM

Xena decided she didn’t have time for their banter. Instead she walked down the carpeted hall and tried to plan where she would go next. She had nowhere to go. She couldn’t go home or to a relative’s home in her current form. She walked through the halls blindly. There were only two doors that stayed unlocked during the day and both were on the other side of the school from her. All the while the two voices kept up with her. Slowly she began to realize her situation. It was so outrageous Xena wondered if she was dreaming, but everything was so vivid she knew she was awake. As much as she hated the situation she had very few options and the only things that had shown any inkling of knowledge were the two detached voices.
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Re: Xena's Drop Into Evelon (Self)

Postby Sarah » 12/04/2014 12:41 AM

Xena had steeled herself as much to save her sanity as to keep up her fearless façade. “Alight fine,” She snarled and the voices died down. “Where would you like to begin?” she asked.

“Oh good, the last of Pa’nawchi’s power had left you,” the woman said while appearing before Xena.  She wasn’t a pretty woman. Scars mangled her face and the rest of her body. She looked at least one hundred years old - her body was frail sagged in weird places. Her teeth were rotted and her nose curled like a witch. It took all Xena had to not cringe and take a step back.

“Who? What?” Xena whispered to herself. For now it was useless to try and ask specifics since she knew nothing of what was happening. She just had to hope that they wouldn’t act all secretive and keep her in the dark.
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Re: Xena's Drop Into Evelon (Self)

Postby Sarah » 12/04/2014 12:42 AM

“Another time maybe,” the man said appearing next to the woman. He had shaggy jet black hair that covered his eyes but from what she could tell they were a dull brown. He looked a lot younger than the woman but he was still much older than Xena. He was an average height but looked like a bodybuilder. Xena had always hated those types, their body looked like it was about to burst from its skin and they always acted to superior it made her sick.

“We’ll explain some on the way. We have to get to a safe place now,” the woman added. She chanted softly for a while before a white vault door shimmered into existence. The man, through a series of grunts, was able to shove the door open. “Welcome to the silver vault. It’s the most secure and second most powerful vault in heaven.” The woman’s voice geld something that sounded like pride but Xena couldn’t place the exact word.
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Re: Xena's Drop Into Evelon (Self)

Postby Sarah » 12/04/2014 12:42 AM

Xena couldn’t make out anything beyond the door. Only a shimmering silver light shown from the hole in reality. The elderly woman eagerly stepped through and vanished while the man indicated that Xena would go next. For a moment Xena hesitated, was he making sure she wouldn’t escape? No, he had to close the door behind them. Somehow she knew that if she wanted to leave that place she could. Without giving herself time to think about it she stepped through the portal. The light was cold and tingled her skin like electricity was dancing thickly in the air. On the other side she had to take a moment to let her eyes adjust to the brightness of it all. Everything shined in a silver hue and spread before her was a shining city settled upon clouds. Her feet touched the ground and Xena felt for a moment like she was going to fall but her feet had fallen onto solid ground. What had looked like clouds was just a cool rolling mist that curled over a solid surface underneath.
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Re: Xena's Drop Into Evelon (Self)

Postby Sarah » 12/04/2014 12:43 AM

“This way girl, we have much to do now that you’re here,” the woman chirped at her as she was swept along towards the city. “You’re a reaper now. have you heard of those? They are the celestial beings that deliver death unto the beings in the gods realm. you are one of us through incarnation, one of the many ways to become one of us. the woman before you was called Pa’nawchi and she died recently in battle. Agron and I were sent to retrieve you before you dealt damage and exposed yourself. We failed our part so now you must succeed in your part. Being a reaper in itself is an easy business: you are given a name or a list and you make sure those people die and their souls are sent to their proper places. unfortunately celestial beings have been touched by the taint of mortals and so they are greedy and corrupt and they don't work for the good of the people but for the good of themselves. Pa’nawchi was this way, and you will be this way. She chose you for a reason of course that reason was because you were the most likely to carry on her legacy of power and destruction though these properties may not have surfaced in you yet,” the woman explained. her voice carried no tone at all and Xena was forced to wonder what she thought about all of it.
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Re: Xena's Drop Into Evelon (Self)

Postby Sarah » 12/04/2014 12:43 AM

“What’s next? you may ask yourself. Training and when the time comes you will be given an apprentice to teach and if you are especially unlucky you may even be called to war.

“None of that is important right now. you'll learn more once we get you to the registration building and under the correct authority,” Agron snapped and the rest of the walk was done in silence. Xena took the time to study the city. the buildings were all made of the same silver colored material. they varied wildly in size and shape, but for the most part they had the same design. she couldn't see any roads or paths under the thick ground fog but at least the ground was solid and flat.
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Re: Xena's Drop Into Evelon (Self)

Postby Sarah » 12/04/2014 12:44 AM

They twisted through the shimmering city until they finally approached a dead end. A short building that was shaped like a half circle with the flat part facing them. It was lined from floor to ceiling with silver tinted windows and two carefully carved and centered doors. Apprehension settled thick in her stomach and she felt as if she should know what this building was but she had been frightened out of speaking and her guides weren’t offering any information to her anymore.

Agron opened the door and they all shuffled inside. The interior was reminiscent of an army recruitment center and a bank. Curious and guarded stares met them and they walked in silence to one of the occupied counters. More and more Xena felt like a prisoner. The elderly woman led them while Agron took up the rear and she couldn’t help but feel the tension in the air. All around her people were watching her and making sure she didn’t move out of her place.
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Re: Xena's Drop Into Evelon (Self)

Postby Sarah » 12/04/2014 12:45 AM

“Viviette!” The man behind the counter beamed and took her hand in both of his. “It’s been oh so long since I was last graced by your presence,” he cooed but his eyes didn’t leave Xena for a moment.

“It’s good to see you too Raz! You sure have grown since we last talked,” Viviette grinned at him. “I’d love to catch up but there is business to take care of,” her eyes darkened as she looked back at Xena.

“Of course dear, another time,” Raz sounded disappointed and then he was all professional. “this is the wayward reincarnation I presume?” he asked Agron.

“Xena’s the name. Nice to meet you too pipsqueak,” Xena glared at the man and he just nodded at her and frowned.

“I see, I see. Right this way ma’am,” He clicked his tongue disapprovingly and said goodbye shortly to Viviette.
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Re: Xena's Drop Into Evelon (Self)

Postby Sarah » 12/04/2014 12:46 AM

Xena decided she liked Viviette and made a note to find her someday. She glanced around the room again and was met with glares. Xena would either regret her standoffishness or she would make others regret giving her dirty looks, but she wasn't sure which option to pick just yet. Raz led her down a hall into a back room filled with all sorts of storage boxes and filing cabinets and safes and they all gleamed silver. Somehow Xena felt like she would never get used to it.
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Re: Xena's Drop Into Evelon (Self)

Postby Sarah » 12/04/2014 12:46 AM

“It is just over here,” the man grunted as he lifted something apparently heavy from the box. “I don’t know why she chose this as her weapon but it can do some damage.” In the mans hands was a hammer.

Xena couldn’t help but gawk. Head of the beast was big enough to obliterate a tiger. The handle was taller than Xena was even as a reaper. She couldn’t tell what material the thing was really made from but it looked to be a ruby hammer head with an obsidian staff connected to it.

“Pa’nawchi’s reincarnation receives her weapon after all. I have to say we weren’t expecting her to reincarnate, apparently the vaults saw her worthy and you as well,” He said hefting the weapon to Xena, Who caught it with little effort. Raz raised an eyebrow towards her but decided to let it go. “I’ll fill out all the paperwork so dont worry about that,” the man said and Xena thought about asking him what he meant. Raz silenced her with a wave of his hand and moved on to something else. “You’re equipped with a weapon and your reaper form. You’ll do fine as long as you do what you are told,” he told her and Xena suspected the secrecy was to get her even more confused.
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Re: Xena's Drop Into Evelon (Self)

Postby Sarah » 12/04/2014 12:46 AM

The next thing she knew another shimmering door had appeared. tentatively she opened it and saw vast farm land stretching across some new world. “What?” she managed to get out before she was rudely shoved through the doorframe. She spun around in time to see the door disappear into the air and she was left looking at a large group of farm houses. For many moment Xena struggled to convince herself that going in tearing the homes down was a bad idea. Once her emotions were under control she began walking. She had no place to put the hammer so she held onto it and found that it was impossible to lift unless she was in her reaper form.
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Re: Xena's Drop Into Evelon (Self)

Postby Sarah » 12/04/2014 12:48 AM

When she reached the farmhouse she was greeted with more curious eyes. They were all armed and cloaked. Some were sparring and other were doing work with animals or just farm work in general. Only one woman stood among them, she was fierce looking and her eyes locked Xena to the ground. “H-hi,” Xena stuttered out unable to take her eyes off of the woman.

“Xena correct?” the woman asked a broad grin spreading across her face.

“Um, that’s me,” Xena said wondering how much more confused she could feel.

“Don’t worry hun. You’ll settle in nicely and everything will be explained,” the woman told her as she led her to one of the houses.

“Where am I?” Xena asked hesitantly.

“Evelon of course,” the woman informed her. “More specifically the Sekudui Farmlands,” she added.
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