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Mythe's Pregnancy (Self ; Done)

Postby Sarah » 12/24/2014 1:47 AM

Freedom was something she had been denied for far too long. With somber grey clouds rolling overhead and her clanking chains pulling on her neck and wrists Mythe was once again faced with thoughts of escape and of a new life. She scanned the desert slowly she was but one peon amongst thousands. Slaves walking along waiting to go to another master then another until their miserable life melted away. A master had come riding up seeing that she was holding up the line, the leather whip in his hand was ready to snap at her and then bite her if she didn’t move fast enough. Without thinking she flinched back and picked up her pace again and the rider left glaring at the lowly peasants below him. It was odd to think that he, another slave, could have the audacity to think he was above those walking in chains. His weren’t hidden or for that matter any different from hers but they put him on a horse with a weapon and suddenly he had a way to take his emotions out on those marginally less fortunate.
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Re: Mythe's Pregnancy (Self)

Postby Sarah » 12/24/2014 1:47 AM

“Move it 471,” another rider snapped at her and she into reality again. On any other day she would be able to move her body along without thinking about it but the pulsing heat from the sun was frying her brain. Sweat dripped so heavily down her body that even her white hair was soaked. Her fragile skin would have unknowable damage by the end of this desert walk. She wasn’t the only one suffering, the rider was practically a waterfall of sweat, but she was not created for the sun. Mythe had been born into shadows and those shadows were where she liked to stay. Some thought her to be born from the northern snow, superstitious fucks, but they weren’t far from wrong. Certainly with her un-pigmented body she couldn’t be human. Born and raised by the shadows is what she liked to tell people though her parents were for the most part human enough, but with a good story she could get people to do what she needed them to do: fear her, hate her, and envy her. People were a worthless means to her beautiful end.
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Re: Mythe's Pregnancy (Self)

Postby Sarah » 12/24/2014 1:48 AM

Oh there was so much she could get done while in chains. No one suspected a weak little slave girl to pull off much. Now she was nearing the beginning of her end and so far everything was falling into place.

Her thoughts were banished by something far away. The crack of a whip and the synchronized flinch of every prisoner. A short cut off scream and then the blistering silence of the desert again. The first of them had died and they wouldn’t be the last. Mythe would be lucky herself to make it through the day alive she doubted her masters would be offering water to their severely dehydrated cast of slaves. Of course if they all died it would be lost profit on their part so perhaps they’d get enough to walk another day.
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Re: Mythe's Pregnancy (Self)

Postby Sarah » 12/24/2014 1:48 AM

Now that her mind wasn’t distracted she began to take a nose dive into the physical world. The hot needles of sand burning her feet through their thin cloth shoes. The stickiness of her skin and the itchiness of her hair as the sweat took her salt and water reserves. The way her body burned like she was held against a stake and stood in a fire but couldn’t die. Her body ached and she was tired and she didn’t think she could wait much longer for the cool escape of night. The only good thing about the desert was that sand lost heat very quickly so once the sun went down the temperature dropped because nothing could keep a hold of the sweltering heat of the sun. It was the only forgiveness in this land of desolate god forsaken sandy plain.
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Re: Mythe's Pregnancy (Self)

Postby Sarah » 12/24/2014 1:48 AM

Mythe was moving again but only by the will of self-preservation. She feared another rider coming over with his whip. It was odd, she had never felt fear before she had gone into the slave trade. For now fear was something she had to deal with in order for her plans to flourish. Really the dead men and women around her was more of a help than a horror. It took a lot to summon a celestial being and mass death was one of the best ways. She’d be able to find the person she needed and get free without any blood on her own hands. The thought brightened her mood considerably and she threw herself into her well of planning and what ifs.

It was late in the afternoon when more bodies began to pile up. Finally the human body couldn’t take any more. Mythe couldn’t tell if the riders were worried about this, they were losing their product but they didn’t make any move to offer water or something to lower body temperature. She could feel her skin melting and knew she’d have to be quick about finding a good healer. They’d been told an oasis was close ahead and that gave many the hope they needed to prevent complete collapse. Mythe herself didn’t believe it but anything was possible.
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Re: Mythe's Pregnancy (Self)

Postby Sarah » 12/24/2014 1:49 AM

Turns out they were heading towards an oasis though the closeness they had been assured was off completely. They had lost at least two hundred before they reached the small settlement. The people took them in happily lest they attract the anger of the riders. Surprisingly some even offered money for the stronger slaves and a few of the slave were sold right then. Others stayed far away from the riders and their flock. Mythe got many stares herself probably due to the fact that she was an albino in the middle of the desert but she didn’t care to acknowledge the inquisitive looks and whispers. Instead she found her way to the oasis and slumped to her knees. She didn’t even care if the water was bad, and she practically dunked her whole head under.  With some restraint she cupped her hands and lowered them into the warm but clear water.
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Re: Mythe's Pregnancy (Self)

Postby Sarah » 12/24/2014 1:50 AM

“No, no!” someone interrupted her and she thought about ignoring the voice. With a sigh she turned to look at who was shouting. It was another woman. She was dressed in light, loose, blue clothing and had pale blue hair pulled back into a bun. “Here, let me help,” the woman insisted touching her finger into the water. Mythe’s eyebrow shot up and she wondered what good that’d do. The woman laughed slightly and indicated she should drink now. Myth gave the woman a skeptical look but dipped her hands in again. She almost pulled them away in surprise, the water was ice cold and somehow Mythe knew it was clear of any impurities too. “It’s okay, I have enough mana to last a while to enjoy yourself. You could even get in if you wanted,” the woman assured her and then leaned in closer. “Later I’ll take you to a healer you just have to say the word and we’ll go,” she whispered.
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Re: Mythe's Pregnancy (Self)

Postby Sarah » 12/24/2014 1:50 AM

Mutely Mythe nodded and slowly entered the water. She didn’t bother to take of the dirty rags they had given her and she was happy about that decision. One touch of the water and they were clean again. Mythe let herself smile and even though the ice water felt a lot colder than it actually probably was she was almost running into the deep part. She got to the point where she could touch just enough that her nose stuck up from the water and she just opened her mouth and let the water pour in. it was crisp and clean and so cold it hurt her teeth. Other slaves saw her and joined in all the while the blue woman sat at the edge and smiled kindly at them. The riders didn’t seem to notice, or if they did they didn’t care.
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Re: Mythe's Pregnancy (Self)

Postby Sarah » 12/24/2014 1:51 AM

Mythe drank her fill and then drank some more before letting her head be submerged. It stung her scalp but she didn’t care. Not only was it a relief from the sun but it also cleaned her dirty and greasy hair. Finally she felt she was getting pruney and she left the water to sit next to the blue woman in the shade. “What do they say about the kindness of strangers?” Mythe asked still grinning.

“Depends on who they are,” the woman replied grinning back.

“I’m Mythe, thank you for this,” she said trying to sound as sincere as possible.

“Ochta, I don’t normally reveal myself like this, but I can tell you’ll be an important person someday so I wanted to make sure you could live to see it,” Ochta said turning her attention fully to Mythe now.
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Re: Mythe's Pregnancy (Self)

Postby Sarah » 12/24/2014 1:51 AM

Mythe couldn’t help but let her smile falter for a moment as she wondered what exactly this woman knew. Obviously not much if she was wanting to preserve Mythe’s life and not end it. Still she couldn’t let her guess too much. “Me?” She tried to sound incredulous. “I don’t think so,” She added shaking her head sadly.

Ochta smirked, “Ah, it isn’t so easy to fool me you know.” Damn, she did know. Still Mythe doubted she was the one Ochta was referring to. “I said you would be important, not that you’d be good,” the woman tsked. “I’ve said too much of course, but I think you deserve to know,” she added more quietly.
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Re: Mythe's Pregnancy (Self)

Postby Sarah » 12/24/2014 1:52 AM

Mythe nodded and took the new information in. Secretly she was screaming, her years of planning would pay off eventually Ochta had ensured it. Then she returned herself to the real world. “Will you be able to get me healed before this group leaves?” She asked. Mythe knew that if she didn’t go she’d die but she couldn’t risk having her year in slavery be for nothing. Luckily Ochta nodded and held out her hand to help Mythe to her feet. For a moment the air around them shimmered blue and a fierce cold infiltrated Mythe’s body. Then she was met with a vast area of foliage and curious eyes. Beyond the different plants and animals Mythe could still make out the desert but it seemed they were in some sort of magical bubble.
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Re: Mythe's Pregnancy (Self)

Postby Sarah » 12/24/2014 1:52 AM

“Welcome to the house of Mus,” Ochta said leading Mythe into a small domed house. It looked like a small grassy hill until they reached the front of it. It was made of tan colored stone and has a simple wooden door. “We’ll see what we can do about the damage your body had endured and then we will have to send you back to the oasis,” Ochta said pulling the door open. Mythe was surprised to feel the change outside was flourishing with greenery but the air was hot and heavy, inside however the air was cool and light. Mythe took a seat in what she assumed was the dining room and waited for others to arrive.

The first was a dark skinned woman with piercing violet eyes. “Sorry to keep you waiting,” the woman said, her voice was oddly deep but still feminine.
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Re: Mythe's Pregnancy (Self)

Postby Sarah » 12/24/2014 1:55 AM

“I wasn’t waiting long,” Mythe assured her and stuck out a hand. “My name is mythe,” she introduced herself.

The woman smiled and shook her hand, “nice to meet you, my name is Mus.” The woman took a seat and watched Mythe for a time obviously deep in thought. “I’ve been told you’ve gotten yourself caught up in the slave trade, are you looking for someone?” she said at last.

Mythe nodded and then shrugged, “pretty much.” She didn’t offer any more information than that and Mus didn’t ask her to elaborate.

“I’ll do what I can although I expect most of the damage will repair itself given enough time,” Mus said putting her hand on the counter palm up.
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Re: Mythe's Pregnancy (Self)

Postby Sarah » 12/24/2014 1:55 AM

Gingerly Mythe rested her own hand palm down on top of Mus’s. She wasn’t sure what to expect but she couldn’t imagine it would be pleasant. With the few times Mythe had encountered magic only Ochta’s had brought pleasure. Otherwise she had only seen magic bring destruction. A burn, like ice touching her exposed flesh crawled up Mythe’s arm. At first Mythe let out a startled yelp and then she squeezed her eyes shut hoping to distract herself from the pain. Minutes later the feeling encompassed her whole body, and then a new feeling bloomed to life. It started at her heart and moved outwards, the feeling was something like the tingling she felt when one of her limbs lost blood flow and a great itch. The feeling was under her skin and inside her body. Mythe had never thought she’d ever be able to actively feel her kidneys or stomach or any of her other internal organs but here she was with an itch tickling her large intestine and a fierce tingling assaulting her liver. The feelings were over almost as soon as they had started and Mythe was left to sit in a daze and wonder at what had just happened.
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Re: Mythe's Pregnancy (Self)

Postby Sarah » 12/24/2014 1:56 AM

Mus was grinning and she took Mythe’s hand in both of her own. “I’ve healed the damaging effects your travel has brought on plus you’ll probably never have skin cancer,” She said, her eyes still studied Mythe intensely. “It should only take a moment for you to return and then I do hope you find who you are looking for,” Mus said while pushing herself away from the table. Quietly she walked out of the room and left Mythe alone to her thoughts once more. Though it wasn’t long after that Ochta arrived.

“It was so good meeting you Mythe. I am positive we’ll see each other again someday,” the woman said smiling. She held out her hand and Mythe eagerly took it. The world shimmered around her again and she was on the edge of the oasis with the same slaves milling around her. Quickly she put herself into her slave persona and found a place to hunker down for the duration of their stay. No sense looking for her person now when the sun was still hot and the prisoners were still standing. Instead she dozed in the shade of a mud hovel.
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