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Re: Millie's Christmas Festival [All Slots closed]

Postby crow » 12/23/2014 5:32 AM

“In the face of evidence like that, I can't see how you could possibly make an argument to the contrary,” said Rhodes. Elliot glanced at him; he did so every time the cat spoke, still clearly not used to the idea of a talking feline. That was probably just how Rhodes liked it though. It would discourage Elliot from trying to carry him again, and anything that contributed to that cause was a boon to the cat.

Not wishing to dwell on the current topic any further, Sivain said, “Are you finished looking at the presents then? Where do you plan to go next?” Suvi and Elliot looked at each other. Apparently they hadn't decided just yet. The two conferred, heads bent close together, looking around at the different attractions. A house caught their eye, and Suvi in particular looked eager; a big grin split her face, her eyes crinkling with glee. Sivain followed their line of sight and recognized the image on the front sign with some dismay. They had spotted a sweet shop. Of course they had. It was just what his night needed.

“Sivvy,” Suvi began with the air of someone trying very hard to be casual... and failing. Subtlety was not her strong point, and he had a feeling that even if she had managed to grow up, it probably never would have been.

He sighed. He wondered how many times he'd done that today, and how many more times it would happen. “Yes,” he said. “I don't want to hear it. Just go.” The two children shared an elated smile and a little hop-dance before zipping off to their new destination.

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Re: Millie's Christmas Festival [All Slots closed]

Postby crow » 12/23/2014 7:47 PM

Rhodes tutted from his perch on Sivain's shoulder. “I had thought you would put up more of a fight,” he said, tail flicking back and forth. It flicked into Sivain's nose, causing the man to snort and brush it away. “She's wearing you down, hmm?”

“It wasn't worth the argument,” said Sivain, trudging through the snow to the shop. The number of people provided one advantage, at least: the well-travelled paths were all tamped down by the feet of those who came before them. The packed snow was still not as good as a dry pavement, but better than the soft stuff through which he would inevitably sink. That was some small blessing, for which he could be thankful.

Looking around, he noted the other adults with their children, crowding around the shop. Some were making more of an effort than he had done to dissuade their charges, with mixed results. Here and there, some children were crying, their keening wails piercing the air in the way that only childrens' wails could do. Rhodes' ears flattened against his head, and Sivain's steps quickened a little. Still, the sight made him wonder: where was the sister that Elliot had mentioned? He didn't begrudge the child Suvi's company, since by now Elliot did seem like just a harmless child, less excitable and likely also less empty-headed than Suvi herself. But he had spoken of his sister in a way that suggested that she had come with him--- and he wouldn't think much of her ability as a caretaker if she had let him go by himself to a place like this, unless the two of them lived very close to the location. He had seen neither hide nor hair of her just yet, however.

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Re: Millie's Christmas Festival [All Slots closed]

Postby crow » 12/23/2014 7:56 PM

“Looking for something again?” Rhodes said with a touch of impatience to his voice. The cat wanted to be inside, hopefully away from the sound of upset children. Sivain paused a moment longer, but then turned away.

“No, it's nothing,” he said, and entered the shop. Suvi would be wanting him to buy her something, he suspected. Rather, he hoped; if things were free, then she would be needing him to stop her from eating herself sick, but it would be an uphill battle if that were the case.

And it was. The gods had forsaken him. The food was free, and wouldn't you know it, there was Suvi with her mouth covered in chocolate something or the other, a pastry in one hand and a slice of cake in the other. Elliot had shown more restraint, sitting off to the side with a small plate containing a lava cake, a cup of milk sitting beside him on the table. He was eating it slowly with a fork, sopping up the gooey inside with bits of the outer cake.

“I wish you luck,” said Rhodes, taking in the scene with that same detached amusement with which he regarded all of Sivain's misfortunes. Some help he was... No, that was unkind; Rhodes dealt with other things, things which Sivain had little care to trifle with. But at times like this, well...

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Re: Millie's Christmas Festival [All Slots closed]

Postby crow » 12/23/2014 8:06 PM

Sivain bit back another sigh; he was only going to waste his breath. They hadn't even seen most of the attractions in this little festival yet, so he was probably going to need those extra sighs for later. Wouldn't want to blow through his whole quota too early, after all. He was just going to get this over with, and if Suvi became one of those wailing children, there was nothing he could do about that. Her health was more important than his hearing, or his composure, or how mortifying this was going to be in a public place... Sivain shook his head. If he dwelt on things like that any longer, he was never going to get around to doing anything.

He strode past the other people enjoying their treats, and some mothers drew their children a little closer. Even well-dressed and without his weapons, Sivain cut an imposing figure. He had been told on many occasions that his face didn't help matters, and he was certain that this was especially true now. The grim determination writ upon it had been reserved for most of his life for the moments before he went off to face a powerful monster or a great force of men. Now, he steeled himself for...

“Hi Sivvy! Here, have one of these! They're super tasty.” Now that face was reserved for when he had bad news to bring to his charge. Sivain stared down at Suvi, who was offering up a plate piled high with cookies.

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Re: Millie's Christmas Festival [All Slots closed]

Postby crow » 12/23/2014 8:16 PM

Dismay warred with steely resolve for control of his features, and Sivain could already feel the weariness pulling at his limbs. He didn't have to do this. He could let her have these sweets, and then...

... be up until 8 AM, with a child with a stomachache, and spend the entire evening leading up to it trying to keep her from destroying furniture while she bounced off the walls. No, this was a necessary evil. He took the entire plate of cookies and held them high, in case she reached for them again. “Wow, you're gonna eat all of those? I thought you didn't like sweets. Oh well, the lady said I could have more if I wanted,” said Suvi cheerily, and she hopped off her chair, presumably to go see whether that offer still stood.

Sivain closed his eyes; for a moment he allowed the 'gods-help-me' expression to flit across his face. Then his hand reached out to grab Suvi's collar and she stopped in her tracks, her legs flailing a little as she tried to keep walking. “Sivvy?” she asked, still ignorant of the coming storm. The glut of goodies had put her in a good mood.

“No more for you,” Sivain said. He tried to sound stern. He had sounded stern, in fact. It wasn't the tone that was the issue; it was the aftermath. He watched Suvi's face apprehensively, waiting for it to crumple. Somewhere along the way, Rhodes had left his shoulder for a safer perch, having already anticipated the fallout to come.

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Re: Millie's Christmas Festival [All Slots closed]

Postby crow » 12/23/2014 8:27 PM

Suvi was still smiling. “Aw, c'mon! It's free! They said I didn't have to pay,” she told him in a conspiratorial stage-whisper, which had all the subtlety of a brick thrown through a window. “Just ask Elliot, he'll back me up!”

Sivain looked at Elliot, who was still quietly eating his single lava-cake. How a boy could savor something like that so slowly was beyond him, but then his experience began and ended with Suvi, whom he had seen pile three individual pizza slices into her mouth at the same time at one point. In his infinite wisdom, the boy scooted his chair back a little from the two of them. Even he had the sense not to get involved.

“That's not the issue here, Suvi. You've already had too much today,” said Sivain. Ah, there it was. He could see the shift in her expression as if it was happening in slow motion: first the dawning realization in her eyes, then the quiver at the corner of her mouth as it sloped from a smile down into a frown. Was there a lip wibble? Oh, please don't let her start crying, he thought.

But whatever she had been about to do, or say, she didn't; for at that moment they were interrupted by a stranger's voice.

“Elliot! This is where you've been this whole time?” It was a girl from the sound of it, though her voice was low and rough. They heard her before they saw her, weaving through the others in the bakery to join their little group.


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Re: Millie's Christmas Festival [All Slots closed]

Postby crow » 12/24/2014 1:36 AM

A girl of about seventeen, give or take a few years: her hair cropped short, dressed in a beat-up leather jacket over at least three different sweaters that had all seen better days. Her pants were ripped, though Sivain didn't know if that was from wear or if it was simply a fashion choice. Her height was average, but her build was slim, and likely not willingly so. There was something to the line of her shoulders that suggested that she could be wider, given a few more decent meals.

Elliot perked up at the sight of her. “Charlie!” he said, and Sivain realized that this must have been the sister that he had been wondering about. The relief on her face at seeing him was painfully clear, though she became cross the next minute.

“Why did you wander off? I told you to wait for me at the tree,” she said. Elliot shrank back, looking contrite.

“Oh... I met a friend. I forgot. But, um, Suvi's brother was with us the whole time!” he said, indicating Suvi and Sivain. At a loss, Sivain started to tip into a bow before realizing half-way through that it wasn't appropriate for the occasion. He cleared his throat.

“I... My name is Sivain. I'm Suvi's... guardian,” he said, putting one arm around Suvi's shoulder as he did. Suvi, sensing the need to make something like a good impression, smiled and gave a little wave.

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Re: Millie's Christmas Festival [All Slots closed]

Postby crow » 12/24/2014 1:45 AM

Charlie looked from one to the other with narrowed eyes, still not sold on the two of them. “Your younger brother has been perfectly well-behaved. I've had no trouble with him at all, and had I been aware of the situation...” Here he trailed off, his words deserting him. Suvi was happy to pick up where he left off, however.

“If you're worried about not having grown-ups, Sivvy's a reeeeally big grown-up. Look how tall he is!” she said. Sivain wanted very badly to press his face into the heel of his palm right then, but he didn't. Suvi was trying, bless her little heart. The only problem was that her logic didn't... Well, it was the thought that counted.

Their awkward introduction, which Sivain had deemed a failure, seemed to have worked after all. Charlie burst into laughter, shaking her head. “You guys are alright. I should remember my manners, huh? Uh. I'm Charlie, and this little shrimp here's Elliot... But you probably already know that. Guess I ought to thank you for looking after him.” She elbowed Elliot, and he elbowed her back. Sivain thought that they looked rather more like siblings than he and Suvi did. And well they ought, for he wasn't related to Suvi by blood; the resemblance was certainly there in their faces. But it was in ther mannerisms too. Not that Suvi was at all reserved with him, but more often than not, Sivain felt like a parent rather than a brother.

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Re: Millie's Christmas Festival [All Slots closed]

Postby crow » 12/24/2014 1:46 AM

Elliot was smiling again. Now that Charlie had relaxed, he seemed more at ease too, even compared to before his sister had arrived. Sivain supposed that he must have been looking out for her this whole time, and he just hadn't noticed. But then, Elliot was a quiet child. Even with Suvi doing her best to draw all the loudness and conversation out of him, there was still something about his air that was more still, more contemplative. It was a little like seeing traces of an old man in a child's body.

It made him curious as to what his sister would be like. He hadn't been around Charlie long enough to get a read on her.

However, a moment's thought reminded him of more pressing matters. Suvi was beginning to eye her sweets again, and Sivain had to do something before they got caught up in another argument, or a continuation of the one that they'd been having before. “So,” he said, “we've been here long enough. Was there something else here you wanted to see?”

Maybe it was the way he said it, or maybe it was because she had a kid sibling of her own, but Charlie seemed to catch on to what he was trying to do. Grabbing the two children around the shoulders, she hunched over slightly to draw them close in a slightly conspirational pose.

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Re: Millie's Christmas Festival [All Slots closed]

Postby crow » 12/24/2014 2:04 AM

Suvi looked confused, but Elliot was grinning; this must be something that Charlie did often. “You know... I saw the most amazing petting zoo on my way here. Baby Yingshee, Sahound pups, the works!”

She had Suvi's attention with that. The girl stared raptly up at Charlie, her big eyes going wide. Charlie was smiling too, a quirk of the lips, harder on the right side than the left. “That's not the best part though. You know what else they have?” She had the air of a minstrel, drawing out her audience and playing on their anticipation, building on it with pauses to let their imagination do its work. “Reindeer!” she said, as if it were the most magical thing. “Real reindeer! Straight from the North Pole, Santa's best and brightest! Yeah, it's true! I wouldn't lie to you, would I?” Both children shook their heads fervently. Sivain chuckled; Suvi had been acquainted with Charlie for all of a few minutes, yet already Elliot's sister had her eating out of the palm of her hand.

Now Charlie put the final nail in the bakery coffin: “Don't tell anyone I said so, but if you're good and you ask real nice, they might do a bit of flying for ya.”

“Wow! Reindeer! Real flying reindeer, Sivvy! I'm gonna go see them right now!” Suvi stayed long enough to grab one of Sivain's hands in both of hers while bouncing up and down, before racing off out of the bakery door and to the petting zoo, presumably.

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Re: Millie's Christmas Festival [All Slots closed]

Postby crow » 12/24/2014 2:15 AM

Did she even know where it was? He hoped this wouldn't come back to bite him in the ass later. Looking for a lost child wasn't much better than dealing with a sugar-addled Suvi.

Elliot had, contrary to Sivain's expectations, actually stayed behind. He had thought the boy would accompany Suvi. He had seemed just as excited as she was, following along with the whole, but now Sivain could see that Elliot's smile was a decidedly cheeky one. Turning to his sister, he said, “You did that to help Mr Sivain, didn't you? I helped too, right?”

Charlie chuckled and ruffled his hair. “Aw, c'mon kiddo. You don't think the reindeer are real?” Elliot shook his head.

“No, they're real, but they don't fly if you ask nice. And Santa's really everyone's parents, except for us. For us it's Dave.”

Charlie sighed. “You're too old for Christmas eh, pipsqueak?” She looked to Sivain and shrugged. “They grow up faster all the time, I'll tell you what. Good thing your kid still has some holiday spirit in her. Wouldn't've worked half so well if she was a cynic like Elly.”

Sivain was surprised to find himself being addressed, but he smiled soon enough. It felt almost strange to be smiling in the presence of a stranger. Perhaps Suvi was right when she said he didn't smile enough. If even he felt odd to find himself doing so, well... “I'm afraid Suvi's problem lies more in an... excess,” he said. Charlie laughed again.

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Re: Millie's Christmas Festival [All Slots closed]

Postby crow » 12/24/2014 9:01 PM

“It works out then. They'll even each other out. Speaking of which, you should go find your friend, hmm?” she said, nudging Elliot forward.

He rolled his eyes at her. “I know, I know. Gosh, Charlie, you two sound like parents!” He walked out of the bakery in a much more dignified manner, stopping near the door to grab one more goodie before he left--- Sivain's abandoned plate of cookies. “Waste not, want not,” he said sagely, then disappeared out the door.

“How many has he had?” Charlie asked, walking up to stand next to Sivain. The two of them watched Elliot's progress from out of a bakery window. It was Suvi who found him, bouncing around excitedly; fortunately she ignored his cookies, though he looked as if he was prepared to guard them against her assault if she had chosen to launch one.

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Re: Millie's Christmas Festival [All Slots closed]

Postby crow » 12/24/2014 9:14 PM

Sivain tried to smile again, but the conscious effort felt worse, and he was sure it looked forced. He stopped doing that as soon as she gave him a strange look for his troubles. “Oh, just... Just a few. Ah, no, that wasn't what I meant. Excuse me; he's had one lava cake, as far as I could see. Suvi...” He winced, both at his own awkwardness and at the sheer quantity of Suvi's consumption. “By the time I arrived, it looked as if she had eaten enough for a small army,” he said in dismay.

Charlie nodded in understanding. “I didn't get to see it, but those chocolate stains were something else,” she said. The two children were looking about in earnest now for the zoo. Apparently Suvi hadn't found it, which might have been why she turned around to look for the rest of them. It was Elliot who spotted it first, pointing it out to his companion, before they finally started off in the right direction together.

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Re: Millie's Christmas Festival [All Slots closed]

Postby crow » 12/24/2014 9:24 PM

That reminded Sivain of... where exactly had Rhodes gotten off to? He looked about the bakery for any sign of the cat, but he couldn't find Rhodes anywhere. Then again, that didn't necessarily mean much. The place was crowded and the cat was small. If Rhodes had wanted to be found, Sivain would have seen him. This was likely just a sign that Rhodes didn't feel like making himself known at the moment. He would show up when he was ready, and not a moment before.

“Are you looking for someone else?” Charlie asked. Sivain caught himself and cleared his throat.

“Yes, we came here with...” How was he going to explain Rhodes? It had been easier with Elliot since Elliot had been a child, and at that point Rhodes had been on hand to demonstrate his skills.

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Re: Millie's Christmas Festival [All Slots closed]

Postby crow » 12/24/2014 9:34 PM

If he mentioned a cat, Charlie would definitely get the wrong idea and propose they start looking. If he had said a talking cat, he... would in all likelihood get labelled as insane. “We came with our accountant,” he said, deciding that this was the best explanation for now. She was going to be in for a shock when Rhodes showed up later, but that was better than the other options. Nothing really prepared adults for an encounter with Rhodes.

“Your accountant, huh? You guys must be close if they come with you for this sort of thing,” Charlie said. She was walking toward the door, but not at a pace that suggested she wanted to get away from him in a hurry. Sivain fell into step beside her easily. There was a great difference in their heights, not because she was short but because he was very tall. Still, he was used to walking with Suvi, and when she wasn't running about willy-nilly, her pace was shorter than Charlie's. In comparison to that, this felt like a stretch for his legs.

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