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Two questions: 1) How do you currently list your pets? 2) How would you want to list your pets?

For 1): In a pen only
For 1): In my Important Documents only
No votes
For 1): Both in the Imp. Docs and a pen
For 1): Other (Please state what)
No votes
For 2): I'm fine with just a single pen and the Imp Docs
For 2): I'd like more than one pen
For 2): I don't need a pen at all and am fine with just the Imp. Docs
No votes
For 2): Other (Please state what)
No votes
Total votes : 46

About Pens and Important Documents

Postby Shieba » 01/10/2015 7:39 PM

It's me again, oh dear.

I want to talk about pens today. I really need to redo my pen since I don't even know myself anymore what I own or don't own and that's because my pen is grossly out of date, simply because editing it is a pain.

However, I have noticed a big change in Evelon over the last few months. In the advertise section, many people (maybe 80%?) say "Check my Imp. Docs" because they keep all their pets there, without profiles and anything, but neatly collected. I think a lot of pens are out of date and in the Imp. Documents, people just toss pets into the posts, just ordered by breed and not by plot. It is very fortunate for both trades and also keeping things up to date.

It is a rule of old in Evelon to have only one pen because the staff wants to see what you own in one thread. Which is absolutely reasonable. However, with people using their Imp. Documents for that purpose now, I was wondering if, with all the good changes happening lately, we couldn't change that old rule a bit to go with the times. Can we maybe make it so that users can have multiple pens if they have all their pets in their Imp. Docs?

I have absolutely given up on keeping my pen up to date simply because I have so many pets and trade so much and deleting or adding posts into the middle of the pen is impossible, so keeping my pets structuredby plots - like I want to - has become impossible. But I also can't not structure them by plots and make less posts because I need to spread things out over many pages since my modem can't handle too many images on a page and editing would take forever. =/

So what I want to propose is something like this (this is just an idea collection):
- Users must provide a thread where they keep all their pets for the staff to see. This can be either their pen (like it has always been) or their Imp Docs.
- As long as such a thread is provided, it is allowed to make more pens to sort pets into plots/breeds/whatever the user desires.
- A link to the main "pet list" should be either in the user's signature or be linked to in the first posts of the pens if the user decides to have many.
- As the "About You" section of the site has been abused for the purpose of storing plots (and pets sorted into plots) in past, there would be the possibility of allowing people to continue to do this openly now, just linking the several threads made there in their main pen if the staff wants only one pen per user in the pen section. Otherwise, I don't see why having multiple pens in the pen section would be bad as long as a link to the full pet list is provided. I honestly doubt that many people look for pens in the pen section and just click on signature links anyway... (at least I do that. Am I odd?)

Yeah, so this is all very... unorganized and not really a well-presented suggestion since I obviously haven't figured out all problems either. But after sitting in front of my pen for a week now and doing exactly zero because I decided that this thing would need more work than an actual job, I figured that at least for me, a change is needed if I want to continue to keep a pen and not just list my pets with no plots mentioned at all. But I also need to write down my plots and sort pets because I am forgetful. So...yeah.

I just want to be able to make more pens for a better overview, less modem strain and especially better way of editing things. Please? ;___;

I know my dreams are made of you
Of you and only for you
Your ocean pulls me under
Your voice tears me asunder
Love me before the last petal falls

However cold the wind and rain
I'll be there to ease your pain
However cruel the mirrors of sin
Remember beauty is found within

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Re: About Pens and Important Documents

Postby Kitsumi » 01/11/2015 8:33 PM

I kind of like this idea, actually. I'm not sure how it would be implemented or what sorts of rules would need to be set to keep things from exploding out of control, though. Honestly, I've actually been wishing I could have multiple pens. I prefer to keep a single post for each pet with an index in the first post of my pen, so I can find a certain pet easily. But with around 150 pets (and that's just the breedables!) it was becoming a pain trying to organize my pets within their certain plots, as I would add pets from breedings and such, so I gave up and started putting all of my pets from plots in one post. Doing that makes my pen a bit neater and a lot shorter, but makes it more difficult for me to find a specific character or fit in their battle stats or roleplay information.

If I could have separate pens for separate plots, I would love that. But I also see how this can become a hassle, or clog up the Zoo Pen area. So I'm not sure if this would ever actually be implemented or not.

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we are beautiful

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Re: About Pens and Important Documents

Postby ToxicShadow » 01/18/2015 6:09 PM

I figured I'd pop in and give my opinion. I don't think it is necessary to have more than one pen, but it could be a nice feature for some. My main concern, though, would be the clutter of having so many different pens.

Honestly, the days of using pens to keep track of what each user owns is long since dead, since the records of ownership went publicly view-able, and many users don't even have remotely completed pens any more. On that note, I don't think that matter presents any issue to the idea.

However, there are some simple ways to remedy sorting pets by plot inside only a single pen.

One option would be that you give each pet its own separate post, which is only 15 pets per page. Then, on the first page of your pen (such as in the first or second post), you can group together links to each pet based on plot. (Which is something I am thinking of doing, instead of just linking them in alphabetical order.)

Or you could dedicate each page of your pen to a single plot. More than one pet could be located in each post, but be spread out among the 15 posts. They could be divided alphabetically, like characters with A and B names in one post, and so on. Or be somewhat divided by friendships or details within the plot.

And, as I have been telling a few users here and there, I am capable of at least deleting other users' posts inside the Zoo Pen area because of minor Mod powers there. So anyone is welcome to message me with links to posts they may want deleted from their pens that would otherwise be left there.

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