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Re: The Alpha Of The Omegas (E)(P)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 01/31/2015 8:00 AM

Borealis turned to the doorway, as the cave suddenly went black; she could only just make out the outline of Cassus' body as he maneuvered the large piece of log in front of their cave, and set to securing it to one side of the entrance with the thick vines that were hanging there. She cautiously approached the doorway when he had finished and was testing it's ability to open and close.

"It looks good" she offered; she was pleased that they had a door, but it didn't look all that sturdy. "It moves, and blocks the doorway" replied Cassus; "and it blends into the surroundings, which is the main thing - there's no way to reinforce this thing out here, and if it's too obvious that it's artificial, it'll attract attention." He finished attaching the door, and entered the den, turning to face her as he did, and letting it swing closed behind him.

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Re: The Alpha Of The Omegas (E)(P)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 01/31/2015 8:21 AM

Cassus paused; the cave had fallen quiet as soon as he closed the door, and now all he could hear was their breathing and his heartbeat which seemed to be increasing. He looked up at her eyes in the gloom, and their bright intensity was almost too much for him - he had to reign himself in, forcibly, and shook his head before speaking: "I'm going to get our things from the shack; stay here, secure the door with the vines on this side, and I'll try not to be too long." He watched as Borealis nodded, and then turned and strode out of the door, closing it securely behind him.

Borealis sighed in relief after he left; she had felt the intensity in the den, and wondered if that was what it was like when one built their first den with their mate - it had certainly felt intimate enough; perhaps even more intimate, due to the fact that they weren't actually mated. She ignored the wistful feeling that appeared in her chest with that thought, and proceeded to begin organizing the den.

"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Re: The Alpha Of The Omegas (E)(P)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 01/31/2015 8:25 AM

Cassus breathed, and stepped away from the cave; he couldn't believe how great the urge to return was, and he had only just left. They weren't even actually mated, and she was carrying another males' pups! How could he feel like she belonged to him, just because they shared food, and a den, and were planning to travel together!

He sighed again; he knew he had already made his mind up about staying with her - he hadn't been able to even seriously consider leaving, if he was honest with himself. The pups would come when they did, and hopefully they would be in Lamenolai by that time. He straightened himself, and began running back to the slums - he didn't want to be wandering the rainforest in the dark, but he didn't want to leave Borealis alone all night either.

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Re: The Alpha Of The Omegas (E)(P)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 01/31/2015 9:31 AM

Cassus paused; he was within sight of the wooden fence that surrounded the Slums, but he still hadn't quite figured out how he was going to get everything back to the den; although it wasn't a massive amount of things, there was a limit to how much he could carry on his own. He sighed, and moved to take a step, when all of a sudden he felt something wrap around his ankle and tug!

He spun on the spot, ready to attack, when he saw a female Radill crouching down, looking up at him submissively, with the tip of her tail coiled around his ankle. He relaxed a little, lowering the arm he had thrown up as he turned, and was just about to ask her to let go of him when she tugged again and whimpered quietly, ears back, before she gestured with the tip of her snout for him to look to his right.

He crouched as he did, and lo-and-behold, there was Kale - and a few rough-looking wasters - standing around laughing, as they exchanged something; Cassus crouched down to watch, hidden by the tree, and petted the Radill's head in thanks.

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Re: The Alpha Of The Omegas (E)(P)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 01/31/2015 9:45 AM

"Thanks, girl, you can go now" Cassus whispered to the Radill, after Kale had finally left the area. He patted her head, before he stood up and proceeded to walk through the Slums, and into his shack. He paused, feeling something bump his lower back gently, and turned to find the Radill had followed him and was now looking at him happily, wagging her tail.

"No girl, you can't stay with me" he said, trying to push her out through the doorway; how on earth could she have followed him without him hearing her?

The Radill bounced excitedly at that moment, and managed to knock Cassus over onto the ground! She immediately began snuffling at his face, and licked him before he could react!

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Re: The Alpha Of The Omegas (E)(P)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 01/31/2015 9:51 AM

Cassus was surprised, to say the least; he had been knocked off his feet, which didn't normally happen, and the contended Radill was now curling up on him, as if to cuddle him. Though he felt uncomfortable, the thought suddenly occurred to him that a Radill that strong could probably pull a cart... As if sensing his thoughts, the Radill got up off him and sat by the doorway, waving the tip of it's tail in the air; she looked at him as if waiting for him to instruct her.

He sighed; another mouth to feed then, as if they didn't have enough problems as it was; at least the den was big enough. He looked around the shack, and frowned; how was he going to get all of this back to the den anyway?

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Re: The Alpha Of The Omegas (E)(P)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 01/31/2015 10:04 AM

Cassus looked at the Radill, then spoke: "Right, girl, come here; we're going to try something out"; he indicated for her to stand beside him, then began measuring her with his hands, trying to judge her size. "Right; I know where the handcart for the merchants is kept when it's not being used;" he muttered to himself, "and she's about the right size... Stay, girl, I'll be back in a moment." The Radill looked at him with her head cocked to one side, then lay down in the center of the shack, as if to wait for him to return.

Cassus turned and left the shack, making sure he didn't catch anyone's attention. He had been wondering how they would get their things to the den, never mind Lamenolai, but now he had a plan - all he needed was to not get caught.

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Re: The Alpha Of The Omegas (E)(P)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 01/31/2015 10:08 AM

Stealing the handcart had been even easier than he thought it would; the shed hadn't been locked, and there had been nobody in sight. Cassus pulled it beside the doorway, then entered the shack and proceeded to throw everything into the cart. The Radill watched him, then got up and went to sit between the handles, as if waiting to be harnessed to it.

"You are a clever girl, aren't you?" Cassus murmered, as he tied some rope into a makeshift harness, and attached the Radill to the cart. "Come on then; let's get back to the den, before someone notices it's gone"; he took one final look around the shack, breathed a sigh of regret, and then left with the happy Radill trailing alongside him, pulling the cart as if it had been doing it forever.

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Re: The Alpha Of The Omegas (E)(P)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 02/01/2015 12:19 PM

Borealis' ears pricked up at the sound of approaching wheels; though she was curious, she didn't dare approach the door, reasoning that she was safer staying still. Hearing them pause outside the den, she stiffened, then relaxed when the door was opened by none other than Cassus.

Cassus relaxed as they pulled into the clearing; opening the door he began to unload the cart, with the Radill waiting patiently as the things were removed, then pulling the cart into a shadowy nook beside the den. Cassus released the Radill, and covered the cart with debris from the clearing to disguise it; hopefully even if it was found, it wouldn't lead anybody to the den. As the last of the light began to fade, he patted the Radill on the head, and led her inside the den, closing the door behind him.

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Re: The Alpha Of The Omegas (E)(P)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 03/31/2015 9:00 PM

The Radill curled up at the bottom of the doorwar, blocking out the fading light from under it.

Cassus began to assemble the bedding pile, as he described how he had found the Radill - or how she had found him. "If she hadn't pulled me back, I would have run straight into Kale" he said.

Borealis shivered at the thought. "Then it was very lucky she was there. Does she have a name? she asked.

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Re: The Alpha Of The Omegas (E)(P)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 03/31/2015 9:07 PM

The Radill snuffled, and looked at them expectantly.

"I don't think she does. Perhaps we should give her one." Borealis said, head to one side. "What do you think we should call her?"

Cassus frowned; "she's not a pet you know; she's staying because she's useful."

"Yes, but how are we supposed to tell her anything if she doesn't have something to respond to?" Borealis stubbornly argued.


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Re: The Alpha Of The Omegas (E)(P)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 02/24/2016 3:15 AM

Cassus frowned; since when had she been so forward or aggressive? he sighed, assuming it was a symptom of her being with pups. "All right, what should we call her then?" he said evenly, raising his eyebrows.

Borealis turned to look at the Radill, who waved her tail happily and watched the two of them with one eye.

"What about Ebele?" asked Borealis, allowing a smile to slip onto her lips. The Radill waved her tail once more, and sighed, settling into a comfy pile at the base of the door.

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Re: The Alpha Of The Omegas (E)(P)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 02/24/2016 3:31 AM

"I think she likes it" Borealis mused, watching the Radill settle herself down to sleep. Ebele looked to have a big smile on her face, as her fringe tendrils crept under the door to soak up the moonlight.

"Ebele it is then" Cassus conceded, watching Borealis intently as though trying to figure out when she would be due by sight alone. "Now come; we need to finish sorting this place out - it is late, and tomorrow we should aim to fill all the containers we have here."

Borealis smiled once more, then shuffled over to him to help organise their den.

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Re: The Alpha Of The Omegas (E)(P)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 02/24/2016 8:28 AM

The next morning, Borealis awoke for the first time feeling safe and content, despite the knowledge that they now had to prepare for the raid and their departure to Lamenolai. They had mutually agreed to share the bedding pile (which Cassus had made larger using rags from the cartload) and were cuddled together in a bundle of warmth.

Cassus yawned quietly; he too felt content, having awoken with the female in his arms. Already he was coming to terms with his choice to remain with her, and the den felt much cozier than the shack had.

Ebele stretched herself and yawned, letting some daylight creep in under the door of the den; clearly morning had already broken outside.

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Re: The Alpha Of The Omegas (E)(P)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 02/25/2016 1:27 AM

Ebele used the twin ends of her tail to poke under the door, catching the first rays of dawn - she sighed contentedly, and settled into a crouch to watch her new masters awaken.

"Come on; we need to get as early a start as possible" mumbled Cassus sleepily. For once, he felt content, and did not really want to move - nevertheless, he sat up and shrugged the blanked off, before yawning and stretching.

Borealis watched him through lazy eyes, before doing the same. She felt safe and warm, and though the raid and their departure still weighed heavily on her mind she allowed herself to simply enjoy the moment.

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