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[* Valiant Acuity Enterprises Inc.

Postby Jaykobell » 04/07/2015 12:10 AM

-+Breeding Facility+-
Rank A Kuhna License | Rank A Lucain License | Rank C Paragon License | Rank E Soveris License

[* Business Legend.:

For every employee, you will see a tag named Business. This tag involves trading and/or selling. Headhunters are not welcomed here. Please do not ask for our employees unless their performance is less than... stellar.

Stellar - Means the employee is absolutely not up for trade and/or sale. The likelihood of this employee being let go is very little. The only exception is sometimes even the best of employees... falter. I might be coveting another employee, or that I might happen to like them better than my current employee. Feel free to list them if I offer a Pen check, but just be aware that the likelihood of them being traded is very slim.

Average - Means the employee may be put up for trade. Sometimes the employee will already be in my trading topic, but sometimes they won't be because I'm still not sure about trading it. However, if you want to have a stab at said employee, feel free to PM me (if they're not already up for trade).

Pink Slip - Means this employee is definitely up for trade. I either have no attachment left to it, or the employee... died, and therefore their services are no longer needed any longer. Feel free to offer in my trading topic for those employees; they should all be there.

[* Category Legend.:

You will notice that the business is divided into Categories. While some employees may be hybrids of the categories listed below, they will be listed by their core race. If an employee rarely, if ever, uses a human form, they will be listed under Animals.

If you're looking to RP with a specific employee, feel free to hand-pick the category(ies) you want! ... Of course, please note employees may only leave their post during breaks and at lunch.

Humans - Employees that are in human form. They are, at their core, human beings. They may possess unusual abilities or powers, but they remain human beings above all else. Some human characters may agree to roleplay in animal forms.

Animals - Employees that are animals at their core. They either have no human form, or they barely ever use it. While animals in appearance, they all have human habits and traits, unless mentioned otherwise. Some characters may be animals at their core. Some animal characters may agree to roleplay in human forms.

Myths - Employees that are a mythical race, whether an angel, demon, dragon, and more. They may possess multiple forms or appear in an anthropomorphic form. This category refers only to existing mythical creatures, such as dragons and vampires. Original creations are in a different category.

Others - Employees that are, at their core, a species that is not an existing mythical creature or animal. This includes any original creation I came up with, and they are all species and races that do not otherwise exist outside my stories and plots.

Hiatus - Employees that I am keeping solely for safe-keeping, or for history purposes. They are employees that were once very active or that had a big story going for them at one point, but who have since been sitting in my Pen with no inspiration. Some of them will retain their pet forms, but some may simply exist in text. Roleplaying with these is extremely unlikely, and they are there solely for history purposes.

(*War Supporter*)
Purine Supporter
Baa'sek Wielder of the Dusk


.::Cherished From Faraway::.
These are not employees, but instead, the immortalized forms of those that were very close to the owner of the business. They are not available for roleplays, and they exist solely for emotional reasons, immortalizing precious memories.
Frimorial, Custom Tabby Cat Kuhna
R.I.P Frimousse 1995-2008

Picorial, Custom Pearled Cockatiel Paragon (Mystwalker/Spotted/Lizard Legs)
R.I.P Pico 2001-2013
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Joined: 09/04/2007 12:33 AM
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[* Humans A-D I

Postby Jaykobell » 04/07/2015 12:11 AM

Gender: Female
Species: Hyeana/Akita/Coontail/Banded Lucain
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests: N/A
Ocular Checkups:

Resume wrote:Aglaia is a genius, and a woman versed in mathematics and sciences. She is diligent and hard-working, but without being completely engrossed in her studies. She enjoys the company of others, but she is timid upon first meeting someone new. She also has a difficult time approaching strangers and typically prefers to be with someone else when meeting new people. She is a perfectionist and someone who aims to take care of herself and others above everything else, considering life to be more important than everything else. She is Dynamic's best friend, and she lives with him in a small apartment. She is an excellent cook, much to Dynamic's delight, as she needs to cook a lot of food for him on a daily basis.

Gender: Male
Species: Custom Strategist Tengumi
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: Tiki
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): Morgan|Milton
Taste Tests:
Town of Nabias
Mess Hall (Purine)
Ocular Checkups:

Resume wrote:Akakios often comes off as cold and distant, as well as very serious. Despite this, he is not short on kindness. Affectionately called "Kee" by Negative, Akakios could be considered a genius, being extremely intelligent and clever. He seemingly has an answer to everything, and he seems to be impossible to faze. That is mostly an act that he puts on when he is with high-ranking people or with people who are under him and who follow his example. While his sense of humor is a little dry, Kee is certainly capable of loosening up and enjoying a bit of social fun with his family and close friends. He is fairly passive, and he often has a hard time expressing very intense emotions, which is why many people first see him as being very distant and cold. Kee can get very attached to his close friends, and he can be extremely self-sacrificing when the situation calls for it. He is protective of his family, and he can become merciless and menacing when someone so much as tries to touch his wife or children. Akakios is madly and passionately in love with Tiki, and he couldn't imagine his life without his wife by his side. While it is a known fact that Kee is sterile and cannot have children, the couple has two children that found their way to the couple after traveling back in time to help the two in the war. While Akakios initially reacted by saying it was impossible for the children to be related to him in any way, he has since accepted to two has his own children and has been raising them as such. He has a brother-sister relationship with Negative and tends to be over-protective of her, to the point of being tormented by some of her decisions. He is on a relatively stable relationship with Alter, but the cruder and more ill-mannered personality of the other often stops Akakios from truly bonding with him, despite the two being the same person, at their core. To help his family, he now works as a businessman in a small company, being one of the leading managers and administrators of the said company.

Noteworthy Details wrote:He has a few scars, namely one by his left eye and another on his throat. He also wears a glove on his right hand and arm.

History wrote:Akakios joined Negative in the bloody war that happened years ago, and he helped plan strategies with Negative and their military leader. He remained anti-social and distant with the whole army for a long time, although he started to socialize more when he first met Tiki, whom forced him to stop being anti-social. The reason for his distant behavior turned out to be his defense mechanism, since Akakios had been a double agent from the very beginning. He had been working behind the scenes with his other self from the future, who had traveled back in time to awaken and resurrect Grima, a dark dragon God, in the present timeline. When his other self tried to merge so that the two could become one stronger entity, Akakios tried to stop the both of them by trying to kill himself — which would ultimately result in his other self dying as well. While neither of them died, it did put a stop to his other self's plans for a long time, and Akakios was saved in the nick of time; the scar on his throat is the result of his attempt. He later saved his other self from a meaningless life after he was thrown away by Grima — his other self later ended up taking on the name Alter so that the two could differentiate one another. Because of his ties to Grima, and him being a human, it took everything for Akakios to propose to Tiki, to the point where the emotional pain would hurt the tactician emotionally, psychologically, and even physically.

Gender: Male
Species: Custom Shaman Kuhna
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Mess Hall x1 (Purine)
Mess Hall x2 (Purine)
Paragon Breeding Room (Shrewdberry's Danika)
Ocular Checkups:

Resume wrote:Alastair is carefree and laid-back, and not a lot can faze him. He has a love for freedom and will typically struggle with rules and structure if they are not up to his standards. Alastair can adapt to different situations relatively easily, and he tends to be loyal and hard-working when he becomes close to others. Despite his laid-back personality, Alastair also shows signs of morbid curiosity, and he no longer considers human life to be valuable or precious. He is passionate in learning as much as he can in terms of magic, and he won't hesitate to use his skills for his own benefits or to hurt others. As a shaman, Alastair can use a unique type of magic based on a special dreamcatcher that allows him to communicate and bond with spirits. After bonding with a spirit, Alastair can recall it whenever he wants in order to use it for battle, or just for small things, like carrying items. He learned a variety of skills in the art of dark magic from Sibyl, but he still prefers to use his own magic and will only use dark magic as a last resort. Alastair is surprisingly realistic, realizing that the life is he living with Sibyl and Danika is only temporary, and he expects Sibyl to leave both of them behind once her goal is accomplished. Regardless, he has a good relationship with Sibyl, and he is particularly close to Danika. He deeply cares for his partner and will sometimes try to convince her to stop putting herself aside for Sibyl's sake. Although Sibyl rarely uses Alastair for errands, he is typically used when it matters. Considering his unique magic and how unprepared normal mages are against it, Alastair is usually the trump card of the two pupils, and the one who can stall for time.

Noteworthy Details wrote:His darker skin and his clothes give him a foreign, aboriginal look, and so he tends to stand out in crowds at times.

History wrote:Alastair was born in a small tribe of shamans in Tengel Rainforest. Although he showed a lot of potential from the beginning, a lot of shamans avoided him due to his desire to learn and to ask questions. His tendency to question the system and the leaders of the tribe quickly got him in a lot of trouble, to the point where the higher ups would flat out tell him to stop asking questions. He eventually discovered that the leaders of the tribe, the high shamans, were corrupt and that they were using their title to manipulate the tribe into doing their bidding. Not only that, but those who were a threat to the high shamans were killed in cold blood, the murders then being explained as malevolent spirits punishing the tribe for their lack of offerings and faith. Although Alastair tried to reveal the corruption, no one in the tribe believed him, instead being baffled by his lack of faith in their leaders. Desperate, Alastair turned to an evil spirit in order to confront the high shamans at their own game, killing off their relatives as they continued to kill shamans of the tribe. After Alastair was forced to get married, he tried one last time to make his tribe see reason, but ultimately failed. In order to keep him from corrupting the tribe any longer, Alastair was banished, but he himself had already decided to simply leave of his own will, unable to bear the backwards mentality of the tribe. It was shortly after his banishment that Alastair found Danika in the forest, whom was separated from Sibyl due to a massive thunderstorm. When the group reunited, Sibyl offered Alastair to join them, considering his unique magic and his potential for more, and the shaman has been traveling and training with them ever since.

Allison Hendrick
Gender: Female
Species: Kanua Kuhna
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): Pooky x Elixir
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): #1|#2|#3|#4|#5|#6|#7|#8|#9
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Breeding Room x1 (Middy's Concerto)
Breeding Room x2 (Shrewdberry's Allison)
Ocular Checkups:

Resume wrote:Allison is a reckless and headstrong police officer who has the tendency to go after dangerous or elusive criminals. She is efficient as a detective and police officer, but she often takes on cases that are too dangerous for an officer to handle alone. She is extremely independent and denies the help of others, even when the situation proves to be dire or about to be life-threatening. She acts faster than she thinks, and once her mind is set, she will not go back on her decision. She can become aggressive or rude when she is injured or when others treat her like a weakling. She is often a resident of St. Lazare Hospital, and good friends with nurse Cybele and doctor Endzela. Allison works with Daiki, a young male ninja who lose his clan and who vowed to help and protect her now that he has nowhere else to go. She lives with him in her apartment, while she appreciates his help, she often avoids telling him where she is going.

Noteworthy Details wrote:Allison's eyes are bicolored, with one eye being purple and the other blue. This is the result of a spell performed by Daiki where they can see what the other is seeing through the shared eyes.

Gender: Male
Species: Custom Corrupted Nonaga
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: Anna
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): Linfan|Phoebe
Taste Tests:
Mess Hall (Purine)
Lya Pointa Cathedral
Ocular Checkups:

Resume wrote:Alter is Akakios, but from a different timeline, but they are not the same. Unlike his other self, Alter is crude and shameless, as well as uncaring and distant. He is blunt, sometimes being rude, and he often resorts to harsh language to express himself. He tends to push people's buttons on purpose, and he especially loves to irritate Akakios, as well as his wife, Tiki. Alter is unlike other humans; having been a vessel and a host for a part of Grima's, a dark dragon God, power for a long period of time, his body was modified to the point where he can use Dragonstones: rare stones containing a Manakete's — or a dragon's — power. While he cannot turn into a dragon, Alter's physical appearance changes drastically, his limbs changing into dragonic claws and webs, and sprouting a spiky tail from the stone's power. Despite that special power, the holy power of the Dragonstones hurts him over a long period of time, and he cannot use the stones for long before the power starts to hurt him physically. He avoids using that power unless necessary, and instead relies on his sword fighting skills. He is reserved and never really lets his guard down around others, but he did find some sort of affinity with Anna, the traveling merchant. After being duped by the merchant, Alter got to know her more, and the two found certain similar interests, so they decided to get married. They now travel the world together, satisfying Alter's curiosity to see the world for himself, and making Anna happy to travel as a merchant to sell her goods. He sometimes gets in touch with Akakios, although rarely. While he isn't interested in the idea of having a child, Alter tries his best to bond with his daughter, Linfan, even if all they do is quarrel together. However, deep down, Alter appreciates his daughter and is actually proud that she took on the profession of assassin, as well as the fact that she is a troublemaker. He is, however, too proud to admit it, and has a hard time reconnecting with his human emotions after being under the control and corruption of Grima's power for such a long period of time. Despite his initial unwillingness to have children, Alter and Anna did eventually have Phoebe, although the reasons that got Alter to change his mind are still unknown.

Noteworthy Details wrote:He is identical to Akakios, apart from having a scar on his right eye instead of his left. He also has slightly sharper canines, red eyes, and darker hair.

History wrote:Alter was born as a vessel for Grima's power: a role he was pleased to fulfill. However, with time, the mages trying to resurrect the God found out that Alter's body was imperfect and that he was obsolete if his body couldn't contain the God's soul properly. This left Alter bitter and vengeful, and he sought out the true and perfect vessel to the dark dragon's power. He stroke a deal with her, where he would help her obtain the God's power, in exchange for his own small share of the God's power. The two went on with the deal, and Negative's other self managed to obtain Grima's power, giving Alter his own share. When the war erupted in a past timeline and the God's resurrection was put in jeopardy, Alter travelled back in time to change the course of history and to assure Grimas's resurrection in the past. After failing to ensure the resurrection, Alter was punished by Negative's other self and stripped of his powers. Feeling pitiful and completely useless, he wandered the world for a while as he tried to find a goal for his life. He eventually bumped into Akakios and his army, whom offered him to find purpose with them. While initially unwilling, Alter grew fond of the group in his own way, to the point where he bonded with the traveling merchant, Anna, and proposed to her in an attempt to give his life purpose, and to reconnect with his lost humanity.

Gender: Female
Species: Custom Traveling Merchant Fenling
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: Alter
Children (Blood): [N/A
Children (Plot): Linfan|Phoebe
Taste Tests:
Mess Hall (Purine)
Vast Plains
Ocular Checkups:

Resume wrote:Anna is whimsical and friendly, and she is a merchant with a passion and love for money. She has dedicated her life to obtaining and selling goods in the hopes of making as much money as possible. She lives for money, and everything she does is in the hope of getting more money out of it. She will even fool or use others if it means obtaining some quick bucks out of it. Despite that, she doesn't have any evil intentions; she is simply more interested in wares and money than in human interactions. However, she will protect others from ruffians and thieves — so that she may also steal from them. She is friendly and excitable regardless, although she does have a sneaky and clever side to her when it comes to business and money-making. She is friends with the whole group, from Akakios to Henry, although like Alter, she doesn't get in touch with the group very often due to her and Alter always being on the road. Besides traveling and selling her wares, Anna and Alter get together in order to raid brigands and rid villages of pests; often looking like heroes and getting some loot from the bad guys in the process. It was when she made a fool of him and got to know him better that Anna accepted to get married to Alter; a very whimsical decision, as she often calls it. Although she never expected to have a child, Anna tries to dedicate some of her free time to her daughter, Linfan, even if the child is often not very interested in bonding. Despite that, the two are a good team when it comes to raiding some treasure chests and getting rid of brigands and ruffians. Anna has always been a traveling merchant; she decided to join Negative's and Akakios's army after they helped her and one of her sisters getting rid of some heartless bandits. Although she'd never intended to have children, Alter and Anna did eventually have Phoebe, although the reasons that changed Anna's mind are currently unknown.

History wrote:She once duped Alter by selling him a worn weapon that ended up breaking right away. Enraged, he went after her almost obsessively, and the two duked it out in various ways, from duelling it off to trying to accomplish tasks before the other. Throughout those challenges, Alter got to get in touch with his lost humanity again, and Anna found a certain companionship with him when they got around to talking more seriously and personally. Since Alter wanted to change his mentality and wanted to see the world for himself, and since Anna enjoyed his colorful personality, he and Anna decided to get married.

Gender: Female
Species: Taffy Kuhna
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): Takumi x Isamu
Lineage (Plot): Takumi x ???
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Whisper Forest
Lamenolai, City of the Guardians
Town of Nabias
Ocular Checkups:

Resume wrote:Aya is a quiet and curious young child. She has a very active creativity, which she uses with the illusion powers she learned from her mother. A young ninja that hails from the forest, Aya has seen little of the world, and she is impressed by even the smallest things. She takes new discoveries slowly, and she has the tendency to wander off when she sees something of interest. She is a quick-learner, and she hopes to learn as much as she can from her father, Takumi. Despite her father's questionable attitude towards her, Aya does her best to please him, and she hopes to bond with him as much as she can. She is sometimes hurt by the things he tells her, and she is sometimes intimidated by him; however, since her mother is gone, Aya would prefer living with her father rather than being all alone. She is considered a hybrid by the ninja families, born to two ninjas from two different families.

History wrote:Aya was born to a female ninja from the Illusion family who had to offer her body to Takumi in exchange for an antidote. With their family being so small, she was allowed to keep the child and to raise her as part of the Illusion family. Over time, Takumi's family learned about Aya's hybrid lineage, and they aimed to annihilated the Illusion family, along with the child. Aya's clan was eliminated, and although her mother was capable of running away, she was also killed shortly after the clan was decimated. Tsuneo found Aya as he was picking up her mother's body, and it was after everything that they found out Takumi was her father. After the heartbreak of losing her mother and the awkward meeting with her father, Aya agreed to start living with her father going forward.

Gender: Male
Species: Drizzle/Warrior/Socks Lucain
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): Chrome x Orikami
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Breeding Room (Leander's Maron)
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Baer is a diligent artist who offers his art services for commissions and works. He does both traditional and digital, and he lives off the commissions he produces. He is a perfectionist and a hard-worker, putting his clients above all else, maintaining a professional and timely relationship with them to ensure satisfaction. He aims for perfection and will typically dwell on mistakes when they happen; at times, he will try to justify what happened to try to maintain the perfection he aims for. While a diligent worker by day, Baer sees the world as a beautiful place and wishes to share that beauty with others. However, he considers that the world is home to many people he considers evil and disgusting, such as drug dealers and petty killers, or gang members. By night, Baer attacks and kills those people he deems tainted in order to rid the world of filth. At the end of his kill, he covers the victim's face in white paint, as their death means they cannot do any more wrong to the world; making them beautiful in their death. Part of him considers his killings to be a form of modern, controversial art, similar to post-mortem photography. Because of the white paint, this earned him the monicker of the White Paint Killer by the media.

Gender: Female
Species: Sugar Kuhna
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): Ari'el x Jorunnr
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Interrogation Center (Purine)
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Caprice is a young Purine soldier who is loyal to her faction, and who hopes to make a difference for her army. She is diligent and hard-working, training daily to keep in shape and to be the best she can for the Purines. She is a foot soldier who accepts whatever missions that are given to her. She values her country above all else, and she finds that there is nothing more valiant than fighting for it and to defend it. She understands that she is putting her life on the line for her country, and in that respect, she is unwilling to die for the sake of her country; in her eyes, she will do it no good if she dies. She dislikes the Imperials, and like the majority of the Purines, she believes that they are merciless killers. She is a little naive and gullible, but she is a mature soldier. She does her best to keep her cool in dangerous situations, and while she is not the best soldier, she is a very good soldier under the Purines.

Gender: Female
Species: Translucent Kuhna
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): Paulo x Sasha
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests: N/A
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Chiyoko is a Scriptwriter for the Archivist ninja clan. She is a naive and gullible ninja who is socially awkward. She finds it difficult to bond with others and instead spends most of her time alone. She is clumsy and a bit of an airhead, but she means well. She is smarter than what people expect of her, and she has been a valuable asset as a Scriptwriter. She is extremely empathetic and will often feel sympathy or sadness even for those she barely knows. She is sometimes confused by those feelings, as she feels that she has no right to feel so strongly towards those she does not know. She is close to Takahiro, despite his attitude, and he is the only ninja she has actively tried to befriend. She joins groups when invited but will typically remain quiet, and she will only speak when spoken to.

Gender: Male
Species: Sightless Kuhna
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): Neuxis x Vitani
Lineage (Plot): Henry x Negative
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Mess Hall (Purine)
Ocular Checkups:

Resume wrote:Conall is the first biological son to be born to Henry and Negative, and he is the younger brother of Mark. Conall tends to be impatient and reserved. With his mother being one of the most famous tacticians of her time, Conall mostly grew up with Henry, while Negative was out traveling as a rescuer. As a result, Conall often argues with his mother over a lot of different things; paired with his flaring temper, the two often don't get along, to the point where Conall often confides in Henry that he doesn't really like his mother. Although he is interested in learning skills, such as magic or swordfighting, his mother refused to teach him. Over the years, Conall picked up books behind his mother's back in order to learn some basic magic, but without the guidance of a real mage, his skills did not develop very far. He has learned a lot of tricks from his father, like taxidermy, but they are never enough to really satiate his desire to learn more powerful skills. Conall often thinks he knows better than his mother, and his childish character still has a long way to go before he reaches maturity. Because of his mother's obvious favoritism towards his brother Mark, Conall has a hard time bonding with him. He is jealous of his older brother, considering Mark gets more privileges and attention than Conall, despite the fact that he is the one who was truly born to their parents. Although Conall doesn't completely hate his brother, his feelings about him fluctuate constantly, changing from appreciation to hate.

Gender: Male
Species: Doberman/Sundancer/Coontail Lucain
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): Caspian x Kapari
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Jawan, the Sea City x1
Jawan, the Sea City x2
Ocular Checkups:

Resume wrote:Cristobal is one of the highest ranked storks of a delivery business called the Stork Delivery Service. He often trains young pupils who wish to become full-fledged storks, mailmen who delivery both packages and babies to foster families. However, Cristobal is a rude teacher, and one who is extremely difficult to please. Quite often, young novices ask to drop the job because they couldn't stand the pressure he put on them. While Cristobal gets punished whenever he makes things hard for the delivery service, he is still a valuable stork who does his job well whenever he needs to deliver something or someone. Because of the curse and the general disdain of full humans toward the storks, Cristobal is bitter and harsh by nature. His bluntness can be considered rudeness, and he has no regrets when hurting someone else's feelings. He is not a bad person, but he does have a rebellious attitude. He doesn't like being bossed around, and he often challenges his superiors when things displease him. He tries to hold his temper in the presence of a woman, but there is a single thing that sets him off more than anything: teasing. He will start fights with those who tease him, whether it was meant in good fun or seriously. He is especially sensitive to the comment of him being a stork who delivers babies, much like in the fairy tales. Cristobal has a nasty character, and anyone who tries to approach him usually regret it.

Noteworthy Details wrote:He cannot hide his wings, so they are always visible, whether folded or spread wide. They are made of flesh and blood.

Cybele Rosemonde
Gender: Female
Species: Preluhna
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): James x Sasha
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Breeding Room x1 (Support)
Breeding Room x2 (Support)
Infirmary (Purine)
Medicai City x1
Medicai City x2
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Cybele is a nurse working at St. Lazare Hospital under Doctor Neil Endzela. She is hard-working and efficient, working almost in a robotic manner in all situations. She knows her doctor's habits by heart and helps with all surgeries and operations. Many see her as cold and difficult to befriend due to her work ethics. In reality, Cybele is sweet and emotional, but still very professional. She does her best to keep her feelings under control at all times to be as efficient as she can be, aiming to be perfect, due to the nature of her job. She is very close to Neil and is conflicted about her relationship with him. She keeps him in check and shares the majority of her time with him.

History wrote:Cybele studied in medicine in order to help others. She was studious and hard-working, but her emotions often got the best of her. After losing a patient because she was too emotional and unable to think and act properly, Cybele has been doing her best to keep her emotions under control. She becomes detached in an attempt to avoid becoming emotional and so she can make the best decisions she can in the given situations. It was this that allowed her to save the patient who had been put under Neil's knife when he fainted from blood loss during the surgery. She was confused at the event, and after that, Cybele was one of the few to know Neil has Hemophilia and sensory problems.

Gender: Male
Species: Custom Tainted Eagle Kuhna
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): #1|#2|#3|#4
Taste Tests:
Breeding Room x1 (Support)
Breeding Room x2 (Shrewdberry's Allison)
Ocular Checkups:

Resume wrote:Daiki is a quiet ninja who works with police officer Allison Hendricks. He only speaks when spoken to, or when he feels there is a need for him to speak. He is friendly and social and will happily hang out with friends. He has a strong sense of duty and loyalty, having offered his life to Allison in exchange for having saved him from a certain death. He is diligent and responsible, but he is excessive in what he does. He is naive and often will not understand double-entendres or sarcasm. Because of his willingness to help, others sometimes take advantage of him or get him in trouble. He is paranoid to an extent, having done a spell that switched one of his eyes with Allison's so that he could track down where she is when she leaves without telling him.

Noteworthy Details wrote:Daiki is rarely seen without his ninja attire, as he feels naked and indecent without it. His eyes are bicolored, with one being purple, and one being blue.

History wrote:Daiki was part of a ninja family who lived in the forest, which had the ability to shapeshift into anything they saw. Being a small family, Daiki's family was annihilated. He was saved by the result of a miracle when police arrived on the scene and Allison insisted he was still alive. He was admitted to St. Lazare Hospital under intensive care, and he was trapped into a coma for multiple months, as well as suffering from cardiac arrest upon being admitted. His doctor found traces of unusual chemicals in his system. Daiki survived thanks to a unique poison concocted by Takumi that simulates the death of the person who consumes it. While it is unknown to Daiki why his leader decided to give him that poison, it was thanks to it that Daiki survived the onslaught. The moment he recovered, he offered his services to Allison to protect her and to help her catch criminals, to thank her for saving his life.

Gender: Female
Species: Custom Dark Mage Kuhna
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
The Slums
Whisper Forest
Interrogation Center (Imperial)
Mess Hall (Purine) x1
Mess Hall (Purine) x2
Paragon Breeding Room x1 (Shrewdberry's Sibyl)
Paragon Breeding Room x2 (Shrewdberry's Alastair)
Ocular Checkups:

Resume wrote:Danika is a friendly girl with her heart in the right place, but living with Sibyl often leaves her with twisted priorities and morals. Although she wouldn't kill simply for the sake of it, she wouldn't hesitate to do so if Sibyl instructed her to do so, or if it turned out to be the only way for Danika to survive a situation. When met on her own, Danika is typically friendly and will have no quarrel with anybody. She considers Alastair to be like a brother to her, and she typically ends up working with him on errands Sibyl has for them. Danika was trained in the arts of dark magic, and having learned from Sibyl, she can do anything from basic spells to some of the most powerful and even forbidden spells there are. She is loyal to Sibyl and would gladly give her life away for her sake, to the point where Danika's own desires are often put aside for Sibyl's sake. Her desire to satisfy Sibyl has also lead to intense anxiety over the years, to the point where she may experience a panic attack when she's too stressed. At this point in time, only Alastair knows of her anxiety, having caught her right in the middle of a panic attack. Between the two, Sibyl typically turns to Danika for whatever mission she needs done. Having trained from a young age with Sibyl, Danika is a real fighting machine, with power almost comparable to the teacher, with an amazing mastery of all levels of dark magic that can possibly be casted.

Noteworthy Details wrote:Whether it's snowing or raining or shining, she is always seen wearing her black sailor hat, which was a gift from Sibyl when they first met.

History wrote:Danika was born with a lot of potential for dark magic, and her parents, who already didn't want her, started to label her was a cursed witch. After a while, her parents disowned her and left her at a home, where the other children started to bully and beat Danika for her supposed "witch" powers. Over time, Danika had to start stealing food to survive, which got her in the hospital multiple times. It was during one of her episodes that Sibyl found her, and from that point on, the albino offered to teach Danika how to use dark magic, as well as giving her a purpose in life.

Gender: Male
Species: Custom Striped Hawkmoth Kuhna
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests: N/A
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Deodato is the owner and employer of a non-for-profit organization that aims to better his community. They host events in museums and other cultural places in an attempt to educate and share knowledge with children and adults alike. He is a man with a sense of humor and a good heart, but he is secretive and says little about himself. He has a bleeding heart and usually cannot stand the idea of children being left alone or being abused by their parents. He helps those children and raises them as his own. By night, Deodato has another business that is unknown to the community apart from the police and other investigation organizations. He trains those who are willing to become infiltration agents to catch elusive thieves and dangerous criminals. They work as spies, typically going after criminals the police cannot catch on their own. Deodato coordinates the plans and the infiltration strategies, and works under the moniker of Hawkmoth. He funds his non-for-profit organization and helps the children with the money he receives for catching the criminals and helping the police.

Derick Bai
Gender: Male
Species: Iceberry Kuhna
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): Kallen x Havana
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Medicai City
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Derick is a resident anesthesiologist working with Neil Endzela and Cybele at St. Lazare hospital. He is naive and gentle, and paired with his smaller stature, he is often seen as defenseless or helpless. Derick is empathetic, and he puts his patients before everyone else. He makes friends easily, and he has no problem talking about more personal or intrusive topics, such as his Chinese ethnicity. He is easy-going, and he puts others in front of his own needs, even if it is inconvenient for him. He considers himself close to everyone without being romantically attracted to them, although Neil could be considered an exception, as the doctor sometimes acts a little cold or harsh around him.

Noteworthy Details wrote:Derick looks much smaller and much younger than he is. He is also Chinese.

History wrote:Derick was adopted when he was just a newborn. While he knows his original Chinese name is Xiaoyang Bai, he cannot pronounce his name and he does not speak the language. He is not upset at being adopted, and in fact considers himself lucky to have been chosen by very caring and loving parents.

Gender: Male
Species: Storm/Freckled/Hearts Lucain
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests: N/A
Ocular Checkups:

Resume wrote:Dynamic is blunt and sometimes rude, if only because he speaks what comes to his mind. He is a relaxed and friendly individual, but he is often seen as lazy and irresponsible. He is not always reliable, sometimes not being punctual or being forgetful. He has a sense of humor and is rather touchy-feely, liking to hug others rather than simply shaking hands. He seems impossible to anger and extremely passive, but Dynamic cares immensely for those he cherishes. He possesses a staff that allows him to control the weather, where he can use it to create life-threatening hazards, such as tsunamis and tornadoes. He avoids fighting as much as he can, but he will become aggressive if someone forces him to fight. Controlling the weather takes up all his energy, often resulting in Dynamic fainting after a certain amount of time. He is a bottomless stomach, relying on Aglaia to feed him; the more food he eats, the more energy he can have for using his powers. He currently lives with Aglaia in a small apartment.
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[* Humans A-D II

Postby Jaykobell » 04/07/2015 12:14 AM

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[* Humans E-L I

Postby Jaykobell » 04/07/2015 12:16 AM

Gender: Female
Species: Bubblegum Kuhna
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): Takumi x Tsuneo
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Breeding Room (Sitara's Eliot)
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Felicia is a social, friendly and happy-go-lucky waitress who loves her job. She loves the social interaction she gets from her customers, and she never lets the moodier, meaner clients get to her. She has a certain character and she will put rude clients in their place if they insult her, her job, or her co-workers. She aims to please her clients and has been doing her best to improve her skills as a waitress. When she is not doing her job, Felicia enjoys reading the newspaper and learning about what is happening in the world, and what happened in the past. She has a great curiosity and loves learning about whatever she can get her hands on. She is not the best at economics or politics, nor does she have an affinity for the arts, but she deeply connects to all social and psychological issues. She sometimes appears as being over-confident and cocky, as well as rude, when she puts clients in their place.

Ferapont Paderault
Gender: Male
Species: Campaign Kuhna
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): Muir x Dream
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Aldrect, the Holy City
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Ferapont tends to think he is better than everyone else; he believes that he is better than you and that he deserves to have everything he wants. The youngest prince to a family of three, Ferapont is egocentric, gullible, naive, and to most everyone else, extremely obnoxious. Ferapont was told and taught that he is important, to the point where it dictates his personality. Despite his royal behavior, he does have a good heart, as well as a curiosity that sometimes gets in the way of his father's ideals. He is also very tormented by his current position where he is the youngest of his siblings, and where he doesn't seem to have a strong niche. He is clumsy and sometimes ruins things during meetings or important events without meaning to, and he has been through his fair share of family problems.

Gender: Male
Species: Skunk/Leopard/Hearts Lucain
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): Lucius x Noah
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: Negative
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): Mark|Conall
Taste Tests:
Mess Hall (Purine)
Idalani Falls
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Henry is a dark magic user. At first glance, the mage is happy go lucky, funny, kind, and definitely has a knack for puns and plays on words. However, anyone who spends some time speaking with him soon realizes that Henry is not quite as friendly as he seems to be. Despite the happy smile and the joker attitude, Henry can be merciless and fairly heartless. He has a fetish for blood — which he claims to be a medical condition of sorts — and will enjoy any mention of it. He enjoys dissecting things in order to find out what makes them "tick", and he also enjoys casting curses on others, whether to kill them or just to give them miserable conditions for a while, such as a runny nose for three days. Henry also has a damaged nervous system, leaving him numb to pain and injuries if the wound isn't deep or big enough — fortunately for him, who dreams of a gory and bloody death, but who doesn't like pain. Despite his morbid personality, Henry is still capable of feeling basic human emotions, which is a constant work-in-progress with his wife, Negative. He also has his good qualities, such as being hard-working, loyal, and obedient, always doing as he is told. He is also protective of his family, even if he doesn't seem like it: he gets extremely anxious when Negative, Mark or Conall don't feel well or if they get injured. Henry also has an affinity for animals and other living things, such as plants, and he is particularly fond of crows. Despite his creepy and merciless attitude, Henry turned out to be a good husband, and even a good father to Mark. Whereas he helped Negative grow a tougher skin, Negative helped Henry get in touch with his lost humanity.

Noteworthy Details wrote:Henry tends to keep his eyes closed constantly.

History wrote:Henry connected with animals at a very early age, since his parents hated him and wished to get rid of him at any chance they got. He was friends with a female wolf in his childhood, but the animal was savagely killed by the people of his village when the wolf tried to visit him. Furious and heartbroken, Henry reacted by killing off the villagers as a means of revenge. Due to his past of being raised in a very military-oriented country, Henry grew numb to basic human emotions quickly as he was mostly raised by animals, and then later being trained as a soldier for war. He enjoys the idea of war and killing, and he loves nothing more than to destroy the enemy in the bloodiest and goriest manner. He grew fond of Negative over the course of the war as she taught him how to feel and understand emotions, and as she tried to get closer to him by partaking in his bloody and unsettling hobbies. Henry eventually grew fond of Negative to the point of asking for her hand in marriage, enjoying her company and being able to somewhat connect with his lost humanity when around her.

Gender: Male
Species: Blood Kuhna
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): Sygnature x Tricloud
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests: N/A
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Ichiro is a Pathfinder ninja part of the Archivist family. He works diligently to save ninjas and to bring back the bodies of those who have passed. He expects perfection from others, and he has a tendency to give orders, even when he is not entitled to do so. He judges himself to know better than a lot of the other ninjas, and his self-confidence often gives a negative impression to others. He does not hail from the Archivist family, and his more expressive and emotional attitude sometimes unsettles the others. He is close to his brother Jiro, but he is sometimes harsh and mean towards him, considering his younger brother lets others walk over him. He also has a bad stigma attached to his brother, and he sometimes feels resentful towards him. He prefers to keep to himself and he rarely interacts with others on a personal level.

History wrote:Ichiro's family had no story to their name until the day his mother died in childbirth. While his younger brother Jiro survived, their mother died shortly after delivering her son. Heartbroken by the tragedy, Ichiro's and Jiro's father felt incapable of caring for his sons, now that their mother was gone. He told the Archivists who had helped his wife give birth that they could take the children if they wishes, or else he would abandon them in the forest. Unable to do that, the Archivists brought back the two brothers with them and raised them as part of their family. While Ichiro was young at the time, he distinctly remember the death of his mother, and he understood that his father did not want them anymore. He feels resentful towards Jiro, associating his brother with the reason their mother died. Although, deep down, he loves his younger brother, considering they have no one else, Ichiro sometimes feels incapable of loving his brother.

Gender: Male
Species: Trikuhna
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): Masquerade x Miki
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Breeding Room (Shrewdberry's Takumi)
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Isamu is a ninja from the Skinwalker family. From his family's heritage, Isamu can turn into an animal from the skin he wears. He is a good hunter, and with how small his family is, he focused on stealth rather than on-front assault. He is reserved and secretive, used to a life of secrecy considering how small his family is. He is cautious, and he values his life, avoiding dangerous or life-threatening situations as much as possible. Unlike the majority of ninjas, he is not afraid to run away if his life is in danger. He is diligent and hard-working, and his family means the world to him. He is extremely close to his sister Kaede, and the two work hard to try to bring their family back to the name they once had. He hunts using a bow and arrow, or he will sometimes resort to shifting into a panther if he feels it could give him the upper hand.

Noteworthy Details wrote:Isamu has long, light brown hair, and he wears a large black panther skin almost constantly.

History wrote:Isamu's family faced extinction more than once, and as a result, Isamu grew up rather secluded from the world. He grew up to understand how important family is, and he puts them above everything and everyone else. When he was younger, he was attacked by a poisonous animal. He almost died, but he was saved in the nick of time by the Archivist family. At the same time, the Archivists had saved a young Chemist, Takumi, from death as well. Takumi offered his help to save Isamu, and it was then learned that the Skinwalkers had been hiding their existence from all the other families, including the Archivists. When the Archivists explained they could help the Skinwalkers, Isamu promised they would start registering their births going forward so that the Archivists could watch over them as well. Since that time, Isamu, Takumi and Tsuneo have all been good friends who still see each other to this day.

Gender: Male
Species: Custom Skeleton Flower Kuhna
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests: N/A
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Ivo works under Deodato as part of his non-for-profit organization. While he does his part during the day, Ivo works mostly as a spy and infiltration agent, including training daily and training new recruits. He is difficult to befriend, as he does not take the feelings of others into consideration. He is harsh and blunt to a fault, although he says what he does in order to help others get better. He does not believe in sugarcoating things or in second chances, and he expects perfection, considering their work and what it entails. Even amongst those he works with, he typically refuses to speak his real name, and he is often referred to as Orchid by those in the organization. He is a bleeding heart regardless of everything he says and does, but he hates getting attached to others. He is a machine when out in the field, acting quickly and efficiently, and focusing to an extreme level. He works best alone, and he has a difficult time managing a teammate. He currently lives with Lorelei in her apartment, considering she was looking for a roommate. He works with Lorelei and goes under the moniker of Skeleton Orchid during their infiltration missions.

History wrote:Ivo's parents died in an accident when he was just a baby. Because of this, Ivo does not miss his parents, nor does he wish he had a family. He is grateful for Deodato for taking him in and for raising him, but he does not consider the man as his father. When he was paired with Lorelei, Ivo was resentful at being given a partner, as he works best alone and does not like working in teams. He was also wary of her because he did not believe she had what it took to become a good infiltration spy. He had to save her during a mission, which cemented his thoughts, but he admitted that she did have the motivation, potential and courage to become a good agent if she kept training. They have learned to work better together today, and Ivo is slowly learning how to work with a teammate.

Gender: Male
Species: Sulkuhna
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): Sygnature x Tricloud
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Whisper Forest
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Jiro is a Pioneer ninja from the Archivist family. His sweet and gentle personality made him one of the few male Pioneers of the family: those who handle the births of the ninjas from the other families. He hates the sight of blood and death, and he prefers helping expecting mothers bring new ninjas to the world. He follows instructions and always listens when he is scolded or reprimanded. Others have a tendency to take advantage of him due to his naivety and his good heart, and he is too submissive and peaceful to stand up for himself. He loves his big brother Ichiro, even if he is sometimes crude and mean to him, as the two brothers do not hail from the Archivist family. Outside of each other, they no longer have a family to turn to. Jiro considers the Archivists to be his family, considering they are the ones who saved him from being abandoned, and he hopes to one day repay that second chance.

History wrote:Jiro was born to a normal and happy family, but his mother died shortly after delivering him. As Jiro was a newborn, he never knew his father nor his mother, and he was not very affected by being abandoned and having no parents. His brother Ichiro is the only person he knows is from his biological family, and he tries to make his brother happy, now that they only have each other.

Johnson Smith
Gender: Male
Species: Brightlights Kuhna
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): Paulo x Sasha
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Breeding Room (Thunder's Sakura-chan)
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Johnson Smith is the epitome of charm and perfection. He is the best at everything, including mathematics and the fine arts. He knows everything there is to know, and he even has a special connection with the universe itself. He is charming, and no female can resists his good looks. He has a rebellious streak and he lives his life to the fullest, because you only live once. Even when Johnson Smith gets beaten up or assaulted, he looks very charming. Johnson Smith judges that rules do not apply to him, because he is Johnson Smith. He has a motorcycle named Betty that he received as a gift from his parents the day he was born. He has spent his life with his motorcycle, and he feels like she is the only one who truly understands him. He goes to school when he feels like it, because he is Johnson Smith. He is madly in love with the beautiful Arkuhna Sakura Candy Le Chat, or Sakura-chan, and he knows that, in due time, she will become his. He is the biggest rival of the eggy French transfer student, Gaston Omelette du Fromage, and he considers the Frenchman to speak lies and strange words. He also has doubts Gaston may be a vampire. He despises the fact Gaston is Sakura-chan's senpai, and he tries to challenge Gaston for Sakura-chan's heart at any opportunity.

Noteworthy Details wrote:Johnson Smith is very charming, and he may cause palpitations if one looks at him for extended periods of time. He is irresistible and many try to win his heart, because he is so handsome. He has beautiful hair that is gelled to perfection, and nice sunglasses to increase his rebellious charm. His motorcycle is also very beautiful and Johnson Smith is always seen with her.

History wrote:Johnson Smith was teased because he was a very generic young boy. But Johnson Smith knew, deep in his heart, that he was going to be more than the others. Johnson was only four when he was in Kuhna Kindergarten and he read the meaning of the universe in his alphabet book. From that point on, Johnson knew he was special, and that the universe had chosen him to do great things and to change the world. Johnson Smith grew up to become the charming young Brightlights Kuhna he is today. He knew Sakura-chan was the one for him the moment he saw her, with her magical girl attributes and her perfect schoolgirl mannerisms.

Gender: Male (Agender)
Species: Darkness Diosol
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): Midnight x Bunnykins
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests: N/A
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Judikael is a unique Diosol from the clan of refugees that escaped from Einsor. He travels the world to find the spirits of the deceased that have not yet passed on. Judikael can form a contract with them in order for them to come to the world of the living to finish their business. He creates a mask representing their soul, and upon wearing the mask, the spirit of the deceased can take over Judikael's body with their own. Once the soul has finished their business, the contract is fulfilled and Judikael loses the mask of the spirit. Because of this, Judikael has grown very detached and distant, as well as passive. He has a genuinely good heart, but he keeps himself from getting attached to those he helps and rescues from limbo. He says little and often lets his actions speak for themselves. He is the only Diosol of the clan with a human form, and the only one with this unique ability. He occasionally returns to the clan to visit the other Diosols, but he prefers to travel freely and on his own. Because of the many spirits he has met, Judikael has since disconnected from even his biological sex, and he no longer sees a difference between male and female.

Justin Woodrow
Gender: Male
Species: Corrupt Kuhna
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): Bane x Eevee
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests: N/A
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Justin is seen as cold, distant, and menacing by those who first meet him because of his neutral expression and his relatively bulky appearance. In reality, Justin is a caring gentleman; his uncaring expression comes from his profession as a nurse, where he needs to be in complete control of his emotions at all times. He is unfazed by the majority of things, including blood or hormones, and other things that usually make people uneasy. He is friendly and quick to become friends with others, even if he acts the same towards friends as he does towards strangers. He is an excellent listener, and he is always ready to give advice. He is particularly close to Cybele, and he is known for getting a bit more emotional when something happens to her.

Noteworthy Details wrote:Justin is of black ethnicity.

History wrote:Justin comes from a plain family, and he met Cybele while they were both studying nursing in school. He grew very fond of her over the years they shared as friends, although the feeling wasn't mutual. While they remain very close friends, Justin has had a difficult time to finding a significant other due to his lingering attachment to Cybele, whom he also uses as a reference when meeting women.

Gender: Female
Species: Nightlight Kuhna
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): Erezakiel x Loria
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Breeding Room (Support)
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Kaede is a ninja from the Skinwalker family. She is eccentric and friendly, being one of the ninjas in the family, along with her brother Isamu, who is trying to build the family back to their original strength. Because of their small size, Kaede works hard to become a good hunter and to protect her family when necessary. She can handle a bow and arrow, like her brother, but she prefers to resort to illusions and trickery by transforming into a fox. She is happy and does not let the moodier ninjas get the best of her. She loves her brother above all else, and she has become obsessive over being strong after her brother almost died while hunting. She values her family above all else, and she enjoys nothing more than spending time with her brother.

Noteworthy Details wrote:Kaede has long, thick black hair, and she wears the skin of a red fox over her head and body.

History wrote:Kaede always did her best with her brother to protect their family, despite many telling her it was the men's job to protect the family. While she did her best, Kaede's focus on family, and not on hunting and fighting. When Isamu was injured and nearly died after getting poisoned, Kaede was terrified by thoughts of losing her brother, leaving her being unable to protect her family and her clan. Since then, she has become obsessive over training and learning, and she is always thinking hard about what kind of tricks she could come up with as a fox to best her enemies.

Gender: Male
Species: Memorial Lakundra
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): Cody x Shiloh
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: [url=N/A]Akane[/url]
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Breeding Room (Support)
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Katsumi is the Patriarch of the Archivist ninja family, and the husband of Akane, the Matriarch. He is a quiet man who values knowledge and teaching the young Archivists how to be the best they can be, and to give value to life, above all else. He gets attached to all the Archivists in the family, and he tends to be lenient with those who break the rules or who ask for exceptions, such as Tsuneo. Being older, he is a wise soul, and he knows how to pick and choose his battles. He enjoys the company of his wife, Akane, despite his wife often critiquing his decisions.

Noteworthy Details wrote:Katsumi is getting older, but he looks young for his age. He has a long, thin moustache, and an equally long and thin beard.

Gender: Female
Species: Fuyuzakura Shinzo
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Mess Hall (Purine)
Ocular Checkups:

Resume wrote:Kaveri is a gentle soul, and a very intelligent one as well. Although she shows very little talent or ability in common practices, like magic, she does have a genuine desire to help and protect those she loves — even strangers. Despite her lack of talent in the majority of magic types, she has the incredible ability to be able to understand the magic itself. From that special understanding, Kaveri is capable of translating one kind of magic to another magical language. As she is traveling with Petronilla, she takes the advantage of traveling through many big cities to learn more magic languages so that she can one day translate certain magics. Her first project is to translate their shamanic magic into that of basic magic spellbooks, where any normal mage could use the magic without needing a dreamcatcher or a connection to the spirit world. Because of her weaker skills, Kaveri often has the tendency to put herself down and see herself as weak and useless — thoughts Petronilla tries to stop as soon as she hears them. Kaveri bonded with a strange tanuki spirit named Kohinoor, who has the power of light and who can temper with the fabric of things. The two bonded over their desire for knowledge and their curiosity.

Noteworthy Details wrote:Her darker skin and her clothes give her a foreign, aboriginal look, and so she tends to stand out in crowds at times.

History wrote:Kaveri was from a normal family, with no special abilities and no history to their name. She became fast friends with Petronilla when they were little, and she has always stuck by Petronilla when she needed comfort. She was involved in Petronilla's plan to finally overthrow her grandfather and the other high shamans in order to give the tribe back to the shamans. It was her understanding of spirits and magic that taught Petronilla and the others that developing a strong bond with one's spirit often leads to more abilities and powers in the long run. After the high shamans were overthrown, Kaveri was too nervous letting Petronilla leave the tribe alone, and as a result, decided to accompany her.

Kondrat Paderault
Gender: Male
Species: Hoarfrost Kuhna
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): Aodh x Mynol
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Breeding Room (Support)
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Kondrat is the oldest prince of a royal family. He is loud and boastful, as well as distinctive because of his bulky size. He is a man of the army at heart, and nothing matters more to him than reinforcing his military forces for his kingdom in order to protect it from other royal families that would try to invade them. He took training as a soldier and moved up the ranks until he became a respected general and commander of his own battalion, and eventually of the whole military power, granted to him by his father. Kondrat is rough and could be described as your man with more muscle than brainpower, since he is all about physical force, but strategizing is not his forte. Despite that, his success in his own niche has made his father proud, and he is eagerly waiting for his father to appoint him as future king of their family and kingdom when the time comes.

Gender: Female
Species: Assassin Diosol
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): Alter x Anna
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Mess Hall (Purine)
Craiss Caverns
Lya Pointa Cathedral
Ocular Checkups:

Resume wrote:Linfan is reserved and very defensive, and she has a nasty character with whoever tries to talk to her. Often seen as a brat and an angry child, Linfan has issues from her childhood, but they are issues that she refuses to talk about. She is fairly uncaring and merciless, taking on the profession of an assassin, although she tries to find something righteous in the job by saying that she gets rid of pests rather than just killing off innocents. Despite her profession and her initial nasty character, Linfan isn't nearly quite as angry and uncaring as she seems to be. She is actually just tormented by her past and is unable to move on at her current point in time, and her only defense mechanism against those traumatic experiences is to lash out at others before they attack her. While she is now capable of talking and being with her father, Linfan would initially scream and refuse to be alone with him, often calling him out and refusing to even approach him. She was also very distant with her mother, despite Anna trying to genuinely bond with Linfan. Nowadays, she is traveling with her parents and trying to forge bonds as best as she can. She is close to Mark, Morgan and Milton, although she is only genuinely friends with Morgan, whom is the only one who knows what truly happened to Linfan in her childhood, and why the assassin is so wary of her own parents. She is closer to the other children than to her own sister, Phoebe, since the assassin sees the child as a pest. She is also jealous of how much attention and love Phoebe gets from Alter, despite the fact Linfan can never get anything out of him that's not an insult or a condescending comment.

History wrote:Linfan, like Mark, Morgan and Milton, traveled back to the past from a future timeline. She was caught by the army when she tried to assassinate its military leader; after that, Akakios insisted that they try to keep her with them, since she was a child. In truth, he knew that she was the child of someone in the army, even though Linfan denied it. However, the mementos she'd brought back with her — Alter's trademark dragon-slaying sword and Anna's little bear keychain — proved that she was their daughter. Initially, Linfan denied being their child, and even screamed and got anxious and agitated at being left anywhere near Alter. While she has told this to her parents in parts, only Morgan managed to get close enough to Linfan to get the assassin to talk about her past. In her original timeline, Linfan's parents were not married, and her father had been corrupted by Grima's power to the point where he had gone feral. He'd basically picked Linfan's mother at random, and Linfan was a child born from rape. Her biological mom often ignored her, reminded of what had happened to her at the hands of her father. Not only that, but the woman would often try to sell her daughter for some money, considering the child to be nothing more but a painful nuisance and an extra mouth to feed. Linfan's mother was often the victim of abuse and violence by her feral father, and Linfan also suffered beatings and psychological abuse from her biological father. The sword she brought back with her was her father's sword that she stole from him so he wouldn't hurt her mother further. The little bear keychain is from her mother, in a poor attempt to make the child feel loved and desired. At this point in time, Linfan can accept the present parents she has and is happier with them; still, she refuses to let her guard down too much to avoid getting hurt all over again.

Gender: Female
Species: Custom Lace Monitor Kuhna
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests: N/A
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Lorelei works at the non-for-profit organization run by Deodato. She usually works during the day to help raise awareness to many world issues, and she helps with tours and events that the organization plans. She is dedicated and hard-working, and she loves sharing what she knows with others. She sometimes underestimates situations, taking on more than she can manage or handle, and sometimes needing extra help. She has good intentions, but her emotions sometimes put others into danger or trouble. By night, she works and trains under Ivo as an infiltration spy under the moniker of Lace Monitor. Lorelei's parents used to work for the organization, and because of that, she is determined to train and to become a good agent for Deodato. She currently lives in her own apartment with Ivo.

History wrote:Lorelei lived with her parents up until her parents were killed by a criminal. Lorelei was devastated by their sudden deaths, and it was only afterwards that Deodato told her her parents were infiltration agents who worked for him. While Lorelei had been working for Deodato for a few years, she had never been made aware of his side business. She half-heartedly accepted when Deodato offered to train her, if she wished to go after the criminal who had killed her parents. Ivo gave her a crude reality check when she first joined, and the two were initially on bad terms. After training and after Lorelei showed him she truly wanted to try, Ivo gained respect for her. They have been working as a team since.
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[* Humans E-L II

Postby Jaykobell » 04/07/2015 12:21 AM

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[* Humans M-Z I

Postby Jaykobell » 04/07/2015 12:21 AM

Marcel Endzela
Gender: Male
Species: Trench Kuhna
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): Buzz x Violet
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): Neil
Taste Tests: N/A
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Marcel is a retired fifty-five-year-old architect, and Neil's father. While a perfectionist worker who reviews every detail, he is sloppy and lazy once at home. Marcel finds it difficult to find his motivation when at home, and he often blames his lack of motivation on the fact he lives alone. While he has a small alcohol consumption problem, he has been seeking help to get over it. He is trying to regain control over his life so that he can take better care of himself, and so that he can finally be there for his son, Neil. Marcel is reserved and can be considered to be timid as well, speaking quietly and hesitantly, even with his son.

Noteworthy Details wrote:Marcel looks a little older than he is, as well as a little unkept.

History wrote:Marcel was an eager architect who married his wife, and who delighted to be expecting a son. Being a father was a stressful situation, but he kept himself distracted with work. That was one of the reasons why he failed to notice his wife's emotional distress over her pregnancy. While he had noticed her drinking, Marcel never did anything to help or to stop her. Weeks before she was due with the baby, Marcel's wife had a panic attack and overdosed on alcohol. While Neil was brought to term by an emergency C-section, Marcel was devastated over the loss of his wife. He took care of Neil on his own, but he was emotionally tormented and eventually turned to alcohol as well. He had a difficult time with raising his son, and years later, he feels like he failed to be a good father.

Gender: Male
Species: Alternate Vessel Lubshi
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): Henry x Negative
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Mess Hall (Purine)
Aldrect, the Holy City
Town of Nabias
Idalani Falls
Ocular Checkups:

Resume wrote:Mark is a young, but incredibly happy, albino amnesiac. He is friendly and always found with a smile, despite having lost the majority of his memories. He is self-sacrificing and an excellent listener, offering his help to friends and strangers alike whenever they need it. He loves learning, having an intense curiosity for everything. Mark is an albino like his mother, Negative, and as a result, he has developed eye problems over the years; he wears glasses as a result. Mark was born with a talent for magic, like his parents, and he also likes sword-fighting as well. His friendliness and willingness to help even strangers sometimes put Mark into trouble, as he tends to trust those who meets too quickly, and also for the fact he is gullible and naive. Mark loves his family, learning many things from his father, Henry, but being particularly close to his mother, Negative. He still aims to become a powerful and great tactician like his mother, studying and practicing those skills even during a time of peace. He typically practices what he learns by accompanying his mother on her rescue missions, when he has a chance. Mark spends time with his father when his mother is away, and although his father's morbid interests sometimes make him uncomfortable, Mark lets it roll off his back, as he knows his father would never hurt him. Mark is also close to his younger brother, Conall, even if his brother sometimes doesn't want Mark around. As Mark is not truly Negative's and Henry's biological son, Conall sometimes does not feel like bonding with him, but Mark still loves his parents and his brother despite that.

Noteworthy Details wrote:Mark is an albino, having white hair, pale skin, and red eyes. Because of his albinism, he has developed an eye disease and needs glasses to see; his eyes have slowly but steadily been declining over the years. He is a bit scrawny and looks younger than he actually is.

History wrote:Mark travelled back in time in order to join with his present-time parents to stop Grima, the dark dragon God, from being resurrected to destroy the world. Mark lost his memories from traveling back in time, remembering only his mother. With some effort and time, he eventually regained the majority of his memories with his father. Mark found Negative at the time when she wasn't married or even engaged, which had lead to some insecurities and questions from both of them.

Martin Donato
Gender: Male
Species: Flametip Kuhna
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): Bedivere x Alissa
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Medicai City
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Martin is a forty-eight-year-old hematologist who takes care of Neil. He is down to earth, and he never hesitates to tell his patients the truth, even if it should be left unspoken. He cares for every single one of his patients, often spending time with the sicker ones to keep them company during their treatments. He gets emotionally attached to his patients, especially to the children. He is harder on those he loves, wishing for them to learn from his mistakes and to learn now rather than later. He has been taking care of Neil's Hemophilia since he was a child, and he is the one who got him interested in medicine. Martin is reserved, and those who work in his department know very little about him as a person. He enjoys turning his profession into a pun and a joke, cluttering his office with blood-themed items and hematology-related trinkets. He is described as quirky or unusual by many, but he is a caring employer.

Melanie Cavan
Gender: Female
Species: Pearl Kuhna
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): Muir x Dream
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Medicai City
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Melanie is a thirty-eight-year-old doctor who never stops. She is hyperactive, and she works as if she were the only doctor in the hospital of St. Lazare. She takes on patients from all departments, from the maternity ward to the worst of trauma and emergency patients. Everything about her is hyperbolic and exaggerated, including her facial expressions and her reactions. She is an excellent doctor, but she is notorious for burning out the nurses who work under her. She micromanages her nurses, and she has the tendency of being overbearing. She is also socially inept, often not knowing what to do or how to do something. She is not the most observant, and it is often necessary for someone to tell her clearly what they want. She is extremely close to Neil, and she considers herself close to everybody at the hospital.

Noteworthy Details wrote:Melanie's lab coat has a variety of trinkets hanging from it, and looks almost nothing like a lab coat anymore.

Mikayla del Reid
Gender: Female
Species: Hyenae/Malamute/Coontail Lucain
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Lamenolai, City of the Guardians x1
Lamenolai, City of the Guardians x2
Sa'fir Coast
Dead Coast
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Mikayla is the definition of a modern woman who is independent and who requires the help or support of no man. Tough, tomboyish, clever, and disciplined, Mikayla was raised as the heir to the family del Reid, and she lives up to that fact. She can fight, she can cook, she can do anything a royal is expected to do, from basic fundamental tasks to trivial hobbies. However, Mikayla is a young woman with two facets to her. Often pressured into marriage by her mother before she gets too old, Mikayla will become the most unbearable whining little princess you have ever met in your entire life — and she will become this monster willingly if it means remaining free another day. Mikayla isn't a pest or condescending; she is actually very generous and understanding, as well as intelligent. She holds a strict discipline and is sometimes blunt and a little intimidating, but she is certainly not mean-spirited. However, because of her desire to remain free from marriage, and her complete lack of interest in having children, Mikayla will sport a disguise in order to disgust or scare or frustrate any and all men away from her.

History wrote:Mikayla was born to the second King of the del Reid family. While she never shared a very close bond with her mother, Mikayla was extremely close to her father. She developed a strong grudge against Senervel when he killed her father, whom she doesn't believe was a criminal man, despite what Senervel says. To this day, she wants him arrested and thrown in jail instead of just being legally exiled so that he may pay his dues for killing her father.

Murray Wolfgang
Gender: Male
Species: Stealth Kuhna
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): Daiki x Allison
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Medicai City
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Murray is a fifty-year-old general doctor and surgeon who is the owner of St. Lazare Hospital. He is a man of few laughs and one who accepts no nonsense in his hospital. He is strict and demands the best from his employees so that they can take perfect care of their patients. He does not appreciate tomfoolery in his hospital, and he will express his displeasure to those who waste his time or make fun of him. Regardless, Murray cares for all of his employees. He despises wasting things, and he has an obsessive behavior in that respect. This is something that is abused by Neil, whom offers Murray an ugly tie every year for Christmas. Hating the prospect of throwing it away, Murray forces himself to wear the ties, even if their colors do not match his clothes or if the patterns are embarrassing.

History wrote:Murray knew Neil from his childhood when he started frequenting St. Lazare for his Hemophilia. It was his harder discipline that helped curb Neil's rebellious and childish attitude, and because of the relationship they shared, Murray considers Neil to be like a son to him.

Gender: Female
Species: CottonCandy Kuhna
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): Mike x Cynthia
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: Tsuneo
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Whisper Forest
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Narumi is a Pioneer ninja from the Archivist family, and Tsuneo's wife. She is hard-headed and somewhat manipulative, using clever tactics to get what she wants, even if she is going against the rules. She is bright and full of energy, and part of her likes getting attention. She loves Tsuneo for his genuine kindness and for how respectful he is. She enjoys his company due to how he is more expressive than the majority of the other Archivists. She loves children and helping expecting mothers deliver, and she is getting nervous that Tsuneo is refusing to have a child, due to the fact the Archivist parents cannot tell their children who they are, as a rule. Narumi typically regrets breaking the rules when she is caught red-handed, although that does not stop her from doing it again.

History wrote:Narumi was a troublemaker when she was younger, often being reprimanded by Matriarch Akane for her bad influence on the other Archivists. She bonded with Tsuneo quickly for how shy and reserved he was, and she liked how he was more expressive than the other Archivists. Although he already had a fiancée chosen for him, it was Tsuneo who asked to marry Narumi instead. While Matriarch Akane was upset at the demand, Patriarch Katsumi allowed the two of them to get married.

Gender: Female
Species: Tactician Draculi
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: Henry
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): Mark|Conall
Taste Tests:
Mess Hall (Purine) x1
Mess Hall (Purine) x2
Aldrect, the Holy City
Town of Nabias
Idalani Falls
Ocular Checkups:
#1|#2|#3|#4|#5|#6|#7|#8|#9|#10|#11|#12|#13|#14 (Blood)|#15|#16|#17|#18|#19|#20|#21|#22

Resume wrote:Negative is childish, excitable, friendly and very social. She enjoys meeting new people and spending time with friends, and she is especially close to her family: her husband, Henry, and her two sons, Mark and Conall. She is a powerful mage, having mastered the three base elements of wind, fire and thunder, with the latter being her element of choice. She is active and always on the move, having a job as a rescuer to help humans and pets who face hazardous weather and terrains, using her magic affinity and strategical mind to her advantage. She is easily approachable, but she may become unpleasant or cold if someone brings up her fame as a tactician. She despises people speaking to her solely based on her fame and accomplishments, making her feel uncomfortable. She will withdraw from a social place or a situation if people become too overbearing; to the point where she may travel undercover to avoid fans or comments. While she will not turn away all of those who look up to her skills and talents, she often avoids discussing the subject. She shares a sister-brother bond with Akakios, the two having been friends for years.

Noteworthy Details wrote:Negative is an albino, having white hair, pale skin, and red eyes. She wears a single large glove on her right hand and arm. She also has a thin scar that runs across her eyes, which is an injury from an old war. She looks identical to Sibyl.

History wrote:Negative was found unconscious by a powerful military leader. After figuring out that she was an amnesiac, but that she had amazing skills for strategy and magic, he took her in as his tactician. They later met Akakios, whom also proved to be gifted strategically, and the three worked together in order to win a terrible war that was plaguing their land. Negative turned out to be the human vessel for Grima, a dark dragon God, and was meant to become one with the dragon in order to destroy the world. The war was fought against Negative's future self, whom had accepted Grima's power and was trying to doom multiple timelines. The scar across Negative's eyes was a result of a direct battle between the two as her future self tried to force them to merge together to become more powerful. Negative bonded with a dark mage named Henry over the course of the war. Negative's and Henry's son, Mark, was born to the couple in an alternate timeline, but the child ended up in the present time after traveling back in time in order to stop the war and Grima.

Neil Endzela
Gender: Male
Species: Battalion Kuhna
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): Gunnar x Cine
Lineage (Plot): Marcel x ???
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): #1|#2|#3|#4
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Breeding Room x1 (Support)
Breeding Room x2 (zapdragon555's Jennifer)
Infirmary (Purine)
Medicai City x1
Medicai City x2
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Neil Endzela is a thirty-three-year-old doctor and surgeon working at St. Lazare Hospital. He is a friendly and happy doctor who does his best to have the most humane relationship with his patients as possible. He gets emotionally attached to his patients and grows aggravated when he is unable to find a way to help them or cure them. Neil is friendly, but he is secretive and more of a loner, preferring to keep things to himself and to be alone. He is very close to his nurse, Cybele, and he enjoys working with her and spending time with her. Neil can be irresponsible and has put others in danger because of his own shortcomings. He is stubborn, and he can be childish concerning his own medication. He considers Murray and Martin to be father figures to him, although he remains in contact with his biological father.

Noteworthy Details wrote:Despite being in his thirties, Neil has grey hair.

History wrote:Neil was born by emergency C-section after his mother overdosed on alcohol. After being born, he suffered from alcohol withdrawal from his mother drinking while being pregnant, and he developed sensitive skin and motion sickness as a result. Neil was also born with Hemophilia A, and he had to sit through sessions of blood therapy when he was younger to prevent his Hemophilia from clogging his joints; he also had to sit through blood transfusions if he got injured while playing. Neil grew up to be bitter and angry over his Hemophilia, as he felt incapable of playing the same games as the other children, and he felt incapable of doing the same things they could do. He felt his father was never there for him, and he grew up with anger problems and the tendency to skip school or to cause trouble while in class. Unable to deal with his problems, Neil's father sent him to counselling for his emotional problems. Neil would also be scolded by Martin during his blood therapy sessions if he threw a tempter tantrum or if he had bad attitude. As he grew up and matured, Neil got better with his anger and slowly realized that he could still live a good life despite his Hemophilia. He grew fond of Martin's readings during his blood therapy, and it was because of Martin that Neil realized he could help those who suffered from diseases, just like him. It was that motivation that brought Neil to study medicine, so he could help those who were stuck in the same boat. To prevent Neil from having to go through blood therapy once he became a doctor, Martin prescribed prophylaxis syringes to him; however, for a long time, Neil avoided using them, convinced he could beat his Hemophilia now that he was older, and being a doctor. It was during a surgery that Neil was nervous, and he accidentally cut himself. Having not taken care of his Hemophilia, he failed to recognize whose blood was on the table until he fainted from blood loss. While Murray finished the operation and the patient healed fine, Murray suspended Neil's medical license due to his neglect and irresponsible behavior. It was at that time that Cybele learned of Neil's Hemophilia, and she was the reason Neil got his medical license back so he could practice again. Since that day, Cybele has been making sure that he takes care of himself as instructed by Martin.

Othello Paderault
Gender: Male
Species: Regal Kuhna
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): Demaster x Bastet
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): #1|#2|#3|#4
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Breeding Room (Baconwizard's Ava)
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Othello is the second and middle prince of a family of three. He is calculating and keen, and he plans ahead before rushing headfirst into things. He is the quietest of the siblings, and he is usually a mediator when something happens in the family. He is somewhat passive, which makes him capable to judge situations from a third party instead of being completely biased. He gets along well with both of his brothers, but he often has a hard time fitting in with them, as he is more of a "geek". Much like his younger brother Ferapont, Othello is often tormented by his own position in the family, despite having a niche of his own as a talented diplomat. Unlike his brothers, he also has no real interest in becoming king after their father, despite his father often mentioning that Othello would be an excellent choice, considering his speaking skills.

Gender: Female
Species: Foliole Nonaga
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Mess Hall (Purine)
Ocular Checkups:

Resume wrote:Petronilla is confident and blunt, having a tough skin. She is sometimes a little reckless, but her heart is in the right place; although it took a long time for her to find the right path. She likes to tease others and push their buttons, but she is loyal and passionate as well as protective of those she loves. Her tough exterior often hides her self-sacrificing nature, as well as her gentler, softer side that she often tries to hide in order to avoid looking weak or defenceless. She is currently traveling the world together with Kaveri, looking for Alastair. Unlike the other shamans of the tribe, Petronilla doesn't need a dreamcatcher to see and communicate with spirits, and she can touch also them as if they were physical beings. Her main spirit is Hemlock, a poisonous scorpion spirit who is quiet, but unmistakably loyal and protective of his shaman.

Noteworthy Details wrote:Her darker skin and her clothes give her a foreign, aboriginal look, and so she tends to stand out in crowds at times.

History wrote:Petronilla is a granddaughter born to one of the high shamans of their tribe in the Tengel Rainforest. Her parents never received the blessing of her grandfather and as a result, her lineage was never publicly disclosed to the tribe. After the mysterious death of her mother and the spiritual suicide of her father — where he left for the spirit world and never returned to his physical body — Petronilla's grandfather tried to blame their deaths on her, and in an attempt to get rid of her, he tried to poison her. Miraculously, Petronilla survived the poison, and that was the cause of her ability to be able to communicate and touch spirits as if she were one of them. Throughout the years in the tribe, Petronilla made friends with few shamans, with Kaveri being one of them. Over the years, she fought with her friends in order to reveal the corruption within the tribe, and after many years of being forced into killing shamans for her grandfather, the high shamans were finally overthrown. After that incident, Petronilla decided to leave the tribe and to travel in order to find Alastair, the one who had started the revolution before her.

Gender: Female
Species: Doomsberry Kuhna
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): Dacre x Allie
Lineage (Plot): Alter x Anna
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Mess Hall (Purine)
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Phoebe is excitable and friendly like her mother, and having a knack for adventure and thrill like her father. Phoebe is social and loves spending time with her family and friends; she is especially close to Negative's son, Conall, as the two are roughly the same age. She is learning thievery and other fighting skills from her father, Alter, having an affinity for combat. Despite her skills as a thief, Phoebe does not steal from civilians and instead uses her knowledge to pilfer from bandits and return what was stolen from honest citizens; she does her best to avoid needlessly hurting others. She loves her parents, being closer to her father, as well as her older sister, Linfan, even if her sister has an obvious, distinct dislike for Phoebe. Phoebe gets nervous when arguments break out, and she will try to help settle them, although her naivety and inexperience sometimes damper her ability to help or to fully grasp the implications of an argument. She is sensitive to the feelings of others, and she will be the first one to help someone who needs it.

Richie Alpha
Gender: Male
Species: Headstripe Diosol
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): Talbot x Rhoda
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Sakudui Farmlands
Town of Nabias
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Richie is a young police officer who is gullible and a little naive, but with a strong sense of justice and a heart of gold. He pours all his heart into his job, and he fits the bill for a perfect father with a perfect job. He is a little awkward with women, however, and he is equally taken aback by men, which has left him with no romantic relationships despite him being in his early thirties. Richie is also homosexual, which has lead him to be very insecure about himself — this is also his own little secret that he doesn't tell to anyone. He does have a soft spot for children, but being that he doesn't like women and isn't secure enough about his financial situation, he has not taken the necessary steps to adopt a child. Instead, he puts every waking moment in his job and moving up the ladder. He does have a long, deep friendship with his boss, despite the two having completely different personalities.

History wrote:Richie went through a tough period of his life when his family all disowned him one by one because he'd admitted being homosexual. He often says that he wouldn't be here if it weren't for the support of his colleagues and especially his boss, whom all supported him and told him that he wasn't "abnormal" or "disgusting". With time, Richie came to terms with his orientation enough to function like any normal person, despite being unwilling to admit his preference to strangers or new friends.

Sandford del Reid
Gender: Male
Species: Akita/Belly/Sunbar Lucain
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Imperial/Purine War x1 (2008)
Imperial/Purine War x2 (2008)
Imperial/Purine War x3 (2008)
Battlefields x1
Battlefields x2
Battlefields x3
Battlefields x4
Lya Pointa Cathedral
Wilt'no Desert
Jawan, the Sea City
Idalani Falls x1
Idalani Falls x2
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Sandford is meek and quiet, but he is fairly intelligent. Working as the bookkeeper and treasurer of his family, he is often confined in his treasure room or bedroom, calculating money and calculating expenses, and many more things. He does go out to carry out errands, but he is not very social or comfortable with speaking to others. Born in a family of three siblings, Sandford was the quietest and because of it, he never really stood out. While not unfriendly or unpleasant, Sandford has a hard time being outgoing or comfortable with others. He is gold-hearted and peaceful — he prefers diplomacy over fighting. He is also very open-minded and understanding in terms of other people's behavior, such as criminals. While he disagrees with what they do, he personally believes that everyone has a good reason for doing what they're doing. He does draw a line to things that are inexcusable, such as sexual or physical assault of any kind, but people such as thieves and criminals do not necessarily frighten him. Born to a royal prince and a common woman, Sandford wasn't born with a very royal-like attitude. While he has the kindness to rule the kingdom, he certainly doesn't have the spine for it, leaving both he and Senervel out of the race for the throne.

Noteworthy Details wrote:Sandford's left eye is scarred and the green color is almost entirely gone, leaving him half-blind. His hair is a light brown, but it also has one lock of white hair going through it.

History wrote:Sandford lost his left eye when a thief broke into the palace and ended up in his bedroom. After being saved by Senervel, Sandford had to learn how to live with only one functioning eye, which put a toll on his mood. Things got even worse when his mother remarried and the twins got psychologically and emotionally abused by the second King. Due to the psychological damage from losing his eye and from being abused by his step-father, Sandford was always quiet and not very assertive. He was devastated when his brother was exiled, and he is the one who begged Senervel to come visit him now and again. While he gets along fine with his half-sister Mikayla, Sandford always felt like he was an outsider in his own family, mostly for his lack of confidence.

Senervel del Reid
Gender: Male
Species: Akita/Splotched/Kohl Lucain
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Breeding Room x1 (Shrewdberry's Sigurd)
Breeding Room x2 (Shrewdberry's Sigurd)
Breeding Room x3 (Thunder's Naerna)
Imperial/Purine War x1 (2008)
Imperial/Purine War x2 (2008)
Imperial/Purine War x3 (2008)
Battlefields x1
Battlefields x2
Battlefields x3
Mess Hall (Purine)
Nori Volcano
Lya Pointa Cathedral
Dead Coast
Wilt'no Desert
Lamenolai, City of the Guardians
The Slums
Idalani Falls x1
Idalani Falls x2
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Senervel is a suave serial killer who isn't afraid to show off his skills. Unlike most criminals, who often prefer to keep their identities unknown, Senervel does not hide from his profession, telling anyone who's willing to ask him about what he does in life. He's mostly retired, but he does enjoy the thrill of the kill and the suspense of the hunt now and again. He is calculating, but gentlemanly; he's manipulative, but he has a certain code of his own. Senervel is far from being dangerous to the everyday citizen; don't mess with him, and he won't mess with you. He is currently fairly nomadic due to the nature of his job, but also because of a certain King who didn't take too well to Senervel meddling into his affairs. While exiled from his kingdom, he is still close to his twin brother, Sandford, whom he meets now and again. However, his relationship with his mother and half-sister isn't quite as healthy and the three do not talk or meet each other. His sister, especially, holds a deep grudge towards him and the two do not get along.

Noteworthy Details wrote:Senervel has pitch black hair, with just a little lock being white in color. He also wears a monocle, which is a trademark of his.

History wrote:Senervel was a child born to a royal prince and a common woman. He was a child when a thief broke into the family mansion and ended up in his twin brother's bedroom. Woken up by the noise and finding his brother injured by the thief, Senervel retaliated to protect his brother from further harm and ended up killing the thief. While that first killing left no real impression on him, things went out of hand when Senervel's mother remarried. Despite fooling the entire family and even being very close to his daughter, the second King was a member of a criminal group — and Senervel took it in his own hands to keep the family from being handed over to a criminal. After being psychologically and emotionally abused by his step-father, Senervel eventually killed the King. Subsequently, his mother exiled him and his sister would forever despise him for killing her father. To this day, the only family member who still cares for him is Sandford, whom believes Senervel did and does what he's doing for a reason.

Gender: Female
Species: Backsplash/Drizzle/Psi-Eye/Socks Lucain
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Paragon Breeding Room (Shrewdberry's Danika)
Kuhna Breeding Room x1 (BaalsBaby's Straiph)
Kuhna Breeding Room x2 (Pickle's Gene)
Starlight Town
Whisper Forest
The Slums
Ocular Checkups:

Resume wrote:Sibyl is diabolical and heartless, being the complete opposite of her counterpart, Negative. Sibyl was raised to hate and despise everyone and everything around her so that she may be a suitable human vessel for Grima, the dark dragon God. She was taught the art of dark magic, and her knowledge of the practise is unmatched, with abilities that range from cursing others, to reviving the dead to use as pawns. She is a cruel mage, but she will fake emotions in order to obtain what she wants. She is a manipulator, using any means in order to reach her ends; this includes her own body, as she will gladly offer her body sexually to get what she wants. She is a mystery to most who meet her, as she does not reveal much about her. She is traveling the world with Danika and Alastair in order to train them and herself in the magic arts. She is often mistaken for Negative, and comparing her to Negative can result in her becoming aggravated, and even violent. However, she uses her likeness to Negative in order to obtain discount and favors from those who know Negative and the fame attached to her.

Noteworthy Details wrote:Sibyl is an albino, having white hair, pale skin, and red eyes. She looks identical to Negative.

History wrote:Sibyl was raised under a strict regimen, unable to leave her home. She knows Alter from their shared timeline of the future, and he was someone she considered close to her in her childhood. When a war erupted and Grima, the dark dragon God, was revived, Sibyl welcomed the power and the soul of the God, and as agreed, shared part of it with Alter, but things slowly fell apart between them when they traveled back to the past. With Alter unable to control his past self and failing at ensuring the resurrection of Grima in the past, Sibyl took his powers back and left him for dead. She got a taste of her own medicine after Negative's army defeated her and left her for dead as well, leaving a bitter and sour taste in Sibyl's mouth. Although Grima's dark powers are gone, including the dragon God himself having been put back into a deep slumber, Sibyl still retains a very small portion of them from having hosted Grima's soul for so long. Over the course of her travels, she took Danika and Alastair under her wing in order to train them in the art of dark magic so that they could help her attain her ultimate goal.

Gender: Male
Species: Celestial/Banded/Mystwalker Webbed/Scorpion Voidbringer
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): Attor x Devaki
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): #1|#2|#3
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Breeding Room (Kyrit's Lyru)
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Sylvester is a gentleman, but one to be avoided. He knows how to manipulate people's heart strings to get what he wants, using his silver tongue to reach his goals. He's carefree, easy-going, irresponsible, and arguably, a jerk. He will act nice and polite to get what he wants, only to turn around when the time is right. He is hot-tempered when things don't go his way, which is when he uses his limited psychic powers to get what he wants. As a stork, Sylvester is unreliable. He sometimes "loses" his packages, and he often gets to his destination late. When he does accomplish his mission, he doesn't come back empty-handed. Sylvester's psychic powers are limited and rather useless in theory, but he can actually hypnotize people temporarily when they look into his eyes. This allows him to implant ideas into people's heads, such as giving him jewelry, money, items or food. The effect eventually wears off, but the victim usually doesn't remember or understand what happened to them. He can also create a strong force, which allows him to push people and things away from him. He cannot manipulate the energy, however, and so it is virtually useless for offensive damage. He's a bit of a womanizer, but he can sometimes be cruel. If the woman refuses to give him what he wants, he feels no remorse using his hypnotic power to make the woman fall for him long enough for them to become intimate. He has no respect for anyone and often acts as a stereotypical rebel.

Noteworthy Details wrote:Sylvester, like Cristobal, has wings on his back that he cannot hide. Unlike Cristobal's, Sylvester's wings are webbed and look more bat-like.

History wrote:Sylvester was a guinea pig in an attempt to include Atarxe's rare psychic gene into people's genetic coding. The experiment was a success, to an extent, since Sylvester can use limited psychic powers without side-effects. He went through different experiments, and one of which gave him the ability to manipulate poison. He rarely uses the ability, so it is slightly useless, but he does possess poisonous glands. His wings are also webbed, unlike the feathered stork wings. Sylvester was a mad experiment gone slightly right, yet not. Because of the wing prejudice, he is still stuck on the same level as the other storks, even though he considers himself completely human.

Gender: Male
Species: Lunar Kuhna
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): Ari'el x Jorunnr
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Whisper Forest
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Takahiro is a Scriptwriter in the ninja family of the Archivists. He is secretive, and he avoids mingling with the other Archivists, as he does not hail from the family. He has a brilliant mind, and he has helped the Archivists in reformatting the layout of their underground tombs and homes. While he is loyal and grateful to the Archivists, Takahiro considers himself an outsider in the family, and he avoids creating too many deep friendships with the other ninjas. He keeps to himself and offers advice only when necessary or when his duty demands it. He has come to terms with keeping another Scriptwriter, a female ninja named Chiyoko, away from him, as she refuses to leave him alone. As a Scriptwriter, he is currently teaching Tsuneo his new tasks and duties.

Noteworthy Details wrote:Takahiro is missing his left arm, which he had to get amputated after a bloody battle.

History wrote:Takahiro is from a ninja family of architects. Being a small family, they were invaded quickly and Takahiro was left for dead. When the Archivists found him, they had no choice but to amputate his left arm, but doing so saved Takahiro's life. With nowhere else to go, the Patriarch and Matriarch offered him to stay with the Archivists. While he longs for his family, Takahiro understands that he will forever be the only survivor of his family. After losing his entire clan, he refuses to get attached to the Archivists and to lose more people he considers beloved to him.

Gender: Male
Species: Poison Kuhna
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): Isak x Mal
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): #1|#2|#3|#4|#5|#6|#7|#8
Children (Plot): Aya
Taste Tests:
Breeding Room x1 (Shrewdberry's Tsuneo)
Breeding Room x2 (Shrewdberry's Isamu)
Whisper Forest
Roraldi Forests
Lamenolai, City of the Guardians
Town of Nabias
Ocular Checkups:

Resume wrote:Takumi is a ninja from the Chemist family, although he has not been a part of the family for over a decade. He is a malicious ninja who takes on assassination missions for his own sake, and in order to survive on his own in the forest without a family of his own. He is remorseless, for the most part, and he kills without a second thought. He has a strong disdain and hate for women, and he will raise his prices for his poisons and concoctions when women ask for them. He is selfish and self-centered, thinking only of himself and thinking little of others. He has an impressive knowledge and intellect for tonics and poisons, but his genius is often used with malicious intents rather than to help others. He is best friends with Tsuneo and Isamu, and he is particularly close to Tsuneo. At this time, Takumi is trying to take care of his illegitimate eight-year-old daughter, Aya, now that her mother was killed. He is also trying to come up with new tonics in order to help ninjas rather than to kill them, although he is struggling with finding good recipes. He is starting to change for the sake of his daughter, and for his own safety. While he is not fond of animals in general, he is particularly fond of insects; ants are his favorite.

History wrote:Takumi grew up without his parents, and instead being raised by the leader of the Chemist family, Gorou. Takumi's mother, who got pregnant with him before her wedding, died delivering her illegitimate son months after her future husband had been killed by a rival clan. Because of their deaths, the women of the clan spread the rumor that Takumi was a curse, and that he had killed his parents. He was prohibited from playing with the other children, and as a result, he grew fond of insects and small animals, where he would play with them. He was sometimes pushed or kicked by the women who came to speak to the leader, and he was neglected by the family, whom all thought he would bring misfortune to them. Takumi was not allowed to learn his family's art, either, the ninjas being afraid he would use it against them. Left to himself until he came of age, Takumi eventually left the family in order to live on his own, and to be free from his family. He'd spent years secretly learning the techniques of his family, and once he was on his own, he tested his poisons and antidotes on himself. At some point, an accident happened, and Takumi almost accidentally killed himself. He was found by the Archivists, and Tsuneo was the one in charge of taking care of him. Takumi was wary at first, but he eventually grew fond of Tsuneo, and for his unusually gentle and kind personality. He has been keeping in touch with Tsuneo and Isamu since that time, and he has not visited his family since leaving them behind.

Gender: Male
Species: Memorial Kuhna
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): Concerto x Allison
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: Narumi
Children (Blood): #1|#2|#3|#4
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Breeding Room x1 (Shrewdberry's Takumi)
Breeding Room x2 (Support)
Mess Hall (Purine)
Infirmary (Purine)
Whisper Forest
Lamenolai, City of the Guardians
Ocular Checkups:

Resume wrote:Tsuneo is a Scriptwriter from the ninja family of the Archivists, and Narumi's husband. He is a genuinely kind and gentle man who aims to please everyone he meets. His goal is to befriend as many people as possible, ninjas and commoner civilians alike, to spread awareness and to teach them about the value of their lives. Considering the ninjas of the various families die every day and have very little regard for their lives and the lives of others, Tsuneo is saddened by that mentality, and he hopes to change it, given time. Tsuneo dreams big, and his ideals typically conflict with the rules established by the Archivists, which gets him into trouble. He is submissive and typically does as asked, sometimes neglecting himself for the sake of others. He has the bad habit of hiding injuries or illnesses to avoid worrying those he cares about, often making himself feel worse as a result. Tsuneo takes his duty as an Archivist extremely seriously, and he is proud to have a hand in protecting the lives of others. While he is displeased with some rules and traditions in his family, he hopes to one day give effect to a period of change where the ninjas will have more of a say in their lives, rather than following the word of their Patriarch and Matriarch. Tsuneo is particular about his privacy, and he is embarrassed to show too much skin; this includes getting undressed even with his wife. He judges it to be indecent, and he hates having people watch him or be near him when he changes. He is best friends with Takumi and Isamu, and it is thanks to them that Tsuneo has been able to leave the Archivist underground temples to visit the outside world.

History wrote:Tsuneo started out as a Pathfinder for the Archivists, in charge of saving injured ninjas and nursing them back to health; or bringing back the bodies of those who had been killed so they could receive a proper burial. Tsuneo learned under Patriarch Katsumi, and he was always proud to learn about the purpose of the Archivists. He eventually met Takumi, a young Chemist who had nearly died from an accident. Tsuneo found it difficult to take care of Takumi due to how uncooperative and wary Takumi was towards him. It was at that time that Tsuneo learned the ninjas of the other families did not think life to be valuable, and it was then that Tsuneo decided he would continue to grow and learn in order to change that mentality. While he realizes that this is just a dream, he continues to work as valiantly as he can to change that mentality and to inspire ninjas to see their life has having worth.
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[* Humans M-Z II

Postby Jaykobell » 04/07/2015 12:23 AM

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[* Animals I

Postby Jaykobell » 04/07/2015 12:24 AM

Gender: Female
Species: Ailursice
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Roraldi Forests
Tengel Rainforest
Baian Swamp
Idalani Falls x1
Idalani Falls x2
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Abigail is not only a rare and endangered animal, but she is also as intelligent as any human being. Capable of speech, feelings, and logic, Abigail reacts just like a human, even making very human-like gestures and even knowing barely anything about animal body language. She is docile and harmless, often very naive and gullible, as well as very curious about everything new. She is used to human life, but since she is an animal, her current goal is to find where she belongs in the wild. She travels through forests and deserts, jungles and plains, in order to find a place she can call home. Despite being an animal, Abigail is almost unable to live like one, which makes it near impossible for her to adapt, no matter where she tries to settle. She is constantly conflicted about who and what she is, being a human mind stuck in an animal's body.

History wrote:Abigail was the first official host of the Leo parasite after the other Creators had stabilized the strain. She is the youngest of the Creators and has a special connection with Ashton especially. She hasn't seen a lot of the research behind the Zodiac strains, and so wasn't as scarred or upset when the group split.

Gender: Male
Species: Starspeckled/Mudbelly Lucain
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): Fall x Crimson
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Town of Nabias
Sa'fir Coast
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Astrophel has a very particular ability. If your character is right and your intentions true, Astrophel will give you the opportunity to make a wish, and without any consequences. Would you happen to be ill-spirited and rotten, he will still make your wish come true, but with a price. Sometimes the consequences end up being worse than the wish you asked for; if you wanted fifty keystones, you might end up getting your Sekudui barn burned down, costing you thousands in repair. This all depends on your personality; Astrophel will judge your character from a simple chat with you. He will ask key questions to analyze and figure out what kind of person you are. The extent of his powers is unknown, but one thing is for sure: he is unable to grant his own personal wishes. Personality-wise, Astrophel is reserved, but not to the point of being a recluse. He keeps low when first meeting somebody, but as he gets to know them, he will open to them the moment he learns something that will assure him their loyalty. He has a very set idea on the principle of loyalty and trust, and even through arguments, he will not stand for someone abusing his trust. He is far from being a liar, but he may lie in order to protect the feelings of others, although he makes him feel guilty. He is quiet, mature, analyzing, and extremely loyal. He likes to display his affection through harmless teasing.

Cortez Blackheart
Gender: Female
Species: Custom Pirate Kuhna
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): #1|#2|#3|#4|#5|#6|#7|#8|#9|#10|
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Breeding Room x1 (Shrewdberry's Aldric)
Breeding Room x2 (Ander's Ends'Haven)
Dead Coast
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Cortez is a Kuhna of the sea, sailing boats and proclaiming herself a pirate — albeit a good one. She's pretty rough for a girl, since she's been living around sailors and men for most of her life. Rumors say she has a human form, but very few have seen it. Even though she hangs out with men of the sea, her tongue isn't all that "barbarian," and her sentences are well-constructed. She does use some of those "ain't" and others, but you shouldn't have any difficulty understanding her. She's one who loves to teach things to others, such as fishing or hunting, or how not to get seasick on a boat. She loves everything that's fish, snake and labelled as frightening. Even though she seems independent, she can be motherly, getting worried whenever someone gets injured.

Noteworthy Details wrote:Cortez has a small scar over her right eye, and she is always seen wearing her trademark pink-and-white bandana.

Gender: Male
Species: Bred Kuhna
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): Morbus x Oliver
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Breeding Room (Support)
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Darma is an average Kuhna with no story, except for the fact he is very active in movements involving Kuhnas and humans with different sexualities. Brother to Sasha, Darma supports his sister in her transgendered identity, even though part of him is still confused at the prospect. He has a good heart and loves his sister beyond words, even if he does not always understand her. He is blunt and sometimes too hard on his sister, but he does it all to help her get over her insecurities and fears towards others. Darma works with other Kuhnas who feel misunderstood or mistreated by society because they have a different sexuality, hoping that working closely with many of those Kuhnas will truly help him understand what his sister is going through.

Gender: Female
Species: Litchi Kuhna
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): Luca x Peppermint
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): #1|#2|#3|#4|#5|#6|#7|#8
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Breeding Room x1 (MillitheWarrior's Pooky)
Breeding Room x2 (Moofius's Dez)
Medicai City
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Elixir is a true healer at heart. She spends her days collecting herbs and various ingredients to make potions, ointments and gels to cure the injured. She's very calm and understanding, although she is sometimes daydreaming about other things, such as astrology. She gets along better with children than with humans, and she teaches what skills and knowledge she has to those who wish to learn them. She gets along well with Marble, the two of them being attracted to medicine and the art of healing injured creatures.

History wrote:Ever since she was a small Kuhna, Elixir loved healing. It was when one of the pets back at her old home got badly injured that she showed her talent. She used what she could to help the wounded, and it was how she got her name, one that fits her so well still: Elixir. She didn't grow to realize her abilities just then, but as she grew older, she saw how talented she was with the injured and how she loved creating potions and other such things to help those who need support.

Gender: Female
Species: Kamo Kuhna
Business: Average
Lineage (Blood): Cuhna x Jinx
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests: N/A
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Enyo initially appears to be a sweet, gentle Kuhna to those who first meet her. In reality, Enyo is easily angered, taunting, egocentric, and with a liking for a good fight. Enyo has a violent personality, and she typically solves her problems by beating others. However, she doesn't leave it to a simple beating, sometimes going feral on others and scarring them for life. Because of her aggressive personality, many pets keep away from her at all times. In a way, she loves knowing that others are living in fear of her. Still, Enyo is clever and calculating; as confident as she may be, she knows her own limitations. While she would gladly fight back against other Kuhnas or small pets, she would never attack a Paragon. The feeling of winning a fight quells her desire to fight for a time; losing a fight, however, only increases her desire to beat others. Enyo is aggressive, and those who have met her do not wish to see her again. Unless she is tired or relaxed, Enyo is a dangerous Kuhna to be with.

Gender: Male
Species: Wild Hare Diosol
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests: N/A
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Faizel works as a ranger for the small clan of Diosol refugees. Being brave and adventurous, he plans assaults and aims to obtain supplies to help his clan thrive on their own. He despises Einsor and the research he does on Diosols, and his job includes saving the Diosols trapped in his lab. Faizel knows little what to do outside of his ranger tasks of collecting supplies and saving other Diosols, which sometimes makes him difficult to befriend. He puts others before himself and sometimes makes bad decisions because of that. He works with Oluchi, another ranger Diosol, and the two of them work as a team to help their clan thrive on their own without the help of Einsor or humans.

History wrote:Faizel was part of Einsor's collection of Diosols, and he was convinced to leave the labs when a group of Diosols became tired of being experiments and guinea pigs for Einsor. They decided to escape and to live their lives in the wild, hoping to regain the rank and title they once had with Yepha as messengers and guardian angels.

Gender: Male
Species: Decay Diosol
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests: N/A
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Jagna is a Diosol who lives with the small clan of refugees. He looks terrifying to the other Diosols because of his mechanical and metallic looks. He is a diosol by birth, but Jagna has been modified so deeply that he no longer associates with his biological species, and feels more robotic than alive and organic. He has nervous tics akin to machines due to faulty wiring and other maintenance that is not performed on his mechanics. He is kind, but because of his alterations, he sometimes has bouts of aggressiveness where he tries to injure and kill those who approach him. While this is typically when he feels threatened, they may happen with no prior warning or confrontation. He longs to build new relationships with his fellow Diosols, but he feels trapped in the mechanics of his altered body.

Noteworthy Details wrote:Jagna looks like a robotic Diosols, seemingly built of plates, screws and wires. He is an organic Diosol under the wires, but his appearance and mannerisms mimic that of machines. Because he no longer lives with Einsor and no longer receives maintenance, his body is slowly starting to decay and rust.

History wrote:Jagna was chosen by Einsor to be altered in order to build a Diosol that could dispose of the failures. Jagna was trained and built to kill other Diosols and to put the wild ones in check. Many Diosols were terrified of him, but Jagna begged for the runaway group to take him with them so that he could stop killing Diosols. With little time to argue or debate, the group allowed Jagna to come with them, as they figured he could be useful for their own safety and defense, as well. Jagna is happy that he has a chance to repent for the Diosols he has killed, but he knows he will never be seen as a messenger of Yepha, even if he tries. At this time, he does his best to help the Diosols that gave him a second chance.

Marble de Plain
Gender: Male
Species: Berry Kuhna
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): #1|#2|#3|#4|#5|#6|#7|#8
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Imperial/Purine War x1 (2008)
Imperial/Purine War x2 (2008)
Mess Hall x1 (Purine)
Mess Hall x2 (Purine)
Breeding Room x2 (Kelica's Caki)
Nori Volcano
Wilt'no Desert
Lamenolai, City of the Guardians
Idalani Falls x1
Idalani Falls x2
Ocular Checkups:

Resume wrote:Marble is a Berry Kuhna who has an affinity for healing. He is selfless, brave and friendly, and he loves spending time with his friends and family. He is very open to differences and points of view, welcoming different cultures and knowledge. He never hesitates to help others when he can, even if this may threaten his own life in the process. This includes protecting others with his own life, if it means he can save their own. Because of the injury he got from Senervel during the first Purine and Imperial war, his throat is very fragile, and he now repeatedly stammers while speaking, and he may also cough while doing so. He is optimistic despite his injury, and he always tries to bring a smile in the worst of situations; he wants the best there is for his family and friends. He is very understanding and much of a pacifist, preferring to talk rather than fight.

Noteworthy Details wrote:Marble's left eye is scarred and now a pale green color. Marble is blind in that eye due to an internal hemorrhage following a lethal bite injury to his throat from the old Purine and Imperial war. He has stitches on his throat as a result, going from the top of his collar to the bottom. He wears a small black collar that has a bright golden bell attached to it that covers those stitches on his throat. His right wrist and left tail, covered by bandages, are scarred as well.

History wrote:Marble was kidnapped from his family and abandoned in the Slums. The scar over his green eye was received from his childhood. During the old Purine and Imperial war, he met the Leader, Kaibutsu and Iiylis, helping the latter two heal the Leader's injuries. While the Leader, Senervel found them and tried to bite Iiylis's throat, but bit Marble's instead when the Berry Kuhna stepped forward to protect Iiylis. Marble got a lethal injury to his throat as a result, and while Kaibutsu was distracting Senervel, the Leader and Iiylis carried Marble away, taking care of his injury. An internal hemorrhage formed itself in his throat and managed to reach his nervous system, killing his left eye. A Fellox doctor named Darian saved him in the nick of time, and Marble survived. He tried to offer his sight to Iiylis, but the Resurrection Kuhna kindly refused. Before going to help the Leader, Marble got engaged into a battle with Ryen, a Disease Kuhna. His strength was about equal to his opponent, but when the time came, Marble forfeited and let his enemy win, saying he knew how Ryen had too much to lose to die, and Marble refused to continue the fight. He was killed as a result, but the Goddess Ithina brought him back to life. Marble decided to leave the war behind so he could go spend time with his family and friends afterwards.

Gender: Male
Species: Custom Digital Kuhna
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Wilt'no Desert
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Napoleon is a Kuhna of flesh and blood with a digital soul created via a computer. Napoleon can feel and express emotions, but his delivery may appear as robotic at times, especially with emotions that are new or unfamiliar to him. His voice sounds organic, but sparks and glitch noises may resonate at times. He may also display nervous tics akin to a machine freezing or experiencing lag. He is aware of his existence as a machine, but he is also trying to convince himself that he is a living, organic being. He has control over electricity, which includes him being capable of traveling through the digital world of computers and other electronics. He can manipulate the electricity of living beings to reformat their structure, to an extent. He is trying to find his purpose in the world as a hybrid of a digital and living soul.

Noteworthy Details wrote:Napoleon's eyes sometimes flash with digital values or symbols. They also look emotionless at times.

Gender: Male
Species: Grinbones
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests: N/A
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Odin is a trickster, as well as being impatient. He speaks very rarely to strangers and actually prefers looking dead rather than alive when they first see him. While grateful to Janice, the one who gave him a second chance at life, Odin isn't particularly affectionate nor too animal-like. He is not very good at using human words, which often results in him insulting or hurting someone without meaning to. He can disappear and reappear for a very short amount of time, a side-effect from being implanted a parasite into his body when he was so close to death.

Noteworthy Details wrote:Odin looks like a regular cat, except for his face and head, which are only bone. Part of his body also show bone from his skeleton, due to him nearly dying.

History wrote:Odin was a regular cat that was hit by a car and that was roadkill when Janice found him. She had just retired from being a researcher, but she used her knowledge and resources to save the cat's life by forcing a parasite into it.

Gender: Female
Species: Garu Diosol
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests: N/A
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Oluchi works as a ranger for the small clan of Diosol refugees. Being brave and adventurous, she plans assaults and aims to obtain supplies to help her clan thrive on their own. She hates Einsor for what he did and is doing to her fellow Diosols, but she is not afraid to taunt them and to harass them. She is reckless, and she makes sure to wreck havoc as much as she can when she assaults his labs or one of his facilities when they are raiding them for supplies. Oluchi cannot sit still, and she is always on the move, looking for places where she can get items and tools to help her fellow Diosols. She has little sympathy for humans, and she avoids contact with them. She uses them only when she needs something that she cannot obtain herself, and she has no qualms stealing from them. She works with Faizel, another ranger Diosol, and the two of them work as a team to help their clan thrive on their own without the help of Einsor or humans.

Noteworthy Details wrote:Oluchi's fur is prickly and messy.

History wrote:Oluchi was part of Einsor's collection of Diosols, and she was convinced to leave the labs when a group of Diosols became tired of being experiments and guinea pigs for Einsor. They decided to escape and to live their lives in the wild, hoping to regain the rank and title they once had with Yepha as messengers and guardian angels.

Gender: Male (Transgender)
Species: Bred Kuhna
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): Morbus x Oliver
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Breeding Room (Krypto's Paulo)
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Sasha is a Kuhna who was born as a male named Sidney, but who feels more comfortable being a female. She was confused and conflicted about her identify for a long time, and she kept the secret to herself for many years up until her brother Darma forced it out of her. She is eternally grateful for her brother's support, and she has gained a little bit of confidence thanks to her brother. She visits support groups and communities with similar views, but Sasha is still conflicted about who she is. She is terrified of others and what they think of her, and while she would love her own family, she is too afraid of others to interact with them to that level. She hopes to one day become more comfortable with herself and who she is, but she struggles on a daily basis. She is uncomfortable in her male body, and she is incapable of confronting those who bully her or abuse her emotionally.

Gender: Male
Species: Bred Sabertooth Kuhna
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): Azrael x Devyn
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests: N/A
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Taj is a wild Kuhna who hunts for himself and who lives on his own. He is confused by the modern mentality of the present, where Kuhnas live with humans as pets, or where some have adopted a human form to work in society. He is most comfortable in the wild, where he is self-reliant and in control of his life and surrounded by nature. He is wary of humans, and he looks down on the Kuhnas who have since forgotten their wild instincts to become house pets. When he roams near cities, he is often caught in misunderstandings with the females for trying to mate with them with no warning. His mentality is to spread his genes as much as he can, and he explains that he does not do it to hurt them. He becomes territorial around male Kuhnas as well, especially if a female is nearby.

Noteworthy Details wrote:By modern standards, Taj looks ruffled and unkept.

History wrote:Taj was a Kuhna who lived in ages past, but at one point in time, he was encased in ice. Centuries later, he was found by a team of Evelon researchers, and they thawed the ice to revive him from his suspended sleep. Taj was released into the wild after the researchers were done studying him, and after he fought and lashed out for them to release him. He is confused by the modern world, and he is growing lonely, thinking that there may not be any Kuhnas like him left in this modern time.
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[* Animals II

Postby Jaykobell » 04/07/2015 12:27 AM

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[* Myths I

Postby Jaykobell » 04/07/2015 12:27 AM

Gender: Female
Species: Celestial/Gail Starry Soveris
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests: N/A
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Afua holds the rank of Duchess in the Soveris clan known as the Arcane Heights. She is the adopted daughter of Pheadrus and Vinka, the King and the Queen. She is timid, and she avoids mingling with the Soveris of the clan. She has powers over the element of ice, which is something no other Soveris in the clan possesses. She is self-conscious of her powers and who she is, and she believes the other Soveris to see her as such. She has a difficult time opening up to others and will often speak quietly due to her anxiety. She hopes to one day overcome her shortcomings in order to help her clan, but she has doubts over what she can do. She is scared for her brother, Pearce, considering he mingles with the other Soveris.

History wrote:Afua and her brother Pearce were born and raised by humans. They were kept as experiments and genetically altered to control elements. Afua has control over the element of ice, but she finds it difficult to control it. When the researchers were arrested for illegal research, the Soveris and other pets held in the labs were released into the wild. Afua and Pearce traveled together until they trespassed on the territory of the Arcane Heights, where the King and the Queen adopted them.

Gender: Female
Species: Vines/Bodybar/Belly Voidwings/Tipped Voidbringer Paragon
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): Ryuu x Jezebel
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): #1|#2|#3
Children (Plot): Basima|Landon|Roswell
Taste Tests:
Breeding Room x1 (Shrewdberry's Palmer)
Breeding Room x2 (Support)
Vast Plains
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Agrona is a very caring and understanding Paragon, but she is far from being weak or soft. Hard-working and very headstrong, Agrona doesn't let anyone boss her around, and she is not known for changing her mind once a decision has been made. She is talented at hunting and has shown skills that rival Palmer's. She has earned the title of a mother of sorts for many Paragon, where she tries to watch over them and offer advice when they are in trouble or just need a Paragon to listen to them. She has no interest in hatchlings or a mate, although she has kept a close eye on a group of hatchlings that she saved when she first joined the Hive. She is mature and powerful, although not without a heart and mind, like her mother, Jezebel.

History wrote:Agrona used to live with her mother Jezebel back in her clan of deserters, and she used to look up and respect her mother immensely. However, as time went by, Agrona slowly started seeing her mother's true face. Forced to exile and even kill fellow Paragon for petty reasons, Agrona soon got fed up with the tyrannic and insane leadership of her mother, eventually leaving her home to seek help from the Hive. While she is disappointed that her relationship with her mother had to end so terribly, Agrona understands it was for the best and has decided to leave the past behind her in order to become a better Paragon, both for herself and for others.

Gender: Female
Species: Belly/Banded Voidwings Placid Paragon
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Vast Plains
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Alcippe used to be a lazy, self-entitled bully, but she has since changed her ways. More introverted and reserved than she was before, Alcippe is now more understanding and a little less close-minded and judgemental, although she still needs to improve. Despite her gentler appearance, she is an infamous Paragon that many tend to avoid. Capable of biting as much as she can bark, Alcippe has a harsh mouth and strict words to say to whoever messes with her and to those who won't do what they're supposed to do. A very fast and talented flyer, Alcippe is unstoppable when matched with Sequoia, and is known to relax when she's flying or doing something she enjoys. She is not as mean-spirited as she lets on, but her insecurities and her lack of trust in others make her defensive and terrified of bonding with others.

History wrote:Alcippe grew up to be lazy and entitled. She had the bad habit of flying around and practicing stunts instead of doing her job around the Hive. There came one day when she told Izotz that she had been working on her own division all this time: a division to help flying Paragon to develop their skills to be in top shape in any and every condition, be it windy or hailing. And so the Sky Flyers were created, together with Alcippe and Juro. While the idea worked fine for a while, the power and position of leader eventually got to Alcippe's head. She eventually became a lazy leader who did whatever she wanted, regardless of anyone else. She started denying Paragon into the group and started threatening those who questioned her decisions or argued with her. Her leadership was short-lived as she started to injure and handicap Paragon as a result of cheap and dirty tricks during races. Her traps almost killed the Soveris of the Hive, Koralia, while they were flying. It was Kuro who exposed Alcippe for who she was, and further to that, she was exiled from the Hive for ten years. When she returned, she kept her distance from most of the Hive, feeling bitter. She initially despised Sequoia for stealing her position as leader of the Sky Flyers, but Alcippe has since been re-admitted into the group as one of the best flyers. Despite it all, Alcippe wishes she could become friends with Juro again, but he is unwilling to get directly involved with her again.

Gender: Female
Species: Minty Kuhna
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): Kemnebi x Larkin
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Lamenolai, City of the Guardians
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Allovera is immature, despite her age as a vampire. She is emotionally tormented over her identify as a dhampyr, being the daughter of a female vampire and a male human. Her unusual teal-colored blood grants her power over the wind and air, although her abilities are weaker than that of a full-blooded vampire. She has an honest heart and good intentions, but her emotions are usually overwhelming and cause her to react badly when things do not go her way. She is naive and gullible, and she does not quite understand the world. She has a very short temper and has the bad habit of running away from home when she gets into a disagreement with her caretaker, Hamilcar. While she loves him, deep down, she does not consider him her father. However, when it matters, she would stand up for him and do whatever she can to help him. Being a dhampyr, Allovera can suck and drink blood to survive, but she also needs the nutrients from human foods in order to be healthy.

Noteworthy Details wrote:Being part vampire, Allovera has short canines; they are a little bit longer than a normal human's teeth.

History wrote:Allovera was born to a female vampire and a male human. Upon being born, her mother gave her away for reasons that are unknown to Allovera. A young male vampire named Hamilcar was the one who received her from her mother, and he has been raising her ever since, with the help of his own family.

Gender: Female
Species: Vines/Mystwalker/Lizard Legs Crystal Pipe Paragon
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): #1|#2
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Breeding Room (Shrewdberry's Aran)
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Aviza is generous and self-sacrificing, but she can also be cold and cruel, depending on the gender of the Paragon she is speaking to. Due to her past, Aviza hates males Paragon to the point of belittling them and ignoring them. While she would give everything she has to help a fellow female Paragon, she wouldn't lift a claw to help a male. While there are a few exceptions, such as Izotz and Agrona's two sons, Aviza is aggressive towards all other males. Ever since joining the Hive, she has grown to let go of her black and white mentality in terms of genders, but she still has a hard time trusting males completely.

Noteworthy Details wrote:Aviza's Crystal wings are missing small chunks; her body, most notably her back, is covered in scars.

History wrote:Aviza was born in a primitive clan of wild Paragon, where the structure was entirely based on a male-dominated mentality. Much more primitive than the Hive Paragon, the males of Aviza's first clan were savage and wild and completely dominated by their instincts. Determined that they were the ultimate species and gender, the males of her clan would look down on the females and use them only as egg-bearers. Aviza suffered from that reality, where she constantly tried to please her given mate to make him happy, but whom would ultimately always treat her like trash. When said male crushed their male eggs because he didn't want competition, Aviza snapped and decided to leave the clan. Taking some of her friends with her, along with her unhatched eggs, Aviza escaped from the primitive clan. She is the one who found Agrona's abandoned hatchlings, and although she initially didn't want the two brothers, the group gave them a chance. The two were raised to be respectful towards females instead of letting them think females were only good for bearing eggs.

Gender: Male
Species: Sambava/Spotted/Belly Slicer/Sandfin Sandshark Paragon
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: Juliska
Children (Blood): #1|#2|#3
Children (Plot): Nyala
Taste Tests:
Breeding Room (Shrewdberry's Juliska)
Vast Plains x1
Vast Plains x2
Vast Plains x3
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Balthazar is one of the oldest Paragon of the Hive. Balthazar is grumpy and is often right, no matter what you say or do, and getting a compliment out of him happens rarely. With age, Balthazar has gone blind, but that still didn't stop him from fighting head-on with any intruders. After reaching a certain age, he retired to become the healer of the Hive, powers he also bestowed upon his daughter. He is considered the wise sage of the Hive, and even Izotz's right hand in tricky decisions due to his experience. Balthazar is blunt and doesn't hesitate to scold the younger Paragon if they deserve it. Balthazar is also fairly flexible and agile for his age, since he has learned to adapt to his body's reflexes, allowing him to use his abilities to their full potential. He prefers to stay away from the old Paragon due to his blindness, but he has a soft spot for hatchlings.

History wrote:Balthazar was the first Sandshark in the Hive who was born with eyes and the ability to see. He quickly became one of the best fighters in the Hive, and eventually grew lazy. He was always blunt and anti-social, but also determined. He grew all the more determined when he met Juliska, a tough female Rockbeak. Balthazar grew fond of her and challenged her to a fight during the Hive's courtship season, and he asked that she become his mate if he won the fight. He remained faithful to her ever since then, regretting the day he let Jezebel touch his mate. To this day, he ignores what happened to Juliska after she mysteriously disappeared like so many other Paragon during Jezebel's rule.

Gender: Female
Species: Vines/Mystwalker/Belly Angelic/Feathered Voidbringer Paragon
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): Palmer x Agrona
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Vast Plains
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Basima has a hard time standing up for herself. Born with a low self-esteem due to her father, Basima has been trying to build her self-esteem. Despite that, she can become easily flustered, and sometimes reads things the wrong way. She has good hunting skills and can help the Hive in many other ways. She has a negative opinion of herself, and despite her brothers and her foster mothers encouraging her to go for it, Basima often doubts herself too much to do certain things. While she is working on it, she needs a lot of help and patience to get better and to not let things get to her so much. Basima is afraid of her father and is incapable of interacting with him, his comments and tone often leaving her heartbroken and miserable. While she is upset at Agrona for abandoning them, she is also grateful, considering Palmer never liked his daughter. Because of that, mother and daughter can somewhat get along as they work on closing the gap between them.

History wrote:Basima was born to Palmer and Agrona. She was abandoned shortly after hatching with her littermates by their mother, and the clutch was picked up by a group of female Paragon who ended up raising them as their own. When the siblings felt a strong calling to the Hive, the small group journeyed all the way to the mountain. While it took a bit of time to realize it, Basima and her siblings eventually realized that the Hive was their birthclan, and with a bit of persuasion, Aviza's group also decided to stay.

Benjamin Krait
Gender: Male
Species: Nightwalker Kuhna
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Foundry City
Infirmary (Purine)
The Slums
Baian Swamp
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Benjamin is a young vampire who hails from the four vampire families. His family has control over fire; however, Benjamin himself barely uses these abilities, preferring to defend himself with his whip. He is very quiet and reserved, often speaking in short sentences and with a flat tone. He goes with the flow and rarely imposes his opinions or desires onto others. He is accompanied and protected by two snake familiars: Sarcoma, a snake with power over earth, and Carcinoma, a snake with power over fire. They are usually the ones speaking on behalf of Benjamin, with Benjamin only speaking when he feels necessary. Despite how passive he seems and sounds, Benjamin's passivity is only a facade. He forces himself to act this way in order to keep his emotions in check, as he is prone to being aggressive and abusive, as well as hot-headed. He is internally conflicted about who he truly is, as he trying to adopt a new personality in order to destroy and overcome who he truly is. He is slowly starting to mature and mellow now that he is traveling with Allovera, but he prefers to avoid opening up to others. Benjamin is loyal to those he cherishes, often to an obsessive level. Unlike most vampires, Benjamin avoids feeding on humans and instead hunts animals in order to feed.

Noteworthy Details wrote:Being a vampire, Benjamin has longer canines.

History wrote:Benjamin was born to the Krait family and proved to be a problem child in his younger years. He grew fond of a vampire boy from the Nycteri family named Alain; the two were opposites, and Alain's calmer, gentler personality soothed Benjamin's wilder character. The two grew to become best friends, and Benjamin grew to admire Alain's ideals and dreams. One of them was the idea of feeding on animals rather than attacking and hurting humans; to this day, Benjamin practices this. As the Nycteri family slowly became more and more corrupt, Benjamin and Alain did not get a chance to see each other as often. Alain faced a tragic end as his father, the Nycteri Duke, killed him, since Alain's ideals did not conform with his father's. Being close to him, Benjamin was accused of killing Alain, and for his own safety, Benjamin's parents agreed to send him into exile. While no one knows what truly happened to Alain besides Benjamin and the Nycteri Duke, Benjamin is currently traveling the world in order to find ways to revive his dead friend to rectify what happened. Tormented that his aggressive personality is what lead Alain to his death and Benjamin to be accused of his death, Benjamin is trying to kill his own personality and adopt a new one that is more akin to Alain's. It reminds Benjamin of his friend and gives him hope that he could become a better person if he acts and lives as another person.

Gender: Male
Species: Cells/Cheetah Bald Soveris
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Tuun Mountains
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Boitumelo is the Prince of the Soveris clan, the Arcane Heights; he is next in line to become the King of the clan. He is a hard-working Soveris who instills discipline, respect and hard-work in the minds of those he trains. He is in charge of training the Look-Outs of the clan, and he expects only the best from his troops. He accepts no tomfoolery in his ranks, and those who defy him are punished harshly, yet fairly. His no-nonsense personality has grown infamous in the clan. Few dare to cross Boitumelo, and fewer dare to socialize with him as a friend. Boitumelo has high expectations and hopes for the best in order to make sure his troops are ready for the worst. Having suffered losses from his experience and his longer life, Boitumelo cherishes every Soveris in the clan and hopes that what he teaches them will help them or even save them in their time of need. He holds every Soveris in the clan dear to his heart, and his tough love is what he considers to be the best way to show this love to his troops. He enjoys the company of the Princess, Trecia, due to her quiet and gentle personality. He often shares his troubles with her, and he finds her calmer insights help him relax.

Gender: Male
Species: Malice Wyrm
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Foundry City
The Slums
Baian Swamp
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Carcinoma is a snake familiar who accompanies and protects Benjamin, a young fire vampire. He is an aggressive familiar who does not hesitate to attack enemies if they threaten Benjamin or Carcinoma himself. He has powers over fire, including the ability to breathe fire. He is harsh and blunt, typically the one issuing threats to others and being wary of strangers. He is a massive creature that towers his master Benjamin and who is even bigger than Benjamin's other snake familiar, Sarcoma.

Noteworthy Details wrote:When angered or ready to attack, Carcinoma's black body glows with ominous red markings. His eyes always glow in an eerie manner.

Gender: Female
Species: Melted Kuhna
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): Morceau x Noelani
Lineage (Plot): Ealdwine x Septima
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests: N/A
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Cardea has a short temper, and she is anti-social. She has a difficult time handling her emotions and is often angry as a result. She has powers over water and fire, inherited from her parents, and she is the middle child of her siblings. She lives on her own and usually avoids contact with her family unless necessary. She is unable to hold a steady job, going from one job to another, and she seems to be aimless in her life. She feels the need to lecture others in an attempt to give her life meaning and reason, and the victim of her attitude is often her younger brother, Hamilcar. Cardea is responsible and has potential, but she has no goals and no motivation. She is rough around the edges and difficult to interact with, and harder to befriend.

Noteworthy Details wrote:Being a vampire, Cardea has pale, cold skin, and long canines. Her blood is a bright red with streaks of blue highlights.

Gender: Female
Species: Mystwalker/Lizard Legs/Panda Furred Lavamancer Paragon
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Vast Plains
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Careen is one of the main Paragon who exiled Jezebel and who brought order back to the Hive. While wingless, Careen doesn't let that get to her, instead focusing her energy into something she can do. She has grown extremely talented at climbing and scaling walls, being able to scale the entire Hive mountain without any difficulty or risk. She is in charge of keeping the Hive clean and organized, as well as secure for the others. She considers her troops to be her friends, and she tries to monitor every single Paragon individually instead of in packs or groups. She is very motherly, but also very unladylike. She is caring and understanding, as well as very friendly and forgiving, although she is capable of giving punishment and being strict, considering her rank.

Noteworthy Details wrote:Careen's tail is badly injured, being scarred and awkwardly healed in spots.

History wrote:Careen never had much trouble during the era of Jezebel's tyranny, although she had a hard time when it came to her being wingless. She helped during the battle against Jezebel by distracting the Paragon outside by scaling the Hive mountain and dragging them away from Jezebel's den. Her tail was badly injured during the fight as Paragon tried to keep up with her and grab her by the tail. Fortunately, the damage is only external and Careen can still use her tail as she would if it weren't injured. Despite what most believe, she hasn't expressed any interest in any of the males in her group, even though she seems to be somewhat close to Quasar.

Cenhelm Latrode
Gender: Male
Species: Sleepyhollow Kuhna
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): Huei x Shanty
Lineage (Plot): Ozias x ???
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Town of Nabias
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Cenhelm is an intellectual young vampire with power over the earth. He is sensitive and kind-hearted, and he sometimes does not react well to criticism. He is still young and has a lot to learn, but he is intelligent and meticulous like his father. Cenhelm is reserved and avoids opening to others, as he thinks himself to be imperfect. Born with a degenerative eye disease, Cenhelm wears glasses and feels defective because of this disease. He is often tormented by the thought of losing his eyesight. He is currently traveling with Benjamin and Allovera to try to overthrow the corrupt vampire Duke from the Nycteri family. He is accompanied by a spider family that typically hides by Cenhelm's neck, and who tends to act as a conscience.

Noteworthy Details wrote:Being a vampire, Cenhelm has cold, pale skin and longer canines. His blood is an unusual wood brown color.

History wrote:Cenhelm lost his mother when he was young, leaving him with his father. Over time, Cenhelm started to lose his eyesight, with things being blurry. His father insisted he was fine for a long time until Cenhelm insisted he was not seeing well. His father brought him to an optometrist in the human territories to find out what was wrong, and that was when they learned Cenhelm had a degenerative eye disease. His father became terrified and insisted that Cenhelm could not afford to wear glasses or contact lenses. Bitter, Cenhelm insisted and argued with his father until he agreed to get glasses for his son. Even then, Cenhelm was not allowed to wear them around others, giving him little rest from his poor vision. Over time, Cenhelm grew bitter towards his father, and he decided to run away from home, as he felt inadequate and unloved by his father. He worked a deal with the Nycteri Duke, where he was tasked with killing Benjamin in exchange for a cure for Cenhelm's eye disease. When Cenhelm was ready to die in order to kill Benjamin, it was Allovera who recognized him and who brought his father to him. After reconciling with his father, Cenhelm agreed to help Benjamin in his journey to expose the Nycteri Duke for how corrupt he is.

Gender: Male
Species: Predator/Celestial/Belly Hybrid/Feathered Voidbringer
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Vast Plains
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Colby is one of the oddballs of the Hive, together with his good partner Tyrone. Laid-back and perhaps even lazier than he should be, Colby is a colorful Paragon who still doesn't quite fit the "wild" image of the Hive. Coming from a human area, Colby still speaks with very human-like terms and expressions, and he is still stuck with some human concepts, like beds instead of nests. While he can hunt on his own and still survive just fine in the wild, his attitude and opinions sometimes vary greatly from what one would expect from a wild Paragon. He is always seen with Tyrone, except when they have to work. Between the two, Colby is the more mature, more logical male of the two, usually thinking ahead, and the one who tries to make the right decisions instead of relying on impulse.

History wrote:Colby was laid, hatched and raised on one of the human-populated islands. Born in human culture, Colby was spoiled and given anything he wanted. He met Tyrone when they were young teenagers, and the two clicked immediately. After many years of spoiled human-like lifestyle, Colby is the one between the two males who got tired of the monotonous, unexciting lifestyle, and who ultimately brought the two to the Hive.

Gender: Female
Species: Ancient/Sambava/Panda Voidwing/Feathered Placid Paragon
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): Luna x Meradith
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Breeding Room (Support)
Vast Plains
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Concetta is a sweet, kind-hearted female who will do anything for you if you just ask. She will willingly sacrifice herself to help you, and she will always do so with a smile. Even if the said request is to bear you eggs, she will happily take on the job for you. Concetta is seemingly not interested in much of anything, instead taking pleasure in making others happy and satisfied. She is often scolded and told to be more assertive by both Aviza and Ivana, but more often than not, their words enter one ear and exit from the other. Concetta doesn't react to aggressive Paragon either, being too understanding and forgiving to hold it against them. She is seemingly incapable of getting angry or sad, always quiet and upbeat with a warm smile on her face, although she has gotten embarrassed and apologetic towards her two friends before. Even at the Hive, where the males are more evolved and respectful, Concetta still carries the same egg-bearer personality, convinced that's what everyone expects of her.

History wrote:Concetta was born in a primitive clan of wild Paragon, where the structure was entirely based on a male-dominated mentality. Much more primitive than the Hive Paragon, the males of Concetta's first clan were savage and wild and completely dominated by their instincts. Determined that they were the ultimate species and gender, the males of her clan would look down on the females and use them only as egg-bearers. Concetta was a female who gladly accepted her fate and who simply did as she was told without questioning it. She was kind and submissive to her mates and bore them eggs as often as they wanted, never letting off that she was unhappy about her situation. While it didn't matter to her to leave or stay, Concetta was forced by Ivana to stop being a doormat and to leave with her and Aviza. Since the two knew how submissive Concetta was, her friends were concerned for her health and feelings. She is the one who raised the Agrona hatchlings and who taught them to be kind and respectful of others.

Gender: Female
Species: Predator/Belly Hybrid/Feathered Carapace Paragon
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): Sanjiv x Sequoia
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests: N/A
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Danita inherited her father's calmer and more serene personality. Quiet and reserved like her father, Danita had a hard time when she was little because of her striking resemblance to her mother. Some Paragon still mistake her for her mother, although it's gotten better now that her horns and Carapace shape has formed. Despite looking like her mother, Danita is the complete opposite of her. Like Sequoia, Danita's wings didn't develop well, and the small Carapace isn't a very strong or good flyer, often staying grounded instead of trying to fly. She isn't interested in flying, nor is she interested in learning how to fly. She is more interested in animals and nature rather than the sky, spending her free time taking care of the smaller animals in the forest or taking care of the growing flowers. She is mature for her age, and sometimes ends up getting into small arguments with her brother Kyrylo because of their completely different interests and personalities.

Gender: Male
Species: Tabard/Thief Stockings Soveris
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Tuun Mountains
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Darijo is a young Look-Out in the Soveris clan the Arcane Heights. He is a troublemaker who enjoys disrupting the monotony and who enjoys breaking the rules. He does it all in good fun, but he is often under strict supervision because of his attitude. He is lazy and easily bored, often wishing to go on adventures rather than doing the same routine every day. He is best friends with Nogah, another Look-Out, and he often drags the other Soveris into his pranks and plans. He tends to lie and sugarcoat things when he is up to something or when he is trying to get into the good favors of another Soveris. He is unreliable and childish, and he tends to do things his way rather than the mature or right way.

Gender: Male
Species: Reaper/Frostbite/Banded Lucain
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Town of Nabias
Sekudui Farmlands
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Denzil is a shapeshifter, but due to personal reasons, he tends to avoid using his abilities. Often considered to be devilish or even cruel, Denzil gives everyone a wrong first impression. While quiet and not very social, Denzil is very curious and actually very gentle, despite looking menacing. He is also extremely knowledgeable, and when push comes to shove, he is not afraid to stand up for what he believes is right. While not a warrior of justice, he will do his best to do what is right. He is somewhat timid, deep down, keeping to himself and not socializing with many. His weapon of choice is a tin whistle, which he uses to play different notes that, when played together in a certain order, can create different magic spells and effects. Despite his powerful skills with the tin whistle, Denzil avoids fighting as much as possible, for personal reasons. Having grown up with Eunice, he is extremely close to her and is rarely seen apart from her.

Noteworthy Details wrote:Denzil has black sclera from his shapeshifter heritage.

History wrote:Due to a lack of money, Denzil's parents sold him off to a couple of farmers. While it seemed like a good idea, the couple soon showed its true colors and ended up overworking the boy the moment they got him. Forced to work in the fields under slave-like conditions, Denzil soon became resentful towards the couple, especially the husband, the one who forced him to work. He found comfort when Eunice was adopted by the couple, and the two grew close immediately. Denzil is the one who eventually murdered both farmers, when stress and panic triggered his shapeshifting power. Turned into a fox, Denzil murdered the husband first, and while he had no real intention to kill the wife, he went through with it when she stabbed Eunice from the back and injured the girl badly. He was eventually taken away from the farmhouse together with Eunice and accused of murdering the couple. Due to circumstances, however, Richie, the police officer in charge of the case, and the police station modified the story just enough that Denzil could get off the hook. He was later adopted by Richie, together with Eunice.

Gender: Male
Species: Predator/Jester/Tailband Razorwing Frost Paragon
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Vast Plains x1
Vast Plains x2
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Dunstan is the biggest Paragon of the Dragon Hive, with his brother Ebenezer as a close second. With that bulk, Dunstan has a very specific job that only he can do. With a body capable of withstanding most elements, Dunstan can fly in lightning storms, hailstorms, and any other weather, and he uses this ability to rescue other Paragon that could potentially be trapped in bad weather. With his bulk, Dunstan can also carry every other Paragon at the Hive safely back home, should he come across one that was injured from lightning or any other dangerous element. Despite his huge bulk and his serious duty, Dunstan is gentle and also a bit of an airhead. He's a little naive, and he often tries to settle down disputes between the Paragon. He is friendly towards all the Paragon of the Hive, including Nyala, the Hive's healer, who tends to get a little aggressive when she's having a bad day. Despite that, Duntan has been friends with her since the very beginning.

History wrote:Dunstan and Ebenezer were born to a Sparkdrake mother and a Frost father. While carrying their eggs, their mother got trapped in a thunderstorm. While she was a Sparkdrake, the lightning from the storm was still strong enough to hurt and shock her. Their mother ended up dying shortly after she laid their eggs, leaving only their father to raise the brothers. While Dunstan can resist strong elements, Ebenezer can foretell weather to a certain extent, as well as being able to resist small dozes of elements.

Ealdwine Knyfe
Gender: Male
Species: Hydrokundra
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: Septima
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): Wilheard|Matrona|Cardea|Hamilcar|Elanor
Taste Tests:
Starlight Town
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Ealdwine is an older vampire with powers over water. He is a relaxed, charming individual with a bleeding heart. He has a strong sense of business and finances, handling a long-standing business in distributing vampire products, such as a variety of blood items, in human society. He enjoys teaching, and he has a strong liking for children. However, he could be considered a weakling, as he is not the type to disobey authority or stand up to those higher than him, unless they truly force his hand. He has a hard time disciplining his children, as he tends to avoid confrontation with them unless absolutely necessary. He can also be childish or overbearing at times, becoming overly protective of his wife and his children. Despite his good heart, he has a strong dislike for those who wrongly hurt him, holding grudges against those people. He sometimes has a hard time making decisions, and he may not always be capable of speaking his feelings as well as he could.

Noteworthy Details wrote:Ealdwine is a vampire, and so he has pale and cold skin, along with sharp canines. Unlike normal humans or vampires, his blood is a clear blue color. He is also surprisingly powerful, hosting a power that is not mortal within him.

History wrote:Ealdwine comes from the Knyfe vampires, a family who lives in a reserved society of vampires that consists of four vampire families living together. His life was relatively uneventful until he met Septima shortly after the human woman had been turned into a vampire by another family. He grew attached to her because of her expressiveness and her strong character, offering to help her survive in vampire society. They corresponded for a long time until the leaders of their mutual families prevented them from interacting with each other. Ealdwine was unable to tell Septima his love for her until his family sent him away for war. Knowing he wouldn't be coming back, Ealdwine admitted his feelings for her, so that he could die in peace. After learning that, Septima forced him to get off the train, and seeing that she cared as much as he did, Ealdwine turned his back to his family and decided to stick with Septima instead. Together, they travelled and stopped the world war that was happening between all the races, seeking the angel that had helped create the world. To protect the world, the angel split its power in half, giving one half to Ealdwine and the other to Septima. They are currently protecting those powers for when the time comes to reset the world a second time, should worldwide corruption happen again.

Gender: Male
Species: Predator/Muddy/Clawpad Razorwing/Spiketail Sparkdrake Paragon
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests: N/A
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Ebenezer is the second biggest Paragon the Hive has, only second to his brother Dunstan. With a unique talent to foretell weather to a certain extent, Ebenezer also goes with his brother to rescue Paragon when the Frost needs help or if the storm is looking terribly powerful. Despite them being brothers, the two couldn't be any more different from one another. While his brother is more gentle and friendly, Ebenezer is more introverted, yet carries a very colorful and special personality. Sometimes dramatizing and making things sound worse than they really are, one often gets the feeling that Ebenezer is very anxious or stressed on a regular basis. Ebenezer also has a sort of speech pattern where he often pauses briefly every one or second word, as if his speech had more commas than necessary. He's not as bad as he sounds, and he can certainly be as gentle as his brother if he needs to be. He is also incapable of talking to females, often getting too nervous to hold a proper conversation.

History wrote:Dunstan and Ebenezer were born to a Sparkdrake mother and a Frost father. While carrying their eggs, their mother got trapped in a thunderstorm. While she was a Sparkdrake, the lightning from the storm was still strong enough to hurt and shock her. Their mother ended up dying shortly after she laid their eggs, leaving only their father to raise the brothers. While Dunstan can resist strong elements, Ebenezer can foretell weather to a certain extent, as well as being able to resist small dozes of elements.

Gender: Male
Species: Striped/Directional Arrows Hero/Belly Soveris
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests: N/A
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Edmao is the Royal Guard to king Pheadrus of the Soveris clan the Arcane Heights. He is a relaxed Soveris who enjoys the company of his troops, and who is a lot more lenient than the other male teachers of the clan. He trains the young Warriors of the clan to become the best fighters they can be so that they can be ready to protect their clan when the time comes. He takes his training seriously, but he enjoys spending time with his troops and bonding with them. He has a sense of humor and loves relaxing with other Soveris, but he is always ready to fight and protect his King when the time comes. He is ready to give up his life if it means protecting and saving his king from death. He is one of the few Soveris of the clan to wear armor at all times.

Gender: Female
Species: Infernal Kuhna
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): A'rayum x Wyra
Lineage (Plot): Ealdwine x Septima
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Lamenolai, City of the Guardians
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Elanor is a vampire who lives on her own at the outskirts of a rich town, and who holds power over fire. She lives in a mansion on her own, although she is often visited by her siblings and parents; she is the youngest and last of her siblings. She is a gullible, naive, and golden-hearted woman who puts others before her, even if they do not deserve her kindness. The reactions of others towards her identity as a vampire goes over her head, and instead of focusing on the negative stigma, she simply does what she can to be a good person. Elanor acts and lives as if, to the eye of the beholder, she had no regrets or problems in her life. The truth is that Elanor inherited a part of her parents' Godly powers, and it is that power that keeps her safe and free of worries. Elanor feels untouchable, and she is using that confidence to help others. However, she is tormented by the possibility of ever losing that power, which terrifies her, as she is afraid she would no longer be safe and capable of protecting herself and others. She loves all of her siblings, being especially close to her big brother Wilheard, and she always wants the best for them.

Noteworthy Details wrote:Being a vampire, Elanor has cold, pale skin and longer canines. Her blood is a bright red.

Gender: Female
Species: Seraph/Coverts Splatter/Bald Soveris
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests: N/A
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Embla is both feared and terrified as the Royal Guard to queen Vinka in the Soveris clan the Arcana Heights. She is extremely harsh and never takes no for an answer. She demands the best out of her troops and everyone around her, including the King and Queen themselves. Nothing is more important to her than her clan, and her dedication often translates negatively towards the other Soveris. She trains the female Warriors to be just as powerful and aggressive as their male counterparts, and teaches the females to be more than simply diplomatic and supportive. Many respect Embla as a mysterious hero of sorts for her dedication and for the genuine skills that she possesses. However, many avoid interacting with her. She lives her life protecting the Queen, and she would give up her life in a heartbeat to protect her. She is often lecturing and critiquing the other superiors of the clan into being better and into doing more. Edmao is often the victim of her criticism, as he is the male Royal Guard and her counterpart; she demands perfection from the male Warriors as well. Embla, like Edmao, one of the few Soveris of the clan to wear armor at all times.

Gender: Female
Species: Spotted/Mystwalker/Lizard Legs Butterfly/Flames Windgill Paragon
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): Amusai x Naida
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests: N/A
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Erica is in charge of watching the hatchlings of the Hive, as well as warming up any eggs left to her by the busy parents using her flaming tail. Despite her tasks, Erica is nothing short of grumpy, short-tempered, and sometimes even mean-spirited. Anti-social and far from being understanding, Erica is bitter and ends up disliking any Paragon who brings her eggs to watch over. Apart from job, she is usually not seen anywhere else, unless she was sent there by a higher authority, like Izotz or Slavica. Otherwise, Erica stays in the babysitting den with Corinna and usually avoids all contact with the hatchlings or the parents. Mostly misunderstood, Erica is a Paragon who doesn't open up and who doesn't talk about herself. She is, however, close to the Hive cook, Francis, against all odds.

History wrote:Erica's biggest dream was to have hatchlings of her own, until her multiple attempts at getting pregnant failed over and over again. After many failed attempts and bad relationships because of it, Erica turned bitter and became jealous of all the other Paragon that could become proud, happy parents.

Gender: Female
Species: Backsplash/Dweller/Spade/Socks Lucain
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): Yorutanekke x Elliot
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Town of Nabias
Sekudui Farmlands
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Eunice is a shapeshifter, although she is often considered to be a human more than anything else. Often considered to be cold, distant, blunt, and fairly difficult to approach because of those traits, Eunice is actually very kind and intelligent, and nowhere near as mean as people think she is. She is serious and has a strong character; she refuses to depend on others and insists on being independent, as well as self-reliant. She tends to overdo it when she's socializing, where she doesn't want people to see her weak or remotely too feminine. Eunice also has amazing fighting abilities with a special weapon called an Ink Sword, where it allows her to spell out special characters that can translate into magic-like attacks by either combining them or using them separately. She is an expert at reading the symbols used, and she can come up with combos in a flash. She is very close to Denzil, and the two can seemingly never be seen apart.

Noteworthy Details wrote:Eunice has black sclera from her shapeshifter heritage.

History wrote:Eunice's parents never really paid attention to her. Born to a shapeshifter father and a human mother, neither of them ever really told their daughter what she was. When they died in a car accident, Eunice was adopted by a couple of farmers and who ended up being abusive. She met Denzil at that time, and the two eventually managed to get away from the farmers when Denzil killed them, and the children were taken in by the police station. She suffered from an injury before the farmers were killed, but she was immediately transferred to the hospital. She was later adopted by Richie, together with Denzil.

Gender: Female
Species: Chaos/Splotched/Skulls Sandfin/Scorpion Grim Paragon
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): Kogoruihn x Neimah
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests: N/A
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Eustacia was a sweet, innocent female dragon who was shunned by her own kind, which in turn made her extremely bitter, even to the point of insanity. Relating to Jezebel, she follows the former tyrannic leader of the Hive blindly and obeys every single order without giving it a second thought. She enjoys her work and the destruction that comes with it. Whoever gets to speak to her quickly realizes that there isn't much left in the head — or the heart — of this Paragon, save for bitterness and her unquenchable desire for absolute revenge on those who shunned her.

Noteworthy Details wrote:Eustacia's face has been burned to a crisp, leaving only her skull burnt to a crimson-red color.

History wrote:Eustacia used to follow Jezebel during her reign of tyranny over the Dragon Hive. When she refused to abide by the new code when Jezebel was overthrown and exiled, Eustacia got the same punishment. It was while being chased away that some of the bitter dragons attacked her; the attacks were strong enough to burn her to a point where she was unrecognizable. After years of living in exile alone, Eustacia was eventually approached by Jezebel and was offered a chance to execute her revenge. Jezebel is the one who 'fixed' Eustacia's face by burning it up entirely to the bone, leaving only the skull, burnt to a crimson-red crisp.

Gender: Male
Species: Chaos/Spotted/Mystwalker Furtail Ambia Paragon
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests: N/A
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Francis is the Paragon in charge of organizing the food storage for the Hive, and he can even cook the food on demand if anyone is feeling too queasy to eat raw meat. A little extroverted and quirky, Francis is a joyful guy who is friendly and understanding. He is known for gesticulating and moving while he speaks, showing a lot of emotion and energy whenever he's around. He is known for being artistic as well, and for being self-sacrificing towards others, exceptionally so when his loved ones or good friends need help. Despite his out-there attitude, he is surprisingly close to Erica, the grumpy and bitter Windgill in charge of the eggs and hatchlings.

Noteworthy Details wrote:Francis is often covered in various food residues, and sometimes smells of multiple foods.

Gender: Male
Species: N/A Paragon
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests: N/A
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Galo was born without wings, and he always felt inferior to his fellow Paragon. His whole life has dedicated to proving how he could be just as good as anyone despite having no wings. Galo is serious and very rarely jokes around; nor does he laugh at jokes. With experience and time, Galo has become one of the best hunters of the Hive, proving his stalking and hunting skills countless times. He leads the hunters and trains the young ones to become as skilled as he is. He is hard to approach because of his serious and harsh attitude; those who don't realize Galo is this way with everyone quite often don't get along with him, often taking his comments personally. Despite all his flaws, Galo only wants the best for the Hive; he is loyal to his fellow Paragon, and he is often the first one to jump in when someone needs help.

Gender: Male
Species: Pronghorn/Cells Betta Specklewing Soveris
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Tuun Mountains
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Gulbrand is the blacksmith of the Soveris clan the Arcane Heights. He works from morning to night in his cave, where he forges and creates armor for the Soveris of the clan using metals, gems, and even the feet scales of injured or dead Soveris as materials. He is blunt and rude, and he avoids interacting with the other Soveris on a personal level. He is down to earth, offering advice when it is asked of him. He knows the harsh reality of the Soveris clan and how they could be invaded in a heartbeat, which is why he works non-stop to provide proper protection for his fellow Soveris. Gulbrand works closely with Pearce to help the young human-born Soveris to control his strange powers over fire, considering Gulbrand's cave is home to a large amount of fire in an enclosed space. Having been injured and handicapped due to poor protection, Gulbrand does not wish this unfortunate event on any other Soveris, and he uses this as motivation to create as many armor pieces as he possibly can.

Noteworthy Details wrote:Gulbrand is missing a back leg, leaving the Soveris limping.

History wrote:Gulbrand was always a proud warrior in the clan, but his life changed when he was badly injured during a fight with a rival clan. The injury was so bad that they had no choice but to amputate his back leg, if Gulbrand wanted to survive. He started growing bitter at that point in his life, but his frustration over losing his leg is what gave him the idea of creating and forging armor for the Soveris of the clan. Due to the high mortality rate of the Soveris in the past, he started using the claws and feet plates of dead Soveris at first to create small pieces of armor. After the King and Queen realized how many lives this could save, they officially named Gulbrand as the clan's blacksmith and asked that he make as much armor as he could.

Gender: Male
Species: Nightwind Kuhna
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): Odilon x Enkai
Lineage (Plot): Ealdwine x Septima
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Medicai City
Lamenolai, City of the Guardians x1
Lamenolai, City of the Guardians x2
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Hamilcar is a vampire with power over water and fire, and he is the second youngest of his siblings. Like his father, Hamilcar is flirtatious and enjoys the company of women. He is a little timid, and independent, strong women typically make him nervous. Due to his parents' riches, he takes advantage of it to avoid getting a job of his own and instead, he spends his time and money visiting bars and enjoying a good time with women. He often partakes in one-nighters, which is an activity his parents strongly disagree with. Hamilcar does not have his life figured out, and he sometimes feels hopeless and like a disappointment to his parents and family. He lives with Allovera, whom he has raised ever since she only a small baby, with the help of his parents. While he loves her, Hamilcar does not always know what to do for her or to act with her. He is also submissive and somewhat of a coward, which sometimes makes him unreliable. For his Allovera and his family, however, Hamilcar is always ready to do whatever he can for them.

Noteworthy Details wrote:Being a vampire, Hamilcar has cold, pale skin and longer canines. His blood is a bright red with streaks of blue highlights.

History wrote:Hamilcar was woken up one night when he heard a loud knock on his door. He was presented with a strange, covered woman who was begging him to take her daughter and to give her a good life. Confused, Hamilcar did not know what to do, but he had little choice in the matter as the baby was shoved into his arms, and the mother ran away without saying any more than the baby's name: Allovera. Unable to take care of a child on his own, Hamilcar turned to his parents, whom initially thought he had had an illegitimate daughter with a woman. After clearing the misunderstand, Ealdwine and Septima helped Hamilcar raise Allovera as if she were their own daughter.

Gender: Male
Species: Predator/Muddy/Sambava SkillieWing Ambia Paragon
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests: N/A
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Harlow is a very strict and sometimes unfair Paragon who takes his job very seriously. He is blunt and not afraid to say someone's flaws in front of them, regardless of how inappropriate it might be to say such things. Harlow is very leader-like, and he expects his troops to follow him and obey him. Despite that, he is extremely loyal to the Hive, even putting others ahead of him if it means protecting them or helping them. He can be gentle and caring, as well as a good listener. In order to keep his head focused and his ability to lead, however, he is very careful about the amount of care he gives, since he doesn't want to lose face with others. While he is very close to Slavica — and supposedly has strong feelings for her — he is not together with her, nor does he try to be.

Noteworthy Details wrote:Harlow's wings have scales and pieces hanging loose at certain points. They are what remains of his wings before they were ripped clean from their frame.

History wrote:Harlow has always been very reckless and ambitious, and he always wanted to be with Slavica in order to protect her. He was always bitter about the fact that Slavica had chosen another Paragon over him, especially considering said Paragon couldn't fight or defend his mate against enemies. Despite that, Harlow always respected Slavica's decision, helping them find food and protecting them when they needed it during Jezebel's tyrannic lead. Despite his efforts, Harlow failed to protect and save Belenus when the Paragon was executed, arriving at the scene too late to save him. While he wanted to use this as an opportunity to get together with Slavica, he was unable to do so after seeing her be so heartbroken and lost after the lost of her mate. Harlow also used to have wings, but he lost them during the battle with Jezebel when she slashed right through them and ripped them off the frames, leaving Harlow flightless.

Gender: Female
Species: Bones/Chaos Angelic/Feathered Windgill Paragon
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): Kogoruihn x Aurelia
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Breeding Room (Support)
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Ivana is a strong-headed female who won't let anyone boss her around. With skills that rival even the biggest males of the Hive, she has surprised quite a few Paragon. With interests that aren't found very often in females, Ivana quickly became popular within the Hive for being a desirable female. Despite all the fame, she reacts aggressively to any male who dares to try to touch her. Having a strong grudge against males, Ivana can interact with them just fine — at least, up until the point where the conversation turns into her bearing them eggs. Interested in fighting and hunting, Ivana is more of a loner and tends to spend time with the females of her small group instead of making a lot of friends in the Hive. She is far from being as judgemental as Aviza, but she will become just as menacing if eggs and hatchlings are introduced to the conversation.

History wrote:Ivana was born in a primitive bunch of wild Paragon, where the structure was entirely based on a male-dominated mentality. Much more primitive than the Hive Paragon, the males of Ivana's first clan were savage and wild and completely dominated by their instincts. Determined that they were the ultimate species and gender, the males of her clan would look down on the females and use them only as egg-bearers. Fortunately for her, Ivana was never forced into bearing eggs simply because she was capable of beating any male who dared to approach her. Unlike the other females, Ivana was capable of escaping and chasing away the males that were constantly trying to mate with her. When Aviza offered to escape, Ivana agreed to accompany her to start a life of their own, with better conditions. She was the one who insisted and convinced Aviza to raise the two males from Agrona's clutch, certain that they would grow up to be respectful if they raised them with the right values.

Gender: Male
Species: Ancient Crystal/Tipped Frost Paragon
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): #1|#2|#3|#4
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Vast Plains x1
Vast Plains x2
Vast Plains x3
Vast Plains x4
Dead Coast
Breeding Room x1 (Kallile's Kahewai)
Breeding Room x2 (Kallile's Hani)
Breeding Room x3 (Support)
Ocular Checkups:

Resume wrote:Izotz is the leader of the Dragon Hive and has been holding the fort ever since Jezebel was overthrown. Izotz started out as a young and inexperienced leader who often put his own position in jeopardy due to his controversial decisions. With experience, Izotz has become a wise and patient Paragon who would rather find peaceful solutions rather than resort to violence. He is more open-minded than most of the Hive, which sometimes leads to disagreements with his followers. Despite that, Izotz is highly respected as the Hive's leader, and his open-mindedness has softened the bond between the various Paragon mutations and the Hive's relationship with humans. While wise and powerful, Izotz's age is also quickly catching up to him, sometimes driving younger dragons to try their claws at the position of leader. Despite everything, Izotz has been their leader for decades and has never failed to bring success and peace to the Hive.

Gender: Male
Species: Celestial/Ancient/Spotted Razorwing/Flames Sailfin Paragon
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): Belenus x Slavica
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests: N/A
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Jaromir is Slavica's eldest son, and the one who turned out to be the most successful. Hard-working, patient and ambitious, Jaromir is a talented scout who is very often praised by Harlow as being extremely talented. He has a strong personality and is very determined, even in the face of adversity. Despite his mother never really acknowledging him despite the praise he receives, Jaromir stopped trying to impress her long ago, instead feeding off the praise of others. He is protective of his younger brother, Makari, whom is unable to put his mind and heart into anything due to the fact their mother won't recognize them. Jaromir is patient and understanding, although he sometimes has his days when he is impatient. He tends to get a little blunt when agitated, but he's far from being a bad Paragon.

Gender: Male
Species: Darkflame Kuhna
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): Aodh x Mynol
Lineage (Plot): ??? x Septima
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests: N/A
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Jasper is Septima's firstborn son from her wedding with the Krait Duke. He is a fullblooded fire vampire, and he is the oldest of the siblings. He is naive and clumsy, but he has a good heart. He is always eager to please, and he especially aims to make his parents proud; including his sept-father, Eldwine, whom does not seem to like him. Jasper loves his mother, but he sometimes feels like a burden to her considering Ealdwine is not fond of him. He feels a lot of pressure to please and to be perfect, and this developed into an obsessive behavior. He aims to please, and he insists on helping, even if the task is mundane. He is overbearing in that fashion, as he does not understand when he is doing too much. He is sweet and timid, but he does not know what to do with his life.

Noteworthy Details wrote:Being a vampire, Jasper has cold, pale skin and longer canines. His blood is a bright red color.

History wrote:Jasper was born to Septima and the Duke of the Krait vampire family during a time of war. He was taken by Ozias and Lothair when Septima left the Duke in order to go after Ealdwine, who was being sent to his death. Jasper stayed with Lothair for some time in order to be safe from the other families, and after the war ended, Septima and Ealdwine left the vampire families with him in order to live their own lives in human territory. Jasper remembers little from his biological father, and deep down, he wishes Ealdwine would love him, so that he could have someone to call his father.

Gender: Female
Species: Celestial/Ivy/Flames Void/Tipped Voidbringer Paragon
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): #1|#2|#3|#4|#5|#6|#7
Children (Plot): Teofila|Agrona
Taste Tests:
Breeding Room x1 (Jessari's Gravity)
Breeding Room x2 (Thunder's Ryuu)
Breeding Room x3 (Silverin's Troy)
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Jezebel is power-hungry and will do anything she possibly can to obtain more and more power. A leader who was eventually forced into exile, Jezebel has become insane and tyrannic over the years, leading her previous clan to near self-destruction and chaos. While she is now the leader of her own clan of deserters from the Dragon Hive, Jezebel hasn't changed, often using her followers as disposable pawns in her plan to retake her former home. Despite her insanity, Jezebel is terrifyingly lucid in that she knows exactly how to act and what to say in order to get what she wants. She will play gently if she needs to, but she can also be devilishly violent and bloody if she needs to use force. She often travels the world in order to find different sources of strong power to obtain them so that she may prepare herself to ambush the Dragon Hive when the time comes. Jezebel also agrees to breed with powerful males in order to get powerful children, which would help with the take-over. Despite that, Jezebel considers her children the same way she considers her followers, and she will not hesitate to kill any unworthy hatchling she gets from a clutch.

History wrote:Jezebel is from a long line of leaders at the Hive, and she eventually fell into the position. While she was a kind and respected leader at first, she quickly became corrupted from all the power and control she had, which quickly lead the Hive to a state of tyranny and chaos. She was eventually overthrown and forced into exile, and she created her own makeshift clan shortly after. Adapting a similar style to the tunnels of the Hive's mountain, Jezebel's clan created a whole underground system that is hidden under a large forest across the plains.

Gender: Male
Species: Chaos/Celestial/Belly Angelic/Tipped Nago Paragon
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Vast Plains
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Juro is a good Paragon, but he's still undecided as to what he wants to do. While he's lazy and a little unmotivated on the one hand, he does want to do something to help his clan. Juro has a hard time staying focused on one thing, and he often gets bored of it if the task gets too monotonous. The one thing Juro loves to do is flying, and sometimes even hunting. He's a fairly laid-back male who tends to let things roll off his back, and who doesn't get upset all that often. As a Sky Flyer, he used to follow Alcippe around like a sheep until he got sick of her bully attitude. His motivation and attitude have improved since he met Koralia and became good friends with her, but he still finds it hard to motivate himself to do things.

History wrote:Juro was a founding member of the Sky Flyers, along with Alcippe. An incredible pair, Juro ended developing feeling for Alcippe. Over time, Alcippe became nothing short of an immature, self-entitled bully, and Juro no longer had the heart to love her. He helped Sequoia learn tricks to counter Alcippe's nasty cheats and saved Koralia from a possible death after a bad obstacle race. Despite Alcippe learning from her previous mistakes, Juro refuses to try a serious relationship with her.

Gender: Male
Species: Celestial/Belly/Chaos Crystal/Razortail Grim Paragon
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): The Attobeast x Lkailk
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests: N/A
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Kasimir is a very nice male, but at first glance, he seems serious and strict. Always getting looks from newcomers because of his species, you will hear him grumble more than you will hear him speak. With his skeleton head, Kasimir often keeps to himself and doesn't really interact with anyone too much. He is close with his sentinel troops, and those who do get to know him better discover that his dead-like exterior is misleading. The general is actually quite understanding and wise, as well as benevolent. He is far from being as aggressive as one would expect him to be, although he can get grumpy if he has nothing to do for a long period of time. He enjoys a good battle or a good hunt, and he has quite a few stories to tell thanks to his older age. While he has the aspiration to become leader, he settled for his current position, knowing very well that the Timber Shore true leader can only be female. Instead, he provides for his clan by training his troops to their full extent and by supporting Kishori want she needs his help.

Gender: Male
Species: Sambava/Jester Spine/Webbed Deserthorn Paragon
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests: N/A
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Kellt was born with a passion for water. He is often quite unhappy about his environment, leaving him dreaming about large bodies of water almost all day. Incapable of adapting to a land-based lifestyle, Kellt was appointed to the Hive's water hole, where he watches over the water and makes sure the hole is always purified and healthy to drink. Being easily distracted and sometimes left all alone for long periods of time, Kellt sometimes loses track of his task and ends up satisfying his desire to swim by using the water hole as his personal swimming pool. He doesn't do it out of malice or rebellion, but simply out of this uncontrollable desire to swim and enjoy the water he longs for. While he has been caught multiple times, Kellt still can't keep himself from swimming in the water hole now and again. While he makes sure to purify the water every time, some Paragon are haunted by the thought of another Paragon swimming in their water. That aside, Kellt is a nice Paragon, although he is sometimes incapable of focusing for too long.

Gender: Female
Species: Belly/Chaos Insectile/Scorpion Rockbeak Paragon
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests: N/A
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Kishori is the young leader of the Timber Shore. Strong, charismatic, and laid-back, Kishori has a good image amongst her followers for being a strict, yet benevolent leader. She is a little overconfident at times, but her confidence in both her skills and her followers is what keeps her clan in high spirits. Leading a peaceful clan, Kishori still insisted to have her sentinels start training as fighters as well as being guards — with the argument that wild Paragon could eventually become a threat. She also evened out her clan better in terms of skills and abilities so that every Paragon could excel in their task. While she is still searching for some more ways to improve the clan, she has already brought a variety of changes. With skills that let her bite just as much as she barks, Kishori has kept her clan out of trouble for many years. Kishori has yet to settle on a mate to help her lead the clan, leaving the young leader with no hatchlings as of yet.

History wrote:While not a tyrant, the Shore's former leader was negligent and didn't quite know how to handle the Paragon correctly. Assigned to tasks they couldn't even do, some Paragon ended up miserable while others became upset with the situation. The leader suddenly died of old age, leaving the clan with no leader to lead after her. Determined that she could handle it, Kishori jumped on the occasion and fought it off with some other females in order to obtain the leader position. Among others, Kishori also put into place the proxy rank, which is to prevent the clan from going into a leaderless situation again.

Gender: Female
Species: Cheetah/Cloaked Soft Edge Splatter/Masked Soveris
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Vast Plains
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Koralia is a cheerful Soveris living at the Dragon Hive. She works hard every day to help her foster mother Taniqua with the farm animals and so the Hive can have a variety of foods and ingredients for their food. She is a hard-worker who sometimes helps the Paragon with their tasks when she has spare time. She is always on the move, and regardless of the difference in species, she considers the Hive to be her home. She is an excellent flyer and the fastest there is at the Hive. Due to an injury, Koralia limps and often prefers to fly or stay gliding to often putting a strain on her leg. She is nice and friendly, but she does not take insults or bullying. She is not afraid to stand up to bullies, even if they are Paragon more than twice her size. She gets bored easily if she has nothing to do, and she will look down on those who spend their days being lazy and unhelpful.

Noteworthy Details wrote:Koralia's back foot is slightly twisted, and she limps when she walks.

History wrote:Koralia hails the Soveris clan the Arcana Heights, but she fell down the mountains when she was a hatchling. Lost, she fell down in the river and was carried a little ways down until she was found by a rival clan of Soveris. As they did not know where she came from, the Soveris traveled until they found something that looked like shelter and left her there to be taken care of. Taniqua found Koralia in her chicken coop, wet and scared, and after she was named a Soveris by Balthazar, Izotz suggested they raise her. Koralia grew up with many questions about who and what she was compared to the rest of the Hive, and she got into trouble with Alcippe and Juro. Alcippe challenged her to an obstacle race, and Koralia fell into Alcippe's trapped when she ended up crashing into a rock tower. Juro saved her in the nick of time by seeking help, but Koralia has suffered from a limp since then. Alcippe and Juro were later exiled for a period of time for hurting a member of the Hive, and the event made Koralia realize that, regardless of species, the Hive was her home.

Gender: Male
Species: Leopard/Scarbelly/Predator Hybrid/Scorpion Carapace Paragon
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): Sanjiv x Sequoia
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Vast Plains
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Kyrylo is the exact image of Sequoia, his mother. Even more energetic than his mother, Kyrylo inherited her passion for flying and strong wings to back it up. Flying almost as fast as his mother, he enjoys nothing more than just flying about and practicing different stunts to push his limits. While he has crashed before while trying to land, Kyrylo's spirit never burned out from those injuries or from being unable to pull a stunt correctly. He is hyperactive and sometimes becomes unable to focus on something for too long, his mind immediately drifting off elsewhere. While his heart is in the right place, Kyrylo often loses track of what he says or does, which sometimes leaves him sounding or looking greedy and self-centered. Despite that, Kyrylo is an excellent friend to have, and a loyal Paragon for the Hive.

Gender: Male
Species: Leopard/Belly Angelic/Feathered Nago Paragon
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): Palmer x Agrona
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Vast Plains x1
Vast Plains x2
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Landon is laid-back and easy-going  with a sense of humor. He often gives sarcastic or know-it-all comments when others speak to him, often doing it just to see people's reactions or to lighten up the mood. Raised by females, Landon grew up to respect them, although his inner instincts still make him chase females at times. Despite enjoying the chase, he would never force them to bear him eggs or to do something they don't want to do. He has a hunter's mentality and enjoys a good hunt as well, often spending the majority of his day hunting and polishing his skills. He gets scolded by his foster mothers often for his cocky attitude and his tendency to run after females, despite him never being distasteful with them. Knowing his mothers' pasts, however, he often understands where they're coming from. He is often conflicted about Palmer's personality and values, wondering why a male would come to judge females in such a terrible way. Despite that, Landon sees his father as nothing more but a fellow Hive Paragon. He is distant towards his real mother, Agrona, but he does try to close the gap between them despite having some hard feelings towards her.

History wrote:Landon was born to Palmer and Agrona. He was abandoned shortly after hatching with his littermates by their mother, and the clutch was picked up by a group of female Paragon who ended up raising them as their own. When the siblings felt a strong calling to the Hive, the small group journeyed all the way to the mountain. While it took a bit of time to realize it, Landon and his siblings eventually realized that the Hive was their birthclan, and with a bit of persuasion, Aviza's group also decided to stay.

Lothair Nycteri
Gender: Male
Species: Keylime Lakundra
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): Ryzen x Kilani
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
The Slums
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Lothair is a vampire from the air family of the Nycteri. He is paranoid and pessimistic, as well as a coward. He often uses his powers over the air to escape fights and to run away from dangerous situations. He is naive and prone to stress, which is what made him decide to leave his family and to live on his own. His fears and anxieties prevent him from being the best he could be, and he is often critiqued by his friends, Ozias, Septima and Ealdwine. Lothair possesses extremely powerful skills and abilities, and under normal circumstances, he is the most knowledgable and the most powerful of the four original vampires. He is fond of children, but he feels incapable of living his own life and having children of his own. He keeps to himself, and he only leaves his home if his powers or assistance are required.

Noteworthy Details wrote:Being a vampire, Lothair has pale, cold skin, and longer canines. He always looks like he has not slept or rested, and he looks underweight.

History wrote:Lothair tried, for many centuries, to adhere to the code of conduct issued by his family. Being nervous and pessimist, Lothair was emotionally tormented by the rules he had to follow. The stress eventually became too much for him to handle, and he shared with Ozias that he would be leaving the vampire society to live on his own. Although he was called a coward for going into voluntary exile, Lothair judged this to be his best option. He helped Septima and Ealdwine when the war broke out by taking Jasper out of the vampire territories. The two lived together until Septima and Ealdwine found a way to stop the war. After that, Lothair gave Jasper back to his mother, and he has lived alone ever since.

Gender: Male
Species: Belly/Spotted/Banded Skelliewing/Slicer Sailfin Paragon
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): Belenus x Slavica
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Vast Plains
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Makari is Slavica's youngest hatchling. Younger in mind and in attitude, Makari never quite grew up and has stayed in a state of child-like behavior and anxiety since his young hatchling years. Losing his father shortly after hatching, Makari always longed for his mother's affection, but he never got it. To this day, Makari is working hard to be worth something in his mother's eyes, but his attempts have all failed, leaving the Sailfin heartbroken and discouraged. Makari feels like he's not good at anything and that he's not worth anyone's attention. He does his daily tasks without much thought, but he is constantly preoccupied by his mother's disappointment in him. Born with deformed wings, just like his father, didn't help Makari feel any better about himself. Despite his self-esteem issues, Makari isn't grumpy or unhappy, simply anxious and very disoriented, often being so confused that he can barely remember where his den is or where to find his food. He is a nice and caring Paragon, but his anxiety is so powerful and strong that it keeps him from living his life as he should.

Gender: Male
Species: Ancient/Mystwalker/Striped Voidwing/Tipped Primal Paragon
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): Atreyu x Kitah
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests: N/A
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Mason is the one who dug out and designed the dens of the Dragon Hive. If he is not relaxing in his own underground den, he is working inside the Hive's mountain somewhere, digging out more dens to accommodate the ever-growing tribe. Sadly, except for his job, nobody really knows anything else about him. Mason keeps to himself and rarely socializes with the other Paragon of the tribe. He only keeps in touch with Izotz, being their leader, and sometimes with Slavica if Izotz is unavailable. Besides that, he has not opened up to anyone else. At first glance, Mason appears to be a savage Paragon who is anti-social and who wants nothing to do with anyone. The truth is that he is actually just like everyone else, but for his own personal reasons, he refuses to interact with the others unless he really has to.

History wrote:Mason's life was met with too many unfortunate events for him to be comfortable with himself. His parents and siblings eventually all died before him, and by the time he was a young adult Paragon, Mason had lost his entire family. While heartbroken, there was one Paragon who was with him during that time to support him, and that female Paragon eventually became his one soulmate. However, when his lover died as well, Mason was beyond heartbroken. He created a shell over himself, refusing to get close to anyone ever again for fear that he would bring disaster upon them.

Gender: Female
Species: Skycracker Kuhna
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): Alcatraz x Hyacinth
Lineage (Plot): Ealdwine x Septima
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests: N/A
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Matrona is a vampire with power over water, and she is the second oldest siblings of her family. She is full of energy and always eager to work and help. She has a business mentality, and she has been managing her father's blood business almost single-handedly, and she has adopted the business as her own. She is a workaholic, and she spends very little time for herself. She will sometimes spend time with her family, but she spends her energy, money and time into the business in order to keep her family financially secure. She is naive and gullible, often being too trusting and too optimistic to realize others are using her or insulting her. She loves all of her siblings and always hopes to make them happy, whether it may be by giving them money or spending some time with them. She is especially close to her father, considering the two work together on the business.

Noteworthy Details wrote:Being a vampire, Matrona has cold, pale skin and longer canines. She is also slightly chubbier than her siblings.

Gender: Female
Species: Mystwalker/Scarbelly Angelic/Feathered Placid Paragon
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): Akakios x Tiki
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Wilt'no Desert
Town of Nabias
Mess Hall (Purine)
Craiss Caverns
Ocular Checkups:

Resume wrote:Morgan looks like her mother, but her personality is identical to her father's. Morgan was born with a genius mind like her father, and she has an incredible affinity for tactics and magic, in addition to being able to turn into a dragon using Dragonstones, just like her mother. She is responsible, mature, clever and friendly, although she sometimes has bouts of childish worries. Morgan is very attached to her father, but she has a harder time bonding with her mother, whom tends to intimidate her. However, being born to two exceptional parents, Morgan feels a lot of pressure to live up to their exploits, and she has a hard time accepting failure or hesitation. She dislikes her dragon form and avoids using it because she feels inadequate and weak compared to her mother, whom is more powerful and in control than Morgan. Morgan has some parental issues, where she feels strong anxiety towards her parents and often has a hard time bonding or feeling comfortable with them, since she is afraid of failing the two of them. She also has a hard time connecting with Tiki because of Morgan being related to Grima, the dark dragon, from her father, and where she feels like she is not as divine as her mother. She is close to her brother Milton, although the two have incredibly different interests and personalities. She is also friends with Negative's and Alter's children, Mark and Linfan.

Noteworthy Details wrote:Like her mother, Morgan's ears are longer and pointer than a normal human's.

History wrote:Morgan comes from a future timeline, and she traveled back in time in order to help her parents in the war against Grima, the dark dragon God. While she suffered from slight amnesia from traveling back in time, she knew her father. She could guess that Tiki was her mother due to her dragon heritage, but it was not until recently that Morgan was capable of regaining her memories of her mother.

Gender: Male
Species: Mystwalker/Scarbelly Angelic/Furry Rockbeak Paragon
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): Akakios x Tiki
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Town of Nabias
Mess Hall (Purine)
Craiss Caverns
Ocular Checkups:

Resume wrote:Milton is the opposite of his two quiet, calm, and responsible parents. He is far from having the tactical genius of his father and his sister, but he did inherit some dragonic power from his mother: a power that he practices daily in order to master it and to catch up to his powerful mother. Milton is always bursting with energy, and he cannot stand still for very long before he gets bored. He has a knack for adventuring and anything that will give him a dose of action and adventure. He is also into rock collecting, a collection he increases often by exploring caves and areas with precious and shiny rocks and gems. Despite his friendly and energetic personality, Milton is often naive; he also has a hard time expressing his feelings properly, which is something he got from his father. He has the tendency to become angry or frustrated when he is unable to control his feelings. He may come off as rude or insensitive as a result, where he will say what comes to mind without taking the feelings of others into account. He is close to his sister Morgan, whom he tries to help with respect to her anxieties, despite the two having different interests and hobbies. He is known for getting his own anxiety issues when Akakios and Tiki disagree on certain things, although that happens rarely.

Noteworthy Details wrote:Like his mother, Milton's ears are longer and pointer than a normal human's.

History wrote:Milton is not from the same timeline as Morgan, but he also comes from a future time, and he traveled back in time like his sister. Unlike her, Milton remembered both parents, but he initially claimed that he did not remember his father. It was eventually discovered that Milton did remember his parents, and while he was close to his mother, he was rude and pretentious towards his father. He often blamed their inability to connect and understand each other to the fact his father is a human. He also often pointed out that his father was not immortal, and that because of that, Milton wanted to avoid bonding with him. Despite his harsh judgement of his father, Milton always held his mother in high regards, and he was devastated when his mother scolded him over what he would say to his father. Milton eventually explained that the Akakios of his future was very different from the Akakios of the present. According to Milton, his father from his original timeline cared very little for his mother, and he often neglected the family. After seeing that the present day Akakios is genuinely and passionately in love with Tiki, Milton has since dropped his guard and accepted Akakios as his father. Although they still have some on and off moments, Milton is good friends with Akakios, and he refers and considers him as his father.

Gender: Male
Species: Gail/Cloaked Dual Tone Belly Soveris
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Tuun Mountains
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Nogah is a young Look-Out from the Soveris clan the Arcane Heights. He is submissive, and he listens and follows the rules to the best of his ability. He is scared of authority and wants to avoid getting into trouble with them as much as possible. He is best friends with Darijo, whom often drags Nogah into trouble. While Nogah always regrets tagging along, he is too scared to hurt Darijo's feelings to say no to him. He worries over many things, and he often tries to keep Darijo in line to avoid getting the both of them into trouble. He is very timid around females, not daring to approach them during the assigned bonding periods.

Gender: Female
Species: Sambava/Spotted/Belly Insectile/Slicer Rockbeak Paragon
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): Balthazar x Juliska
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Vast Plains x1
Vast Plains x2
Vast Plains x3
Vast Plains x4
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Nyala is fairly old by human standards, but she still has quite a few years ahead of her. Born blind, she is the main healing Paragon of the Hive, using the powers bestowed to her by her father. Despite her blindness, Nyala was always determined to make her mark and to be a useful member of the Hive. She, too, never hesitated to blindly slash and bite at others if they angered or insulted her — which often got her into trouble. She has a strong sense of justice and has a hard time accepting 'evil' beings and how they can even think of doing such things to others. She is somewhat hot-headed, but less so than her father. She is just as blunt, however, but thanks to her more patient and passive personality, she gets along very well with her father. Nyala hopes to eventually become a mother to her own hatchlings, but has yet to find a good mate due to the males judging her because of her blindness.

Noteworthy Details wrote:Her eyes are white and milky, showing her blindness.

Ozias Latrode
Gender: Male
Species: Ashen Lakundra
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): Wallace x Penelope
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): Cenhelm
Taste Tests:
Starlight Town
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Ozias is an incredibly smart strategical vampire from the Latrode family. He has power over the earth, and he is well-known in his family for being one of the most intelligent strategists. He is extremely loyal to his family, to a fault, and he follows the rules to the best of his abilities. However, he is overconfident in his abilities and may at times offer to break the rules for the challenge, as he must come up with a strategy that will not get them caught. He is blunt and honest, and he finds it difficult to understand emotions. He has been working on understand his feelings better after his son Cenhelm ran away from home, which had left Ozias lost and confused. He is excellent friends with Ealdwine and Septima, and while he still friends with Lothair, he feels some disdain towards Lothair for abandoning his family.

Noteworthy Details wrote:Being a vampire, Ozias has cold, pale skin and longer canine. His blood is a light wood brown color.

History wrote:Ozias was always praised for his intellectual prowess within his vampire family. He became a respected tactician within the family, and he fought to protect his society. He helped Septima and Ealdwine when they were forbidden from talking and seeing each other, seeing it as a challenge to test his abilities. When Ozias learned that Ealdwine was being sent off to war, he momentarily gave up his standards to warn Septima and to help her save him from going to his own death. Ozias is the one who realized they also needed to save Jasper, Septima's son, to avoid anyone trying to use him as a hostage. He instructed Lothair to hide Jasper away, while Ozias handled the matters with the other families. After the war, Ozias returned to his life and got married, and he eventually became a father to his son, Cenhelm. Years later, Ozias's wife unfortunately passed away, leaving him to raise his son on his own. He grew nervous when Cenhelm started to complain about being unable to see clearly; after his son insisted, Ozias brought him to a human optometrist, and he was mortified to learn Cenhelm had a degenerative eye disease. Knowing that the vampires of the families do not welcome imperfections, Ozias insisted Cenhelm could not wear any sort of optical device, whether glasses or contact lenses. It was only after his son claimed he was miserable that Ozias half-heartedly agreed to get him glasses. However, Ozias still forbade Cenhelm from wearing his glasses around others, and over time, his son grew unhappy and hurt over the matter. Cenhelm eventually ran away, and Ozias felt true fear for the first time as he was unaware of his son's whereabouts and if he were safe. While he searched for him for a time, he eventually imagined that other vampires had gotten to Cenhelm before Ozias, and that they had already killed his son. He felt lost and alone for a long period of time up until Allovera and her family sent him notice that they had found his son. After reconciling, Ozias apologized and did his best to put in words the love that he feels for his son. He instructed Cenhelm to travel with Benjamin so that they could overthrow the Nycteri Duke and restore the balance between the vampire families.

Gender: Male
Species: Leopard/Mystwalker/Clawpad Angelic/Feathered Nago Paragon
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): #1|#2|#3
Children (Plot): Basima|Landon|Roswell
Taste Tests:
Breeding Room (Shrewdberry's Agrona)
Vast Plains
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Palmer is known for being the best hunter of the Dragon Hives, with the Paragon giving him the nickname of the Predator. He considers everything to be a hunt, whether he is trying to hunt for a meal, or if he is trying to turn around a female. Despite his talent, Palmer is far from being as appealing personality-wise. Very cunning, manipulative and egotistical, Palmer will not take no for an answer and takes very badly to those who disagree with him or who challenge him. He is used to Paragon bowing down to him and looking up to him, which is why he has something against Agrona, the one Paragon who denied him and who still keeps a high head against him. Despite that, Palmer insists that he is the best of the Hive, with no questions asked.

History wrote:Palmer used to be one of the privileged Paragon during Jezebel's lead, and while he did decide to stay, he shares a lot of her beliefs. Palmer is not afraid to force females into mating, and he's not afraid to hurt other Paragon in order to get his way. He has been known to bully and blackmail other Paragon to get what he wants, but his threats eventually stopped as Izotz put him in his place.

Gender: Male
Species: Celestial/Cheetah Alternate (Head) Throat/TailTip Soveris
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Tuun Mountains
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Pearce holds the rank of Duke in the Soveris clan known as the Arcane Heights. He is the adopted son of Pheadrus and Vinka, the King and the Queen. He is serious and down to earth, but also careful. He is a little wary of the other Soveris due to his upbringing, as well as his inability to control his powers over fire; he is afraid of accidentally hurting his clanmates. He trains daily with the clan's blacksmith, Gulbrand, in order to learn how to control his powers. He is in charge of briefing and training the male Trappers of the clan, instilling discipline and respect in his troops. He is difficult to find and to interact with outside of his training sessions. Those who know him describe him as a friendly, if reserved, Soveris; there is little known about him, but no Soveris seems to have bad things to say. He is close to his sister, Afua, and does his best to help her with her anxiety over the clan and the prejudices the other Soveris have towards them. The clan holds a special place in his heart, as they are the ones who gave him and his sister a second chance.

History wrote:Pearce and his sister Afua were born and raised by humans. They were kept as experiments and genetically altered to control elements. Pearce has control over the element of fire, but he finds it difficult to control it. When the researchers were arrested for illegal research, the Soveris and other pets held in the labs were released into the wild. Afua and Pearce traveled together until they trespassed on the territory of the Arcane Heights, where the King and the Queen adopted them.

Gender: Female
Species: Celestial/Chaos/Banded Ecliptic/Tipped Sparkdrake Paragon
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): Damian x Haruzon
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Vast Plains
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Peony was born with the most special talent of all: magic. Sweet, reserved and kind-hearted, Peony has the ability to use her energy to heal injuries, whether just a scratch or a few broken bones. The bigger the injury, the more energy is required, but she has proven that her ability is real. Despite that, Peony often refuses to heal injured Paragon, becoming very fidgety and anxious when others ask her for her help. Very timid and often staying away from the battlefield or injured Paragon, Peony has found it hard to live with her special talent, despite how useful it is. Since her ability could become so powerful, Peony has had a lot of problems with Nyala, the healer absolutely refusing Peony's magic as a form of healing. While Peony wishes she could develop her skill and become capable of healing bigger injuries without draining herself, she is too afraid to upset Nyala to practice and help her fellow clanmates.

Gender: Female
Species: Splotched/Mystwalker/Ancient Flames Lavamancer Paragon
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Breeding Room (Support)
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Pernelli is similar to Mason, as she rarely interacts with her fellow Paragon. Far from being anti-social or grumpy, Pernelli knows that her job is quite unique within the Hive, and getting too close to her fellow Paragon might distract from it. Steeling herself every day to be as cold and distant as possible, Pernelli is in charge of helping new mothers give birth to their eggs. Having seen more than just one tricky delivery, Pernelli learned quickly that being emotional with her fellow Paragon would prevent her from doing the right thing during delivery. As such, she is often cold and distant with others, keeping to herself and mostly not showing a lot of emotion. Being the Hive midwife, she is far from being uncaring, but the image is necessary for her in order to be fully in control of herself during delivery.

Gender: Male
Species: Pronghorn/Thief Alternate (Primary)/Aurora Belly/TailTip Soveris
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: Vinka
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests: N/A
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Pheadrus is the King of the Soveris clan the Arcane Heights, and the mate to the Queen, Vinka. He is a quiet and curious King who enjoys watching over the growth and development of his clan. He is open-minded and welcomes his troops to speak to him if they have any concerns or worries. Despite his welcoming approach, he will not hesitate to put his foot down and to punish those who abuse his kindness or who disrupt the peace in the clan. It thanks to his calm and diplomatic approach to leading that he has been capable of keeping the clan at peace with the other rival clans.

Gender: Male
Species: Ancient/Mystwalker/Lizard Legs Razortail Rockbeak Paragon
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Vast Plains
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Quasar is carefree and easy to get along with. He holds a very important rank in the Hive, but he doesn't let it bother him or stress him. He has a passion for what he does, which is battling and teaching it to young Paragon. Quasar will never turn down a challenge to a good fight, even against hatchlings — but he goes easy on babies, sometimes letting them win. Despite that, Quasar is certainly capable of judging serious situations, and he doesn't let his happy personality get in the way of his serious tasks. Many say that he is extremely intimidating when he is teaching and battling his recruits, some of them even saying that it feels like he is a completely different Paragon. He is one of the most approachable older Paragon with a passion for sharing what he knows.

Noteworthy Details wrote:Quasar is covered in scars from the many fights he has had during his life. He has a particularly large scar over his chest from a terrible injury that he received from Jezebel when she was being overthrown.

History wrote:Quasar used to be ruffian when he was a hatchling, bullying the other Paragon and even hurting some of them. He was eventually scolded and when he was beaten by Izotz when they were little, he eventually softened up. His habit of hurting others turned into a passion for a good fight, enjoying the thrill and the excitement of testing his skills against someone else's. He was one of the major fighters against Jezebel, almost giving his life during the battle when Jezebel landed a terrible hit to his chest.

Gender: Male
Species: Leopard/Mystwalker/Belly Voidwing/Tipped Voidbringer Paragon
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): Palmer x Agrona
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Vast Plains
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Roswell is a gentleman, and one who respects all Paragon equally, be they male or female. Raised to be respectful and considerate, Roswell is a mature hard-working Paragon who tries to remain rational and logical, even in bad or stressful situations. He has no interest in mating to multiple females, and he would rather settle down with a single mate instead. He aims to do the right thing, which can turn into a flaw when he is presented with unusual mentalities, such as Palmer's views of females. Roswell is sometimes a little naive and ignorant, which can upset some Paragon when it comes to certain topics. He is also very protective of his loved ones, often protecting his foster mothers when he feels they are being threatened. Unlike Landon, who tries to respect their father as a fellow Paragon, Roswell is disgusted by his father's attitude towards females and towards other Paragon in general. He also has a hard time forgiving Agrona for abandoning them, although he can understand why she did what she did, considering their father.

History wrote:Roswell was born to Palmer and Agrona. He was abandoned shortly after hatching with his littermates by their mother, and the clutch was picked up by a group of female Paragon who ended up raising them as their own. When the siblings felt a strong calling to the Hive, the small group journeyed all the way to the mountain. While it took a bit of time to realize it, Roswell and his siblings eventually realized that the Hive was their birthclan, and with a bit of persuasion, Aviza's group also decided to stay.

Gender: Male
Species: Leopard/Belly/Ancient Insectile/Scorpion Carapace Paragon
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: Sequoia
Children (Blood): #1|#2
Children (Plot): Danita|Kyrylo
Taste Tests:
Breeding Room (Shrewdberry's Sequoia)
Vast Plains x1
Vast Plains x2
Vast Plains x3
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Sanjiv is your everyday Paragon in the Hive. Working daily on his tasks and doing his part for the Hive, he is a Paragon without much of a story to his name. Sanjiv's dominant characteristics are his translucent, rainbow-like insect wings, together with his Carapace species, which is fairly unheard of in the Hive. Determined, hard-working, yet still gentle and caring, Sanjiv is better known as Sequoia's one best friend and mate, whom he has been with since they were both hatchlings. Despite his everyday life, Sanjiv is often faced with anxiety and many worries with respect to Sequoia, where he feels like he pales in comparison to her. While he does his best at his tasks and is praised for being a great Scout, Sanjiv doesn't stand out from the other Paragon, unlike his mate. Sanjiv's goal is to discover what he's talented at, including what could make him stand out from his fellow Paragon to make him a worthy mate to Sequoia in order to keep up with her. Due to their difference in success, Sanjiv's anxiety often leaves him thinking that Sequoia could leave him at any moment, making Sanjiv insecure and frustrated over how normal and unimpressive he is compared to her.

Noteworthy Details wrote:Sanjiv's wings are unique in the Dragon Hive as being translucent like the wings of an insect.

History wrote:Sanjiv was brought to the Hive as an egg by Palmer and Agrona from Jezebel's tribe. He grew up with Sequoia, whom he protected from the very beginning from the Paragon that made fun of her because of her wings. With the two of them having strange, unusual wings, they clicked on that aspect and have stayed friends since.

Gender: Male
Species: Obsidian Slydra
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Foundry City
The Slums
Baian Swamp
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Sarcoma is a snake familiar who accompanies and protects Benjamin, a young fire vampire. He is caring despite his massive size and appearance. He ensures that Benjamin is safe, and he watches Benjamin attentively. He is logical and will be the one to interact with others on behalf of Benjamin upon first meeting. He is calmer than Benjamin's other snake familiar, Carcinoma, with Sarcoma trying to lead Benjamin to make the right decisions rather than acting on his emotions. He has a sense of humor, and he enjoys bothering strangers to see their reaction. He is critical of Carcinoma at times for being too rash and for not protecting Benjamin effectively. Sarcoma has power over the earth and will often use these powers in order to protect Benjamin from incoming attacks or enemies.

Noteworthy Details wrote:When Sarcoma is angered or ready to attack, his black body pulses with tan markings. Unlike Carcinoma, his eyes do not glow, and instead look like the eyes of a normal snake.

Septima Krait
Gender: Female
Species: Apokain Lakundra
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): Anacario x Yari
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: Ealdwine
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): Jasper|Wilheard|Matrona|Cardea|Hamilcar|Elanor
Taste Tests:
Starlight Town
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Septima is a serious vampire with an intimidating presence, along with powers over fire. She is quiet and observant, typically speaking only when her services are needed. She is blunt and not afraid to speak the truth, sometimes coming off as rude or apathetic as a result. She is extremely organized, and despite her serious attitude, Septima is kind-hearted. She has a difficult time expressing affection, typically resorting to anger or passive-aggressive comments. She is forgiving despite her intimidating personality, typically trying to understand someone before judging them, although she is known for being judgemental and jumping for conclusions. She tends to act on feelings rather than logic at times, but her determination and perseverance typically allow her to hold her own. She loves her children equally, although she is sometimes lost as to what she is supposed to do.

Noteworthy Details wrote:Septima is a vampire, and so she has pale and cold skin, along with sharp canines. Her blood is a bright red color that slightly differs from the blood of normal humans and vampires. She is also surprisingly powerful, hosting a power that is not mortal within her.

History wrote:Septima was a young businesswoman who had just started making a name for herself in the human world when she was unfairly turned into a vampire against her will. After that change, she started living with the Krait vampire family, having to learn to discard her humanity in order to become a vampire. Stubborn, Septima refused to give up her origins, and her inability to survive in vampire society got the attention of Ealdwine. It was his teachings and his friendship that prevented her from losing her mind, as he continued to support her through her hardships. She later learned that the head of the Krait family, the duke, had been the one to turn her into a vampire, all in order to make her his wife. She was forbidden to interact with Ealdwine after that point, and despite her attachment to Ealdwine, Septima was forced to marry the duke, and she bore his first child, Jasper, shortly after. It was with the help of two other vampires, Ozias and Lothair, that Septima got opportunities to see Ealdwine even after her wedding. This later caused problems, and as a world war started to erupt, she learned that Ealdwine would be deported to fight due to his disobedience. After Ealdwine admitted his feelings for her, Septima forced him off the train that was going to ship him to war. Together, they travelled and stopped the world war that was happening between all the races, seeking the angel that had helped create the world. To protect the world, the angel split its power in half, giving one half to Ealdwine and the other to Septima. They are currently protecting those powers for when the time comes to reset the world a second time, should worldwide corruption happen again.

Gender: Female
Species: Predator/Belly/Flames Hybrid/Feathered Sparkdrake Paragon
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: Sanjiv
Children (Blood): #1|#2
Children (Plot): Danita|Kyrylo
Taste Tests:
Breeding Room (Shrewdberry's Sanjiv)
Vast Plains x1
Vast Plains x2
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Sequoia is the definition of determined. Hard-working, hard-headed, and determined, Sequoia's perseverance has earned her the respect of her tribe, as well as her rank as leader of a group of flyers in the Hive. Energetic and strong-willed, Sequoia is the fastest and most agile flyer in the whole Hive, and she teaches her skills and knowledge to young Paragon who wish to improve their flying skills. Sequoia takes her job with great pride and does her best to teach her troops well. She can sometimes be a little blunt and she has the habit of jumping to conclusions when she's unhappy or stressed, but despite that, she is also a very caring and gentle Paragon when she needs to be. She has been Sanjiv's best friend since they were both hatchlings. Further to her becoming leader of the Sky Flyers, she is also good friends with Alcippe, the former leader, despite the initial hostility between the two.

History wrote:Sequoia was brought to the Hive as an egg by Palmer and Agrona from Jezebel's clan, together with the egg of her brother and several others. Born without parents and with strange wings that interfered with her ability to fly, Sequoia had a hard childhood. Inspired by a certain flying Paragon and by the idea of flying in general, she did her best to fly despite her awkward wings that are neither leather or fur. She eventually learned how to fly, although she couldn't fly for very long. She was eventually given a mission to bring back an important herb to help one of her friends, Tivoli, to help him regulate the poison inside his body. Because of her awkward wings and her weak flying abilities, Sequoia had a hard time bringing back the herb and the overflow of poison in Tivoli's body left him with permanent mental scarring. From that event, Sequoia continued to train harder in order to be fit for whenever she would be assigned a mission like that again. With time, patience, and lots of practice and support, Sequoia eventually overcame her handicap. She even defeated Alcippe, the one Paragon that used to teach the Sky Flyers, and whom turned out to be unfair in competition and a sore loser, as well as a judgemental teacher.

Gender: Female
Species: Spotted/Belly/Ancient Razorwing/Slicer Sailfin Paragon
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): Deraj x Ariana
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): #1|#2|#3
Children (Plot): Jaromir|Makari
Taste Tests:
Breeding Room (Shrewdberry's Belenus)
Vast Plains x1
Vast Plains x2
Vast Plains x3
Vast Plains x4
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Slavica's cold, strict and distant attitude earned her the title of supportive leader. She has the right personality to have when she needs to put her foot down with the others. Even though she is smaller than the average Paragon, most Paragon in the Hive are more afraid of her than their leader, Izotz, because they can't tell what the Sailfin is thinking. Thought to be heartless and very distant, no Paragon usually bothers to approach or socialize with Slavica. She rarely shows any positive emotions, or emotions at all, even towards her hatchlings. Despite her strong character, Slavica is not completely devoid of emotions, but she has found herself unable to give in to them for fear that she will end up hurting herself and others.

History wrote:Slavica was a curious and ambitious Paragon just like all the others up until the dark era when the former leader Jezebel got in power. While she never had much trouble during the tyranny, her mate Belenus didn't have any luck. Born weaker and more peaceful than the other Paragon, her mate had to resort to thievery for food and had to fight for survival daily. Shortly after their three babies were hatched, Slavica learned that her mate had been executed by Jezebel. Heartbroken and lost, Slavica followed her group of friends and helped them overthrow the one who'd killed her mate. Over time, Slavica found herself unable to care, for fear that she would get hurt if something happened to those she cared for. Because of this, she has slowly grown cold and heartless, where she doesn't allow her heart to feel anything for others, ultimately ruining her relationship with her hatchlings.

Gender: Female
Species: Belly/Tail Band/Banded Angelic/Feathered Ambia Paragon
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): Vell x Tara
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Vast Plains
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Taniqua is an older Paragon living on the outskirts of the Dragon Hive. She is a loner who has been raising farm animals for years to provide the Hive with a variety of foods. She enjoys the peaceful serenity of her home by the small river that neighbors her small farm, visiting the Hive for short periods of time only when she needs to bring them ingredients and foods. She enjoys the company of her animals, and she is enjoying a slower way of life than living with the main Hive Paragon. She enjoys the company of her fellow Paragon, but she has grown older, and she is quick to lose her temper. She is living with Koralia, with the Soveris helping her when she needs a helping hand. Despite her older age, Taniqua has a strong character, and she is always the first who is ready to jump into a battle. She is a lot more capable and caring than she says she is, having managed to raise and take care of Koralia despite her older age and the difference in species.

History wrote:Taniqua lived with the rest of the Dragon Hive for centuries. Changed happened when many Paragon grew difficult with their food and the limited meals they had available from hunting local prey. Some Paragon suggested that they try to establish a system similar to that of humans', where they raise animals and eat their produce. Taniqua happily volunteered for the task, looking forward to an opportunity to live a quieter life. She built facilities with the help of a few other Paragon, and she has lived by the outskirts of the Hive's territory since then.

Gender: Male
Species: Celestial/Belly/Ancient Skelliewing Lavamancer Paragon
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): Aldway x Maech
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Vast Plains
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Tapio is hard to read, and at first glance, he seems like a shy Paragon without much to say. However, he is not as shy and delicate as he first seems to be. One of the Paragon that was privileged by Jezebel, Tapio can be very cruel and heartless towards his fellow Paragon if he is not put back in his place fast enough. That is why he keeps quiet and usually doesn't say much, since he has very unconventional opinions. He is not as bad as he used to be, but it is significantly hard to be friends with him. He seems to have a certain hate for Teofila, whom he sees as being a threat and a Paragon that could turn around and backstab them at any moment. Tapio also tends to get anxious and paranoid when Paragon try to make him open up, and there is a rumor within the Hive that he is hiding something. Tapio's special ability lets him breathe both fire and a metal-like fire that turns what it touches into metal, including being capable of encasing living beings into metal completely. He uses this ability to create tools and to fix the weaker parts of the Hive's mountain.

History wrote:Tapio was Jezebel's lackey who ended up encasing Paragon into metal when she started her reign of tyranny. Instead of exiling them or killing them, Jezebel would resort to an endless life of suffering as a metal statue, asking Tapio to encase them for her. Tapio is still hiding the fact that he had to do such a thing, which is why he gets anxious when Paragon try to learn more about him.

Gender: Female
Species: Celestial/Ivy Crystal/Tipped Voidbringer Paragon
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): Gravity x Jezebel
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Vast Plains
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Teofila can best be described as an outcast within the Hive. Being the eldest daughter of Jezebel from her days of tyranny, Teofila constantly has to prove her loyalty to her clanmates. She is sometimes excluded from certain activities because of her lineage, even if her bloodline has nothing to do with her personality. While somewhat impatient, bitter, and grumpy, Teofila has become who she is mostly from the prejudice given to her by her own kind. She is kind and also wise despite her relatively young age, and she has a certain sense of leadership to her. She can be authoritative without really noticing it, often doing so for the sake of doing her duty. Many spread rumors that Teofila is in cahoots with her insane mother to spy on the Hive and eventually help her mother take over the tribe again.

History wrote:Teofila used to be looked up to when she was younger, born to a powerful Paragon hunter and the leader of the tribe. Everything turned against her, however, when her mother murdered the rest of the clutch after being overthrown; Teofila survived only for the fact that she wasn't with her siblings when the attack happened. Her father was literally left to die, and Teofila lost her father to bitterness and heartbreak a few years after losing her mother and siblings. Things started to look up when one of her half-sisters, Agrona, joined the Hive. The two became close very quickly, giving Teofila some hope of fitting in despite the prejudices of others.

Gender: Female
Species: Mystwalker/Scarbelly Crystal/Razortail Lavamancer Paragon
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: Akakios
Children (Blood): #1|#2|#3
Children (Plot): Morgan|Milton
Taste Tests:
Breeding Room (Thunder's Xane)
Town of Nabias
Mess Hall (Purine)
Roraldi Forests
Wilt'no Desert
Ocular Checkups:

Resume wrote:Tiki is often called the Voice of the Divine Dragon, as she is the direct daughter of Naga, the divine dragon Goddess. Tiki is a full-blooded dragon who has, so far, lived for three full millennia. Despite her older age, she looks like a young human woman in her mid-twenties. While she was asleep and sealed away for the majority of her life, Tiki found herself enjoying the company of humans, and has been interacting with them for millennia, ever since the age of legends and kings. She is calm, collected and wise, but there are times when her childish and naive personality comes through. She also sleeps a lot more than most people, something also associated with her old age. Tiki is able to turn into a dragon thanks to the power of special stones called Dragonstones, and she has three millennia of battling experience that have made her a powerful fighter. Tiki has a dislike for cold temperatures, and ice specifically; she is also prone to nightmares and sometimes has a hard time falling asleep. She is fond of humans, although the thought of losing all her friends over time depresses her; but she prefers to create and develop friendships that will last forever than to live her whole life alone. Despite her friendly and mostly quiet personality, Tiki can become extremely upset if someone makes fun of her or takes advantage of her, and she has threatened to eat others before. Despite his shorter lifespan and his ties with Grima, the dark dragon God, Tiki grew fond of Akakios over the course of the war. Like Negative, she also affectionately refers to him as Kee, but only when they are alone. She is very attached to him, going to him immediately when she has nightmares or when she is suddenly stricken with various fears from her childhood. While she was a little taken aback by the idea of having children, Tiki has gotten accustomed to the concept, and she tries her best to pass on her dragon lineage and abilities to her children, often leaving the more human side of things to Akakios. She has a good relationship with Negative, even if they do not always agree. She is not sure of her relationship with Alter, whom seems to hate her because of her being the daughter of the divine Naga.

Noteworthy Details wrote:Tiki's ears are longer and pointer than a normal human's.

History wrote:Tiki is the daughter of Naga, the divine dragon. However, Tiki was born with exceptional power that, should she go insane or feral, would potentially destroy the world. She was forced to sleep and sealed away by her mother and family in order to keep her from going feral or insane, like other dragons. She was eventually freed by an old dragon who took pity on her, and the two lived happily until more dragons started to go feral and insane over time. Tiki was then forced to sleep again, this time in an ice palace where she experienced constant nightmares of going feral and losing control. She was later saved by legendary heroes, and she was allowed to live with humans as her mother and tribe found a way to control the anomaly that caused the dragons to go insane. However, after a certain number of centuries, Tiki felt that she no longer had any purpose with humans, and willingly decided to seal herself away to sleep again. She slept for centuries until she was awakened during the bloody war from years ago, where the army sought the support of the Voice. That was when she first met Akakios and Negative, both of them seemingly wielding power similar to her own; she got interested in Akakios, specifically, shortly after meeting him. She forced him to act more friendly and talk to others, and also got him to loosen up by asking for piggie back rides from time to time. She also had the tendency to force him to eat when he would neglect to do it himself. She was furious after seeing the tactician try to take his life, and it was shortly after that that the two talked about getting married. With the war over, they happily live together with their two children from the future.

Gender: Male
Species: Scarbelly/Muddy/Ancient Crystal/Webbed Carapace Paragon
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Vast Plains
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Tivoli is a special Paragon, one that can't quite be read or understood. From an accident that happened when he was small, Tivoli's body is filled with poison and venom. After an overflow of those elements in his small body, the Carapace was left with permanent mental scarring, as well as some physical discoloration of his horn and wings. While not a mean or heartless Paragon, Tivoli is often unable to really portray emotions or clear thought-processing. While he understands what he is being told, he may sometimes end up doing something different, or he might misunderstand something very basic that he's always done. He may also forget words or use the wrong terms. While this doesn't happen all the time or even really often, Tivoli has grown distant and timid of others because of their harsh judgement of him. He has remained close to his childhood friends, namely Sequoia and Sanjiv, although he prefers to stay by himself. He works as a partner to Nyala, working on remedies to help cure poisons or dangerous chemicals the Paragon might ingest.

History wrote:Tivoli was an egg that was brought back to the Hive by Palmer and Agrona from Jezebel's clan, along with several others. He experienced an overflow of poison and venom in his body when he was a young teenage Paragon, leaving him on the brink of death. While he was rescued, the Paragon in charge of bringing back the required medicine, Sequoia, took too long to prevent the permanent damage from happening. Despite that, Tivoli doesn't hold a grudge towards Sequoia, instead feeling grateful that she at least managed to save him, scarring or non.

Gender: Female
Species: Gail/Celestial Soft Edge Splatter Soveris
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests: N/A
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Trecia is the Princess of the Soveris clan the Arcane Heights. She oversees the female Soveris, and she welcomes them to speak to her if they have any worries or concerns. She teaches them basic diplomacy and the importance of peaceful conversation before reaching out for a violent answer. She is patient and open-minded, although she has been known for daydreaming and sometimes being clumsy and forgetful. She is loved amongst the female Soveris for being so easy to approach and for being friendly towards them. She often receives a lecture from Embla, the female Royal Guard, for being too soft with the females and for crippling them. Trecia is passive, and she accepts that every Soveris in the clan has differing opinions, and so she lives, and she lets live. She is close to Boitumelo, offering an ear to him when he needs to complain about the male Soveris who give him a hard time.

Gender: Male
Species: Celestial/Striped/Lizard Legs Razorwing/Slicer Deserthorn Paragon
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Vast Plains x1
Vast Plains x2
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Tyrone is a hard-working member of the Dragon Hive, but he stands out amongst his fellow Paragon for his colorful personality. Hard-working despite his origins from a human area, Tyrone decided to be a scout only so he could scavenge during his rounds. Creative and very curious, Tyrone is constantly looking for something to try or experiment, whether it be something useful or something just for fun. He also likes to spice it up a bit, even going so far as to flying all the way to human areas to bring back some human trinkets to experiment with. He is considered the leader between the pair of Colby and himself, even though Colby is the more mature one between the two. Just like his partner, Tyrone speaks with a very human-like vocabulary, sometimes even confusing his fellow Hive Paragon.

History wrote:Tyrone was laid, hatched and raised on one of the human-populated islands, away from the Hive. Tyrone met Colby when they were young teenagers, and it clicked instantly. While Tyrone was happy with his human life with all the things he could play and experiment with, he eventually agreed to follow Colby to something more "exciting". Tyrone was admittedly disappointed, unlike Colby, but he has adapted well enough, even keeping his tinkering nature, but in a different way.

Gender: Female
Species: Piebald/Celestial Alternate (Full) Splatter/Speckle Wing Soveris
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: Pheadrus
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests: N/A
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Vinka is the Queen of the Soveris clan the Arcane Heights, and the mate to Pheadrus, the King. Unlike her mate, she is harsher and stricter, establishing respect and discipline within the clan for both the males and the females. She is arguably harsher than her mate, and she is not as open-minded as he is, being wary of the world outside their clan and what they could find beyond the mountains. She is not as approachable as the King, and as a result, she is typically consulted for attacks and assaults rather than audiences. She offers Pheadrus with a good balance, as the two work off each other in their strengths and weaknesses to serve the clan the best they can.

Gender: Male
Species: Aquaberry Kuhna
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): Fore x Ko'eleki
Lineage (Plot): Ealdwine x Septima
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests: N/A
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Wildheard is a water vampire, and he is the oldest of his siblings. He is a big, bulky man who is timid and quiet, and who speaks very little. He has a golden heart, and he loves his siblings more than he can describe. He is an emotional man, although he has a difficult time expressing his emotions. He shows them, instead, being there whenever his siblings need his help, or hugging them when they need to cry or when they feel bad. He is diligent and dedicated, spending his time taking care of his body and health by training and going to the gym. Much like his father and younger sister Matrona, Wilheard started his own business by opening his own gym facility and by welcoming both humans and vampires alike to come train. Health is important to him, and he sometimes speaks up when it comes to helping his siblings with living in better health. He is the first to help and defend his siblings, including his older half-brother, Jasper, whom he often comforts when Jasper gets into a scuffle with Ealdwine.

Noteworthy Details wrote:Being a vampire, Wilheard has cold, pale skin and longer canines. His blood is a rich light blue color.
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[* Myths II

Postby Jaykobell » 04/07/2015 12:31 AM

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[* Others I

Postby Jaykobell » 04/07/2015 12:32 AM

Gender: Female
Species: Rust Diosol
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): Mr. Snuggle x Joules
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: Ashton
Children (Blood): #1|#2|#3|#4|#5
Children (Plot): Eleanor|Harvey|Shawn
Taste Tests:
Breeding Room x1 (Shrewdberry's Ashton)
Breeding Room x2 (Shrewdberry's Crawford)
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Agnes works alone in her own office as the one and only gerontologist at Highfield hospital, and she excels at her job. She is quiet and reserved, and even when the opportunity arises, she avoids interacting with her coworkers. Agnes is fairly submissive, and she avoids confronting others if she can. She is much older than she looks because of her being the host to a special parasite called Sirius, which has allowed her to live and to continue living for centuries. Because of her longer life, she has kept many old values and morals, acting very lady-like and old-fashioned compared to the more modern women.

History wrote:Agnes was a normal human before she met Ashton, and before she went under his knife. Against all odds, Agnes's body was compatible with Sirius, an aggressive parasite that was supposed to be unable to live peacefully within a human's body. Ever since the successful transplant of the said parasite, Agnes has been living with Ashton. As their relationship evolved, they became a couple, and eventually had two children.

Gender: Female
Species: Coyote Diosol
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: Michael
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests: N/A
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Alexandra is naive, shy, gullible, and an airhead. She is not very assertive as a person and often gets the short end of things because of it. She is incredibly intelligent and aced her scientific studies as a researcher. Because of her dislike for confrontation, she hates seeing her coworkers or friends fighting. In those situations, she will be the one to mediate fights or to try to work something out between the parties. Overall, Alexandra has a hard time socializing and has been struggling to obtain a job for many years due to her paranoia of others. Being the host to a special parasite called Virgo — and the first to host such a parasite — her eyes are acute and supernatural, where she can see things from miles away, and which allow her to also see through things like buildings or even people. She lives with her boyfriend Michael in an apartment up north, where she takes care of the apartment while Michael works to keep them afloat.

History wrote:Alexandra's parents wanted and were expecting a son and got a girl instead. Although the oldest of her siblings, Alexandra never pleased her parents, especially not her father. She studied a broad branch of science only because she had the interest for it, but also to make her parents proud of her. Alexandra's father was also verbally abusive, and this is what developed her paranoia and her anxiety over confrontation. She is too afraid of the consequences to stand up for herself. After finishing her studies, Alexandra joined a group of scientist who were trying to find a way to reach immortality. This is the study that earned her the first sample of the Virgo parasite. Within this group, she was having problems with the harsher members, such as Crawford, who liked to give her a hard time or who would sometimes bully her as she worked. Michael, another one of the scientists, is the one who stepped in and defended her. It was love at first sight for Alexandra, whom went on to hang out with Michael all the time and who supported him, no matter the decisions he made. After the group split, Alexandra and Michael decided to stay and live together, making their relationship official. In the present, Alexandra does not see her family anymore, as she believes her family may all be deceased, considering how old she has become thanks to the parasite living within her. In the event that her family may still be alive, she has no interest in seeing them or reconnecting with them.

Gender: Male
Species: Feral Diosol
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: Ethelred
Children (Blood): #1|#2|#3
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Breeding Room (Shrewdberry's Ethelred)
Town of Nabias
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Archibald is stern and strict, but he means well; deep down, he has a heart of gold. Archibald is a proud man, and he is extremely protective of Ethelred, his wife, and his children; he would be the first to start a war in order to protect what is precious to him. He is sarcastic at heart, often nitpicking details for the sake of aggravating others. He is extremely stubborn and authoritative, which often proves to be a problem when he disagrees with people with a similar personality. At this time, Archibald is retired and lives with Ethelred; he is also suffering from a breathing disease that doesn't seem to be getting any better. While not constantly, Archibald now needs an oxygen bottle to breathe properly, especially when stress or strong emotions cause him to have an attack. While both Archibald and Ethelred know what is wrong, they also know there is currently no cure; despite that, Archibald argues his mind will overcome the physical illness he currently has. Being the original host of a unique parasite called Taurus, Archibald can do anything and have a certain extent of talent in it, but without really excelling at anything in particular.

History wrote:Archibald started medical school around the same time as Ethelred and became fascinated with Ethelred's research and ambitions in trying to find a way to achieve immortality. He was the first to volunteer to be Ethelred's guinea pig, and the two started the project together. After their medical studies, they started their own research group dedicated to overcoming human mortality. At a certain point, Ethelred found Ashton, a young boy who had lost his family. After talking, Archibald and Ethelred decided to adopt Ashton. While reluctant at first, Archibald came to raise Ashton as his son, despite the two not being related by blood. Ashton has a special place in his heart, being his first child, even if Archibald ever denies it. While Archibald and Ethelred adopted a second son after Ashton, he has since disowned the second boy, and he expresses vivid hate when that child is mentioned.

Gender: Male
Species: Russian Blue Diosol
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): Archibald x Ethelred (Foster Parents)
Significant Other: Agnes
Children (Blood): #1|#2|#3|#4|#5
Children (Plot): Eleanor|Harvey
Taste Tests:
Breeding Room x1 (Shrewdberry's Agnes)
Breeding Room x2 (Shrewdberry's Lucy)
Lambastia World Bridge
Town of Nabias
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Ashton is calm, calculating, and even slightly manipulating. He is overconfident, as well as a very intelligent and talented scientist and surgeon. While Ashton no longer truly works as a researcher anymore, he foresees the activity of the general hospital of his town, and occasionally operates on patients. He spends the rest of his time with his wife, Agnes, and his children. He occasionally returns to his research on a unique parasite called Hydra, which is split between thirteen vastly different strains. Ashton was the first host to one of those strains, Capricorn, and earned the ability to see and foretell the past and future. He can accomplish this almost at will, whether he is awake or asleep. Ashton is a difficult person to read, and he may appear intimidating or distant upon first meeting him. He is typically calm and collected, and it is difficult to force him to visibly express emotions. Over the years, he has taught himself to hide them.

History wrote:Ashton was born in a small village far from society. When the people of his village refused to move when the rich landlords desired more farming lands, the village was burned down in its entirety. Ashton was one of the only survivors, losing his parents and entire family. It was after that that he was adopted by Ethelred and Archibald. While he grew up as a fairly normal child, Ashton was always quiet and used to react extremely badly to anything related to death, going as far as having panic attacks. When he grew older, Ashton developed an interest in medicine and science, especially considering his parents' prowess in the fields. At that point in time, Ethelred and Archibald had already been researching a way to achieve immortality. Terrified of death, Ashton begged to become part of the research team and asked for a parasite to be implanted into his body. Ashton became a crucial part of the research after that point, being so dedicated that he decided to continue the research even after Ethelred had decided to end it and split the group. Ashton kept in touch with a handful of scientists from the group, expanding his notes and continuing the research on his own. After managing to research Sirius, the deadliest strains of Hydra, Ashton succeeded in transplanting it into a human host: Agnes. His initial intention had been to research Agnes and to see how her body would react to Sirius. As he developed some feelings for her, he desired to move the research to the second generation. While that had been the initial plan, Ashton's uncaring, fake and manipulative personality slowly but surely changed as Agnes loved him and as their first child was born. Over time, Ashton realized many things, and has since mostly stopped the research on immortality.

Gender: Male
Species: Halves Diosol
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): Genesis x Rental
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): #1|#2
Children (Plot): Shawn
Taste Tests:
Breeding Room (Shrewdberry's Agnes)
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Crawford is extremely similar to Ashton in personality, but he differs where he is extremely malicious and can switch between emotions easily, from extremely gentle to cruelly tormenting. Crawford is all about self-preservation and satisfying himself over others. He would not hesitate to backstab someone or to use them as a shield for the sake of saving himself. He is not afraid to resort to violence or illegal means to get what he wants, and he is learned many tricks over the years to hide his tracks when dealing in illegal matters. Part of a research group a long time ago, while he is not interested in continuing the research on his own, he is keeping an eye on Ashton's research and waiting for him to come up with a breakthrough that he could claim and use as his own. Being a part of that group earned him a special parasite known as Scorpio, which has given Crawford the ability to create a variety of different poisons and spores that can be as mild as putting someone to sleep, or as terrifying as killing someone after only a few hours.

Noteworthy Details wrote:After a horrible fight with Ashton, Crawford was left with half of his face burnt and disfigured.

History wrote:Crawford studied in the field of chemistry, and he was eventually invited to join Ethelred's research group that was searching for a way to cure mortality. He used to be close to Ashton before the group split up. He traveled the world after the split, and eventually got into a fight with Ashton when he tried to make a move on Agnes, Ashton's successful Sirius host and wife. While the fight left Crawford disfigured, that did not stop him from interfering with Ashton's research. Agnes became pregnant with Crawford's child via in vitro fertilization, unbeknownst to both Ashton and Agnes. The two raised that child as their own, but the boy was eventually kidnapped by Crawford while Ashton was away and ill. Crawford is raising his son to this day, hoping to use him as a tool to ruin Ashton's family and his research.

Gender: Male
Species: Corrupt Diosol
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): Archibald x Ethelred (Disowned)
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests: N/A
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Dakota has lost a large of his humanity and his sanity to paranoia. He lives with dangerous levels of anxiety and paranoia on a daily basis. His paranoia makes him dangerously two-faced, as Dakota may appear to be sweet upon first contact, but he may become violent or cruel if someone crosses him or if he feels threatened. While he has a desire for socialization, his anxiety prevents him from enjoying the company of others. He mostly stays in his house, fortifying his basement in a multitude of ways in order to protect himself from the outside, should the need ever arise. Dakota was part of a scientist group that earned him a special parasite called Gemini. He has grown attached to the bug in his body, sometimes referring to it as a living being. The powers granted to him by Gemini include a much longer lifespan than that of a human's, as well as the ability to duplicate objects infinitely. Dakota has developed this ability to the level of being capable of creating fake humans. While they cannot talk and are merely puppets, Dakota can control them to walk and move, as well as displaying basic facial expressions.

Noteworthy Details wrote:Dakota is visibly underweight, and he has dark bags under his eyes from what could be lack of sleep.

History wrote:Dakota's parents were killed in cold blood after they failed to repay a drug dealer. Dakota was put up for adoption after the death of his parents, and he was later adopted by Ethelred and Archibald. With Ashton being close in age to him, Dakota quickly grew attached to Ashton, with their relationship making him feel secure. He joined the group when Ashton insisted that he wanted to be a part of it. Tagging along, Dakota also desired to join, which earned him the first Gemini parasite. Dakota was doing well until he became older, and as he became to develop strong feelings for his adoptive mother. When Ethelred stopped the immortality project and rejected Dakota's feelings, Dakota's paranoia and anxiety were badly triggered. He felt betrayed and hated, and he has since torn the family apart by infected Archibald with a deadly respiratory disease that seemingly has no cure. While Archibald and Ethelred have both disowned him, Ashton occasionally tries to keep in touch with Dakota. While Dakota still has a strong attachment to Ashton, he is conflicted due to how Ashton continues to see their foster parents. Dakota is afraid Ashton might betray him as well, or that he might say things to Archibald and Ethelred, which often cuts their conversations short.

Gender: Male
Species: Ankeis Kuhna
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): Chep x Penelope
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Lamenolai, City of the Guardians
Sekudui Farmlands
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Dexter has a strong affinity for strategy planning, but he is fairly weak offensively. He works with Laurence and Vincent as a head butler to King Koniglitch. He is a creature capable of controlling time and space, to a certain extent. He is paranoid and often assumes the worst about a situation. He is the fastest to judge and to critique and lecture when mistakes are made. However, he is also the first one to offer emotional support and who is willing to listen when someone has a problem. He has grown close to King Koniglitch for offering some of his time to listen to Koniglitch's torments and for offering advice. He is rather passive and typically does as is instructed of him.

Noteworthy Details wrote:Dexter is dressed prime and proper and wears a small pair of glasses. Despite looking human, he does not have the presence of a human, and he feels slightly supernatural.

Gender: Female
Species: Blue Rosette Diosol
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): Ashton x Agnes
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests: N/A
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Eleanor is the third and last child of Ashton and Agnes. She is very similar to her father, despite the two being not very comfortable with each other. She is intelligent, keen, disciplined and curious like her father, but she is quiet and caring like her mother. She is also somewhat reckless and tends to say or do things that end up putting her in trouble. While she looks up to her father, she has a hard time bonding with him, often turning very shy and feeling insecure. Despite that, Agnes assures her that her father does care for her and that he would give anything up for her. Like her father, Eleanor has a strong connection to the Capricorn strain, but hers evolved differently from her father's, where Eleanor can see the past of objects or people she touches, whereas Ashton's power is broader and can foresee events and see past events regardless of who or what he touches. Because of her similarities with her father's powers, the two somewhat bond over that fact. She is very close to her older brother Harvey, but she sometimes feels bad when he gets upset over being less "special" compared to her.

Gender: Female
Species: First Host Diosol
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: Archibald
Children (Blood): #1|#2|#3
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Breeding Room (Shrewdberry's Archibald)
Town of Nabias
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Ethelred has a strong presence that can both intimidate people or reassure them greatly. With centuries of life experience, Ethelred has had plenty of time to mature, with many centuries ahead of her. She is motherly and caring, but also very authoritative and strong-willed when the situation calls for it. She often prefers to stay on the sidelines, but she often stands up to Archibald when he is stubborn, unafraid to stand up to anyone, no matter who they are. Ethelred's decisions are often based entirely on logic, a trait she ended up passing on to Ashton, her adopted son. She has learned to make decisions based on logic to avoid potential problems coming from emotional weakness. She is patient and rarely displays anger, often showing sadness instead of violent emotions. Ethelred is the first and natural host of a unique parasite known as Hydra, which granted her an increased lifespan as well as a multitude of supernatural abilities. The other parasites that were passed on to the original scientists part of their research group were created from her own parasite, and she is seen as a human-like Goddess among the original Creators.

History wrote:Ethelred grew slower than the other children, and when doctors saw masses slowly enveloping her organs and insides in general, they became fascinated by what she was, if also worried that her life could be in danger. Ethelred was work-driven but born during a time when women were expected to stay home. As she tried to build relationships, many man became disgusted once they learned about what she was, and her parents died before becoming grandparents. Aging so slowly, Ethelred saw most of her family die as she continued to live healthily, a thought that soon started to depress her. As women began to study and work for themselves, Ethelred chose to study medicine with the ambitious goal of finding a cure for death, or a way to obtain immortality. Fascinated by her determination and what she was, an equally determined man named Archibald agreed to team up with her, and the two formed a group of scientists and doctors who all wished to research the same thing: immortality. Throughout that time, Ethelred adopted two sons, Ashton and Dakota, whom both joined the group as scientists. The project lasted for many years, but when their research brought no consistent, conclusive results, Ethelred split the group and let everyone live their lives as their own, instead of being stuck researching something that had no answer. While she regrets her decision, Ethelred understands that logically-speaking, the goal she had in mind is unobtainable, even if she still wishes to find a cure for mortality. She is disappointed that Ashton decided to continue the research, and she is growing worried over Archibald's declining respiratory health.

Gabriel Cassidy
Gender: Male
Species: Backsplash/Reaper Lucain
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Breeding Room (Support)
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Gabriel is considered to be Danielle's little brother, and he is the calmer, keener of the two. He has a great intellect and relies on it to diagnose patients at the Saratoga Medical Institute. While he also operates on certain patients, his role usually consists of him supporting Danielle as an assistant; he prefers the calmer setting of a diagnosis to begin with. With an amazing memory, he can often take a wild guess at the possible diseases his patients have. Once he has a few guesses, he analyzes everything and finally makes a choice depending on the information he has. He is famous at the hospital for his diagnosis skills, and people usually request him as a diagnostician, and not as a surgeon. Gabriel is quiet, intelligent, and he analyzes people out of habit, even if they're not sick. He is timid and usually refrains from telling too much about himself to others. To strangers, he often comes off as distant and cold. While he can be considered very patient, he gets easily flustered when certain topics come up, or when certain people are nearby. Gabriel is known for being very possessive and protective of his sister, even becoming jealous of any man that tries to get close to her. He is also known for having a dislike for children. While he will treat them, he has no interest in having any of his own. Unbeknownst to the majority of Saratoga, Gabriel has a parasite inside his body known as Virgo: a parasite that gives him sharp, supernatural eyes that allow him to pick up on details normal human eyes could never see on their own.

History wrote:Gabriel and Danielle were at the same orphanage, and the two refused to be adopted separately. They were eventually adopted together and grew up to become doctors together. From the beginning, the two have been a team, and they are rarely seen apart. In the present day, Gabriel and Danielle live together in an apartment.

Gender: Male
Species: Black Ink Diosol
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): Ashton x Agnes
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests: N/A
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Harvey is an average young man who has a hard time standing still for too long. He is like a louder version of his father Ashton, where he is constantly moving and talking about something. He is loud, expressive, excited, but also kind and helpful. While he has a strong intellect, like his parents, he prefers to relax and to avoid overthinking things. He is more interested in exercising and working out rather than partaking in written problems. He is also a handyman, often fixing things around the house, taking the role from his father in terms of keeping the house in good condition. Despite his versatile traits, Harvey often finds himself to be very lackluster compared to his parents and his younger sister, Eleanor, who all sport different special powers from their respective parasitic strains. He has bouts of unhappiness and sometimes anger where he wishes he were as "normal" as the rest of his family. He is still close to his family, however, loving his sister and being extremely close to his mother. Despite how weak or uninteresting he thinks he is, he still aims to protect his family, especially after what happened to his half-brother, Shawn, who was kidnapped when they were young children.

History wrote:Harvey grew up with his half-brother, Shawn, for a few years before his brother was kidnapped by Crawford while Agnes and the boys were away on vacation, with Ashton being ill and away from home. Despite his parents' efforts, they never managed to locate Crawford to find his brother. To this day, Harvey tries to find clues that could lead him to his missing half-brother.

Gender: Female
Species: Teddy Cavy Diosol
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests: N/A
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Janice is an incredibly intelligent scientist, despite not having much interest in the field. She is bubbly and a bit of an airhead, but she has a vast knowledge on many things. She is not the type to constantly talk over knowledge, but she will answer and educate those who ask about something she knows. Janice is easily impressed and surprised, and she does have the habit of squealing when something impresses her. She now lives her life as a fashion designer primarily, making outfits and dresses of all kinds. Her body is the host to a parasite called Sagittarius, which gives Janice supernatural accuracy and the ability cut virtually anything with her bare hands.

History wrote:Janice was offered to join the research group on immortality due to her keen intellect; and while she agreed, she was not nearly as passionate as the other scientists of the group. When the group split, she was disappointed, but also happy, seeing an opportunity to live her dreams. She kept in touch with Ashton, whom she liked for his quietness and his personality, which was tame compared to all the others. When Ashton asked for her leftover notes from the project, she offered to give them to him only on the condition that he would allow her to make him a nice outfit. While she barely practices any kind of science or research, she found herself using her knowledge in order to save a roadkill cat from a certain death. She has since kept the half-deceased cat as a pet, enjoying his prankster personality and company.

Gender: Male
Species: White Spots Diosol
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): #1|#2
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Breeding Room (Shrewdberry's Matthew)
Lambastia World Bridge
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Jonathan is intelligent and reserved, but also polite. The twin brother to Matthew, he is the quiet twin of the two, and the one who handles their money and paperwork. Organized and always one step ahead, Jonathan keeps his calm and tends to unnerve those who cannot read him or who do not know him. While he seems to have an understanding of balance between logic and emotions, he tends to rely on logic. He is nicer than he lets on, easily growing attached to those he cares about. Being an important part of the immortality research, Jonathan worked as a chemist and researcher with his brother Matthew before the group split. They are now living together in a small shop that sells questionable antics, which is mostly handled by Matthew, with Jonathan managing the finances and the administrative part of the business. He earned his own parasite from the research, carrying the Pisces strain that allows him to breathe underwater and to control watery elements to his will.

History wrote:Jonathan and Matthew studied in chemistry and science because they had no alternative at the time. Jonathan had no particular interest in the field, but acknowledged that it would open doors for future jobs and a stable future. They were both offered a chance at the immortality project, and the twins are the ones who succeeded in splitting the original Hydra gene into the thirteen unique strains.

Gender: Male
Species: Regal Kuhna
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): #1|#2
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Lamenolai, City of the Guardians
Sekudui Farmlands
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:King Koniglitch is a young hybrid with powers of time and space. Born to a human female, Koniglitch is trying to prove himself to the species of his father. He is blunt and speaks to the point, but without being unfair. He lives in his own kingdom, which he has developed over the past years, and which he manages with his three main butlers: Laurence, Dexter and Vincent. Koniglitch hates the pretentious attitude of his father's species and how they consider him to be worthless. He is resentful towards them, and it is that resentment that motivates Koniglitch to train his body to handle the powers he inherited from his father. He travels his kingdom around through universes and planets, and he hopes to learn about new cultures and new people as he travels. Due to the repetitive nature of his life, he is easily bored and can become cranky. He sometimes feels entitled to things due to the mistreatment he experienced, and he can sometimes appear as childish and unreasonable. Koniglitch wants to find a place he can call home, and a place where he will be appreciated regardless of what or who he is.

History wrote:Koniglitch was born to a human mother, while his father is a creature who possesses powers over time and space. While they carry a human form, their species avoids mingling with human beings, instead watching over them with their powers. Koniglitch was considered to be a glitch to their society, and they asked his father to dispose of him. His father refused, and he argued that Koniglitch could grow up to become as powerful as a they all are. While they were skeptical, they agreed to keep Koniglitch alive. They gave him his own kingdom to manage and to travel so that he could develop and use his powers without mingling with his father's species. While Koniglitch sees his father at times, their meetings are typically brief, if amicable.

Gender: Male
Species: Preitor Kuhna
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): Mitterlin x Arete
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Lamenolai, City of the Guardians
Sekudui Farmlands
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Laurence is a creature who can control time and space, and who is the head butler working under King Koniglitch. He is calculated and quiet, and he takes on the task of teaching and training Koniglitch about his powers and his abilities. He is in charge of the other two butlers, Dexter and Vincent, and he is considered to be the unspoken leader of the three. He is down to earth and a neutral mix between logic and emotions between the three. He always seems to be in control and to know what to do, even in the most dire of situations. He is not the best at listening to others or at taking the emotions of others into consideration. He typically likes things done his way, and rarely considers the ideas of others.

Gender: Female
Species: Monochrome Diosol
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Lambastia World Bridge
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Matilda is a graceful woman of very few words. She is mysterious and prefers to quietly watch on rather than interefering. She lives in a tiny secluded village by the outskirts of the continent, where few people come by. While the village is a popular tourist attraction, there is barely any activity besides a particular time of the year. Being a part of the immortality research, Matilda earned a parasite that gives her almost complete control over time. She can fast-forward or rewind time to her will, although the more she twists time, the more exhausted she becomes. She can do this for anything, from living beings to objects. However, she judges people harshly; she will only help those she deems worthy to be given a second chance. She can be harsh and argumentative when arguing with someone about the topic, but she often holds her ground and is very difficult to convince otherwise. Matilda seems to be in complete control at all times, but deep down, she struggles to come to terms with her emotions. She never forgave Ethelred for wasting so many years of her life, and despite how lonely she has become, she refuses to communicate with the other researchers out of principle. She has since started to try to let go of the past, having gotten in touch with Ashton after his near-fatal poisoning from Crawford. Despite her best efforts, many find her intimidating and many do not dare to approach or defy her.

History wrote:Matilda found interest in science, and she was invited to the project due to her cold, calculating personality. When the group split, she was conflicted; part of her held a grudge against Ethelred for wasting so many years of everyone's lives; and part of her was relieved to finally be free of the project. Unable to understand how she felt, Matilda secluded herself in a tiny village where few people live and visit, hoping the solitude would make her forget.

Gender: Male
Species: Cream Spots Diosol
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): N/A
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): #1|#2
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Breeding Room (Shrewdberry's Jonathan)
Lambastia World Bridge
Town of Nabias
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Matthew is blunt and often comes off as inconsiderate towards others. He is the loud, talkative twin to Jonathan, being the opposite of his twin brother. Unlike Jonathan, Matthew says what comes to mind, which often results in insults or rude comments towards strangers and friends alike. Matthew gives tough love to those he cherishes, his fear or anger turning into stress and panic. Being part of the immortality project with his brother, Matthew has a parasite of his own. Hosting the Aquarius parasite, he is capable of breathing underwater and turning his entire body into water. However, he cannot control the element itself. Matthew loves collecting things, whether they have practical use or not, and his hoarding habits is what prompted him and Jonathan to start a bazaar shop. Matthew gets very easily attached to those he cares about, and he tends to be meaner to those he loves, typically afraid to lose them at any moment. While he has a loud, dirty mouth, those who know him understand that his crude language is meant to hide a good heart.

History wrote:Jonathan and Matthew studied in chemistry and science because they had no alternative at the time. Matthew had a difficult time with his studies, but knowing that his brother Jonathan knew best, he followed his twin's advice to study science. They were both offered a chance at the immortality project, and the twins are the ones who succeeded in splitting the original Hydra gene into the thirteen unique strains.

Gender: Male
Species: Hardship Diosol
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): Solomon x Wolfgang
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: Alexandra
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests: N/A
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Michael is hyperactive and has a heart of gold matched with a strong sense of justice. He is very passive and does not let things bother him. He considers life to be too short to worry about every little thing. Michael studied genetics, finding it fascinating to mis things together to find the potential results they could create. He has a strong intellect, but he prefers to keep things simple. He became the host to the first Cancer parasite, which made Michael's body stronger than a tank. His body is capable of deflecting objects, including sharp weapons and bullets. Because of this ability, Michael is often called to handle sensitive situations where the police need to control a dangerous criminal, or when firemen need help evacuating people from a building. He will help with any dangerous and urgent situations they give him, making his schedule fairly unstable and unpredictable. He lives in a village up north with Alexandra, his girlfriend, whom he met in the days of the group research. In his free time, he enjoys spending time with his girlfriend or spending his time exercising and training. He enjoys any kind of sport, and he has a hard time sitting still.

Noteworthy Details wrote:Michael looks much younger than he is. He also has a noticeable scar over his face, with a few others across his body.

History wrote:Michael was raised by his mother after his father left them for a younger woman. His mother found ways to raise her son until a burglar broke into their home. Michael's mother died trying to protect him, and the criminal stole valuable items from the house before kidnapping a young Michael. The criminal put Michael through physical and psychological abuse, being violent towards him and unloving. Michael was brought back to his father when the police found the burglar and arrested him for his crimes. However, Michael's father admitted to the boy being a mistake, and he refused to take care of his son. The police were forced to put Michael up for adoption, and he was later adopted by a loving family. Because of what he went through, Michael was determined to become a stronger and better person in order to protect those who cannot protect themselves. Being small, he did not qualify for the height and weight standards of the police force. Instead, Michael decided to study science and genetics. His eagerness and determined to help others is what lead him to be invited to join Ethelred's research group. That was where he met Alexandra, whom he often protected from the other scientists that had the habit of picking on her. He grew to appreciate her determination to fight and overcome her fears, and this spurred Michael to spend more time with Alexandra in order to help her achieve those goals. When the group split, Michael had little opinion on the matter. He was happy to start a new life with Alexandra, hoping to find a job in helping others in society.

Gender: Male
Species: Half Diosol
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): Crawford x Agnes
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests: N/A
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Shawn is very reserved and somewhat anti-social. While not exactly shy, he finds it hard to trust strangers, mostly because he has always felt different from everyone else. Living alone with his father Crawford, he has been taught his father's ways, and he is constantly being drilled to follow in Crawford's footsteps. He feels like his life is missing something that he used to have, but that was taken from him, but he cannot find out what it is, leaving him constantly searching for it. He feels like his memories are missing a part of his childhood, but he is incapable of forcing himself to remember. Shawn is always tormented by himself and the conditions he lives in, where he wants to find the empty pieces of his memories, but without knowing where to start. He finds Eleanor to be a good friend, and he finds her company comforting. He is trying to become friendlier towards others, but his father's ever-watching eyes prevent him from socializing. The only friend he has been permitted to see is Eleanor, and while Shawn does not understand why she is the only one Crawford finds acceptable, he takes the opportunity to finally have someone to call a friend.

History wrote:Shawn is the son born from Crawford and Agnes via in vitro fertilization. Unbeknownst to Ashton and Agnes, Shawn was raised as their son, together with his half-brother Harvey, before he was kidnapped by Crawford. With his ability to create poisons, Crawford altered Shawn's memories so he would forget about being raised by Ashton and Agnes, as well as any memories he had of his half-brother. To this day, Crawford is raising Shawn to be a pawn in his game to ruin Ashton and his family, aiming to use him as an emotional hostage against the family once the time is right. However, Shawn is completely unaware of his father's plans, only seeing him as strict and authoritative.

Gender: Male
Species: Arctic Kuhna
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): Barlow x Skylar
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Breeding Room (Thunder's Terana)
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Tengiz is the avatar of the Yuunu Seas. He controls the weather and the sea, helping travelers cross the frozen waters or the raging storms. Tengiz looks like a live Kuhna, but he considers himself to be a spirit rather than an organic Kuhna. He rarely interacts with living creatures, as his duty is solely to protect the travelers and to help them travel across the Yuunu Sea safely. However, at times, his loneliness and his curiosity overwhelm him, and Tengiz tries to interact with the travelers. While some react more positively than others, he is always fascinated by what they can tell him and show him, as he cannot leave the Yuunu Sea; or else his powers disappear until he returns. Because of how little he interacts with others, he is a little detached from his emotions, and he sometimes speaks awkwardly. After the initial meeting, many will find him to be sweet and child-like in his curiosity and wonder.

Noteworthy Details wrote:Tengiz looks like a regular Kuhna, but when his powers are in effect, the ripples and waves on his fur shift and move as if his body were made of water.

History wrote:Tengiz is the manifestation and protector of the Yuunu Sea, and he is part of an entire society of pets who were created with the duty to protect their own respective areas in the world of Evelon.

Gender: Male
Species: Nuvuldan Kuhna
Business: Stellar
Lineage (Blood): Concerto x Allison
Lineage (Plot): N/A
Significant Other: N/A
Children (Blood): N/A
Children (Plot): N/A
Taste Tests:
Lamenolai, City of the Guardians
Ocular Checkups: N/A

Resume wrote:Vincent is a creature capable of controlling time and space, and he is one of the head butlers working under King Koniglitch, together with Laurence and Dexter. He is the most aggressive and powerful of the three butlers, and the one who leads attacks and assaults against invading enemies. He is quick to jump to conclusions, and he lets his emotions rule his decisions, rarely opting for the most logical and for the safest option. He sometimes takes control in place of Laurence, but he is quickly put back in his place. He thinks little of Koniglitch's situation, but he has grown relatively close to Koniglitch as they share some time together, with Vincent being the most social of the three butlers. He is the first to enjoy a game with Koniglitch, and the first to motivate him to go outside into the kingdom.
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[* Others II

Postby Jaykobell » 04/07/2015 12:36 AM

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[* Hiatus Characters

Postby Jaykobell » 04/07/2015 12:37 AM

Hiatus wrote:Image
Aldric Lionspring


Fall Alender


Mynol (Isak x Narills)
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[* Extras I

Postby Jaykobell » 04/07/2015 12:38 AM

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