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Artificial Personal Lovers (Lifemate Search) [12/29]

Postby ToxicShadow » 05/30/2015 4:50 AM

Artificial Personal Lovers, otherwise known as APLs, are products of the Love Me Corporation. They are essentially companionship, love and sex robots, all in one. They are incredibly lifelike, having their own thoughts and able to develop their own feelings. If one does not know any better, they blend in as a regular ol' human, no one the wiser. Under certain circumstances, they are, strangely, even able to reproduce.

They are a companion that is useful for many things, capable of playing the perfect role of spouse, lover, girlfriend, boyfriend, maid, anything, really, although their primary purpose is to be an intimate companion. They can even hold down their own jobs.

[More in depth information here]

In order to introduce the APLs into the market and gather data to perfect their products, the Love Me Corporation is raffling off the prototype APLs periodically. In order to enter for one, one must fill out an extensive questionnaire. The answers given in the questionnaire are used to preprogram the APL to the winner's specifications, although the APL's advance learning software enables them to learn anything else they require.

The person that owns them is referred to as their User, and each APL can only ever have a single User. If the User no longer wishes to keep them, they are returned to the Corporation,  deactivated, disassembled and their parts are requisitioned to fill other APL orders. In human terms, that specific APL dies.

In essence, aspects of these characters are made to fit their User, although each of them are already unique and have some of their own quirks already, character-wise. They are intended to be totally absorbed into their User's plot, be that a simple lifestyle, one hunting demons, or living the life of a vampire overlord. You know, basically, anything that is intelligent enough to enter to win an APL (even as a joke or to use them for something else, they don't have to truly want to have a romantic or intimate interest at the get go), can have one, and the APL's character fits right in with anything the User wants or needs. Gender, or lack there of, of their User is not important. Male, female, both, other, neither, somewhere in between, it does not matter to an APL.

Here are the APLs I have designed so far. So throw characters at me! And, please, don't be afraid to throw characters even if another person is intersted. I'm hoping to select partners for my pets that I feel really inspire me. (You could say these babies are my effort to really get myself into roleplaying right now.)


Artificial Personal Lover Prototype Chi B6I, CHI

CHI was the last female prototype APL created and she is honest to a fault. She is the sort of person that would return to the store if they had given her too much change or turn in even a single dollar over to the police if she found it on the ground. More than anything, she believes in people and trusts them, even if they have betrayed her in the past. This personality of hers conflicts with her own knowledge. Knowing well enough how frightening humanity can be, she still cannot lose faith in humanity. Her creator holds some concerns for her well being, knowing just how easily she can be tricked and taken advantage of because of her blind trust. Although she is a stupidly honest being, she is often uncertain and insecure and may have trouble speaking up for herself. She's the sort of person that may make others desire to protect her.

+ Plot Ideas: My ideal character match for Chi is someone that actually doesn't really trust other people, for whatever their reasons may be. They might even be darker in nature. I imagine that, eventually, Chi's blind trust and faith in them makes them want to protect her and warm up to her. One scenario I imagined was that her user doesn't sign up for an APL on their own or doesn't sign up for one seriously, so when Chi arrives, they soon try to abandon her. They could take her out somewhere and give her the classic, "Wait here and I'll be back soon," and hopes she'll get the picture, but seeing as she continues to wait and wait for them, they return for her.




Artificial Personal Lover Prototype Alpha A1Z, ALPHA [Male Custom Kuhna]

ALPHA was designed to be the start of a line of APLs created to cater to certain fetishes. In his case, unlike other APLs, he has the addition of plush cat ears and a tail. He especially loves having his ears played with and is able to control his tail as though it was an additional limb, including picking things up with it. He is more petite and shorter than the average young man, having a rather young, almost teenage boyish appearance, although his internal age is set somewhere between eighteen and twenty. In some behaviors, he is especially catlike, enjoying naps, sunbathing, and curling up in warm, comfortable places, namely, under the covers in bed. One might say his in an animal in a specific aspect and tends to give affectionate "love bites." Despite his petite form, he can be very dominant in behavior if he wants something. His skin is pale and his synthetic hair color can range between silver, black and purple.

ALPHA and ALBA were the very first two APLs created and both were activated without first being assigned a User, to perform basic tests on the APLs within the Love Me Corporation laboratory. They both know the names and faces of the Love Me Corporation owners as well as information regarding their business headquarters. Uniquely, ALPHA and ALBA view each other as brothers and refer to one another as such.




Artificial Personal Lover Prototype Beta A1X, ALBA [Male Lucain]

ALBA is beyond having sensible loyalty toward his User, his love and loyalty so incredibly strong that it may lead to his downfall. His desire to be with his User is further outshined by his desire to make his User happy and do what he believes is best for them, even if it means his own sadness, pain and destruction. He has no sense of self preservation and would likely even mutilate himself if his User requested it. Outside of these dangerous qualities or, perhaps, because of them, he is an exemplary APL. From the beginning, he was well versed in many things, from cooking with an practically endless arsenal of recipes, to sewing, medical treatments, dancing, building computers, hacking. He could aid his User with nearly any request. He's the ultimate housewife, handyman, and so much more. He especially enjoys reading, usually wearing a pair of stylish though useless glasses when he does. With his User, he also especially enjoys cuddling and doing "cute," things, like holding hands, forehead kisses and feeding the other person.

ALPHA and ALBA were the very first two APLs created and both were activated without first being assigned a User, to perform basic tests on the APLs within the Love Me Corporation laboratory. They both know the names and faces of the Love Me Corporation owners as well as information regarding their business headquarters. Uniquely, ALPHA and ALBA view each other as brothers and refer to one another as such.




Artificial Personal Lover Prototype Gamma C3T, GAMMA

GAMMA is a very special APL, whom is able to change not only his skin tone and hair color, like other APLs, but is capable of a much more dramatic change. His gender changes, even landing somewhere oddly in between or as both genders. The physical changes are not necessarily of his own free will, however. His body changes based on what he believes his User wishes. GAMMA hates this about himself, that he cannot control his own body, having been initially male. Although he is an APL, he does not wish to have to rely on anyone or to be controlled, and behaves rather independently. He is incredibly reluctant to be assigned a Registered User and so, it may be difficult to truly get close to him. He also chooses not to speak often, has the tendency to walk away when spoken to, and doesn't appear to be the best at social situations. In essence, GAMMA is fighting his initial programming with all his might.




Artificial Personal Lover Prototype Delta E2E, DEE
DEE was, originally, the only all female prototype. As the creators of the Love Me Corporation are all men that, admittedly, have very little experience with women, DEE's construction was considerably difficult. Her physical features are primarily modeled after a model (read pornography star) that willingly posed for the design team, as well as research via pornography magazines and educational medical videos. Other aspects about her came from interviewing a number of different women. Overall, she is a clever, confident woman. Think successful, attractive business woman, whom has a secret passion for homemaking. If one is looking for a meek gal that will do everything they are told, that's not DEE. She will willing voice her disagreements with her User's requests if she objects to them and it may be difficult for one to get her to fulfill their requests unless it interests her or she can be convinced to do it. A rewards system might work well for her. She tends to be rather coy, in comparison to many other APLs, in regards to certain intimate activities. And, although her programming tells her to love her User, she doesn't just want to give her true heart to anyone just because they own her.




Artificial Personal Lover Prototype Epsilon K7U, EPSILON [Male Lucain]

EPSILON was created in a similar vein as ALBA, desiring do to anything in order to make their User happy, even if it means trying to set them up with someone else. In his case, it is not nearly so bad that it might be crippling. In fact, he has an incredibly strong sense of self preservation. EPSILON is a bright, colorful character, flamboyant and excitable. He becomes extremely passionate about things and is almost endlessly optimistic. Many would consider him a bit eccentric. He enjoys fun activities, like visiting theme parks, attending and throwing parties, playing video games and making legal graffiti art. Although APL's have no reason to consume food, or a practical way of processing it, EPSILON enjoys the experience of chewing gum and blowing bubbles, actually making use of his ability to taste. He is lean and tall, with long arms and legs, but still physically fit. His synthetic hair is cut into a mohawk, but is always styled down. It's color ranges from white, bright pink, and purple.




Artificial Personal Love Prototype Zeta R9Z, ZETA [Female Lucain]

ZETA was the second attempt at making a female APL, differing in body type from the first female, DEE. She is short and petite, standing just under five feet tall, and is often compared to a doll. ZETA is incredibly insecure about her existence and is all too aware that she is a machine, not a normal living being. She is terrified that, one day, her User may no longer want her and throw her away, making her fearful of getting close to them. Although she keeps to her programming and accepts menial, basic requests, if she feels something might deepen her feelings or relationship with her User in a romantic or intimate sense, she will declare, "Error: Does not compute," over and over until her User gives up on the request. Getting close to her will be a considerably difficult task. Her complexion is pale and comparable to porcelain. Her hair is primarily either dark purple, black, or both, occasionally with bright pink or cream colored accents. She seems to adjust the color of her synthetic hair as she pleases.



[Pet form not yet designed.]

Artificial Personal Lover Prototype Theta J4K, THETA [Female undecided species]

THETA is not entirely up to standards when compared to other APLs and is considered a faulty product. She was created using some of the parts from a deactivated APL that had been heavily abused by its User, although they were unaware of the damaged parts until she was tested. She is physically weaker than the standard APL and has a faulty battery that loses charge faster then it should and sometimes loses connection, causing her to have the occasional fainting spell. She is also a little forgetful, as data that is not essential is sometimes erased without command from her secondary hard drive. Despite these faults, her creator made the decision to consider her a final product anyway, hoping for the best. Even with her faults, THETA is affectionate and sweet, hoping to have a User that loves her and will care for her even with her faults. She enjoys baking.




Artificial Personal Lover Prototype Iota V6C, IOTA

IOTA was created using the remaining functional parts from a previously abused and deactivated APL. Namely, IOTA received the primary hard drive. Although all of the previous data was supposed to have been deleted, he held onto the traumatizing events in his past as ETA. As ETA, he had initially been  reasonably happy with his User, whom had received him after a difficult break up with his long time girlfriend that had swallowed his homophobia in desperation for anything to get him through. When his User later got back together with his girlfriend, she challenged him to get rid of ETA to prove his love for her. Disgusted with himself for being swayed by a man and because he was getting rid of him anyway, viewing him only as a machine, he decided to attack ETA. ETA was tortured and mutilated by his User until he threatened to entirely destroy him. In his terrified desperation to flee, ETA accidentally killed his User. IOTA, remembering this part of his past as ETA, is overly aware of just how much stronger an APL is compared to many other living creatures and is terrified of accidentally harming his new User. While he is not so much afraid to love again, he is afraid to hurt that whom he loves, which causes him to shy away from physical contact, among other things.



[Pet form not yet designed.]

Artificial Personal Lover Prototype Sigma S8A, SIGMA [Male undecided species]

SIGMA is designed as a male APL, although he identifies with some aspects of both genders. He is capable of caring more than he probably ever should, although he is not always the most tactful in displaying his own feelings. A portion of him is afraid to lose those important to him, being all too aware just how fragile the lives of some living beings are, and how quickly someone could be lost. Knowing this, he doesn't appear to fully invest himself into his relationship, even though the real issue is that he just cares too much. Moments of his affectionate self show through, though his User may find that he is difficult to get close to, initially. When they are sick or in harm's way, however, he would do anything for them. He is incredibly competent in the tasks given to him and is willing to take up any challenge presented to him. SIGMA needs to be shown the better parts of life, to learn to appreciate life, instead of focusing on his fears.



[Pet form not yet designed.]

Artificial Personal Lover Prototype Rho G6D, RHO [Female undecided species]

RHO was created as one of a pair of a line of protection APLs, along with PSI. Their line is specifically designed to be partnered with Users that may need their protective services. They are unique in that, while other APLs have a certain limiter to their strength, to prevent them from being too much stronger than their potential mortal counterparts, they are able to grain strength and power that greatly exceeds the regular limit. Every time they partake in combat or if they or their Users experience dangerous situations, they grow stronger and more efficient at their task of protecting their User. Additional training also increases their power. In RHO's case, she particularly enjoys her existence, and everything about being an APL, including the more intimate activities. In fact, she loves physical contact. She tends to be very high energy and is not content to sit around and wait for what she wants. She takes action. RHO is also somewhat materialistic, especially fond of gifts involving pretty things she can wear.

They may act as a unit with PSI, in that they can share a single User, although it is not required.



[Pet form not yet designed.]

Artificial Personal Lover Prototype Psi I5O, PSI [Male undecided species]

PSI was created as one of a pair of a line of protection APLs, along with RHO. Their line is specifically designed to be partnered with Users that may need their protective services. They are unique in that, while other APLs have a certain limiter to their strength, to prevent them from being too much stronger than their potential mortal counterparts, they are able to grain strength and power that greatly exceeds the regular limit. Every time they partake in combat or if they or their Users experience dangerous situations, they grow stronger and more efficient at their task of protecting their User. Additional training also increases their power. PSI enjoys his task as a combatant and protector, although he seems to shy away from the more intimate duties expected of APLs. Outside of sexual relationships, he tends to his duties flawlessly. Compared to RHO, he is the considerably calmer of the two. He relies more on emotional bonds than physical bonds. He is clever, a problem solver, and can think on his feet.

They may act as a unit with RHO, in that they can share a single User, although it is not required.


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Re: Seeking A Lover? (Lifemate search for male Lucain)

Postby Freezair » 05/30/2015 5:01 AM

Ahaha, this reminds me of a plot I cooked up in my younger days, so I am all OVER this.

I could suggeeeest...

Dexter Peppermint, a hyperactive, energetic little scamp who loves sports, soccer especially. He loves the great outdoors, and is especially friendly and garrulous. He doesn't like to admit it out loud, but he's really looking in life for someone who will make him feel safe and protected. He's someone a lot of people take for a bit of a tough, independent guy, but secretly, he kind of wants to be pampered and taken care of.

I'm so cool (too bad I'm a loser).
I'm so smart (too bad I can't get anything figured out)!
I'm so brave (too bad I'm a baby).
I'm so fly
That's probably why it feels just like I'm falling for the first time!

I'm so green (it's really amazing).
I'm so clean (too bad I can't get all the dirt off of me)!
I'm so sane (It's driving me crazy)!
It's so strange
I can't believe I'm falling for the first time!

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Re: Seeking A Lover? (Lifemate search for male Lucain)

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/01/2015 9:17 PM

Thank you for showing interest, Freezy!

Dexter seems like he would be an interesting match and I would like to try my hand at plotting this sort of thing out with you. Unfortunately, this APL ended up paired with one of Crow's boys. However, I am so excited about this plot that I am going to attempt to expand it so that there are several Artificial Personal Lovers. (I even named the company that makes them. xD)

If you'd still be interested in pairing him with a different APL, I can attempt to attain an appropriate other Lucain? I might actually make (or turn this into) a whole roleplay hunt thread dedicated to the different APLs seeking partners.

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Re: Seeking A Lover? (Lifemate search for male Lucain)

Postby Freezair » 06/02/2015 2:41 AM

Hee! Yes, I'd love to get my claws in, because this plot sounds fuuuuun~ Plus, I'd love to find Dexter a lifemate. He's just one of those characters of mine who always seemed like he should have one.

I'm so cool (too bad I'm a loser).
I'm so smart (too bad I can't get anything figured out)!
I'm so brave (too bad I'm a baby).
I'm so fly
That's probably why it feels just like I'm falling for the first time!

I'm so green (it's really amazing).
I'm so clean (too bad I can't get all the dirt off of me)!
I'm so sane (It's driving me crazy)!
It's so strange
I can't believe I'm falling for the first time!

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Re: Artificial Personal Lovers (Lifemate Search!)

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/12/2015 2:51 AM

Updated with the current hoard of APL characters.

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Re: Artificial Personal Lovers (Lifemate Search!)

Postby Sarah » 06/12/2015 3:25 AM

Applying for zeta I guess.. but if you feel another pet fits better, or none, that works too :3.

Jabru is the God of death, a strange being to be applying for this sort of thing, but it is hard to find love when your busy making sure people are dead all the time. He is rather eccentric and a little bit evil. His 'day job' is fixing anything his reapers either miss or mess up. He moves rather quickly both in mind and pace so having someone who can keep up with him is good, or even having someone who can slow him down and teach him to smell the roses. Being a God makes him kind of a workaholic and he never stays in one place for long. He does his best to be funny but he thinks your mom jokes and puns are the best jokes around. When traveling he drives a little blue Prius. He is demisexual mostly because he doesn't have time to think about sex. He is looking for someone to accompany him that can make his life a little more lively. This includes traveling with him, talking to him, and performing basic tasks such as working with technology (especially the gps), calming down flustered reapers and souls, and acknowledging his terrible jokes.

Bleh I'm bad at things, if there is information I need to add please tell me <3.

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Re: Artificial Personal Lovers (Lifemate Search!)

Postby Mousen » 06/12/2015 8:15 AM

I've got a character that would probably go well with Gamma or Epsilon, depending on what mix of personalities you'd prefer.

The character is called Gin, and their original form was going to be a Temple Ablie, but I can change that to a lucain/soveris if you'd prefer (alternatively I could rent someone if you wanted to breed them together). He's an Artificial Biological Lifeform, (so an ABL for your APL). He's only a Beta model, so still has some electronic components. He works with a small crew upon the spaceship MAG-P13 (Magpie), who are always just on the wrong side of the law. They're smugglers, or pirates, or bounty hunters, just jack-of-all-trades who are always looking for opportunities to make money. They're not too immoral when it comes down to it, though. Gin is the brains of the operation, he's organized, but pretty quiet and stoic. He's pretty laid back and doesn't panic easily. He tends to manipulate people without realizing it (for instance, knowing that if he tells someone something last minute, they'll panic and get it done instead of procrastinating), and has a lot better understanding of people and social situations than people give him credit for. He just... doesn't care for anyone much, beyond the crew members of the MAG-P13. He has a very stormy relationship with his creators, refusing to go back to them when injured even though they are the best people to deal with his almost unique physiology.

He wouldn't apply to the raffle himself, one of his more excitable crewmates would apply for him in his stead, under the impression that a romantic partner (especially one that has a similar background to him) would do Gin some good.  

We’re all hysterical & going nowhere together.

C’mon rapture. Let’s go bedazzling.

Nothing gets futured without its own spitshine
& I’m already not not not not not not miraculous.

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Re: Artificial Personal Lovers (Lifemate Search!)

Postby zapdragon555 » 06/12/2015 11:12 AM

Marking my interest in Alpha and Epsilon here, I'm not at home right now but I'll edit this with my application when I get home!

EDIT: okay I'm home now here's a few ideas whoop~

For either Alpha or Epsilon, leaning towards Alpha wrote:
Laudanum Rabenda - A strange species of incubus that survives not on sex but rather on the admiration and attention of others, Laudanum abhors physical contact but absorbs the limelight like a sponge. That is, if more people paid attention to him. Despite his strict look-but-don't-touch attitude, Laudanum has a bit of a problem regarding being noticed; he's far from invisible--he's made sure of that with his bright clothing--but being a demon not of the physical realm, as soon as someone looks away from him, he fades back into the background. Think of it as the way you might think of someone you just passed on the street. Sure, they might have occupied your attention for a moment, you might have noticed the color of their shirt, but once you pass them, you never give them a second thought. Laudanum detests this, and will sometimes go to great lengths to make someone remember him, sometimes offering himself physically or even using violence. Being asexual, he deeply prefers the latter, but finds the former to win him more "friends." Laudanum is actually a very troubled person, acting extremely haughty and conceited to cover up the fact that he is incredibly lonely and terrified of being forgotten.

It'd be very likely that Laudanum would want to acquire one of these robots if only for the emotional love; could be interesting if the robot is confused about Laudanum's wants, and honestly Laud is just kind of hard to deal with anyway, so it might be some fun conflict. xD  Alpha might be better simply because his personality sounds like it would counteract more interestingly with Laud's. xD

For either Epsilon or Gamma or Alpha, leaning towards Epsilon or Gamma wrote:
Nikolai Funar - Full personality isn't quite typed up yet, but essentially, he himself is a robot designed to be a bounty hunter / vigilante, and he rides a horse throughout deserty areas to find bands of thieves and cutthroats to exterminate. This RP might be fun with Gamma, give that he doesn't want to be an APL, Nikolai would reach out to him as a fellow robot and ask him to join him, perhaps. That is, if Gamma suddenly found himself in the same town as Nikolai. xD Nikolai himself is cold and removed, seeming utterly heartless when it comes to killing, but a robot with feelings like Gamma would really throw him for a loop. Alternatively, all aforementioned except with bouncy bubbly Epsilon, which could be hilarious. xD

For any of them, really, but likely Alpha or Epsilon wrote:
Wesley Harper - Full personality isn't quite typed up yet; Wes is a cosmic and nature enthusiast who is incredibly meek and tends to get walked on quite a bit. He was the first boyfriend of my other Lucain Narcyz, but something really bad happened in their relationship and Wes broke it off, breaking his own heart in the process but ultimately freeing himself of that toxicity. But afterwards, Wes would likely be very emotionally compromised and lonely and impulsive, and thus might buy one of these APLs if he could afford it, just as something to try to take Narcyz's place and make his troubles go away for as long as he could forget about them. :') Lolol but I think Alpha might be best for this one, just based on personality, but regardless I would prefer a male since he'd be kinda half-pretending that it's Narcyz, or rather some kind of idealized version of such ahaha.

But there will come a time
You'll see, with no more tears
And love will not break your heart
But dismiss your fears
Get over your hill and see
What you find there
With grace in your heart
And flowers in your hair

"Tomorrow will be a good day."

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Re: Artificial Personal Lovers (Lifemate Search!)

Postby SpringsSong » 06/12/2015 11:49 AM

I'd be interested in throwing someone at DEE. o3o Let's see here...


First, I can offer Lykke.  Daughter of a Goddess from another realm and a king of demons, she's never really felt quite... accepted.  She left her mother's clan when she was old enough to manage on her own, but would never admit that she would feel lonely or in need of a companion.

EDIT: Okay so now that I'm finally able to write stuff and have the muse to do so... I also have several blank Kuhnas and one Lucain that I could offer up. o3o But, they are presently blank slates, so... yeah. ^^;
Maybe I'm foolish, maybe I'm blind
Thinking I can see through this to see what's behind
Got no way to prove it, so maybe I'm lying
Take a look in the mirror, what do you see
Can you see it clearer, or are you deceived in what you believe?
Don't ask my opinion, don't ask me to lie
Then beg for forgiveness for making you cry
'cause I'm no prophet or Messiah
You should go looking somewhere higher

I'm only human, I make mistakes
I'm only human, I do what I can
I'm only human, that's all it takes to put the blame on me

Don't put the blame on me

"Human", Rag'n'Bone Man

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Re: Artificial Personal Lovers (Lifemate Search!)

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/17/2015 10:41 PM

Added three more APL characters, these ones without set species, so Kuhnas, Lucain, Paragon, Soveris, or Diosol can all apply to these. They will end up being made the same species as their Users.

And, on that note, I suppose I should have said that I would prefer an APL's User to be the same species as the APL, just to make things flow a little more clearly.

Sarah: I do rather like Jabru's character, although I don't think Zeta would be an appropriate match for him. She just seems too innocent and difficult to be with him? =/;

Mousen: Gin seems really interesting, although I'm not sure if Gamma or Epsilon would mesh better with him. I want to lean toward Gamma, perhaps, just because an airship makes me think of Gamma. I'm not entirely, sure, though.

Zap: Given that I want to stick to the same species of things, some pairings wont work out for that reason. For Laudanum, I think Dee might be more suitable? I do somewhat like Nikolai, although APLs are not typically activated until they are assigned a User, so one would not just be wandering around. I'm also afraid I'm not too fond of the idea that Wesley would essentially be pretending their APL is someone else. It makes me kind of sad. xD;

Spring: I'm not sure what the plot with Lykke would be like, so if you have any specific ideas, I'd like to hear them? I also waited awhile for you to edit with other suggestions, but yeah. xD;

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Re: Artificial Personal Lovers (Lifemate Search!)

Postby SpringsSong » 06/17/2015 11:25 PM

Yeah, my brain and muse have been rather fickle lately. >w<; Perhaps, as a start, Lykke could simply be looking for a companion to keep her company (since she's used to having a whole group of friends, and when she left to see how the human side lives, her friends decided to stay), and then things go from there?  Aside from being one of my "Children of the Pantheon", I didn't have a whole lot of information on her.

There's also this gal I could offer up, who's a bit more on the independent side of things.  Doesn't like to ask for help, doesn't think she needs anyone by her side--honestly thinks that she's better off alone than with someone at her side--and so on and so forth.

Sorry if that's ramble-y, my head is not wanting to stay on one topic for some reason.
Maybe I'm foolish, maybe I'm blind
Thinking I can see through this to see what's behind
Got no way to prove it, so maybe I'm lying
Take a look in the mirror, what do you see
Can you see it clearer, or are you deceived in what you believe?
Don't ask my opinion, don't ask me to lie
Then beg for forgiveness for making you cry
'cause I'm no prophet or Messiah
You should go looking somewhere higher

I'm only human, I make mistakes
I'm only human, I do what I can
I'm only human, that's all it takes to put the blame on me

Don't put the blame on me

"Human", Rag'n'Bone Man

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Re: Artificial Personal Lovers (Lifemate Search!)

Postby crow » 06/17/2015 11:51 PM

(placeholder; he's supposed to be an offspring custom but I'm waiting for that breeding to wrap)

Throwing Ji-tae at Alpha, Theta or Iota... Or anyone suitable I guess? But his final form is going to be a Kuhna, so there's that.

He runs a service where you can call him to do any errand within reason (nothing illegal, nothing sexual, etc.), but due to his good looks he gets asked to pose as a boyfriend a lot, often to instigate a break-up. He's a very romantic soul, but for some reason he's only experienced one-sided feelings his entire life, some of which were quite painful. He's determined not to lose hope though. He's generally sweet, earnest and a little naive, due to being sheltered by his older sister his entire life. He's a little sensitive about his appearance, actually, since that's all anyone ever notices about him and he's worried that they're all he has going for him in life. Plus the couple of times he's managed to date anyone, he's found out later that they were only interested in his looks.

With Theta or Iota, I was thinking he once encountered of the original APL they were made from and developed a crush, and has been looking for them ever since. With Alpha, he has the advantage of being loosely connected to Embry (Ji-tae and Embry are part of the same plotverse, though they're a few degrees removed) so there's a good chance of the two of them meeting up. He might even have applied to the APL site after seeing the dismantled APL only to get Alpha instead, maybe? I'm not sure; it really depends on who you think he'd work best with, if anyone.
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Re: Artificial Personal Lovers (Lifemate Search!)

Postby Mousen » 06/18/2015 4:27 AM

Well, I was thinking Gamma would be the better match too. I'm assuming you'd like Gin to be a soveris too? It'll take a little bit of time, but I should be able to get a palette potion and breed something suitable?

That being said, instead of rambling here, I'll PM you with some ideas? owo?

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Re: Artificial Personal Lovers (Lifemate Search!)

Postby Sarah » 06/18/2015 11:43 AM

Yeah, I was very unsure on who to apply for haha :oops: . Are there any that you feel might fit?

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Re: Artificial Personal Lovers (Lifemate Search!)

Postby Kyrit » 06/28/2015 4:01 AM

Welp, now I'm here because you made me read about APLs for ALPHA and now I'm interested. =|

I'll start out with two different options for GAMMA that I think might be interesting, due to their genders as well.

Dr. Naren Aethart; Perfers the term intergender. Naren is typically reclusive, not wanting to deal with other people for what they might thing of them. I don't have anything written up for the character, but yeah. Looks very feminine, but stuck with a few male parts and traits. Very wary of talking to anyone for fear of judgement. I feel like they'd be a good pair for GAMMA based on knowing what it's like to have people force their gender opinions on them and would be very accepting of the fact GAMMA prefers a male form.

Sesnea/Friel; This one interests me for a different reason. There are two entities inhabiting this body. Sesnea is a human woman, while Friel is a male Seraphim she found mortally wounded. To save his life, she agreed to become his bond, meaning he is now part of her. They share a single body, including all functions of it. If Sesnea is resting, Friel has full control of the body. The opposite is of course the same, though Friel does not often need rest, being a Seraphim. There are also situations where one can force control of the body, though for the most part Friel gives Sesnea full control of the body. Despite being bound to a human body, he still hunts for Chaos and often times gets her injured since her body is much weaker than his original one was. I feel like Sesnea could understand GAMMA since she has to deal with having her own feelings as well as those of a male Seraphim trapped inside of her.

I might be back to throw more requests your way when it's not 3 am. Especially since it looks like Mousen might have already possibly snagged Gamma. XD
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