These woods are nice for a casual walk or even if you have a more adventurous urge. Bubbling hot springs lie just around the bend, fruits can be found to suit every taste bud, and rumor has it there are talking Tali who can speak Lambastian! (+2 Precision)

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Re: Sera and Felicita (Private)

Postby amanda784 » 07/22/2015 4:16 AM

Felicita did her best to see her mom. She hummed the lullaby she knew so well inside her head. For some reason the harder she tried to picture her mom hovering over her and singing that lullaby the more she saw Sera. The way Sera protected her and provided for her. Almost more of a mother than a big sister. Of course, Sera was not old enough to be her mother, but she was still the only mother figure Felicita had ever known.
Finally she gave up. Maybe she would have better luck picturing their father.
"And what about dad?" asked Felicita.
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Re: Sera and Felicita (Private)

Postby amanda784 » 07/22/2015 4:21 AM

"Dad was the opposite," said Sera. "Oh, don't get me wrong. He loved us just as much as mom, maybe even more! He just, well he showed it in a different way. He was a great and mighty hunter. He would leave early morning and not come home until almost dark. However, he never came home empty handed. He would even bring back more to share to the not-so-fortunate Khuna's who didn't catch anything. He loved to provide, because he loved us."
Sera wanted the family she made up in her head so bad. She had started this lie that now hurt her. It hurt to know it was a lie when the family she described is the family she wanted.
"Oh and what did dad look like?" Sera went on, "He had a black coat with dark purple markings. These allowed him to blend into the darkness. That's probably why he stayed out so late hunting. He could blend in perfectly with the night. One of his eyes was dark brown and one extremely light blue. They used to say that everything on him blended into the night except that blue eye."
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Re: Sera and Felicita (Private)

Postby amanda784 » 07/22/2015 8:21 PM

Felicita let out a long sigh. She was beginning to enjoy the stories Sera told. How long had it been since they had seen their parents? What happened too them? Why had the disappeared? Would they ever see them again? These questions made it impossible for Felicita to sleep.
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Re: Sera and Felicita (Private)

Postby amanda784 » 07/22/2015 8:38 PM

Sera's lies had become easier to tell. The comfort she got from them seemed ultimately worth it. When she was telling those lies she got to act like she had a family. Oh, how she wished it was true.
"Well I suppose all others questions can wait til tomorrow," yawned Sera.
With that, she laid down and shut her eyes. Before to long, she was asleep, dreaming about her made up family.
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Re: Sera and Felicita (Private)

Postby amanda784 » 07/22/2015 8:40 PM

Felicita kept going over Sera's words in  her head. Why couldn't she picture her parents? Sure she could imagine Khunas like the one Sera had described, but nothing Felicita made up quite fit what Sera described. Sera's descriptions were perfect, but was any Khuna truly perfect? Surely there was a reason why their parents left, wasn't there?
Felicita's heart sank suddenly. What if I'm the reason?
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Re: Sera and Felicita (Private)

Postby amanda784 » 07/23/2015 2:47 AM

The sun shone into the oak tree waking up Sera.

I could really use the head start on hunting if I'm going to be doing it the right way.

She crept silently out, trying not wake Felicita. She made her way to her usual spot, the clearing and crouched behind a bush. Now it was time for the hard part. Waiting. Sera flexed her muscles and got into an extremely low crouch. She was ready.
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Re: Sera and Felicita (Private)

Postby amanda784 » 07/23/2015 2:50 AM

Felicita awoke alone in the oak tree. She hadn't slept much last night, her thoughts still disturbing her. However the day had started and there was a lot to do. She walked, half asleep, down to the stream. She dove in, immediately feeling refreshed. Today the fish she swam with all seemed dull. They were swimming, but not really going anywhere. Today was a good day to fish.
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Re: Sera and Felicita (Private)

Postby amanda784 » 07/23/2015 2:53 AM

A few hours passed and Sera had collected three squirrels. There was a smile across her face and the sun still high in the sky.

We only need one squirrel... I could go to the market. Felicita sounded like she really wanted some Key Stones.

Sera turned towards the market and stared walking. She was determined to get Key Stones for her.
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Re: Sera and Felicita (Private)

Postby amanda784 » 07/24/2015 2:46 AM

Felicita caught for four fish and could have easily caught more. However, there was no point in catching more since no more would fit in her basket.

"Uhg," Felicita complained, "I should have made another basket."

It was true she was at the stream now and could easily weave another, but it was starting to get late and Felicita wanted to go to the market. She figured one fish for her, one for Sera and the other two get sold.
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Re: Sera and Felicita (Private)

Postby amanda784 » 07/24/2015 2:52 AM

"Yes well I could get 3 Key Stones across town for JUST one!" Sera argued. She wasn't sure if it was a true statement, but it was haggling. The grumpy Lucain had just offered her 3 key stones for both squirrels and Sera wanted to see if she could push him any higher.

"I'll tell you what," coaxed Sera, "To save myself the walk I'll take 5 key stones for both of 'em. We got a deal?"

The deal was done and Sera was 5 key stones richer.

Felicita will be so happy, thought Sera.
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Re: Sera and Felicita (Private)

Postby amanda784 » 07/24/2015 3:04 AM

Felicita was down a fish and hadn't even gotten into the market yet. At the entrance there was a Lucain with one leg bandaged. On one side of him there was a small and very young Khuna on the other was an empty tin cup and a sign that read:

In need of food or money. Unable to work and have two to feed

To be honest, Felicita thought the young Khuna may be better off at the orphanage up the road. But she understood what it was like to lose someone you love. If she had the choice to stay with her parents, even if they weren't able to provide, then she would have chosen to.

"Here," said Felicita, "This is the biggest fish I caught."

The beggar and the boys eyes grew wide and bright. Felicita noticed that although they both looked hungry, the boy was obviously better fed than the beggar.

"Take care," said Felicita.

There was no thanks given. Instead the beggar grabbed Felicita by the hand and closed his eyes. Felicita was too scared to move. After what seemed liked ages; which in reality was only moments, the man opened his eyes and spoke.

"Ahhh your past is not what you think it to be, but the fog of lies will soon clear away to truth. Just know, everything that happened and everything that will has purpose and meaning for who you will become."
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Re: Sera and Felicita (Private)

Postby amanda784 » 07/24/2015 3:06 AM

Sera headed home with a smile on her face. She was finally taking care of Felicita the way she should. She arrived back at the oak tree to find it empty. It was getting dark and Sera was getting worried.

Should I look for her? Sera wondered. She hated to be the first one home.
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Re: Sera and Felicita (Private)

Postby amanda784 » 07/24/2015 3:09 AM

Felicita was very shaken and took the first offer for a measly one key stone for a fish.

Was it true? Had Sera been lying about her past? It would explain why every time she tried to picture her parents she pictured Sera...but would Sera lie to her? No, of course she wouldn't! In fact, there was something Felicita remembered about her mother. Her lullabies. There was no possible way Sera was lying to her. The man was just old, tired, and crazy, very crazy.

...or at least, that is what Felicita thought then.
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Re: Sera and Felicita (Private)

Postby amanda784 » 07/24/2015 3:14 AM

Sera set her mind on skinning the meat and dividing it into somewhat equal portions (more for Felicita of course). She then hung the pelt out to dry. Remembering the fox from yesterday she laid that pelt out too. Instead of worrying about Felicita she decided to sit and think of uses for the pelt.

Hmm... most use it for a blanket...and it would make a great gift for Felicita. I could use it as a rug to make the ground a little softer...and warmer... the ideas came rushing, Oh! I could use it to cover the opening so it doesn't get so darn cold inside the oak tree!

And with that, it was decided. Although, the pelt would not be completely dry for quite some time. The sun had almost completely left the sky.

Why wasn't Felicita home yet?
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Re: Sera and Felicita (Private)

Postby amanda784 » 07/24/2015 3:20 AM

"I'm here!" yelled out Felicita as soon as she was close enough to the oak tree. "I've brought home fish and a key stone from market!"

Felicita guessed Sera was worried. Sera always hated when Felicita was out late, but that was only because she cared. It's true Felicita wanted her mother and father back, but in all honesty Sera was the only family she needed.

Felicita noticed the fox pelt lying out to dry. "Why a fox? I do like fox meat, but twice in a row?"
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