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Re: Lonely Hearts, Idle Hands [Ari/Kitsumi]{M:E}

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 08/04/2015 11:46 PM

The effect on Edge was instantaneous. His shoulders were the first thing to relax, then his back and arms. A calm, peaceful look smoothed over his features, and he gave a little smile at the sound. Obviously, this was definitely the way to deal with Edge's White Coat Syndrome. He remained pressed there against Donnie with his eyes closed, breathing starting to even out. Eden chuckled a bit, then put his hand on Donovan's knee, explaining.

"Edge has always had a bad case of White Coat Syndrome. Not... entirely sure where it came from, even. From before his cardiophilia, surely. Seems like you've got a handle on it, though... I've never seen him calm down so quickly." He backed up a bit when Donnie stood up, and nodded a bit.

The way Edge was pressed against Donovan's side showed that... he wasn't quite over his fear yet. Even if he had calmed down a considerable bit, he still didn't let go of the boy, or make a move to sit back on the couch, until Donnie had fully stood up. He swallowed, and looked down a bit. "Y-you go first." he murmured.

Eden was already off on the other side of the room, getting a clipboard from a drawer, as well as a couple of blank sheets of paper from the fax machine, and one of those smooth-write pens that was supposed to write even underwater and upside-down. Considering there was a drug name on it, it had probably been a promotional thing... or Edge had stolen it. Whatever the case, Eden tucked it into his pocket, and wheeled back to the others, with the clipboard and paper on his lap. He also paused to snag a small box from a shelf underneath the kitchen counter, pulling it onto his lap as well - before setting it on the coffee-table once he got back to them.

"If you're going first, Donnie, I need you to take those sensors off your chest. You can put a shirt on if you like. I'm not going to be taking blood, because I don't have the equipment here, but I'd like to do blood-pressure, so if you do put on a shirt, roll up your sleeve a bit."
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Re: Lonely Hearts, Idle Hands [Ari/Kitsumi]{M:E}

Postby Kitsumi » 08/05/2015 1:33 PM

It was exactly the reaction Donovan had been hoping for. Edge was relaxing, and that meant that the boy's instincts had been right. The sound of his heartbeat had been enough to both distract and calm. It was good to know, and Donovan would make sure to remember this for later times. He gave Edge a quick squeeze, smiling down at him.

"I'm a little afraid of dentists myself, although for some reason normal doctors never bothered me." Donovan admitted. "You'd be surprised how often I brush my teeth just to keep from having to see a dentist." He ran his fingers along Edge's spine, and then began moving his hand in soothing circles on the other man's back. "I'm glad I could help. Maybe the recording of my heartbeat would come in handy during the actual doctor's appointment? Since I don't really think the doctor would like me getting in the way to let you listen to the actual thing, Edge."

He wrapped his arm around Edge's waist, keeping the two of them close. He could tell that his boyfriend was still afraid, and he was determined to do what he could to help alleviate the fear. "Okay, no problem. Do you want to watch? I'm sure you know what goes on, but it might help you to watch someone else get examined." He hoped that if Edge would see him being brave and cheerful through the once-over, then it might help Edge realize that it was going to be okay when it was his turn.

Glancing over at the discarded shirt, Donovan grimaced slightly. "I'd rather not put that back was borrowed from Jared. So unless Edge has anything I can wear, I'm fine without a shirt. Unless it makes you uncomfortable." He was already busying his hands with the sensors, trying to carefully remove them and handing them over to Edge. The thought of donning one of his boyfriend's shirts was appealing, but he still felt a bit nervous about asking for things, afraid he would seem needy or demanding. He was already pretty sure that he would be practically swimming in any of Edge's clothes, with his tiny physique.

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Re: Lonely Hearts, Idle Hands [Ari/Kitsumi]{M:E}

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 08/05/2015 5:55 PM

Eden held up a finger, then disappeared into the laundry room for a moment... coming out with a freshly laundered, folded, collared, short-sleeved shirt, which he unfolded and showed to Donnie. It was light gray, and had 'Dance to the Beat' on it, with the design of an ECG line worked into the text, and a stylized heart after the word 'Beat'. It was probably referring to music, but Donovan and Eden probably knew why he even had it. Eden brought it over, and tossed it at Donnie.

"This one's one of his old shirts. It's not a broad in the shoulders, and should fit. Plus, it has a zip-up neck and chest. I remember Edge used it wear it unzipped almost down to his navel."

Edge blushed profusely. "I liked that shirt, okay? And... um... I liked... wearing it that way." He buried his head in his boyfriend's side, and muttered something incoherent about skin.

Quietly, Eden chuckled, and went to pick up the other shirt, pausing to make sure Donovan was watching... then deliberately tearing it into neat, fine strips. "This is going to be perfect for doing dishes with." he said, the hint of a malicious grin on his face. "Go ahead and slip that other shirt on, leave it unzipped a little so I can slide my hand over your chest from the collar. Or, I can come up underneath - either way."

Even though he was still shaking a little, Edge had calmed down enough that he wasn't practically bruising Donovan with how tight he was holding him. His breathing had started to even out a bit more, and he smiled up at him after a while. "I'd... like that. To have your heartbeat in my headphones while the doc's... going over me." he said softly. "But... you've got to let me record it tonight. When you're sleeping next to me... okay?"

For a moment, Eden watched them, then he snapped. "I have an idea, actually. Edge, you remember that virtual patient program that Ryden was working on? I actually have a prototype here on my phone. If you use a set of your 'spy earbuds' and program them to pick up the program... I could do a thorough cardiac exam on Donovan, and upload the information to the private server, then transfer it to your phone. You could feel like he's in the room with you."

Edge brightened a bit. "That... sounds really awesome. I didn't know Ryden had finished it. ... Donnie? Are you okay with that? I wouldn't make you do anything you weren't okay with."
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Re: Lonely Hearts, Idle Hands [Ari/Kitsumi]{M:E}

Postby Kitsumi » 08/05/2015 7:14 PM

At first, Donovan assumed that Eden was going to get some medical equipment from somewhere else in Edge's apartment. But when he returned with a shirt, Donovan was glad. He was doing a good job of hiding it, but he was actually very self conscious of his body. And seeing that it was a shirt that obviously had meaning to Edge - he grinned when he noticed the shirt's design - made him want to wear it even more.

"Thanks," he said as he took the shirt. Brushing his finger's through Edge's hair, he chuckled slightly. "I bet you looked super sexy in it. I doubt I'll look anywhere near as good as you did in it." As he slipped into the shirt, he kept the zipper down so it would be easier to slide the material over his head and shoulders. Once the shirt was actually on though, he pulled the zipper a little over halfway up. It made him feel a bit more comfortable now that he was at least wearing something over his torso.

Donovan nodded when he saw Eden ripping up the shirt. "I don't quite care what it's used for - as long as I don't have to see it whole again. The design was nice enough, but it probably would have just reminded me of that asshole." He motioned the the strip of skin revealed by the slightly lowered position of the zipper. "Is this enough? Or should I unzip it a bit more?"

He still wasn't sure how exactly the program worked, or what 'spy earbuds' even were. But Donovan nodded enthusiastically. "Sure, I'm fine with it. I want to do anything I can that will help you." He held Edge's face in his hands and gave him a sweet peck on the lips, just long enough to show that he cared but hopefully not long enough to bother Eden with the display of affection.

"Okay," he said, turning to face Eden. "So, how do we start?"

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Re: Lonely Hearts, Idle Hands [Ari/Kitsumi]{M:E}

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 08/05/2015 8:33 PM

"Alright, I'll need you to lay down." Eden said, gesturing to the other couch. "I'll convert this, one moment. But then I need you to lay flat, and keep still. Edge, get the ECG out of the closet? We'll run one of those while I get your pulse oxygen." He smiled at Donovan. "Don't take your shirt off, I can just inch it up so I can place the leads."

He withdrew his phone out of a bag on the wheelchair, and swiped a few things open, wheeling over to show Donovan. What he saw was a blank-slate. A formless, although male, figure, with several blank 'monitors' on the side. "This is the program. Our friend Ryden was working on it for me. This is where I input your data. See, I hook up a jack to my phone... after it's plugged in, because it takes a lot of power... and then we'll hook you up to the ECG for about ten or twenty minutes. Once it's got that, it can extrapolate the normal heart-rhythm. Which is what we want."

Edge smiled, and let go of Donovan long enough to get up, headed to the closet, and pushing out a cart with a machine on it. Attached to it were leads similar to what Donnie had just taken off, only these were still wired, and a little larger. He set it up beside the couch, which Eden pulled a couple of levers on, the thing flattening into a rather respectable bed.

"Here you go. Do you think this will actually work, Eden?" Edge asked, canting his head to one side, and sitting beside Donovan again.

Eden nodded. "The tech is sound. All I need is the ECG, pulse-ox, heart-rate, blood pressure, and temperature... as well as his age, height, weight, and looks. Oh, and the sound, which I can work on inputting after the ECG. Once I've got that all patched in, it should... be at least a decent mimicry of the real thing."

Quietly, Edge muttered. "I prefer the real thing."
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Re: Lonely Hearts, Idle Hands [Ari/Kitsumi]{M:E}

Postby Kitsumi » 08/07/2015 2:31 PM

Any worries that Donovan had earlier had about a 'replacement' were gone when he looked at Eden's phone. "Whoa, that's pretty cool!" He grinned as he continued studying what Eden was showing him for a few moments longer. "So right now that's just a blank slate, right? It'll change to be, well, more like me? Once we give it the information it needs, I mean." He rolled his weight onto the tips of his toes, then back down on his heels, fidgeting. He was surprised to find that he was actually excited to see how this thing worked.

Walking closer to the couch, Donovan waited until it had been flattened before laying down. He rested one arm under his head as a pillow, but left the other arm dangling towards the floor. He wasn't sure if both arms would be needed or if only one was necessary, to get details like his blood pressure. Eden would surely guide him through the process though, so he wasn't worried.

Donovan let out a long, low whistle. "That sounds like some pretty advanced stuff, if it's going into that much detail. This Ryden guy must be pretty intelligent to have come up with something like this." He wiggled slightly, trying to get into a comfortable position.

Grinning at Edge's comment, Donovan reached out with his free arm to take his boyfriend's hand. "It's just for when I'm not around, right? Hopefully you won't have to use it too often." He brought Edge's hand to his lips and pressed a kiss to his knuckles.

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Re: Lonely Hearts, Idle Hands [Ari/Kitsumi]{M:E}

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 08/07/2015 5:52 PM

"Well, it will need to 'get to know' you first, so yeah. Once we input the data, we should be good to go." Eden said with a a nod. "The data extrapolates once you put the basics in. It's really a very complex system. Ryden has been working on it for years. Ever since he entered medschool, I believe."

Edge rose for a moment to go get something out of the larger room adjacent to the living area. He returned with a pillow that had a 'galaxy' sort of theme, and slipped it under Donovan's head. The thing was like sleeping on a cloud it was so soft. There was probably memory foam in there too. "This ought to help a bit. Don't want to lose circulation to your arm and hand." He said with a soft grin.

Once Donovan was settled, Eden wheeled over beside the bed, and started attaching the leads of the ECG to his chest. "Now, Donnie... You're going to need to keep still and quiet." he instructed. "Once I have these on, and the machine is recording into the phone, I'll go meet the pizza guy. I'm going to recommend Edge take a brief twenty-minute nap, too."

The black-haired twin nodded, and reached out to take Donnie's hand as he sat on the couch. "I can flop over right here." he muttered. "I am kinda tired, and Eden does need you quiet. I won't leave, but... I'll take a short nap."

Eden nodded. "Good. Once this thing is done recording, I'll take your blood pressure, and pulse ox. Then we can eat dinner... because I assume it'd be here by then." He chuckled.
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Re: Lonely Hearts, Idle Hands [Ari/Kitsumi]{M:E}

Postby Kitsumi » 08/08/2015 8:59 PM

//So sorry for the sucky post

"The program has taken that long to develop?" Donovan looked impressed. "That's dedication. I've never been able to stick to something for very long. Then again, I haven't ever really had anything I was really passionate about."

Smiling up at Edge, the boy on the couch settled his head on the pillow comfortably. "Mmm, this is probably the most comfortable I've ever been," he said blissfully. He thanked his boyfriend by leaning up and pressing a quick peck to his cheek. With his other arm now free, he draped it over his chest casually. His fingers tapped the area below his collarbones to a tune that he had stuck in his head.

Donovan hadn't even realized that he was tired until Eden suggested a nap. The thought alone caused him to yawn, and then smile sheepishly. "Still and problem. If I happen to fall asleep too, will that mess anything up?" He had a feeling that with Edge sleeping and Eden otherwise occupied, he'd find it difficult to stay away. If he could just get in a quick bit of sleep, he'd be able to stay up for hours. His sleeping habits weren't the healthiest, but at least they allowed him to function on little to no sleep.

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Re: Lonely Hearts, Idle Hands [Ari/Kitsumi]{M:E}

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 08/09/2015 12:50 AM

Eden shook his head a bit. "It won't mess with the results. A lot of people do actually fall asleep." He said, chuckling. "Arms at your sides, though - if you bump the leads, they could mess up." Gently, he took Donnie's hands, and placed his arms down where he needed them. "Hold still, and relax Donnie." he said, smiling at him, and pushing some hair back from his eyes. "I'll go get the pizza and stuff."

Before he wheeled away, he flicked on the switch of the machine, which was connected to his phone now. The machine went quietly to work as Eden rolled away, and shut the door behind him when he went out of it. Edge, meanwhile, still had the notion to sleep on the couch, and was curled up there, watching Donnie. "Still think you're gorgeous." he murmured, eyes half-closed. Before too long, he was fast asleep, breathing deep and even. He must have been more tired than even he had let on.

Twenty minutes passed very quietly. Whether or not Donnie had fallen asleep, Edge certainly had, and he was on his back on the couch, one arm crossed over his stomach, the other hanging off the couch, one leg up, the other down. His eyes were closed, and his head lolled to one side. When Eden came back with the boxes of pizza and set them on the counter, Edge was still out cold. Thus, the twin was very quiet when he came to stop the recording of Donnie, shake his shoulders to wake him up if he'd fallen asleep, and remove the leads.

"Has he been asleep this whole time?" he whispered. "If he has, he probably needs it. I know he's been up at godsawful hours in the morning working on something lately."

Quickly, he stored the leads, and pushed the cart back a bit so that he could get his phone, and check the data. Nodding, canted his head toward Edge. "You want to wake him up, or should I? I can make a couple of suggestions he might like..."
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Re: Lonely Hearts, Idle Hands [Ari/Kitsumi]{M:E}

Postby Kitsumi » 08/09/2015 1:11 AM

Eden seemed to have almost a similar reaction on Donovan that Edge had. He was able to calm the boy easily, and just listening to his voice made Donovan feel closer to sleep. "Okay," he said in a small voice, allowing the man to guide his arms down. Luckily he wasn't prone to fidgeting much in his sleep, unless he was having a nightmare. With his boyfriend so close, he doubted that it would be an issue this time.

Donovan's eyes began to drift shut. His muscles relaxed but he was careful not to move. Just as he was beginning to drift asleep, he heard Edge's voice. A soft smile formed on his face, but he was too close to sleep to respond. Safer and happier than he had been in several years, Donovan was finally able to take a peaceful nap.

When he felt a hand gently shaking him away, Donovan opened one eye and spotted Eden. "Mmm, has it been twenty minutes already?" He spoke softly, not wanting to wake Edge just yet. Although he yawned a couple of times while Eden removed the leads, he did feel refreshed after the nap. He'd need a solid seven or eight hours sleep eventually, but for now he was able to stretch and feel the exhaustion fade.

"I think he has been," he answered. "I hope I'll be able to convince him to actually get enough sleep, now that I'm here." Donovan had no intention of controlling Edge, but hopefully his concern would be enough to help the man realize that he needed to take better care of himself.

He grinned. "I wouldn't mind waking him, as long as he's not gonna get angry and hit me in his sleep or something." It had happened before, but that was in the past and Donovan was only joking when he said it now. "What sort of suggestions?"

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Re: Lonely Hearts, Idle Hands [Ari/Kitsumi]{M:E}

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 08/09/2015 1:40 AM

"Cold stethoscope on his chest?" Eden suggested, smirking. "Or a kiss. Either one will wake him up, and not get you accidentally punched." He grinned, and offered his own stethoscope toward Donnie. "Either one will also probably get some sort of response."

He set the instrument on the table, and started looking for the rest of the things he needed. Finding the pulse-ox meter was easy enough, it was shoved in with the collection of medical supplies... but he had to browse around a bit to find a cuff in Donnie's size, and even then, it was hidden under piles and piles of manga. Boy's Love manga, of course. Edge couldn't get enough of the stuff. He sort of tried to tidy up the stack, and put everything in its place again, while he brought the cuff over, and set it on the converted couch.

"Once you get him up - one way or the other - sit over here on this side of the 'bed' so I can get your pulse, and clip this on your finger." Eden said, motioning to the pulse-ox monitor. "Once I've got that, I'll get your blood-pressure, and we can all have a bite to eat. Although... the way Edge looks, I'm not so sure he feels all that great."
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Re: Lonely Hearts, Idle Hands [Ari/Kitsumi]{M:E}

Postby Kitsumi » 08/09/2015 5:09 PM

//more crappy posts, so sorry

With his hand clasped over his mouth to keep his laughter silent, Donovan shook his head. "No, I couldn't use a cold stethoscope! He looks too peaceful to be woken up like that." 'Peaceful' probably wasn't exactly the right word to use. Edge looked practically dead to the world.

Nodding, Donovan pushed himself up from his position and moved over to where Edge lay. His expression had become one of concern at Eden's last comment, and he studied Edge for a moment before leaning over to press a tender kiss to his lips. "Hey," he said quietly. "Are you feeling alright?" His lips moved to Edge's cheeks, then his forehead, trailing kisses.

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Re: Lonely Hearts, Idle Hands [Ari/Kitsumi]{M:E}

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 08/09/2015 7:48 PM

Edge moaned quietly, although he did kiss back. He felt a bit on the feverish side, his skin a bit flushed. However, he did arch his neck a bit when Donovan made use of his lips. When his eyes opened, they were fever-bright, and focused only on Donnie.

"Mmm... Hey yourself." he said softly. "I actually don't feel that great." he admitted, half pushing himself up, and looking around. "Twenty minutes seems to have been enough for my body to scream at me. Are you okay?" He reached up to touch Donovan's arm, and smiled at him. "Eden not giving you a hard time?"

Quietly, Eden came over, and patted Donnie's shoulder. "I wasn't giving him a hard time. But you look like you're having a hard time of it. Edge, you really need to cut out these late nights. Your immune system is shit as it is." he said, concern lacing his voice. "Does anything hurt?"

The black-haired twin shrugged. "Yeah. My head. And my stomach. My chest hurts a bit, but it's not too bad. Eden, I shouldn't be able to get sick in literally twenty minutes." he grumbled. "Isn't that like... a physical impossibility?" Reaching out for a moment, he sought Donovan's hand, and kissed the back of it, the heat from his skin radiating off of him.

"Technically? Yes. But since I'm pretty sure you've been sick for a couple of days? Not an impossibility. You finally stopped moving, so your body decided that now was a perfect time to react." He passed around behind the couch, and headed into the kitchen. "Let me get you a piece of pizza, Donnie. I don't think Edge is up to eating, but we need to."
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Re: Lonely Hearts, Idle Hands [Ari/Kitsumi]{M:E}

Postby Kitsumi » 08/09/2015 8:02 PM

Feeling the slight heat radiating from Edge worried Donovan. He turned his gaze to Eden, a silent cry for help. He barely took care of himself, so he had no idea what he could possibly do to help his boyfriend feel better. He could tell just by the way he looked that something was wrong.

"Maybe you should stay laying down," Donovan suggested. He placed an arm protectively around Edge's back, willing to help support him if he needed it. He shook his head, expression softening from worried to loving. "You're the one who looks terrible, and you're asking me how I'm doing? I'm fine, and Eden is great. But you look like you could use some more sleep. Or medicine. Or both."

He moved away from the couch just a bit, so that Eden could get a good look at Edge. He intertwined his fingers with the sick mans' and gave them a comforting squeeze. "Thanks, Eden," Donovan said. He really wasn't feeling very hungry himself now, too worried about Edge. But after Eden had gone to the trouble to order the pizzas, he wasn't about to refuse eating. Besides, he knew that the other man was right - he needed a meal even if he didn't much feel like one.

"What should we do?" He asked Eden. "Aren't you supposed to cool someone down when they have a fever? Or do you sweat it out? I think I've heard it both ways. Should we get some pain medicine or something?" His voice was beginning to take a slightly panicked tone, although it would be hard for all but the most observant of people to catch. This was his clingy side kicking in, fretting over every ailment that befell the one he cared about.

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Re: Lonely Hearts, Idle Hands [Ari/Kitsumi]{M:E}

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 08/09/2015 9:03 PM

Wheeling back over with a piece of pizza, Eden grabbed his stethoscope, switching it for the plate he was carrying. "Eat that." he told Donnie, moving toward beside Edge, and motioning for him to sit up. Edge did as he was bid without an argument, leaning forward a bit as Eden put the stethoscope on, and warmed it in his palm slightly. "If your lungs sound like shit, I'll prescribe you some meds." he told Edge softly. "If not, I want you resting. You're terrifying poor Donnie."

"Sorry, Donnie..." Edge muttered, holding still while Eden pushed up the back of his shirt, and listened. "I don't mean to scare you. I just... sort of get sick pretty easy. Because I don't..." He sighed. "I don't sleep well. Or much at all, and Eden seems to think-"

Eden interrupted. "I think you should shut up and do what I tell you so I can hear." he said, taking one of the earpieces out to give his brother a glare. "Take a few deep, slow breaths, Edge."

Doing as he was bidden, he wore a sudden look of sheepishness, although his hand reached out to seek Donnie's. He wasn't afraid, just looked... exhausted. Even his breathing sounded exhausted. At least he wasn't wincing, or making any other motions that the deep breathing hurt him.

The doctor-twin moved his stethoscope around Edge's back, listening to his lungs with a look of concentration. He pulled away after a couple of minutes, and put the stethoscope around his neck. "You sound horrid in there, Edge. How long have you be sick?" he asked, giving him a very concerned look. "I don't mean 'how long have you been self-medicating' because I don't even have to ask to know that's been going on. I mean, legitimately, how long have you been sick?"

Edge thought for a moment, and shrugged, laying back when Eden pulled his shirt back down. "I guess I started coughing a bit like... a month ago? It didn't seem like a big deal. Just a cough. Been taking cough meds for it. Stuff tastes like shit, though. Doesn't really seem to work."

To say Eden looked furious was an understatement. "A month!? You've been coughing for a month, and you didn't tell me?!" His eyes narrowed. "You're on your way to pneumonia in there, brother mine. You didn't think it might be important to tell me that you weren't feeling well? Gods, and you were out clubbing six days out of ten this week, too." Eden sighed, his anger evaporating. "It's antibiotics for you, and rest. I'll.. crash here for a couple of days. Just to make sure you don't drag yourself or Donovan into anything stupid."

He paused here, and looked over at Donnie. "Sorry, I do trust you. I just don't trust this idiot. He'll be fine. He does this at least... once every couple of months. A round of antibiotics, and some bed-rest and he'll be in top shape again. Or... well... as top as his shape gets. While I have him here, though..."

"Eden, no. No no no. I know what you're thinking, and no." Edge tried to get up, winced at his head, and flopped back down.

The other laughed a bit. "You don't have a choice, dear brother. You're out of commission, and this is a perfect time for me to examine you, and figure out what else you've been hiding. Consider it revenge."
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