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Forest of Echoes: Werecain

Postby Jaden Wolf » 09/10/2015 11:34 AM


Thief | Unfazeable | Suave

Saffron Werecain
/kaɪ'toʊ/ • Female • Orientation Unknown
Human Form

Diet: Carnivore
Element: Metal, Energy
Passive Traits: (Human Speech, Plains Dweller)
Battle Traits: (Powerful Jaws, Razzle Dazzle, Sink, Spiked Body)

Personality: Kaitou seems to have come from a distant time. With fine clothes and a fine smile, one would never suspect she'd once been a street orphan. 'Kaitou' was actually a name she gave herself, and no one knows the original - she uses apparently random aliases in public to disguise herself. She chose her name from the Japanese term for a phantom thief - that is, a mysterious thief who hasn't been caught. Her dream is to become a legendary thief and cares little about the actual riches she acquires. In order to keep herself hidden she either stashes away some of her prizes or donates them anonymously. Intelligent and fleet-footed, nothing seems to frighten her. Despite her naturally suave personality, Kaitou also seems to be a master of blending in. Of course, she would have to be, to do the things she does.

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Forest of Echoes: Yonyuu

Postby Jaden Wolf » 09/14/2015 6:24 PM

Napaea / Sakura

Tree-Spirit | Friendly | Curious

Verdure Yonyuu
/nəpaɪi:ə/ • Female • Orientation Unknown
Human Form

Diet: Carnivore, Photosynthesis
Element: Air, Earth
Passive Traits: (Aerodynamic, Forest Dweller, Photoresistant)
Battle Traits: (Entangling Roots, Flyby Attack, Wingstorm)

Personality: Napaea is the name for the Greek nymphs of the valley or the glen. However, somehow this girl was born (sprouted?) in Evelon and has never met one of her own kind. As a nymph, she can never leave the area around her tree. Given the circumstances, she never had an actual name. Friendly explorers and adventurers have told her of her kind, and she even managed to get her hands on some books about them. She knows what she is and this is why she has called herself Napaea as a member of the species. One such traveller she met, however, decided to call her Sakura instead and so all who heard of her knew her by that name instead. For a long time (she has no understanding of mortal time) she has lived in a large, beautiful meadow in the Roraldi Forests. She is actually a large cherry tree (hence why the stranger named her Sakura) in the center of the meadow, on the edge of a creek. Sometimes, she goes to the edge of the forest to stare longingly out over the Vast Plains, unable to go any farther. When a visitor comes along, she is always delighted and often asks for stories of the outside world. If one of these explorers were to describe her, they'd say Napaea or Sakura is a kindhearted, gentle pacifist.

Art: Sketchbook (PB URL)
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Fairy Beach

Postby Jaden Wolf » 09/20/2015 11:46 PM

Along the stone wall at the edge of the beach is a small opening. Roughly the size of a small door, it somehow goes unnoticed by passersby. This opening leads further into the earth, slowly curving and sloping downwards. Just as it starts to get dark, torchlight flickers ahead. The tunnel opens into a low-ceilinged room that looks like a bizarre mix between the sandy tombs and temples of Ancient Egypt and the architecture and decor of Imperial China. The room is dim, lit only by a few fragile looking but ornate braziers. The sand of the beach blows in and builds up along the cracks in the walls, adding to the mysterious aura of the place. Towards the back of the room sits an abnormally large old desk seemingly from the Qing Dynasty. Its only decoration is a small libra scale in the corner. Low chairs and tables from the same era decorate the rest of the room and a scroll rack, almost full, sits to one side. Ink and a brush sit on a table, clearly haven been used recently. Down beside the desk, almost unnoticeable, low table and chair, small enough for a child. This desk is piled with books and every free inch holds weighted down scroll paper. This dim and somewhat musty room belongs to Mai-lii, the mute keeper of Justice and Lady of the Sand. She keeps watch over many different types of creatures, but is best known for her fair judgement with creatures of competing existences. Angels and Demons, for example. A small fairy named Bianca is always found at her side and helps her with her daily tasks. Every now and then, a small stream of sand drifts down from the ceiling, making the place feel slightly unstable. But surely it's alright...right? If not, a small, barely one-person wide staircase in the back corner magically leads to a hallway in the Castle.

Mute | Impartial | Unwavering

Meaning: Of the Sea/Bitter [Irish], Shrub/Vine [Polynesian], Also derived from Mei-li (Beautiful)[Chinese]
Emotion: Justice, righteousness
Power: Sand

Closest Pet: Florana
Level 1

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Fairy Beach: Fellox

Postby Jaden Wolf » 09/21/2015 5:41 PM


Demon King | Cruel | Power-Hungry

Void Fellox
/oʊ'tʃi:'teɪ/ • Male • Hetero
Human Form

Family: Chime (Ex-mate), Kori (Son), Estelle, Naria (Daughters)
Diet: Mentivore
Element: Fire, Dark
Passive Traits: (Independent, Iron Reminder, Stoic)
Battle Traits: (Dark Heart, Spectral Strike, The Will's Connection)

History: Located here
Personality: Ochite is worthy of his title as a Demon king. He is cold, calculating, and cruel. His own children resent him (for the most part), and his subjects praise him. He demands respect and power and does terrible things to those who refuse to acknowledge that. His only goal at the moment is to secure a powerful blood heir, which he pursues at the cost of all else.
Etc: Futatsu no Kodou to Akai Tsumi by On/Off

Art: Together-by me (PB URL)


Reserved | Intelligent | Determined

Saffron Fellox
/koʊri:/ • Male • Questioning Orientation
Human Form

Family: Ochite (Father), Estelle (Younger Sister), Naria (Younger Half-Sister)
Diet: Mentivore
Element: Fire, Energy
Passive Traits: (Independent, Iron Reminder, Plains Dweller)
Battle Traits: (Razzle Dazzle, Sink, Spectral Strike)

History: Firstborn son of a Demon King, Kori was expected by all to be the heir to the throne. All but the King himself, who cared not for his two pureblood children. Knowing this, Kori was furious and sought to destroy whomever the King chose as his heir. Upon learning about the King's obsession with finding his half-mortal daughter, Kori started his own search for her. He refused to allow a half-blood, sister or not, the chance to become the heir.
Personality: Kori is very strong-willed but physically weak. Thankfully, his powers are influenced by strength of will, so physical strength hardly matters. He is quiet and usually reserved, using his mind and intellect to assess every situation before he acts. Once he has set his mind on something however, he is not easily swayed. His powers reign strongest over water though he has some influence with air as well, and he also has knowledge of ancient demon magic that his mother taught him as a boy.
Etc: Prefers to fight with magic.



Polite | Graceful | Warrior

Blossom Fellox
/est'tel/ • Female • Bi, leans toward men
Human Form

Family: Ochite (Father), Kori (Older Brother), Naria (Younger Half-Sister)
Diet: Mentivore
Element: Fire
Passive Traits: (Herbalist, Independent, Iron Reminder)
Battle Traits: (Mother Nature's Son, Spectral Strike)

History: Born the second child of a Demon King, Elle never considered herself a contender for the throne and was quite content with the life of a noble. It did not matter to her that her father never looked at her twice, or that her mother focused only on her elder brother. The only person that mattered was Kori. She stands by her brother through everything they face, and is concerned with his obsession with their apparent half-blood sister. Reluctantly, she joined him in the search but constantly tries to reassure him that not being the heir-apparent is okay.
Personality: Elle is calm and collected. As a Demon Noble, she believes it is her duty to spread evil among mortals, and will readily defend herself and her kind against enemies. But for a demon, she is unusually gentle and soft-spoken. She is all grace and elegance in everything she does. Her powers reign strongest over earth, especially plants, though she is fairly adept with weaponry and hand-to-hand combat.
Etc: Prefers to fight with a combination of tree roots and a spear.



Confident | Intelligent | Warrior-Priestess

Amnity Fellox
/nɑ:'ri:'jə/ • Female • Orientation Unknown

Family: Ochite (Father), Kori (Older Half-Brother), Estelle (Older Half-Sister)
Diet: Mentivore
Element: Fire
Passive Traits: (Independent, Iron Reminder)
Battle Traits: (Spectral Strike)

History: Naria was born to a priestess who had been tricked into having a child by a demon king. Only moments after she was born, her mother killed herself in despair at what she might have done. Outside of the family shrine, the demon forces descended to take the child. To protect the newborn, a monk took Naria and hid her deep in the Nu'san temple. There the monks raised her, placing seals on her skin and wards around her rooms to hide her away from her father. As she grew older, she was well educated about her heritage and the evil the demons brought to the world. She was told she must never leave holy grounds or her father may find her and force her to take on the role of the princess. To further her ability to protect herself, she was trained to be a priestess from a young age and was taught everything from seals and wards to the fighting styles of ancient warriors. Despite all the warnings about demons, Naria often stares out of the shrine windows and wonders what lies beyond the outer walls.
Personality: Naria is strong, cool, and confident, taught to use her mind and body to its full potential. When not in lessons or assisting monks with various tasks, she enjoys playing strategic games like chess. However, she has little experience with strangers and tends to be wary and even hostile towards them. She holds wondrous abilities with fire (demons' favourite element) and has inherited her mother's strong spiritual power.
Etc: Her preferred weapon is the 2 handed staff.

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Fairy Beach: Imeut

Postby Jaden Wolf » 09/21/2015 8:25 PM


Desert Spirit | Ancient |

/ɑ:'mu:n/ • Male • Ace/Aro

Diet: Carnivore
Element: Earth
Passive Traits: (Desert Dweller, Extended Life Span, Intellectual, Perceptive)
Battle Traits: (Sandskimmer)

History: Located here
Personality: A character as harsh and relentless as the land he comes from, Amun feels no sympathy for those who are lost or are dying. He appears to strike a deal, that they'd give him something of importance, and he'd help them live. Occasionally, he will accept other requests instead, such as finding a place or an object. This behaviour was bred into him, as it is his duty as a desert spirit. He's not much one to socialize, but he won't refuse to talk to others if spoken to.

Etc: Ozymandias (poem) by Percy Shelley

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Fairy Beach: Rengosett

Postby Jaden Wolf » 09/23/2015 2:35 PM


Ex-Priestess | Warm | Spiritual

Hollow Rengosett
/tʃaɪm/ • Female • Hetero
Human Form

Diet: Omnivore
Element: Metal, Dark
Passive Traits: (Brachiation, Forest Dweller, Intellectual, Spirit Sense, Tree Climbing)
Battle Traits: (Spectral Strike)

History: Located here
Personality: Gentle and kind, Chime is ready to help anyone in need. Her spirituality and faith has not wavered despite leaving her shrine. Despite her warm personality, she is still guarded, and will not talk about the details of her past with others, except Naria, who she treats like her own daughter. Though she does not like to fight, she is capable of it. Her gift with spirits has not faltered either, she still does exorcisms and guides lost spirits whenever she finds them. The only thing she hates is demons.

Etc: Life's like a boat by Rie Fu

Art: Together (PB Link)
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Fairy Beach: Yonyuu

Postby Jaden Wolf » 09/26/2015 12:01 PM


Mother | Daredevil | Outgoing

Saffron Yonyuu
/eər 'ri:'jə/ • Female • Hetero
Human Form

Family: Daemon (son), Liqite, Hope (daughters)
Diet: Carnivore
Element: Air, Energy
Passive Traits: (Aerodynamic, Cave Dweller, Night Vision, Plains Dweller)
Battle Traits: (Flyby Attack, Razzle Dazzle, Sink, Wingstorm)

History: Located here
Personality: A kind, devoted mother whose only desire in life is to see her family together and happy. Despite settling down, she still holds a tendency to do reckless activities, as she did when she was young. This is due to the fact that, even after everything she'd been through, she does not fear death. Her only source of caution now is that she doesn't want to ever leave her children behind.



Mortal Demon | Sinister | Dominating

Chaos Yonyuu
/deɪmʌn/ • Male • Unknown Orientation
Human Form

Family: Aeria (mother), Liqite, Hope (sisters)
Diet: Carnivore
Element: (Air) Dark
Passive Traits: (Aerodynamic, Cave Dweller, Chaotic Mind, Night Vision)
Battle Traits: (Flyby Attack, Wingstorm)

History: Heritage story
Personality: The eldest of Aeria's three children, Daemon had always felt drawn to darkness. After a rebellious childhood and rough teen years, he finally made a contract with the demon realm, becoming one of them. Because of his fallen angel blood, he quickly became known among the inner circles and is considered the highest ranking mortal demon, quite adept at dark magic. Despite this contract and his sinister nature he is still fond of his mother and remains civil with his sisters to appease her.



Half-Fallen | Cynic | Blasé

Sky Yonyuu
/lɪ'ki:t/ • Female • Gay
Human Form

Family: Aeria (mother), Daemon (brother), Hope (sister)
Diet: Carnivore
Element: Air
Passive Traits: (Aerodynamic, Altitude Adaptation, Cave Dweller, Night Vision)
Battle Traits: (Flyby Attack, Bolstering Winds, Solid Stance, Wingstorm)

History: Heritage story
Personality: The middle child of Aeria's children, Liqite frowns upon her siblings for choosing to align themselves to the sides of darkness and light. Since their father had fallen from the skies for their mother, Liqite decided that the best life to live is as a mortal, maintaining neutrality in everything she does. Although not as strong as her brother and sister, she does have some power that she inherited from their father, though she seldom uses it. Unfortunately, she tends to appear a bit cynical and sarcastic despite her neutral alignment.



Mortal Angel | Optimist | Charitable

Common Yonyuu
/hoʊp/ • Female • Bi
Human Form

Family: Aeria (mother), Daemon (brother), Liqite (sister), Runic (mate)
Diet: Carnivore
Element: (Air) Light
Passive Traits: (Aerodynamic, Cave Dweller, Night Vision)
Battle Traits: (Flyby Attack, Wingstorm)

History: Heritage story
Personality: The youngest of Aeria's children, Hope was sheltered by her mother and therefore maintained a rather innocent view of the world as she grew up. She fell in love with the idea of angels and began to search for them. Along the way, she ended up helping many people in need and was approached by some very impressed angels. She made a contract with them and regained the powers of her father before he fell. Although (possibly because) the angels love her, they respect her choice to continue living as a mortal so that she could stay with her family. She's very sweet and though not completely ignorant, is still quite innocent and extremely positive.
Etc: (Couple's song ->Runic): Crash and Burn



Demon | Standoffish | Secretly Affectionate

Dreamsnare Yonyuu
/ru:nɪk/ • Male • Bi
Human Form | Demon Form

Family: Hope (mate)
Diet: Carnivore
Element: Air, Energy
Passive Traits: (Aerodynamic, Cave Dweller, Dream Weaver, Night Vision, Planar Travel)
Battle Traits: (Flyby Attack, Wingstorm)

History: Incomplete history
Personality: -MISSING-

Etc: (Couple's song ->Hope): Crash and Burn

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Fairy Beach: Yonyuu

Postby Jaden Wolf » 09/27/2015 3:31 PM


Deity-like | Eccentric | Sociable

Cursed Yonyuu
/kɑ:mi:/ • Male (by choice) • Pan
Human Form

Diet: Carnivore
Element: Air
Passive Traits: (Aerodynamic, Cave Dweller, Chaotic Mind, Disease Immunity, Fast Healing, Night Vision)
Battle Traits: (Flyby Attack, Wingstorm)

Personality: This yonyuu appeared in a field one day, claiming to be a foreigner by the name of Kami. He wandered about until one of the creatures under the care of Jaden brought him to the Beach. Here, he was offered a place to stay and he accepted graciously. Most people who meet this young man claims that he is good-mannered and somewhat friendly...on a hospitable level, while others say he can be somewhat snobby and cold, and others still think there's something sinister about him. And yet, there is one fact everyone agrees on, and that is that he is very...peculiar. He seems to be interested in even the most mundane of things, and can hold a conversation with anybody from an innocent child to a vicious thug. That, and he has odd tastes in food. What no one knows, however, is that Kami is no ordinary foreigner, for he is a sort of...celestial being from an unknown and long since extinct civilization. He wandered through various dimensions until he found one that could hold a form close to his original, as well as various other things that would take too long to list. All in all, he found an interest in Evelon, and has finally taken on his living form in preparation for his transfer to the material world...for good. See, without anyone to believe in him and honour him, his celestial being will fade away, and had already started doing so long before he had come to this land. As a sort of side note on what sort of "celestial being" he is: well, even he himself is unsure...some revered him as a god, others a lower sort of deity, and the rest as a demon.


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Aquaria's Pond

Postby Jaden Wolf » 09/28/2015 4:59 PM

Just under the bridge arching over Aquaria's Pond is a small opening. Completely underwater, it's obviously meant to be entered by swimming. A short distance into the hole it opens into a cavern. The only way to swim is up, into an underwater cave. The cave is a decent size, though the air smells understandably fishy. Coral grows along the outer edges of the pool, with a bed of moss along one section; providing a painless space to climb out. Seaweed and fishing nets adorn the ceiling. Some glowing domed balls, each about the size of a basketball, sit in the nets and provide light for the room. Among them are jewels, precious metals, sea glass, and pearls. The floor of the room is decorated with mossy rocks for sitting, and smooth, waterworn rocks somehow shaped to resemble tables and a desk. Clearly one cannot expect to be dry in this place. To one side, small alcoves have been chiseled out of the shell-laced stone, and scrolls are crammed into each of them. A few such scrolls are in plastic bags, and some even appear to be made from sea plants. They don't seem to be used much, as soggy notes plaster the desk reminding their recipient that there's work to be done. This office belongs to Aquaria, Lady of the Water. As she is capable of transforming into a mermaid, she provides support to all creatures of water, whether they're in the water or not. At the back of the room is a small, dark tunnel leading to the Palace. The opening is marked with a piece of old, soggy driftwood that has 'watch your head' etched onto it.

Mermaid | Timid | Collector

Meaning: Of the Water [American]
Emotion: Sadness, fear
Power: Water

Closest Pet: (Frost) Ursice
Level 1

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Aquaria's Pond: Cheeka

Postby Jaden Wolf » 09/28/2015 6:07 PM


Demigod | Hardened | Well-meaning

/tɑ:mɑ:rɑ:/ • Female • Homo

Diet: Carnivore
Element: Light/Ice
Passive Traits: (Aerodynamic, Cold Adaptation, Independent)
Battle Traits: (Blizzard, Snowshoes, Wing Buffet)

History: Located here [Warning: Long]
Personality: Tamara is fully aware that her sole purpose for existing is to kill the last priestess of Fire. Despite this, she is often torn between her duty to her father, and her kind mother's wish for her to experience love and freedom. She has inherited her mother's toughness and strong will, but also has the harsh tendencies of her father. As the daughter of an Ice god, she has the power to control ice, snow, and the cold itself.


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Aquaria's Pond: Kuni

Postby Jaden Wolf » 09/29/2015 8:20 PM


Mermaid-like | Curious | Shy

Dori Kuni
/eɪri:'el/ • Female • Orientation Unknown

Diet: Piscivore
Element: Water
Passive Traits: (Hydrodynamic, Night Vision)
Battle Traits: (Foxhole)

History: Ariel belongs to a society of creatures related to mermaids. They often resemble mermaids, but have the features of other creatures besides standard fish tails. Some don't even have fish tails. So, they're not to be confused with actual mermaids, more like a distant cousin. The name of their species has long been forgotten, though they know for certain that mermaids are of the same genetic lineage. They have decided to call themselves the Aquavit, shortened from the latin phrase In Aquam Vivent (They live in water). The Aquavit believe in living amongst the water and see land-based creatures and plants as nothing more than the occasional source of food. That being said, there is a faction among them that wants to break this way of thinking. They have appeared before sailors and fishermen: guiding them when lost, warning them of danger, and generally helping them with whatever they need. Still, even they believe the water is their domain and they should not leave it. Ariel, still a child by Aquavit standards, is overly curious about the surface and longs to walk among the land-dwellers and learn about them.
Personality: Shy and quiet, especially among her own people, Ariel doesn't say much. She can be very sweet though, happy to help anyone (Aquavit or not) with whatever she can. Despite being so shy, she is extremely curious about everything. On more than one occasion she has found herself in danger from wandering into the wrong places, or sticking her nose somewhere it shouldn't have been. One would think after constantly scaring herself half-to-death, she would be more cautious, but...


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Aquaria's Pond: Kalamarei

Postby Jaden Wolf » 10/15/2015 5:36 PM


Nereid | Playful | Hidden

Purine Kalamarei
/aɪdəlɑ:ni:/ • Female • Orientation Unknown

Diet: Piscivore
Element: Water
Passive Traits: (Defender, Hydrodynamic, Loyal, Ocean Dweller)
Battle Traits: (Foxhole)

Personality: Ida is a Nereid, plain and simple. For those who don't know, a Nereid is a nymph of rivers and ponds. Although she can travel anywhere, even in salt water, Ida's home is (can you guess?) at the Idalani Falls. The giant basin at the bottom of the falls is her domain, and she adores it, as she gets to watch all those lovers hanging out on her shores. Being one of few Nymphs left in the world, Ida was not born with a name and so she, being the spirit of Idalani, gave herself the same name. When she's not there, she is exploring the other waterways, taking herself anywhere the rivers can reach. Unfortunately, though, few of Lambastia's locations are by the water, so she cannot see much of it. As for her behaviour, she is happy, bubbly, and playful, doing her own thing and often being as aloof and hard to pin down as the water she lives in.

Art:  Human in the Water (PB), Sketchbook chibi - top left (PB), Sketchbook (PB)
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Hollow Palms

Postby Jaden Wolf » 10/15/2015 5:39 PM

Within one rather large palm behind the palace, there seems to be a door. While one wouldn't think there'd be much behind it, it actually leads to an office. Bigger on the inside, I guess. The walls are a smooth bark like the outside of the palm, and draw up almost to a point. From this point hangs a lamp which illuminates the entire room. The hardened sandy floor is rippled as if from wind, and various bits of paper appear to have been blown across it. There is little furniture; mostly only shelving built along the walls which, for some reason, do not touch the floor. Within these shelves are various objects which are being used as paperweights for the many sheets of paper thrown into them. A hammock is the only other thing occupying the room, hanging right across the center. Every now and then there is a sudden gust of wind that seems to come from nowhere. This is the office of Dusk, who keeps watch over flying creatures, wind and sky spirits, as well as those who she just plain likes. (You know, exciting, hyper, fun people.)

Excitable | Hyper | Thrill-seeker

Meaning: Between Day and Night [American]
Emotion: Joy, excitement
Power: Air

Closest Pet: Magistrey
Level 3

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Hollow Palms: Fenling

Postby Jaden Wolf » 10/15/2015 5:40 PM


Spirit | Mature | Bonded

Phantom Fenling
/ʒʊ'zɑ:də/ • Male • Orientation Unknown

Diet: None
Element: Earth/Dark
Passive Traits: (Foresight, Medium, Prehensile Tail, Undead)
Battle Traits: (Spectral Strike)

Personality: (see Laira Alima Rashiqa)

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Hollow Palms: Fenling

Postby Jaden Wolf » 10/15/2015 5:44 PM

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