These woods are nice for a casual walk or even if you have a more adventurous urge. Bubbling hot springs lie just around the bend, fruits can be found to suit every taste bud, and rumor has it there are talking Tali who can speak Lambastian! (+2 Precision)

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Re: Spending A Week In The Forest (Self : L) [RE2|Hunt]

Postby Sarah » 10/19/2015 10:48 PM

“What are they doing?” Izor hissed rushing towards the window. The girls had made a fire and were sitting on some homemade log benches.

“I think that’s the only outdoor fire pit,” Azshure said looking over Izor’s shoulder.

“Want to get cozy with them?” Izor asked, it was too late to go out and explore, and it was too bright out to sleep. “I think we might have some dinner makings,” he added.

“Fine,” Azshure agreed unhappily. “But you have to cook,” he said. Izor, for all his weirdness, was a very good chef.
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Re: Spending A Week In The Forest (Self : L) [RE2|Hunt]

Postby Sarah » 10/19/2015 10:51 PM

“Very well,” Izor said with a short nod. “It’ll be good to find some information on their quest anyways,” he added.

“Plus were in the middle of fucking nowhere. If something bad happens I’d like to not be abandoned by the two who may know how to actually do something,” Azshure said. “Not that you won't be able to, but the closest phone is twenty six miles away,” he added. “The notes they left are incredibly useful. Like how the septic tank is fucked up in the cabins, and the outhouse, so we’ll have to go to the back of the warehouse if we want to shower, or get clean water, or go to the bathroom,” he informed Izor.

“That fucking sucks,” Izor mumbled. Although, he might be able to catch one of the ladies in the shower if he was lucky.
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Re: Spending A Week In The Forest (Self : L) [RE2|Hunt]

Postby Sarah » 10/20/2015 8:09 PM

“Would you just go out there?” Izor asked, struggling to move around the narrow kitchen.

“No,” Azshure insisted, fluttering around Izor.

“You’re in my way,” Izor pointed out.

“So? You’re doing fine,” Azshure said.

“I’m going to hurt you. Just go out there,” Izor said exasperated. He moved the meal into the oven finally. “There. We have a few hours, let's go mingle,” he said.
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Re: Spending A Week In The Forest (Self : L) [RE2|Hunt]

Postby Sarah » 10/20/2015 8:09 PM

Azshure felt much more comfortable approaching the girls with Izor in tow.

“Dinner is in the over,” Izor said. He sat down on the log opposite of the women. Celeste glared, and andrea looked curious. Neither one of them looked like they were going to say anything about dinner. He was a little disappointed that they did not.
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Re: Spending A Week In The Forest (Self : L) [RE2|Hunt]

Postby Sarah » 10/20/2015 8:10 PM

“What exactly are you doing here?” Celeste asked.

“documentation and capture,” Azshure replied quickly.

“what about you, poacher?” Izor asked sharply. He saw shock and disgust cross Andrea’s face.

“Like I told you: I’m here for Andrea,” Celeste growled.
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Re: Spending A Week In The Forest (Self : L) [RE2|Hunt]

Postby Sarah » 10/20/2015 8:10 PM

Azshure registered smirking. Good for Izor sowing the seeds of doubt. Trust was, after all, the most important part of any relationship, and Izor had just fractured it. “Well, what is Andrea doing looking for some mythical creature?” he asked.

“I’m going to ask it to protect my so,” andrea said quietly. “He’d been seeing shadow people and hearing cruel voices,” her voice choked up. “I fear that demons may have infected his mind,” she added.

Izor made eye contact with Azshure. “This lady is nuts,” Izor said. Telepathy was one of the few useful gifts they shared. So long as they were making eye contact they could send thoughts to each other.
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Re: Spending A Week In The Forest (Self : L) [RE2|Hunt]

Postby Sarah » 10/20/2015 8:10 PM

“Sounds like mental illness to me,” Azshure agreed. “I wonder why she believes so much in what she is saying…” he trailed off.

“Denial?” Izor asked. Many parents struggled in dealing with their children when they fall sick. After all, the child is the most precious and perfect thing in their lives. Izor knew parents psychologies well, at least he thought he did.
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Re: Spending A Week In The Forest (Self : L) [RE2|Hunt]

Postby Sarah » 10/20/2015 8:10 PM

“But a mythical creature?” Azshure didn’t want to believe that some innocent kid was being neglected because his mom was in denial. “I guess, whatever. She’ll realize it's all falsities and we can go home with our prize,” he said after a pause.

“So long as miss pacher Celeste doesn’t make off with its pelt,” Izor complained.

“Hey!” Celeste shouted. “What are you two scemeing?” she asked. Celeste at one point had been very close with the two men. She knew many of their tricks, and right now they were privatizing their conversation.
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Re: Spending A Week In The Forest (Self : L) [RE2|Hunt]

Postby Sarah » 10/20/2015 8:11 PM

“Don’t worry about it,” Izor shot back. Her interruption had broken their mental link. Celeste raised an eyebrow and opened her mouth to say something. “how long have you two known each other?” he asked, cutting off whatever she was going to say.

“A few months,” Andrea said . “We got close very quickly. When I told her about my son, she insisted we come and find this creature.

“Oh,” Azshure said. Everything was becoming clearer. Celeste was either using this woman for money, or there actually were ‘demons’ involved in her son’s mind. “I’m surprised she could sense a demon in your son,” Azshure admitted. “That wasn’t one of her skills back when we knew her,” he added.
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Re: Spending A Week In The Forest (Self : L) [RE2|Hunt]

Postby Sarah » 10/20/2015 8:11 PM

“My son had developed night terrors, and his imaginary friends began to seem more than imaginary when he would talk about them,” Andrea said. “It’s been very trying on the family, so when I was telling Celeste about it she said it sounded like some kind of malevolent spirit,” she explained.

“So you haven’t taken him to the doctor?” Izor asked. It made no sense that, at the first sign of something being wrong, she would take her son straight to a doctor.

“None of the doctors in town would understand. They’d all claim that I was crazy, or that my son was,” Andrea said. She was incredibly bitter about the whole situation. When she had taken her son to the doctor she had been told that her son needed to go through a bunch of tests to analyse his brain. When she had admitted her fear of some spirit possessing or visiting her son the doctor had laughed her off.
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Re: Spending A Week In The Forest (Self : L) [RE2|Hunt]

Postby Sarah » 10/20/2015 8:11 PM

“Well, lets see if we can’t find this creature then,” Izor said. “Also, I think dinner is ready. If you want to come in and get some,” he told them.

“What did you make?” Celeste asked.

“Lasagna,” Izor replied with a laugh. “A weird thing to have in the middle of nowhere, but that was one of the recipes they left for us,” he told the women.
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Re: Spending A Week In The Forest (Self : L) [RE2|Hunt]

Postby Sarah » 10/20/2015 8:12 PM

Day 1

“Alrighty, let's get to work,” Izor said, finishing his coffee.

“Where are we headed?” Azshure asked. He was still pulling on clothes as Izor cleaned up the kitchen.

“Around?” Izor asked. It was ridiculous the amount of information they were missing. “It's too bad myths and legends are so hard to find,” he chuckled.
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Re: Spending A Week In The Forest (Self : L) [RE2|Hunt]

Postby Sarah » 10/20/2015 8:12 PM

“Maybe we’ll get lucky,” Azshure suggested. “what do we know about its habits?” he asked. Azshure knew almost nothing about the creature. It had stories spread across Evelon, but mostly just whispers and fairy tales. No tale he had heard mentioned anything about where it might live or what it liked to eat.

“Nothing. Probably less than you,” Izor said.
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Re: Spending A Week In The Forest (Self : L) [RE2|Hunt]

Postby Sarah » 10/20/2015 8:12 PM

“Let’s go across that bridge we saw up the road,” Azshure said. “that looked like it led up into grassy peak?” he was trying to remember. “Do you have the map?” he asked.

“I think it is still in the car. you go get it and I’ll put some clothes on,” Izor said.

Azshure went outside. the car was pulled up in the gravel driveway. He looked across the field and saw Andrea and Celeste putting on helmets. It appeared that they were going to be taking a four wheeler up a trail. They got on and zoomed down the road. Azshure breathed a sigh of relief when they drove the opposite way of the trail Azshure wanted to take. He grabbed the map out of the car and went back inside.
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Re: Spending A Week In The Forest (Self : L) [RE2|Hunt]

Postby Sarah » 10/20/2015 8:13 PM

“Yup, if we take that trail we’ll go across this saddle, and end up on grassy peak. We’ll have to go down the six twenty in order to make it back to the main road,” he added, moving along their path with his finger. “That’ll cover some of the thickest of the forest. Damn. This is going to be hard, our chances of actually seeing anything is low. It would take an absolute miracle to find anything,” Azshure said. “There are some four wheelers in the barn. I saw the girls take one, so there should be at least one left,” he said.
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