A mysterious area, explorers tend to go missing and never return. A low fog constantly blankets the forest floor and strange sounds have been reported being heard during the day. Not much else is known about the forest. (+3 Speed, +2 Endurance)

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Damon's Training [Mature:Language&Violence]

Postby amanda784 » 10/05/2015 5:39 PM

Diablo Entrenador
...The name is Diablo Entrenador and you are a demon. Allow me to guide you on your path of darkness...
In a world of demons vs. angels there is Diablo Entrenador, the most famous of the demon trainers. Diablo finds those with powers and teaches them darkness so they can join the legion of demons. He especially hate those he finds and begins training who go off to join the angel side.


Diablo never had a lack of trainees. In fact, all around the world different species would claim of power and beg for his teachings. However, Diablo never found any of his trainees to be quite as powerful as himself. Others saw Diablo as a great teacher, but Diablo thought himself a failure. Diablo believed that the best teacher is someone who can train others to surpass his own power.

That's exactly why Diablo was here in Whisper Forest. This was a place of magic and power where nothing was as it seemed. Diablo's body tingled with the power all around him. This place was certainly one to be feared and loved.

Apparently the underworld was short one reaper and Diablo had been given a strict order: If he was not to come back with a fully trained reaper than he was to become one himself. Certainly reaping wasn't a bad career, but teaching was Diablo's true passion. Besides, Diablo didn't posses the powers needed for reaping. He'd certainly be locked in the depths of the underworld if he dare tried.

Diablo was on a mission to find someone with the ability to pass on souls, which in all reality, is many powers. The job of a reaper starts when someone is nearing death. The reaper makes some sort of physical contact with that being causing a flash of one's life before both their eyes and the reapers. Then the reaper is to classify that person based on by their life and take them to their place of resting, their place of punishment or reward, reincarnate them, or in very rare circumstances, give them a second chance.

So let's count powers shall we. The power to see and make see someones entire life in but a moment by physical contact. The power of passing souls. The power of reincarnation. The power to bring back one's soul (giving one back their life), and also the power to take one's life.

Dammit, cursed Diablo, This was going to be the hardest task he had ever completed.
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Re: Damon's Training [Mature:Language&Violence]

Postby amanda784 » 10/05/2015 5:55 PM


Damon wasn't quite sure why he was where he was. In fact, the only thing he was certain of was that he couldn't go home. Damon didn't really fit in with his brothers and sisters. He wasn't happy doing farm work all day. It just didn't feel right.

Lately, Damon had notices some more differences. Some weird differences. How that time they found a batti dead in the attic and when Damon started to cry... the batti wasn't dead anymore. Maybe it was just a coincidence or maybe he had just been sleeping. No, Damon knew the truth. He had felt his whole body tingle as it happened, as if there was an energy source inside him.

Unfortunately, Damon found himself unable to bring back anything else. He tried with butterflies, rats, and other small animals. That is, until his sister had caught him. She made fun of him for "playing with dead things".
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Re: Damon's Training [Mature:Language&Violence]

Postby amanda784 » 10/06/2015 2:41 PM

Diablo could feel a pulse run through his body. He wasn't the only one with power here and he was close. In fact, that was Diablo's power. He can detect power in others as well as detect what powers they possess. He also has the ability to transport one into training grounds of sorts within their own head. Nothing out of the usual for a trainer.

What made him famous was his ability to transport his trainees to the most difficult of training grounds with their head. He would take much care mapping out the training grounds in his head, making notes, and studying other's work. Then, he would put that training ground in his trainees head. Then, he would trap them there. It was true, some never escaped, but it was rare that he misread anyone to the point of leaving them in an eternal trap within ones head. He had given himself a sing rule: never rescue one from their own head.

You see, the logic was that if one could not even make it out of their own mind then how were they to ever survive in the real world? No, it would be take one out of their mind if they can't face the real word. Confusing? Maybe, but Diablo loves puzzles.

Diablo could feel his body pulling him towards the power. He let go and let himself be dragged to the source. Letting go, it feels very similar to what most imagine flying to feel like.
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Re: Damon's Training [Mature:Language&Violence]

Postby amanda784 » 10/06/2015 2:47 PM

Damon was coming more and more aware of the fact that being lost wasn't fun. It wasn't so much the fact that he didn't know where he was that frustrated him, it was the fact that he had no idea where he was going.

For a brief moment Damon considered going back, but how could he? Back to farm, back to his sibling who thought him strange, and back to the father that didn't care? No. He would go forward, even if he wasn't exactly sure where forward would lead.

Damon felt a cold breeze and the fur on his back stood on edge. Something was here. Something was watching him.

"Who's there?" he called into the darkness.
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Re: Damon's Training [Mature:Language&Violence]

Postby amanda784 » 10/09/2015 5:41 PM

Diablo had been watching Damon for some time. He certainly didn't look very powerful. No, he just looked incredibly lost.

Diablo silently debated. This boy was certainly not Diablo's first choice. Diablo wanted someone strong and without doubt. However he was also running out of options. Diablo silently stepped from the shadow.

"Don't shout at me boy," said Diablo, "and please down yelp or cry; I certainly don't need the headache. Now then, my name is Diablo and I can sense your power. I could sit here and tell you how alone you feel and I certainly do know. Everyone with powers feel that way. However, I am running short on time so I'll just offer you a deal. I can teach you how to use those powers. I can guide you and I can provide you with a family of others just like you or you can simply walk away. That is, if you would rather be lost."
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Re: Damon's Training [Mature:Language&Violence]

Postby amanda784 » 10/20/2015 6:49 PM

Damon didn't even flinch. He wasn't afraid. Now as far as being annoyed, that was another story.

"Diablo," damon chuckled as he felt the word roll of his tongue, "I know what that word means you know and you don't look very scary to me."

Damon sized the dragon-like creature up. He carefully counted spikes, assessed the size of his teeth and claws, and took account of his size.

Hmm, thought Diablo, Big, that usually translates to slow. The wings and spiked tail are an advantage to be sure, but that's nothing without a skill of how to use them.

Damon shrugged, "Ehh. I could take you and I'm willing to bet on it. You've been stalking me for some time and don't think I haven't noticed. So talk fast."

Damon waited a moment before saying, "And as for your offer of a family, I certainly don't need one and don't want the displeasure of ever meeting anyone with powers as mine."
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Re: Damon's Training [Mature:Language&Violence]

Postby amanda784 » 10/20/2015 6:55 PM

Diablo chuckled. A feisty one!

"I would say you wouldn't!" replied Diablo, "chances are if you did have the displeasure of meeting one like you it would be the last thing you did."

Diablo immediately regretted saying it. Diablo knew this young pup had two potentials: reaper or angel of death and that meant he had a knack for death. Diablo wouldn't stand a chance in a physical fight. Oh, and what the higher-ups would do to Diablo if he swayed towards the angel side... he didn't want to take the chance.

"Oh-uh well of course I meant no offense," said Diablo, "In fact, it was a compliment. You...you...uh...you're what's known as a reaper. You have power over death, life, and reincarnation. It's the strongest of the demon capabilities! You should be proud! I am but a humble trainer."
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Re: Damon's Training [Mature:Language&Violence]

Postby amanda784 » 10/20/2015 7:24 PM

"Demon?" asked Damon, "Why you low-life piece of shit! How dare you?!?"

Damon's claws dug into the ground beneath him. His breathing slowed. Surprisingly, he was most calm before a pounce. Something about death was serene. In fact, he always thought the clearest in the midst of conflict. Silence was something Damon was afraid to face.

Damon's eyes flashed red as he pounced... but his claws never touched Diablo's scales. Suddenly, everything was black. It was as if it had gone from midday to midnight in a flash except for the fact that their was no moon, no stars, no light.

Damon was getting agitated. He moved forward, but THWAK his body hit something.

"Wrong way!" a voice cackled in the darkness.
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Re: Damon's Training [Mature:Language&Violence]

Postby amanda784 » 10/20/2015 7:28 PM

It had honestly been a few weeks since Diablo had done this. He was a bit rusty. You see, Diablo had managed to trap both him and Damon within Damon's mind. Oh, and if that wasn't enough he had put them both in an obstacle course. It was one Diablo used often so he already knew the way out. However, with Damon leaping at him he had a hard time picturing the course, hence the darkness.

Diablo ran ahead of Damon, but not far. He knew where to turn and avoided hitting walls. However, the darkness did make it a bit harder for him. He heard Damon hit a wall and couldn't help but laugh.

"I do apologize for the darkness Damon, but with you leaping at me like that I had to think fast."
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Re: Damon's Training [Mature:Language&Violence]

Postby amanda784 » 10/20/2015 7:42 PM

"Where are you!" growled  Damon.

He turned and walked cautiously to his left. His nose bumped something hard. He turned yet again so he was facing to the right of where he first was. He walked for a ways and when his nose hit nothing he began to run.

"I will tear y...!!!" Damon was cut off by a THWAK! as he hit another wall.

"My dear boy," Diablo's voice echoed, "I do suggest never running in a maze. Even if it is in your head."
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Re: Damon's Training [Mature:Language&Violence]

Postby amanda784 » 10/20/2015 8:44 PM

In my head... Damon wasn't sure if that was even possible.

"You...you..." Damon's anger faded to frustration, "What are you?"

Damon felt for a wall to his right. He laid a single claw upon it and began walking forward. It would take patience, but you can make it out of any maze simply by putting your hand, claw, or whatever the case be on a wall and dragging it along until you make it out. Damon was never scared of the dark, however he did hate being lost. He took a deep breath and walked slowly ahead.
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Re: Damon's Training [Mature:Language&Violence]

Postby amanda784 » 10/23/2015 1:50 PM

"Ahhh" said Diablo, "you aren't as dumb as I first suspected. Of course there is the fact you were dumb enough to charge a demon trainer, but the forever redeeming fact of ignorance. You didn't know."

Diablo chuckled.

"Now well I have you here I might as well speak about your training. I'll start with a brief description, move to the rules, and end with your first lesson. So we have come to terms with my ability to trap one inside there own head, yes?"

Diablo didn't wait for a reply.

"Yes. See I design a playing field within my own head and force it into yours. You are now forced to complete whatever tasked I have set before you or you are stuck within your own head. All doctors will simply think it a coma so there is no possibility for outside help. Beware if you die within your own head you die out there too. Questions?"
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Re: Damon's Training [Mature:Language&Violence]

Postby amanda784 » 10/23/2015 1:57 PM

Damon let out a low growl. He was confused, but not afraid. As his head began to ache with frustration the playing ground began to shake. Damon slammed into a wall.

"Now I told you that you were stuck inside your head. Why did you go and get a headache?" yelled Diablo as he to slammed into a wall.

"You know I do have one question!" The playing field settled as he yelled, "Why would I agree to this shit?"
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Re: Damon's Training [Mature:Language&Violence]

Postby amanda784 » 10/27/2015 9:28 AM

Diablo cackled loudly, "My dear boy, did you have a choice to get here? No I put you here."

Diablo paused and let that little fact take full effect.

"In fact, that brings me to the rules. One. You don't have a freaking choice. Two. Do as I say and I won't keep you trapped in your own head. Three. You mustn't fail me or I will make your life hell."

Diablo didn't usually come across as a ruthless creature. He was a demon, but he wasn't heartless.

"Boy, I would make it a living hell only because if you fail me I will be going to the real hell. It's a scary place even for a demon like me. I'm lucky to still have my heart."
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Re: Damon's Training [Mature:Language&Violence]

Postby amanda784 » 10/27/2015 9:32 AM

Damon cringed. Diablo was right. He didn't have a choice. His life had just taken a turn for the worst and there was no way out. Could it be worse than what he was going through? No, at least Diablo understood his power. Even though he would essentially be a prisoner, he would be understood. That's all Damon had ever wanted.

"Do you expect me to pity you? Do you expect me to believe that you HAVE to imprison people in the worst way in order to keep from going to hell?"

Damon did pity Diablo. He couldn't imagine he had much friends which such a terrible job.

"But I'll go along. I'll do what you ask and then I'm gone."

With that Damon turned the last corner of the maze and he found himself back in the forest where it all had started.
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