Almost large enough to be considered a theme park while remaining free to the public, Terrace Park is rumored to have been the site of the Grand Hollowheart's defeat, leading to the Hollowhearts first accepting a pact with humans. (+2 Fame, +2 Endurance)

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A Day In The Park

Postby Jedi » 12/07/2015 10:07 PM

Michael of Eclipse

It had been a while since the two of them had done anything fun. Michael was anxious to spend some relaxation time with Jonas. They had been too busy with battles for any personal time. This was nice. Michael was definitely going to enjoy the day. He had packed a basket with chicken sandwiches and ice tea, along with macaroni salad and a big plaid picnic blanket. They were walking along the bike path when they came up to a small clearing. He thought it might be the perfect place to get a view. "What do you think of setting up here, Jonas?"

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Re: A Date In The Park

Postby Kitsumi » 12/07/2015 10:27 PM

Jonas of Eclipse

"This looks fine," Jonas said, grinning at his partner. He gently pulled the basket from Michael's hands, reaching inside to pull out the checkered blanket. "Want to help me with this?" Together, they set up their little picnic area and then started pulling the food out of the basket.

As he opened the container with macaroni salad, Jonas found himself thinking of the school they both attended. "You know, I'm surprised they even let us out of Ten Moons today," he said in a joking tone. "The way they were working us, I thought that they were never gonna give us a break!"

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Re: A Day In The Park

Postby Jedi » 12/07/2015 10:34 PM

Grabbing the corners of the blanket, Michael helped place it down nice and neat. Luckily, the grass had been mowed recently, so there wouldn't be any part of it that would be uncomfortable. Michael loved the smell drifting from the container as Jonas opened it. It reminded him of when he was a small child, going to family picnics with his parents. That was why he made it specifically for this. Jonas was family, in a way. "I think that they are just testing our strengths. You're definitely the best Sacrifice in the whole academy, by far."

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Re: A Day In The Park

Postby Kitsumi » 12/07/2015 10:40 PM

Jonas leaned forward to tussle Michael's hair playfully. "Hey, you're just saying that because you're my partner." Even as he teased the other boy, the joy and pride that filled him upon hearing the compliment became evident in his expression. "If I'm strong, it's only because of you. You're an awesome Fighter. It gives me confidence as a Sacrifice, knowing that I have you behind me casting defense and playing on the offensive."

Removing a couple of plastic plates and silverware, Jonas handed one set to Michael and set the other in front of himself. "You know," he said as he allowed Michael to dole out the food. "I overheard a couple of teachers talking yesterday. They think that we're heading towards the top...out of the entire school. Even the older students!"

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Re: A Day In The Park

Postby Jedi » 12/08/2015 9:26 PM

Michael blushed a bit as Jonas played with his hair. It made him feel like a bit of a kid, even if he was a year younger than his Sacrifice. He took the plate and silverware with a smile, thankful for the kind gesture. When he heard the talk of them possibly reaching the top, an open smile came upon his face. "Really?" he asked in amazement. "They couldn't have been talking about us. We're still kids." The news brought great joy and curiosity at the idea of becoming the best at such a young age. "Do you think we can do it?"

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Re: A Day In The Park

Postby Kitsumi » 12/08/2015 9:38 PM

"Hey, I'm a teenager, not a kid, silly." Jonas playfully tapped his finger to Michael's nose. "But yeah, I know what you mean. We've only been training together for a few months. But they were definitely talking about us. They said our name - Eclipse." He shoveled his first bite of food into his mouth, chewing and swallowing before answering his partner's question. "I think it would take some time," he grinned. "But we can definitely do it. Everyone's already talking about how our bond is incredibly strong for our age and time spent together. The bond between a Sacrifice and their Fighter is one of the most important parts of a Unit. We're already ahead of the game."

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Re: A Day In The Park

Postby Jedi » 12/08/2015 10:15 PM

Michael playfully enjoyed the tap on his nose, despite the cringe that came on his face because of it. What Jonas said next sent a slight shiver of excitement down Michael's back. Our name he thought to himself. OUR name is Eclipse. He listened as Jonas talked while scooping some of the macaroni salad onto his plate. He took a few nibbles here and there but mostly kept his gaze on Jonas. "Well who could stay away from you?" He set the plate down and wrapped his arms around Jonas, nearly knocking his plate over. "Sorry," Michael said as he backed away a bit.

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Re: A Day In The Park

Postby Kitsumi » 12/08/2015 10:47 PM

The compliment was a nice surprise, but it was the hug that threw Jonas off balance. "Whoa, easy there!" He steadied Michael with one hand and just barely saved his plate of food with the other. He chuckled at the other boy, pulling him close when he tried to back off. "I like to cuddle too, but try not to knock me over, okay?" The way he said it was very gentle. He knew how sensitive Michael could be, and he was always careful not to offend the boy. "Aren't you going to eat? We're going to need energy if you want to have any fun today."

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Re: A Day In The Park

Postby Jedi » 12/09/2015 10:00 PM

"Okay." He took a small nibble, but when Jonas brought it up, he sped up his eating. He hadn't realized how hungry he was. He'd had breakfast just as he always had, but hadn't eaten since. He began eating spoonful's just as big, if not bigger, than Jonas was. "So," he said through a full mouth. Michael managed to swallow it back, then continued. "So what do you want to do today? I'm not sure what's going on nearby. If you wanted to do anything or go anywhere, I'd like to go with you."

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Re: A Day In The Park

Postby Kitsumi » 12/09/2015 10:04 PM

Jonas shrugged. "To be honest, I don't know what's going on, either. But we can always walk around and explore. If nothing else, I know there are swings and a slide and stuff we can play on." His grin widened at the thought of playing at the park. "After all, you did say that we're just kids, right?"

He finished a plate of food, washing it down with the tea. "This is all really great, Michael. Did you buy it, or did you make some of it yourself?"

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Re: A Day In The Park

Postby Jedi » 12/09/2015 10:11 PM

Playing on the swings sounded like fun, especially if Jonas took a swing next to him. Michael only had a few spoonfuls left when his partner finished. "I made the macaroni salad and sandwiches," which they hadn't had the chance to eat yet. Michael figured they'd probably have them later. "The macaroni salad was a recipe my mom taught me. I just bought the tea." He quickly finished his plate as well, grabbing Jonas' plate and set them aside for trash. "Would you want to go on the swings now? Or would you prefer to play on the jungle gym?"

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Re: A Day In The Park

Postby Kitsumi » 12/09/2015 10:16 PM

"Really?" Jonas was touched that Michael had prepared part of the meal himself. "Thanks a lot, Michael. You're pretty great. I hope you know that." He wrapped one arm around the other boy in a side-hug. He stood, and offered his partner a hand up. "The swings might be fun. But maybe we should walk around first. I don't want to miss anything that might be going on."

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Re: A Day In The Park

Postby Jedi » 12/09/2015 10:34 PM

Michael blushed at the compliment, and even more so at the hug. He then took his partner's hand, pulling himself up while trying to not pull Jonas down. They started walking along the path, Michael still refusing to let go of Jonas' hand. "Sorry," he said without knowing why he was apologizing. "I was just wondering something. I'm not sure if I asked already, but what are your parents like?" Michael wanted to know more about his Sacrifice, especially since this was an area he didn't know about. He wanted to know everything about Jonas.

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Re: A Day In The Park

Postby Kitsumi » 12/09/2015 10:45 PM

The older boy almost told Michael how cute he looked when he blushed. But he held back, not wanting to embarrass Michael too much. "You don't have to apologize," Jonas said, squeezing the hand in his. "And I'd be happy to tell you about my parents. You know that they're a Fighter Unit, right? Or they were, before they retired. Their name was Breathless." He waited to see if Michael would recognize the name before continuing. They hadn't been too widely known, but Jonas had met people who recognized his parents' name.

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Re: A Day In The Park

Postby Jedi » 12/10/2015 10:42 PM

The name sounded familiar to Michael, but only because he had heard it when he attended Seven Voices. Some part of him recalled either seeing the name under two graduated student's photo's in the hallway, or being mentioned briefly by an older teacher. "It sounds familiar, but I don't think I know of them. That means you're a second generation Sacrifice?" Michael had a slight hint of jealousy, but was still cheerful to talk about this sort of stuff. "My parents were normal. They don't have any fighter or sacrifice abilities. I don't think they even know about any of this stuff."

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