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Re: Lonely Hearts, Idle Hands [Ari/Kitsumi]{M:E}

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 01/14/2016 1:57 AM

"That's it..." Edge soothed, leaning down to kiss Donnie's forehead, and stroke some of his hair back from his eyes. He stroked the side of the boy's cheek, then curled up beside him, curling his arms around him, and just holding him close to his chest, nestling him against his body and making sure nothing could get to him or frighten him. However, Edge didn't fall asleep. Taking care of Donovan at the moment was his main priority, and had become Eden's as well. Time passed quietly, though - and soon enough Eden was back through the door, and pulling a blanket over Donnie. He maneuvered around a bit, and pulled down the side-arm of the couch so that he could pull himself from his wheelchair, onto the place beside the tranced-out Donovan.

"Is he asleep?" he asked Edge quietly, receiving a shake of the head.

"No, but he's tranced. I pulled the same trick you've always pulled on me to calm him down. He was... blaming himself again." he murmured, fingers softly stroking through the boy's hair as he spoke. "What did Luminare say?"

Eden sighed, pulling a stethoscope from around his neck - probably having put it there when he wheeled out the door. He fiddled with it a bit before deciding to hold the chestpiece in his hand to warm it up. "That Donovan needs a hospital stay, or a hospice room. Even though it's possibly a temporary condition, and might be fixed with some medication and healthy habits, he still doesn't like what I described."

It was Edge's turn to sigh, as he sat up, and pulled the tranced Donnie into his lap, still stroking his hair. "So we have an issue. I'm not leaving him." he muttered, wrapping his arms around the boy again.

"I'm not going to make you. I've already had arrangements made to deliver the necessary equipment here, as well as... well, extras of the necessary medication and implements. It means you're giving up your bed for a little." His fingers uncurled around the chestpiece, and he slipped the earpieces in, slipping the warmed instrument against Donovan's chest, and listening intently in every area that he could reach without moving the boy too much. He listened for a long time, went back over areas, trying to memorize each sound.

"He's calmer. The irregularity seems to have died down a bit." he said, finally, taking the instrument off. "We'll treat him here, Edge. There's no need to put him through that sort of trauma. But..." He glanced down at the boy, and covered one of the limp hands with his own. "It's not going to be a short road to recovery. The damage has already been done. When I do the ultrasound tomorrow, I full expect there to be visible damage. That.... that jerkoff's flippant lack of care hurt him more than he knows. I don't think he currently has enough strength to rebuild that cardiac tissue. Perhaps with some food, and an exercise regime, but..." He shook his head a bit. "Like I said - long road."

Edge's voice was calm and soft as he replied. "I'll be here every step of the way. I've fallen for him. In a way I probably shouldn't have. He's like a freight-train running across my emotions, and that's not a bad thing. Pretty damn sure I'm in love with him, Eden."

"Heh... I know, Edge." his brother said, smiling over at him. "I'll do my best to treat him, but... there's going to have to be some changes. For you, too. Your body isn't doing too well either. Let me see your wrist-monitor."

Holding out his hand, he waited until Edge worked the 'watch' he had been wearing off his wrist, and handed it to his brother. There was a long moment of silence. "Edge, you weren't working anywhere near enough to get your heart-rate up to 190. What in the bloody hell were you doing?" he asked, then paused, as Edge canted his head toward Donnie. "... Ah. That explains that. But this rhythm isn't good." He handed the watch back to his brother, and patted his arm. "We'll treat the BOTH of you. Donnie can keep you on track, and you can watch over Donnie.... and I'll watch over the both of you."
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Re: Lonely Hearts, Idle Hands [Ari/Kitsumi]{M:E}

Postby Kitsumi » 01/14/2016 9:44 AM

Even in his deep trance, Donovan could feel the soft press of Edge's lips on his forehead. He smiled softly, lips moving slightly although no sounds came out, other than the almost non-existent noise of his exhaled breath. Although the boy wasn't sleeping, he might as well have been. By now he was almost completely unaware of what was going on around him. He may have heard what Eden and Edge were saying to each other, but it didn't register. There was no way he was going to remember any of their words when he fully awakened.

Some time later, Donovan found himself becoming more aware of his surroundings. He was covered in warmth, from both the blanket and the shared body heat. "Mmf?" He wasn't able to speak just yet, but he made a small questioning sound. He wasn't sure what had happened, but he felt rested and relaxed. How much time had passed, he had no idea.

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Re: Lonely Hearts, Idle Hands [Ari/Kitsumi]{M:E}

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 01/14/2016 9:59 AM

Turned out that enough time had passed for Edge to have fallen asleep beside Donnie, pressed up against him, holding him in his arms. Eden was 'parked' on the other end of the couch, reading some book or another with a white cover, and black lettering. When Donnie began to stir, he looked up from his book, and smiled at him.

"Good morning, Donovan." he said softly. "You were so relaxed, you fell asleep. We figured we'd let you sleep, and Edge got himself a good night's rest as well. It's about..." He paused, and looked at the watch on his wrist. "Nine in the morning. Going on ten. If you're hungry for breakfast, one is on the way. I ordered from a place that delivers. We've got pancakes, waffles, and a sausage combo coming. I really must do something about the food in Edge's fridge.... Ah, and don't worry. I slept well. While you two commandeered that chair, I took the couch and turned it into a bed." He chuckled, and closed his book, setting it on the table.

"There's been a slight change of plans. I'm having medical equipment and supplies shipped here. You won't have to go to the hospital, as myself and a few colleagues of mine are going to treat you - and Edge - here in the comfort of this place. As soon as you have breakfast... I want you in that bed." He turned and pointed back toward the bedroom. "It's going to be boring - I won't deny that, but you need rest. Not necessarily sleep, but definitely rest."
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Re: Lonely Hearts, Idle Hands [Ari/Kitsumi]{M:E}

Postby Kitsumi » 01/14/2016 10:49 PM

As soon as he noticed that Edge was sleeping beside him, Donovan froze. He didn't want to wake up the other man, especially considering that he had probably stayed up looking after the other boy for a little while. For a second or two, he just lay beside Edge, watching the man's chest rise and fall with each breath. It was comforting. Just having someone to wake up beside was comforting, actually.

When he heard Eden's voice, Donovan wiggled around carefully until he was able to grin at the doctor. "Morning, Eden," he said through a sudden yawn. "Geez, I don't think I've slept that long in...years, maybe. It's normally just a couple of hours at a time, with energy drinks and coffee and shit to keep me going." He automatically felt his mouth begin to water just at the mention of food. "That sounds great. Thanks - you're really good at taking care of people, you know. I'm glad you at least take care of yourself too. You probably could have stolen Edge's bed though, if you wanted. Assuming he has one..." Donovan realized he didn't even really know what his boyfriend's bedroom looked like.

His smile faded into a nervous expression as he remembered all the health issues he had been told he had - or might have, as the case may be - before. "O-oh. Okay. I hope that won't be an inconvenience for you or anyone else." He was concerned about becoming a burden, and he balked at the idea of staying in bed for a long period of time. He shook his head, biting his lip almost hard enough to draw blood. "I couldn't do that! I want to be of help around here. I can't just rest in bed all the time. I'm plenty strong enough to be up and about...aren't I?"

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Re: Lonely Hearts, Idle Hands [Ari/Kitsumi]{M:E}

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 01/15/2016 7:19 AM

Eden smiled, and scooted over to the other side of the couch, reaching over to pat Donovan's hand. "You're strong enough to be up and around, yes - but some of the treatments I'm going to try you on have a tendency to sap your energy. That, and... well..." He scooted back over, and hefted himself into the wheelchair that was sitting right there, unhooking the brakes, and wheeling over to the other side of the chair where he could actually touch Donovan without reaching too far. "I'm going to need to be able to keep an eye on you. So I suppose you could move about the house a bit - but no going out. Not for a little while yet. You need rest, and you need to be treated." He reached into his the back of his wheelchair, and took out a box, which he handed to Donovan. "These are a pair of sleep-pants and a t-shirt in your size. At least I think they're in your size. There's some underwear and socks in there, too. I had a friend bring them by earlier in the morning before he went to work. I think you might enjoy them. I told him to get them loose, so... if they're too tight, we can return them. I told him to look for Galaxy-themed stuff, since you seem to like it, and I hope he came through on that. I haven't opened the box to check." He chuckled, and turned to wheel toward the kitchen. "I'll get you something to drink while we wait for the food. Go ahead and change into that stuff. It should be comfortable enough for wearing around the house and lounging around in. More comfortable than those jeans at least."
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Re: Lonely Hearts, Idle Hands [Ari/Kitsumi]{M:E}

Postby Kitsumi » 01/16/2016 12:46 AM

The smile was enough to calm Donovan. He took a deep breath, forcing himself to think rationally. Maybe he'd have to rest a lot, but it would only be for a short time. That's what he told himself, at least, as he tried to believe that this was going to be okay.  "That makes sense," he admitted. "And I guess I'll be okay with resting, if it helps me heal quickly. Besides, I'll have you guys to keep me company and stuff, right?"

Taking the offered clothing, he grinned at the thought of new clothes - especially ones that had stars. "Thank you! That was really nice of you, especially taking the Galaxy-themed stuff into consideration." That was something nobody had ever done for him before. Not only had Eden been observant enough to pick up on the boy's interest, he had also given special instructions to try to accommodate that interest. Once Eden's back was turned to Donovan, he untangled himself from Edge and began to change. After living with Jared, he didn't have too much of a sense of modesty when it came to removing clothing. He was a fast dresser, anyways - in no time at all, he had donned the outfit. The underwear and socks were both plain, basic-colored. But the pants were a bright depiction of a blue and purple nebula, while the shirt was black and dotted with stars and planets.

Once he was dressed, he followed the path that Eden had taken in order to continue speaking to him. "Hey, um, I have a question. What about Edge? Is his condition as bad as mine?" He was worried about the other man trying to take care of Donovan, when both of them were in need of care.

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Re: Lonely Hearts, Idle Hands [Ari/Kitsumi]{M:E}

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 01/16/2016 1:57 AM

"That remains to be seen." Eden said, nodding a bit. He wasn't going to outright deny to answer questions. Donovan had quite likely had more than enough of that sort of behavior. "I haven't made a thorough enough examination of him yet to actually make that call." Pouring some of the juice he found in the fridge, he snuck a vitamin out of the drawer, and headed back over to Donnie with the juice in his wheelchair's cup-holder, and the pill on his lap. "Edge's heart has always been a bit of a weakness... I'll have to run a lot more tests to see if he's in better condition than you or not." He handed the juice and pill to Donnie with a soft smile. "Take the pill with that juice. I'm pretty sure it's orange-pineapple, since that's what Edge likes. We'll get some better food in here soon enough. The pill's just a multi-vitamin. Since you're not on medication yet, it won't have any adverse effects."

He paused, and watched his brother still sleeping. "Heh. He used to sleep like a dead-man when we were kids. Almost always snoozing on one thing or another. Used to fall asleep in class, too. Although... I don't blame him. Those classes were extremely dull."

Chuckling a bit, he wheeled over to the other side of the couch again. "Once you've got that down you, come over here and sit on this side of the couch. I'm going to start a 'heart journal' for you. I need to keep track of what I'm doing, and it's the easiest way to do so. Every morning, I'll listen to your heart, and take your pulse in both wrists, and your throat. I'll write down my findings, and we'll compile them digitally at the end of the month. Edge is better at that digital stuff than I am."
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Re: Lonely Hearts, Idle Hands [Ari/Kitsumi]{M:E}

Postby Kitsumi » 01/16/2016 2:06 PM

"Oh..." Donovan looked more worried about Edge's health than he had been about his own. Life, to him, had always been something he suffered through. There had been times where he didn't care if he lived or died. So his own health wasn't nearly as much of a priority as the health of those he cared about. "Well, whatever the case is, I'm gonna help take care of him. I know you're probably better at taking care of people," he grinned at Eden, already feeling a fondness for him. "But I'm gonna learn how I can be of help, too. Anything I can do, let me know how, and I'll do it." He took the pill, murmuring his, "Thanks," before popping it in his mouth. Swallowing it was easy, especially with the juice to help wash it down. "I think Edge and I may have the same taste in juice," the boy said, looking at the glass. "This is really, really good!"

Hearing about Edge as a child was incredibly interesting to Donovan. He giggled at the thought of the man, as a kid, drooling on his desk as he slept through class. "Really? How did he pass, if he was always sleeping through school? Did he make you do his homework or copy yours, or something?"

"A heart journal, huh?" Donovan plopped on the couch where Eden indicated. "So, will this kinda be like a progress journal of my health? Or is it supposed to help find patterns and stuff?" He leaned towards Eden, giving him the chance to go ahead and get started on checking the boy's pulse, if that was what the doctor wanted to do.

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Re: Lonely Hearts, Idle Hands [Ari/Kitsumi]{M:E}

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 01/16/2016 2:59 PM

"Hmmm... a progress journal is a good way to think of it." Eden said with a bit of a nod. "I'll probably add your weight and temperature here as well as your blood-pressure. Things that need to be kept track of." He reached out to pick up Donovan's wrist, pressing two fingers lightly to the pulse, and counting it silently, before writing down his observations in his own shorthand. "About Edge passing class... well... Yes, I did a lot of his homework for him. I knew he needed a lot of rest with what he got up to all the time." He chuckled, and picked up the other wrist, repeating the procedure with silently counting and mentally taking notes, before he translated those notes to paper with his pen.

"Alright, Donnie, lean back against the couch here, and rest your head back. Expose your throat all the way, so I can see it." he muttered, taking a penlight out of a pouch on his wheelchair, and clicking it on. "We'll measure volume when you're laying at the proper angle, but I want to check speed and rhythm at the moment." he explained, waiting for Donnie to comply, then shining the penlight straight across his throat for a moment. He watched, jotting notes down, then pressed his fingers lightly over the skin, counting and making internal judgments. After a moment, he pulled away, and wrote some things down in that shorthand on the page.

Before he got to the listening part, Eden grew a bit on the curious side. There was a chance that some of these effects were from blatant abuse, and as much as he hated to put Donnie on the spot like this, he had to ask. "Hey... I know it's a bad memory - or rather, a lot of them - but did any of the men that jerk set you up with... hurt your chest? Hit it, cut it, cracked ribs, or anything else like that?"
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Re: Lonely Hearts, Idle Hands [Ari/Kitsumi]{M:E}

Postby Kitsumi » 01/16/2016 5:17 PM

Donovan nodded to show that he understood. Adding his weight wasn't something he was looking forward to. "I already know what I weigh," he said quietly. "Jared was really strict about me staying as skinny as I am. I weighed in yesterday at 112.8 pounds." When Eden grabbed his wrist, he fell silent. He didn't want his talking to distract the man from counting. He couldn't help but laugh, though, at the idea of Edge running around keeping busy, while Eden was forced to do his brother's homework. He would have felt bad for Eden, but the other man didn't seem bitter.

" this?" Donovan leaned back until he was against the back of the couch, and then he leaned his head back. It wasn't the most comfortable position, but it didn't hurt or anything either. While Eden was writing, and not needing access to his throat, Donovan asked, "What's the proper angle for this? Just so I know, for later."

At the question, Donovan's face immediately paled. He looked down, eyes scanning his socked feet. "Uh, well, some of the guys who...erm, handled me...they were pretty rough." The boy felt disgusting when he thought about the things he had let others do to him. "I've been hit in the chest plenty of times, often when Jared was pushing me around. And, uh, I was hospitalized for cracked ribs once. One of the fragments ended up puncturing my lung, if I remember correctly." He looked up, biting his lip nervously. "I don't really remember very well. Jared always drugged me up pretty good when stuff like that happened. I don't think he wanted me able to be saying anything incriminating while I was in the hospital."

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Re: Lonely Hearts, Idle Hands [Ari/Kitsumi]{M:E}

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 01/16/2016 6:44 PM

Eden's lips went into a thin, angry line. But the anger wasn't directed at Donovan at all. "Alright." he said very softly, before he just.... hugged the boy, wrapping his arms around him, and sighing. "I'm so sorry, Donnie." he murmured, stroking his fingers through his hair as he pulled back. "I'm so very sorry. You'll never have to go through something like that ever, ever again." He was quiet for a moment as he thought, then he pulled the side of the couch, so that part of it went down.

"The proper angle for that particular test is forty-five degrees, but I can't control this couch that well. I'm thinking that partially reclined like this is... probably sixty-ish." he mentioned, showing Donnie the stethoscope. "I'll listen to your heart and lungs with this for a few minutes, and record it... Then, I have to go make a couple of phonecalls, and I'll leave it up to you to wake up Edge." He chuckled, slipping the earpieces into his ears, and looking toward Donnie. "Just lay back with the recline, and try and relax." he murmured, waiting until Donnie did so to start listening.

This time, he was very thorough, and very methodical. He used his finger to trace across Donnie's chest, looking for landmarks to sort of 'map' out the boy's heart in his mind. He replaced his fingers with the stethoscope and listened carefully seven or eight times, working his way across the top of Donnie's chest, and down next to his sternum, around to the left of the bottom of his left pectoral muscle. He did that once with Donnie's shirt fully between the instrument and skin, and then once again, sliding his hand up under the shirt, and listening intently directly on the skin. Although he paused a few times, the whole session was fewer than six minutes long, and when he was finished, he pulled one earpiece out, and looked over at Donnie.

"Are you having any trouble breathing?" he asked him quietly, motioning for him to sit up, although not saying why he asked. There were times when heart-problems, especially those caused by injury, could cause breathing issues as well.
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Re: Lonely Hearts, Idle Hands [Ari/Kitsumi]{M:E}

Postby Kitsumi » 01/16/2016 7:35 PM

Although the boy was fairly sure that Eden was angry at those who had hurt him, and not Donovan himself, he still felt slightly guilty. The fact that his past was causing any sort of strong emotions made him feel as if he were at fault. He was fairly sure that voicing his opinion would just cause Eden to argue against this, so he didn't bother saying anything out loud. But as soon as the doctor's arms encircled him, Donovan broke down. He cried silently, letting only a few tears trace down his cheek as he returned the hug. "Thanks," he said. It was the only thing he could say. There was no way to truly vocalize the gratitude he felt towards both brothers.

Wiping away the tears, he laughed sheepishly. "Sorry about that," he apologized. Laying back, he allowed Eden full access. While waiting patiently for the examination to be complete, he went through a couple of songs in his head. A soft smile crossed his lips, as he realized how long it had been since he had sang, even just in his head. It was an obvious sign that he was finally beginning to be happy. Eden and Edge were already becoming an integral part of his life. He shivered once as the metal of the stethoscope pressed against his bare skin, but it didn't last long. The examination seemed to be finished soon after.

Sitting up, he shook his head. "I'm not having any trouble right now. But I do get short of breath any time I move around a lot. Going up and down stairs - even as few as like, six or eight - seem to really wear me out. And I hate carrying boxes. I start to feel like my heart will beat out of my chest when I lift heavy things, and I can barely breathe."

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Re: Lonely Hearts, Idle Hands [Ari/Kitsumi]{M:E}

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 01/16/2016 8:06 PM

"Yeah, I'm guessing that's part and parcel of the whole thing." Eden said with a soft sigh, and removed the instrument completely, filling the rest of the sheet of paper with his shorthand. He finished that, and wrapped it up, putting the entire journal into one of the wheelchair's compartments on the side, and draping the stethoscope back around his neck in case it was needed. "You are severely underweight, Donnie. I shouldn't be able to see your ribs. So we're going to put you on a bit of a diet to build back up some of that weight." He reached out to take the boy's hands, and showed him his own fingers. "Do you see how the skin between your fingers sags a little? And the length of skin between your thumb and forefinger is almost to the bone and paper-thin? That... That isn't healthy. It's going to take some time to build that back up, but..." He smiled. "I think you'll enjoy the menu I have planned."

He backed up a bit, and started to wheel toward the bedroom, grabbing his phone, which was on the kitchen table, before swirling around and headed back that way. "Go ahead and serve yourself when breakfast gets here. I want you to eat two full lengths of sausage, and two pancakes or two waffles. I also want you to drink at least twenty ounces of milk. Edge has a twenty-ounce glass in the cupboard, shaped like a dog. That's now your glass, Donnie. I'm going to make some calls to a few colleagues of mine, and we're going to have some stuff delivered... including an install add-on for the bed, and some measuring things for your new diet. And Edge's." He chuckled a bit, canting his head to his sleeping brother. "Wake him up before too terribly much longer. He doesn't get to sleep all day!"

And with that, he disappeared into the bedroom, shutting the door quietly.
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Re: Lonely Hearts, Idle Hands [Ari/Kitsumi]{M:E}

Postby Kitsumi » 01/16/2016 11:12 PM

It was beginning to sink in just how unhealthy he was. Donovan tried to read some of what Eden was writing, hoping to see exactly what was being put down. But he soon realized that the writing was some sort of shorthand - definitely something he wasn't able to read. He leaned back, sighing as he heard about just how underweight he was. "I guess I knew I was too skinny," he said honestly. "But I never realized how dangerous it was. I was just trying to keep the shape that was appealing to...uh, people." He looked at his hand and nodded. "It'll be nice to actually be able to eat again," he laughed softly, still slightly upset with himself and with Jared. "Before, I didn't even eat every day. I don't even really know what hungry feels like anymore...I just get faint and sick when I've gone too long without food."

His forced smile became much more real at the mention of the food that was on its way. "Okay. I don't think I'll have a problem with that." He was already looking forward to eating, actually. "Maybe I should learn how to cook. I feel bad that you guys keep having to order food. If I was able to actually cook for us, I would at least feel like I was doing something useful." Donovan didn't mention that cooking was something he had always wanted to learn. But without any fresh ingredients, it had been impossible for him to cook more than instant, microwave food so far. He waved as Eden began to head off on his own. "Okay, I'll go ahead and wake him up now."

Once Eden was out of sight, he climbed back into the chair. Keeping his weight on his elbows so that he wasn't putting any of it on Edge, Donovan leaned down and pressed a light kiss to the man's lips. Then, he kissed one cheek, and the other. He continued with light kisses, scattering them across Edge's face as he waited for him to respond.

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Re: Lonely Hearts, Idle Hands [Ari/Kitsumi]{M:E}

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 01/16/2016 11:40 PM

It didn't take too long for Edge to respond, yawning a little and stretching out his arms, before wrapping them around Donnie. He smiled up at him, and kissed him back on the lips, with a little smirk. "Well, good morning to you too." he said softly. "How are you feeling?" He sat up, stroking the side of Donnie's cheek a bit, and just... drinking in the sight of him. Oh yeah, he'd fallen and fallen hard. There was no pulling himself back up from this one. Donovan was in his heart, in his soul, in his mind, and not leaving. Not that there was anything wrong with that. His hand moved from Donnie's cheek to stroking down the side of his arm, eyes meeting the other's with a kind of sparkle to them. After another yawn, he stretched and scooted up the chair so that he was fully sitting up, pulling Donnie into his lap, and wrapping his arms around him.

"You know what just occurred to me..." he muttered, playing with the boy's hair a bit. "I'm surrounding you with this cardio stuff, and you have no clue what you're hearing." He chuckled, and stroked down the back of Donnie's neck for a moment, before pulling him closer, and closing his eyes, nestling against him. "Do you want to learn?" he asked softly. "It's early in the morning, granted.... at least I think it is. But it was bothering me before I fell asleep last night."

He couldn't help it, one of his hands crept up under Donnie's shirt, and pressed, palm against his heart, while the other slid up the other side of his shirt, making small circles underneath it, all up and down his back. "You and I should... spend some time doing that today. We don't get to go out, I'm pretty sure, so... Well... if you want to."
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