These woods are nice for a casual walk or even if you have a more adventurous urge. Bubbling hot springs lie just around the bend, fruits can be found to suit every taste bud, and rumor has it there are talking Tali who can speak Lambastian! (+2 Precision)

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Re: -: Abandoned By The Light :- (Self)

Postby Sarah » 01/06/2016 8:24 PM

A flash of color broke Ütezi from his memories. He tensed and checked the area around him. Was he hallucinating? Such a large flash of color couldn't hide so easily. Claw marks on the ground, and the footprints that looked like a magnification of a reptile foot. Ütezi circled the area. A name he didn't know, and stories of giant terrors said to grant wishes. A species long since hunted to extinction came to mind.

“You smell like the other world,” a growl broke the silence.
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Re: -: Abandoned By The Light :- (Self)

Postby Sarah » 01/06/2016 8:25 PM

Ütezi spun to face the voice. Void magic was drawn to the ready. He stood nose to nose with a giant reptile. “Figures the queen would be the first to find me,” Ütezi scoffed. He had never been sure of the reef, but they were undoubtedly a shady bunch. This creature had the queen actually written all over it. Her royal colors of purple and gold were unmistakable.

“Your will is your own, but you still look like Oryx,” The reptile noted. “You are new to this land. Come with the queen and let her show you the way,” it continued.
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Re: -: Abandoned By The Light :- (Self)

Postby Sarah » 01/06/2016 8:28 PM

Ütezi narrowed his eyes. The queen was the last being he trusted at the moment, but the creature was not wrong about him being new. “Very well,” Ütezi said knowing he would regret the words later, if not in the moment.

Something dangerous flashed in the creature’s eyes as it nodded. “Good. The queen will be pleased. There is no time to waste,” it said.
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Re: -: Abandoned By The Light :- (Self)

Postby Sarah » 02/03/2016 9:30 PM

“Don't talk,” the dragon commanded.

Ütezi didn't think that was fair at all. He had just been dropped in nowhere land and detained by the queen. There would be no better time to talk, especially since once he got to the queen he'd have to behave. Without the tower to protect him he couldn't even sass her.

He felt naked without armor, and empty without his ghost. There was an escape from this situation, there was always an escape. Ütezi carefully opened the void. He felt the new to he subtle, who knew what the dragon would do if it found out what Ütezi was doing. Just when there was enough void for him to create a smoke bomb he closed the void. Without much thought he slammed the grenade on the ground beneath the dragon and rolled to the left. If he had armor the smoke would have triggered invisibility, but without ark or he had to hope the smoke would incapacitate the dragon long enough to escape.

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Re: -: Abandoned By The Light :- (Self)

Postby Sarah » 02/03/2016 9:32 PM

The forest blurred past him as he sprinted away from the dragon. He followed his gut, he'd ran away often enough to to know a right or wrong way.

Progressively the foliage thinned and the twisted trees grew farther apart. How had he not noticed? The trees were standing tall around the place he had come, but now the trees were dead and twisted.

Ütezi halted at the tree line. Before him stood what could only be the queen. Instead of the dainty and haunting awoken form, a giant commanding serpent took her place. The queen held her head high; confident and comfortable in her new skin. Four eyes, two glowing blue and two glowing red, took him in curiously. An old church creaked behind her.

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Re: -: Abandoned By The Light :- (Self)

Postby Sarah » 02/03/2016 9:33 PM

Uldren slithered out around his sister. Other guardians thought he was a loud mouth with a hot head. Ütezi knew differently; Uldreb was the master of the queen’s crows. Prince of the whispers, he controlled the intelligence of the reef. Uldren was just as clever and manipulative as his sister, only he was allowed to have a big mouth and a hot head.

Something crackled behind him and Ütezi jumped forward as flames shot over his head. He spun around and called on the void. A bow appeared in his hands and Ütezi locked an arrow. The dragon that had confronted him before looked furious, and Ütezi managed to change his aim before he let the arrow fly. The arrow became a purple call of energy as it arched, and it landed too far away for Ütezi to hear the impact.

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Re: -: Abandoned By The Light :- (Self)

Postby Sarah » 02/03/2016 9:35 PM

“Typical for you to resort to violence,” Uldren sneered.

Ütezi frowned. Guardians were taught to react first and ask questions later, and old habits died hard. “It's been a long time since I've been set up. Oryx sent you here too?” He asked, and was met with silence. They stared at him and he shifted from foot to foot uncomfortably.

“What is your name?” The queen asked.

“Üte-” he was cut off.

“She means your birth name,” Uldren snapped.

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Re: -: Abandoned By The Light :- (Self)

Postby Sarah » 02/03/2016 9:35 PM

Ütezi hesitated. “I don't remember,” he admitted.

“What do you remember before Oryx?” The queen asked.

“Not much. I remember the tower and the vanguard. I remember what you did when Oryx arrived. I remember the wilds where I was taken. I remember the rift I was held in while Oryx drained my will,” he said. “What turned you into this?” He asked.

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Re: -: Abandoned By The Light :- (Self)

Postby Sarah » 02/03/2016 9:36 PM

“You have another form too,” the queen said. “I can see it like an aura around you. It is fit for Evelon, and fit for war,” she told him. The queen considered him for a moment. “Come inside, I'd like to tell you a story,” she cooed.

Reluctantly Ütezi followed them inside the rickety church. It was strange to him that they looked so in control of their new lives. Ütezi was feeling a lot of things and none of it could be held back. Guardians were taught control, and he was sure Oryx had drained anything else from him, yet emotions threatened to overwhelm him.

The inside of the church looked about how he had expected. Dust covered broken wood and shattered glass. “How'd you come across this gem?” He asked.

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Re: -: Abandoned By The Light :- (Self)

Postby Sarah » 02/03/2016 9:37 PM

“Get ready to listen,” Uldren hissed.

“The awoken have been planning the fracture since you guardians slated Crota and crawled out of his pit,” the queen began. “Vanguard scientists did it once when studying the vex, but we did not want vex technology to follow us so we used Oryx,” she continued. “A million Mara’s and a million other awoken spread across universes. We happened to end up here, apparently you did too. She said. Mara paused for a moment allowing him to think about. The information she had given him.

“I remember hearing about that experiment,” Ütezi said. “I can't help but feel like your disappointed with me,” he added carefully. It wasn't like he needed their acceptance, but disappointment always unsettled him.

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Re: -: Abandoned By The Light :- (Self)

Postby Sarah » 02/03/2016 9:47 PM

“I will not lie to you guardian. We were expecting others to appear,” the queen admitted.

“More from the fracture?” Ütezi asked.

“No and yes. Everyone is expecting more guardians to appear. Traitors to the last city, but loyal to me. They were the first to travel through a fracture, one made by the war cult, but instead of being pulled from the machine they teleported completely,” she explained.

Damn the gods Mara thought ahead. Ütezi had no idea how she had the foresight to plan something like that. He also had no idea how she had gotten ahold of cult technology, and then modify it to teleport a whole body. How did she know they would be teleported to a liveable world?

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Re: -: Abandoned By The Light :- (Self)

Postby Sarah » 02/03/2016 9:48 PM

The queen was being very open about her activities, and he realized it was because what she said wouldn't be used against her. He also realized he didn't really care about what she was saying. The information didn't have anything to do with him. If he were a warlock he might ask questions, but he was a hunter at heart and inaction was killing him.

“So you brought me here because you thought I was someone else? Can I go now?” he asked. Ütezi didn't know this place; he didn't really know anything anymore.There was no way he was going to chill with the queen for the rest of his existence.

Mara frowned but nodded. “Very well, but allow me to gift you something first,” she said.

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Re: -: Abandoned By The Light :- (Self)

Postby Sarah » 02/03/2016 9:56 PM

Mara produced a small dripping creature. "The reason why you were led here so easily... You lost your ball, and this is what it became," she told him.

"What is it Ütezi asked. He wasn't sure whether he was curious or disgusted. Was this the remnants of his ghost? Ütezi had never really thought about his reliance on his ghost, which was amusing considering his ghost did most everything for him. When all other voices were gone his ghost always saw him through. Ütezi thought he had lost it when Oryx took him.

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Re: -: Abandoned By The Light :- (Self)

Postby Sarah » 02/03/2016 9:58 PM

"It is called a Bleeder. Your's is a creek bleeder specifically," Mara said. "When you came through the rift the light that saved you turned into this. The darkness, and its connection to Oryx was purged by Evelon's magic," she told him.

Ütezi wasn't sure what to think. His ghost was the thing that had saved him from Oryx's will? The creature disappeared and reappeared on Ütezi's shoulder. He put his hand up and it crawled onto his palm. Ütezi brought it close to his face so he could inspect the small creature. Blue dripped from a crack in its heart shaped head. As far as he could tell it wasn't water, maybe blood? The consistency was there, but everything was strange in this new land.

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Re: -: Abandoned By The Light :- (Self)

Postby Sarah » 02/03/2016 10:02 PM

"Your breathing has become easier," the purple dragon commented.

Ütezi jumped. He hadn't expected the dragon to come inside, and he'd been so caught up in the creature he hadn't noticed anything.

"You could feel his energy as well?" the queen asked.

"No, but I can see the change in his body language," the dragon explained.

Ütezi turned his focus back to the queen. "What do you want for this then?" he asked. The queen wasn't known for doing something out of the kindness of her heart.

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