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Re: .:Birthday Boutique:.

Postby crow » 02/21/2016 7:56 PM

((posting slightly early (my birthday is in March) as per my discussion with Kyrit))


"This is too much, really... Sending the birthday boy to the store to get his own presents." A young boy strode purposefully into the shop, muttering to himself. Despite his tender years, he had an imperious air to him, and he browsed the wares with impatient movements, as if he owned the place. He wished only to make his selections quickly, so he could return to his chambers and resume his studies.

He had been foolish for looking forward to this.

When he was younger, birthdays were a special occasion. They didn't have much, but Rey would always manage to scrape something together--- a small cake, or a bit of roast meat, something they normally wouldn't have dreamt of. They would go out to the rooftop of an abandoned tower and stare at the city lights, sprawling out below them like candles in the night.

Now, however, his birthdays were a cold affair. He would receive congratulations and cursory gifts from his peers at the College--- small trifles that were nevertheless worth more than all his birthdays with his brother put together--- but there was no one to celebrate with anymore.

"I'll take the Dove Lubshi, Creo Beetanke, Renegade Battleheart, and a Constellation Werebetta," he said, leaning back and folding his arms. He supposed they would be helpful in his work, so the trip hadn't been completely worthless. "Have them delivered to me," he said, turning on his heel and sweeping out the door. He couldn't be bothered to stay, much less return to pick up his items.

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Re: .:Birthday Boutique:.

Postby Remedy » 02/29/2016 11:36 AM

The second errand of the morning was undoubtedly the more exciting of the two. After all, who doesn't enjoy their own birthday celebrations? She was a week late, sure, but presents were presents. Last weekend's celebrations were hardly entertaining, given that only two people showed up to her party. That, on top of the disaster that was the week prior, kept her away from any other birthday-related activities until she was sure whatever curse was upon her had been lifted.

In much higher spirits, the eighteen-year-old entered the Birthday Boutique to happily place her order. "I'm a week late on this, but I hope that's not a problem," she began. "I'd like to pick up an Amethyst Stargoyle, Dove Lubshi, Renegade Battleheart, and an Arche Malphas. Thank you very much!"

{Gifts shipped}

I think back to the time when my search first began,
I left behind those shores of sand
For the endless everlasting world out there.

I know that with this burning passion driving me
Someday, somewhere I'll finally see
The light I have searched for everywhere!

-One Piece, "Hikari E"

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Re: .:Birthday Boutique:.

Postby Flame » 03/07/2016 10:05 AM


Life was a wonderful thing. If there ever existed an optimist in the world, it was Atlas, and as certain as he was every single morning when he woke up, he was sure that today was going to be the best day ever. He'd gone through his morning routine of eating, scaring his bird sister, using the bathroom, and investigating whatever it was that the neighbors had left out overnight. However, today there was a little more to his plans for the day (given that he could find a way to escape his daytime enclosure). Of course, mom wouldn't be too surprised to see that he'd actually managed it - nor would she be too happy - but he was fairly positive that she couldn't stay mad at him if his little errand actually went as he planned.

Bouncing down the street, greeting every person he walked by (and receiving just as much attention for himself), he slowly made his way to the location he'd seen while walking by a few days ago. A store front, labelled "Birthday Boutique" sat exactly where he remembered it being, and he grinned to himself as he made his way to the entrance, patiently waiting for someone to open the door to let him in. That was one thing he still hadn't quite mastered yet, but no doubt he would one day soon. Who said you needed opposable thumbs to work a doorknob? Making his way up to the counter, he stood on his hind paws to deposit a (slightly slobbery) piece of paper on the countertop, appearing quite pleased with himself as he grinned expectantly at the woman looking back at him. The note read as follows:

I'm here to pick up some birthday presents for my mom. I would like a Grab Bag as well as a Renegade Battleheart, an Arche Malphas, and a Capillus Matches.

Thank you so much (and any complimentary dog biscuits will be gladly accepted as well).

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Re: .:Birthday Boutique:.

Postby Citanul » 03/19/2016 9:51 PM


Though a stranger to this particular building the oddly colored Mekkayena was more than at ease. He strode in without much fuss, walking to the counter without a second glance at the offerings. He knew what Citanul would like - how could he not? The man was easy to please, and it was never hard to guess his likes. Luckily it seemed no one else was here this day. Did no one share this birthday? All the better to not wait in line.

Without waiting for the counter attendant to speak to him Kerberos rattled off his order while filling out the form. "For his Birthday pet Citanul would like a Grab Bag. As for the free pets, a Renegade Battleheart, Dove Lubshi, and a Creo Beetank would make due." Forms filled and signed he handed it over and awaited the delivery of said items. He'd escort them personally, to be sure all arrived safely. He wasn't expecting much for his birthday and these things would be a welcome surprise.

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Re: .:Birthday Boutique:.

Postby Ander » 04/02/2016 3:02 AM

A Sahound bounded through the birthday shop's doors, pausing to look around before beaming at Briht. Closer examination would reveal her floaty steps to be just that: the overlarge wings on the pup's back fluttered constantly when she walked, leading somehow to an acute difficulty keeping all four paws on the ground. Despite her extravagant movements, the approaching pup was very careful not to disturb the shop's layout - aside from the odd burst of confetti every time she touched down.

At the counter proper, Christa was quiet, even a little solemn. She was late to the birthday shop, not having wanted to miss a second of the titular event. It had been surprisingly exciting for the Terminal's lady, but Christa knew her well enough to know that there would be a downtime after the storm of cake, confetti and campfire camaraderie. There'd be a lull, a point where the guests were gone and mundane obligations would come creeping back in...and that's where she and this shop came in first!

The Seraph Sahound would bark something of the like as she popped up over the counter, delicately putting up both paws. "Hi, hi! I've got to surprise someone one more time for their birthday. You can help, right?" The gentle swish of slow tail wags punctuated her question. "I'd like to pick up a grab bag first, 'cause a little surprise never hurts! I'd also like to bring home a Creo Beetanke, a Renegade Battleheart, and an Arche Malphas, please." The wagging didn't stop - and actually started to circle - as Christa waited for the new residents she would have the pleasure of escorting home. Hopefully, she could provide one quick boost of birthday goodness to forestall the fall.

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Re: .:Birthday Boutique:.

Postby Jaykobell » 04/02/2016 3:32 PM

It was unusual for it to be able to roam. It liked to stay hidden. It liked being confined so that no one would be able to hurt it. The solitude got to it often, but the thought of going outside of its "bubble"... it was too terrifying.

It was scared even now, too. It was walking slowly, and yet, there was a certain urgency in its steps. It would glance this way and that. It wondered if anyone would see it coming here, picking gifts for this month.

"Are you all right?" a feminine, gentle voice asked from nearby. "We can wait if you're scared," the voice encouraged. "It was good of you to come out."

There was a little bit of hesitation before it answered the unusual Shinzo that was following it. "No," it replied, but a little nervously. "No, I don't want to wait," it continued, and it looked down. "I forgot last year because I waited too long," it added, and it felt horrible at that mention. It had been its fault, again. It had waited and waited, because it hadn't been able to make up its mind. "I don't want it to happen again."

The Shinzo nodded. "I understand. Don't worry; I'll help if you have a hard time choosing."

Entering the shop, at least, didn't make its worries worsen. The atmosphere of the place was overwhelming, but at least, it was a welcoming environment. It wasn't a cold, intimidating shop. It smelled of sweets and the brights colors were nice to look at. There was that, at least.

But still, being here now, the small Lubshi started to hesitate. Could it be here? Was it allowed to be here? Would others judge for seeing it be here? It found itself standing almost right in the middle of the store, unmoving like a statue.

"Excuse me," the Shinzo spoke from behind it, and she gently urged the Lubshi to keep walking ahead, "my friend would like to pick out its birthday gifts," she continued, and she kept on pushing the Lubshi forward, despite the resistance. "Its birthday is in April, so it's eligible for picking them up during this month, correct?" After receiving confirmation of that fact, the Shinzo looked down at the Lubshi. "Go on," she encouraged, patting it on the back.

It could feel its mind screaming to turn tail and run. Don't think. It'll be over soon. They were thoughts it had to hold on to. "I... um..." it mumbled, struggling to hear those thoughts over the more overwhelming and broken worries in its mind. "I-I'd like my birthday pets," it started to say, and once it got started, it became a little easier. "I-I'd like a Diamond Stargoyle for my birthday," came the first gift, and then its eyes ran across the available options for the others.

"And then... um..." There was a pause as it continued to look through the pets. It was taking too much time. It was struggling to pick the right ones. Which ones did it really want? Maybe...? "A-and then... I'd like a DoKupe Snowball, an Arche Malphas, and a Capillus Matches," it managed to say, and it was like a huge weight had been taken off its shoulders.

With a smile, the Shinzo put her hands on the Lubshi's shoulders. "Thank you," she addressed the shop owner, and she then looked down at the Lubshi. "I'm proud of you," she said, and she then gently guided it outside of the shop. "Let's go back home and wait for your gifts to arrive; all right?"

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Re: .:Birthday Boutique:.

Postby amapup » 04/21/2016 8:19 PM

A figure entered the shop, bumping the door open with their shoulder as they kept their hands stuffed in their pockets. The lengthy trenchcoat and large dark hat obscured most of it's features; there was only the tip of a muzzle, a glimpse of two furry feet.

Kraener hated running errands for the boss. That's why he had put this off for the past couple weeks, until boss had practically exploded in his face this morning. The recollection produced a shudder. And now he was stuck here in the daylight. Wasn't it already enough that he shipped their product? He never signed up to be an errand boy. A sigh escaped him. He couldn't risk having his permissions pulled. Better to just do this as quickly as possible.

He approached the counter, a furry paw emerging from one of the coat pockets. Clutched in it's grasp was a wrinkled scrap of paper, streaks of dirt obscuring the penciled letters. Kraener squinted to decipher the scrawl. "Heya, I need to place an order for a Dove Lubishii, Dokupe... Snowball, Arche...Malphas, and... a... Diamond Stargoyle. I hope you don't need me to sign anything for that."

{Gifts shipped}

Barely controlled locomotive consuming the picture and blowing the Crows
to Smoke
You set your sights
So high
But this is beginning to feel like the bolt busted Loose
from the Lever

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Re: .:Birthday Boutique:.

Postby Pompom » 05/30/2016 4:28 AM

The door burst open, and a frazzled-looking sygriff sprang into the shop. Abruptly, she stopped to stare at the charts, and time slowed as she perused them, the tip of her tongue sticking out of the corner of her beak. "Hmm...what would the Village Foundress like best for her birthday? Let's see...Ah, that Gemini beast looks magnificent! So I'll take that one...I can get three more for her from this last chart? I'm sure she likes feathered creatures, so a Dove Lubshi, an Arche Malphas, and a Capillus Matches should be good."

Time returned to normal as she turned toward the shopkeeper and cleared her throat. "Did you hear that? I'll repeat my order for clarity's sake:

Gemini, and for the extras, a Dove Lubshi, an Arche Malphas, and a Capillus Matches."

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Re: .:Birthday Boutique:.

Postby Nyxia » 06/02/2016 2:20 PM


She was getting way to old for this, really too old. Nyxia wandered into the shop growling, grumbling, and half asleep in rare form. Today at least she had a cup of something that would have passed for coffee in her hands, it looked a lot more like tar and smelled strongly enough of bitter coffee to curl nose hair. If only this time of year didn't seem to keep coming around, or she could get someone to run the errands for her. Setting her cup of coffee down on the counter after taking a deep pull from it, she began to flip through the catalogs offered. Like normal she never really wanted anything, but the others wouldn't leave her alone until she visited the shop. With a final sigh she looked up at the girl. "I'll take a grab bag, a Dove Lubshi, a DoKupe Snowball, and a Skellie Morloth." She felt as old as they said she was, standing there suddenly.

{Gifts shipped}

Bottles smashed, I raised my hand
How can you all even stand?
And why is there joy in this poison? Oh
Faking smiles and confidence
Driving miles to capture this excitement
I can't take anymore

You're never gonna get it
I'm a hazard to myself
I'll break it to you easy
This is hell, this is hell
You're looking and whispering
You think I'm someone else
This is hell, yes
I am in hell

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Re: .:Birthday Boutique:.

Postby Indigo » 06/15/2016 4:03 PM


The dog did not appear to be accompanied. He had simply bounded into the store apparently of his own accord, nudging several people on its way in as if expecting something from them. Once or twice he shoved his nose into a stranger's pocket. Eventually, with many distractions, he made his way to the front of the shop; there a note could be removed from his collar, which read:
I can't believe I forgot to do this. Hopefully it's not too late! I'd like to request a grab bag, a Creo Beetanke, a Dove Lubshi, and an Arche Malphas.

{Gifts shipped}

What are you looking at?

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Re: .:Birthday Boutique:.

Postby Jaden Wolf » 06/16/2016 2:12 PM

When the door opened, a small fenling slipped in. She truly was small, probably somewhere about 3 feet in height. She skittered around various people and pets in the store (not that it was particularly crowded), and made her way to the desk. Without slowing down, she skittered across the floor and leapt onto the smooth desk surface with a practiced grace. From her new perch, she blinked and dropped the rolled paper at her feet. As she nudged it forward with her nose, she looked up with her eyes sweetly.
"Order for the Lady Jaden's birthday."
The paper read:
To whom it may concern,
I would like to request a grab bag, in addition to a DoKupe Snowball, Arche Malphas, and Skellie Morloth for the 23rd birthday of Jaden.
Thank you,

{Gifts shipped}
You can pretend that when you hear my voice, darling, it's your choice not to fall in.

But it's all an act, 'cause I know exactly what you're wanting. You know it's what I'm wanting

Boy I know what you desire, oh, you're such a bad, bad liar

This could be perfection, or venom dripping in your mouth

Singing like a Siren, love me while your wrists are bound

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Re: .:Birthday Boutique:.

Postby BaalsBaby » 06/27/2016 3:53 AM


Honestly, Steve had no idea how Stark had talked him into this but the man found himself striding into the odd place, looking around. He didn’t even know the guy liked animals. And really, he didn’t want to know what they were for.

He was just here to get the job done and go, so stepping up to the counter, the supersoldier scratched at his head and fished around in the various pockets of his uniform. The list was in his left pocket, folded neatly as he cleared his throat and addressed the store owner. The… little girl who was running the store? Weren’t there child labor laws in place around here?

“I… er… Hello there. Is there someone running this counter?” Maybe she was just holding the spot for him. “Anyway, if you could just pass this along to someone, I’d appreciate that a lot, miss,” Steve unfolded the paper and slid it over. On the sheet read an order for a Western Zodiac Insonia, Creo Beetanke, Arche Malphas, and a Capillus Matches.

{Gifts shipped}

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Re: .:Birthday Boutique:.

Postby Feint » 07/01/2016 6:04 PM

Dhaifu skittered inside, then paused to shake out his fur and scrape his feet on the welcome mat. He whined under his breath about germs all over the city, then curled his lip at the handful of other people in attendance. Apparently they were germy too.

"I need a grab bag, a creo beetanke, a capillus matches, and an arche malphas," he said gruffly.

His low spirits were explainable, then - it was his birthday. He didn't like being reminded how old he was.

"Make it snappy," he added. "I'm turning twenty-three this year and I have a lot of partying to do."

Nevermind. Wait, he had friends?

I need me sommadeez:
+ grab bag

Thanks!!! :D

{Gifts shipped}

My wraiths, though not wraiths then, wandered deep into the heart of the polar storm. They tried to fight sleep, naive to the inevitability of their fate. When they awoke, they saw before them my own self, so much a part of the ice and cold they almost fail to see me. I wear a crown of the coldest, sturdiest ice, and my claws and fur have coated themselves in it.
I stand aloof to the cold, for I have lived in it so long, been a part of it so long, it no longer concerns me.

My wraiths are cursed to wander the polar tundra, eternally freezing, following mortal explorers and trying to warn them with their presence that they should not travel onward, should not make the same mistake. But there will always be those who persist in pressing on, never knowing what they are doomed to face, or destined to suffer.

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Re: .:Birthday Boutique:.

Postby Thunder » 07/13/2016 11:55 PM


Tori walked into the shop, her eyes gleaming with excitement. It was her birthday soon, and she heard they had an excellent selection of gifts at the Birthday Boutique this year. As she looked through all her options, she felt indecisive, thinking all the options were quite pretty. After some time, though, she finally decided on what she wanted.

"Hi!" she greeted the shopkeeper. "Could I please have a Ruby Stargoyle, a Capillus Matches, a DoKupe Snowball, and a Creo Beetanke?"

{Gifts shipped}

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Re: .:Birthday Boutique:.

Postby Moofius » 07/14/2016 2:51 AM


"Man, this is hard with two heads." Said both insonia heads at once, echoing each other.It had not taken too long for the shapeshifter to sort out the Insonia's body, but she had not mastered the insonia's two heads. Apparently in nature one would spend most of the time sleeping while the other watched for danger and prey. Nandi hadn't figured out how to sleep one head and work the other, and when using both at the same time they turned together, spoke together, smelled together. Everything was together.

Once in the shop though her heads turned this way and that. At one point they turned in opposite directions, Nadi's eyes crossing.
"Wurgh! Okay, there are so many things BUT... one at a time."

She wandered the store, trying to be careful about turning too fast or getting too overwhelmed.
After much careful browsing she knew what to ask for.
"We would like the Creo Beetanke, the Dove Lubshi, the Renegade Battleheart, and the Constellation Lohlani. Thanks!"

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