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.:The Lone Saloon:.

Postby .:Random Event:. » 06/14/2016 5:48 AM


Nowhere. The Saloon sat on the edge of the Vast Plains. You'd heard stories about it's owner, a lone hunter who had a hand in the discovery of new pet species, and directing adventurers to great treasure. On the front of the building, were framed pictures of extremely rare pet species, Quartz Hunters, Pale Akails, Lost Pets... yes, you were definitely in the right place.

"Welcome to 'Nowhere' kiddo. I don't s'pose you're lost?" a gruff voice greeted you as you walked into the Saloon. You turned your head around, trying to find the voice and came face to face with a scarred Hydrolisk. It stared at you expectantly and gave a rather exasperated huff. "The name's Rick and yes, I can see you staring. A Hunter got me real good one time and I'm thankin' my lucky stars I can still see." He tapped the vicious claw marks on his eye with a claw, though it was lacking the usual webbing. "Look here kid, let me tell you a story. So I had this mate, yeah? Top bloke, bit of an adventurer, bit of a scientist. He liked travelin' about, researchin' new species, recording them and the like. Y'heard of the Akail and the Mekkayena? Yeah, that was him. Real famous fellow, but real humble type. Anyways, so the bloody fool, he just... up and vanished without a damned trace. Now, I ain't the type to be prayin' to Yepha for insight. Instead, I'm thinkin' we set up this Saloon, send out like-minded adventurers such as yourself. You... are an adventurer, right? Anyway, anyway, so you tell me where you're headed. Don't need the reason and don't want to know. But I'll note your name and destination down in this journal here, and when you've secured the area, I'll send out my boys to go check it out. Maybe we'll find something, maybe we won't."

The reptilian reached under the counter and pulled out a thick book, bound by leather and began leafing through the yellowed pages. You could see all sorts of names, locations and dates written down, but he was moving too quickly to catch anything specific. Finally, Rick stopped and pulled out a pen. "You find my friend, or any of those stupid dossiers he's been leavin' around, and you come straight back to me, got it?" he paused and ducked under the counter again, muttering something under his breath. With a groan and a heave, he pulled up a trunk onto the counter and flipped the lid open, revealing all sorts of traps and preserved food. "Alternatively, you could go huntin' for those critters the dossiers are talkin' about, and I can provide you with the bait that you need to lure 'em. I'd look myself, but I'm old and tired and I've been tryin' for years."

What Is This Thread?

Here you can turn in Hunt threads for a chance to win prizes! Hunt threads can be anywhere in Evelon, although do take note that the region, continent and even the season will all influence what you could potentially win.

Pets fall into one of three categories, Easy, Medium or Hard.
• Between 10 & 19 posts for solo | Between 15 & 24 for co-op
70% chance for Easy, 30% chance for Medium
• Between 20 & 29 posts for solo | Between 25 & 34 for co-op
15% for Easy, 70% for Medium, 15% for Hard
• Over 30 posts for solo | Over 34 posts for co-op
30% chance for Medium, 70% for hard


• Please put a link to your thread, as well as any items you wish to purchase in your post. Make sure to RP your post!
• Hunts must have at least 1 post within a 1 week time frame of being submitted (ie, if a Hunts is submitted on the 8th of July, there must be a post that is dated between the 1st and 8th of July onwards).
• When submitting a Hunt, it will consume all posts up to that date, you cannot specify how many posts you want to count towards the hunt.
• Only one item may be active per thread. For a cooperative hunt, the item will cover both user's rolls.
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Additional Resources
- A Hunt guide can be found here.
- A full list of discovered species and their locations can be found here.

Season in Effect: Winter
Status: Slow but Active!

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.:Random Event:.
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• Item Store

Postby .:Random Event:. » 06/14/2016 6:05 AM

Purchasable Items
Include what items you wish to purchase in your sign up thread. Please make sure you pay for items at time of purchase or they will not be used in your exploration

[Simple Trap] - 20KS - Allows you to pick an option from the General list below and guarantees your pet will be from that category. Minimum post requirements must be fulfilled.

[Baited Trap] - 60KS - Allows you to pick an option from the Specific list below and guarantees your pet will be from that category. Minimum post requirements must be fulfilled. This item cannot be used in the Greater Regions.

[Simple Contract] - 3GT - This special item allows you to pick an option from the General list below and redeem it without a hunt

[Specific Contract] - 5GT - This special item allows you to pick an option from the Specific list below and redeem it without a hunt

Please note, this is not a full list of what is actually available, only what has actually been discovered


General: Seasonal, Lost, Mekkayena, Hunter, Jirbii

Basantha Shrine
General: Seasonal, Lost, Hunter, Mekkayena
- Seasonal (Check this for options, dependent on season)
- Lost (Hunter, Fenref, Iiylumiel, Slynx)
- Hunter (Common, Emerald, Obsidian, Quartz)
- Mekkayena (Common, Glitch)

Fe'gan Mountains
General: Seasonal, Lost
- Seasonal
- Lost (Hollowheart, Albie, Aries, Reindoe, Slynx, Tundragoon, Zephion)

Tuun Mountains
General: Seasonal, Lost
- Seasonal
- Lost (Albie, Aries, Battleheart, Garagnir, Gruss, Leebra, Magistrey, Terratops, Torken, Xing-Yun, Yingshee)
- Misc (Dragon Hydrolisk)

Wilt'no Desert
General: Seasonal, Lost, Jirbii
- Seasonal
- Lost (Suncheeka, Garudor, Fenling, Imeut, Jirbii, Lecchi, Scorpinch, Serraptor, Staigovald)
- Jirbii (Dawn, Dusk)
- Lunafly (Sand)

General: Seasonal, Lost, Heretic, Mekkayena, Wombear

Aldrect City
General: Seasonal, Lost, Heretic
- Seasonal
- Lost (Rexxel, Shielupe, Evren, Kuchi Nagi, Maus, Meji)
- Heretic (Matches, Serraptor, Sygriff, Fenling)

Lya Pointa
General: Seasonal, Lost, Shadow, Mekkayena
- Seasonal
- Lost (Corbine, Nonaga, Kasuga, Barghest, Frightmare, Malphas, Mekkayena, Myu Reaper, Nyghtmare)
- Shadow (Fenling, Hollowheart, Hunter, Kalamarei, Kasuga, ???, Sahound, Serraptor, Shielupe, Tavil, Tou-san)
- Mekkayena (Common, Glitch)

Roraldi Forests
General: Seasonal, Lost
- Seasonal
- Lost (Tali, Beetanke, Batti, Bruma, Cuniflare, Gyrophant, Honeydew, Kitrell, Langerine, Lunafly, Staigovald, Werecain)

Vast Plains
General: Seasonal, Lost, Wombear
- Seasonal
- Lost (Shartile, Cavallion, Mocha Picchu, Carpetfang, Chombones, Cuniflare, Fenling, Gallizar, Gyrophant, Leebra, Matches, Nagi, Penticorn, Rabbot, Sahound, Serraptor, Snowball, Wombear, Zipala)
- Wombear (Grass, Plains, Earth)

General: Seasonal, Lost, Palmie, Mr. Wilson

Dead Coast
General: Seasonal, Lost, Palmie
- Seasonal
- Lost (Lohlani, Palmie)
- Palmie (Common, Peach Blossom, Water, Cherry)

Medicai City
General: Seasonal, Lost
- Seasonal
- Lost (Shielupe, Bleeder, Quiksylph, Scribblen, Shinzo)
- Lunafly (Noble)

Nori Volcano
General: Seasonal, Lost
- Seasonal
- Lost (Garudor, Baal Dragony, Battleheart, Sleepyheart, Terratops, Torken)

Terrace Park
General: Seasonal, Lost, Mr. Wilson
- Seasonal
- Lost (Tali, Draculi, Rexxel, Dalma, Ferrikoon, Holeef, Matches, Mr. Wilson, Skyllard)
- Mr. Wilson (Common, Coffee, Night)

Whisper Forest
General: Seasonal, Lost, Weeping
- Seasonal
- Lost (Kasuga, Evergreen, Fellox, Frightmare, Nyghtmare, Tavil, Werecain, Yonyuu)
- Weeping (Alluria, Barghest, Mahool, Rexxel, Sabbit, Suncheeka)
- Misc (Morpho Scordrak)

Open Waters (Lambastia)
General: Seasonal, Lost

Rewhister Ocean
General: Seasonal, Lost
- Seasonal
- Lost (Kalamarei, Gorgeel, Hydrolisk, Kuni, Seawinder, Trumpetter)

Yuunu Sea
General: Seasonal, Lost
- Seasonal
- Lost (Tricky, Alluria)
- Lunafly (Frigid)
- Frozen (Grondalith)


General: Seasonal, Lost, Palmie

Sa'fir Coast
General: Seasonal, Lost, Palmie
- Seasonal
- Lost (Likuta, Rollaby, Werebetta)
- Palmie (Ash, Dive, Wisteria, Autumn)

Sekudui Farmlands
General: Seasonal, Lost
- Seasonal
- Lost (Cavallion, Choopa, Leumoo, Penticorn, Piyo, Ptarmie, Riopath, Roosken, Sahound, Shartile, Sparquill, Taosig, Tuskow, Yingshee, Zipala)

Town of Nabias
General: Seasonal, Lost
- Seasonal
- Lost (Drakel, Ferrikoon, Polly, Rattegan, Rengosett, Rollaby, Skyllard, Tavil, Turkezilla, Tuskow)

General: Seasonal, Lost, Akail

Craiss Caverns
General: Seasonal, Lost, Akail
- Seasonal
- Lost (Akail, Batti, Bruma, Carpetfang, Morloth, Seraphent, Sygriff, Yonyuu)
- Akail (Common, Pale)

Idalani Waterfalls
General: Seasonal, Lost
- Seasonal
- Lost (Banatoyle, Bubble Spirit, Florana, Hypofly, Kamee, Lilisyte, Magistrey, Taigra, Sygriff)

Jawan City
General: Seasonal, Lost
- Seasonal
- Lost (Icthysaur, Bandol)

Nu'san Temple
General: Seasonal, Lost
- Seasonal
- Lost (Anala, Beetanke, Gyrraptor, Hypofly, Lilisyte, Nemuwit, Slydra, Teigu, Tengumi)

General: Seasonal, Lost, Snicky

Baian Swamp
General: Seasonal, Lost
- Seasonal
- Lost (Tengumi, Chimerantula, Choopa, Flitterfly, Insonia, Scordrak, Snicky, Taosig)

Lamenolai City
General: Seasonal, Lost
- Seasonal
- Lost (Bleeder, Fellox, Grondalith, Kuchi Nagi, Meji, Turkezilla, Wockee, Velix)
- Snicky (Stone)

Tengel Rainforest
General: Seasonal, Lost
- Seasonal
- Lost (Anura, Chimerantula, Gyrraptor, Kamee, Leawolf, Leplora, Moonling, Polly, Rengosett, Shimin, Taigra, Tou-san)
- Snicky (Jungle)
- Moonling (Common)

The Slums
General: Seasonal, Lost
- Seasonal
- Lost (Baskerville, Draculi, Mahool, Rattegan, Roosken, Sabbit, Whispwing)
- Snicky (Rusty)

Open Waters (Barakka)
General: Seasonal, Lost

Freighlei Ocean
General: Seasonal, Lost
- Seasonal
- Lost (Hydrolisk, Pingune)

Nodia Sea
General: Seasonal, Lost
- Seasonal
- Lost (Likuta, Icthysaur, Inessi, Lohlani)
- Snicky (Ocean)
- Inessi (Common)

Ree'ne Sea
General: Seasonal, Lost
- Seasonal
- Lost (Gorgeel, Merham, Seawinder, Trumpetter)
Season in Effect: Winter
Status: Slow but Active!

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.:Random Event:.
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Re: .:The Lone Saloon:.

Postby crow » 06/17/2016 11:11 PM


It wasn't enough that they were ready to form a Rescue Team, of course. They had to be registered! "And no one is going to give us any jobs until we have a badge. It makes it easier to get out too, once you're in a dungeon," Joli was saying. To Nico, the former argument had much less weight than the latter, but he had no objections either way. He was... not exactly eager, you could say, to go spelunking again anytime soon, but Joli was all for it, and Nico did owe him a favor. Besides, there were probably other poor Pokemon wandering around scared like he had been, waiting for help. Maybe some of them would even know something about his strange memories of being human.

"Well, here we are! Hello sir, we'd like to register, if you please." Joli handed up the necessary paperwork, and he and Nico both stamped their footprints on as signatures.

Thread: A Strange Encounter
Area: Terrace Park
Item: Advanced Trap

Thread: Not Quite the Right Thing
Area: Tuun Mountains
Item: none

[Paid; 30 KS]
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Re: .:The Lone Saloon:.

Postby Sarah » 06/17/2016 11:51 PM

Kail excitedly entered the new shop. New places were always fun although it meant he was busier. He didn't really mind. Running errands was a lot more enjoyable than doing paperwork all day. "Hey there. I heard there was a few people going adventuring in the vast plains. They're pretty brave because they don't want any supplies or anything," he said.

G̵u̴i̶d̶e̶ m̸̹̍e̶̫͝ ȋ̴͙̗͒͗ņ̸̈͂ţ̶̯̣̥̦̎͗͒ổ̴̭̙̻̄̉ D̸̡̛̦̗̋͗̊̃̌̕͜ä̴̡̳̬͔̩̳̫͔̯̙͔̬͉̱̯̊̄̒̏ŗ̷̟̱͚̻̠̠͔̥̺͔͔̰͙̝͉̃̆͊̉ͅk̸̡̡͔̫̼̱̬̭͓̮͙͔̀̑̇̊̐̊͆̍̏̃ͅn̴̢̫͔͕̤̖̳̠̘̩̙̍͋͌́̍̊̈̓̂́̈̕̕͘͝͝ȇ̶̢̢̡̛̦͓̟̾̈̐̐̈́͊̑͠͝s̵̢̧̛͉̼̮̫̝̰̟͙̭̦͇̮̥͈͖̅͋͑̾̈͋̐͘͝s̴̨̢̧̨͚̗̗̹̱̞͉͖̻̰̹͓̲̎̊̒̈́̿̏͑͝͝

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Re: .:The Lone Saloon:.

Postby Mojave » 06/18/2016 12:59 AM

A petite young Rufus Rabbot entered the shop, her clothes a little dusty from her travels. "G'day! I'd like to buy a Distress Beacon for m'hunt down at the Craiss Caverns, please! Oh, you need directions, don't you?" She asked, pulling out a map that was marked with a couple little x's. "I know I haven't been out there long, but I got news of these items and thought, couldn't hurt, right?" She laughed a little nervously. "Anyway, if you'll hook me up with the supplies, I'll git out of ya hair." She placed 50ks on the counter and stood off to the side to wait.

[Paid; 50 KS]
[Does not fulfill requirements]
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Re: .:The Lone Saloon:.

Postby MillietheWarrior » 06/18/2016 2:40 AM

Lisa didn't really think she belonged in a place like this. It was not her style, and it was...tiny. "Oh, oh excuse me," she squeaked timidly as someone brushed past her large form, shooting her a dark look. She was able to wheedle her way to the bar, where a strange looking Hydrolisk was sitting. She tried very hard not to stare; was he the one she was supposed to meet here? She gave a start when he suddenly spoke to her, shrinking into herself as best she could. "Um, uh," she managed, hardly daring to speak. "Ah, well, yes, I think so..." She fumbled for a pouch slung around her neck, pulling out a map. "Um, well...here are some of the places my friends and I have searched..."

Imagine Me and You [Hunt/Self]
Item: Distress Beacon
(We don't specify species, do we? )

Guardian; Hunter Hunt (P) + RE1 or RE2?
Item: Camo gear
(Dunno if I can put this; it's really old, but I posted a lot in it, hoping. i can make more recent posts if that's a requirement? But I wasn't sure)

Dangerous Disguise [P, Hunt, L/V]
Item: Holiday Decorations (Bottled Water)

Cost: 130 KS

[Paid; 130 KS]
[1st Hunt - Doesn't fulfill requirements]
[Otherwise Processed]

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: .:The Lone Saloon:.

Postby crow » 06/18/2016 10:37 AM


So, a new establishment had opened up, had it? What an auspicious occasion. And of course there were residents from the Estate, almost immediately, who had missives for and business with this new establishment. To crown it all, who should be considered at enough leisure to be called away to bear these messages but Rhodes himself?

"One of these days, I'd like to look into hiring a messenger," he muttered darkly. He had enough jobs around the place as it was, and certainly wasn't looking for more. Striding up to the man who ran the place briskly, he laid a sheaf of paper on the counter with a flick of his tails. "Business for you, sir. I'm sure you'll know what to make of it." He didn't have time for lengthy explanations. He had his own paperwork to take care of.

Thread: Into the Woods
Area: Whisper Forest
Item: none

Thread: One Night, Two Days
Area: Sedukui Farmlands
Item: none

Thread: Nico and Joli's Big Adventure
Area: Craiss Caverns
Item: none

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Re: .:The Lone Saloon:.

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/18/2016 4:04 PM


What a curious sort of place. It seemingly opened up over night. Of course, even then, it did not take much effort to discover just what sort of services it was offering. With those services, it meant that the bounty hunters had business with it.

Out of them all, it was a small Myu Reaper, Xero, that had been sent out. "I have some friends that are out searching as we speak. I am here in their stead," the small feline creature declared as she stared up at the Hydrolisk.

Too Hot to Handle? [L] [Hunt]
Located in Nori Volcano
No Items


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Re: .:The Lone Saloon:.

Postby Pyris » 06/18/2016 6:15 PM

Gatlin scowled as he followed the directions on his paper, finally finding the Saloon he'd been hired to enter.  A messenger!  How dare someone reduce his infamous mercenary skills to messenger.  He dug a crumpled sheet of paper out of his pocket.  With a mutter, he unfurled it from its wadded form and spread it out on the table.

"One Hexel is wandering about the Whisper Forest."

He'd been paid squat for this ridiculous job to deliver this one stupid line.  That was it; he needed to find a job where he got to kill something.   Maybe he'd start a hunt of his own later.

Though he really did hate doing things for free.

Whispers in the Woods (Open)
Location: WhisperForest
No Items

[Does not fulfill requirements]

"If I died today, would you remember me forever?"

"Even if I die...Forever."

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Re: .:The Lone Saloon:.

Postby Moofius » 06/19/2016 4:51 AM

Sori Lionel

Dust jumped high into the air as the cart rolled quickly over the vast plains. It seemed like a pretty flat expanse until you were rumbling across it in a cart without shock absorbers.  Pulling the cart were two torken, their masks spewing red and blue flames. At the head of the cart, directing the torken was a very unhappy woman.

Green eyes squinted against the dust, her lips were chapped and her dark, obsidian skin was covered in a fine grey dust. She would be happy to get out of this waste land and find somewhere more profitable. As it was she had owed an explorer a favour, and it was being called upon now. At least it was nothing to dangerous or difficult.

Stopping infront of the shop she hopped down and spelled her torken to stay, much too lazy to arrange them for the time it would take to do the job.

"Some aquaintances of mine are hunting in the Craiss Caverns. I can't remember what she said, something like Dungeon Crawl? Dungeon Crawl! [Open!] or something."
Did she want to use any traps?
"What, does that cost me money? Pfft, I said acquaintances, not friends. No Items."
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Re: .:The Lone Saloon:.

Postby PseudoMon » 06/21/2016 2:14 AM

The Velix was tiny, but fierce. Like a little voracious bean, it had no trouble running all the way through the Vast Plains and up into the saloon. There it chirped and chirped and jumped around with what one might say to be curiosity, if one was not the worried that it might start clawing on the paintings or spilling everybody's drink. Once it had settled, however, it stood up on the bar and started chirping wildly, as if trying to send a message.

It paused, hoping for a reply, but then it made a gesture that one might swore to be facepalming, and put down a piece of paper that he had been carrying. The message there was at least loud and clear.

"Please forgive the indirect relaying of this message. Boss is forgetful sometimes. He's up in Tengel Rainforest with his daughter, said it's for A Change of Pace, but from what I heard they're probably looking for something."

The message was unsigned, and the Velix was no help. It chattered some more, then climbed down and walked out.

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Re: .:The Lone Saloon:.

Postby Atoli01 » 06/29/2016 10:33 PM


If she could do this one little thing, Sybil would agree to accompany her. They'd have a fun summer trip, and Satella would come back with a pet bird to keep her company when he couldn't. But, let's face it-- you tell her to talk to a complete stranger who she isn't planning to feed from when the night's over, and she's stumped. It's not like her childhood was bad! She had her own group of friends! But facing rejection after rejection and being called a monster on a near daily basis takes a toll on one's self-esteem.

Where in life did she go so wrong that she was now standing in front of a counter with a slip of paper for the shopkeeper (so that she could talk as little as vampire-ly possibly) asking permission to hunt down a ridiculous looking bird to keep her company, because no one else would? One has to wonder such things on occasion.

RP Name: ✄ A total CAWtastrophe! [L; self]
Area: Terrace Park
Items: Camo Gear (30 KS)

Attached in a packet at the bottom of the note was 30 KS.

[Paid; 30 KS]

A beautiful moon shines above again tonight,
And it sheds light happily over the world.
As for me, I'm just worthless, good for nothing,
Dreaming at daybreak, creeping at dawn.

Still I'll scream into the sky, hoping that somebody will find me.
I want to run, but there's no way out--
No bright future in sight.
But I still fly up like a butterfly, hoping that you'll find me.
A crescent moon, ugly children of the stars, flying with broken wings...!

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Re: .:The Lone Saloon:.

Postby Remedy » 07/22/2016 2:17 AM


Zal was used to traveling a bit out of the way in order to get supplies for her hunting trips, but something about driving all the way out to the teetering edge of the Vast Plains to pick up one item was endlessly frustrating to the impatient entrepreneur.

Why not have a mail order program like the rest of the world? Ah, but alas, any online transfer would leave a distinct paper trail... and in her line of questionably legal business, the more undercover, the better.

Zal was quick to address Rick. "I need a distress beacon for my upcoming trip to the Nori Volcano. I found a copy of your forms online and took the liberty of filling them out before I arrived."

Area: Nori Volcano
Pickle/Zapdragon555: A Fiery Trail to Follow [HUNT; Zap & I] - Distress Beacon

[Paid; 50 KS]
[Does not fulfill requirements]

I think back to the time when my search first began,
I left behind those shores of sand
For the endless everlasting world out there.

I know that with this burning passion driving me
Someday, somewhere I'll finally see
The light I have searched for everywhere!

-One Piece, "Hikari E"

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Re: .:The Lone Saloon:.

Postby crow » 12/13/2016 3:45 AM


A test run. Standard procedure. Yeah, right. Aram knew a botch when he saw one, and they'd been botched good. Neo was still trying to figure out what it could be other than a demon, but Aram wasn't going to waste his time on anything like that. Conclusive rulings be damned, he knew the work of a demon when he saw one. Besides, what else was going to do something like that in that toxic waste spill of a magical field? No, it had to be a demon, and he was going to prove it.

This was just the paperwork part. Aram jotted down the details of his itinerary with a quick, careless hand. "I trust that'll be everything? If so, I'll be off. I don't have time to waste in a place like this."

Thread: Test Run
Area: Lya Pointa Cathedral
Item: none

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Re: .:The Lone Saloon:.

Postby ToxicShadow » 01/07/2017 5:42 AM


Bouncing into the Saloon, the Meji beamed up at the Hydrolisk. Even face to face with him, Clone wasn't unsettled. She didn't flinch away. "Hello!" Even her voice was cheerful as she greeted him. Rough appearance, gruff voice? None of that mattered to her. "I have two employees, you see. They're out on some venture. Gotta make money, you know? But I'm hoping they just might find something interesting in the city."


Area: Medicai City
Location: Promotional Speed Dating
Item: Distress Beacon

[Paid; 50 KS]

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