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Re: Sharks at Play (P, Pyris and I) (M: L, at the least )

Postby Pyris » 07/22/2016 8:04 PM

The glint in Valenna's eyes was unmistakable.  At just the words "snowboard sport event," ideas were filling her head as fast as she could process them.  Her grin spread across her face, ever betraying her excitement at the prospect of a fulfilling project.

Mr. Collins looked to her as though she might object, eyes watching her face with a neutral smile.

"I would be thrilled to work on either project, honestly.  However, if you wanted to expand the budget a bit, I feel like running both types of events in the same campaign would be very lucrative for your company," she began, consciously trying to not run all her words together.  Just the idea of a hot/cold theme had her artistic sense in overdrive.

Mr. Collins glanced at his severe looking associate, murmuring something quietly to one another before he gave her what she deemed 'a soft grandpa smile.'  "Please do share, Ms. Avirrill."

With a flash of teeth, Valenna began her light pitch.  "I can imagine a campaign featuring a woman on a canyon crawl, taking photos at the top and selfies with her friends and their sunburns.  Then, we could switch to a man and his snowboarding team at a tournament.  High speeds, edgy competition, and snow hitting the camera lens as pictures of the tour are taken.  Then, the pair can meet at home and share their pictures with one another.  At the end their can be a slogan like, 'No matter the weather, whatever the sport, Henson is there.'  Or something better, because frankly, the Advertisement team is much better at slogans and impact on words than the Art team.  In essence, I think it would make a very memorable 'fire and ice' type of theme that is both appealing to many age groups and very exhilarating in itself."

She wasn't sure that she'd actually get a green light for it or anything, but one never succeeded without trying first.

Mr. Collins had leaned in towards his colleague once again, whispering amongst themselves while Valenna glanced over to Savin and Lennard to gauge their opinions.

(( You're free to make the final call.  ^.^))

"If I died today, would you remember me forever?"

"Even if I die...Forever."

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Re: Sharks at Play (P, Pyris and I) (M: L, at the least )

Postby ShadowStitches » 07/23/2016 6:42 AM

Lennard had leaned back in his chair slightly, something abut his posture seemed...deflated. He surely  caught on that he had been set up by now, and the current situation left little room for a counter strike. Savin decidet to at least take this away as a small victory for the day, but that did little to lighten his otherwise dark thoughts.

As Vanella presented her first ideas, he studied the faces of the representatives. It seemed like they where not uninterested still, which was quite surprising, given that they had beem extremely carefull and vague before. Funny, he thought. One could have thought that this was actually a team effort. A meeting where  a team of well coordinated collegues passed the ball back and forth to come to the best conclusion. And...in a way it was. It just was not his pitch. It was hers, and now she even managed to take his little idea and incoporate it into hers. It was eating him. Very badly. Also she was so god damn enthusiastic about the whole thing. Apparently, Mr. Collins was a man who was easily captured by more emotional, artistic types of characters. He wished he knew that earlier…

He did not miss a small change around the corners of the mouth of Mr.Collins, when Valenna
mentioned the budget. And neither did Lennard it seemed, because he  perked up a little.
Sensing a chance to hop back into the game.  “These ideas are indeed interesting. However,
We should keep in mind to stay realistic with the time, effort and…budget this sort of campaign
would require”  The representatives attention was now his, which, in turn made Savins stomach
cramp up.  Their faces clearly said ‘he sure is on to something there’, and now he would have to
do something he really did not want to do. He highly doubted that Lennard planned this, but that
did not change that he was about to put his head on the chopping block for a project that was
not as much ‘him’ as he wanted it to be. “You do have a good point” he
started, choosing his words very carefully. “However, previous campaigns of similar
size have shown that the Budget did not rise too high.”
 He smiled confidentially,all though he
felt like watching a train wreck about to commence. Time to turn this around and wrap things up. “come to think of it, I think you are experienced in financial planning for big projects after ‘Steamrow’s’ campaign.”
If this had been a cartoon, Lennard would have gulped loudly at this. The aforementioned campaign had been a commercial success, but behind the scenes it had been a absolute desaster  because of less then amazing planning of Lennards team. Hensons Representatives did know nothing about this, of course, but it put Lennard into a very, very uncomfortable position in the spotlight regarding finances. Never the less, Mr. Collins turned his attention back towards Savin.

“We do like the idea of Mrs. Ms.Avirril. To combine both the canion and the Snowboarding,
or simmilar activities.If you are certain enough that this campaign has a future, and the financial
plan will be effective, we would like to give the green light for you to create first, more fleshed
out pitches and drafts.” Savin could feel a small bead of sweat running down his spine. They did
it.They practically reeled Hensons in. But he was defenetly in the crosshairs of the higher ups
now, given that he would have to green light this. Well, they all where, but he would have
to seal it. Meaning that if things went south, he would be in for a asswhooping of epic
proportions first.

Him or Lennard…or even potentially Valenna… hmmm...

maybe this would not be as sketchy for him as he first thought.
He looked at both Lennard and Valenna, before stating “I am glad to hear that you
are pleased with these ideas.If there are no  further objections or questions we will get straight to work on it, and set up a date with you for a new meeting”
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Re: Sharks at Play (P, Pyris and I) (M: L, at the least )

Postby Pyris » 07/25/2016 6:34 PM

Valenna grinned, writing down a few ideas on the small pad of paper she always kept with her.  Zachary was going to either be very pissed off or insanely excited.  He was always nagging her not to get into the scope of her more dangerous equals too soon.

Judging by the calculative glance she'd received, she was guessing that Savin was either trying to determine how to dismantle her completely or wondering if she'd done all this intentionally.

It was a pity if he saw her as someone trying overturn him directly; he'd make a valuable partner.  Though he seemed like the kind of man who always aligned with only himself.  Knowing this, it wasn't much of a surprise that he'd slackened the noose of his 'partner' just enough to make sure he didn't hang himself as well.  

"I look forward to potentially working on this with you and your company, Mr. Collins," Valenna said assuredly.  "I have the utmost confidence that together our teams can bring you something truly amazing."

Now she just had to determine what kind of reaction the boss was going to have.  Was he going to be pleased with it, or think that the risk was too high?  She felt it wisest to let Savin take most of the lead for the other details, both because he was likely more knowledgeable and it might help sooth a bit of his potential wrath.

"If I died today, would you remember me forever?"

"Even if I die...Forever."

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Re: Sharks at Play (P, Pyris and I) (M: L, at the least )

Postby ShadowStitches » 07/28/2016 1:24 AM

Valenna was very right in her assumption that Savin 'preferred' to do things his own way.
That was not to say that he was a stranger to teamwork, Primarily because the term was passed around in his department more readily then a spliff between a bunch of hippies, but also because, in a way, they all where somewhat doing teamwork constantly, a big, giant clockwork if you where so inclined. Only that, at least in his case (and Savin was more then willing to assume that it was the case in at least 80% of the other
people working for their company) everyone did one or multiple very specific task(s), made sure they did it better then the bloke next tp them, and lovelessly flung it further down the line to the next guy with little regards what happened to their work after that really.

The last few details where discussed, a firts, small time contract (basically a cuff that linked both companies together, just in case One of them decidet that the whole thing would not sail anymore, and leave the other party without any result or some kind of payment. It was all standardised, and smooth sailing for the most part for Savin. Lennard did not even try to say much anymore. The crontract was signed, and the glasses of the vulture shimmered dangerously. No doubt. she would run to the bossman right after this meeting was over. Savin did not like to admit it, but he really hoped their boss liked the idea too...
more likely was that he only saw the piles of money the campaign would eat though. Not that Savins initial idea would have been much less of a...effort on their companies part, but at least it would not have been locked to two...no three vastly different locations. Terrific.

But...They had Hensons. for now.
After the meeting and a last exchange of pleasantries, they all pooled back into the hallway. The vulture flew off to her master, and Lennard offered to show the Henson' representatives out. Primarily to get away from Valenna and Savin, but also, probably, to try and talk them into his idea. Usually Savin would not allow someone he wanted to take down to be alone with their client, but the pre contract was signed, and Lennard was too...simple to make good points. If anything he would dig his own grave further. He looked over at the woman, and managed a somewhat genuine smile. He was certain she caught on to...a least that he was not happy about how she turned things around, Instead of saying what was on his mind, he simply stated.
"Good thinking back there." as an afterthought, mosty to make smalltalk to give himself time to think of ways to destroy her carreer. "So...rock climbig? Did you really do that? or was that just to lure them in?" He needed more information on her. most likely he would call Meleena later, if anything, she was quite resourcefull on digging up all kinds of info and dirt about people.
He was quite unhappy with the whole situation. First off, she seemed like a very sharp person, someone who would not be outflanked easily. Second, he was pretty certain she analyzed him, or at least tried to do so, to some degree.
Nothing he was unfamilliar with, but he would have to be more carefull...
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Re: Sharks at Play (P, Pyris and I) (M: L, at the least )

Postby Pyris » 08/04/2016 8:21 PM

Valenna glanced at Savin, weighing her words.  "Sorry for intruding on your take-down, but I wasn't given much choice," she began, not one to play overly coy.  "As far as rock climbing goes, I don't lie unless I have to.  I'm afraid that once I heard Lennard's idea, though, I may have lost a bit of confidence in you.  But I'm glad I was mistaken."

While she was happy about the project, she was very wary of her fellow collaborators.  "I plan to take on this project to the best of my abilities and do not want any chess playing to make it suffer.  I'm confident that you can wage war on your comrade elsewhere."  She was probably darkening the target he'd likely already made on her, but she also needed to be clear.

If he wanted to attack her, he'd better not fuck up her art doing it. Valenna glanced at her watch briefly before returning her eyes to Savin's expression.  "That said, I am genuinely looking forward to working on this project with you.  I know that our skills together can make something worthy of being seen across the world."

Zachary was going to be calling soon, she knew.  He was so impatient.

((I hate my job sometimes.  T.T))

"If I died today, would you remember me forever?"

"Even if I die...Forever."

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Re: Sharks at Play (P, Pyris and I) (M: L, at the least )

Postby ShadowStitches » 08/06/2016 4:13 AM

(tight deadlines? yeah jobs can be the bane of existence sometimes :(
Hope things go better for you

oh, also, I changed Savins species to Lucain (you can see the boy on the first page ;) noooo Idea why I decidet to make such an as-...I mean... difficult character a breedable, but I got this boy from Middy, and I just...I dunno. I think it fits him better :3 Not that that is super important for the rp)

Savin was surprised at the way Valenna was handeling this situation. He was much more used to people sneaking around the issue and not adressing their observations or concerns that directly. He was aware that she was choosing her words, but still, this was way more earnest then what came out of the mouths of most people he worked with. Usually, if people talked this directly, they where afraid and tried to defuse a situation, crawling in front of a higher up and practically screeching 'dont hurt me'.

But this was obviously not the case with this woman. His eyes darkened slightly at her second remark. Did she just put him in his place? Him? She was not exactly making an effort not to piss him off further.

He waited untill she stopped speaking, before answering slowly. " The situation with Lennard was quite
unfortunate, yes. I can see how you felt you had to... intervene." He smirked "I'm a bit shocked that you thought I would actually back Lennards idea though" he cleared his throat sightly, before continuing.

"Regarding our project. No one wants to see it suffer." His tone was a tiny bit darker "Rest assured that any...behind the scenes situations will not cause any projects harm" Not only was she putting him in
his place, she was also insulting his professionalism. He figured that a small threat was only fair to place.

He watched her carefully. "This feeIing is mutual.I think this project holds Imense potential. As soon as Mr Griffith (their Boss) is...as conviced as we are, I see no bigger obsticles ahead" he did sound genuine. What he did not say was that he was not at all looking foreward to backing up their...no pretty much her projects high production cost in front of their boss. And that the potential of him having to do that today rather then later was high enough, given that the last meeting of the day was with him and others...
It was not like he could...do any damage there either. Because sadly, the projects idea was good, and he would hurt himself quite badly if he tried to do damage on sucha fundamental level. No, he had signed the contract, he would have to sit this one out.

He really, really needed to speak to Meleena...He wanted her to start on the little 'side project' as soon as possible.
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Re: Sharks at Play (P, Pyris and I) (M: L, at the least )

Postby Pyris » 08/14/2016 4:53 PM

((He looks good!  ^.^  I have two jobs, and in one, we lost an overnight baker, so I was pulling doubles for them until our other one came back from vacation.))

Valenna smirked at him then, more amused than insulted at the veiled threat.  "Zachary is already drafting a budget as we speak as he consults with the financial department.  He'll also be prioritizing what we need so that Mr. Griffith can see what he can cut out if necessary.  I should have it by the time we meet this evening," she glanced at her watch again, making sure she wouldn't be late.

She was starting to look forward to a game of chess with Savin.  It had been a very long time since she'd been on a field with someone close to her level.  His moral character was a little concerning, but she hadn't really had a challenge in so long.... It was the Game that made up a part of her love for her work.

"If you need anything from us at all, don't hesitate to ask," she said.  Her smile grew a little more before she added, "I can't wait to see what else you have in store for me."

"If I died today, would you remember me forever?"

"Even if I die...Forever."

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Re: Sharks at Play (P, Pyris and I) (M: L, at the least )

Postby ShadowStitches » 09/01/2016 5:25 PM

(I am so sorry. super tired, so just a short one :(  But I'm back :D)

Savin could feel the smile on his face spread almost unvoluntarily. Truly, there was a vibe of
'the game is on' now almost tangible in the air between them. And like Valenna he enjoyed a
worthy opponend, allthough he was clearly less happy about the over all circumstances.

"very well. I on my side will do some early research regarding team aviability for actors etc.
as well as internal affairs, as well as presentation. Likewise, if you need anything from me, you know where to find me"
To her last remark he smirked slightly //...A whole lot of pain, my dear// he thought, but out came
" Dont worry, things certainly wont get boring"

His eyes slipped towards his watch. "I have to get going, I will call if anything else comes up,
otherwise I look foreward to seeing you in the evening" with that, he made his way down the
hallway, already punching away at his smartphone

Meleena, meeting in my office in 5.  

(again, sorry for the meh and shortness of the post :()
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Re: Sharks at Play (P, Pyris and I) (M: L, at the least )

Postby Pyris » 09/11/2016 7:16 PM

((I'm so sick right now. :aargh: I'm also not get emails about responses from Evelon, so I'm gunna have to check that out, too. Sorry for the lateness.))

Valenna could feel something left unspoken in the casual reassurance that it would never be boring. A darkness crept at the back of his eyes that made her skin prickle a little. This was not a very nice dude. She smiled and waved him off as he left, turning on her heel as her shoes made a clack against the floor with her steps.

She had shit to do. A lot of shit to do. Pulling out her phone, she tapped the screen, speed dialing her favorite secretary. "Zachary. I'm going to need some extra information from you," she said, quickly rounding the corner as she headed to her office.

Mentally she was making a list, adding 'go over Savin's profile again, dig a little deeper into his background' to the top. Entering the office, she was satisfied when the flurry of movements within it were a little more frenzied. "I imagine you've all heard about the shiny new project we've just potentially landed," she began, pausing as everyone took a moment away from what they were doing to listen. "This is a very high profile and extremely delicate project. Don't fuck it up."

With that the flurry of chaos that was the constant state of the Art Department resumed, only three of her employees drawing closer to her.

Zachary, Lauren, and Jessica were walking towards her, the known dragonlady pausing only long enough to grab the newbie, Rhys and pull him along with her. "Chief," Zachary said simply; his way of informing her their attention was hers.

"We have a few hang-ups that we'll need to work around to get this project approved." Tablets and notepads were held aloft to begin note taking. "Lauren, you'll need Rhys' help to get to all the different departments we'll need to coordinate with for it. Here is a list of what I'm going to need from where and how to make them give it to me." She handed her a neatly handwritten list, signed at the bottom with her signature. "Don't take any of their shit today," she added for good measure.

The girl nodded, eyes skimming the list intently before Valenna began again. "Jessica, you're going to need to be on point. You got it? Keep the brats in line and don't let anything that looks like crap pass through the que. And Zachary? ... We gotta talk."  She handed Jessica the list of concepts and let the team break away to work.  Zachary waited patiently for them to move out of earshot.  "I need a more in-depth profile on Savin.  I'm afraid I may have hit the hornet nest on this guy."

Zachary had a very predictable frown on his face before sighing.  "You never learn."  Valenna opened her mouth to remind him who the boss was, as well as to ask him to bring in the kid they'd featured in her previous meeting.  "Yes, master," he mumbled before she could, smirking before adding, "I also have the kid you were interested in scheduled to interview with you at noon tomorrow.  I"ll have that profile ready for you by the meeting, but you'll need to look it over quickly."

"That's my boy," she said simply, allowing him to take his leave.   He'd gotten his list of shit to do in an email during the meeting with the representatives.  Now she just had the boss to convince.  She entirely planned to let Mr. Ashfield do all the schmoozing.

"If I died today, would you remember me forever?"

"Even if I die...Forever."

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