A dense jungle full of surprises and new places to explore! Scientists are still trying to document species found here, while travelers flock here for a sense of adventure. Be sure to make lots of preparations though, as it can be quite dangerous! (+3 Precision, +2 Offense)

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Return to Tengel Rainforest

Artistic Friends Forever (Moonling Hunt) (Open)

Postby MillietheWarrior » 02/28/2008 12:25 AM


The woman hadn't meant to wander so far from her house. She had been on a lazy summer hike, just enjoying the scenery, when BAM! Here she was. Great. This place was the last place she had expected to be. But even the most unexpected of places held surprises. A small creature perched precariously on her shoulder, it's eyes watching everything with an iridescent calm. It's dark body glinted in the pale, almost non-existent sunlight, the purple coloring striking and eye catching as it shifted to be a bit more comfortable on her shoulder. It held on easily, it's feet quite sticky, and the girl had to keep brushing away one of the whiskers that kept flying in front of her face.

It chittered softly to her, in a language only the girl seemed to understand, making small chirping noises on her shoulder as it looked about. "I know we're far from home, but just chill, all right, Berry? Maybe we can find something while we're here." She had heard that the Tengel Rainforest was home to what people referred to as 'Moonlings.' She had been eager to see one, and curious about their existence. She was, after all, a sketch artist. She loved to draw every new creature she came across. Even now, her sketch pad sat in a large black backpack slung over her shoulders. She padded through the trees, gazing up at the darkening sky. In a few more minutes, it'd be compeltely dark.

She wasn't sure if she wanted to be here after the sun went down. Already, the sounds of the night were closing in, and she jumped and spooked at every little noise. The creature on her shoulder chittered nervously, and it's whiskers twitched as it wrapped it's tail around the back of her neck; for comfort, of course, both for himself and the girl. She nodded, slowly, and reached up to pat his soft, smooth nose. "I know it's getting dark. But hey, maybe we'll be lucky and see one of them 'Moonling' fellows, eh?"She chuckled, though there was no humor in it.

After a few more minutes of silence, she stopped in a small clearing, and took her bag off, Berry hopping down to land on one of her feet. It chattered softly and looked around. "Yep, looks like a good place to set up camp," the girl replied, wiping her brow. Her dark brown hair was pulled up in a high ponytail, blue eyes scanning the surrounding area. Her large backpack was perfect for hiking, and she had brought along a sleeping bag and a tent, as well as many necessary camping tools and equipment, just in case. A lot of extra weight for a short trip, but well worth it.

Unpacking, she proceeded to use what light was left to pitch her tent and build a small fire, unrolling her sleeping bag inside the large two-person tent. She sat on a log turned make-shift chair, and pulled a bag of marshmallows from her sack, as Berry curled up on her lap, watching the fire intently. She roasted a couple of marshmallows, feeding a couple to the happy Slithy and popping the rest into her mouth. Sighing happily, she curled her arms around her friend, and sat staring into the fire, listening to the sounds of the night all around her...

And so it begins...

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Postby Fish » 02/28/2008 11:23 PM

OOC: Sorry it took me so long to post Millie. Also, no matter how hard I try, my post(s) will never be as long as yours was. >.> Also, I'm going to have him sneak up on them in the second post, if you don't mind.


It wasn't odd of him to be walking around in the dark. You can say, it was how he worked. Literally. But, why would he be here in practically the middle of nowhere when his Father had specifically asked him to go off and finish a few 'orders'.
Titus cackled deeply to himself. His Father was a fool and he was tired of him.
So what if I left? That question was something that had continuously haunted him for years now, and he has always failed to come up with an answer. Was he afraid to find out? Titus shook his head vigorously and his fur shook and glistened with him. He wasn't afraid! No, of course he wasn't... but... what if he was?
He snarled and clamped his jaw shut and tight. He would remove such pathetic thoughts from his mind. They were useless. A waste of time and obviously untrue. Otherwise, why would he be here, if he was so afraid?
Titus blinked. It was hard enough for others to not understand him, but it made it even harder when he couldn't understand himself. He frowned suddenly then bit it back even though nobody was around. Maybe he was withholding information from his self also?

The night grew on and the bitter cold bit at his face. He ran a tongue over his jagged teeth. He didn't mind the cold so much. His eyes searched the grounds and area.
Where am I anyway? He tired to think back of his previous directions he had took. Nothing gave him any clues as to where his whereabouts were. He imaginatively shrugged and then smirked momentarily. He would have to consider his time being out here a vacation. It was a happy thought for him and he enjoyed its joyful feeling.

Titus continued strolling. He watched his surroundings cautiously whilst taking pleasure in the scenery also. He looked longingly at it. Then a stick snapped to his left and he jumped sideways before leaping viciously in the direction. His jaw was wide open and he growled threateningly. He glanced quickly around him and found nothing. He didn't imagine the noise, but there truly was nothing here. He sniffed the air to make sure. A precaution nonetheless. Still nothing came. Why was he so worried and high on guard?
He responded by snorting. It was his job to be on guard constantly. To let it down even just once could end up him dead.

A chitterling sound danced through the air a ways from where he stood. He picked up his ears. The noise wasn't close, so he felt no threat right away. Yet, it still sounded suspicious. He debated whether to find out what it was. The answer ended up in a 'yes'.
He picked up his right foreleg and stepped forward, his hind legs following in tune with his one foreleg. You would think he would be limping with his all 'missing a leg and all'. But, his many years at the company told him to do so were a sign of weakness. To show weakness would mean they would have to 'put him down'. That encouraged him to get over his limping in such a short time.
Short time...

Edit: I always foget this... Post: 1

"Careful... I'm contagious."


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Postby MillietheWarrior » 02/29/2008 7:25 PM

Sammy sighed softly, curling her arms tighter around Berry. The little creature chirped softly, and nuzzled it's smooth face against her arm, silently content to be with his master. Berry had been a gift from Sammy's aunts. Both Subira and Tabitha had been happy to give the little guy to her, though Subira didn't seem to show it.

The glint in her eyes told Sammy all she needed to know. Sammy tilted her head, her hair glistening in the firelight as the ponytail fell over her shoulder. She remembered the day she had been given Berry. The poor little thing. He was on auction, though she had no doubt his owner loved him very much, and he had been quite timid at first.

"Hey Sammy!" The young woman looked up as two older women approached, one of them holding a large box with breathing holes in it. 'Uh-oh,' Sammy couldn't help but think. 'When they get that look on their faces, there's no telling what'll happen.' She tried her best to look surprised as her aunts strolled over, both with a smug smile plastered across their faces. "Well, Sammy!" Tabitha began, giggling and cradling the small box against her chest. "Since you've been such a hard worker, and such a good girl, we've decided that your ready for your first pet. But remember, pets are a big responsibility. And you'll only get him if you can take proper care of him."

Subira drew her brows together, and growled in her not-so-soft voice, shoving her hands into her jean pockets. "Can you agree to that, kid?" she asked. She had never really used Sammy's real name. It was always just 'little one,' or 'kid' or 'skirt' (Because Sammy was such a girly-girl sometimes) as she was fond of calling her. Sammy hadn't minded. The dark haired girl had nodded vigorously. For once, it wasn't some lame surprise, like a new book or something. But her very own pet! Tabitha grinned widely, and Subira smiled gently, as the former mentioned girl held the box out to Sammy. "Here ya are!" she chirped, hair bouncing. "Go on, take him out and meet him!"

Sammy opened the lid, and looked inside, expecting to see some cute little furry animal but instead... "What is it?" she asked, raising a startled brow. Tabitha and her sister looked taken aback. "Why, it's a Slikey(?), of course!" the older sister had said, her blue eyes dancing. "Isn't he just the cutest? His name is Berry. I bought him at an auction house a while back. Poor little guy..." Sammy just stared at the creature, who stared right back with small, beady black eyes.

It chirped, and leapt out of the box, landing softly on her shoulder. Sammy jumped, looking surprised, before the tiny creature nuzzled her cheek gently, it's eyes closing and a soft contented sigh escaping. It seemed happy with it's new owner. Subira and Tabitha smiled, as Sammy patted it's head, her tentative smile blossoming into a large, happy grin. "Oh wow! I love him! Berry huh?" she asked, and Berry chirped a 'yes.' "Well Berry, I have a feeling that this is the start of a beautiful friendship..."

Sammy smiled, her eyes glazed over as she reminisced about the time she got her first and sometimes, she thought, only friend. The little Blackberry Slikey(?) was cuddled up against her, making soft cooing noises, and snorting as he closed his eyes. Sammy chuckled, her laugh a light, chime like sound, that was very pleasant to hear. But her laugh was cut off abruptly when she heard the sound of a growl, and something like a snarl.

A branch snapped off to her right, and she jumped, shifting so that she was instantly on her feet, Berry cradled in her arms. "Who's there?" she demanded, trying not to let her voice quake or quiver. "S-Show yourself! I mean it. I've got a.." She looked around, before snatching up the marshmallow roasting stick. "A...Er, half-burnt stick, and I'm not afraid to use it!" Berry gave a defiant chirp, looking ready to fight.

[Post 2]

((No prob! And I loved your post! -Pats Titus- Hehe, he looks like an awesome character...And I hadn't even noticed he was missing a leg! Coolios! He's like, a hardcore warrior. ^^))

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Postby Fish » 02/29/2008 11:52 PM

OOC: Thankies! -attacks- He's ma baby! -attacks Titus- But, sadly I'm dissapointed with my post. -mentally cries- D'x

It wasn't hard for Titus to sneak up upon the duo. He slithered his way between the various nature obstacles. His head low and even with his figure, he went on forward.
He stepped over sticks and dried leaves, aiming for the soft and wet spots as to not make a sound. He wouldn't want to give way to himself. Who knew whom/what they were?

His breath came out low and short. Almost as if he held his breath entirely. He came closer to the whereabouts of the others. He lurked in the darkest of the trails and loomed closer. Finally he noticed a lit area and wandered closer. Feet away he paused behind what seemed to him as a bush and concealed himself. He peeked over to find only a girl and some reptilian-lizard thing. He perplexed as to why they would be here.

Such a fool I am. To get worked up over little than this! He was disgusted. He turned his head behind him. Preparing himself mentally for his departure. To stay would/might be a waste of his time. He pushed himself forward to head back with his hind leg then paused and looked back. The girl was holding out... a stick? He withheld his laughter, and the reptilian-thing... he closed his eyes, he knew not what is was... seemed to be looking as if he was ready for a fight. Did they hear me? He wondered. He didn't hear of a response. Was it something else? He didn't remember smelling anyone else around here. He perplexed again. He was unable to come up with an answer or even an excuse.

Titus snorted and rolled his eyes. He knew it was his fault and his presence that trigged their reaction.
Their fear had intrigued him though, but it also had saddened him.
Turning he stride his way to the opposite side, directly behind where they had been standing. He licked his lips and pushed his way through the shrubs. He entered the fire-lighted area slowly and a bit hesitantly. This could just end up in a mistake. He stopped, not wanting to get any closer then he already was, then coughed to get their attention.
He slightly wondered what their reaction would be.

Post: 2

"Careful... I'm contagious."


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Postby MillietheWarrior » 03/01/2008 5:09 PM

Sammy had held her half-burnt stick at the ready, while Berry looked around darkly, hissing softly, and reminding her very much of a cat who was angry that it's mouse had gotten away. Her eyes scanned the clearing. There didn't seem to be anything out there, and the noise had stopped. Had she been imagining it, she wondered? She twisted and turned, and finally settled on it being nothing more than the wind. Perhaps the forest was playing tricks on her ears. But then, hadn't Berry heard it to? This forest was dark, dangerous, and mysterious. Who knows what could've made that noise.

She stood stiffly in the middle of the clearing, her arm curled protectively around Berry, her other hand curled tightly around her marshmallow roasting stick. Subira had taught her to defend herself, and defend herself she would, if they ever found out what that noise was. After a few tense, silent moments, Sammy relaxed. Berry chittered something to her in a soft, soothing tone, and she nodded. "Yeah, must've been my imagination," she cooed, before turning to go back to her makeshift chair. However, when she turned, her eyes locked onto a dark figure emerging from the brush, his green eyes and ebony pelt glowing in the soft moonlight. Sammy stood there, eyes wide before...

"AUGH!" She threw the stick into the air, and nearly fell backwards over the fire. Berry chirped in shock, surprise and fear as it was thrown high into the air, it's owners arms wind milling frantically to keep her balance. The little creature glided down, landing between it's master and the strange entity, and chittered something angrily, looking like a tiny hissing cat, only quite unmistakably reptilian. Sammy finally righted herself, and dashed forward, scooping the little Blackberry creature up, and scuttling back behind the fire. "Who're you?!" she demanded, pointing her finger at him, her heart still racing. "And why'd you sneak up on us like that?! I almost had a heart attack, you idiot!"


I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Postby Fish » 03/03/2008 1:11 AM

Titus chuckled. He couldn't help it. Their reaction just tickled him silly, even though he had suspected something of the sort, he didn't know it would be something quite like this.
Titus forced himself to stop laughing, even though it still threatened to come out. He paused and waited for their excitement to end before introducing himself properly. He watched them closely. The reptilian-thing was a bit of an odd sight for him. He perplexed over its own particular reaction.
Like a guardian for the girl. It was the first thought that came to his mind. He stared at the creature a bit longer still perplexing.
Titus frowned mentally.

Finally, he found and opening to introduce himself to the others. He closed his eyes and flashed a jagged-tooth smile towards them. "An idiot?" He questioned. "That's the first time I ever heard anyone call me that." He had mumbled afterwards. He didn't know how to comprehend it. Whether he should really be offended by it or... something else? "But, I'm afraid that's not what I go by." He raised his head and straightened his back. "I am..." He started off before cutting off. These were random people. People who knew nothing of him nor probably ever will. "You, know what? Just call me Titus. It is my name after all, and nothing else seems good enough." It was a kind gesture, because he rarely told anyone his first name. Whether they would take it as one, he didn't know. "As for sneaking up upon you guy's, I didn't mean too." He lied. Titus was well conscience about sneaking up on them. He just didn't want them to know that fact. "I was merely just trying to find out who was out here." He painted a friendly expression on his face and started to step forward. "Which, by the way, I am still wondering about." It was a hint for them to explain themselves.

Titus took a step forward and made sure to walk to their side, where he continued to circle them. Not in any means to find a weak point from them. Instead it was a habit of his. He did ensure that they had clear view to the fact he was missing a leg.
He smirked to himself. If anything that he had learned from becoming 'crippled', it was that people took you lightly. Though they found it as an opening of some sort, he found it as more of an advantage.

His eyes stayed on the duo. Only once did he momentarily take his eyes off them to glance at their dark surroundings. He semi-expected something to be out there.  

Post: 3

"Careful... I'm contagious."


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Postby MillietheWarrior » 03/04/2008 5:42 PM

The girl certainly hadn't been expecting him to talk to her. But it was stupid not to, since she had asked him a question. "Well sorry," She growled. "But you're an idiot for scaring us, okay?" She seemed very defensive, eyes shining in the fire of the camp light. She cradled Berry close to her chest, and watched him with large, wary dark eyes. Knitting her brow together, she flipped a hand up to brush a few stray locks away that had escaped her ponytail. She was really quite pretty, if one didn't mind the light layer of dirt coating her dark skin and clothing. She'd been out here for a while now, to be honest; albeit, not in this particular place, but still...

"Titus..." She repeated slowly, before her eyes went slightly wide at his appearance. She had met a few Lucain in her time, but this one...He was different. His wing blades were broken, and he was...What was that? He was missing a leg? She had never come across any animal with such a handicap, although her experience was limited, granted. She put a hand on her hip, glaring at him in the soft, flickering light. "Look, I'm a girl, and this is a Slikey. Do you seriously think we're gonna hurt you? I mean, come on. Did you see what I had as a weapon? You can stop circling us now, Titus."

She glared softly as she thumped defiantly back down on her makeshift seat, Berry cradled protectively in her crossed arms. "My name is Samantha...But don't you dare call me that...ever," she added as an afterthought, one finger tapping her chin and her eyes glaring softly. "Just plain 'Sammy' will do just fine." She jiggled Berry lightly, who had hidden his face in her shirt. "This is Berry. My friend..." She paused, her eyes regarding him suspiciously, carefully, over the campfire she had almost fallen into.

"And just what are you doing out here, in the middle of nowhere, Mr. Titus? Sneaking up on unsuspecting girls and their pets and scaring the bezeebers out of them? What a lovely pastime," she said dryly, placing one hand on her hip again, eyes narrowed as Berry chattered something in his angry, native language. Her eyes were hard, but they were still quite soft and lovely to look at. She huffed, her tone and body language demanding an answer.


I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Postby Fish » 03/06/2008 2:58 AM

He stiffened a bit. They were an odd bunch to him and their actions seemed to intrigue him.
"I suppose.." He stated at the girl's response. He still found it strange how she could so bluntly call him an 'idiot'.
What was it that allows her to do so? Is it bravery or stupidity? He couldn't entirely place it. Maybe later on he might be able to tell, but for now, he was unable too. He tilted his head and flicked his dark grey ears. The sound of the night always made him feel peaceful in a way. He would live his entire life in the dark if he was able to. But, sadly he is not; or at least has not been able to find a way to do so.

Titus paused. "You may be correct on what you say you are," He swiftly glanced over them, and then turned to the burning fire. He strode towards it. One leg at a time, as his thoughts formed around a million questions he couldn't comprehend. "But how am I sure, that you truly mean no harm." He gazed at the fire intently. His dark coat glistening with each crackle of the flame. The form of the heat danced in his eyes and gave him  a look that seemed almost deceiving.
Titus inaudibly sighed whilst turning sharp to the girl and Slikey. He chomped down his teeth softly but quickly and stepped a bit in their direction. "Sammy then..."He nudged his head in the girl's direction. He thought of her as a bit demanding. Though, he didn't take it as rude or a bad trait. It seemed to him as if the girl had a leader pent up inside her. "And that Silkey"-The name still sounded unfamiliar to him-"is Berry. Alright."  

"Hmm, a good question you have. I could ask the same from you." He closed his green eyes and took in a deep breath. "Well, there could be many reasons why I am out here for; One, I could be just exploring new land; Two, I could be heading home; Three, I could be simply lost; Four, I could be in search of something; Or five, all the above the previous reasons." His lips tugged at the corners. "I'll let you decide." His tail flicked behind him as Titus slowly paced to a spot of his own, seeing as the girl and Berry had already sat themselves down. He found one, feet away from the fire, yet its light still reaching him and dancing on his dark coat. "How about you? Will you enlighten me on as to why would a simple girl and her... pet, be all the way out here. Especially if their only defense is a stick?" He lifted the nub of his former foreleg and twirled it in a circle. If he still had his paw he would have made a gesture.
Titus pondered on an idea. "If you tell me as to why you are out here, I'll answer a question of yours. Truthfully." He cared less about it all; you can just say he was bored.

Post: 4

"Careful... I'm contagious."


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Postby Jslilblesn » 03/06/2008 6:45 PM

Lint the Bleach Cuniflare and Detergent the Bleach Leebra found themselves traveling farther in the rainforest than usual. Sure, they lived here in the treehouse with the rest of Jaim's pets, and they knew almost every inch of the forest, but ever since Jaim went off to war, Tengal seemed eerier than usual (especially during the night). Lint and Detergent carried a basket full of freshly washed, wet laundry. They would've hung it out to dry in their usual place, but they found it being occupied by the younger pets Jaim kept, the Kuhnas starting it all. Ok, Lint said, holding one end of the basket in his stubby paws, We can sat it down here. Carefully now. Slowly, the two Bleaches sat the basket down. I'm so glad to get that taste of wood out of my mouth, Detergent commented, And this wire from around my paws. He unwounded the wire which he and Lint would use to hang up the wet clothes. Lint grabbed a buddle of clothes and two clothespins and headed towards the clearing, the Leebra following behind him, holding the wire in his mouth.

Lint hopped into the clearing, only to see that the second spot that he used for clothesdrying was also taken. The Cuniflare moaned in disgust. When he looked to see, it seemed as if there was a confrentation going on. He heard most of what was going on, but the term middle of nowhere made him a bit upset. He and Jaim and the rest of the pets had lived here almost an entire year. It was definetley more than the middle of nowhere. Just when Detergent had caught up with him, Lint was hopping into the fray, already talking to people he didn't know. Sighing, the Leebra followed him. Hello my good people, and creatures, if I do say so myself, he said in very clear english. Besides Valentine (a Plush Kalamarei), he and Detergent were quite fluent English speakers, and Ice Princess (a Purine Magistrey) was learning. I must protest that this is much more than the middle of nowhere. Why, it's a land of discovery and harmony. A great example of Yin/Yang if I do say so myself. Why, I have lived here for almost a year. We live in a treehouse not to far from here and... At that moment, Detergent bounded up behind the Cuniflare, and dropping the wire on the ground, spoke. Excuse Lint here, he's a bit protective about Tengal, really loves it here. We just came to hang laundry and... He stopped dead in his tracks, there was more than just a friendly chat with locals going on here. Hey, what's going on here? We don't tolerate violence too much in these parts. Either be nice or get off of our land. We don't mind people staying on our land (free of charge mind you) but violence won't be tolerated. Detergent was going to stand his ground. This part of land was rightfully owned Jaim, and if there was gonig to be trouble, he might as well just hang the laundry.
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Postby MillietheWarrior » 03/06/2008 8:03 PM

Sammy snorted, tossing her head in the air. "S'what I said," she growled, indicating his repetition of their names. She folded her arms closer to Berry, who gave her an indecisive chirp, his dark eyes roving over the Lucain, who had seemingly decided to make himself comfortable in their camp. "You've gotta be kidding me," she said at last, staring at him incredulously. "You can't even give me a straight answer? What, think I'll use it against you?" She snorted again, and bunched her first at her hip. "That would be a right lovely conversation with some weirdo who was out to get ya. 'Did you meet Titus in Tengel?' 'Oh yeah. Crazy idiot who jumps out at people and scares them? Right. I met 'im. In fact, we actually played 20 questions, and I still didn't get an answer out of him. Then he sat down by the fire, and ate all my bacon...'" she said sarcastically.

She shook her head. "As for us, there could be many different reasons that we're out here,"she replied with a smirk, her eyes glinting in the light. "One; I'm exploring new lands. Two; I'm trying to get home. Three; I might just be lost. Four; I'm looking for something. Five; all of the above. Or six; I'm stuck in the middle of nowhere, on a camping trip, and talking to an incredibly annoying Lucian," she mocked, quoting him from earlier in an attempt to annoy an answer out of him. Sammy smiled and titled her head. "And how do you know I don't have more protection than just a marshmallow roasting stick? Just because I said we didn't, doesn't make it true. Maybe it was the only thing I could get to at the time."

She raised her dark eyebrows, giving him a long hard look. "And if you're half as smart as I think you are, you'll be able to figure out everything you want to know from what I've said only a few seconds ago." She crossed her arms, as Berry gave a squeak and glided up to perch atop her shoulder, staring down at Titus with beady black eyes. The little Slikey suddenly chirped, and turned to face something that had...In his opinion, appeared out of nowhere. He bristled, and hissed, much like a cat as a Bleached Cuniflare bounced forward and started yapping on about the forest. Sammy, for one, simply stared at him with wide eyes, her mouth open. "That is the most random..."she muttered under her breath, unable to finish her sentence.

"Laundry?" she sputtered. "Are you kidding me? In the middle of a supposedly dangerous, spooky, man-eating forest, when it's dark, with the weird sounds of...Whatever is out there all around you...You're seriously...Doing laundry?" She stared at him for a few moments, completely missing the Leebra's next question as she burst out laughing. Berry chirped indignantly as he was thrown to the ground, his master clutching at her sides and dissolving into peals of unbridled laughter. "Oh my gosh...Ha ha...That is...The...The Most...H-hilarious thing...I-I've e-ever heard!" she cried, trying to catch her breath.  She laughed so hard she fell off the log, landing with a tiny thump on the other side.

Catching her breath, she sat up, peering over the side of her makeshift seat. "Oh geeze...Thanks for that. I needed a good laugh, dude." She giggled, looking like she was going to start up again, but stopped when Berry landed on the log and chittered in annoyance. "Oh, dude, right. Intros!" She stood up, smiling pleasantly, before planting both hands on her hips. "'Jelly man, offspring. Offspring, Jellyman...'" She snorted, quoting a line from Berry's favorite movie, before turning serious again. "The name is Samantha, but don't call me that, 'cause it'll get violent. You can call me Sammy..."She motioned to Berry, who had glided up to perch on her shoulder. "This here is Berry. That idiot over there," she continued, jerking a thumb in the Lucain's direction. "Is Titus. Pleasure to make your acquaintance, Mr. Laundry Man." She giggled, then chuckled, and nearly dissolved back into her peals of laughter, but was checked by one very annoyed Blackberry Slikey.

((Did anyone catch the 'Finding Nemo' reference XD))


I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Postby Fish » 03/08/2008 11:49 AM

OOC: Sorry for the late reply, I was kicked off. D:> Also, yeah, I did catch the Finding Nemo reference. Haha! Is that really Berry's favorite movie? Also Celtic~ Just for your information, Titus won't attack anyone unless he's being paid or they make the first move. He will become defensive if anyone accuses him/does something he does not approve of. Basically, that's about it. Oh, before I forget: His full name is pronounced as Tie-t-us Ren-tell. Just for both yours and Millie's reference. :3

The dark coated Lucain sat there as he listened patiently for the female to finish speaking. He stared blankly in their direction. She seemed to him, extremely annoyed at him and his reactions/responses; though, her annoyance she unmistakably amused him. However, he couldn't understand why exactly, but something inside him, wrenched with guilt. Was he being a bit to ignorant? Or was this form of guilt unfounded and in fact something he had mistaken?

The girl came an end to her speech and he sighed abruptly; his jaw open for him to respond. Then from out of nowhere, came a bounding Bleached Cuniflare and a Bleached Leebra. He stopped hastily and glared at the sudden appearance of yet, another duo. A growl rose from his throat and he silenced it back down. It would have been rude to snarl without a good enough reason...at least for now. He was interrupted by the both the new-comers and when they finished their short rant he finally spoke up.
"Though my name is Titus,"His voice came out roughly after he heard Sammy introduce him. "I will not allow you the privilege to call me that. Instead, I shall be know by you as Rental."It was his real last name that he demanded for them to call him. The name him and his Father used for the public, when introducing themselves, parties and invites, whatever that had to do with the public. Hence the phrase 'their public name'. He had another name both first and last that dealt with their people and the 'extras'.

He growled softly, "I never heard of anyone claiming this land as their own."He stood now, no longer sitting peacefully. The new-comers had irritated him, causing his mood to drop all the way to bitter and sour. He narrowed his green eyes that glowed from his own momentarily annoyance; Then laughed sarcastically as he continued to speak. "That's what I find hilarious. The fact that you barge in here, without any polite introductions I might add, stating how much you know of this land and claiming.it.as.your.own!"He paused for every word in the last part, making sure it was emphasized. His right ear flicked as he swiftly moved unnoticeably into a defensive stance. It was his own response. "As for the violence; The only ones being violent is your own self, Leebra."His mood had definitely gone sour. "In fact, none of us was even close to being violent."Titus was never one to stand by and just let people accuse him.

"Sammy,"He turned swiftly towards the girl, still holding his ground, and demanded her attention a bit rudely. He did not intend to act so rudely; but because of the fact he was still enraged at the Leebra and even the Cuniflare. He took in a breath and held it. Titus knew he had to calm down, so he tried. Then continued. "I'm out here mainly because I am. There's no specific reason as to why. I just only happened upon here accidentally. And I stayed because I wish not to return just yet." He stopped there, stepping towards the shadows of the forest, away from the two groups. His claws dug into the ground as he stepped and he clutched his jaws together. He wasn't happy at all.    

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Postby Jslilblesn » 03/10/2008 7:01 PM

Ooc: Since I didn't post pics last time, I will do it this post!


The Bleach Leebra snorted in disgust. He took the clothes the Cuniflare was holding and flew back over to the basket of wet clothes and dropped the pile in, then dragged the whole basket over. Well, he said rudely, I hope you don't mind having wet clothes hanging over you, because I am drying them no matter what! By the way, thanks for building the fire Sammy, that will help a bunch! With that he grabbed the wire and the clothespins and flew up to two tree branches, attaching the wire to them with the clothespins. Lint looked at him and sighed. Oh don't mind him, he said, He's just overly obbsessive about cleaning. And you aren't? Detergent called down angrily, We are both bleaches too ya know! The Cuniflare shook his head, then continued talking. Well Rental,[b] he said bowing, [b]As far as intros go, Detergent already told you my name. I am Lint, and that pushy Leebra up there is Detergent. Then he looked over to the girl called Samantha. And you young lady, do not understand my meaning for doing laundry so late. He frowned, and his voice got a little stern, When your human is off bravely fighting in war, and the pet who takes her place as head-of-household is also with her, AND you've got almost 20 pets to take care of, not to mention those forbiddon ones in those boxes down in the basement, you've got to do things late. Calming down, Lint spoke cooly once more. But I must digress, he said, Please don't mind me, I shall just help Detergent hang up the laundry. He hopped over to the basket and picked up two pairs of onesies, just the right size for baby Kuhnas. And by the way, Rental, he said, his back still turned, I didn't say we own the whole rainforest, but my human did have the land where our treehouse sits, our garden, and this nice little spot here developed when she got here, so in a way, it is hers. Why do you think it's so clean and clear, Sammy? With that, the Cuniflare hopped over to a tree where Detergent was waiting, and handed him outfit after outfit for him to hang up.
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Postby MillietheWarrior » 03/10/2008 7:16 PM

Sammy snorted, holding back her laughter as Titus introduced himself to the Cuniflare and Leebra. She rolled her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest. "Men," she muttered. "In any species, they're the same." She was caught off guard when he turned to her, and gave a little 'meep,' hopping back a bit. "Eh...Hehe. Sounds interesting. So you've got no purpose, huh? I actually came here to camp...And...Well..."She padded over to her tent, unzipping it and rustling about inside for a few moments, before pulling out a large notebook of paper.

Flipping it open, she held up a nearly true-to-life sketch of Bastet in her human form. Flipping it, there was a picture of Fioray, and then one of Tale, and then, last, but not least, Berry. They were amazing, actually. Quite lifelike. "I came here to find a Moonling. I always hear people talking 'bout them. I've always wanted to see one, and draw it, if I could. I think their wildness is rather beautiful, in a way. And their malicious looks, and untamable nature make them all the more appealing. Just think,"she held the book to her chest, and sighed dreamily. "I'll get to draw one of the most elusive creatures in Evelon."

Berry, who was still perched on her shoulder, curling his tail around the back of her neck, chirped, nodding in agreement with his master. Sammy strode over and sat down heavily on the log, before putting her head in one hand. "But...It's not one of the most elusive creatures for no reason. Chances of me actually seeing or finding one...Well...Not so good, actually."She sighed sadly, then glanced at the Leebra and Cuniflare. "You two haven't seen one, by any chance?"Her eyes then strayed to Titus. "What about you, Titus? Seen any little Moonlings runnin' 'round?"


I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

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Postby Fish » 03/11/2008 10:40 PM

The Lucain rolled his eyes. He couldn't tell if hanging the wet clothes were supposed to be a torture for him or not. He didn't care anyway: There was a possibility he wasn't going to stay for long. That though, still depended. Titus did snort though, when the Cuniflare reintroduced himself. He was still bitter enough that he was unwilling to actually mutter the word 'hello'.
He glanced at the Bleached duo. "I doubt it'd get that dirty." Titus hasn't once, besides the current group he is with already, seen someone or something out here. "It doesn't seem like a busy tourist attraction."
Titus limply sat down where he last was standing. He didn't want to, but his foreleg got tired easily. It never ended good to stay on it for too long.

"Drawings?" He rolled that word over his tongue. He was never one with creative talents, so he never bothered with art. Titus almost thought of it as useless. "You're here to sketch an picture of those little bugger-I mean, Moonling? That's why?" He wasn't hysterical about the idea, nor was he much in favor of it. It perplexed him as to why Sammy would want to do that. He paused. It wasn't his right to judge her. Just because he cared little about it didn't mean nobody else cared for it either. The dark Lucain almost grunted at the thought.

He shook his head lightly at Sammy's question. "I have not." He looked in her opposite direction. "They're pretty hard to find anyway, and with their dark bodies it'd be a lot harder to find in the dark." He leaned up to straighten his spine. "I'll keep my eyes out for any Moonlings. I doubt I'll spot one... But I suppose it wouldn't kill me to try." Titus stood suddenly. "I don't suppose you were planning to search for them alone. Even with... Berry by your side," He raised an invisible eyebrow at the Slikey. "I doubt you'd last through an attack of theirs." It wasn't out of concern for the girl that he brought up these questions but merely an irritation out of the girl's stupidity for coming without some sort of good defense. "No offense." He added shortly. The way he said it could had been taken as almost sarcastically.

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Postby MillietheWarrior » 03/12/2008 8:12 PM

Sammy glanced between the two bleaches and Titus. In all honesty, she found the situation completely hilarious. Hanging laundry in a jungle...She had to slap a hand over her mouth to keep from laughing. Berry, perched on her shoulder, chittered amusedly, and curled tighter around her shoulders and neck. Sammy's long brown hair was still bound up in a tight ponytail.

Ignoring the tension between the other occupants of the clearing, she grabbed her backpack and dug through it until she found a brush. Taking her clip out of her hair, she let the dark brown waves roll down her back, grimacing as she could just feel the tangles in them. She began brushing them out, sitting quietly on the log, and giggling to herself about the laundry every now and again. "Yeah,"she said at last.

"I've always wanted to sketch rare and beautiful creatures. So far...Well, I've only gotten some common ones. And I'm not that great."She sighed, still brushing out her hair. A smile lit up her features as Titus said he'd keep an eye out for Moonlings. "Aw...Your not so tough, after all, are you?" she cooed, chuckling. "Just a big softie at heart, huh? I guess you really do care. As a matter of fact, I was searching with just...Berry."She blinked.

"And come to think of it again, yeah, not a smart idea. But I have no one else to go with. I had no choice but to go with just Berry. Not that I'm complaining,"  she added hastily as Berry chittered angrily at her. She glanced at the Bleached pets. "Um....Have either of you seen Moonlings? I mean, since you've lived out here for so long..."She paused, and blinked. "And I guess...Uh, thanks for letting us stay here?"


I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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