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Re: God, Are You There? It's Me, Prosper [P] [L]

Postby crow » 10/23/2016 11:07 PM

It didn't escape Prosper, the fact that Ryo seemed almost captivated by his little demonstration. He didn't understand why, but maybe it was because it had grown mundane to him, using the ability day after day. "I can... do it again, if you wish," he said, though he didn't quite move to do so.

As he relaxed, he sank a little further into the tub, his legs unfolding just enough that his knees were submerged too. He felt his foot brush skin, and flinched back reflexively before resettling it. He had averted his gaze again, eyes lowered, as Ryo spoke his reply. So he hadn't managed to hide the truth of it after all, and there was nothing else to be said.

The force of Ryo's next words caught him off guard for a moment. Something warm sputtered to life in the pit of his gut, or tried to--- but he remembered what Ryo said about being tied to him, and reminded himself firmly that none of it meant anything. He was simply more useful alive than burnt out this time, that was all. Still, it was funny, being ordered to keep himself alive. The edge of his mouth was quirked up into just the barest hint of a smile, mirthless and wry. "Yes," he said. To that end, he asked, "Is there a... restaurant you would recommend? From the menus in the kitchen." It seemed a non-sequitur, but he hadn't eaten the whole day, and he was beginning to realize that this would be a problem soon. It was just... hard to remember, after so many years of paying no attention to such things.
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Re: God, Are You There? It's Me, Prosper [P] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 10/24/2016 3:17 AM

"Some other time." Ryo rejected Prosper's proposal of demonstrating his abilities once again, with surprisingly gentle words. The god didn't ignore him. He would like to see it again, something so out of the ordinary in his chosen, mundane life. Surrounded by regular ol' humans, it was rare to see an interesting demonstration of any powers, outside of his only family. But, then, with them, he knew what to expect, as they were one in the same.

He certainly hadn't missed when the other man's foot brushed up against him and hastily pulled back away from him, but Ryo didn't make comment on it, for now.

Keeping his eyes on Prosper until he answered, Ryo seemed satisfied with it. But the question that followed set off some alarms. If he had passed out in the cold, not expecting it to happen, followed by that, then it was a real possibility that he hadn't eaten anything all day, either.

"Noodle 21," the god answered easily enough. They served Vietnamese food. "If you want something sweet, Caffe Vittoria." The latter was an Italian cafe.

There was a long pause, and a smirk creeped onto his face.  Ryo did something Prosper probably wouldn't like very much. He slowly moved toward him now. In the confines of the tub, there wasn't much of anywhere to run. He didn't touch him, but when he got close, he leaned in. Rather than kissing him, though, which Propser probably would have expected, at this point, from his doing it before, Ryo spoke. "So, where is my 'welcome home,' kiss?" Hell, at this point, he owed him a, 'thank you for saving me,' kiss, too.

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Re: God, Are You There? It's Me, Prosper [P] [L]

Postby crow » 10/24/2016 5:07 AM

The tone with which Ryo spoke suggested he really meant it when he said 'some other time'. Prosper filed that bit of information away for later. For whatever reason, this vestigial remnant of his last contract was pleasing to Ryo. Prosper would have been lying if he said he wasn't confused. The last time he made mention of his former master, Ryo had been quick to anger, but now he seemed... interested in what Prosper had done. Could do. He wasn't sure which it was.

He was still parsing the restaurant names and their connotations, and trying to remember what anything tasted like, when suddenly he felt the water shift as Ryo closed in on him. Fortunately, or perhaps unfortunately, his back was already pressed against the opposite edge of the tub. Ryo didn't quite touch him, but the god's body was arched over his own, neatly blocking any avenue of escape. Prosper did not immediately meet his eyes, looking at the god's arm instead as Ryo spoke.

Was it an order or not? That was the one thing he missed: knowing what he had to do, where the boundaries were. So far things with Ryo were more guesswork than not, even though he'd told Prosper what he'd wanted him for. But some things hadn't changed, and Prosper knew that if this was what Ryo wanted, he would have to get used to it sooner or later.

He chose sooner. There was nowhere else to go anyway. He lifted his eyes to Ryo's face, inhaling slightly, resigning himself to what he was about to do. The walls of the tub offered no purchase, so he reached up to place one hand behind Ryo's neck, shifting so he rested on his knees as he rose to press his lips to Ryo's. Physically speaking, the sensation itself was not objectionable. Ryo's lips were soft, yielding as anything made of skin and flesh. Prosper focused on that, to drive all the other unpleasant and unnecessary thoughts from his mind. He remembered the tongue from their first--- their second kiss, but couldn't quite bring himself to do that. By the time it occurred to him, he was already pulling away.
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Re: God, Are You There? It's Me, Prosper [P] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 10/24/2016 5:49 AM

His intense gaze never faltered, waiting for Prosper to either attempt to awkwardly scramble for a way out or to comply with his wishes. There was no question that Ryo desired the latter, although he more expected the former. But Prosper remained silent for a moment, seemingly debating his options. Ryo was patient,  but unyielding. He didn't give an inch.

Prosper's gaze shifted up, their eyes meeting, and the god cracked a cocky sort of grin before even noticing it. Feeling the other's man flesh, his hand on his neck, and soon, his mouth on his, of his own volition, was especially pleasing for Ryo. Yes. This was how he wanted it. This, Prosper bending to his will, and being the one to kiss him was more enticing than having to take all the kisses by sheer force.

But it was over too soon.

As Prosper began to pull away, Ryo reached out with his available hand, bringing it behind his neck, in the same fashion as his partner, to pull him back in. Ryo kissed him back, eyes closed as he did. His lips were parted, but he didn't force his tongue inside this time, either.

Lingering for a moment longer than Prosper had, Ryo did eventually release him, dropping his hand, retracting the other, and pulling away. He didn't know if Prosper would be wearing another deadpan look, or if he'd show signs something else, but he was interested in seeing the face he'd make, so he intentionally took a moment to look when he'd opened his eyes.

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Re: God, Are You There? It's Me, Prosper [P] [L]

Postby crow » 10/24/2016 11:42 AM

Resolution and bravado could only carry Prosper so far. He hadn't been expecting Ryo to pull him back in--- though that had been foolish, in retrospect. That wasn't what he was thinking though, not when it happened. He merely froze, his own lips parted mid-breath, his head full of noise and empty all at once. When Ryo finally let him go, he parted from the other man with a shuddering sigh. He took another breath to steady himself, desperate to recover his composure. His heart was hammering in his chest, and he was acutely aware of the fact that neither of them were wearing anything.

He could feel Ryo's eyes on him, waiting for some sort of reaction, and Prosper was suddenly determined not to give him any more than he had. He hadn't missed the smirk on the god's face when he had leaned in. This was a man who was used to getting what he wanted, and it pleased him that he was getting what he wanted now. Prosper closed his eyes, reaching up with one hand to wipe the corner of his mouth with a thumb, careful to keep his movements steady, expression neutral. "Noodles, then," he said. And then, greatly daring, "Please move aside; I need the shampoo."
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Re: God, Are You There? It's Me, Prosper [P] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 10/24/2016 3:12 PM

Prosper purposefully wiped his mouth, refusing to even meet Ryo's gaze as he did so, by way of closing his eyes. Ryo didn't exactly respond poorly to this. He chuckled once. It was an undeniable fact that his being resistant was amusing for the god, too, after already giving in. Although, when he opened his eyes again to speak, Ryo's initial response was licking his own lips, his tongue gliding across his upper lip before returning to the inside of his mouth. His amusement was practically painted onto his face, unable to be missed or misread.

He was intending to do it anyway, but Prosper's boldness was rewarded with Ryo drifting back, putting a small measure of space between them, before standing up. He left the confines of the tub, freeing the other man of their close proximity, and went for his towel. Beginning to dry himself off, he spoke. "That place must be getting ready to close for the night." He didn't look back at Prosper, he didn't need to. He was able to see him in the reflection of the mirror above the counter. "But I skipped dinner, so I'm going to go make something. So finish washing up and come down; it wont take long."

Ryo finished drying his body, then proceeded to wrap the towel around his waist and secure it there. Shaking his head from side to side, he fluffed his hair, then ran his fingers through it. There was only but a moment of consideration, when it came to getting dressed, but the apartment had already heated up significantly in time it took him to bath and harass Prosper. Besides, he didn't need to pretend to be affected by the cold in front of the other man. He was an exception.

"Don't drown while I'm gone." He said it as though it were a very real possibility. And as far as Ryo knew, it actually was, based on Prosper's current track record. "I'll be in the kitchen." With that, the god took his leave of the bathroom, leaving his clean clothes behind.

In the kitchen, he looked through the fridge, a nice stainless steel model that he thought of already replacing with one that had a see-through door, looking for something that could be made quickly. Ryo didn't always keep a whole lot in the house, since he only ate for fun and for show, but there was certainly enough to scrounge up something.

He set to work heating a skillet, while cracking three large eggs into a bowl and whisking them. Once smooth, he added a bit of milk poured straight from the carton, whisked again, then added salt and pepper. He paused, adding butter to the skillet, before going about skillfully chopping already washed chives on a cutting board, then adding some of the finely cut pieces into the raw egg mixture. He whisked them one last time, tilted the pan to spread around the melted butter evenly, and poured the eggs in. When the time came, he added already-grated cheese, eventually folding it over and making a perfect, simple omelette. It was served up on a plate, which he placed neatly in front of one of the chairs sitting at the island counter in the middle of the kitchen. Ryo then repeated all the necessary steps to cook up a second portion, finding somewhere in between to toss bread into the toaster to toast.

All was done while he was still only wearing a towel.

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Re: God, Are You There? It's Me, Prosper [P] [L]

Postby crow » 10/25/2016 4:24 AM

Prosper averted his eyes once more as Ryo rose and exited the tub, busying himself with the process of shampooing his hair. His fingers carded through the soft lather, drawing it back and away from his face. His hair was long enough on one side, in the front, to cover his eyes, but it was kept much shorter in the back. It hadn't grown since... since any of him had stopped growing. He hadn't washed his hair with anything other than old, stolen bricks of hard soap even before that point. Maybe not ever. The scant memories of his childhood before Elouan were faint and indistinct, offering too little in the way of guidance, let alone commemorative details. He supposed at the time, it just didn't seem relevant, to commit such a mundane thing to memory.

As soon as Ryo was gone, he sighed and sank deeper into the water, not quite submerging his head just yet. It was a relief to be alone again. It hadn't been very long since Ryo came back, not really, but Prosper wasn't used to company. And company, such as it was, didn't usually insist on the kinds of liberties Ryo liked to take.

There were gods aplenty, but if there was some greater force of fate out there controlling their lives, it must have been toying with him.

Prosper let himself sink down, rinsing the shampoo from his hair. It was so easy to stay there in the water and be still. His limbs felt heavy; despite having slept most of the day, he felt tired still. Hunger, he thought, though he wasn't quite certain. The weariness felt as if it were coming from someplace deep down, rather than his gut.

Still, on the off chance that food would help, he eventually rose out of the tub. Toweling himself off, he put on the clothes Ryo had laid out for him, draping the towel over his head afterwards. He drifted slowly down into the kitchen, only freeze again when he caught sight of Ryo, still clad in nothing but a towel.

"What are you doing?" he said, a little incredulously.
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Re: God, Are You There? It's Me, Prosper [P] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 10/25/2016 5:01 AM

Ryo was in the process of slicing a few pears when Prosper made his way into the kitchen. A few days prior, he'd received one of those odd gift boxes of them from one of the women that fancied him. They'd just been left sitting around in the box, but he decided to make use of them, under the presumption that Prosper hadn't eaten anything all day. He was increasing the amount of food served with the intention of increasing the potential calorie intake. Ryo didn't know how much Prosper would stomach, but it was better to have more than to have less.

He stopped for a moment, nearly finished, to look back at Prosper. "I'm cooking." His tone clearly made it sound more like, 'What does it look like I'm doing?' Never mind that he was wearing only a towel, he thought nothing of it. It was entirely typical for the god to walk around his own home in such a state. That didn't exactly change just because his was no longer living alone.

Gesturing toward the island counter with the hand that held the knife, he pointed out the two plates. He'd already served up the omelettes and buttered toast. "Help yourself. Forks are in this drawer." He pointed that out, too, before finishing what he was doing.

He sliced the pears, then arranged the slices in one neat layer on a plate. Grabbing a mug of melted butter from the microwave above the stove top, he poured a small amount of sugar that he'd already measured out into it. Then, holding out his hand, a shaker of cinnamon appeared, coming to existence from nothing at all but Ryo's energy and will. He proceeded to open it and shook some cinnamon into the mug, as well, before setting the shaker aside and mixing the contents of the mug. He did this without missing a beat. It was, evidently, entirely normal for him. If the god didn't have something that he wanted already on hand, in these situations, he brought it into existence on his own.

After glazing the pears with the sweet and cinnamony butter mixture, he put the plate into the microwave to nuke them. While he preferred baking them in the oven, microwaving them saved a lot of time, which he deemed necessary.

The microwave went off, beeping to declare that the roasted pears were done, and Ryo removed the plate without being concerned of potential burns. It wouldn't harm him, even if the glass was too hot for humans to touch right away. He served them up on the counter as well, before taking two glasses out of one of the cabinets and placing one down beside each plate.

"What do you want to drink?"

The whole meal was undeniably a breakfast set up, not something typically made for dinner, but breakfast for dinner was just as well. Ryo had chosen something quick and easy to make, using what he had available. It tasted well, and served its purpose.

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Re: God, Are You There? It's Me, Prosper [P] [L]

Postby crow » 10/25/2016 11:49 AM

Prosper stood there, staring at Ryo for a long moment, this time too shocked to remember to look away. This was the first time he had a proper look at Ryo's body, despite the fact that there had been ample opportunities beforehand, and now he found his eyes drawn down the expanse of exposed skin before he could catch himself. Ryo's hair, still wet from the shower, glistened under the kitchen lights, and the illumination accentuated his supple musculature as he moved around the kitchen. The god was... not unattractive. No, if anything, his appearance seemed almost deliberately calculated to be appealing. Even Prosper, who knew so little about the way of such things, had an inkling of that. But what he lacked in physical flaws, he made up for with a complete lack of decency.

But then he spoke, and whatever spell had held Prosper's gaze was broken. Prosper opened his mouth to clarify--- No, why are you still undressed--- but caught himself this time. It wouldn't make a difference what he said on the matter, and he rather thought Ryo would take pleasure in seeing him disturbed.

Wordlessly, he took a seat at the counter. He hadn't dried his hair very much, and now a bead of water trickled down his face to land on the smooth marble countertop. The high wooden stool made him feel not unlike a bird, perched atop a tree somewhere. It was too tall for him to sit comfortably with his feet on the ground, and he had to settle for resting them against the legs of the stool. Picking up a fork, he picked at the omelet without eating immediately. It wasn't that he wasn't hungry--- probably--- but it just felt so... strange. Like coming home after a long time, only to find all the furniture arranged, and your own family moved out and replaced by strangers. Not that he could say much on the topic of families, or of homes, for that matter.

... He was overthinking this. He cut off a piece of the omelet with a sharp twist of the fork, and brought it to his lips. The first bite was more sensation than taste, and he had to reconcile himself to the idea of chewing again. What a strange thought that was. The omelet was soft, the taste mild enough not to be overwhelming. When he was done with his mouthful, he found himself wanting more.

The rest of the omelet disappeared in short order. Prosper was a neat eater, preferring to cut away little portions at a time. The pears he was admittedly less fond of, but he ate out of a sense of duty rather than pleasure. He mulled over Ryo's question, but found himself drawing a blank. "Water," he said, opting for the one thing he knew well. It was not the most adventurous choice, but there was always time for that later. If there was a later to speak of. That was one of the other things he wasn't thinking about.
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Re: God, Are You There? It's Me, Prosper [P] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 10/25/2016 7:14 PM

Ryo frowned just a bit, in response to Prosper's rather boring choice of beverage. Of course, such an option made perfect sense, for someone that hadn't had to consume food or drink for any reasonably long period of time. He probably needed hydration. So the god didn't make a comment, he only picked the glass back up and moved toward the fridge. It dispensed both water and ice, but he forewent the latter, as ice cold water was likely the last thing he needed after nearly being half frozen. Once he filled the glass, he set it back down near Prosper, grabbed his own fork, and moved around the island to sit in the empty seat. He had very good posture, even sitting on the stool.

He picked up his own glass, it filling with a bubbly red liquid from the bottom up, as he brought it toward his mouth for a drink. Since they were eating breakfast, he'd chosen to drink orange juice. Sparkling blood orange juice, to be exact.

After taking his first drink, the god set it aside, and cut into his omelette. Their eating habits were similar, as Ryo was also a neat eater. He took relatively small bites, and didn't make even the slightest of messes. When eating something he had before, he was something of a fast eater. He had plenty of omelettes and toast in his day, so he didn't feel the necessity of eating slowly and savoring it. He was eating just to eat. So his food disappeared quickly, in spite of his neat, little bites.

Taking a few slices of pear for himself, Ryo found them more enjoyable. He typically tended to enjoy stronger flavors, rather bitter, sour, or sweet. As eating was a luxury for him, it was the more interesting and complex flavors that he often preferred.

All throughout his meal, he would glance at his partner from the corner of his eye. Prosper hadn't complained about the food, but the god figured that he probably wouldn't, even if he wasn't enjoying it at all. Still, it looked as though things were going over well enough.

Once Ryo finished off the last of his food and drink, he rose from his seat, gathering up his empty dishes and took them to the sink to be rinsed. This was followed by him collecting everything else he'd dirtied in the process of preparing and cooking their meal, rinsing them, too, and finally began to load up the dishwasher. At times, he washed them the old fashioned way, by hand with soap and water, but it wasn't one of those times.

Cooking, cleaning, Ryo took care of everything himself as though it was second nature and, by now, it was.  In the years that he still actively played his role as a god, he didn't have to lift a finger when it came to mundane things. When he left that life behind, in favor of acclimating to human society, he'd tried having maids and servants. He only found their presence suffocating within his own home, and Ryo certainly wasn't going to invite them into his living space when he was not present. The last thing he needed was for them snoop around and touch things they shouldn't. He found he preferred his privacy for all the many reasons, and so he'd developed the habits necessary to live and thrive on his own, without actively using his powers. In that aspect, with his mimicry of human existence, he was far different from many other gods.

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Re: God, Are You There? It's Me, Prosper [P] [L]

Postby crow » 10/25/2016 8:35 PM

Prosper glanced up warily as Ryo sat beside him, but this time the god didn't try anything, despite his provocative state of undress. They ate in silence, with Prosper sipping from the glass Ryo had fetched for him. He hadn't realized he was thirsty until he'd drank, but he had no desire to bolt down the glass, sensing instinctively that he would be uncomfortable if he did.

By the time Ryo had finished off the last of the pears and began to tidy up, Prosper was drifting off. That heaviness he felt in the bath was only compounded now by the weight in his stomach, and it was harder and harder to keep his eyes open. Had he been more lucid, he might have found it odd that Ryo looked so much at ease with cleaning up the kitchen, but it was hard to focus on anything. His head was propped up on one hand, elbow braced against the counter with his other arm loosely resting beside it. He needed to stay awake, to be alert... He needed...

He closed his eyes, thinking only to give himself a moment's reprieve, but just like that, the last remnants of his consciousness faded away.
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Re: God, Are You There? It's Me, Prosper [P] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 10/25/2016 10:55 PM

Loading the last of the dishes, Ryo finally glanced back up at Prosper, eyes falling on his sleeping form. Again. This happened often. The god sighed heavily. Part of him was annoyed, while another part of him saw this as an open opportunity. He stared for a long moment, before striding around the island again, to gather up the dishes his partner used, and put them in the sink, at the very least. Washing them would come later.

Hurrying along, before Prosper could slip and fall off the stool, Ryo moved beside him, first removing the towel he'd draped over his head. Guiding him, he leaned him off of the counter and against his arm, instead, then scooped him up entirely into his arms. He carried him through the kitchen and living room, up the stairs, and back to the bedroom.

"It's a good thing you're my wife, with as much as I carry you like a bride."

Was this becoming a habit? Prosper's passing out, or Ryo carrying him to safety? Well, one thing was for certain, the god had to protect him, so long as he wanted to live.  If Prosper got sick or injured, he wouldn't be of much use as a source of energy. So it wasn't as though he had a choice in the matter.

Ryo laid him back in bed, gentler this time, since it seemed that he had just fallen asleep and didn't want to disturb him any farther. He very nearly climbed into bed, too, the way that he was. In just a towel that would, undoubtedly, come loose while they slept. The god stood there, next to the bed, both hands curling into fists as he stared at Prosper's sleeping form. If he got in bed as he was, he'd only be provoking himself. Forcing Prosper too much would only likely scar him beyond repair, and Ryo needed him to act willingly, eventually, if he wanted to get any enjoyment out of it. He knew all of this, he kept telling himself that, but the part of him that desired to just take what was his was already getting louder.

The god turned away, quickly, to retrieve the clothes he'd left in the bathroom. He got dressed in the boxers and pants. And began to empty out the tub, cleaned up the clothes off of the floor, washed his hands, and brushed his teeth, all before returning to the room.

Ryo finally climbed into the bed beside Prosper, pulling the blankets up over the both of them. With a wave of his hand, all of the lights in the apartment shut off. He laid back, staying that way for only a brief moment, before realizing that it just wasn't going to work this time. He didn't even get a 'goodnight' kiss. Ryo rolled onto his side and scooted closer to the other man, bringing his arms around him, to hold him in the same way he had been when he awoke in the morning. The god found the position rather comfortable, regardless of Prosper's likely unfavorable opinion.

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Re: God, Are You There? It's Me, Prosper [P] [L]

Postby crow » 10/26/2016 12:50 AM

Prosper stirred slightly as Ryo picked him up, but only enough to shift in his grip to a more comfortable position, head tucked into the crook of Ryo's shoulder. He was vaguely aware of something being said, but for the moment he was beyond the reach of words. Everything was filtered down through the thick cloak of exhaustion. He lay limply in the bed when Ryo set him down, for all intents and purposes dead to the world.

It wasn't until Ryo joined him that he shifted again, this time to burrow himself closer, more tightly into the embrace of the other man. There was no thought behind the action, merely his own body seeking the warmth of another. Sleep was also a novelty, but such a natural one that Prosper never dwelt upon it, and this was the most comfortable he had been in a long time. It didn't take long at all for his breathing to slow even further, falling into the soft steady rhythm of deep sleep.
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Re: God, Are You There? It's Me, Prosper [P] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 10/26/2016 1:21 AM

Ryo never would have expected Prosper to shift in his arms when he'd laid down, snuggling into his chest, but he was delighted by it. It was nothing more than instinct, he was aware of that, same as his apparent instinct to cuddle while sleeping, too, but it was more favorable than holding onto something that didn't want to be held. He drew him in just a little more, securing his arms tightly around him so that, at least while Ryo was still conscious, Prosper couldn't roll away.

The god fell asleep within minutes, far more comfortable than when he slept in the huge bed entirely alone. Sharing warmth with another person like this, it was soothing.

When morning came, it was Ryo that slowly began to awaken before his partner did. The first thing he very clearly realized was that he was still holding Prosper close, confirming this when he opened his eyes, looked down, and saw him still nuzzled in. He'd held him throughout the night, without letting go, or letting him go. At least, that was likely how it went.

He thought about getting up, he really did, but the god had other ideas. Grinning to only himself, he hugged the other man closer to him, determined to enjoy this set up for as long as possible. Ryo closed his eyes again, content to pretend to be asleep, or fall back asleep.

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Re: God, Are You There? It's Me, Prosper [P] [L]

Postby crow » 10/26/2016 12:34 PM

Prosper's consciousness resurfaced slowly, meanderingly; at first he was only aware that he was somewhere warm and comfortable. He was content to nestle against the warmth, resettling himself with the softest of sighs. As more of his senses returned to him, however, he became aware that his face was pressed against something... something other than the sheets... something that felt suspiciously like bare skin.

He opened his eyes, and felt the lashes brush against something. His eyes were too gummy with sleep to see properly, but there wouldn't be anything for him to see if they hadn't been--- or perhaps there would be too much. Just then, he felt something pull the rest of him closer, pushing him further against--- against Ryo's chest, he realized with a start. Fortunately his brain caught up with him this time around, and he was saved the trouble of a second attempt to panic and struggle out of Ryo's arms. Not that he wouldn't have liked to struggle anyway, if he thought it would do him any good.

He tried easing himself back instead, though there wasn't much room to do so. He just barely managed to work a hand up to his eyes, to rub out the worst of the sleep. He chanced a look up at Ryo's face, which was a mistake; it was an awkward angle, and from what he saw, the god was clearly pleased with himself. It begged the question of how they had ended up like this in the first place. The last thing Prosper remembered was being in the kitchen... And he wouldn't have put it past Ryo to deliberately engineer something like this.

"I can't breathe," Prosper said. His voice was low and quiet, still husky with sleep. It wasn't exactly a lie, though it was as much the uncomfortable proximity and his awareness of it as it was the tightness of the embrace that did it.
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