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Re: The Alpha Of The Omegas (E)(P)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 11/29/2016 10:07 PM

"Stop pushing me away" he said, causing both her and Ebele to look up at him in fear at those words. He softened his expression when he realised what they sounded like, and sighed before speaking again. "Please stop pushing me away - I'm not going to leave you, not like this, and especially not here. You're stuck with me, so at least do me the courtesy of allowing me to help you."

Borealis sniffled, but uncurled herself just enough to allow herself to lean on him for comfort, and then more when he pulled her gently back into his arms.

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Re: The Alpha Of The Omegas (E)(P)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 11/29/2016 10:11 PM

"I'm terrified" Borealis whispered at last, letting go of the fear she'd been burying in her heart since she realised her condition. "I'm too young for this, we barely know each other - I'm terrified they'll die, that we won't be able to support them. I'm terrified he'll come after us and-do-it-aga-a-ain" she sobbed, still clinging to him.

Cassus sighed, and held her closer, nuzzling her to comfort her whilst Ebele crooned into her ear. "We'll do the best we can - and I won't let him hurt you again; not now, not ever" he vowed.

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Re: The Alpha Of The Omegas (E)(P)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 11/30/2016 6:10 PM

Borealis eventually fell asleep, tired from her weeping; though her breathing evened out, her brow remained creased. Cassus carefully laid her down on the bedding pile, and covered her with one of the skins they had dried - at the very least, it would keep her warm. He sighed, and moved to sit beside the door where a small beam of sunlight shone through. He had forgotten it was morning - they had worked through the night to clear out the storeroom, and he hoped they had covered their tracks well enough. Ebele looked from him to Borealis, and curled up around the sleeping female, careful not to wake her; clearly Ebele felt she needed her comfort and warmth.

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Re: The Alpha Of The Omegas (E)(P)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 11/30/2016 6:49 PM

So that was it, then; Cassus had declared his intentions to Borealis, and now he would see them through. He, too, was terrified - but for a different reason; how would he be able to protect what would essentially be his family from the public reaction to his origins?

Borealis stirred in her sleep, and shuffled towards the side he slept on; clearly his scent was comforting, for she relaxed huddled into his side of the bedding pile. Ebele shuffled closer to her, and lay down to snooze with her.

Cassus smiled, in spite of his tremulous thoughts; he had grown fond of her, that much was true.

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Re: The Alpha Of The Omegas (E)(P)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 11/30/2016 6:53 PM

He sighed, and got up to go over to the bedding pile; he too was tired, and if his scent could bring her comfort it was probably best to be close to her. At least, that was what he told himself; he didn't want to acknowledge the protective instinct that drew him towards her at that moment, or the feeling he had of wanting to hold her close when she was so vulnerable.

Ebele snorted, and moved over a little so he could climb onto the pile. Borealis shifted towards him in her sleep, and he accepted her closeness happily, though he tried to ignore the flutter in his chest. He closed his eyes, and sighed again; tomorrow they would deal with what they had to do, for they would need to leave for Lamenolai soon.

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Re: The Alpha Of The Omegas (E)(P)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 11/30/2016 6:58 PM

The next morning, Borealis awoke first to find herself held tightly but gently in Cassus' embrace. She didn't want to pull away, for she felt safe and comforted, but she felt a little awkward - as she had said, they barely knew each other and she was carrying another male's pups, after all. She sighed, and went to move away, only to be drawn closer into the hug.

"It's all right, stay here - it's warm" he said quietly, without opening his eyes. Ebele snorted from where she sat by the door; they had slept through to the next morning, and she had moved to allow them more room and to absorb the moonlight by extending her fringe under the door.

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Re: The Alpha Of The Omegas (E)(P)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 11/30/2016 7:02 PM

They huddled together, neither saying anything, comforting each other with their presence. Eventually, however, they had to rise - they needed to begin proper preparations for their journey to Lamenolai.

Cassus insisted that Borealis stay in their cave-home whilst he went out and gathered what they needed. He was adamant that she would not go with him, for fear they run into Kale or his goons searching the rainforest for them, and she reluctantly agreed. He instructed Ebele to stay with her and keep watch, acting as a protector whilst he was out.

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Re: The Alpha Of The Omegas (E)(P)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 12/04/2016 3:15 PM

Cassus sighed, as he walked away from the den. His thoughts were troubled; they needed to move, and soon.  The journey to Lamenolai would take a while, and he did not know how far along her pregnancy was.

A twig snapped under his foot, and he jumped in surprise; shaking his head, he continued on his way, making an effort to pay attention to where he was going this time.

Borealis, back in the den, huddled herself up in the bedding pile, whilst Ebele stayed next to the door.

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Re: The Alpha Of The Omegas (E)(P)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 12/04/2016 3:31 PM

Eventually, Borealis managed to drag herself upright; she hadn't lied, she was absolutely terrified, but she didn't want to just lie there and cry. She rubbed her face and sniffed, patting Ebele's head as the creature stretched her neck towards her.

Ebele crooned, and settled herself down again leaning against the bottom of the door.

Borealis huffed, and looked around her. Though the cave was dim, the fungus growing on the roof of the cave provided just enough light for her to see by.

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Re: The Alpha Of The Omegas (E)(P)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 12/05/2016 2:29 PM

Around her were stacks of glassware - bottles and jars, the fruits of their heist. Each and every one of them was to be filled with something, and it was these that they would be trading in Lamenolai. Cassus had assured her that it wouldn't take long to fill them. They would be leaving within the next week or two, he had said, and that thought comforted Borealis now, as she sat on the den floor. She didn't want to birth her pups in the rainforest.

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Re: The Alpha Of The Omegas (E)(P)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 12/05/2016 2:35 PM

Borealis picked up the reeds she had laid out to dry the day before, and began to weave a basket. The baskets were good to sell, as the reeds were often colorful and bamboo grew plentifully in the rainforest, making the baskets decorative and pretty. They were also functional; it was into these that stores could go, whether for eating or for transport. Baskets would be used to keep their meagre belongings together on the road to Lamenolai, and would serve as the beds for her pups once they were born.

She sighed at that thought; the problem was that she didn't know how many pups she was having, so preparation was difficult.

"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Re: The Alpha Of The Omegas (E)(P)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 12/05/2016 2:37 PM

She shook her head, and forced herself to concentrate on weaving the colorful reeds into a pattern on the basket. Once it was finished, it was put aside and a new basket begun. Her aim was to produce as many as she could, whilst Cassus did the hunting and gathering outside of the den. It was far too dangerous for her now, especially as they both knew her situation. Besides, Cassus could move faster on his own - it was easier for him when he didn't need to protect her too.

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Re: The Alpha Of The Omegas (E)(P)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 12/05/2016 2:53 PM

On Cassus' end, things were going fairly well, all things considered. The season was nearing its end, so there was much fruit to be had and things were plentiful. Cassus was relieved; in another season they may have been in real trouble. As it was, his bags were full, as was the tall basket he carried for gathering reeds. They would have plenty to sell in Lamenolai, provided they could get there.

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Re: The Alpha Of The Omegas (E)(P)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 12/05/2016 2:57 PM

He stopped at a pond in a small clearing, and watched as a large fish poked its head above the water. That fish looked like it would be good in a stew, and Cassus would need to remember where this place was and come back another time. At the moment, unfortunately, he was unable to go fishing - he was carrying far too much.

However, he did notice tracks at the edge of the pond that appeared to belong to some Roosken. After following them for a spell, he was rewarded with a nesting pair of Roosken who seemed to have fled from the village.

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Re: The Alpha Of The Omegas (E)(P)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 12/05/2016 3:01 PM

He didn't want to disturb the Roosken, as it would benefit them more to have a steady supply of eggs than it would to have the pitiful bit of meat that would be found on them. Instead, he fixed the location in his memory so that he would be able to come back and either capture the pair alive, or simply take the eggs from the nest each day. It would depend on whether he could sneak up on them successfully.

On the way back, he gathered the siltweed from the stale lake that he passed, filling a small jar with it. He had made sure to grab a couple for this purpose, as some ingredients would not last until his return the next day and needed to be bottled immediately.

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