These woods are nice for a casual walk or even if you have a more adventurous urge. Bubbling hot springs lie just around the bend, fruits can be found to suit every taste bud, and rumor has it there are talking Tali who can speak Lambastian! (+2 Precision)

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Re: Blood of the Gods (P - Jedi) [M:E]

Postby Jedi » 12/18/2016 4:14 PM

Of course Halvard should've expected the punch that tapped in his shoulder, but he didn't. It did little to harm him, in fact causing his laughter to increase a little. "Well if that's your opinion, I won't bother it. A woman should set her own standards for what she wants in a mate." He rubbed his shoulder, though not out of pain. It was merely to rearrange the tunic sleeve that had been knocked out of place by the punch.

Soon after they approached a long, two-story building, Halvard gestured for her to approach first. "No offense, but I don't think I'm well known enough to introduce myself without assistance." Nevertheless, he did make a move to open the door for her. He wasn't too bold, but he did have manners.

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Re: Blood of the Gods (P - Jedi) [M:E]

Postby Kitsumi » 12/18/2016 5:41 PM

Although she thought about teasing him for his shyness, in the end Brynja decided against it. There was no honor in making a man feel bad for his shortcomings, even if she was doing so in jest. Her brothers in arms were all used to her jibes, and so she didn't bother censoring herself with them. But she didn't know Halvard well enough for that yet, and was afraid of accidentally insulting him.

Stepping through the door, she immediately spotted two men arm wrestling at a table a bit further down the main hallway. "Destin, Ivar! Come meet the new trainee."

Ivar & Destin

His concentration broken, Destin glanced up to see who Brynja was speaking of. Taking advantage of the moment, Ivar quickly pinned the other man's hand to the table, smiling triumphantly. "And, I win...again."

"What? That doesn't count, cheater!" Destin stood from his seat, shooting a dirty look to his companion before the two of them walked over to where Brynja and Halvard were standing. "Ah, so this is the lad we've been hearing about," he said, his voice sounding a bit friendlier now. "Welcome. I'm Destin."

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Re: Blood of the Gods (P - Jedi) [M:E]

Postby Jedi » 12/18/2016 5:55 PM

Halvard gave a slight bow to the pair. "It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Halvard. I guess I'll be your new brother in arms from now on." He studied the men, trying to get a feel for what they look like. "And I suppose that means you're Ivar. It's always good to see a new face." He cracked his knuckles, feeling the comforting pop in each finger. "I look forward to seeing your skills as warriors. If I'm the trainee, then I hope to learn much from you two."

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Re: Blood of the Gods (P - Jedi) [M:E]

Postby Kitsumi » 12/18/2016 6:12 PM

Ivar, a tall man with a lithe build, inclined his head in greeting. "How refreshing to meet someone who shows humility and willingness to learn from others." Wrapping his arm around Destin's neck, he caught the shorter man in a headlock. "These oafs all seem to think that they are a gift to us from the gods, and need no improvement of any sort."

"Get off!" Destin growled, wiggling out of Ivar's grasp. "He might be able to learn from you, Ivar, unless he's as skilled with a bow and arrow as he is with a sword." Turning his attention back to Halvard, he grinned. "But from what we saw during your fight with Brynja, it doesn't look like you'll be learning much from any of us. If anything, I'd like to learn from you. How do you manage to move so quick?"

Interrupting, Brynja moved between the two, dragging Halvard with her as she passed them. "If you want to talk, you'll have to walk with us," she said. "I want to set the man up with a bunk, so he knows where to go when it comes time for him to rest his head."

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Re: Blood of the Gods (P - Jedi) [M:E]

Postby Jedi » 12/27/2016 9:25 PM

Once again, Halvard found himself laughing from the rambunctiousness of the pair. From what he could tell, Destin seemed to be the more serious of the two, where as Ivar was the more capable one. While both of them seemed to have plenty of advantages over the other, Halvard found himself unable to pick a favorite. As he was about to continue the conversation, he felt Brynja pulling him along once again. "Yes," he said when hearing her suggestion. "It might be best for me to find my nest before getting too comfortable." He watched as they eventually came to the bunk area.

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Re: Blood of the Gods (P - Jedi) [M:E]

Postby Kitsumi » 12/27/2016 10:44 PM

The two men shrugged and trailed behind Brynja and Halvard as they entered a long room. There was a line of twenty beds on each side of the room, with a chest at the foot of each bed. A few of the beds were messy, but most of them looked practically untouched.

"This is where you'll sleep," Brynja said simply. "Any bed save for these," she pointed to a few of them before continuing. "Are available. This place used to be full, until...well, let's not get into that right this moment." The woman's expression turned dark for a moment, but then she quickly shook her head and continued speaking, hoping that Halvard wouldn't take too much notice of her reaction.

"The chest in front of whichever bed you choose is yours. It isn't locked, but you don't have to worry about anything being stolen. We're an honorable bunch." Her voice took on a warning tone as she continued. "We're like a family here, and we won't allow any of our brothers to be mistreated. Don't go stealing or snooping around in another man's chest. We don't feel the need for much privacy here, but our chest is the one thing we have that is truly ours. Understand?"

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Re: Blood of the Gods (P - Jedi) [M:E]

Postby Jedi » 12/27/2016 10:57 PM

Halvard watched as she directed him to the empty cots, taking note of which to avoid. He wouldn't want to lay claim to anyone else's bed and cause a fight. When he noticed the dark tone she took, he went silent for a second, hoping that he wouldn't stress her. As she explained the chests and that of others belongings, he gave her a reassuring smile. "Don't worry," he stated. "I'm not one to meddle in other's property. I'll keep my hands to myself."

With that in mind, he walked over to one of the beds that she had approved. Sitting on the edge, he looked around the room. "I hope that I may earn my keep here. Joining this family would mean a lot to me." He wasn't sure if he had ever had a family, his memories evading him.

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Re: Blood of the Gods (P - Jedi) [M:E]

Postby Kitsumi » 12/28/2016 1:22 AM

Brynja nodded. "Good. As long as you do that, and treat us with respect, you'll have no trouble here." Honestly, she didn't think that Halvard would be a problem. So far, he had seemed to be a perfectly honest man. But she wanted to make sure he knew the rules right from the start. It would make for less trouble later on.

Sitting cross-legged on the bed next to Halvard's, which happened to be another of the unoccupied ones, the woman frowned. "Listen, I can tell that you're a good man. If my father believes you can find a place with us, then I believe you can too. But you should know..." she bit her lip, trying to find the right words that wouldn't come out too harsh. "We're very tightly knit in this community. And things recently haven't been easy for anyone in the village. Those you've met so far have been welcoming, but not everyone will be so trusting. I just want you to be prepared for their reactions. You've already proven yourself as a warrior, but now you need to prove yourself as someone who can be trusted."

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Re: Blood of the Gods (P - Jedi) [M:E]

Postby Jedi » 12/28/2016 6:44 AM

As she had told him to, Halvard began listening to her words very intently. Taking in her words lifted his spirit and his hope for the future. But with it, it also brought the responsibility of living up to her expectations. He hoped that he would not disappoint. He gave a nod, unsure of what to say. They had just met him, so their trust was something that he needed to earn in time. But for now, he was sure that he'd have to keep in line as much as possible. "I understand. Trust is something not easily earned. I will do my best to earn it." Feeling the weight pressing on his shoulders, he felt he should change the subject. "So, does this conclude our tour of the town? Or was there anywhere else you wanted to show me?"

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Re: Blood of the Gods (P - Jedi) [M:E]

Postby Kitsumi » 12/28/2016 7:37 AM

The woman opened her mouth to reply, but another voice answered first. "Brynja, your father wants you on patrol."

Ivar and Destin had both vanished when the conversation had turned serious. But now they had returned, dressed in light fur armor and armed. Ivar, who had not only a sword at his waist but also a bow and quiver of arrows, was the one who had spoken. He looked apologetic at having interrupted, but he stood and waited for the female warrior's response.

"Ah, I should have known he wasn't going to give me the day off just because I was seeing to the new-blood." Brynja stood, motioning for Halvard to do the same. "Come, you should see how patrols are done. We'll show you the boundaries of our territory and explain what should be done if ever you suspect a stranger or enemy nearing our walls."

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Re: Blood of the Gods (P - Jedi) [M:E]

Postby Jedi » 12/28/2016 8:07 AM

Halvard was not surprised by their sudden interruption. He figured that they needed Brynja to do her job just as everyone else was needed. And so when she told Halvard to follow her, he gladly stood up, ready to aid in whatever ways he could.

It wasn't long before Halvard was dressed in fur armor just as the others had been. He was given the same staff he had fought Brynja with, most likely a testament to his performance with it. "So these patrols. How often do they reveal threats to the villiage?" he asked. His curiosity seemed to be getting the best of him for the moment.

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Re: Blood of the Gods (P - Jedi) [M:E]

Postby Kitsumi » 12/29/2016 1:26 PM

Once Brynja and Halvard donned their armor - Halvard's being borrowed and a bit too big - the two exited the village through the South Gate, where they met back up with Ivar and Destin. The woman made a mental note to have some custom armor made for the newest warrior as soon as possible, but then she cleared her mind to focus on the patrol.

At Halvard's question, the other three exchanged grim looks. "Lately? About half of the time." Brynja sighed. "It wasn't always like this, and I'm sure these times won't last long. But for now, stay on your guard, aye?" In an attempt to change the subject, she gestured to the wall. "This spans the perimeter of our village. The North Gate is the main gate - any visitors, rare as they may be, will pass through that gate. This gate is reserved for our own use. From the outside, it's practically impossible to detect." Indeed, the gate, once closed, was incredibly difficult to spot. It blended in very nearly seamlessly with the walls on either side of it.

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Re: Blood of the Gods (P - Jedi) [M:E]

Postby Jedi » 12/29/2016 2:16 PM

The thought that the village might be in danger constantly worried Halvard quite a bit. He knew that the warriors could defend themselves, but for those untrained it would prove very unfortunate. "If anything happens, I'll be ready," he assured her. He knew that he could handle himself in battle, especially considering that Brynja was the best warrior in the village. His match against her proved his capability, though he wanted to keep from getting big headed. He gripped his staff, careful to watch for any dangers lurking nearby.

Looking at the wall, he could tell that many people, or other creatures, had attempted to penetrate it. However, it seemed to be holding up for the moment. He could easily spot the North Gate, even before she pointed it out. The other gate was far more difficult to see, as he didn't even notice it until she mentioned it's presence.

"And what of the attackers? Have you had enemy clans? Or perhaps dangerous beasts that have attempted to attack the village?"

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Re: Blood of the Gods (P - Jedi) [M:E]

Postby Kitsumi » 12/29/2016 3:11 PM

"We're sure you will be," Destin said, grinning. "I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that you very nearly beat Brynja in battle! Perhaps the rest of us should just quit," he teased, nudging Brynja playfully with his shoulder. "Now that we have two capable heroes to defend our village, you don't need the rest of us, right?"

Brynja shoved him, causing him to yelp as he tripped over a small bump in the ground. "Shut up, ya lazy thing," the woman said. But her voice was full of mirth and her eyes sparkled. "I never needed you before. I only keep you around because it's nice to have a target to draw fire for me."

As the two jested back and forth, Ivar turned to Halvard to answer his question. "We get the occasional beast," he explained. "But most of our opposition comes from a group of Vikings who have decided to torment us. They used to come by once or twice a year, and we were able to hold them off nearly every time. But lately, they seem to have built a more permanent home for themselves within our forests." He frowned, fury blazing in his eyes. "They attack often now, trying to wear at our defenses. We've lost several good men to them."

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Re: Blood of the Gods (P - Jedi) [M:E]

Postby Jedi » 12/29/2016 4:17 PM

Halvard was unable to fight the feeling of worry. 'Perhaps we could try reasoning with them', he thought to himself. But that idea soon left his mind. They had already taken some of this clan's men. More than likely these warriors had taken some of theirs as well. Trying to negotiate with them might end in a deadly confrontation. "Are you sure they're so different from you? Perhaps they attack because they view you as a threat. Have you tried sending someone to talk to them?" he asked the warrior. He knew he might get a negative response, but he had to try something to stop the bloodshed.

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