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StuDYING or Sleepover? ... Sleepover! [P]

Postby Moofius » 01/04/2017 9:44 PM

Cecilia Rose

Cecilia was bouncing on the balls of her feet, partially to finish dusting the top of the tall thin bookshelf in her small studio apartment, but mostly because she was excited. Aria had finished her last exam for the semester and Cecilia, having finished two days ago, proposed a celebratory sleepover. Aria was meant to be there any moment and Cecilia wanted to make it perfect.

Besides, after a semester of neglect the small apartment had been a total mess. Papers, books, notes, pens, and the occasional scarf or piece of jewellery scattered around really didn't make it hospitable for board games. Now the room was clean and mostly dominated by a bed, a desk, and a large table. The table seemed out of place, making what could be a nice open space really crowded. It was a fold up metal table of industrial grey with a few rusting parts, scratches, and dents but it worked well if you planned to play board games. Which, by the veritable mountain of colourful boxes, seemed to be exactly what the night would be all about.

Cecilia looked to the clock, long ears drooping a little. Was the clock fast, or was Aria running a little late?
“I hope she gets here soon, the wall makes my street dark before the sun has fully set...”
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Re: StuDYING or Sleepover? ... Sleepover! [P]

Postby puppyluver4ever » 01/05/2017 11:23 PM





Aria was panting, knowing she was now running late in meeting Cecilia. She should have been at Cecilia's 15 minutes ago.

"I knew I should have taken the main street!" huffed Aria, who was now approaching a park just a few blocks away from Cecilia's sandy coloured apartment building.  

As Aria trotted across the field, she heard a small pitiful squeak from the playground. Curious about the sound, Aria wandered over to the playground. Too shy to call out to see who was there, she stood there and listened.

"Squeak squeak". Aria's ears perked up more. The sound was coming from the red slide. Slowly, Aria trotted over to where the sound was coming from and found an injured baby black and white rattegan far under the slide who was barely moving. Aria knew she could not just leave it.

Well, Cecilia will know what to do, and surely she will forgive me for being so late thought Aria. Aria crawled under the slide and gingerly picked up the rattegan by the scruff of its neck and started again across the field. About twenty minutes later, Aria arrived at the apartment. She carefully placed the rattegan down so she could jump up and hit the buzzer to Cecilia's room.
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Re: StuDYING or Sleepover? ... Sleepover! [P]

Postby Moofius » 01/05/2017 11:56 PM

While the sky was tinged with the rich reds and bruised purples of the setting sun, the street Cecilia's house sat up, pressed tight between the other homes, was dark under the wall of the city. Street lights were lit, but they were older, not yet replaced by the newer lights that were slowly spreading across the city.

Cecilia fretted at her window on the second floor of the building, one paw pressed to her mouth in concern. The only sound in the room was the slow tick of the clock and the rapid thmpthmpthmp! of the rabbots foot as it tapped the old wood floor. It was enough to get the neighbours banging on their ceiling.
“Sorry!” She called out tightly, forcing herself to sit still.

About 500 years later and 3 heart attacks later a small shape rounded the corner of the street, familiar teal fur visible for a moment as the tali dashed under a street light, only to become a black blob on a slightly less black street. Cecilia jumped so hard she hit her head on the high peaked roof of her apartment, but no time for that!

Skipped 4 steps at a time, soaring down the small, steep stairs Cecilia opened the door to her apartment which lead to a small entrance hall. The hall, more like a three and a half foot square room, had four doors. One was the front door (currently being knocked on), with one door straight across from it to the main floor apartment, the door to the left lead to the basement apartment, and the door to the left was Cecilia's. All the doors were painted a drag olive colour, each with their own letter (Cecilia was apartment A), but only Cecilia's had a deep gash in the old wood. Apparently it was from the previous tenant.

Who cares about doors?!
“Where have you BEEN!?” Cecilia asked as she threw open the door, “You're so late, I was so worried, is that a ra-”
Cecilia cleared her throat and lowered her voice, dipping down to lean in conspiratorially as she eyed the small rattegan that was not moving much, “is that a rattegan?”
Hey, the rules were clear, no pets in this apartment. Her landlord was pretty strict.
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Re: StuDYING or Sleepover? ... Sleepover! [P]

Postby puppyluver4ever » 01/08/2017 12:00 AM

Aria swished her thick teal-colored tail nervously, and looking all around managed to loudly whisper, "Look, the rat is sick, and I honestly did not think you would mind so much if I brought him over!" By this point, Aria was getting exasperated that she was having trouble convincing Cecilia to allow the fragile-looking rattagen into her apartment.

"The rattegan is small enough that we can hide him from your landlord, so why don’t we go find a box for him and make him comfortable until we can take him to the rat clinic to get checked out?" continued Aria.

Aria sat down and looked down at the rattegan who was still lying on the speckled multi-colour grey carpet. The rattegan appeared to be sleeping, but it was a bit hard to tell because he was turned towards the window looking out into the large parking lot. Looking up at Cecilia with her almond shaped, meadow-green, Aria whined "can we pleeeeeeease take the rattagen into your apartment? I promise I will take full responsibility if we get in trouble."
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Re: StuDYING or Sleepover? ... Sleepover! [P]

Postby Moofius » 01/08/2017 12:54 AM

"You brought a sick rattegan into my house?" Cecilia large ears went back, a little nervous, "... Fine! Fine. But if I get sick you're nursing me back to health..."

Seriously, had Aria never heard of rabies? That was one thing she loved about the girl though, not the rabies thing, but her big heart. It wasn't exactly easy to turn away a hurt animal, either. So Cecilia conceded, gesturing for her friend towards the door of her apartment.
“We'll find an old scarf of mine, some dry food and maybe some water?”

Cecilia had never had a pet before, and certainly nothing like this. Tomorrow they'd have to get it to somebody who could take care of it, and that seemed to be Aria's plan. Once Aria had the rattegan in her arms and was headed up the stairs Cecilia followed, making sure to close and lock the door. There wasn't any scheduled meeting with her landlord today, so it should be fine... So long as the rattegan stayed in whatever enclosure they put it in.

“Hey...” Cecilia's ears perked forward as she followed her tali friend up the stairs, “It's fire isn't going to like... set anything on fire, right?”
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Re: StuDYING or Sleepover? ... Sleepover! [P]

Postby puppyluver4ever » 01/08/2017 1:16 PM

Now in the main living room area, Aria sat down on the mahogany love-seat taking special care to not let the flames of the rattagen reach the coach. The flames were weak, since the rattegan was sick, but Aria did not want to take any chances since it was not her furniture, nor was it her place of residence.

"Ummm that is a good question, I did not really consider this when I found him."

"Perhaps we can find something that is fireproof?" suggested Aria, as she looked around the small living room in hope of finding something that might be able to put up with the heat of the rattegan's fiery back.

So many things were circling in Aria's mind. She was becoming a little overwhelmed, but worked hard at not letting Cecilia see it. She did not like it when Cecilia sensed when she was becoming consumed with her many thoughts. Reflecting on  Cecilia's idea of feeding and watering the rattegan, it dawned on Aria that special precautions had to be taken when looking after an animal as sick as the rattegan she had found.

"I don't think it is a good idea to leave a bowl of water for the rattegan in whatever we get him settled in." suggested Aria.

"Based on what I read, if we leave a sick rattagen with a bowl of water in their enclosure, they risk tipping it over on themselves, thus making them more sick, and/or falling in and drowning, so I think it would be safest if we syringe fed and watered the rattagen." Aria ranted on.

Aria loved animals, and had read just about every book in the local library about pet care and other wild fauna. Her hopes were to finish school and work with animals. Ideally Aria wanted to become a veterinarian, but she would be happy with any job that involved animals, with the exception of insects.
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Re: StuDYING or Sleepover? ... Sleepover! [P]

Postby Moofius » 01/08/2017 10:06 PM

(( There's lots of ways to leave messages "Out of Character" or OOC, I use double brackets. If I want to leave a message from myself, Moofius, to you, puppyluver4ever, I can do it like this. c:

Spelling errors: couch, not coach. ))

The rabbot made an uncomfortable whining noise at the back of her throat. Fireproof? Who had stuff that was purposefully fireproof? I mean they could keep it in the oven..
Except then it would probably cook itself. Yeesh.

“Okay box first...” Cecilia said, shutting the door at the top of the stairs, leaving it unlocked, she moves around the apartment trying to find something that would work.
“Are tupperware containers fireproof?” She asked herself as she looked through the cupboards of her apartment, concentrating mostly in the kitchen area.

Metal clatters and wheels squeak as things are opened and pulled out.
“Okay the best I got is a roasting thing...” She offered, holding up a deep roasting pot and lid in black metal, “If we leave the lid off it shouldn't get too hot for the little guy... And maybe if he's not scared he'll turn that flame off...? Maybe we can look up Rattegans...?”

Cecilia was tapping her foot, noticeably feeling unsure about this but trying to do her best. She wanted to help, but she was shared she might just end up killing the poor thing.
“We can soak a rag for water? He could suck on it? And we can just give him some of my cereal, I have one of those really nutrient rich ones.”
Cecilia gestured to the bookshelf, sort of high up there was a row of boxes and other food items that didn't need to be refrigerated.
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Re: StuDYING or Sleepover? ... Sleepover! [P]

Postby puppyluver4ever » 01/10/2017 8:46 AM

Aria got up from the coach and trotted over to check out the roasting pot that Cecilia had uncovered.

Peering over Cecilia's shoulder Aria uttered, "Looks ok to me, I think he will be comfortable in there until we get some professional help. My only concern about leaving a soaked rag in the roast pot with the rattegan is that his flame would dry it out, thus leaving him with nothing to drink if he gets thirsty, and if that does not happen, that he accidentally gets tangled in the rag, therefore endangering his life, but if we watch him closely, I think it would be ok" Seriously, Aria could ramble on about animals all day if there was someone willing to listen to her without getting too bored.

Aria went over to the tall, beige bookshelf and grabbed the half empty red cereal box. Bringing it to the table, she poured some out on a napkin, and broke it up into smaller pieces.
"Hopefully the rattegan will eat some of this, and if not, maybe we will have to try something else?"
Looking over at the coach where Aria had left the rattegan, she noticed that the rattegan had changed places from the center of the coach to the far right closest to the fireplace.

"I think Oskar moved by himself to the other end of the coach!" exclaimed Aria.
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Re: StuDYING or Sleepover? ... Sleepover! [P]

Postby Moofius » 01/11/2017 1:30 AM

If that many things could go wrong, how did anything survive?
“Well... If we check the cloth enough, we can just keep it wet and hopefully it'll survive the night if the water does evaporate. Because it's a soaked cloth or a dish, and it's more likely to die from drowning than it is from dehydration...”

The deep pan was set down on the counter so she could retrieve a face cloth, Cecilia picking one of the rattiest ones she had. Something she'd taken from home and was close to turning into a rag. Perfect. She was wetting it in the bathroom when Aria shouted.

The rabbot clutched the cloth a little tighter, water running down her wrists before she left the bathroom to look across the room at the couch.
“Oh! Should it be on the couch? Maybe put it in the roasting pan?” Seriously if it set her couch on fire...

Cecilia went back to the kitchen and the counter with the pan, setting the soggy cloth against one side.
“Oskar?” she asked, not impressed, “Should you really name it? Don't grow attached. I don't think your dorm allows pets anymore than mine does. We're only keeping him for the night, then we're getting him to a vet, or a rescue, and that's that okay?”
Cecilia stopped to really look at her friend, trying to make eye contact from across the room, “Right?” She asked again, trying to get her friend to confirm, with conviction.
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Re: StuDYING or Sleepover? ... Sleepover! [P]

Postby puppyluver4ever » 01/13/2017 11:08 AM

Noticing that Cecilia was trying to make intense eye contact with her, Aria buried the herself under a  knitted blanket that was covering the armchair next to the television. This made Aria out of view from Cecilia who was still in the kitchen fussing with the roasting pan and the cloth. After a few minutes hidden under the blanket, Aria re-emerged and padded over to where Cecilia was working. Staring at the floor, Aria replied bashfully "I just thought it would be nice if the rattegan had a name so that when we give him to the vet, he won't just be seen as "another" animal, and plus, if he is put up for adoption or what have you, it is nice to be referred to more than just the species name." By this point, Aria was gazing around the counter, which was  not cluttered with dishes from previous meals.

Aria went back to the living room and lay down on the floor. Rolling around on her back, she yelled over to Cecilia, "Hey, Cecilia, it just occurred to me that there is such thing as fireproof blankets ?!"

"Maybe we can get one, where ever one finds one of those in town…"
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Re: StuDYING or Sleepover? ... Sleepover! [P]

Postby Moofius » 01/21/2017 5:52 PM

So Aria saves the rattegan, but Cecilia is the one doing all the work to keep it that way, or so it seemed. Aria might claim brain storming, but when you were literally rolling around on the floor, well, it wasn't exactly going to help your point.

Cecilia just shook her head and approached her (not even remotely fire proof) couch to look down at the small rattegan. It sneezed, sending a few sparks off it's back that luckily did not catch. Rattegan could easily not be on fire, right? She was pretty sure she had seen it before. Maybe if they calmed him down?
"Hey little buddy..." Cecilia cooed, making the rattegan flinch. She waited until it relaxed a little before reaching out and gently petting its head.

He didn't seem to be getting any calmer though, which made Cecilia a little flustered.
"Hey, Aria? Can you try and calm him down? I think that might solve the problem. They're not always on fire, just like... when threatened or something? I think, anyway..."

Maybe while Aria got the rattegan put away she could look up some information.
"Maybe they would, maybe they wouldn't, but you'll definitely get attached if you name it. Also, what if its a girl?" Oskar wasn't exactly a great girls name (never mind that gender was a social construct).
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Re: StuDYING or Sleepover? ... Sleepover! [P]

Postby puppyluver4ever » 01/22/2017 12:09 AM

As much as Aria tried to throw ideas at Cecilia and be kind of helpful, Cecilia just wanted Oskar to be better so that she could play with him… and Cecilia too. The three of them could play games together, have sleepovers, explore the city together…etc. The possibilities were endless. Aria really wanted a pet, if only she could find a place off campus that would allow for pets.

Aria plodded over to the coach where Oskar. Putting her chin down on the coach, her wet nose almost touched Oskar. Staring deeply at an agitated Oskar, Aria was thinking of what might calm him down, while also wishing that he would just get better already. Aria climbed onto the coach and tenderly picked up Oskar and placed him in one paw. With the other paw, she carefully tickled his back, while at the same time trying to avoid the flame. Doing this for about 20 minutes, Aria  noticed that Oskar had become more relaxed, and was basically asleep, and the already small flame was now barely noticeable. Gently, Aria placed the rattagen back on the coach, and then went to find Cecilia, who had disappeared from the kitchen.
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Re: StuDYING or Sleepover? ... Sleepover! [P]

Postby Moofius » 01/22/2017 7:12 PM

Glad to see Aria concentrating on the rattegan, and hopefully keep him from setting everything on fire, she got down on all fours to quietly walk to her own room to get at her computer. Her desk was a bit of a mess with energy drink cans scattered around the right and back of the screen. Those last minute study sessions could be brutal.

She started looking up information on rattegans. Yeah, their fire didn't need to be on, it was usually as a display, and apparently if they were sick they would vent their fever off their back. That was probably one reason why the little creature was so intently on fire.

She heard the door of her room open a little further so she turned to look over her shoulder.
"Hey, I was just looking stuff up on his species," Cecilia said, letting Aria know what she found out, especially about the fever. Cecilia was starting to talk about using a warm, damp cloth as a bed when she paused.
"Is... did you leave him on the couch?" Cecilia asked, jumping to the door and looking out into her living room, which was starting to get smokey around her couch. She couldn't see Oskar from here.
"Ack! Aria!"
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Re: StuDYING or Sleepover? ... Sleepover! [P]

Postby puppyluver4ever » 01/22/2017 9:17 PM

"I swear when I left him on the coach, the flame was almost gone" exclaimed Aria, as she scampered back to the coach to see if she could find Oskar among the smoke. Aria found Oskar where she had left him, but he was shaking again, and this time his flame was on higher than ever. Based on What Cecilia had just found out about fevers being burned from their back, Aria assumed that Oskar's fever had risen quite a bit.

"I think we should just take Oskar to a regular vet instead of waiting for a special rattagen vet clinic to open" sighed Aria, as she tried to calm Oskar down again.

"It might be best for him, since obviously we have no idea what we are doing, and also I don't want to be the reason that you get kicked out of your apartment". Aria really wanted her and Cecilia to be able to help Oskar on  their own. Aria had become quite attached to the sickly rattagen, who hopefully would not be sick for much longer. Aria was a bit disappointed that her knowledge on animal care had not really come in handy for Oskar, but in her defence, she had never come across a sick rattagen, nor had she ever owned one before.

Looking around the room for Cecilia, Aria asked "maybe you can look up on your computer to see if there is a vet clinic open?"
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Re: StuDYING or Sleepover? ... Sleepover! [P]

Postby Moofius » 01/23/2017 7:25 PM

Cecilia rushed over, letting the tali take care of the rattegan while she pulled the cushion off the couch and snagged the blanket Aria had been hiding under early to beat out the flame. Thankfully there was no actual flames, just a bit of melted/burned fabric. The stuffing of the couch was smoking, so Cecilia hopped to the kitchen, grabbed a glass and filled it with water. Walking more carefully on all fours she returned and doused the smoking cushion.

With the fire doused Cecilia moved to the nearest window and pushed it open. Hopefully the fire alarm wouldn't go off, too.
"Aria," Cecilia said, sounding exhausted, "if we could get a fire proof blanket or go to the vet we already would have. Look."
Cecilia gestured to the window, outside the street was purple with shadows, only a single street light a few houses down cast any light.
"It's late. There's nowhere TO take him, and there's not going to be a store that sells fire proof blankets open, either. We have to wait until tomorrow, that's the earliest we can do anything."

Cecilia huffed and crossed her arms.
"Look, I don't want to kick him out, he's sick and needs help, but I need you to help me with him a bit more. You're the one who brought him here, so you need to be the one to do the work. I asked you to put him in the pot, so could you please do that? We can soak some cloths in warm water and ring them out really good. He can use them to get water from, sleep on, and NOT set on fire until we can get him to some help. I already put one cloth in there for him."

It was a start, anyway. She'd have to find more cloths. Maybe some old shirts or something...
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