Once home to the Crystal Cities of the Hunter clans, Craiss Caverns is now a hollow empty shell of its former glory due to a strange misfortune in the past. Man-made tunnels now lead to this place, but tales tell of some never returning. (+3 Defense, +2 Offense)

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Memories and Regrets [Self]

Postby FieldsofIris » 01/07/2017 12:42 AM

How odd it was to be here. After all they had been through, for it to end up like this. I suppose it's only fitting. A hoarse, humorless huff of laughter echoed in the small chamber.

The large, shadowy figure sat, their posture giving off an air of fatigue... Resignation, even. Acceptance.

How did it all come to this? The great creature laid itself down and curled up, letting its mind wander. I suppose it began with the Beginning...

And is there a God up there? 'So,
where does he hide?
'Cause the devil is raging inside my
And is there a moment where it all
makes sense?

~Amen by Amber Run~

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Re: Memories and Regrets [Self]

Postby FieldsofIris » 01/07/2017 10:32 AM

They closed their eyes, catching a glimpse of her. The faintest memory of her golden skin, her flowing hair. They furrowed their eyebrows as a wave of despair washed over them. It was becoming harder to remember her without losing themselves.

They raised a claw, scratching against the wall of the cavern, as they began tracing patterns of runes they had memorized long ago when they first entered this place. A sense of calm cleared the fog in their mind as the rune began to glow the same green as the markings along their body.

The familiar lethargy conjured by this ritual began to drag them under. This is the last time, Perish faintly reminded themselves as they sank into the blackness. Then I'll move on...

And is there a God up there? 'So,
where does he hide?
'Cause the devil is raging inside my
And is there a moment where it all
makes sense?

~Amen by Amber Run~

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Re: Memories and Regrets [Self]

Postby FieldsofIris » 01/08/2017 11:59 AM

They were back. Back at the end of the Beginning, where everything truly began. Perish had been created with a mission: balance the breath of life with the touch of death. They were focused, they knew what they needed to do. They had all of the powers of Death at their hands, and they were created for that sole purpose.

But first, they needed to find Genesis. The life giver, with whom Perish had to work together with for the future of Evelon. They didn't want to scare her with their malevolent appearance, so they receded into a much smaller, manageable biped form. With that, they set off in search of her.

You'll know her when you see her, they had been told. They understood. And so they walked.

And is there a God up there? 'So,
where does he hide?
'Cause the devil is raging inside my
And is there a moment where it all
makes sense?

~Amen by Amber Run~

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Re: Memories and Regrets [Self]

Postby FieldsofIris » 01/10/2017 3:14 PM

It had been days since they had risen. How far had they gone? They couldn't remember. All they could remember is their mission. At this rate, they were unsure if this form could handle the rigorous journey across these barren lands.

Suddenly, as if appearing as a mirage, a smear of green blanketed the horizon. After days of nothing but empty landscapes, Perish didn't dare to believe this was more than their own wishful thinking.

But as they drew closer, they could see that the green continued on for what seemed like an eternity. It wasn't the sickly green of their original form's bodily markings, but a soft, inviting green that called out to them to rest for awhile.

Their physical form was dragging after days of nothing but aimless walking, and after a short moment of lightheaded debate, Perish collapsed in a heap onto the soft earth.

And is there a God up there? 'So,
where does he hide?
'Cause the devil is raging inside my
And is there a moment where it all
makes sense?

~Amen by Amber Run~

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Re: Memories and Regrets [Self]

Postby FieldsofIris » 01/12/2017 9:11 PM

When Perish opened their eyes again, the first thing they noticed was a cool shadow that fell over their face, blocking out the intense rays of the sun. The next thing they noticed was what - or rather, who - was blocking the light.

"Oh, you're awake!" Perish blinked a couple times in disbelief as their gaze flickered up, meeting warm, concerned eyes that were gently inspecting their face. When their gaze met hers, recognition hit them like a bolt of lightning, in both realization and embarrassment. Their eyes widened comically.


And is there a God up there? 'So,
where does he hide?
'Cause the devil is raging inside my
And is there a moment where it all
makes sense?

~Amen by Amber Run~

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Re: Memories and Regrets [Self]

Postby FieldsofIris » 01/12/2017 9:52 PM

The woman called Genesis tilted her head slightly in curiosity. Perish flushed, and opened their mouth to explain.

"I - " their voice cracked, and they began coughing.

Genesis slid her hands underneath their shoulders and lifted them - from her lap, Perish noticed - into a sitting position, sliding behind them so they could lean against her chest for support. Perish rested their head against her shoulder as they tried to get control of their breath.

"Take your time." The woman eyed them worriedly, brushing their long hair from their eyes. She grimaced in concern at the sweat on their brow and cracked lips.

And is there a God up there? 'So,
where does he hide?
'Cause the devil is raging inside my
And is there a moment where it all
makes sense?

~Amen by Amber Run~

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Re: Memories and Regrets [Self]

Postby FieldsofIris » 01/12/2017 10:16 PM

When Perish's coughing settled, she reached behind her. To grab something, probably. Maybe water? Perish wondered. What they didn't expect was for a large tree to suddenly burst from the ground, branches and all, and begin to grow upwards.

"What -" Perish exclaimed before breaking into another fit of coughing. Genesis pulled them backwards and leaned them against the trunk of the fully grown tree. She brushed their hair from their face one last time before leaning around the tree, calling out to Eliza to fetch water.

And is there a God up there? 'So,
where does he hide?
'Cause the devil is raging inside my
And is there a moment where it all
makes sense?

~Amen by Amber Run~

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Re: Memories and Regrets [Self]

Postby FieldsofIris » 01/13/2017 1:22 PM

I hadn't realized she was that powerful... A large winged creature flew by the woman, stopping for only a moment before taking off again. Perish didn't get a good look at it by the time it flew away, but they forgot about it as soon as Genesis turned back around and started towards them.

"Eliza brought me some water for you," she smiled. "Are you up to drinking some?" They nodded in response, pushing themselves up to try and sit a little straighter. Genesis beamed. "You're a little stronger already, good!"

And is there a God up there? 'So,
where does he hide?
'Cause the devil is raging inside my
And is there a moment where it all
makes sense?

~Amen by Amber Run~

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Re: Memories and Regrets [Self]

Postby FieldsofIris » 01/13/2017 6:55 PM

She knelt down next to them as they situated themselves, dipping an earthenware mug into the bucket of water for them. Perish looked over at her and nodded, taking the mug from her with caution. Though she let them drink from the mug themselves, she didn't leave their side in case they needed help.

She needn't worry, though, as they were gaining strength every passing second - the shade and water doing wonders for their dehydrated form. After a few mugfuls, Perish gave her back the cup and leaned back against the tree.

"Where am I?"

And is there a God up there? 'So,
where does he hide?
'Cause the devil is raging inside my
And is there a moment where it all
makes sense?

~Amen by Amber Run~

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Re: Memories and Regrets [Self]

Postby FieldsofIris » 01/13/2017 7:17 PM

Genesis looked back at them, confused. "You don't know?" Perish shook their head, and she laughed, startling them. "I shouldn't be surprised," she mused. She turned down to the bucket and rinsed the mug meticulously. "You didn't even realize I was standing in front of you when you collapsed."

Perish stared at her, in shock. How did they miss her in front of them? She continued on, oblivious of their reaction. "You came from the Wilt'no Desert." She paused in her movements. "Anyone who goes there unprepared never makes it out alive..." She whirled back to them, eyes wide.

They flinched as her intense gaze settled on them.

And is there a God up there? 'So,
where does he hide?
'Cause the devil is raging inside my
And is there a moment where it all
makes sense?

~Amen by Amber Run~

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Re: Memories and Regrets [Self]

Postby FieldsofIris » 01/14/2017 2:09 PM

Genesis opened her mouth to speak, but Perish beat her to the punch.

"My name is Perish," they sighed, glad that they were strong enough to speak without coughing now. "I was sent here to find you, with orders." She only stared at them, willing them to continue. This was the part they were afraid of. They swallowed nervously. They began to stand, and Genesis scrambled backwards, not only to give them room, but in apprehension.

Perish took a few steps away from the base of the tree, and took a deep breath. "I am the embodiment of death." And, with that, their form began to change and enlarge. Where a human once stood, there was now a towering creature glowing a sickly green.

And is there a God up there? 'So,
where does he hide?
'Cause the devil is raging inside my
And is there a moment where it all
makes sense?

~Amen by Amber Run~

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Re: Memories and Regrets [Self]

Postby FieldsofIris » 01/14/2017 3:08 PM

They flinched at the nearly inaudible gasp coming from behind them, afraid to turn around. What would Genesis think of them? Would she even want to try and work together? With such a monster?

"The flowers..." her voice quivered. Perish whipped around, only to see tears filling her eyes. They looked down at the ground around them, the nearby grass and flowers wilting and slowly turning grey. They squeezed their eyes shut and shifted back into their humanoid form quickly, and began making their way over to her cautiously.

"I was sent here to balance the powers of life," they said with a bit of regret in their voice. "There is to be a cycle of life and death, set between you and I, in order to maintain the balance in the new world."

And is there a God up there? 'So,
where does he hide?
'Cause the devil is raging inside my
And is there a moment where it all
makes sense?

~Amen by Amber Run~

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Re: Memories and Regrets [Self]

Postby FieldsofIris » 01/14/2017 3:22 PM

Genesis backed away, shaking her head in disbelief. "That was never in the cards," she snapped, her voice raising slightly. "Why? Why do innocent creatures need to lose their lives?"

Perish halted their approach at her tone. "Genesis, please," they implored. "I don't like my job, either, but be sensible!" They turned and paced, letting frustration leak into their posture. "You cannot expect life to be sustainable for an eternity..." They turned their glance upon her again.

"I am not the one who made the decision for it to be this way." Their eyes, glowing red, were somehow tinged with sadness. "But I must carry out my duties. In order to do so, we must work together."

And is there a God up there? 'So,
where does he hide?
'Cause the devil is raging inside my
And is there a moment where it all
makes sense?

~Amen by Amber Run~

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Re: Memories and Regrets [Self]

Postby FieldsofIris » 01/14/2017 3:42 PM

This was all coming as a shock to Genesis, who backed against the trunk of the tree, and slid down to sit at its base. Her face looked quite pale underneath the olive tone of her hands, which she pressed against her cheeks.

"I..." She took a deep breath before continuing. "I need to come to terms with this." She lifted her head from her hands and instead rested it against the tree behind her once more. "I understand."

Perish frowned at the tired look in her eyes and sat down across from her, still giving her a wide berth of space. "Take all of the time you need, but, I have one question first." Genesis nodded without looking at them. "May I stay here with you?"

And is there a God up there? 'So,
where does he hide?
'Cause the devil is raging inside my
And is there a moment where it all
makes sense?

~Amen by Amber Run~

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Re: Memories and Regrets [Self]

Postby FieldsofIris » 01/14/2017 9:41 PM

She couldn't help but to bark out a laugh in shock. "Just promise not to kill anything, yeah?" She spit the words at them venomously, as if she was the one with acid flowing through her veins.

Perish full-bodily flinched at her tone, unwilling tears springing into their eyes. They quickly swiped an arm across their eyes, and stood, nodding and telling her quietly, "I promise. I'll only be an observer." Genesis waved them away in response, and they got the hint. They stepped around the tree, and went further into...

"Where am I, again?" They asked sheepishly, looking down at the ground instead of towards her face.

"Oh..." She went from pale to flushed in the blink of an eye. She leaned around the tree, and immediately felt a wave of guilt wash over her at their despondent posture. "My apologies. Where the grass started, and extending southward, is known as Terrace Park." Perish nodded.

"Thank you," they whispered before turning back and continuing further into the park. Genesis sighed, turning her head back around the tree and dropping it back into her hands.

And is there a God up there? 'So,
where does he hide?
'Cause the devil is raging inside my
And is there a moment where it all
makes sense?

~Amen by Amber Run~

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