Welcome to Aldrect! Here you'll see vast, towering buildings of pure alabaster and marble, and the business of the townsfolk. The religion of the Holy Triumvirate was begun here, and in the center of the city is a grand fountain of the gods. (+2 Defense, +2 Fame)

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Return to Aldrect, the Holy City

Date: Dee/Liam

Postby ToxicShadow » 02/15/2017 6:54 PM


[Located in Aldrect]

It was unusual for an Artificial Personal Lover, an APL, to be activated significantly ahead of time. Under normal circumstances, if they passed all the tests necessary prior to activation, they weren't activated until their User had been selected. They then spent time inputting any information that was deemed necessary, as well as choosing what sort of styles suited their own tastes, getting any minor issues fixed, and off they went. The first two, Alpha and Beta (Alba), were activated early for extra testing, since they were the first two, but since then, it was deemed unnecessary to spend several days activated prior to delivery.

When she was suddenly activated, Dee presumed that a User had been chosen for her. However, she was soon told otherwise. Instead, she'd been chosen to participate in a short experiment, an extra test. The Love Me Corporation, LMC, was interested in seeing how an APL would handle a social situation without having an assigned User. However, initially, Dee declined the proposal. Instead of just accepting it because they created her, she took the chance and made a deal with them. In exchange for her participation, they owed her.

As the persons responsible for the Valentine's festivities, it was easy for the LMC staff to establish her was one of their blind date candidates and match her up with someone. She styled her hair, choosing a dark brunette shade, and it fell to a medium length in waves. Then came her outfit, consisting of nice, tight fitting jeans, heels, a cute white under shirt, and a more formal coat, with the addition of hoop earrings and matching hand bag, acceptable as either date wear or business casual wear, and she was ready. They handed over a reasonable amount of funds and a mobile phone, too, and sent her on her way.

Reaching the fountain in Aldrect, the meeting spot that had been arranged for her date, she began to search for her partner, based on his description.  Had she arrived  too early or were they already here?

Her only out of the ordinary feature here were pink irises, not typically a natural eye color, which also made it her most identifying feature. She could pass it on as wearing color contacts, if it came into question, although that wasn't the case.

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Re: Date: Dee/Liam

Postby Mojave » 02/15/2017 11:25 PM


Liam stood some distance from the fountain, watching those who stood around it. He had a picture in his hand, so he knew her when he saw her. However, rather than approach immediately, he hung back. He wanted to give her the upper hand in their meeting, letting her think he was late; and he also wanted to watch her for a moment.

He had signed up for the blind date at the LMC website, thinking it would be a good way to get out of the house. When he'd received notification on who he was meeting, he had printed her picture and dressed in his best business suit. His slightly punkish hair, long on one side, shaved to a soft buzz cut on the other and a mix of pink, blue, and black, was indication he wasn't the straight arrow his attire would indicate. His own eyes were a rather startling pink, almost burgundy in color.

Part of the reason he watched was because he was nervous. He was also curious if she was here willingly or reluctantly. After several moments, he was able to determine that she didn't seem to be here reluctantly. At least, she wasn't scowling or behaving in a furtive manner. Somewhat relieved, he approached her. "Excuse me, miss? Are you Dee?"
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Re: Date: Dee/Liam

Postby ToxicShadow » 02/16/2017 12:47 AM

She was standing for a few minutes, and beginning to consider moving around to the other side of the fountain, when someone addressed her. The APL turned to face them, her eyes first meeting with the bright colors of their hair, before her gaze moved to their eyes. A slight smile brightened her features, as she noticed that his eyes, too, were pink.

"Ah, yes," Dee replied. "I presume, then, that you are Liam? It's a pleasure to meet you." Here, she dipped her head slightly. Had she known he was going to have such colorful hair, she would have chosen to make her synthetic hair bright pink, rather than the tame color she went with. She thought neutral would have been best for this sort of thing, but, perhaps, she was mistaken. It was too late now to change it, since it would be out of ordinary to be able to do so on a whim. Of course, she could blame Avario for her being so ill-informed.

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Re: Date: Dee/Liam

Postby Mojave » 02/16/2017 1:29 AM

He noticed her smile brighten, but assumed she was just relieved he wasn't looking at her breasts. Now that he was closer, he could better see her figure under the casual clothes. Thankfully he managed not to blush too noticeably.

"Yes, that's right." He said amicably, unaware of her internal thoughts.  If he had been, he'd have assured her that his hair color, at least, was natural and the style something different he was trying. He still hadn't found a style that was 'him' even though he was 22 years old. Experimentation was new to him.

"You look lovely this afternoon." He said honestly, offering his arm in what most would consider an old-fashioned manner of chivalry. "Did you have anything in mind for this afternoon?" He inquired, ready and willing to please.  
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Re: Date: Dee/Liam

Postby ToxicShadow » 02/16/2017 4:30 AM

"Thank you very much." She, too, finally was able to look him over, and seemed to like his choice of wear. It was certainly more formal than her own, but it was a wonderful combination. She liked the over all look. "You, too, are quite handsome, as well."

Dee didn't say it, but she was glad that she had been matched up with someone like him. He seemed like a decent guy, although it wasn't as if she had any experiences to compare him to. This was her first time out and about. Ever.

When he offered his arm, she placed her hand gingerly on it, so that he could escort her. "Perhaps... Would you be against doing a bit of shopping? I haven't been around here before, so just looking around would be nice." Normal dates usually consisted of eating or drinking something together, though, didn't it? "Perhaps we'll find a coffee house or smoothie shop?" The APL had yet to taste any of those things so, even if it meant having to throw it up later, since her robotic artificial body couldn't process it, it would be worth trying.

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Re: Date: Dee/Liam

Postby Mojave » 02/16/2017 1:37 PM

He gave her a small smile before thanking her for the compliment. He was aware it was a striking contrast, formal clothes and wild hair. But if it didn't bother her, no need to expound upon it. He did, however, wonder if maybe she had her own wild side beneath the demure outward appearance.

"Not at all; were you looking for something in particular? I've been here once or twice before and I'm sure I can assist you in your search. And," He leaned in conspiratorially, "I wouldn't be against carrying your bags if you did decide you wanted something." It seemed he was all smiles today, but in all honesty, he was just a good natured guy and smiling came easy to him. "What the lady wants, the lady shall receive." He said in answer to the idea of coffee or a smoothie. "Just let me know which, price isn't an issue either."

He wondered, briefly, if that was tacky, but he wasn't going to let her pay for anything while they were on this date. He knew some girls worried about being expensive dates while others just ordered the most expensive thing and expected their man to bow to their wishes meekly. He wanted to know which she would be.
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Re: Date: Dee/Liam

Postby ToxicShadow » 02/16/2017 3:23 PM

The truth was, Dee couldn't own a lot of personal possessions. Not before her User was chosen and she was delivered. Anything she bought would have have to be shipped along with her, if she wanted to keep it, and she was well aware of that. Outside of clothing, which she could wear or easily fold to take up little space, she wasn't sure what might draw her attention.

"Hm," she seemed to think about it. "Maybe a dress? I just like the idea of window shopping, walking and talking." Dee wasn't sure what sort of data the LMC wanted, so she was just doing things as she pleased, and sounded date-like. Didn't it? And it was easy. The APL could look at this as practice in dealing with people. "If I end up getting something, though, you really don't have to carry it. I... wont stop you, but it's not necessary." Unlike him, she didn't have stamina that would wear out, and she was definitely designed to be stronger than the average person, even with system keeping her in check.

"But... how about a smoothie first? Something cold sounds nice." At first, she wasn't sure what he was implying when he said price wasn't an issue. it wasn't, since she'd made sure to get a good sum from the LMC staff. Then it dawned on her, a moment too later. "Oh. Well, if you insist on buying my drink, why don't I buy yours?"

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Re: Date: Dee/Liam

Postby Mojave » 02/17/2017 1:49 AM

He nodded to indicate he would be entertained with either shopping or just walking around. However, when she suggested buying each other's drinks he shook his head with a chuckle. "Absolutely not. I insist on buying both."

They were passing by a shop that exclusively sold smoothies so he pointed it out. "And we're in luck, this place specializes in smoothies and other cold drinks."

He held the door open for her, following her intot the establishment. It was decorated in 1950s style with checkered tile floors, red vinyl seat cushions against chrome frames, and alternating black and red tables. There was even a jukebox in a corner. Behind the long counter that ran half the length of the place was a menu that was full of all kinds of cold drinks. Smoothies, milkshakes, malts, soda floats, sherbert, icees and other such things so that Liam stopped paying attention to the menu. "What do you think, or would you prefer somewhere else?" He asked, turning toward Dee.
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Re: Date: Dee/Liam

Postby ToxicShadow » 02/17/2017 2:14 AM

When he declined her suggestion, in favor of buying both drinks, she responded with a quiet, "Hm," followed by a, "Well, if you insist, I don't suppose I should argue it." The APL smiled, accepting his kindness.

Even without the firsthand experiences, Dee knew better than to think all people, men and women alike, were this kind. She also knew that she couldn't be entirely sure if he was just feigning the behavior, or if this was his true character. However, she couldn't help but to wonder if her User would do at least this much for her, too. Or would they act like as if they did not want her, in the end, as had happened with APLs before her?

She followed along as Liam guided her and, when they came across the smoothie shop, she thanked him when he opened the door and went inside. Just a few steps into the shop, and she stopped in her tracks, taking everything in with obvious interest. She didn't gravitate straight toward the menu, as some might, she took in all of the interior first. The APL decided she wanted to remember the experience; she'd never seen anything like this, after all. The jukebox was especially interesting, as was evident with her staring at it for a long moment.

When her date asked his question, she nodded her head, smiling. "Yes, this is great."

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Re: Date: Dee/Liam

Postby Mojave » 02/17/2017 2:48 AM

He waited patiently while she took in the shop, turning his own gaze back to the menu. Quickly deciding what he would order for himself, Liam turned back to his date to find her gaze riveted on the jukebox. He smiled, wondering if she'd had a chance to look over the menu. He was willing to bet that she hadn't. Jukeboxes were rather obsolete pieces of equipment, so most people that hadn't grown up around them tended to be fascinated. Her reaction told him that she was younger than him, and he wondered by how much.

"After you pick your drink, would you like to select the music? I can place our orders while you peruse their selection." He hoped she wouldn't think him pushy, after all there was a small group ahead of them so they had some time before they could order. Liam assumed they were other couples out celebrating the holiday since at least one of them had their tongues so far down each others' throats that it would take a serious nudge to bring them back to reality.

With a soft cough, he looked away, cheeks pink. Liam dropped his gaze to his shoes as he dipped his hand into his pocket to scoop out some change. He offered Dee some keystones for the jukebox, seeing that it didn't have a slot for paper money. He glanced up at her face to see if the smooching couple bothered her at all.
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Re: Date: Dee/Liam

Postby ToxicShadow » 02/17/2017 9:34 PM

For Dee, it wasn't so much that she didn't know what a jukebox was. According to her database, it was an outdated but novel music player; she could even pull up reference images, as if it were an actual memory from what she had experienced. However, her lack of experience with things in person was what caused her fascination. In all likelihood, she would experience those thoughts often, if this was anything to make assumptions by.

She nodded, in agreement with his suggestion, willing to go along with the flow. The APL didn't exactly have plans, so just going along with things, unless she absolutely didn't want to, seemed fine.

Finally, she eyed the menu. For a moment, her gaze caught sight of the group in front of them, including the couple engaged in some serious public affection, but the APL didn't even bat an eyelash at the two making out. APLs were programmed to be generally willing and capable of intimate activities, so it wasn't as if the act, itself, was an alarming or foreign concept. Nor was she busy observing social conventions, since it didn't concern her. It was as if she didn't really notice it at all, that was how little she cared.

"Um, I'll have the.... marvelous mango smoothie. A small size, please?" She decided on her drink quickly, turning to face her date. It was then that he held out the keystones, which she accepted happily. "Thank you. For the jukebox, yes?" She didn't think he'd pay for that, too, but it was already obvious that insisting otherwise, at least on the small purchases, was probably useless.

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Re: Date: Dee/Liam

Postby Mojave » 02/18/2017 8:44 PM

He was relieved that she wasn't offended by the PDA, so didn't bother to interrupt the couple. Besides, they disengaged themselves to place their orders when it was their turn, so no harm no foul.

He nodded when she told him what she wanted and watched her go to the jukebox. Apparently, she had seen them before and he wondered again how old she was. He also wondered what that expression had been about if she knew what they were and how to operate them. Maybe it had been a while?

He placed their orders, paid, and went to find them a seat close to the jukebox so she wouldn't have far to walk. Finding one three booths down, he took a seat. When she came to join him, he slid her smoothie across to her. "Did you find anything you like?"
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Re: Date: Dee/Liam

Postby ToxicShadow » 02/21/2017 5:29 AM

For Dee, it took awhile to choose a song. She wasn't personally familiar with any music, any band or artist name. In the end, she just chose something at random, some song by a band called Twenty One Pilots. She also came to the conclusion that music artists chose some strange names.

When she slid into the seat opposite Liam, she smiled. "Ah, I actually picked something randomly, since I couldn't decide what I wanted to listen to." The APL intentionally avoided mentioning that she was unfamiliar with all music, since that would be entirely abnormal for a usual person. "Thought it might be fun; here's to hoping it's a good one."

"Thank you very much," she said, as she reached for the smoothie he'd slid toward her. There was a slight hesitation; tasting something, no, anything, for the first time was sort of monumental, wasn't it? The sensation of taste wasn't new to anyone else. For as long as they could remember, they were able to taste things, but that wasn't the case for her.

In the end, she took a good, long drink. It was a little sweet and definitely cold, but Dee liked it. "It's delicious!" Unfortunately, she seemed a little more amazed by this than a typical person would have, which she realized a moment too late. Well, maybe he'd just think she was enthusiastic.

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Re: Date: Dee/Liam

Postby Mojave » 02/22/2017 1:19 AM

He smiled, "I'm sure it will be. And you're welcome." The song itself was sligtly amusing, definitely catchy and fun.

Liam looked up from his own smoothie in surprise at her excitement. But instead of thinking her odd, he almost laughed, "Were you trying something new?" He asked, referring to how people tried something new because they were bored with their usual selection of nourishment. The idea that she hadn't lived a full normal life before today never crossed his mind.

He himself had chosen to do this, so he was glad she was having better results. For his part, the smoothie wasn't disgusting, but he definitely wouldn't be getting chocolate banana ever again.
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Re: Date: Dee/Liam

Postby ToxicShadow » 02/22/2017 9:49 PM

When his question came, Dee knew it wouldn't make sense to say that she'd never tasted anything at all, so she nodded her head. It wasn't really a lie, since it was something new to her.

"Yeah. I guess... you could say I don't get out too much?" She figured that he could interpret that as though she didn't deviate from what she knew, because she didn't have enough opportunities to brave ordering something or doing something that she might not like. At least, she hoped he got that much, without her having to say it all.

Having to cover for her lack of experiences was kind of, well, she would quite say annoying, but it certainly wasn't enjoyable, either. Maybe she would have been better off constructing some eleborate lie about herself, but it was probably too late for that, and she didn't exactly want to flat out lie, either. Just what was the LMC expecting from her?

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