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Re: Date: Dee/Liam

Postby Mojave » 02/22/2017 10:08 PM

Liam finished his own smoothie and pushed the cup aside. He thought she would elaborate on what she meant, but after several moments of silence, it became apparent to him that she wanted to leave it at that. While it did make him more curious, he didn't want to be pushy. Besides, their date had just started, he could wait to ask more questions as the day progressed.

"Well, I'm glad you liked it, regardless. Would you like to wait for the song to finish before we go window shopping?" He figured she didn't want to sit around and talk- if she had, she wouldn't have given a vague answer.
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Re: Date: Dee/Liam

Postby ToxicShadow » 02/22/2017 10:25 PM

She half expected for him to ask her something or another about what she had said, or even choose another topic of conversation, but he didn't. Without him leading the conversation, the APL didn't know what to say. She was well aware that she had spoken vaguely but, perhaps, he was respecting the fact that she didn't seem to want to say anything more. Yeah, this was difficult, since she had to step carefully.

Quietly, she finished her smoothie, too. It was yummy, but it was a little weird, feeling something cold moving down her artificial throat and settling. Later, she'd have to discard it, but she'd be fine, for awhile. Long enough for them to go shopping, at the very least.

"Hm, I imagine it's almost over, but I kind of like it. Would you mind waiting it out?" She assumed he would accept her answer, so she fell quiet to listen to the last part of the song. It was only about another minute or so and, after that, she was as ready to go as she ever would be.

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Re: Date: Dee/Liam

Postby Mojave » 02/23/2017 1:07 AM

He too lapsed into silence so that they could finish listening to the song. He rather liked it, and decided that he'd have to see about buying the CD while they were out.

Once it was done, he took their empty cups to the trashcan and opened the door for her. He assumed she would have followed him. "Well, my lady, what would you like to browse for first? The dress you mentioned earlier, or perhaps to see what's directly around us? I'm open to suggestions if those don't appeal to you."
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Re: Date: Dee/Liam

Postby ToxicShadow » 02/23/2017 1:20 AM

Once again, the APL thanked her date for the kind gestures. They were simple, maybe even something that someone expected, but Dee disliked the idea of not giving thanks for kind gestures. Although, really, she was the kind of gal that would be perfectly fine opening her own door, or even opening the door for her partner.

"I don't mind just checking out shops near by," she decided, easily enough. "Chances are, I'll find something I like just by doing that." Besides, taking in her surroundings was an interesting experience, too.

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Re: Date: Dee/Liam

Postby Mojave » 02/23/2017 1:40 AM

"Your wish is my command." He said nonchalantly, offering her his arm in case she wanted it. The gesture was ingrained in him from his upbringing. But times change, and most women in this day and age would be fine just walking beside him. Regardless of which she chose, he was fine with it.

He stood in place for several moments to look around. Most of the stores around them were of the food and drink variety or souvenir shops. He saw one of those large maps of the area some places had and led her over to it. A quick scan told them that going south would take them to an area that had the highest concentration of clothing shops. North would take them to an area more like an outdoor mall with various types of stores. East would take them to specialty stores like repair shops and the like. They were currently on the western edge of the city and going further west would take them to the beach.

"Hmm. If we go South, there will be tons of clothing boutiques, but North will have other stores as well. Which would you prefer?"
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Re: Date: Dee/Liam

Postby ToxicShadow » 02/23/2017 2:45 AM

Since he offered his arm, she took it. Dee just went with his flow, disregarding what was or wasn't in common practice anymore. It was a little more like a date this way, anyway, wasn't it?

When he guided her toward the map, she looked it over, as well. It took her but a moment to save a perfect image of it, which she could refer to. Photographic memory came in handy with these sorts of things, at least. She gave it a bit of thought, before deciding she might as well try her luck with a variety of shops. "How about we go North? Seeing lots of different things will probably be more entertaining than just looking at clothes."

The APL had no idea what else might be practical for her to take along with her, but maybe she'd find something appropriate.

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Re: Date: Dee/Liam

Postby Mojave » 02/23/2017 4:11 AM

"So, may I ask what made you sign up for a blind date?" He inquired as they walked North. She was pretty, well mannered, and obviously not poor so he felt it was a valid question. Surely she didn't have trouble meeting people, men were bound to be ten deep vying for her attention.

And if that was the case, what could he do to stand out to her? He thought again of the song they'd heard and his original thought of buying the CD. Perhaps, instead of buying it for himself, he could get it for her? But was 'gifting a song' too cheesy?
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Re: Date: Dee/Liam

Postby ToxicShadow » 02/23/2017 4:26 AM

"When I said I don't really get out much, I meant it," she answered. That was the easy part. It took the APL a moment to consider how to elaborate further. Perhaps stretching the truth a little would be safe? "My friend... well, my boss, insisted that I get out of the lab and go out today. They recommended going on a blind date since, well, I don't have anyone else to go out with." Her choice was words seemed to paint the idea that she busily worked in a laboratory of some sort, not that she was a product of one, but that was fair. Or so Dee thought.

Avario was one of her creators and owners of the Love Me Corporation and, as his creation, she had little choice but to listen to him, which made him like her boss. And it was true, at this time, she didn't have a User. Her fate was still set, she'd still be assigned to one, this blind date didn't change that, but, for today, she was free to do things as she pleased.

"What about you?" It seemed only proper to ask the same of Liam, so she did, although she was somewhat curious to hear his answer.

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Re: Date: Dee/Liam

Postby Mojave » 02/23/2017 5:05 AM

"Oh, that must be fun, working at a lab. Is it medical or... something else?" Liam wasn't trying to be nosy, but he hadn't pegged her for the type to want to work with body fluids.

His real concern was her statement that she didn't have anyone to go out with. Was that because she was a workaholic or because she just hadn't found anyone interesting?

"I've actually lived in Wilt'No Desert my entire life and just moved here. I saw the event and didn't have anything else to do." Honestly, even if things ended with them being nothing more than friends, it would still be more than he'd arrived with.
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Re: Date: Dee/Liam

Postby ToxicShadow » 02/23/2017 5:23 AM

"Oh, we're researching artificial intelligence." As she was a product of artificial intelligence, and this date of hers was research on how she acted in such a situation, she could be considered a researcher. It was still somewhat of a stretch, but still worked. Although, the APL hadn't ruled out the idea of working in the medical field, once she was settled into an actual life. Anything that required extensive know-how, precision, and fast reactions, well, the APLs excelled at those sorts of things.

When he answered, she nodded her head. "I see, so you're from the desert. I've never been out there." She paused for a moment, but she smiled. "Well, I'm glad to have company. Being Valentine's Day and all, everyone I know is busy." All the other APLs, certainly, had to be busy, while all of the LMC staff were actually the ones that had arranged and were running the Valentine's Festivities. Avario was an advocate of love, after all.

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Re: Date: Dee/Liam

Postby Mojave » 02/23/2017 5:54 AM

He whistled, impressed. In his mind, such technology and thus the lab it was made in, had to be much more complex than the medical field. At least he'd been right about her not working with bodily fluids.

He'd never seen an android before, but was a little nervous of the idea. Technology was like magic, a tool to be used to better people's lives. But by giving that tool it's own mind, well, he could see a lot of ways for it to go wrong. Say a machine was built to be someone's lover but that machine didn't want to be what it was created for? What was everyone supposed to do then? By giving the tool a semblance of humanity, didn't that obligate the creators to treat it as a person? But could a machine ever really be a person? He supposed he'd never know, but he liked to think he'd still see them as a person instead of an object.

"I know most people don't find deserts beautiful, but I'm a little biased toward my home." He admitted. True, it was harsh and unforgiving, but there was beauty everywhere if you could see past the less than flamboyant colors.
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Re: Date: Dee/Liam

Postby ToxicShadow » 02/23/2017 6:38 AM

"I'm sure it's lovely." Beautiful things could be found anywhere, even in unlikely places, so she was certain that the desert must have had its own unique beauties. At any rate, she was in no position to judge anyone for where they lived, what they were, or what they did, unless they were someone that did terrible things. Which, Liam didn't seem to fit the bill of someone awful.

"What was it that made you decide to move?" If he liked his home so much, then why did he leave it? Dee couldn't help but to wonder. She didn't have a home, not really, so she thought it would be nice to have one. Weren't people usually attached to their homes? Especially if they still called their previous dwelling, 'home,' like he did. Never would she consider the LMC lab her home although, by all means, she was born there and would reside there, for a time.

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Re: Date: Dee/Liam

Postby Mojave » 02/24/2017 4:22 AM

"Maybe I could take you there some time and you can see for yourself." Despite not knowing what the future held for them, the offer was sincere and made as a gesture of friendship.

"Just wanted to get out on my own for a bit. I might end up moving quite a bit before I settle anywhere, though. Probably a bit of the nomad blood left in me. My mom always called me her little gypsy. Were you born here, or somewhere else?" He inquired, curious where she was from.
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Re: Date: Dee/Liam

Postby ToxicShadow » 02/28/2017 10:38 PM

That didn't sound so bad. Actually, it would probably be fun. Thus far, Dee enjoyed experiencing things first hand, so visiting somewhere new sounded appealing to her. "That would be fun," she said, seeming to accept the offer, even though, in such a situation, one may not hold much credit to it. To be perfectly honest, she really doubted that she'd ever actually be able to go with him, but she liked the idea, anyway. So her answer was based on that.

When the question was turned around on her, Dee had to consider an answer, and fast. She wasn't from anywhere, really. But, well, she was built in the LMC lab, so that was the closest thing. "I was born a little ways away from Lya Pointa Cathedral, in some practically nameless little town. I don't really have much attachment to it, though. I don't have any family, so I never set down roots anywhere, permanently. Nothing is home, wherever I am, it's just the place that I'm dwelling, for now." She figured her words implied that she was an orphan or a kid that grew up in the system, something like that, and that was just as well. It was the closest she could be to honest.

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Re: Date: Dee/Liam

Postby Mojave » 02/28/2017 11:12 PM

He smiled at her acceptance of his offer, but faltered as she answered his question. He couldn't help looking sideways at her, amazed at how matter-of-fact she was about her lack of family and home.

"I'm sorry." Liam was unsure what else he could say. She obviously didn't want pity and she wasn't crying about it so there was no need to pat her shoulder. He was too uncertain of the social ettiquette to ask why she was so alone in the world so refrained. "Well, maybe you'll find somewhere you like soon." He felt it was a lame response, but it was the best he could come up with.

"Ah, here's a place." He said, looking up to see they had arrived in the North district. The boutique they were currently standing in front of was obviously a foreign designer and highly expensive. He almost gulped at the price tag on one of their displays but managed to catch himself. Honestly, how could anyone rationalize spending that much on a dress with so little fabric? But, he'd made the offer, it would be rude to retract it just because he hadn't looked at the prices before pointing it out.
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