In contrast to the Dead Coast, Sa'fir Coast is jokingly referred to as the world's largest pepper deposit because of its black sand beaches. They attract tourists, who can enjoy the tropical landscape of Barakka without facing its harsh environments. (+2 Endurance)

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Re: Blind Date: Diego x Korinne Hawke

Postby Redd » 02/25/2017 2:28 AM

Okay, valid answer. Still gave her no valuable insights into the man, just that he preferred the whole ‘rocker’ attire. It did help place his initial kind of sarcastic, flirty behaviour, but she tried not to judge a book by its cover.

Thus the line of inquiry.

So do you work then?” She asked, thanking the waiter and taking her drink and setting it on the table for the moment. Risky question, especially if he didn’t work but he did give her the all clear. If anything, she could turn this around on him.

“I’ll level with you, I live in somewhere between here and Lamenolai, and I’ve never seen a beach until today, let alone Sa’fir so. This is kind of an experience for me.” She admitted, finally taking a sip of her drink. It was half the reason she’d agreed to come out here. Even if the date was a bust, it would be fun checking out the beach and its surroundings. She’d seen rocks and cliffs on the edge of the ocean, yes but a beach was arguably very different. “So I'm in the dark, just as much as you are. I'd assume it's the place with the biggest line to get in though.” she added in with a joking laugh.

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Re: Blind Date: Diego x Korinne Hawke

Postby Mojave » 02/27/2017 12:30 AM

"Yeah, I hold down my fair share of jobs." Initially, Diego was going to leave his answer at that, more interested in talking about the clubs. He wouldn't mind coming back if there was one (or more) that he could take advantage of open mic nights at. He sighed, he didn't think she'd accept some half-assed answer. "One full time, one part time, and whatever odd jobs I can squeeze into my schedule between those and my music. And the biggest line doesn't mean it's the best. Could have an event going on to draw people in, you know? The bar I primarily sing at usually has the longest line on open mic nights or whenever a famous person comes in. Other than that, it's just a hole in the wall to relax with a friend or two and throw back some drinks."

At this point the waiter was returning with their food. His own portion took up most of his side of the table. The grilled lobster alone was huge, paired with a massive dungeness crab, a platter with scallops, mussels, clams, shrimp, kalamarei, and oysters, and then another plate with grilled salmon, mahimahi, and flounder. And to compliment all the meats, a huge platter of steamed veggies and a large greek salad.

Diego looked at the food before him helplessly, his knife and fork, which had been in hand, falling to the side. Their waiter left and Diego motioned after him, too late. He turned back to Korinne, "Help me?" His voice was high pitched, almost a squeak. Almost, but he did manage to keep it from being that unmanly. He hadn't thought it would be such large portions of each food.
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Re: Blind Date: Diego x Korinne Hawke

Postby Redd » 02/28/2017 9:54 AM

Ah, so that’s the answer she’d been looking for. So he was dressed that way for work. See, that wasn’t so hard now, was it. Okay, okay. So she had a bit of a read on this guy now, she knew why he did a few of the things he did and yeah, it did explain a bit of his attitude. She was the kind of person who could sometimes push buttons and stretch people's limits, so she had to know what they might be before she started being... well, her. So she was happy now.

So when the waiter came back with their food, she’d barely done more than give him an interested look and a small head tilt, drinking up the information.

Well, until she’d seen how much damn food this guy had ordered. “Eating for five there, big guy?” Korinne couldn’t help but laugh, before turning around her own plate to have a look at it. Hers… was what she’d expected. A smallish meal, so the alcohol had a stronger effect and a few cakes, with a decent sized salad and a small pot of sweet cucumber sauce on the side.

That’s some sampler size. For a Paragon maybe.” Korinne grinned, peering over and inspecting it all. Well, she was lucky that she liked seafood, she guessed. Otherwise this could have gone all kinds of sideways. Without much more prompting, she carefully leaned over and picked up a piece of kalamarei delicately between her fingers and popped it in her mouth, chewing thoughtfully. “It’s pretty decent though, I have to admit.

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Re: Blind Date: Diego x Korinne Hawke

Postby Mojave » 02/28/2017 11:02 PM

"Haha." He replied with as much snark as he could muster while still looking at the massive amount of food. "At least neither of us is paying for it." He tried a scallop and nodded, "Pretty damn fabulous, if you ask me."

He pulled the lobster closer and began the work of dismantling it. Thankfully he had experience with shellfish and it was quick, the meat still warm despite being piled on a seperate plate. He ate half the tail before turning to the large crab and repeating the process of removing all the meat. The only part he seemd to have trouble with was the center of the crab with all the smaller chambers. In the end, he ate that part as he dismantled it.

By the time he was done, he was even more hungry and pulled the closest plate to himself. "Well, the hard part's done." He grinned across to Korinne. "Help yourself."

After a few moments of stuffing his face he realized he'd left their conversation hanging. "So, what about you? Do you work?"
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Re: Blind Date: Diego x Korinne Hawke

Postby Redd » 03/06/2017 6:09 AM

((Ah crap, I'm sorry this has taken so long ;-; This week past has been pretty full on))

Korinne watched curiously as he dismantled the shellfish piece by piece, Korinne watched curiously as he dismantled the shellfish piece by piece. She’d never seen anyone do that before so the process to her was… fascinating, to say the least.

She was silent throughout the process, occasionally taking bites out of her own food. Though most of it was to do with the fact that she was trying to refrain from making a lewd joke about how efficient he was with his hands. She was terrible, she knew it.

The question wasn’t something she was unprepared for. She’d been asked it enough times, she had a down a response she almost knew off by heart. “Me? Pfff, nothing much more than a glorified bodyguard.” She replied with a flippant shrug, sticking her fork into one of his shrimp tails and sticking it in her mouth and chewing thoughtfully.  It wasn’t… technically a lie. She did protect people, it just was a little more… ‘stabby’ and had a little more extortion than what ‘bodyguard’ seemed to imply. Plus bodyguard seemed a lot nicer than thief or mercenary. “Not for any one particular person or group. We’re kinda just hired as needed. Mostly high risk sorta work though.

And that was just enough information to usually satisfy people. Any more or less, and people usually started getting suspicious.

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Re: Blind Date: Diego x Korinne Hawke

Postby Mojave » 03/08/2017 6:43 PM

((That's okay!))

"A bodyguard for high risk work. Like protecting royalty and government officials?" He looked at her again, taking in her build, appearance, and demeanor. It wasn't the kind of work he'd have pegged her for at first glance. Granted, she didn't come off as helpless, but she wasn't some huge, scary mountain of a woman. Regardless, he pitied the poor blighter who tried to take her on.

"I'd have figured you were something more freelance less risk, honestly. Like a courier, delivery driver, tatoo artist- anything else, to be honest. But that's actually pretty cool, and a good tool to hustle some idiots if you need to." He grinned as he pushed his now empty platter of fish aside.

He'd been munching while they talked, and he pulled the platter of vegetables toward himself, pushing the cauliflower aside to scrape the bits he liked onto his plate. When he had a good pile of steamed broccolli, asparagus, and carrots he pulled the salad toward himself and scooped some out.

"So..." He paused, realizing they had been getting along well so far. He was relieved, but the twenty questions game was something you did with someone you were interested in. Granted, she was an interesting woman, but he had a feeling she'd be a great friend. How did he bridge that gap of where they were at and where he wanted to go? Or was he even 'friend' material to her?

"This is actually more fun than I thought it'd be. And you're not a boring simpering little girl like I was scared I'd be paired with." Okay, so he'd complimented her, what would be the best question to ask to keep this going? "What uh..." He shrugged, "Did you want to ask me or do anything else while we're here?"

This was why he didn't have many friends. It was easy to bond with other singers and musicians at the clubs because they all had music as their common ground. But he hadn't made a friend outside that group of people since Calahan and that had been when they were little. Needless to say, he suddenly felt a little awkward and wondered what Korinne thought of all of it.
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Re: Blind Date: Diego x Korinne Hawke

Postby Redd » 02/24/2018 4:45 AM

((apologies that this took... far too long, you don't have to reply if you've got no muse. I just. Like KS))

Well, she'd expected a bit of challenge trying to convince him, but here he was offering her more building blocks for her story. "That's classified." she grinned back, maybe slipping a sly wink in there. Sure, she'd play into his assumptions. She'd technically run overwatch for some people who were pretty high up there, she guessed. She didn't really care who they were, so long as their money was good. "Sweetie, there's no fun without risk. You seem like the kinda guy who'd know that." And well, she was aaaall about the fun part.

Korinne watched Diego start sorting through the vegetables for a second, maybe finding his preferences interesting, if only as a minor amusement. Then she grabbed her knife, leaning over to spear one of the pieces of cauliflower and popping it in her mouth. "Pfft, really? And here I thought I'd be paired up with some bookish nerd who needed to get out more so, I guess it's a win-win, huh." she replied, after a few thoughtful chew. Not that it.. wouldn't be fun. Oh, how easy it was to make that sort uncomfortable.

"Well, I'm going to be positively stuffed if I even think about eating anything else at the moment, so that's out." Korinne shot him an apologetic little smile, before tapping the table thoughtfully. Questions huh, what could she even ask... "So... if my place for 'fun', is your place of work, where do you get your kicks? Or are you the kind of guy who mixes business with pleasure."

Asking what he did outside of work, that was an acceptable question to ask, right? She'd just given her answer in the question as well, so hooopefully that was an acceptable trade.

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Re: Blind Date: Diego x Korinne Hawke

Postby Mojave » 02/24/2018 5:49 AM

((No worries! C: And of course I'm gonna reply, it's Diego! Lol Though his character has changed a bit since we started this so pardon any inconsistencies and I'm sorry this is short.))

A sighing chuckle was his reaction to her wink and he returned it with a mischievous smirk, "Oh, I agree." He didn't elaborate on what kinds of risks he took, this was still a date of sorts and she didn't need to hear about his sexcapades. When she told him what sort of person she had been dreading he smiled and shrugged, "I can confirm I am not an egghead."

"While I don't hang out at the bar I work at, I do still enjoy clubs. But I'll admit I mix business and pleasure if someone interests me enough." In fact he frequently mixed the two, and it was a safe assumption that it was part of the reason he had so many regulars.
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