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Postby Isalynne » 03/30/2017 7:54 PM




A prime example of fine Gothic architecture, the estate sprawls out before its observers in innumerable twists and turns, a mystery. The house sits proudly, masking the rolling gardens and woodland beyond with its intimidating size. There is no one to greet a visitor as they make their way inwards towards the main building, but it is simple enough to navigate that far alone. A fine oak door opens onto a grand entrance - devoid of any noticeable inhabitants. There's an open book propped up on a podium, littered with names and locations. At least the lady proprietor is kind enough to leave guidance.


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Inhabitants I

Postby Isalynne » 03/30/2017 7:56 PM



By plot:

Aella's Apothecary and Confectioners: In an overcrowded city overcome with organised crime and civil unrest, mythicals live under the heavy persecution of the ruling human population. All those extraordinary and magical are required to be registered, and the use of powers and/or brewing of potions is strictly forbidden without adequate licensing. Settlements exist throughout the place, often underground, crawling with those who resist the laws, unwilling to be hobbled by the irrational fear of humans.

Arcanum: A bar designed specifically for the use of supernatural species. Used as a hub for illicit activity, and crawling with demons, as well as vampires and other creatures of the night. Not inaccessible to humans, but those who do stumble inside are fair game for whatever wicked games the patrons might want to play with them. The circles that make this place their haunt are all sorts of dangerous folk - hitmen, drug dealers, any and every kind of padfoot and criminal.
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Inhabitants II

Postby Isalynne » 03/30/2017 7:56 PM



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Aella McClure

Postby Isalynne » 03/30/2017 8:00 PM

Aella McClure
"Sweet & Sour"
❋ Brew Meji | Witch | ♀ | Voice Color

Trade Status: Closed
Lineage/Restrictions: None

A short statured girl with rich dark skin and a dusting of freckles across her nose and cheeks. Her hair falls to her waist in thick, tight curls, dark at the roots and fading in an ombre to blonde at the tips. Gold flecks surround her pupils, her iris a solid hazel hue. Her dress code is normally restricted to all things pastel and lacey, and she has a blatant preference for skirts over pants.

Aella is a very bubbly and friendly person while in the right environment. As the main shopkeeper and owner of a candy store, she is familiar with interacting with all sorts of people and dealing with customers in a sophisticated and relaxed manner. However, suffering from anxiety can prove problematic when she is thrown into strange territory; she becomes nervous, edgy and wary of all those who accost her. Working around sweets has given her an aversion to them, but she retains the sugar in her personality - she is as selfless as she can manage to be. There is a less stable side to her that can show through when she gets angry or highly emotional, and that is her inability to fully harness or realise the power of her magic. Strong reactions to events can cause things to smash and catch alight around her spontaneously, and in extreme circumstances, can do harm to others.
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Theodeze Anthimin

Postby Isalynne » 03/30/2017 8:06 PM

Theodeze Anthimin
"Baker Extraordinaire"
❋ Pixii Kuhna | Faekind | ♂ | Voice Color

Trade Status: Closed
Lineage: Luca x Peppermint

A boy of small proportions, as to be expected from Faekind. Barely brushing 5' with dainty extremities to match. Theo has creamy skin, taking on the appearance of fine miniature scales, that is smooth and supple to the touch - a sure sign of one who is no labourer. Slender pointed ears extend from beneath a mop of yellow curls. The ringlets are thick and numerous, chin-length, sometimes pulled back into a little ponytail but usually left to their own devices. His eyes are mint green, pale, offsetting his dark lashes. The delicate prettiness of Fae is undoubtedly present in him.

Little, maybe, but Theo is solid. Streamlined is an apt word for his body, lightly toned and built for agility rather than bulk. Not that he pays particular attention to working out or increasing muscle. He opts for light fabrics with his clothing, things that make it easier for him to move and shift around. A constant aspect of his outfit is a cloak, anything to cover his back. If asked he would brush it off as a desire for modesty, but the reality is rather more saddening.

Fae can be with or without wings, but Theo has drawn the short straw and sits in an unpleasant limbo between the two. What could be beautiful gossamer wings are hideously stunted, nowhere near big enough to carry him even if he still possessed the ability. Catching sight of himself and his pathetic features repulses him, and as such he will go to great lengths to hide them from himself as well as other people. The tears in the fragile skin don't plague him with discomfort, but the look alone is enough to turn his stomach.

Shy. That is the most visible aspect of Theo's personality to an outside force; his quiet, timid voice puts particular emphasis on the light lisp on his 's' sounds. Coming across strangers locks him up in an odd sort of terror. It's not mindless fear that drives him out of social situations, but it's enough to make him cling to the people he already knows decently well for support. One new person at a time is acceptable - a group is taxing for him. He can often freeze and choke up when called upon.

Despite his difficulties with expressing himself and communicating, Theo is exceedingly gentle. He doesn't have it in him to be cruel. There is a serenity to his outlook on life that makes him a pleasant force; he would much rather spend his days growing flowers and learning songs than getting into arguments and brawling. Not to say that he doesn't have a temper. Little things can aggravate him, such as use of certain language or a general pushy attitude. This sensitivity to social cues can make it vexing to navigate a conversation with him.

Gardening brings him great pleasure. The company of plants is usually more agreeable than that of people. Anything that reminds him of being outdoors and among flowers is welcomed favourably by him; creatures that are natural and earthy make good friends for him. Creativity is an integral part of his life and something he loves participating in. When stressed, retreating to paint or play music is not an uncommon habit of his.

His number one passion other than botany is baking. Theo is the sort that makes far more than he can possibly consume by himself, which is always beneficial to those close to him, as well as his penchant for experimenting with new recipes. Ironically he doesn't have an enormous sweet tooth. The things he creates are strictly for the consumption of others. Coming up with confectionary that is safe and healthy for native creatures is a venture he pursues when he has spare time - thankfully he hasn't poisoned anything yet.
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Postby Isalynne » 03/30/2017 8:24 PM

"Dark Desire"
❋ Mummy Kuhna | Succubus | ♀ | Voice Color

Trade Status: Closed
Lineage: None

Lamia is designed, as a succubus-like demon, to take a form that is attractive to the person she is targeting. Thus, it is hard to pin her down as appearing in one particular way; she is constantly changing, even as she is looked at, like she's a spirit rather than a corporeal being. Her true form is nothing sort of terrifying. Under her facade, there is a very twisted, ugly spirit that would be enough to strike fear into anyone's heart.

This being said, she does have a 'neutral' form, even though it can be nebulous - common traits are straw-coloured or brown hair and piercing bright eyes. She is always rather tall, also, which seems to add to her intimidating look.

Lamia is a creature of seduction, and she's good at her job. It sustains her, keeps her from getting weak. Even so, she can get bored of a simple romp - that led to the discovery that a person tastes much better while in fear and pain. As such, over the endless years of existence, she has become warped and changed by the way she keeps herself going. Fury is like a default emotion for her, and aids her sadistic tendencies to no end, as it oftens dulls the need to feel remorse.
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Caleb 'Callisto' Bartlett

Postby Isalynne » 03/30/2017 8:25 PM

Caleb "Callisto" Bartlett
"Look at the Stars"
❋ Bifrost Kuhna | Human | ♂ | Voice Color

Trade Status: Closed
Lineage: Cian x Nativity

Cal is all about expressing himself through his physical appearance. A lot consists of artificial decoration; hair dyed dark navy, snake bites glimmering in silver. The most interesting aspect of this personalisation is the various constellations tattooed on his skin. He almost looks like a night sky himself, covered in blues, whites, blacks and yellows - not much of his body is left bare.

Callisto is a dreamer if there ever was one. He's got the capacity to be a learned man, but he spends more time fantasising than working. Space is his ultimate object of admiration and fascination - he knows more facts about the solar system than he knows about himself or his friends. Some people kind find this irritating and suggest that he is uncaring or detached, which can certainly be the case, but oftentimes he doesn't realise or understand the reason for their frustration.
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Postby Isalynne » 03/30/2017 8:27 PM

"My heart is Stone"
❋ Custom Diosol | Gargoyle | ♂ | Voice Color

Trade Status: Closed
Lineage: None

Despite his extreme old age, Emmett doesn't appear much older than perhaps his thirties at the latest. In his animated form, he's still got an unusual greyish tinge to his flesh, but he's easily recognisable as humanoid. The main differences would be elongated nails and sharpened teeth. Long white hair is held back in a ponytail, and his eyes have a strange clouded quality, almost like he is blind - this is not the case, but it would be easy to assume that it is.

Emmett is perpetually disinterested. Preferring to watch people rather than interacting with them is something that comes with being a gargoyle; he is far more accustomed to overseeing the world than getting involved. He finds it difficult to bond with anyone and maintain that connection, especially with mortals, since he is capable of freezing in time for hundreds of years without moving. However, he does find himself quietly longing to have a 'normal' life - being a guardian is not much fun when you don't have a personal charge.
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Cassia Delacour

Postby Isalynne » 03/30/2017 8:28 PM

Cassia Delacour
"Lavender's Blue"
❋ Autumn Leplora | Human | ♀ | Voice Color

Trade Status: Closed
Lineage: None

There is something sweet and unassuming about Cassia's features, all soft and rounded in delicate creamy skin. Her hair is a shock of orange against the fairness of her flesh, a wild snarl often tangled with discarded leaves and stems or petals on a particularly good day. Even in the warmer seasons, she is usually seen in thick clothing like cardigans and scarves, and rarely ever goes out without a beanie on. The heat never seems to affect her. No matter how hot it gets outside, her hands are always cool.

A mute florist, Cassia is very fortunate to do what she loves for a living. Ever since inheriting the store from her grandmother, she has been utterly devoted to making it the biggest success she possibly can. Despite being proficient in communicating in sign language, she doesn't often utilise it, and is very shy and retiring despite working in customer service. It is rare to see her upset, and nigh impossible to make her angry. She can be irresponsible, especially with her idealistic world views and her attempt to see the good in everything, but so far it has endeared her to others rather than alienated her.
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Cecil Monrova

Postby Isalynne » 03/30/2017 9:10 PM

Cecil Blackett
"All Smiles"
❋ Noir Draculi | Familiar | ♂ | Voice Color

Trade Status: Closed
Lineage: None

Perhaps not an attractive man by everyone's standards, but full of individual qualities that one may deem beautiful. Cecil has dark brown hair that grows to his shoulders - it curls at the ends into ringlets. His eyes are a cool pale green; when he smiles, his canines are slightly more elongated than an average human's, and he has dimples. His fashion style is eclectic, but he is commonly seen in silk shirts unbuttoned to his sternum, paired with blazers and tight fitting jeans. The only signals that he isn't quite normal are the fluffy ears and overly long tail.

A flatterer at heart, Cecil charms those around him with ease. Unbeknown to most, this is not simply due to his excellent conversational skills - he is gifted with magical manipulation that lets him take advantage of any mind weak enough to be delved into. There is a calm countenance to him, and he remains stress free even in the most dire of situations, which is not ideal. He is easily referred to as disloyal and sly, due to his reputation of jumping ship as soon as someone he's affiliated is in trouble in favour of a better deal elsewhere. As an unbonded familiar, he makes his own contracts with people, not all of which he fulfils honestly.
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