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It Lives! And Thirsts for Blood... [P:ToxicShadow - M:E]

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 06/27/2015 2:05 AM


In the darkness, he couldn't even hear his breath. Nor could he hear his heart. Generally, that would have concerned him, but he had to take into account who might have discovered him. He didn't remember much. A flash of pain, a bright light, random voices, then darkness. Darkness for so, so long. In that swirling darkness, he'd had a lot of time to think. A lot of time to understand. A lot of time to break. It was a willing break, his mind slowly fracturing, splintering and reforming. The cracks in his psyche were now a badge of honor. There was only one for whom he lived, and that badge was for him.

Opening his eyes, he felt around him. It was as though he was on the most glorious bed. Its contours matched his body no matter where he moved. Water. It was water. Or at least liquid. It filled his mouth, his nose, his eyes. He could barely see through it, but it didn't sting for whatever reason. He felt weak as a day-old-kitten, but he had to get out of here. He wouldn't drown, of course, but this wasn't doing his claustrophobia any favors.

He kicked at the container around him with as much force as he could muster, using his fists, too, trying to break the... what he assumed was glass. Maybe he could have called out, but it felt like his voice wasn't quite online yet, either. Perhaps someone would hear him and get him out of here so he could... what? ... The niggling sensation in the back of his mind hadn't quite figured out whether or not it was supposed to be a craving, a passion, or a hunger. He'd figure that out later.
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Re: It Lives! And Thirsts for Blood... [P:ToxicShadow - M:E]

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/27/2015 2:40 AM

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Three years had gone by since Rein's heart gave out. Three years had gone by since Jakerz took his body for himself. In retrospect, the crazed god was not even sure what had caused him to act in that instance. He was known for acting on a whim, for doing anything and everything he desired. The god supposed it was his desire to keep Rein to himself. He belonged to him. Without his permission, he was not allowed to leave this world. Without his permission, no one was allowed to touch him. He had become incredibly possessive of his little toy.

Jakerz was lounging back on a questionably sterile operating table, reading a book filled with theories on Resurrection and reincarnation. His dark voice was velvety smooth as he read aloud, though the room was filled with his amused laughter during one part or another. Mortals' theories were so complicated and far off. Jakerz could practically do whatever he wanted with a life with ease. It was never so complex as to have a series of rituals, like the book suggested.

He was mid sentence when he sensed his audience was no longer the same.  Had Rein finally awoken? "Hm?" The man, dressed akin to a dark jester, sat up with a wicked smile on his face. Discarding the book on the table where he sat, he turned his eyes to the other man's chamber. The sight of Rein finally moving made his smile grow even wider, it almost creepy. He approached, placing one if his hands against the thick glass. "Shush, shush. You're going to be just fine, my pet," he said, the muddled words probably soothing to Rein's ears.

He then did something perhaps all too familiar. Reaching straight through the glass, as if it was not even there, he grabbed a hold of Rein's arm and pulled him straight through. His body phasing through without really feeling anything.

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Re: It Lives! And Thirsts for Blood... [P:ToxicShadow - M:E]

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 06/27/2015 2:58 AM

As he was drawn out of the liquid, he staggered a bit, and wound up leaning on Jakerz to keep himself upright. His legs didn't quiiiiite want to work as of yet, and he sagged, having to scramble to his feet again, feeling the blood flowing back into them as an icy-cold creeping sensation. Wincing, he looked up at Jakerz, his body dripping wet with the liquid he'd been contained in. There was something different about him. Not outwardly, obviously, but there was something off in his eyes. They weren't... those naive, schoolboy crystal-blues anymore.

He shivered, and rubbed his arms. The liquid slicked his bare skin, and he didn't have a stitch on, so obviously he was a little cold. Remarkably awake, though, considering he had just been pulled from a cryo-chamber device.

"Jakerz... How..." he coughed mid-sentence, the medium draining from his mouth onto the floor. Drawing a hand across his lips, he continued. "How long... have I been out? What happened? I don't remember much..."
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Re: It Lives! And Thirsts for Blood... [P:ToxicShadow - M:E]

Postby ToxicShadow » 07/02/2015 2:28 AM

The god held onto his victim, his lover, so that he would remain supported as he gathered his strength. Coming out of those chambers could be difficult and disorienting, which Jakerz had experienced first hand. Aside from the chamber that contained Rein, there were three others that were filled, one with a young man, one with a young woman, and one with a red and black male Lucain. One of which acted as an additional body for him.

Before answering any questions, he practically carried the newly awakened man and helped him onto a backless chair, quickly draping a sheet around him for a temporary covering. Until they found something to put him in, it would do to keep him from getting a chill.

Finally, the god's mouth twisted into a smile, and he chuckled. "You died," he answered. "Around three years ago. It took a bit, but I collected your body and threw you into that chamber to preserve your physical form. I don't commonly bring once living things back to life, so it was an interesting task."

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Re: It Lives! And Thirsts for Blood... [P:ToxicShadow - M:E]

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 07/02/2015 11:12 AM

"I.... I died, huh?" the male stammered, still adjusting. He was definitely disoriented, but instead of being frightened, there was a slight amusement in his voice. "Now why would I... go and do a thing like that?" He pulled the sheet around him, still rubbing his arms, and shivered again before he actually started to look around the room. Had he ever been to this part of the place before? Honestly, it was hard to tell, hard to remember. He thought he might have vaguely remembered the cold touch of steel on his back, those strong arms... But it was a far off memory, and hard to grasp, so he let it go.

"Like I said, I don't remember much... three years." He digested this fact a bit, all the while flexing his fingers, his knees, his toes, trying to get feeling back into them. It happened, slowly, and pins and needles all over the place while it did. He hardly expected anything less. His entire body had been 'asleep' - it was going to take a while for it to full come back online as it were. The sensation was odd enough, but there was something else he didn't feel. Lifting his left hand, he pressed it against his chest and waited for a moment... two... then smirked, shook his head and chuckled lightly.

"I don't feel my heart beating. I'm going to assume you took that while I was dead." he concluded, dropping his hand. "You're going to have to tell me how you did that later." Even without a heart, the color was starting to flow back into his face, his hands, and his feet. He was starting to look like himself again. And yet, there was that odd 'off-ness' about his eyes.

"I'm... a little hungry, truth be told." he admitted to Jakers, stretching out his arms, and his back before wrapping the sheet around him again. "And something to wear would be great. If I died, I'm going to imagine my old clothes are filthy, so I'll wear whatever you have handy."
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Re: It Lives! And Thirsts for Blood... [P:ToxicShadow - M:E]

Postby ToxicShadow » 07/23/2017 4:23 AM

"Indeed." Why would he go and do a thing like that, and trouble Jakerz? Sneaking around and collecting a dead body was troublesome. The god couldn't complain much, though, as it had given him the perfect opportunity to make some... adjustments, as it were. Although, even he wasn't all too sure how Rein was altered. "Whether you remember what happened or not is really of no importance. Luckily for you." Rein remembered him, it seemed, so that was all that mattered.

The god, too, smirked, when Rein realized that his heart no longer remained, amused by his reaction to it. "I thought your heart might as well belong to me." In the physical sense, obviously. He trusted that such had already been the case, in the other sense. "Certainly, you don't need it, if it's only going to kill you." Besides, he didn't need to survive, not when Jakerz magic was coursing through him.

"Hm. Hungry for what?" He ventured to ask, while he moved across the laboratory room to fetch a set of spare clothing. There were some lying around, in the event Jakerz needed a quick replacement from any number of horrific events he enacted in this very room. The god picked up the first things he found that were probably the most casual out of what was around, jeans with vertical stripes of red and black and a solid black shirt that was "fashionably," ripped. Returning to Rein, he held out the articles of clothing for him to take. The words weren't spoken, but he lingered nearby, in the event the other man needed assistance for not only walking, but for getting dressed, as well. Though, it seemed that Rein's body was already warming up well, and he was already better off than just a moment before.

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Re: It Lives! And Thirsts for Blood... [P:ToxicShadow - M:E]

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 07/23/2017 8:17 AM

Rein shook his head a bit, clearing it, and took the clothing that was offered. His mind was still coming online - even though there were parts of it that he didn't think would ever reboot. He didn't need those parts anyway. Stretching out even as he put on the shirt, he felt the snap and tang of sinew and muscle in a way that he had never noticed before. A voice in the back of his mind was telling him that it was unnatural to move and live without breathing, without a pulse. As of this very moment, he didn't particularly care. Without the constant noise of his own heart and his breath - he was able to concentrate on other things. Like this sudden hunger.

As he pulled on the underwear and pants, he ran his tongue across his teeth and tasted the salt left over from whatever solution he'd been suspended in. The salt called to another portion of him and brought up a strange sort of thirst - a thirst he'd never actually experienced before. In a previous incarnation of his mind, he might have been panicking upon realizing what it was that he was craving. Now, though - his deal with the dark god - had shifted and warped his sense of perception and his morals. He knew what the craving was the moment his thoughts turned to it, and it amused him.

"Blood." he told Jakerz. "Apparently I'm hungry for blood."

With a smirk of amusement, he pulled on the socks and shoes, and then stood, running his hands up and down his body. The change in him put him into a strange sort of calm, a ready-to-act potential that was evident in the very way he stood, the very way he moved and looked around. He was ready to do whatever needed to be done, no hesitation. Older. Less naive. Less worried about small things.

The other realization was that... whatever his original love for Jakerz had been - he felt none of that. None of the puppy-love, lost-in-romance that he'd been before. The passion was still there, but it was more of a fact now, solidified. Rein no longer felt that he had to stress or fret or worry about Jakerz leaving. Perhaps it was the final part of the deal sealing itself in - but his emotions were less toward love, and more toward devotion. He was Jakerz' willing slave, and he knew he had but to ask for a thing, and Jakerz would provide it.

For better or worse, they were partners now. A sinister sort of smirk crossed his lips fleetingly. "I am, indeed, yours." he said quietly. "And you are mine. I can feel it... and I feel like hunting."
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