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Wandering with Strangers (amanda & I) [Hunt]

Postby Kitsumi » 08/03/2017 7:16 PM


The tent had been pitched, a fire was slowly growing, and soon Sawyer would be able to cook a basic yet delicious meal for himself. All in all, he would say that things were going fairly well. Sure, the rest of his group had bailed on him, so he was doing this alone. But did that really matter? Of course not. An adventure was still an adventure, even if you had to go on it alone.

Still, it was a bit disappointing that his plans hadn't worked out. He had brought supplies for half a dozen people, planning on s'mores and weenie roasts, ghost stories and campfire songs. He had even brought his guitar with him, although now he'd probably have to leave it behind since he had to carry everything on his own.

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Re: Wandering with Strangers (amanda & I) [Hunt]

Postby amanda784 » 08/03/2017 9:52 PM

Calico (Callie)

I can do this by myself. She had said it over and over again. She had said it to herself and she had said it to every more muscular girl and guy out there that dared to smirk at her petite form. She would do this and she would do it by herself.

That is what she had said at least. Now, a few hours later she was rethinking all of that. She was already out of protein bars, her water bottle was nearing empty, and she was tired. She would go back and join a team, but of course her navigation was not up to par.

She let out a loud sigh of desperation, "Is anyone out there? I'm lost, tired, and not built for this"

Just then, a bug bit.

"Ahhh!" she yelped, "Someone get me out of here!"
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Re: Wandering with Strangers (amanda & I) [Hunt]

Postby Kitsumi » 08/04/2017 8:27 AM

The sound of the female voice echoed across the plains, and eventually reached the campsite that Sawyer had set up. Standing straight, he looked in the direction of the noise. He didn't want to leave the fire unattended - he wasn't that stupid. Then again, he also didn't want to leave a woman unattended when she was obviously pleading for help.

Although he wasn't looking forward to starting the fire from scratch, he quickly kicked out the small flames in front of him. Then, he took off in the direction of the voice. "Hello?" he called, as he spotted a woman in the distance. "Do you need help?"

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Re: Wandering with Strangers (amanda & I) [Hunt]

Postby amanda784 » 08/04/2017 11:52 AM

Calico was both relieved and embarrassed when she got a reply to her yelp. She was an explorer and explorers don't need help. However, right now she did need food, company, and sleep. It had been a long day for Calico.

Calico was raised in the city. She had never gardened, scavenged, or hunted a day in her life. This was a completely new experience to her.

"Yes!" she cried out. "I'm lost, alone, and so very hungry!"

So maybe she wasn't an explorer. At least, not a lone explorer. She began walking slowly towards the voice,
head down in shame.
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Re: Wandering with Strangers (amanda & I) [Hunt]

Postby Kitsumi » 08/04/2017 12:05 PM

Nearing the woman, Sawyer was a bit surprised. She didn't look very prepared for a trek through the plains. It didn't seem safe for her to be out here on her own. Sure, he had come out here alone, but he was a seasoned explorer with plenty of outdoor experience.

"Here," he grabbed a granola bar from his utility belt and offered it to her. "I have more food at my campsite, if you'd like to follow me." Realizing that she may be wary of joining a stranger, he reached into another pocket of his belt for his wallet, offering her his ID. "My name is Sawyer - I'm a wildlife photographer. In case you're worried, I can assure you that I have no criminal record of any sort. Well, other than a few accidental trespassing cases that were eventually dropped." He smiled in a friendly way.

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Re: Wandering with Strangers (amanda & I) [Hunt]

Postby amanda784 » 08/04/2017 2:48 PM

Calico didn't get a good look at his idea. She was too busy stuffing a granola bar down her throat.

"Thank you so much" she said, crumbs spewing from her mouth. "I've been starving for hours. I didn't know it would be so easy to get lost!"

"I'm Calico, but you can call me Callie. In fact, if you have another one of those granola bars you can call just about anything you like!"

Calico wasn't worried about following a stranger. She was however worried about her grumbling stomach, her aching feet, and her lack of direction. She had just about had it with her exploration already.
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Re: Wandering with Strangers (amanda & I) [Hunt]

Postby Kitsumi » 08/04/2017 9:07 PM

Judging by the way the woman was scarfing down the granola, Sawyer would say that she was much more interested in food than she was worried about him being a serial killer. Her lack of caution normally would have disturbed him, but at the moment he was simply happy that he didn't need to bend over backwards to gain her trust.

"Camp's just a short walk this way," he said, leading her forward. "I'll have to get the fire started again before giving you a full meal, but I have some dried fruit and nuts and things like that for while you wait."

Reaching the area where he had set his tent, he was pleased to see that it appeared undisturbed. "Make yourself comfortable," he motioned to the folding lawn chair he had brought with him to sit on. "Water's in the cooler, and snacks are in the tent."

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Re: Wandering with Strangers (amanda & I) [Hunt]

Postby amanda784 » 08/06/2017 10:55 AM

Calico said a quick "thank you" before helping herself to a water from the cooler. With that, she headed towards the "snack tent". After a good five minutes of digging around she emerged, arms full of snacks.

"I probably won't eat all this, but I'm entirely too exhausted to make another trip," said Calico as she plopped down in the folding chair.

In all honesty, she knew she would eat all the snacks held clutched to her chest. Then, she would take a nice long nap here in the folding chair. Although she didn't do much today compared to an avid explorer, Calico was new to this, and her little efforts had left her exhausted.

"So, what's the plan?" asked Calico. "I came out here in search of a certain creature, but I can't do it alone. But if you could just point me back in the direction out of here I could find a different group to join. You've brought so much I assume others are meeting you? I don't wish to intrude."
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Re: Wandering with Strangers (amanda & I) [Hunt]

Postby Kitsumi » 08/07/2017 11:57 AM

Trusting that the woman was able to take care of herself, he set about the task of relighting his fire. Luckily, it was a fairly easy task, and by the time Calico exited the tent with her arms full of snacks, he was sitting back and smiling at the small flame that was steadily growing larger.

"Understandable," Sawyer said, turning his grin to Calico. "I don't know how long you were out there, but I know that I'm feeling a bit tired after the trek I made here." Not to mention the fact that he had been forced to carry everything himself, so it had taken multiple trips back and forth from his vehicle to his campsite.

Sitting on a stump near the fire, Sawyer pulled out a shopping bag which held marshmallows, chocolate, and graham crackers. "If you plan on filling up on snacks, I can skip making dinner. But I suggest saving a bit of room for later, if you want some s'mores." Honestly, he was hoping she would stick around at least a little while. The company was the only thing this trip had been missing.

"My group actually bailed on me," he confessed. "They all ended up being busy. But I'm a wildlife photographer, so I may be able to help you find the creature you're searching for, if you let me know what it is."

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Re: Wandering with Strangers (amanda & I) [Hunt]

Postby amanda784 » 08/12/2017 1:25 PM

[align=center]Calico came from a family of money. Everything she had in life was handed to her. In all honesty Calico enjoyed the easy life for a long time. In fact, it wasn't until she was 22 that she realized her life was going nowhere. She had no purpose. She had no need for a job and as time went on her days got boring. Her only escape were the art galleries her family (being of money) was always invited to.

While Calico's parents usually sent an art scout to find the perfect new pieces for their home, they had recently begun allowing Calico to be the one to make their purchases, as well as the ones Calico bought for her own condo. She was a lover of all mediums, paint, sculpture, digital art, they all wowed her.  She enjoyed sipping wines and hanging with the art snobs.

"A photographer!" exclaimed Calico. "I'm a frequent at art shows and exhibits and I must say the only thing more beautiful then creating art, is capturing nature's artwork. Do you have a portfolio?"

Calico was casually popping chips into her mouth as she spoke.

"If you're still going to go out for a nature shoot, might I tag along?" she asked, "I'm quite a fan."
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Re: Wandering with Strangers (amanda & I) [Hunt]

Postby Kitsumi » 08/14/2017 9:19 AM

It was a bit of a surprise to Sawyer that Calico often attended art shows and exhibits. He assumed that she was referring to the more extravagant affairs, the ones that he rarely attended. Once or twice he had allowed his artwork to be shared in such a fashion, but typically he used his photography skills for environmental groups or non-profit organizations.

"I don't have my portfolio with me at the moment," he said, reaching for his camera. "But I can show you a few of the pictures I've taken recently." He had come straight to the Plains from another shoot, and hadn't been able to stop at home to back up his photos and clear up the space on his camera. Flipping through a few of the photos, he paused on one of a mother Likuta wrapping her baby in seaweed to keep him safe. "Here you go, you can flip through the camera if you like," he offered it to her. "I only use this camera for my nature photography, so I have nothing to hide on there."

He smiled, already nodding enthusiastically as he realized that he may end up having company throughout his trip after all. "You are more than welcome to join," he said. "I'm not looking for anything specific, but these plains are full of interesting wildlife. We can head out first thing tomorrow morning and see what we can find, if you'd like."

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