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.: A Call to Adventure! ... Sort of... :.

Postby crow » 08/10/2017 3:06 AM


The Nowhere Saloon, on the edge of the Vast Plains, grass as far as the eye can see... Sort of.

The framed pictures of creatures that usually adorned the outside of the building had been covered with garish fliers that read 'Brave souls needed!' and 'The call to adventure wants YOU!' The same fliers had been distributed all over nearby cities, directing people to the Saloon.

Inside, a rather... unpleasant smell lingers in the air; stacks and loose sheets of paper cover almost every surface, including the floor. In place of the Hydrolisk that usually manned the Saloon, there is now a rather disheveled-looking Skyllard.

He notices you immediately. "Ah, you must be here for the expedition! Mind your step now; that's important research!" he says, presumably about the paper littering the floor.

"Professor Phillip E. King, at your service! I suppose you've seen the ads? My own work; wonderful artistry, wouldn't you say? Ah, but that's not the point," he says abruptly, catching himself. As he does so, a loud fart escapes his rump, which promptly explains the... smell.

"You see, some hikers in the Fe'gan Mountains found an entire cave system! ... By falling into it. Not to worry, their corpses have been cleaned up. But more importantly, this is a wonderful opportunity for science!" He paces atop the counter, motioning wildly with his wings. "I've heard there are untold riches--- er, that is, rare creatures down there! Oh, the publications! The grants! The--- Ahem."

Clearing his throat, he brandishes some papers from the top of a nearby stack. "I've done some preliminary probing myself, but the cave systems are more expansive than we'd thought. That is where you come in, my friend! Just go in, map out what you find, and bring it back to me! Simple, isn't it? You'll have to provide your own caving equipment, but that shouldn't be an issue to an intrepid explorer like you, should it?" He smacks your shoulder, laughing to himself, before letting loose another fart, high-pitched and drawn out, his face spasming slightly as he does. "Oogh, excuse me. Weak stomach. Runs in the family, I'm afraid."

The stench is really becoming quite unbearable. Before you can leave, however, he says, "Oh, one more thing! I've lost my labcoat somewhere during one of my exploratory trips. I don't suppose you could keep an eye out for it? I've set aside a handsome reward for its return. Do let me know if you find it!"

The Skyllard salutes smartly at you. "Best of luck, brave adventurer! Don't let the cave beasts eat you! Ahaha, that was a joke. Mostly. We don't provide insurance," he says hurriedly, just in case.
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Rules and Information

Postby crow » 08/10/2017 3:35 AM

[ Overview ]

The Caving Expedition is a roleplay event centered around the concept of people and pets exploring a cave in the Fe'gan Mountains. Users may sign up for the event alone or in pairs, and we have some brand new pets for you to find as prizes!

[ Rules and Information ]

= Post length requirement for this event is 75 words minimum.

= Users sign up by posting in this thread. Please roleplay your sign-up posts.

= You may begin signing up now, though maps will not be distributed until the event starts. We also won't count any posts made before the start date for the event. After the start date, you can still sign up until Sept 20th.

= You can roleplay solo or in pairs. Only one member of each pair needs to post to sign up, but please specify who your partner will be in your sign-up post.

= Limit one map per user for the duration of the event. This includes if you are part of a pair! You cannot ask for a second map once you have completed your first map.

= Threads for the event should be posted in the Fe'gan Mountains section. Please include [Caving] in your event thread titles.

= You may start your thread as soon as you receive your map in your inbox.

= Do not post your map image in your thread! Or anywhere else on the forum, please. It is for your eyes only.

= Maps will have "sections" that you can travel through by making posts. Travelling to a new, unmapped section takes 5 posts. If you move through a section you've already mapped (that is, both the section you're starting from and the section you're going to have been mapped), the travel time is two posts. There is an example guide for movement below.

= For pair RPs, the total post requirement is 8 posts for new sections, and 3 posts for already-mapped sections.

= Your thread will be hosted by a mod (Zap or crow). We'll edit your thread title with our tag. When you've made enough posts to move to a new, unmapped section, send a PM titled Caving Event with a link to your thread AND your current map image to the mod hosting your thread. You only need to send a PM if you are entering a new, unmapped section. Please include the letter of your starting zone and the letter of the zone you're moving to. When starting and no letters are visible, just say you are entering the cave.

= For pair threads, only one person should send the PM, but we will PM the updated map to both users.

= There is an additional prize for completing your whole map! A map counts as "completed" once all sections have been mapped. You do not have to RP your return to the entrance.

= Final note: Since this event requires a lot of staff response, please pace yourself! We will try to respond at least once a day, but we cannot always guarantee more than that, so please don't try to rush through the event all at the end.

[ Start and End Dates ]

Start Date: August 17 at 12:01 AM Evelon time

Sign-up Closing: September 20th, 2017 at 11:59 PM Evelon time

End Date: September 30th, 2017 at 11:59 PM Evelon time

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Re: .: A Call to Adventure! ... Sort of... :.

Postby crow » 08/12/2017 2:23 AM

[Guide to Movement]
The event map is supposed to operate similar to moving on a board game. This guide is for anyone who's confused about how many posts to make in a situation.

Moving to a new area
Single player: 5 posts
Two players: 8 posts total

Moving back to an already-mapped area
Single player: 2 posts
Two players: 3 posts total

Moving across multiple zones
You only send a PM when moving to a new zone, but sometimes you have to backtrack through several zones to get to a new one. Keep track of the number of posts you need!
Single player: 2+2+5 = 9 posts
Two players: 3+3+8 = 14 posts total

Movement boost zones
Rarely, a zone will give you a movement bonus. This will be mentioned in the description. Their effects only apply when moving to an adjacent room. All boost zones operate the same way, but for this example, let's use the Mine Rails:

Moving from boost zone to a new area
Single player: 2 posts
Two players: 3 posts total

Moving from boost zone back to an already-mapped area
Single player: 1 post
Two players: 2 posts total

Movement penalty zones
Rarely, a zone will give you a movement penalty. This will be mentioned in the description. Their effects only apply when moving to an adjacent room. All penalty zones operate the same way, but for this example, let's use the Batti Guano:

Moving from penalty zone to a new area
Single player: 10 posts
Two players: 16 posts total

Moving from penalty zone back to an already-mapped area
Single player: 5 posts
Two players: 8 posts total
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Re: .: A Call to Adventure! ... Sort of... :.

Postby zapdragon555 » 08/14/2017 12:17 AM


The pair that walked up to the Saloon seemed about as shady as could be--though the shorter of the two looked a little more hapless than anything. The taller one wore a big grin on his face, the tally mark scars on his cheek stretched with the movement.

"Helloooo opportunity," Shyster said, gesturing to the building covered in fliers with a wide sweep of his arms. Stray's brows only furrowed further, his crossed arms tightening over his chest.

"Since when are you the adventuring type?" Stray muttered, and Shyster's eyes narrowed, giving the boy a small, harmless thwack on the back of the head. Stray responded with a snarl and a swat at the offending hand.

"Since about three hours ago, twerp," Shyster snapped, then resumed his unfaltering grin as he pointed forward. "Come on, let's get that map. And then we're going to grab as many gemstones as we possibly can. I bet they'll fetch a pretty penny on the black market." Stray rolled his eyes and tugged his hat down further, his mess of indigo hair fluffing around his face as he grimaced. He could swear there was a... very strange smell emanating from this place, even several feet away from the front door. One thing he knew for certain: this was not going to be fun.

[I'll be RPing solo this time!]

But there will come a time
You'll see, with no more tears
And love will not break your heart
But dismiss your fears
Get over your hill and see
What you find there
With grace in your heart
And flowers in your hair

"Tomorrow will be a good day."

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Re: .: A Call to Adventure! ... Sort of... :.

Postby Freezair » 08/14/2017 1:53 AM


Ardenix had been jonesing for a new archeological opportunity for far too long. Unaffiliated with any university or laboratory, he didn't have many sponsored opportunities to go hunting artifacts and diving deep into old pottery shards and dried-out bits of things that might have been sandals and other fun things. Technically, yes, he did have Vinezza as a student, but that arrangement was as informal as anything. She didn't pay him, he didn't really teach, and mostly it amounted to the two of them getting coffee from time to time and talking about the latest findings published in the Journal of Evelonian Archaeology.

And then this guy shows up just begging for research assistants!

Vianezza snapped countless selfies of herself as they walked into the saloon, claiming it was her duty to chronicle her life as an ordinary citizen and thus one of those most interesting to future archaeologists. The aging Stargoyle told her to stand in line and stop disturbing the other researchers while he talked shop with the professor.

"Yes, yes, we'd love to participate! I'm Ardenix Gerralti, and she's Vianezza Young. Why yes, I DO have a PhD in archaeology! Wrote my doctoral thesis on cave systems in Evelon, if you'll believe it! So we are naturally VERY qualified... she being my assistant, of course."  

(Roleplaying solo!)

I'm so cool (too bad I'm a loser).
I'm so smart (too bad I can't get anything figured out)!
I'm so brave (too bad I'm a baby).
I'm so fly
That's probably why it feels just like I'm falling for the first time!

I'm so green (it's really amazing).
I'm so clean (too bad I can't get all the dirt off of me)!
I'm so sane (It's driving me crazy)!
It's so strange
I can't believe I'm falling for the first time!

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Re: .: A Call to Adventure! ... Sort of... :.

Postby Kitsumi » 08/14/2017 5:01 PM

Sawyer & Artemis

Side by side, the pair step up to the Skyllard...and then quickly take a step or two back, as the smell hits them and they realize its source. Trying not to embarrass the poor creature, the two exchange a look and remain silent, even as their nostrils are assaulted by the stench.

"Sign us up!" Artemis said, rather enthusiastically. "It's no bother for us to bring our own gear. I prefer my own stuff anyways - it's a bit more advanced than what most shops carry." Her tinkering and modifications were known to make ordinary items rather...well, extraordinary. She would feel much more comfortable traipsing around an uncharted cave system with her own, upgraded equipment.

Sawyer allowed the woman to do most of the talking, already caught up in his daydreaming. This adventure was going to be their best yet, he just knew it. He was already excited about the chance to photograph whatever 'rare creatures' lurked within the cave systems. And if there was something huge down there that wanted to eat them? Oh, well - at least he would die doing something he loved. That was all an adventurer such as himself could ask for, right?

[Going Solo]

like sunlight shining through the leaves
we are beautiful

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Re: .: A Call to Adventure! ... Sort of... :.

Postby Jedi » 08/14/2017 9:01 PM

Jericho the Wanderer

Though his nose had warned him to stay out of the saloon, he couldn't help but fall victim to his own curiosity. He approaches the gassy bird, hoping he'd survive the stench. "I'd like to explore the caves. I hear that it's a good way to find yourself." Jericho didn't know who he really was, so he thought that he should do some exploring. Maybe then he'd be able to explore who he really was. "Of course, I probably shouldn't go by myself. Especially since there have been others who've died entering the cave. I've heard rumors of someone who's offered his services in circumstances like this. Be sure to sign us up."

Going solo for this one

Like a mighty wind that bends the trees
We are strong

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Re: .: A Call to Adventure! ... Sort of... :.

Postby Silver » 08/14/2017 9:38 PM

Her large clawed feet clacked against the ground, announcing her arrival. Kyrx clicked her mandibles and waved her two right claws at the Skyllard running the shop. It was her best impression of a human-like smile and wave, which she had figured out was the custom around these parts.

"Yess I am liking to sign up please," Kyrx agreed with the strange man. "I will being fine," she assured. It wasn't like he could possibly know this, but she was an expert at navigating caves and tunnels. It was, after all, where she had lived most of her life so far.

Kyrx wondered about the strange sounds emanating from him, but she decided not to ask. She had long since found out that people around here didn't always appreciate honest curiosity, and he already looked a bit uncomfortable about it.

"I will make good map," she explained. Her antennae perked up, showing that she was pleased with the idea. It didn't even occur to her to ask what the reward would be. For her, the best reward is a job well done.

[Going Solo!]

I'm just here flying off the deep end.
I'm just here to become the best yet.
I'm just here for the psych assessment.
I'm just here for the, for the...

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Re: .: A Call to Adventure! ... Sort of... :.

Postby RiDragon » 08/15/2017 5:50 PM

"An adventure, eh?"  Where had that old man come from?  He hadn't been in here before, had he?  Was he really applying to this weird quest?  His eyes sparkled as he went over the many posters and doodles of maps.  "Oh yes.  I believe this is definitely for me."  With his shock of white hair and matching professor's coat, he really did not look like the type to go spelunking.  Despite this, he had certainty in his steps as he calmly walked to the counter, passing a couple onlookers who were gathered around.  "Yes sir, I would love to apply.  Though...  I hope you do not mind, but I think I shall wait outside for my expedition to be processed.  Yes.."  He coughed a little, trying to force a smile.  Good God, that was an awful gas this poor creature had..

[Going solo!]

I see the stars,

Drifting aimless
I feel their heat
warming, selfless
I will give... I will take

I will feel the stars crash, crash down
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Re: .: A Call to Adventure! ... Sort of... :.

Postby Isalynne » 08/16/2017 12:36 PM

There was an opportunity to be had, and as such, Victor was straight to the scene with a vengeance. A batty bird calling himself a professor and raving about some loot up in the mountains, or so he'd heard. Involving the deaths of some people too. It was more than juicy enough to pique his interest, and the concept of being the first to discover something new and exciting - something that could make him a rich man - filled him with zeal. Sadly, the professor was filled with gas instead, and that was less agreeable to him.

"Yeah, uh.. thanks," He muttered, forcing a smile that resembled a grimace more than anything. "I'm game. When do I start?"

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Re: .: A Call to Adventure! ... Sort of... :.

Postby Indigo » 08/16/2017 9:29 PM


She walked into the saloon with her hat at an angle she thought made her look tough, and with a stride that said she was disappointed not to have to shove anyone out of her way. There was a certain glint in her eye that was hard to exactly pin down. She didn't exactly draw attention—there were plenty of weirdos in here—but she certainly invited it.

She was a Teigu on a mission, and that mission was to make sure she and her partner got in on this job. And if she hadn't really talked it over with her partner beforehand, well. She could be reasonably sure it'd work out. Broaching the subject was usually enough, these days.

[Will be RPing with Icy Rose.]

What are you looking at?

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Re: .: A Call to Adventure! ... Sort of... :.

Postby ToxicShadow » 08/16/2017 10:26 PM


There was little going on that Emilia's household did not catch wind of, if it would somehow be of use or profit to them. The call for exploration, mapping out caverns, was no exception, nor was it a task they were unfamiliar with. With experience behind them and the promise of rarities to be found, the head of the house made the decision that they would offer their assistance. For research, but not really.

A Battleheart was far too large to enter the saloon, so Chevalier, whom dressed neatly like one might expect from a head butler, entered in the form of a man. The stench was disgusting, but, if he were being honest, it wasn't the worst. Rotting, burning flesh, that was worse. Much worse.

In the end, he had little more to say than, "Thank you for the information."

(Roleplaying solo!)

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Re: .: A Call to Adventure! ... Sort of... :.

Postby Jaykobell » 08/17/2017 2:40 AM

This was a rather bizarre mission. It seemed out of place and frivolous, and not to mention dangerous. Of course, perhaps the latter was the reason why they'd been given this mission in the first place. They may yet find something that could help them, and if not, they would hopefully come back with riches to keep their little plan in motion. Besides this being an opportunity to sharpen their skills and work on their teamwork, the treasure would be good enough, he supposed.

He stopped just in front of the saloon. "Here it is," he said to two other figures that stopped right behind him. "Caraway?"
The small figure cladded in a tight white lab suit and black gloves jumped a little at his name. "Y-yes?" he answered hesitantly, his plague mask giving his voice an eerie echo.

"You have all the plants we need?" the blue one in front asked. "And some more, just in case?"

"Oh," Caraway whispered as he nodded slowly and tapped the bag he was carrying. "Yes. I have leaves to help with hunger, injuries, ailments; and a few... special ones... just in case." The special ones were mixtures he didn't want to use; but if things got nasty down there, they would prove useful, if not life-saving.

"Good." He turned to the third figure. "Braith?"
She was a tiny little thing covered in a long and beautiful red cloak from head to toes. Her face, the only part of her that was visible, pulled a small grimace. "What, Velius?"

"You have everything you need?" Velius asked, the question being especially important for her as she was the tiniest of the group; not only that, but her cloak kept him from seeing what was underneath.

She frowned a little. "Of course," she said dryly, and Velius saw movement under her cloak. "Do you?" she retorted.

"You don't even need to ask," Velius said back as he gave a pat to his own bag, which carried a variety of foods; they would still need to eat while they were down there.

Eyeing the two of them, he said, "So we're set?" Both Caraway and Braith nodded, the two already knowing the mission they had set out for. As he turned back towards the Saloon, Velius started making his way inside. "Let's go, then."

Fortunately, the point of coming here was strictly to register for this. The moment they stepped inside, the urge to go right back out was overwhelming. Velius covered his mouth and nose with his scarf, and Braith shoved almost her entire face into her cloak, tiny slits glaring at whatever had left this disgusting stench behind. Caraway, meanwhile, was completely oblivious to the smell thanks to his mask, but he did notice the other two. "Are—Are you guys okay?"

Before he could get an answer, the Skyllard approached them. They knew the deal already, but the bird went on to explain, all the while making that stench even more unbearable. They tuned him out as he spoke; they already knew all this, and the stench was quickly doing them in before they had even started this.

"We're in," Velius said, doing his best to avoid breathing in that soiled air that inhabited the building. "All three of us. We'll explore your caves."

(exploring solo!)
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Re: .: A Call to Adventure! ... Sort of... :.

Postby crow » 08/17/2017 3:06 AM


Here was Fabio, on a nice weekday morning, standing in a saloon in the middle of nowhere, watching a duck of all things prattling on about publications, and trying his best not to pass out or at least make a rude comment. Seriously, what was this guy's deal? Wasn't there something he could take for his intestinal... that?!

"Mel, you have got to be kidding me," he murmured into the bluetooth communicator on his glasses.

Her reply came filtering in through his in-ear receiver. "Nothing doing, Tanager. It's a real mission. Why, what's the problem?"

"I can't believe you're sending me off to a cave at the behest of a literal quackjob," Fabio said. The guy hadn't even noticed that Fabio was talking to himself, or maybe this kind of thing was just normalized in the field of... 'science'.

"Quackjob! That's actually pretty funny. And we can't exactly talk, considering... y'know. The Flock."

Whatever reply he wanted to make was cut off, however, as the duck turned to him. "Ah, um, yes," said Fabio, doing his best to smile, and also to hide the fact that his eyes were beginning to water. "We... We'll do it. Looking forward to it."

Yeah, right. This was going to suck.

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Re: .: A Call to Adventure! ... Sort of... :.

Postby Redd » 08/17/2017 8:51 AM


"And yet, you manage to find another loony that needs help. Maker help me." Korinne couldn't help but mutter, even before they'd made it inside the building. No doubt the same garish flyers had attracted the attention of the other anyway. "What did we talk about before?" She paused, nailing her companion with a fierce glare. There was no reply, so she continued. "Here, let me make it easy. I was trying to cut back on the whole... 'wasting my time on dumb problems that literally anyone else could help with'. Remember?"

The last question was redundant. Clearly the other did not remember.

Still despite her temper, the mage next to her barely even seemed bothered. Most of the time, the assassin was more bark than bite. If bark meant dramatic and over the top venting anyway. "I seem to recall that we're struggling for food and basic medicine, and you have a costly habit of getting into trouble. At least this job is offering payment." he replied with barely a shrug, stepping forward and moving to enter the building.

"And I wonder who's fault that is." Korinne grumbled under her breath, too low for her companion to hear. She reluctantly followed him, though she made no effort to hide her sulky pout. "This better be goddamn worth it. I've seen enough caves to last me two lifetimes." she raised her voice loud enough to actually give the mage a solid answer. She still wasn't happy, but he did have a point. There was a slight twinge of hunger already beginning to stir and there was still a considerable amount of pain in her shoulder from a fight gone sour. And she had no idea which one she needed to spend their dwindling supply of change on first.

"Alright buddy, sign us up." Korinne grunted, barely looking at the Skyllard. "Maker knows I've got nothing more pressing to do."

Soon they'd be crossing the border. Soon she'd actually be able to make a decent amount of money without the fear of being recognised, or you know, without sinking this low.

(Ridin' Solo)

It's now or never
Don't surrender
We came too far to die
So claim your weapons
This ain't heaven
We came here now to fight

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