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All in a day's work (Self) [M:L]

Postby Kitsumi » 09/20/2017 9:38 PM


With a handful of the man's shirt firmly in his grasp, Akio marched the drunk towards the back exit. When he finally released the guy, he gave him a soft shove forwards, causing him to stumble. "I'm going to remember your face," the security guard said as he stood in the doorway, blocking any chance of re-entry. "So don't bother coming around here again."

Turning on his heel he walked away, pausing only to ensure that the door closed behind him, the nightclub now locked to the man outside. Once he was alone, Akio gingerly pressed a finger to the already swollen flesh around his eye. He winced at the sharp pain that his touch brought.

"Dude, you're gonna have one helluva shiner," one of the waiter's commented as he passed by. "Why don't you ask your sister for some ice?"

Akio nodded. "Yeah, I think I'll go ahead and do that."

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Re: All in a day's work (Self) [M:L]

Postby Kitsumi » 09/20/2017 9:42 PM


By the time her brother made it to the bar, Akiko already had a bag of ice wrapped in a cloth waiting for him. "I keep telling you to let the bigger guards handle it when someone gets out of control like that," she chastised him. "That's why we hired the big meatheads in the first place. So that they can get punched, not you."

"Yeah?" Akio raised an eyebrow. "What kind of example would I be setting if I just sat back and waited for someone else to arrive and take care of it? I'm head of security. I can't just sit around and let those under me take all of the punches."

His twin rolled her eyes. "Ya know, I think you need to slack off every now and then. You're making the rest of us look bad." She winked, showing that she was teasing. They all put in their fair share of work to keep things running smoothly. Well, everyone except for the youngest sibling, Miyako. She preferred flirting with the guests to serving them.

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Re: All in a day's work (Self) [M:L]

Postby Kitsumi » 09/20/2017 9:47 PM

"So, are you finally taking a break?" the woman asked. As she spoke, she absentmindedly ran a damp rag over the bar counter, cleaning any spilled drinks without bothering to look down.

Akio shrugged. "I might as well. Things should be pretty calm for a bit now that everyone knows we mean business." After looking around one more time to ensure that all was well, he climbed onto one of the bar stools. "Are we doing pretty good on drinks tonight?"

"A little too good," Akiko laughed. "This is the first chance I've had to take a breather since we opened. If things keep going like this, we're going to need to order more alcohol a lot sooner than we had anticipated."

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Re: All in a day's work (Self) [M:L]

Postby Kitsumi » 09/20/2017 9:57 PM

"That's a good thing," Akio said. "Nobu will be really pleased to hear that, even if it means that he needs to send in another order so soon."

His twin smiled as she tossed the rag over her shoulder. "It's really nice to see this place so busy," she commented, looking out over the crowd. "I mean, it's been hard to keep things running smoothly with so many people. But our profits for this month are going to skyrocket."

Akio nodded. "It's probably thanks to that blogger who visited a few weeks ago. She has a pretty huge following, and the review on her site put us in the 'highly recommended' category."

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Re: All in a day's work (Self) [M:L]

Postby Kitsumi » 09/20/2017 10:01 PM

"I was worried about her," Akiko admitted. "She didn't seem overly happy with the drinks I gave her. Did she mention anything about the drinks in her review?"

"I think she just likes to keep her opinion hidden," the man responded. "She praised the drinks pretty highly. Something about 'the perfect balance of flavors, with colorful decoration' or something like that, if I remember correctly."

Akiko squealed happily. "Yes! See, I told you my new drinks were good!"

"I never said they weren't," Akio said. "I just said that I preferred straight-" His sentence trailed off as he noticed a couple of guys shoving each other in his peripheral vision.

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Re: All in a day's work (Self) [M:L]

Postby Kitsumi » 09/20/2017 10:04 PM

Following her brother's line of sight, Akiko sighed as she saw the two men. "Another one? Already? Well, get going, Kio. Duty calls."

"Yeah, yeah," the man hopped off the stool, groaning. He wasn't looking forward to breaking up another fight. Hopefully, this one wouldn't end in him getting punched in the face the way the last one had.

As he turned his back on his sister, she called, "Hey, come back over when you're done! If I'm still not busy, I'll make you a drink."

"You know I don't drink on the job," Akio said, before jogging towards the two men, ducking through a group of five or six dancing women in the process.

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Re: All in a day's work (Self) [M:L]

Postby Kitsumi » 09/20/2017 10:08 PM

A small crowd was already beginning to gather around the men, but of course no one was trying to stop it. Switching into his security voice - the deep, no-nonsense tone that inspired obedience - he called towards the crowd. "Security, let me through. Please stand aside. Security, coming through."

Twisting his way through the crowd, elbowing people aside when he needed to, Akio finally made it to the center of the circle. The situation had already escalated into a full-out brawl, with one man on top of the other, fist raised as he was about to slam it into his opponent's face.

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Re: All in a day's work (Self) [M:L]

Postby Kitsumi » 09/20/2017 10:12 PM

Quick as a snake, Akio reached forward and caught the man's wrist just before he could release the blow. "Fuck off!" the man turned and snarled, his other fist already coming at the security guard. Luckily, Akio was prepared for this, and he gracefully stepped to the side, twisting the offender's arm behind his back in the process.

"Ow, shit, I'm sorry!" Immediately the man backed down, obviously still sober enough to realize who it was he had nearly punched on instinct. "I didn't realize you were security. It's fine, man, we're cool here. I'm cool, he's cool, right, buddy?"

The man on the ground simply stared up, stunned by either the tackle that had sent him to the ground or the sudden appearance of authority.

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Re: All in a day's work (Self) [M:L]

Postby Kitsumi » 09/20/2017 10:15 PM

"The two of you need to leave," Akio ordered. Two other security guards, who had responded to the scene just moments after their leader, stepped forward.

"We can make sure these two leave quietly," one of them offered. "Should we stay outside until they actually leave the premises? Make sure they don't try to finish what they started outside?"

Rubbing the space between his eyes, Akio sighed. "One of you stay with them. The other should come back inside. We seem to have several hotheads in here tonight, and I may need backup if any other fights break out." The two nodded, and went to carry out the instructions given to them.

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Re: All in a day's work (Self) [M:L]

Postby Kitsumi » 09/20/2017 10:47 PM

As he turned to leave, Akio felt a hand wrap around his arm. When he turned, he found a tall blonde with obviously fake breasts leaning far too close to him, pressing her silicone enhancements into his chest.

"That was so brave of you, breaking up the fight like that," she said in a throaty voice. "I was so close, I was afraid that I was going to end up getting hurt!"

It took every ounce of control he had to keep from rolling his eyes. The woman was obviously never in any danger. If anything, Akio was in danger - in danger of having an asthma attack due to the thickness of the perfume that she seemed to have bathed in.

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Re: All in a day's work (Self) [M:L]

Postby Kitsumi » 09/21/2017 12:33 PM

"I'm just doing my job, ma'am," Akio said. He tried to step back, but the woman stepped forward right along with him. "Everything should be fine now. You can go back to whatever you were doing before the fight broke out." He knew even as he said the words that she had no intention of leaving that easily.

"Oh, but I'd much rather stay with you," she purred. "Just in case something else happens. I'd feel so much safer if I had you around to-"

All of the sudden, a familiar waitress bumped into the woman from behind. It was actually more of a hard shove than a simple bump, and the entire contents of the tray - three beers and some sort of fruity mixed drink - spilled out onto the woman, soaking her hair and running down her back.

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Re: All in a day's work (Self) [M:L]

Postby Kitsumi » 09/21/2017 12:38 PM


"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" Miyako feigned surprise, holding her hand over her mouth and putting on her best 'innocent' expression. "Someone bumped into me from behind, I tried to stop, honest."

The woman, now screeching about her ruined hair and top, glared at the youngest member of the Oshiro family. "Watch where you're fucking going, you bitch!" Face flushed in a mixture of anger and embarrassment, she made a beeline for the bathroom - probably hoping to salvage her hair and top, not that it was likely to work.

"I know I should be upset with you for wasting drinks and pissing off a customer," Akio tried to keep a stern expression on his face, but it ended up fading into a small smile. "But I can't help but be thankful."

Miyako winked. "Hey, no problem. That skank was obviously thirsty - I just gave her a drink."

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