The Fe'gan Mountains are the highest, coldest mountains Lambastia has to offer, with the highest peak recorded at 8589 m (28,179 ft). Only the toughest creatures survive here, and the trek to get to the Basantha Shrine lays through these harsh conditions. (+3 Endurance)

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Re: Where's the X? [Caving] [H by Z]

Postby Kyrit » 09/24/2017 5:58 PM

Ready to get moving on, flames whipped around her damp shoe before she started back toward Estebanito. She made quick work of the short tunnel, giving a shake of her head one they were in sight of one another again.

"No go, that's a dead end like I thought. Which means this one," she paused, turning to point at the last tunnel, "is the right way!"

"Bet that one's a dead end too," her companion quipped as he got ready to get moving

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Re: Where's the X? [Caving] [H by Z]

Postby Kyrit » 09/25/2017 4:44 PM

"It's a cave!" Kyrit started out, "everything is a dead end. Very few caves actually have two ways out, you know. I just meant that there wasn't anything of interest down that way."

Though, thinking back on it, maybe a lake inside of a cave tucked away in the mountains was something of interest, at least to some people. There was no telling what could possibly live in the lake. Or maybe there even was treasure and it was just down at the bottom of the lake.

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Re: Where's the X? [Caving] [H by Z]

Postby Kyrit » 09/25/2017 4:49 PM

She didn't get the chance to continue her musings though, as naturally he had a response of his own. "You've got a map though. You should know exactly where we're going."

That was when it dawned on him. "That IS an actual map..... Right?" He should have realized it back at the first dead end. No, he should have realized itwhen she was deciding which of the the paths to take first. She was good with maps and there was no way she should end up going down the wrong one twice.

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Re: Where's the X? [Caving] [H by Z]

Postby Kyrit » 09/25/2017 5:01 PM

While it sounded like the charade was up, Kyrit want ready to give up. Not until they'd at least checked out the final path. "It's a map." Her response was short and without pause. She didn't even stop to look back at him. Showing any hesitation would only clue him in further.

Besides, she wasn't lying. It was a map, or at the very least it was a map now that she had been filling it in. She was pretty sure they almost had the complete map too.
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Re: Where's the X? [Caving] [H by Z]

Postby Kyrit » 09/25/2017 5:07 PM

"Let me see the map." He had started walking again, knowing at the very least she wasn't going to come back to give it to him.


"Let me see it." He was walking faster now, making an effort to catch up to her. It wouldn't have surprised him if he was going to have to force her to give it to him with how stubborn she tended to be.

"Captain doesn't have to share the map with anyone."

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Re: Where's the X? [Caving] [H by Z]

Postby Kyrit » 09/25/2017 5:17 PM

"If you want me to keep following you around right now you're going to have to."

He reached out, roughly grabbing her arm with his left hand before he stopped walking. The jerk that this caused led to the map falling from her hands and rolling off in to the distance.

"Why can't you just go along with it? Why can't we just have fun? Do you not trust me enough?"

There was silence between the two of them for a moment as she angrily looked up at him.

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Re: Where's the X? [Caving] [H by Z]

Postby Kyrit » 09/25/2017 6:06 PM

Slowly, Estebanito's grasp on Kyrit's arm loosened and his hand fell to his own side. "Sorry." Those words were never enough, at least in his opinion. She was always fine with leaving arguments at an apology but he needed the apologizing party to go the whole nine yards, even if it was him. Usually it was him too, as getting more than just an apology out of her was like pulling teeth.

This time instead of grabbing her arm he stepped forward and gently wrapped his arms around her.

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Re: Where's the X? [Caving] [H by Z]

Postby Kyrit » 09/25/2017 6:15 PM

"I'm all for fun," he started, preparing for his long explanation, "but aimlessly wandering about through caves in a mountain range isn't fun, love. We can barely see ahead of us, we've already ran in to one.... Creature," his eyes flicked back toward the Grondalith that had continued to follow with great distance, "And there's no telling what else could be around here."

He let his chin rest on top of her head, continuing to embrace her as he waited for her reply.
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Re: Where's the X? [Caving] [H by Z]

Postby Kyrit » 09/25/2017 7:04 PM

Her head rested on his chest, though her arms hung limp at her sides. "It's not wandering aimlessly though..." She muttered, her voice only audible due to their close proximity. She may not have liked to fight, but she was pretty guys at moping.

"I had a map. I was filling it in as we went along even We wouldn't have gotten lost - I can easily get us back from here."

And there it was. She just admitted to drawing the map as they went.

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Re: Where's the X? [Caving] [H by Z]

Postby Kyrit » 09/25/2017 7:10 PM

Silence again. She knew it was coming from the silence that filled the air.

"Filling it in?"

Yep, there it was.

"You were filling it in? So I was right, it wasn't a real map? We've just been wandering around an unmapped cave this entire time?"

She had to wait for him to get it all out before she pulled away to interject. "We were mapping the cave! We have a map! Well, partial map. It'll get us back out, And that's what's important. I really did hear that there was treasure here though!"

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Re: Where's the X? [Caving] [H by Z]

Postby Kyrit » 09/25/2017 7:16 PM

He couldn't help but laugh. At himself that is. Once again he'd managed to get roped in so easily. He should have know to look at the map from the very beginning of this whole ordeal. Huge couldn't even truly be mad, as it was his own fault for falling for all of this.

"Fine, whatever. Just.... Go find the map. If we hit one more dead end without finding anything though were going home. Got it?"

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Re: Where's the X? [Caving] [H by Z]

Postby Kyrit » 09/25/2017 9:59 PM

In the end, she always won. A smile spread across Kyrit's face as she headed off to gather the map back up. It was a little harder to read the map now, since it seemed like some mud had gotten on it, but it would still be able to do the job. Though... She had to wonder if that was actually mud our something else based on the odor. Some soils did just smell bad, so she was going to let it slide.
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Re: Where's the X? [Caving] [H by Z]

Postby Kyrit » 09/25/2017 10:05 PM

As the two continued forth, it seemed like it was slowly getting lighter. "Think it might be another exit ahead?" Estebanito called out.

Kyrit shook her head, slowing her pace a bit. "Doubt it. Maybe more of that moss? The light seems different though."

It wasn't long before the two of them could see that it was an exit..... Kinda. If you could fly the gaping hole in the cavern ceiling could be considered an exit. Neither could fly though, so they'd have to carry on.
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